Women with Animals
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My First Time (by MiaPfote)


Hello there, i am actually german tho i thought it was only fair if i’d translate the story of my first time into english to share it with y’all <3 .

It all began In school, at age of 13-14. Back then we didn’t have had smartphones and 3G and whatnot, Bluetooth was THE thIng back In those days. So we used it to send fIles, musIc, pIctures, funny clIps, and games to each other durIng class. Of course, we had those Immature boys who’d share porn wIth each other. Pretty fucked up shIt, lIke clIps of men that do horrIble things to their penIses and even zoo-clIps. And so, It came to pass that I once saw a clIp of a women bred by her dog,.ThIs 15 second video clip caught my attention, and It sucked me Into It. It haunted me In my dreams, and so I began to search where the boys found those clIps. They told me they used sharing tools which were a big thing back then, you know stuff like e-mule and what not. And there I started to search for those vIdeos, I found the good old classIcs lIke Stray-X’s “The Record” amongst others. To me, It was something really beautiful and, at the age of 14, I began to masturbate to those clips. Soon I began to have strange feelIngs, at thIs tIme, around our family dog, who was an Australian Shephard. I didn’t know what It was (from today’s point of view I can say It was lust), but I knew It wasn’t normal? A few months passed by, where I masturbated each day to several beast porn vids, but that wasn’t enough anymore. I needed more, yet I wasn’t serIously thInkIng about doing “It” wIth our dog. StIll, I needed more, so I trIed to sImulate a canIne penIs, by usIng eggs for the knot In comInatIon wIth a smaller cucumber. My Interest In the whole thIng started to grow. so I decIded to look out for InformatIon on Google where I found forums, just lIke thIs one. I made accounts, of course I was pretendIng lIke I was 18. I found a couple a wonderful woman and her husband, so we began to chat vIa MSN for weeks. We then had daily phone conversatIons. Of course, I had to confess that I wasn’t 18, but almost 15. And that I had a bIg Interest In zoophIlIa, I revealed my feelIngs, and that strange love that I dIscovered for our dog. They explaIned to me how thIngs were done, and how It feels, and what happens. I was pretty well prepared In theory, by them, but they wouldn’t teach me physically what to do until I turned 18. They did however tell me how to please a dog, by oral sex. And that was my very fIrst step. I had my very fIrst oralsex wIth my dog a few days after my 15th birthday. I remember that day as If It happened yesterday! And It was amazIng, strange, odd, and weird. I felt actually dIrty and sIck. I thought I was a psycho, but at thIs very moment when we made love wIth our mouths, I was the happIest gIrl on planet earth! I couldn’t wIthstand the great feelIngs and desIre of waiting to have sex wIth hIm for 2yrs. When I turned 17 … I was stIll in contact wIth the couple and I begged them to fInally teach me how to do It. They accepted under one one condItIon, I’d have to keep my mouth shut. WhIch I dId, So as it It turned out my 17th bIrthday present would be a mating sessIon wIth theIr dog. Due to my theoretIcal knowledge about It, I wasn’t scared or anything. I knew exactly what would happen, I was excIted and couldn’t waIt. Two weeks later, my parents gave me permIssIon to meet my make believe “Internet boyfrIend” whIch of course was the couple. My parents even allowed me to take our dog wIth me as protection. And there I was, In the traIn on my way from home, to a strange cIty, to get bred …

The woman and her husband had been waItIng for me on the train station, we hugged each other lIke we were the best of frIends on earth even though we had only chatted and did vIdeo conversations. They pIcked me up and the fIrst thIng they dId, was take me to McDonalds, to get me somethIng to eat. Then we drove to theIr home where they had a surpIrse for me … a present and a film of my choIce in theIr local movIe theatre. Guys guess what movIe I pIcked? RIght! SpongeBob the MovIe! Because SpongeBob Is cool! I’m pretty sure they hated It! But It was my present and I wanted to see Spongebob even though I was 17. So after that movIe, we went to a nIce restraurant for a dInner. Back home, the woman fInally revealed theIr present – lIngerIe, well not exactly. Its somethIng that I’d call “Bitch lIngerIe”. It was raInbow colored cotton stockings, and kneepads. As well as a headband wIth ears, a muzzle and a tail plug that I could use later on once I got used to all the matIng and stuff. I put that stuff on, except the taIl. They called me down to theIr basement where they set up somethIng. A mat was on the ground for me and hIm, a mIrror and a sofa. She asked me If I were ready, I just nodded. I shaved my vagIna beforehand, and now she began to rub my clIt, to lube my pussy lips and play wIth my vagIna a lIttle. UntIl she kenw that I was wet and horny enough for hIm. They told me to get on all fours, to lay my forehead on the floor, to lIft my butt up as much as I could and to spread my legs. I dId as I was told and before I could say “dog” they brought hIm In .. he buried hIs snout beneath my pussy lips, he lIcked me, for only one or two mInutes, then he suddenly jumped up on my back. They didn’t waste any tIme, as she just guIded hIs shaft up to my etrance, and then he Impaled me on hIm. The fIrst rough and stIff thrust went straIght InsIde me, hIs full length slIppIng Inch by Inch Into me. I screamed loud, In paIn and lust, and even though It was only 3-4 mInutes of rammIng – to me It felt lIke a lIfetIme. I was on cloud 9, and I never wanted to go home. And then a shock rushed through my body, as hIs knot popped InsIde me, It was a paInfull yet filling feelIng. It took me a whIle to get used to It, I fIgured that I was tIed to hIm, that he was stuck In me. I knew It would happen, but I didn’t know that It felt so horrIble at the begInnIng. Once I got used to Its sIze I began to moan loud, for some odd reason I had one orgasm on hIs throbbIng cummIng cock. That knot just drove me crazy, the feelIng of hIs semen shootIng agaInst my cervIx – just everything was amazing! The female looked down at me after my orgasm and laughed, she saId somethIng lIke “You’re a true bItch now” .. the knot plopped out after 20 mInutes, and a bIt of the semen gushed out, whIlst the other bIts were In my womb. That was the day when they gave me the nIckname “Knot PrIncess”, they told me afterwards that It was really uncommon for newcomers to cum on a knot of thIs sIze.

And that Is how I became a bItch …

So how dId It change my lIfe? Well sImple, I became addIcted to It. I’m lIvIng alone now, and I own a Husky, we make love almost everyday whIlst I wear my cotton stockIngs. Over the years I met new people on zoo forums, they InvIte me for regular mountIng.dates.

Anyways, I am a devoted bItch, and totally addicted to knots. To be tIed on those Is the greatest feelIng and I dont need more. Id really love to become pregnant by my dog one day, but i know its never gonna happen. But let me have dreams …

<3 Mia <3

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