Women with Animals

Black Beauty And The Beast


(c) 2007 by newdater

I had known Malcolm my entire life, we lived right down the street form each other, our entire families really close, in fact our parents were on vacation together right now. Growing up Malcolm and I had been like brothers, now even attending the same college together, but we are back home for three weeks while school is on break. As I am walking over to Malcolm’s my cell phone rings. “What’s up?” I answer. “I’m heading to the store, Keyshia’s home just walk in” Malcolm responds before hanging up.

I hadn’t seen his sister Keyshia yet since I had gotten home for vacation, I wish I had been able to make it back for her 18th birthday last week I think to myself. As a kid Keyshia was such a tomboy, a skinny little girl, her hair in pigtails, wearing baggy clothes, glasses to large for her face and braces. I remember her following me and her brother around everywhere we went.

I also remember how much she used to have a crush on me but I was never interested in her like that, growing up I actually saw her as my little sister, playing with her and fighting as siblings sometimes do. I open the front door and walk inside. “Keyshia?” I shout out, no response. “maybe she is in her room” I say to myself. I pull a Coke out of the fridge, open it and take a swig, then head up the stairs towards the bedrooms. I can hear Tupac playing on the CD player in her room. “Hey sis” I say as I push on the door, it swinging open wide, I see her Laying down on her back, feet pressed flat on the floor, her butt half hanging off of the bed, her naked brown legs spread open wide and the families massive white Pit Bull lapping hungrily away at her shaved vagina as she humps away at his face. Keyshia sits up quickly pushing the dog forcefully away from her dripping cunt and stares at me wide eyed. “what, what the hell are you doing?” she shouts at me angrily as she jumps from the bed, she begins tugging at the small white tee shirt she is wearing as if it could stretch enough to cover her exposed crotch. “get the hell out of here you asshole” she screams as she runs over to me and slams the bedroom door in my shocked face. I drop my Coke and practically sprint back down the steps and out into the living room and stand there in disbelief. “What did you see?” Keyshia calls out to me, I turn to look at her, she has placed on a pair of blue jeans, her long black hair hangs down past her shoulders, on her face she has the looks of anger, nervousness and terror. “What, What did you see?” she asks me again. “I don’t know” I respond still in a state of shock. “You cant say anything, you cant tell anyone” she says to me pleading. “what the hell was going on?” I question her. “I was just horny so I let Nero lick me a couple of times” she says. “why?” I ask, looking deep into her light brown eyes. “I don’t know we just like to mess around sometimes” she tells, me a thousand other questions start to pop into my head, when Malcolm walks into the house. “he bro” he shouts as he walk towards me. “I wont tell” I whisper to Keyshia’s.

That night at home I get on the internet and start researching about sex with animals, so many porn, dating and how too sites pop onto the screen, It shocks me I never realized before how many people where into bestiality until then. The next day I head over to Malcolm’s knowing full well he wasn’t going to be there. I knock on the door, Keyshia answer “my brothers not here” she says, not wanting to look me in the eyes. “Girl I’m not looking for your brother” I tell her. “Than what do you need?” she responds “I want to show you something” I say pushing past her and walking into the living room, I set my laptop down on the coffee table and start to type away. “come here” I say to her almost ordering, she sits beside me on the leather sofa and looks at the computer screen, the name Beastforum is stretched across it. “what is this?” she asks, I don’t respond I just click on one of the video links on the screen and we both watch as a young woman laying across a red sofa is being licked well by her big German Shepard, next an older woman is on her hands and knees and is being mounted and humped by a large black dog. Keyshia stares at the screen with her mouth hanging wide open. “I joined this site last night” I tell her. “you should join, you could learn a lot from it and you would see that you are not alone” together Keyshia and I look at a few more of the videos, some of the pictures and read a bunch of the stories, before I realize it I find that I am getting aroused, my penis is stiff as wood and I decide that I better leave.

As the days go by both Keyshia and I spend a lot of time on Beastforum, every day we talk to each other about the interesting things we had seen on the site, we hung out all the time talking about everything going on in our lives, I begin to realize how strong, open-minded and sexy she really was. Keyshia tells me about the first time she let her dog lick her after a night out drinking with her girls, we also talked about it appearing like not many other African Americans seemed to be into bestiality, it didn’t seem like we could find many pictures or movies of them anywhere. “Maybe you should take some pictures” I jokingly say to her one day, laughing as the words come out of my mouth. “yeah Right” she says holding back her laughter, I was amazed at how accidentally catching her with her dog could open my eyes to other forms of sex like it had.

Just stepping out of my shower I hear a knock at the front door, I throw on a pair of my basketball shorts and run to the door, opening it wide, still dripping. “Hey” Keyshia says to me walking into my parents house pulling her White Pit Bull Nero behind her. “What’s up?” I ask, surprised to see her here with Nero “we’ve come to take some pictures” she says as she walks past me, her hand brushing against my bare wet chest. “Take some what?” I shout to her, watching as she heads toward my bedroom. I close the front door and rush to my room, Keyshia is sitting on my bed, Nero laying on the floor beside her. “You want to take pictures, you kidding me?” she doesn’t answer, she simply stands and pulls the straps of the form fitting blue dress she is wearing off of her shoulders, letting it fall down her thick, full hips and onto the floor. Keyshia was definitely not the skinny little tomboy with the pigtails and braces I used to remember. I watch as she reaches back and unsnaps her bra allowing her pert full breasts free, she rubbed them in the way a woman does after taking off their bra, her large chocolate areoles the size of silver dollars, finally she pulls her black thong slowly of off her full womanly hips and across her thick round ass. I stare at her as she stands in front of me now completely nude, I was amazed by the color of her flawless caramel skin. “What are you doing? you are like my sister” I say apprehensively, Keyshia walks toward me “you know we aren’t actually family” she says smiling, her hands rub against my bare chest down to my toned abs then to the waistband of my shorts, slowly she bends and pulls them over my hips and down my legs, my hard black prick points right at her. “um nice” she says “your bother would kill us” I say to her. “I wont tell” she responds with a smile on her face, she grabs me by my erect penis and pulls me slowly over to the bed with it, she sits back down on my mattress and places my eight inch prick right into her open mouth. “mmm” she moans while she slurps on my member, I can feel her tongue swiping along its underside, she begins to tickle my balls with her hand, I grab the top of her hair covered head and begin to screw her soft moist mouth. “Ohhh” I moan out feeling that Im close to cumming, she pushes me away my penis falling out of her slurping mouth. “You taste so good” she says licking her lips smirking.

“So where’s your camera?” she asks, I quickly run to my parents office grab their digital camcorder and head back into my room. “turn it on” she says and I comply. “come here Nero” she calls out to the large muscular Pit Bull, he stands and walks over to her. “you want to lick me?” she says as she pulls him over to her, petting the top of his big head, Keyshia opens her smooth long legs, lays back on my bed and begins to run her fingers through her shaved pink pussy, she pulls Nero’s head towards her swelling clit and he understands what he is supposed to do, his large canine tongue swipes across her hairless mound and she shivers uncontrollably, she moves her hand up to her breasts and begins to knead them together then twisting hard on her swollen brown nipples. Nero continues his hungry lapping and her moans excite me so much I begin to rub my hard cock while continuing to film. I watch as Keyshia’s feet begin to slide back and forth across my floor, her hips bouncing up and down off of my bed, she clutches at her chest. “I’m coming, I’m coming” her body tenses, she cries out and cums. Nero laps at her a few more times then she sits up slowly and pets him again on his head. “damn your a good boy” she says to her dog. “that was frickin hot” I say to her still jacking myself off. “so is that” she responds looking at me with my hand rubbing my prick.

Keyshia looks at my face “I’m going need your help” she says “with what?” I ask her. “I want to try and let Nero screw me” I looked at her shocked. “You sure?” I ask her. “I wanna try” she responds kneeling on my bedroom floor, I place the camcorder on my shelf still running and aimed at Keyshia body, I walk over to where she is kneeling and sit down beside her, I watch as huge Goosebumps appear all over her brown skin as she begins to rub the underside of her dog. “do you remember how people on the Beastforum said to do it?” I ask her, she nods to me that she does, as I keep a hold on Nero’s spiked collar Keyshia begins to massage his sheath, she rubs back and forth on it until the small tip of his cock is in view, she bends under him and places her lips around the tip as she forces more of his sheath away. I remain seated hornier than ever watching my boys little sister playing with the cock of her dog. Nero’s penis begins to grow considerably, you can see the blue veins along the red shaft, it was amazing how much more different it was than a mans.

Keyshia placed the entire dog cock in her mouth, she began making slurping sounds as she attempted to suck all of the dogs cum from his member, streams of his semen escaped her lips and fell all over my floor, she pulls him out of her mouth and rubs the dog penis back and forth her lips a couple of times glazing them with his spurting cum. “Its really salty” she says “You ready?” she asks me and then gets on her hands and knees in the strong doggy style position, her lower back arched deeply, her firm thick breasts hanging downward, her firm brown apple bottom pointing right at me, I can see her moist pink vagina and her small puckered asshole. Nero just stares at the black woman’s exposed backside, he had no idea what he was supposed to do. “put him on my back” she says to me, I pick up Nero and place him slowly on top of her, the weight of the giant dog falling onto Keyshia’s back nearly knocking her over. “man he’s heavy” she says. Nero completely dwarfed the ebony woman, at nearly 160 pounds Nero had to outweigh her by more than 50 pounds. I reach down for his prick, it was the first time I had every touched an animal like that, I think to myself, I slowly start to masturbate his organ, rubbing back and forth behind the knot trying to get him to start humping.

Finally Nero grabs tightly at Keyshia’s hips with his Large hairy forepaws, his claws digging deeply into her brown skin.
I remove my hands from his prick as He begins Jabbing at the air.
Keyshia tries to move herself back into the jabbing penis but cant move under his weight. “put his prick in me” she says turning and looking at me. I reach back for the dogs stabbing penis and start to direct it towards her waiting slit, the tip finally makes its way to the opening of her hole, Nero arches his back and thrusts himself forward slamming all the way inside of her In the first massive thrust. Keyshia was not ready for the force of the blow. “ugh” she grunts out loudly as she tries to crawl herself away from the thrusting dogs haunches. Nero began to slam into Keyshia repeatedly. “ouch god” she screams out again, the hammering shoves her forward across my floor, he bangs away for a few minutes her whimpers seeming to drive his thrusting and then suddenly he jumps off of her back and onto the floor. Nero walks around and licks at her backside as his cum pours out of her pussy in a stream, after a few big swipes he jumps back onto Keyshia forcing her downward, he grabs at her hips his claws digging in again drawing blood this time, he finds the spot right away and he slams into her hard, nearly throwing her across my room. Nero was almost looking like had done this all before. “Oh jees” she yells, Nero’s knot slamming against her backside. “splush, splush splush” his penis slides through her cum filled pussy. Keyshia grunts loudly at each thrust, I had gotten the camera off of my cabinet and started taking close up shots of the action, my room filling with the musty smell of sex and wet dog. Nero jumps off once again and walks around the room. Keyshia slowly raises her exhausted head, I can see the tears rolling down her red Face. “Damnit he is so big” she says looking at me.

Nero hops onto Keyshia again, his prick slamming right into her sore red hole, he pounds away again, his slimy drool dripping out of his canine mouth and falling onto her silky back. “That’s enough” she calls out and tries to pull away but Nero was so big her attempts at fleeing were stopped. Keyshia begins whimpering and Nero begins bitting at the back of her neck, pulling at her black hair “no Ouch no” she cries out once again, his balls slapping rapidly against her backside, his knot looking for entry into her tiny human pussy, she begins to claw at the floor, her nails digging deep into the carpet. “Get him off of me” she screams to me, I put the camera down and hop to my feet, I began to pull at Nero’s collar but he doesn’t want to let go of his offering, he continues to poke and prod inside of her vagina and the tears continue to run down her face, finally Nero again hops off of her back and she collapses to the floor in a shuddering heap. I push Nero away and watch as he walks to the corner of my room and begins licking away at his crotch. I rush over to Keyshia, concerned and rub her delicately on her back “you ok?” I ask her, she looks up to me a small smile on her face. “it felt so good I cant describe it but I’m glad he didn’t knot me” I pick her off of my floor and lay her across my bed, small welts begin to form on her hips from Nero’s claws and I see the rug burns on her knees from him pushing her across my bedroom floor, a river of Nero’s runny cum spills out of her in buckets, streaming down her slit and pooling by her as cheeks, soaking the sheets of my bed. I lay quietly down beside her and we both nap together for a few hours.

We awake later and decide to watch the video, I hook it to my TV and hop back onto my bed with her, we watch our first homemade bestiality sex tape. I start to get hard once again watching the action on the screen. “Let me help you with that” Keyshia says as she kneels on the bed and places my penis in her warm moist mouth. “mmm” she hums on my prick, her fingers tickling near my asshole. “I want to taste your pussy” I say to her, without removing my throbbing prick from her mouth she turns, lifts her leg and straddles my face, she slowly lowers her pink pussy onto my waiting eager mouth. I begin to run my tongue around Keyshia’s slit then dig my way into her creamy hole, flaky white dried dog cum still covering her caramel thighs. I continue to flick away at her with my tongue, my lips wrap themselves around her clit, I can still taste remnants of the dogs load in her. “I want to screw you” I say from beneath Keyshia thighs, she rolls off of me. “Do you have condoms? Nero cant get me pregnant but you can” I reach into my bedside table, pull out a box of condoms and look inside. “crap its empty!” I say under my breath. “I’m out” I say to Keyshia as I lay back on the bed beside her. “I guess you’re just going to have to screw my ass then” she says. Still laying on her back Keyshia raises her legs high overhead and spreads her butt cheeks with her hands, I crawl between her open legs and place the head of my prick at the wrinkled opening of her butt hole, carefully I push forward sliding it inside of her. “um that feels nice” she says to me. Keyshia holds her breath as my prick disappears all the way into her bowels, I slowly began to pick up the pace of my thrusts as her tight rectum is clutching and grasping at my black prick, as Keyshia and I are moaning together with her legs across my shoulders and her nails digging into my back, I wonder to myself why It was that we hadn’t done this all sooner and what’s next to come?


Keyshia and I had been secretly dating for months now, recently she had even gotten herself on the Pill, she was continuing to have her sex sessions with her muscular white Pit Bull Nero and the two had bonded well, she could get his bone out quickly and Nero would hop onto her back and find her hole with ease now, she was even able to take his knot without discomfort, enjoying every single moment they were stuck tied together. Keyshia and I took a ton of pictures and movies of Her and Nero together, uploading a few of them onto Beastforum, which made the other members very happy.

Although I had been back at school for a while the basketball season just getting started, Keyshia and I got together every chance we got, either I would take the hour and a half drive home where she stayed with her parents while going to school and the two of us would sneak off together or she would visit me at my campus, but there we had to worry about her brother Malcolm catching us since he and I had an apartment together. I was also always worried about her brother using my laptop one day and accidentally finding the pictures and movies of his little baby sister sucking and fucking the families pet and me naked in the background smiling happily.

“Ring, ring” I look at my phone and see that I’ve got a picture message on it, I open it up and see a picture of Keyshia’s naked body kneeling beside Nero, his hard red dog cock hanging down. I push the speed dial for her number. “hey babe” she says sexily. “Thanks for the pic, its got me hard” I tell her. “Nero and I missed you, I’ve got us a room at the motel 8 by the freeway, where in room 207, hurry” she says and then hangs up the phone. I hop off of the sofa rushing past her brother and out the apartment door. I am at the motel in a second, knocking on the door. “Its open” I hear a voice saying from the other side, I step into the lit room and there she stands totally in the nude, her smooth caramel skin sparkling with beads of sweat, her light brown eyes looking right at me. I rush over to Keyshia giving Nero a pet on the head as I walk past him and toss her onto the motel bed. “Do me now” she shouts at me, my clothes are stripped of in a flash and I am pushing my hard black 8 inch cock into her hot inviting hole, her hands rubbing my smooth bald head, I was so horny it wasn’t long before my sticky white cum was shooting out of me and into her soft pink pussy. I pull out and watch as my cum drips slowly out of her and drips down her crack and onto the bed sheets.

“I want Nero to screw my ass” she says to me enthusiastically, standing and picking her bag off of the floor she pulls a new digital camera out and hands it to me. “Take a few good ones please” she says. “No doubt” was my response, out of the bag Keyshia pulls a large tube of lube and places it on the bed. “I’m going to need this” she says with a smile. “Up here Nero” I call out to the large dog. “Up” I say again and he hops himself up and onto the bed with Keyshia and I. I pat him on his big soft head, his tongue wagging. “good boy” I say to him as he stands unmoving on the motel bed. Keyshia reaches back into her bag and pulls some large dog mitts out of it, she places the mitts onto his paws she then reaches beneath him and begins rubbing his loins then quickly reaching back towards his sheath, rubbing back and forth on it a few times his prick is out almost instantaneously, he already knows what’s in store for him. I watch as Keyshia turns and squirts nearly half the tube of lube up her backside and shoves some of it into her butt hole with her thin fingers. “cant have to much lube” she says to me smiling, I laugh as I watch the slimy gel slide down her crack and smearing into the bed, I continue to massage behind Nero’s swelling knot as she drops down into position, her legs spread, back sloped, butt high in the air, she sways her hips side to side rhythmically and turns back to look at her muscular four legged friend. “Screw me” she says to him, Nero jumps right onto her waiting backside, his mitt covered paws wrap tightly around her waist as his Os bone begins to thrust forward searching for entry into her human vagina. I sat back and admired the scene happening in front of me, here was my caramel skinned woman on her hands and knees with her white furred Pit Bull on her back, jabbing at her crotch. “put him in my ass please baby” she says to me.

I lay myself down between the two bodies and reach for the thrusting veined member, I grab a hold of him and carefully guide him towards her lube coated puckered asshole, his tip makes entry into her backside and with his next thrust he has shoved himself completely inside. “wow Ouch” she screams out loud, a small stream of urine shoots explosively from her pink pussy splashing onto the sheets. “are you ok?” I ask her, she shakes her head letting me know that she was, again Nero thrusts forward deeply and again she screams out. “Ow, Ouch” I snap a few pictures of the dog slamming his member into her enlarged sloppy asshole, I listen to her grunt deeply with each of his thrust. “Ugh, Ugh, Ugh” she utters loudly, lube and dog cum splash everywhere. “he is tearing my asshole up” she shouts to me, beginning to hyperventilate. “do you want me to stop him?” I ask her concerned. “hell, hell no!” she responds vigorously, turning her head to look at me as she is still struggling to catch her breath. I can see drops of sweat running their way down her angelic brown face, her hair tangled into clumps on her head, her teeth clinched tightly and tears welling up in her big brown eyes. “ohhhh” she moans, finally the dogs humping slows and with one final deep thrust I can tell he has sunk his knot into her bowels, he stands firmly against her backside not moving an inch. “Oh my good he is so big” Keyshia says to me loudly, I watch as she clenches her fists tightly and lowers her head into the beds mattress, a few minutes latter I listen as she groans loudly into the soft bedding it muffling her whimpers slightly. I look beneath the two of them and can see the swelled round dog knot firmly embedded deep into her rectum, her once tiny hole now nearly three times its original size.

Nero stayed tied to her for nearly 20 intense minutes, by the end she was muttering swear words continuously, tears running down her cheeks and trickles of drool dripping out of the corners of her open mouth and onto the bed. Eventually Nero’s knot begins to shrink, he begins to tug himself backwards trying to pull himself free, Keyshia whines lowly at his tugs. I can here the slurp of his penis as it tries to break the suction her ass has made around his shrinking knot. Nero had finally shrunk enough and with one big final tug he yanked himself free. “Ohhhh” Keyshia yells out painfully as his penis rips from her backside with a plop, nearly half a cup of the watery dog cum pours out of her splashing across her thighs and calves and down onto the bed along with bits of her slimy loosened stool. “Oh my god” Keyshia groans loudly into her pillow as she lays herself slowly down onto the bed whimpering, she reaches her small hands back to feel at her gaping, slippery butt hole, her anus was still laid open larger than a golf ball and Nero’s hot dog cum bubbled out of her rectum. The motel room stunk terribly of hot wet urine and fresh warm feces but I didn’t care. I laid down beside the exhausted, sexy, black woman and wrapped my arms around her sweaty, sticky body, we laid together in the slimy wet pools of mess both Nero and her had made. We awoke in the morning and pulled ourselves unstuck from the stained bedding then we showered clean together before screwing each other once again in the bathroom. Leaving the motel room with Nero trailing behind us we look back at the mess we had all left for the unfortunate cleaning people. Keyshia and I wondered if they could have any idea what had went on in there, what any of the messy stains left behind might be, or why there was white dog fur covering the sheets of the bed. I look at Keyshia and Nero and am happy I have them both.

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