Women with Animals

Five Dog Bitch


(c) 2010 by slavewife

Another Saturday night, another huge entertainment for Master and his friends. On this past Saturday, twenty of his closest pals demanded I perform second best to none. They were tiring of the typical bondage blood fest, were looking for something more extreme. There is no other slavewife that could compare orifices to compete with mine, so Master decided it should be a dog show, as long as necessary to satisfy every sick need imagined in the room. I am sure he also planned on pulling in a few dollars, but I don’t know how much. For my suffering and abuse, I’m hoping it has many naughts.

The guys decided to mark my performances with their canine pals on a scale of one to ten. If I should rate a five or below with any creature, I would have to perform again with that animal. They decided to loosen my fuck holes slowly, so I would have to start with a small animal. They chose a terrior to begin wtih, a friendly little guy I had known since he was a puppy. The next would be a pitbull. I was a bit afraid of this dog, as a pit will lock it’s jaws. I would hate for him to get upset with me and take a chomp on my skull, but I am courageous. I would give my most tender affections to the muscular animal. The third animal was to be a german shephard, a long hair with an erect body and slobbery tongue. The fourth I also knew, the local neighborhood doberman. We had fucked quite regularly so I knew it would be easy for him to find the right holes.

The fifth dog was the frightening one, a huge grey great dane. The animal himself was kind and gentle, a real playmate type of creature, but his cock was tremendous, his hips powerful. I seriously feared that he might cause some type of traumatic damage to my most sensitive spots, so I decided to take him as slowly as possible. Since I had already sucked and fucked the other four, my orifices should be quite widened, large enough to take two fists if offered. If the dane did not get too excited, I just might survive the night. I hoped a brand new dress and a string of pearls would be my reward from my most gracious, imaginative, sadistic Master.

I welcomed the guests in my naked glory, a tray strung with rope from my shoulders, resting on my full breasts, covered with mugs of ice cold beer. Most of the guys gave my round buns a good pinch once they grabbed their brews, and it took most of my control to hold steady so the other drinks didn’t spill. Once the men were settled, Master nodded, signaling me to begin. I went to the center of the room and spread a thick quilt. It would serve as a great padding for my hands and knees, and would also catch the buckets of doggy cum soon to pour from my slit. I then knelt and waited as they brought in the terrior. He remembered me fondly, rushing up and licking my face with doggy kisses. I slowly moved my hand down his belly until I found his furry little sheath. His boner was hard, poking beneath the flesh, and the tip of his dick had just started to poke out of it’s hiding place. I took it gently between my fingers and began to massage it. The terrior loved this and began to hump a bit. I thought I would treat him to a nice surprise first, and lowered my face against his fur, rubbing my nose into his ribs as my mouth moved closer to the target. I easily found his protruding tip and began to flick it back and forth with the tip of my tongue. The sweet little guy immediately began to hump against my mouth, and I heard a great cheer from the crowd. Good. Maybe they’d make the marks nice and high, and I would not have to worry about coming back to a job left undone. I took his three inch cock easily between my lips and began licking him slowly. He rammed his groin so hard into my face I was afraid he might break my nose, so I lifted him up and lay back flat on the floor, spreading my legs to give him easy access. He began wiggling against my hips so I took his tiny penis in my hand and slipped it in between my already moist labia. The gentle animal began humping me in earnest as soon as his cock hardened, his precum already pouring into my womb. It did not take long before I felt him try to thrust in his knob. It was the size of a tangerine, but I had taken much larger beasts, so I rammed against him, grinding my pussy and hardened clit against his warm fur. His cum began to seep from my snatch, dripping onto the quilt, and I heard the men egging him on, making bets on how long he would last. The poor animal finished in about five minutes, but his little dick stayed hard so I gently pulled away from him and took it in my hand. It was still squirting his juices, so I lowered it to my tiny rosebud. It easily slipped in as it was no larger than my Master’s index finger, so I tightened my muscles to hold him in and began fucking him hard. He loved it, first time he had ever entered this hole, and he came buckets until I felt his cock begin to shrink. After a few minutes, he pulled out, and I knew from the cheers from the spectators that Master would be pleased with the beginning of the show. However, when they held up their marks, I was highly disappointed. I thought I had begun the show with vigor, exciting the sweet little animal highly, but the men gave me lower marks than I thought I deserved. I averaged the numbers to come to six. Just barely making the limit, I tried to cheer myself, determined to do better next time.

The rowdy guys were most kind, bringing me a cold beer while the next dog was brought in. The pit bull was jet black with a white stripe down his face, a scary grin sneering at me. He walked over to me and I reached out my hands, aware that he could smell the fear pouring out of me. He sniffed me eagerly, so I took some thick socks I had by the quilt and slipped them over his paws. I had no wish to be ripped to shreds by a dog with a temper. I then lowered my face beneath him, and rubbed my chin against his belly. He looked in curiosity as I gently rubbed the short hair on his sheath, his five inch dick slowly emerging, pink and glistening. I took it in my mouth but he would have none of this. He began pulling away and growling a bit, so I understood it would be doggy style or nothing. The men weren’t too happy either, but the night was still young and my holes were still tight. I got on my hands and knees and wiggled my bottom in his direction. I was still covered with the terrior’s watery cum, so the pit began sniffing, occasionally licking as if to understand that I was a willing fuck. Master walked over and helped the pit bull climb over my back, his sock covered paws leaning down beside my hanging tits. Master then inserted his cock into my pussy, his bone pressing against the sides of my cunt as he began to understand that I was a willing lover. I squirmed until I felt him in, and began squeezing my inner muscles, feeling him respond with a growing dick. The pit began pushing into me quickly and I heard the men cheer as the dog’s drool slobbered over my back, his ramming insistent. His jism almost immediately began to spurt into me, and it felt as if a fire were burning deep inside my womb, singeing my flesh. But I knew I had to ass fuck this brutal beast, so I reached underneath and pulled him out. He did not appreciate this and began growling at me. I stayed still, not moving a muscle as I then slipped his hard cock into my bottom hole. Once more he began to ram, and I knew I could finish him off with no problem. But the dog did not seem to understand this type of fuck hole. He began pushing as hard as he possibly could, his strong hips pumping against my ass cheeks as his member tried to stay in my hole. Before I could pull away, his knob began to push in. I had no escape, so I lowered my head and reached beneath to squeeze my clit, widening my tightest hole. When I felt the huge ball push in, I stopped moving. Fortunately, so did he, and we were now tied. I’ve never heard a group of men yell so loud in appreciation. I would not be able to move until his knob had shrunk a great deal, so I lay my head on the floor, away from his mouth, and waited. I heard many beer mugs clink, lots of money exchange hands, and after about ten minutes, the doggy knob exiting my bottom passage. It made a plopping noise when he pulled it out, and his burning cum began to pour from my bum. A doggy enema. Who could top that. I was more than happy when I saw the rating averaged out to an eight. Master seemed happy too, smiling and bringing me a soft towel to wipe up the excess. It felt as if I were drowning in doggy cum, but there were three more dogs to go.

I was given a small break, as much time had gone by with the pit bull. Another cold mug of beer was offered, and I gulped it down desperately, knowing I would need any pain killer possible after already being tied in the ass, my muscles stretched without escape. The next dog was brought in, the german shepherd. I did not know this dog but he was beautiful, what seemed to me the perfect form of a domestic canine. I stroked his fur lovingly while he licked and sniffed my face, and my hands slowly moved down to his sheath, his hard rod ready for action. When I felt the soft wet point of his cock move out of it’s fur covering, I lowered myself to his level and tickled it with my tongue. The doggy loved this and I heard him groan in pleasure. When he began to wiggle around, his hind legs bouncing, I took the socks and slipped them over his huge paws. He did not seem to mind anything I did now, and tried to push his crotch back into my face. As the men cheered on and gave advise, I began to slowly suck until I tasted his bitter sweet precum seeping onto my tongue. He was now ready to fuck me, so I lay back flat on the floor one more time, spreading my legs as he sniffed my soaking cunt in anticipation. I took the large canine into my arms in the missionary position, and took his throbbing dick into my hand. Gently I massaged him, feeling him grow larger as I slid him in between my pussy lips. He looked at me for a moment, his mouth open, tongue panting as he understood I was willing. The shepherd began to fuck me in earnest, his boner poking against my clit as I rammed against his pumping hips. He must have fucked me for at least five minutes before I felt his knob begin to push in. I then felt the burning heat of his cum as he pumped into me, tieing us together for another ten minutes. I completely collapsed beneath his fur as the men cheered their loudest. Such a show! But when the rating only averaged at a five, I was astounded. Did they not just see one of the best doggy fucks on the planet, the wolf-en creature overtaking the sweet human pussy? It seemed this would be a repeat performance, so I gazed at Master for relief. He only shrugged, and I understood the night must continue.


I was completely exhausted from seriously sucking and fucking the first three dogs, so the perverted gentlemen were kind enough to give me a cold beer and some leftover crusts from their pizzas. It was fuel I highly needed, because next I would have the most energetic fucker, the playful doberman. After that, however, would come the gigantically frightening great dane. I already had to repeat my performance with the german shepherd, but would I survive for it after the hugest cock in the room molested my holes? I lay back for the few moments I was given to relax on the sticky quilt, making my plan. The doberman was a great pal, so another friendly fuck with him should be easy. He was no larger than the shepherd anyway. But the dane had been only a playmate. I had never sucked or fucked him. What would be the best way to bring him to complete sexual ecstasy with a gorgeous human slavewife like me?

I did not have much time to rest, however, so I could not exactly make a plan. When I heard the cheers I knew the doberman was being led in. He has always adored me, and rushed to lick me on my face. I threw my arms around him in a great hug and the men loved it. I knew they were ready for me to start again. The doberman and I have enjoyed many great fuck sessions, so without any foreplay I immediately lowered my head towards his belly, massaging his black furry sheath as I felt his boner harden. He always enjoyed when I did this, so gave him an extra five minutes of wank time. The guys started getting impatient, however, so I finally lowered my tongue to his growing cock peeking out of it’s covering. The doberman began to hump my face but I was used to him, so I sucked his six inch cock into my mouth and down my throat. His salty precum began to sting my tongue, burning my lips as it seeped out of my mouth and dripped down my chin. I lifted my head higher, burying my face in his warm fur as he ground it against me, trying his hardest to get his knot into my mouth. But I knew this would be over too quickly if I allowed him to do so, so I pulled away and pulled him down towards my groin with my hands. He tried to rub against my bald shaven pussy, but I wished to start him over my back, pounding into me from behind. I got on my hands and knees while he licked any part of my flesh he could find, and Master walked over to help assist me in getting the doberman into the right orifice at the right time. I rested my knees on the rolled up towel and glanced back at the grinning canine, his long sharp teeth smiling at me in anticipation. Master was kind enough to put the thick socks on his paws, and then pulled him up over my back. I relaxed, as my cunt was well acquainted with this animal.

It was maybe ten seconds before I felt the semi-rigid cock push between my outer pussy lips. I pushed back, squeezing my inner muscles to take the rod in deep. Master stepped back, and the puppy was on his own. He has always had great stamina, so I knelt even further down to my elbows, my round bottom now pointing straight to the ceiling as the dog pushed against my back, his grizzling hair tickling and exciting my tiny bottom hole. The doberman pumps fast and seems to cum buckets. His sizzling jism began to pour from my slit, coating my thighs with their watery juices. I heard the men cheering us loudly as I wiggled my hips, feeling his knot begin to push against my sopping wet opening. But I did not wish the puppy to finish there. He could fuck me anytime, but tonight I had to give the performance of my life. I reached underneath me and found his sliding member, pulling it out gently so as not to scare the sweetly fierce creature, and pushed it back towards my rosebud. It had already widened a bit from fucking the other animals, so I easily slipped it in. The doberman had no problem ass fucking this tight human hole, and began ramming in earnest. I did not wish him to cum too quickly, so I squeezed my rectum tight, holding him still until I could wiggle at a nice slow speed. My tits swayed beneath us, the nipples almost brushing across the quilt as I set a rhythm, opening and closing my bum hole to tease the dog, lengthen the performance. The doberman, however, was not happy with this idea. He lowered his head towards mine and growled lowly, letting his bitch know that he was the alpha and that he would fuck her as he pleased. So I relaxed once more, lowering myself again to my elbows as the doberman began humping as fast as possible. His seed was now pouring into my ass, and I understood this might result in an embarrassing enema later on in the night, but it could not be stopped. I then felt his knob begin to push in, his six inch dick already pressing towards my bowels, and I tried to pull away. This is not a wise thing to do with a large dog, so he growled once more and I froze, allowing him to run the show. When his knot finally did spread my ass hole and push in, a tremendous scream of pain escaped me. This was what the men had been waiting for, and they seemed to go crazy with lust, clinking their mugs and edging us on.

I could not move. The doberman did not move except to slobber his spit over my back, but the when moved close to get a better view. I had never been tied in my ass with this dog, even though I had fucked him often, so I did not know how long I would have to wait before his throbbing knob shrank enough to plop out. I rested my head on the floor, enjoying the sensation of being completely filled. It seemed as if every nerve in my body was on fire, my skin sizzling under his thick sperm. It seemed he had more cum than the other three dogs put together, and it was soothing on my aching tender bits. The doggy did not know exactly what to do except relax himself, so he rested on my back, his ribs pushing against my own. The men continued to cheer, some pouring cold beer over my head in celebration of another ass tie. I took it as another rest to prepare for the scariest, hugest canine in the neighborhood. I had already had two knots in my bottom. I must avoid at all costs having it happen again. After fifteen minutes, the puppy pulled out and wandered out of the room, and I was once more given a beer. My bladder was becoming full so I understood I would need to orgasm a great deal to get rid of my liquids. It would be bad enough having the enema explode from me in another hour or so. I didn’t wish to lessen it with something as simple as piss. When the men held up the rating cards and I averaged seven, I was overjoyed. Fine. Only one animal repeat so far.

And now it was time to suck and fuck the thickest doggy shlong. I knew the dane, and walked him often, but now I would have to introduce myself to him as his lady lover. The dog was led into the room by my own Master, and he rushed right over to me, his snout sniffing my canine cum covered legs and bottom. He was as tall as me in length, and much more muscular. I thought perhaps it would be best if I began with a subtle blowjob, easing him into the idea. I wrestled him down until he was laying on his back and began scratching his belly. He was completely overjoyed and tossed his head back and forth, spreading his four legs as he felt my hand move lower. I easily found his long slender sheath, his rigid bone poking into my hand as I massaged his flesh. He did not seem to mind, and growled in pleasure, so I took his emerging dick into my fingers and began gently rubbing until it had grown to at least four inches. He did not get off his back and for that I was relieved. When he had grown to five inches, I lowered my mouth, just tipping the slit on top of his dick head, tasting the bitter offering. His cum began to seep as I took the tip into my mouth, feeling him grow at least another two inches. I could not believe I had such a gigantic dog cock in my mouth. I nearly gagged as he pumped upwards, trying his best to fuck this nice hot throat offered to him. Instead, I pumped my head, bobbing up and down his dick as fast as I could, my tongue busy twirling his raw penis, and I felt him ram all the way back to my tonsils. He began squirting hard and fast and I felt a bit frightened that I might drown, much less catch a breath, but this was a first for us. I had to please this dog at all costs. I felt his burning cum deep into my body, warming my already sweating body. The beast began to hump even faster, and I could feel the muscles in my neck begin to strain, but I took him for at least ten minutes, his body squirming in tremendous pleasure. He was still squirting juices when I finally pulled away, so I reached over to the side of the room and pulled an arm chair to the center of the room. This dog was so large there was no way I could take him on merely my hands and knees. I would be completely covered. So I bent my upper body over the seat of the chair, sticking my bottom out towards the canine, spreading my legs in offering. Master walked over to the dog and led him in my direction, the puppy licking my gaping slit as he understood what was available. Master lifted him up over my shoulders, his sock covered paws now leaning completely over me towards my tits. I took hold of his front two legs and pushed back against him, accepting his monstrous member into my well worn cunt. The monstrous animal began thrusting as hard as he could into my fuck hole, his seven inches completely filling me. I felt his boner press against my clit and I exploded, shrieking in pleasure as the men went nuts. And when I felt his knob press against me, widening me as far as my bones would allow, I lifted up a bit on my knees, thrusting back against his pumps. The dane began to howl a bit, as if he were singing. But the knob seemed way too large to enter far, so I constricted my inner muscles, trying to pump as much cum from him as possible. He had already completely soaked the rest of the quilt, and had almost drowned me, but it was another twenty minutes before he was finished. I was now completely exhausted, and when he pulled away, I collapsed into the chair. When I looked up to enjoy my rating, I was devastated that it was only at a three. How could this be? This had been the most astounding doggy blowjob ever performed in this town, and I rated a three? Or was this their cruel sadistic method of having me suck and fuck this gargantuan animal again? Only the night would tell.


I was completely exhausted. After all, I had been fucking and sucking five dogs of various sizes for what seemed like countless hours. The sadistic studs enjoying the show decided to give me a relaxing break, and they gathered around me, pulling their dicks out of their pants. They then decided to empty their heavy bladders of beer, and covered my body with their hot steaming piss. The doggy cum covering the bottom half of my body was washed clean, but I knew I would once more be soaking with bitter canine juices. I did appreciate the relaxation, however, and decided to sit in the chair for the repeat performance with the German Shepherd.

After around fifteen minutes, the Shepherd was once more led into the room. He remembered our fun and adventure from before and rushed over to my chair, jumping up and licking all over my face. I petted him back and lowered his body back to the ground, spreading my piss covered legs and pointed his snout towards my soaking crotch. He sniffed for a few moments and then began to lick. His tongue seemed long and piercing, digging into my pussy with great excitement. I lifted my legs up over the chair, my bottom now slipping over the chair seat to expose all of my sensitive bits to his exploration. He began to slurp this offered desert, his tongue brushing over my rock hard clit. I let my head fall back as my first orgasm shook me. I squeezed my eyes closed as my own juices began squirting over his nose. The giant puppy loved it and continued to drink my offerings. I heard the men cheer and wiggled my bum to show appreciation. The dog continued to lick, spreading my outer lips to dig deep inside. This seemed to me to be another form of relaxation, but I understood that I would have to cause him to cum also. It did not matter at the moment, however, so I let my world slip into a wave of sensation. I really don’t know how long the shepherd tongue fucked me, but it must have been at least twenty minutes. When I began to feel raw and empty of my sweet liquid, I tried to push his head away with my feet, but he would have none of it. I then tried to sit up in the chair straighter, but he began to growl, his teeth baring right in between my spread dripping cunt, so I stayed where I was. After another five minutes it felt as if my skin was shredding and I tried to sit up again. Another deep growl came from almost inside my pussy and I froze once more. Okay, I would have to distract him then. Very slowly and with much bottom wiggling, I turned over and pointed my ass at his face while he continued to slurp me raw. He soon remembered that my holes could serve other purposes then by just whetting his appetite, and he jumped his front paws once more over the arms of the chair, trying to poke his boner in any willing receptacle. I raised my butt higher so that he could hump into my well worn pussy first, coating it with his hot steaming cum. I needed any type of relief at this point from his insistent cunt lap. Master was kind enough to help him slip his growing member in between my swollen labia and groaned back at him in relief. The doggy immediately caught on, and began humping me fast and furious. I heard the men cheer loudly so I knew my lover and I must be quite a sight, my tits squashed flat against the wood of the chair, my body covered by a hairy willing beast as he rammed his six inch cock deep into my passage. I felt his muscles grow stronger beneath my back as he pushed his hardest, trying his best to get his huge knob into my snatch, and I gritted my teeth as I felt my flesh stretch its’ widest.

The pain was intense, my world turning grey as I felt his singeing cum spurt deep into my womb, leaking out between my pussy lips and burning my thighs as it dripped to the quilt. I grabbed the back of the chair, my fingers digging in for purchase. I felt his doggy spit drop onto my hair as he trembled on top of me. He continued to fill me with his spunk for another fifteen minutes, but I knew I was not finished with this lovely animal. When he pulled his knob out, I lifted myself and took him in my arms, petting and nuzzling his wolf-like face as my hand slipped to his cock, gently massaging his black furry sheath until his member popped out once more. It took a good five minutes before he was hard enough to fuck again, so when I felt him harden I got on my hands and knees, lowering my face to the floor and spreading my bottom cheeks with my hands. Master assisted me once more as he helped the anxious shepherd push his dick into my tight wrinkled rosebud. The dog didn’t mind what kind of hole it was. He rammed into my bottom with all his strength, his large rod filling my rectum and spurting cum deep into my bowels. But when his knob began to push in I almost collapsed with the agony. The men roared so loud with approval I could barely hear myself scream. The canine didn’t care and filled me with what felt like a gallon of steaming liquid. I felt my face go purple as I lost my breath, unable to move for any type of relief without being ripped wide open. I felt my legs shake beneath the dogs thighs, but the rest of me was frozen. It seemed like hours before I felt his tremendous knob begin to lessen, and when he finally plopped out, my whole world went black.

The perverted spectators brought me back to life by once more pissing their markings on my body, my face and hair soaked with their urine. It was with great relief when I saw they had rated my performance with the shepherd at a six this time, as Master had brought up my average by giving me a ten. I actually felt like I had no more energy to offer for their entertainment, but Master did not ask my opinion. Instead, he led the great dane once more into the room. The friendly monster rushed up to me, sniffing a bit at the scent of beer drinking men covering me, but he remembered my sweet mouth and began to cover my face with his wet kisses. Master was kind enough to cover his humongous paws with the thick socks once more, so I understood that a fucking was in order. Fear began to seep into my brain as I realized that if he got his knob in me, I would be torn to bits. But I had to make this a great show. I could not possibly rate lower once more, as this animal was seemingly insatiable. Slowly I raised myself off the floor and once more knelt over the chair, spreading my legs to give this beast easy access to my bruised and welted pussy. Master helped the gigantic animal up over my back, his legs moving beside my ribs to rest on the chair seat. I felt his seven inch cock being slipped into my cunt, his rigid boner pushing against my well fucked ass hole. I leaned back against him as he began squirting his burning liquid juices into my hole. It only took about five minutes before I felt his tremendous knob try to push its’ way in. I begged for mercy, pleaded with the men to pull the dog back, but instead Master leaned against his back, pushing the muscular dog into me, my tender lips tearing to allow such an intrusion. I have never heard men cheer so loudly before. I could not even hear myself gasp in pain from their joyous cacophony. The monster now had his whole knob deep inside me and he continued to pump. His cum was so sizzling hot that it felt as if I could taste it in my throat. I shook my head, tears falling from my face from the pain, but this mattered to no one but me. I felt nearly smothered by the Dane’s bristly fur pressing against my bottom and back. His long rigid cock felt like it was tickling compared to the baseball sized knob pulling me open. There was no way I could fight, so I decided I would enjoy this molestation. I found that if I moved my hips lower and back up again, his member pushed against my clit from the inside, and I literally exploded from the intense orgasmic pleasure. I soon felt nothing but ecstasy, heard no more voices, felt no more doggy spit dripping on my shoulders, only ecstasy. I did not know I had that much cum left in me. I seemed to spurt nonstop as the beautiful beast continued to thrust, his hairy groin pushing against my thighs as his jism poured from my well filled slit. When I felt my senses attempt to return, I heard the men calling out time, to keep count of how long I could survive in such a position. When they hit twenty, I felt sure that it would not be long before he would shrink and slip out. My clit now became raw from the self given abuse. I tried to lift off the seat but the Dane would have nothing of it. His knob was tied in my soaking wet snatch and he would finish what he started. I even tried to pull away myself but this was a ridiculous idea. I was as tied as he, even though my fluids were now bone dry and I could not longer enjoy his solid dick pressing against my g-spot. His hot stinging liquid, however, coated every inch of my pussy, inside and out, so I hoped his salty seed could heal the ripping left by his knob. I finally dropped my head in complete subjection when I heard the men call out thirty minutes. It seemed I had been presented with an animal that took long spaces of time to empty their ball sacks. My now torn flesh seemed to sting from the doggy cum the Dane offered, and I could not tell the difference between his spunk and my blood from the torn labia. I could think of nothing to distract my brain from the fear of being fatally fucked, I could hear nothing but the roaring in my ears and the occasional shriek from a spectator, or the time on the clocks. It seemed like days before I heard them say forty minutes, and I heard beer mugs clashing as bets were being made on my duration. But I did not have to worry about myself. I could not pull away and Master wished a performance of a lifetime, so I held on. After this I could just drain the men of their own juices and take the longest hot bath ever. And when I felt the dane begin to slowly wiggle his knob from the inside, I knew he was about to shrink, having completely filled my body with his gift. And when he finally plopped out and wandered off into the room, I fell to the floor, completely wasted from the severe doggy fuck. It was a few minutes before the men called to me once more, holding up their ratings. When I saw the number three cast against me. These cruel guys had truly enjoyed the show, had even thrown money out for my performance, but they were not satisfied. They wanted more, more even than I could perform, but I would have to repeat my service. I would have to fuck this animal again. He had already emptied buckets of cum into my mouth and pussy. What more was to be expected? Once more my world turned grey as I saw Master grinning into my eyes. I knew what he wanted.


There are actually no words for how tired I had become, but I’ll give it a try. Even lifting my head was a work of great strength, but my night was not nearly over. I had just had my bruised pussy tied to a great dane’s knot for an unspeakable amount of time, and I was literally covered in his bitter doggy cum. I honestly hoped the perverted guests would piss on me again and wash me basically clean, but they did not have this in mind at this time. Instead, they brought me another beer and made sure I downed it quickly. No food for energy, no piss bath to sooth my skin, but the beer was a help so I nodded my thanks. It was at that point that one of the guys brought me a huge bowl, and Master commanded that I empty myself from the two doggy enemas I had received earlier. Oh no! How humiliating could this get? Sucking and fucking dogs was one thing, having my pussy and bottom ripped part of it. But enema? And how could I refuse? Master commanded, therefore it must be.

So very slowly I pulled myself up off the ground, and spread my knees, bending over the bowl. The guys all moved behind me so I knew they were enjoying the show. My bottom hole was widened, so I spread my ass cheeks as wide as I could with my fingers and knelt over the bowl. Hot liquid puppy cum exploded out of my bottom, and I heard the men cheer their loudest when the stinky fluids filled the bowl, almost threatening to leak over the sides. I did not wish this to happen as I still had to make the great dane cum at least three times more and the quilt was already wet, so I clenched my rectum tight before it seeped over the edge. That was awfully silly, however, as one of the men then picked it up and poured it over my tits and pussy, covering me in the spunk. I could now barely stand myself, but I hoped the dane would be pleased and just maybe lick it off of me. But I still had to figure of a way to get him rigid again, as I had already made him spurt three times. I remembered how much he enjoyed me sucking his dick, so I thought perhaps I could get him interested in the same with me, licking my pussy and bottom until it was nearly clean. And when they walked the beast back into the room, I raised my arms to him, welcoming his presence.

And he remembered me kindly. After all, he had been my lover twice before, and I am most sure he was curious about what I could offer him next. My body was so exhausted I no longer noticed the human sadists cheering him on, but I did see Master standing close by, so I determined I would perform something most unusual for his entertainment. I collapsed back onto the doggy cum and enema soaked blanket, and once again began massaging the thick sheath that held the canine cock. The dane began to squirm as his dick must already be sore, but he began wagging his tiny tail and I knew I made him happy. When his penis poked out, I raised my head and took him into my mouth, his precum already beginning to leak onto my tongue. I then took my hands and tried lowering his snout to my soaking wet pussy. He was confused for a moment, but he must have sniffed something sweet because he gently began to lick. Even though I was raw and slightly bloody from his earlier knot, I did not mind as it eased my pain a bit. But his cock was not growing larger. I did not know if this would work, but with a man you can massage his prostate from this inside and he will get an instant boner. So I took one of my hands away from his head and moved it up towards his bottom hole, slowly dipping my finger inside his tight orifice. This really caused him to wiggle his doggy buns, but his cock began to grow and before I could stop him, he was a rigid seven inches gagging my throat.

Still, he continued to lick my cunt, so I lifted my hips and spread my legs at the suggestion from the crowd, and his long wet tongue began to dig deep into my passage. I did not wish him to lick me raw like the german shepherd had done, but now there was no escape. I moved my head back and forth to suck him in and out, and it seemed as if he now poured gallons of cum straight down my throat. Where had all this jism cum from? Had the horny spectators fed him beer specifically for this purpose? But most thoughts left my head as I did my best not to drown in his fiery juices. I felt as if my belly was filling with cum, as if I would have no breath if I did not gulp his offering. My jaws began to ache as minutes passed. He had already cum so much, it would take some time before he could do it again. I then felt the pain arise in my pussy as I could no longer cum myself and I tried to wiggle away, but the dane was happy with his prize, so I was stuck. When I felt him try to push his knob past my lips. I pulled back completely and he covered my entire face with his scorching seed. I closed my eyes quickly and tried to raise my hands to my face but I heard Master say “NO”, so I held still until the sweet beast was finished.

Fine. I had made him cum once more, but there was still one to go and I knew what Master wished me to do. It is well known that sadists appreciate the rosebud best of all, so I would attempt to ass fuck this tremendously huge animal. I had taken Master and many of his friends deep into my bottom, had even fucked other doggies there this evening, but the dane was extraordinarily large, and his cock was as thick as my wrist. Okay, I could do this, but I must try my best not to let his knob enter my most precious orifice. It would tear me to pieces, and I already had rips along my labia, my clit raw and flesh molested until it was crimson. But I belonged to Master and when he nodded at me, I knew what to do. I lifted my cum-drenched body off the quilt and crawled over to the chair, lifting my hips over it and wiggling my chubby butt cheeks in the canine’s direction. He was already happy from having filled my mouth with his spunk, and from tasting what little cum I had to offer, but his cock was still dripping, and still around five inches hard. He did not care which hole he filled. He just wanted to finish. Master walked over to him and covered his gigantic paws with the socks, lifting him up over my back until his boner began to poke into my spine. I could feel his balls slap against my abused snatch, and Master took his rod in his hand and began pressing it into my bottom. The scorching watery cum leaking from his dick felt soothing against my tender bottom, and I pushed backward to take him inside. The doggy was quite pleased at this new offering and began humping as fast as he could. I was still slippery from the leftover enema so I humped back with him. I wanted him to orgasm without thought of the knob, but this was ridiculous. He pushed as hard as he could but I pulled back until he became accustomed to my tight ass hole. He loved it and began panting over my head, his heavy body pressing against my back, pushing my tits hard onto the chair as he fucked his hardest. Such exuberant energy! I wished he could share it with me, but all he wished to share at this moment was gallons and gallons of scalding sperm. I could now feel him leaking from my bottom, what seemed to be another enema, but the dog had already had four orgasms. It would take him so much longer to explode now, and could I take it? I kept my head about me as I once more heard the men cheer, once more hearing them make bets on the length of the fuck. My hips and thighs began to shiver from exhaustion, and I could no longer control the screams pouring from my throat. The pain began, slowly growing to excruciating agony as the flesh inside my rectum began to tear, and I was afraid for my sanity, much less my health. I begged and cried for Master to remove the doggy cock, but it had not worked before when I knotted with the shepherd, and it didn’t work now. When I was able to glance through tear laden eyes at Master, I saw a grin on his face of sheer happiness. This was what he wanted. This was what he wished, for me to be brutally ass fucked by this tremendous beast. I pushed back and forth through my screams, felt his cock grow larger once more as his sweltering liquids completely filled my bowels. I even felt my belly grow as the fluids filled me, and I had no release. I could not piss, I could not expel it with this huge cock plugging me, so I continued to hump as the dog slobbered his drool over my cum-covered head. After I heard the men call out “fifteen minutes”, my world became dizzy and it was almost as if I couldn’t feel the stiff member reaming my bum. My legs and feet were now coated with his roasting fluids, and the quilt was squishy from the night’s activities. I grasped the wood of the chair with all my strength and my fingers began to grow numb. My heart began to race and I could only hope that perhaps I would pass out and escape the rest of the suffering, but it did not happen. Instead, three of the depraved men walked behind the dane and began pressing against him. This had happened with Master and the shepherd, but a great dane is another animal. He felt twice as large as any other canine I had taken this evening, and there was no way I could avoid them pressing the massive knob inside my tightest hole. I tried to pull up out of the chair, but the dane kept pressing against my back, his muscular ribs grinding against mine. I pleaded with Master to rescue me. I pleaded with him to show me any type of mercy, but he did not move. And when I did feel the knot slowly widen my wrinkled hole until it shred, my world finally did go black.

If only I could have stayed away for longer, but this masochist slavewife is a bit used to unusual pain, and I came back to the world in extreme misery. I could feel my own blood against his molten cum. The guys were still standing there, holding the dog in place, and with little strength, tied the knob deep into my back passage. My body literally froze upon the chair, could not move at all. Could no longer scream. Could no longer wiggle. But the most incredible ecstasy overtook me. My head was overwhelmed with the most euphoric orgasm I had ever experienced. My pussy throbbed from the unexpected experience. The doggy was happy himself and froze with me as he loaded my guts with his burning cum. But how long? How long would I be stuck in the position before he shrank his knob enough to withdraw? Would this night never end?


My entire world was numb. Only one thing was in my consciousness and that was the overwhelming orgasm surging through me from the tremendously huge great dane knob tied in my ass. And after I heard the brutally sadistic spectators calling out forty five minutes, I felt the throbbing member begin to shrink, just a touch, but it seemed to lessen the pain in my ripped flesh. My tightest and most secret hole now felt as wide as a baseball. I could no longer clench my muscles tighter in my rectum, my passage flooding with hot slippery doggy cum. But even though the three guys stopped pushing the dane into me, and even though his knob and long slender dick began to get smaller, he continued to pour his spunk deep into my body. I had to make this the most ultimate of shows and make the gratified canine cum at least one more time. In my complete exhaustion and physical misery, there was only one way left to entertain the gentlemen. I must be covered in complete humiliation.

When the sweet animal finally plopped out of my bottom and wandered around the room to great cheers, I fell to the soaking squishy quilt, the doggy cum spurting from my bottom. But I did not have time to rest. I sat up and called to the dane, my hands reaching out to grab him once more. He came to me willingly, his tongue lolling between his huge sharp teeth, snout rubbing against my face in appreciation. I did not wish to lose his attention, so I immediately reached my hand down beneath his belly and began wanking his slippery cock. His searing semen was still leaking and I understood that perhaps I could please him one more time. I took his swinging furry balls into my hands and began massaging them, gently rolling them against each other as he began to pant over my head. His rod began squirting again so I rubbed faster, my right hand reaching for his sheath to bring him back to size. When I felt his cum singe my belly I spread my legs and began wiggling, feeling his steaming seed cover my bald molested pussy. My clit throbbed for relief so I began moving my hips to the cheers from the crowd. I then lifted my chest and aimed his dick head for my heavy tits, my nipples taut against the onslaught of his watery offering. The perverts went nuts, yelling out instructions on where I should aim his member. I made sure every single inch of my body was covered with his bitter juice, and then I raised my face once more to his now rigid rod, my tongue slowly slurping his cum as it began to spurt harder. This beast adored my mouth, remembered it from earlier, so he began humping between my lips once more while I slid my mouth over his rod. I lowered my hands to my own body and began rubbing his spunk all over my flesh, squeezing my tits until I bruised them harshly, my fingers digging down to plunge into my well worn pussy. I really don’t know where I got the strength, but I slowly inserted my fist into my widened cunt and began fist fucking myself while I nearly gagged on the cock ramming the back of my throat. My inner passage was loose and my hand slid easily all the way back to my cervix until I was nearly punching myself. Since I was in such agony, I felt no extra pain could cause me any harm. I have never heard such cheers as the beer mugs clanged and the pants dropped, the guys already calling out their ratings. I could not stop yet though, as the dane continued to fill my mouth and throat with his sizzling cum, so I fisted my raw pussy until it began to dry, tearing what little flesh was left after the brutal tieing. Their sounds began to fade as I had to concentrate on gulping, feeling the fluids seep up through my nose. How many gallons of spunk could this animal hold?

When I could finally hold no more, my stomach already bulging from the liquid, I slid my lips back from his cock and pointed it down towards my crimson pussy lips, lubing my hand and fingers as I continued to abuse myself. The burning cum was soothing and I closed my eyes in relief as the puppy continued to pump his member in my hand. I actually have no idea how long I jerked his rod, but fatigue began to overwhelm me and I felt my body fall to the floor. The doggy didn’t mind and gave me the last of his gift, walking forward and pumping his seed over my face. At last. I had made the great dane cum for the third time this session. And would I receive the praise I deserved? My heart began to sink and my stomach to churn when I heard threes and fours being screamed, but the three guys who had held the tremendous beast against me gave me a five, and Master showed the best of his mercy when he rated me at seven. This brought my average up to six and I would finally be relieved of being the doggy fuck toy of the evening. It was already 10 pm, and I had been fucking for most of the day, but there was one thing left to do. There were twenty men in the room with rigid hard cocks, all with sadistic ideas of how to find their own personal pleasures. And there was me. Still one big chore left to do.

I could barely move on the floor. I felt as if I were stuck to the canine cum covered quilt, my muscles completely collapsed after their molestation. My tender ass hole was in excruciation pain, the blood still seeping down my butt cheeks. The men were all bare assed naked themselves and stood around me, leering at my ludeness and guffawing at my prostration. I suppose they decided to give me a break because they next poured their ice cold beers all over my body, washing the bitter-sweet juices off and stinging with the alcohol. I was grateful when they lifted me from the floor as I truly did not have the energy to move myself without putting myself through torturous pain. And I didn’t mind when they bound me to the dining room table, my arms stretched over my head and my ankles bound to my wrists. My two tormented orifices were totally exposed, inviting any type of cock available. And there were oh so many men. I now began to feel their leather belts as they whacked them against my tight bottom cheeks, smacking my beer and doggy cum covered pussy until I found strength once more to scream. Chills shot down my body from the surprising pain, but it was one I was familiar with, so I closed my eyes tight in weakness and understood it would only get worse. I knew I was in trouble when I felt the first hand plunge between my pussy lips as other hands pinched my nipples until they were welted purple. I had already been torn by tremendous doggy knobs, but these men were huge. They could rip me to shreds. When the first fist pushed all the way into my passage, it felt as if a melon had been placed in my womb. I opened my eyes in shock as the faces blurred above me, my guts feeling as if they were about to explode. The puppy cum I had drunk lay heavy against my belly as the fist punched from the other side and I gasped for air, any type of relief from this attack. But these guys had already seen much this night and they wanted more.

I now felt thick muscular fingers jamming against my spread open bottom hole, slowly inserting until I now had two fists inside me. How could I take this? I had already been pussy and ass tied six times this day, my organs nearly destroyed from harrowing abuse. But I could not move under the thick binds of the ropes holding me spread, so I tried to hold perfectly still while they began moving their fists in and out, one then the other until I was being double fucked by oppressive arms. But they did not last long as just when my world began to spin, they pulled out, lifting my bum off the table as my holes grasped onto their flesh, trying to hold them in. There were more to be entertained as different guys pushed them out of the way and began grabbing my outer pussy lips, pulling my labia as wide as possible, the cuts and rips stinging in acute pain. I felt five, six, eight fingers plunge inside my pussy, and without mercy there were two fists in my cunt. Master had never done such a thing to me and I scaled the room, craving his rescue. But when I saw him laughing, I knew it was survive for myself or suffer the consequences. I felt the tears began to pour from my eyes, heard my shrieks as if I were behind a mirror, and my heart nearly stopped when I felt new fingers plunging into my bloody ass hole once more. I had never even imagined three fists and I tried to wiggle free. This was a foolish thing to do as it made them a bit more energetic, now cruelly plunging to the back of my tunnels. I had never been so afraid, knowing other slavewives who had suffered similar injuries and spending some time under surgical repair, but I had never thought it would happen to me. But this was an entertainment not to be copied, so I tried to slow my heart while the screams got louder. It then seemed as if my lower body got number, as if the nerves had given up, and I felt my bladder begin to tingle, my clit throbbing once more for some kind of release. I barely felt it when a couple of the guys put out their cigarettes on my breasts, the singeing skin filling the air with the sweet odor of the burns. There was nothing I could do to defend my susceptible body so I completely relaxed, allowing the intense sensations to overtake me. The men didn’t care what I did. They wanted some pussy and ass, and had no problem grabbing it. My clit was pinched and pulled out until it was a thread of flesh, turning nearly black as the blood rushed to it. My weary muscles clenched but there was no release. And when I felt the hands pull out of my cunt and the chilled air soothing my raw flesh, I was relieved to see them gather around and begin wanking, pulling their pods in rhythm with their hands squeezing my welted flesh. My screams died back when I felt their creamy steaming liquids covering my burnt and bruised skin. I tasted salty cum on my lips and several guys aimed for my face, squeezing my cheeks open to shoot it into my mouth. I closed my eyes tightly as I felt it cover the top of my head. My spread open pussy and bottom soaked it in as they had a race to see who could fill me the most. And when they untied my wrists and ankles, I was relieved to see them walk away, clapping each other on the backs as they celebrated the end of an extraordinary show. When they had all left Master came to the table and lifted me up, taking me to the soft furry rug at the bottom of the bed that I was gifted to sleep on, and lay me down with a kiss on the head. I knew that I pleased him, and certainly hoped I could get that new frock from the boutique. I do believe that I earned it, even if it would be several days before I could walk again. Another Saturday night, another big entertainment. Wonder what he had planned for next week?

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