Men with Animals
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Being Fucked In A Field


(c) 2010 by suzy2008

Pre-cum was already dribbling in viscous strings from my rigid cock as I bent forward to slide my foot into the wrinkled toe of my black nylon before slowly drawing it up my leg.
Once it was in place and sensuously caressing my thigh, I reached round and gently pulled down my dangling rear suspender – clipping the plastic clasp over the reinforced stocking-top and then securely attaching the front one. I then repeated the operation with my other stocking and stood up to admire myself in my dressing-table mirror.
My lacy black ½ cup bra and matching lacy black suspender-belt really showed off my womanly figure – enhanced by my hormone induced female waist, hips, and 36b tits that were trying to spill out of the lacy cups of my bra.
I was really proud of my lusciously firm tits and erect nipples that surmounted them – the twin orbs driving the guys wild when they fondled and caressed them as I sucked their cocks, or when they reached up and fucked their hard cocks into me.
“Right! All that’s needed is your wig, and then you can slide into something nice and sexy!” I muttered to myself as I straightened my suspender-straps and tugged at my nylons so’s they were straight and evenly covering my thighs. I chose to wear a cute blonde wig that followed the shape of my cheeks and curled under my chin, then adjusted and brushed it before putting on some more makeup.
After applying a deeper shade of eye-shadow and another layer of lipstick, I went to the wardrobe and chose a red satin blouse and black miniskirt from the vast choice of sexy clothing that hung from the hangers before me. I quickly slid the skirt up my nylon-clad thighs and fastened the zip, then slid the blouse over my shoulders and buttoned it up before choosing a pair of two inch black heels to complete my outfit.
“Hey, what about your panties?” I hear some of you ask?
Truth is, because they only get in the way I never wear them, and prefer to let the cool night air waft over my naked cock and balls beneath my skirt as I walk along – besides, I feel far sexier knowing that my cock is nearly always totally exposed for anyone to see when I’m out for the evening and driving around in my car. All that’s now needed, is a necklace and some long, dangly earrings before grabbing my handbag, and I’m ready!
Because I live in a terraced house in a small town, I’ve got to be very careful that I’m not seen by the neighbours in my sexy outfit as I exit my house and get into the car – the reason being, I’d surely be branded as some sort of pervert for dressing as a woman.
So I slowly open the front door to check there’s nobody passing the house before I leave.
All’s clear, so I brazenly walk down the garden path in full view of anyone that could see me and cautiously lean over the gate to check up and down the road for anyone walking along the pavement. Even though all of this is done at night and therefore under the cover of darkness, my heart is in my mouth because I’m fairly well illuminated by the bright orange glow of the street-lights, and I’ve actually been caught several times at the gate by people suddenly appearing as if from nowhere! I’ve gotten away with it so far by quickly putting my head down and pretending to look for something in my handbag until they’ve passed by – hoping to God that my very short skirt wasn’t making me show too much leg and stocking-top! Luckily, I’ve never been caught by anyone that actually knows me!
If all’s clear, I unlock the car and quickly slide into the driving seat – quickly closing the door and adjusting my skirt so’s my stocking-tops are plainly showing in the dim light!
If I’m feeling especially horny, I’ll slowly drive through the well-lit, busy centre of the town – hoping that someone will maybe see my exposed stocking-tops and cock. As far as I know, nobody’s ever seen anything – but I live in hope!
Ten minutes later I pull up on the empty car park I use to meet other guys. It’s only a small car park and there’s enough room for maybe eight cars, but tonight, I seem to be the only one there, and settle down to wait for someone to drive up.
After smoking a ciggy, I get out, lean back against the car-door and then partly undo my blouse so’s my bra is on show, and then I idly start wanking my semi-exposed cock in the gloom until I suddenly see the headlights of a car approaching.
Getting back in the car, I watch as the car draws up and leaves an empty bay between us.
There’s only the driver on board, and so I switch on my interior-light for a few seconds to let him know I’m alone and looking for some action.
I’m in luck! He copies me and so I slowly open the drivers’ door and hitch my skirt up even higher before getting out with another ciggy – giving him an unobstructed view of me and how I’m dressed.
As I casually stand there in the warm summer’s evening air and idly smoke my ciggy with my stocking-tops and suspenders now totally on show beneath the hem of my miniskirt, the driver gets out and wanders round towards me.
He was middle-aged and casually dressed, and as he neared me, I turned towards him and spread my feet slightly to give him a better view of my suspenders and stocking-tops!
“Hi!” I smile, “It’s very quiet tonight!”
“Hmmm, so I see!” he replies as his hand immediately strays onto my nylon-clad thigh and starts to stroke it, “What d’you like doing?”
“I like sucking guys off and swallowing their cum, or being fucked bareback!” I reply as his hand cups my balls and then starts to slowly wank my rapidly stiffening cock!
With his other hand he reaches down to his fly and pulls out his own cock…….
“How would you like to suck me off then?” he asks as he continues to wank his cock, which is growing to a very decent size.
“Mmmm, I’d love to!” I smile, “Just let me know when you’re near to coming, so’s I can be ready for you! I’ll open my mouth wide if you want, and then you can see your cum spurting into it before I swallow it for you!”
“Yeah, that’d be nice!” he breathes, “But let me stroke you a little more before we start!”
He lets go of his now rigid cock and lifts the hem of my skirt right up, so’s the whole of my suspender-belt and nylons are now completely exposed to his gaze!
As he slowly caresses my undies suspender-framed cock with both hands, I reach down between us and start to wank his cock for him.
“Mmmm, I’m gonna really enjoy sucking on this beauty, and then feel it spurting your cum into my mouth!” I smile at him, “I love the taste of hot cum!”
“Chances are there’ll be quite a load for you!” he breathed as he continued to caress and fondle my exposed undies and cock, “I haven’t fucked the wife or had a wank for over a week! You…. you don’t mind swallowing a heavy load – do you?”
“All the better!” I gasp as he suddenly dips his head and sucks hard on my right nipple!
“Christ….! They’re real!” he gasps as his lips pull off me, “I think you’d better squat down and start sucking me right now – otherwise I’m gonna come without you!”
I quickly squat down and spread my knees – everything now totally on show to him as he looks down and watches my head rapidly bobbing back and forth on his cock!
It was only a minute or so later when he gasped that he was getting very near to coming!
“Quick! Push your head back with your mouth open and let me toss myself off!” he gasped finally, “I wanna watch my cum spurting into it!”
As he spread his legs wide and braced himself on the car with one hand and frantically wanked his rigid cock with the other, I did as he said – his breathing becoming more and more ragged as I reached up and scooped my firm tits out of the lacy confines of my bra.
With his orgasm drawing closer by the second, I kneaded and caressed my tits – rolling my erect nipples between my fingers and thumbs!
“I’m coming!” he gasped as he looked down and watched me squeezing a tit with one hand, whilst wanking my suspender-framed cock with the other, “Now!”
Then he gave a little grunt and directed his purple knob-end directly between my gaping lips – the first heavy spurt of his cum jetting from his cock and landing with a splat on my tongue! Again he groaned, as six or seven more heavy loads of his thick and creamy cum spurted from his jerking cock and rapidly filled my mouth!
“Oh yeah……!” he breathed hoarsely as the spurts of cum weakened and finally died down, “Now let me watch you swallowing it!”
Before I did, I reached up with my tongue and licked the last dribbles of his cum from his shiny knob-end, then slowly closed my mouth and swallowed his viscous load of cum!
A few seconds later I opened my mouth wide again to show him it was empty, then reached up again and sucked his shrinking cock into my mouth to clean it for him.
Smacking my lips as I pulled off his now flaccid cock, I finally stood up – my own cock still rigid and jutting lewdly out from between my nylon-clad thighs as it pushed up the hem of my mini-skirt!
“That was fucking great!” he grinned as he zipped up his fly, “Thanks!”
“No…. thank you!” I smiled, “I really enjoyed it as well, y’know!”
He finally drove off and left me still leaning against the car with my rigid cock in my hand, wondering whether to continue with my wank and toss myself off, or save it for later? I decided on the latter – who knew what was going to happen next?
I waited for a good half-hour for another cock to suck, but nobody drove up.
So I decided to drive down to a quiet country lane that was frequently used by courting couples, to see if I could get lucky with some of them instead.
Arriving about twenty minutes later, I pulled into a lay-by and stopped the engine.
There was an empty car already parked up behind me and room for about two more in front, so I decided to sit back and wait to see if any courting couples arrived.
Even though there was a high hedge alongside my open window, I noticed there was enough light in the car to see my exposed stocking-tops and suspenders as I reclined the seat and leant back as I lit up a ciggy. I could still taste in my mouth the musky cum from the guy I’d recently sucked off, so it was the most natural thing in the world to hitch my skirt right up, and to reach down to fondle my cock as I rolled my tongue around my mouth – my cock instantly responding to my intimate caresses, and jutting up lewdly from between my nylon-clad thighs. It was just then, that I heard the sound of someone walking on the gravel somewhere behind me. I strained to see in the rear-view mirror and saw the dark shape of a solitary figure approaching the car behind. Deciding that I should let them know I was there and on my own, I quickly switched on the interior-light and then switched it off again. It was a silly thing to do, because it totally blinded me, and I couldn’t see a bloody thing as I peered into the rear-view mirror once more!
As I sat back and waited for my eyes to adjust to the gloom once more, I suddenly realised the car behind hadn’t started up, and jumped a little in surprise when I turned to look and saw the figure of a guy peering in at me through the passenger window!
He didn’t move away, so I pressed the switch and lowered the electric window a little.
“Hi! You here on your own?” he asked as the window slid down.
“Yeah, I thought I’d just see if there was anyone about?” I replied, suddenly realising that due to being surprised at seeing him, I’d still gotten everything on show!
“Well I’ve been down here half an hour and haven’t seen anyone, but there’s time yet!” he said, “I thought at first you were a woman – but I can see that I was wrong, now!”
“Ooops! Sorry about that!” I grinned as I made to cover myself up.
“No! Don’t cover it up……! I’m rather enjoying the view!” he replied quickly.
“Well, if you come round to this side, I can open my door to give you an even better view!” I told him brazenly.
As he left the open window and walked round the back of the car, I opened my door wide and the interior-light came on, flooding the inside of the car with light once more!
“Oooo…., nice!” he breathed as he took in the sight of my exposed suspender-framed rigid cock and sexy undies in the harsh light.
He then reached inside and stroked my nylon-clad thigh, before continuing up along my taut suspender and onto my naked flesh. Only then did he curl his hand round the base of my cock and slowly slide it up and down several times!
“What d’you like….. doing?” he asked quietly as he continued to gaze at my erect cock.
“Well…… I like sucking guys off and swallowing their cum, and being fucked by them!” I replied, “I usually swallow their cum for them, and prefer to be fucked bareback, so’s I can feel their cum spurting into me – but you could use a condom if you wanted to!”
“Mmmm…… anything else?” he asked.
“I’m willing to try most things!” I smiled, “Why, what have you got in mind?”
“I might have something a little…… different, later for you to try!” he smiled back.
He then unzipped his pants and took out a truly massive cock!
“How would you like to be fucked by……. this?” he asked, “Could you take it all?”
It was about eight inches long and a good two inches across!
“Oh yeah, I’ve been fucked by cocks of that size before with no problems!” I told him truthfully, “And some a bit thicker than yours, actually!”
“Mmmm, good!” he smiled, “Well, put the light out and you can suck it for me for a few minutes, then we could maybe go through that gate so’s I could fuck you in the middle of the field! We’d be right out in the open, but nobody would be able to see us – besides, I don’t want to be disturbed by anyone while I’m fucking you! Would you like that?”
Wow….! My luck was in! I’d already sucked off a cock with a decent load tonight, and before too long, I was going to have this monster cock fucking and coming deep inside me – totally exposed whilst in the middle of a field!
“Oooo, yes please!” I grinned as I craned forward to suck his cock for him, “I’ve never been fucked in such an exposed place like the middle of a field before!”
“Oh, would it be okay if I brought my dog along – he’ll be no trouble? I was giving him a walk before I saw you, and I don’t really want to leave him locked up in the car because he gets anxious!” he asked. It was only then as the dog showed it’s face in the open doorway, that I noticed the guy was holding a leash! It was a brown and white Boxer.
“Sure, bring him along!” I replied, “He can join in with us if he wants!”
I added that last bit about him joining in with us, as a joke – me not realising until later on, how accurate a statement I’d just made!
“He’d most likely take you up on that, if you’d to let him! He’s a real horny sod!” the guy laughed as I turned sideways in my seat and sat with my feet on the ground – my lips closing round his knob-end as I started sucking him.
Although being fucked by a dog had never even entered my head before, I found myself mentally picturing him mounting me as I knelt in the middle of the field on all fours with my ass sticking up in the air – and I was getting more and more turned on with the idea!
My lips slid effortlessly up and down the guy’s thick shaft as I sucked hard on his cock and reached forward to cup his dangling balls in my hand – him gasping as he thrust back and forth so’s his bulbous knob-end was repeatedly being pushed right down my throat!
“Christ, you certainly know how to suck a guy’s cock for him” he breathed, “You’re as good as any woman I’ve had in the past – for sure!”
As my head bobbed back and forth, my stomach churned with the exhilarating and stimulating thoughts of the dog fucking me, and the mental images filled my head as I looked down at the dog, sitting patiently alongside it’s master with it’s furry-sheathed cock hanging between it’s hind legs! For some reason, I couldn’t take my eyes off the blasted dog’s cock, and once again I felt the pre-cum start to liberally ooze in sticky strings from my exposed knob-end, so’s they dangled from it before parting and dropping onto the ground between my feet!
I’d only been sucking the guy’s cock for two or three minutes when he asked me to stop and suggested that we lock up the car and go into the field for his fuck.
Because I was feeling so hot and horny, I readily agreed, and quickly locked up the car before following the guy and his dog through the gate – my rigid suspender-framed cock pointing the way as it jutted out from under the hem of my mini-skirt!
“D’you…… d’you think he actually would want to fuck me?” I finally managed to blurt out as we set off for the middle of the field – my erect nipples pushing hard against the lacy ½ cups of my bra and my stomach now turning somersaults!
“Well actually………” the guy replied somewhat hesitantly, “That’s exactly what I meant when I said earlier, that I might have something a little… different, for you to try!
I could give you a real good fucking, and then it’d be Saxon’s turn to show you what he could do! So what d’you think……..? You willing to give it a try?”
“Ermm…… yeah, I don’t see why not?” I replied as nonchalantly as I could, “You never know if you’re gonna like something, until you try it!”
“Oh, I think you’ll like it!” he replied knowingly, “And I bet you’ll want to try it again!”
“You’d better give me your phone number before you leave, then!” I joked, “We could end up making this a regular thing!”
“If you fuck as good as you suck, I’ll give it to you anyway!” he replied, “That was fucking fantastic back there by the car when you were sucking me!”
“I’ve had plenty of practice!” I smirked, “Plenty!”
“Hmmm! And it shows!” he laughed, “Well, this’ll do us okay, I think?”
I looked round and saw in the dim light that we were totally in the open and exposed on all sides, with nothing to hide us from anyone that knew we were there!
As he took off his pants and told Saxon to “Stay!”, I found the exposed nature of our location added greatly to the excitement that was rapidly building deep inside my guts!
“How d’you want me?” I asked, “On my hands and knees?”
“Hmmm, that’d be best, I think?” he replied, “Then you’ll also be ready for Saxon when I’ve finished fucking you!”
“No problem!” I replied, “Oh, I think it’d be best if you used some of this?”
I turned round and handed him a tube of KY gel from my handbag so that he could smear his cock with it. As he did, I unbuttoned my blouse and slid it off my shoulders, then undid the clasp of my front-fastening bra – the two lacy cups instantly snapping apart to hang loosely by my sides – leaving my firm 36b tits and erect nipples totally exposed!
Luckily, I’d already taken the trouble to use a dildo and some KY gel on myself before coming out to open myself up, just in case someone wanted to fuck me – a trick I learned a very long time ago after coming home several nights in a row with a very sore but deliciously cum-filled, oozing ass! Now it’s much more comfortable for me and the guy’s cock slides inside me much easier.
I then sank down onto my hands and knees and waited with a real sense of anticipation and exhilaration, as the guy went round behind me and got between my splayed legs – his beautifully erect cock swaying from side to side.
Then I felt him caressing my nylon-clad thighs for several seconds before he slowly slid my mini-skirt up past my hips, to completely expose my taut suspender-framed ass.
With baited breath, I felt him nudge his bulbous knob-end up against my waiting ass and the coldness of the KY gel that was smeared upon it. Then with one hand holding my hip and the other guiding his cock, he slowly pushed forward so’s my sphincter muscles started to stretch, to allow him inside. With a bit more force, he slowly eased his bulbous knob-end past the restriction of the tight muscles before it suddenly slid inside me!
He then rested for a brief moment before taking hold of my hips with both hands and then simply eased his entire length deep inside me as I pushed my hips back at him and settled onto the immense bulk of his invading cock!
“Jesus fucking Christ…….! That feels fucking good!” he gasped, as the base of his cock slowly pushed up hard against my overstretched but ever yielding asshole, “What a beautiful fucking ass you have! No wonder you like it to be fucked!”
To accept his praise instead of replying, I tightened and relaxed my sphincter muscles several times around his thick shaft!
“Oooo! I felt that, you horny little bitch!” he laughed, “Right! This horny little bitch is gonna get a real good fucking!”
“Mmmm, let’s hope Saxon thinks the same way, later on!” I replied as he started to slide his massive cock in and out of my well-lubed ass and pick up speed!
“Oh God, yessssss! Fuck me!” I cried weakly as his balls slapped hard and loud against my own, “Fuck that massive cock of yours into my ass and spurt your thick and creamy cum deep inside me! I want to feel your cock jerking as you’re spurting your thick load of cum deep inside me! Come on! Fuck meeeeeeee!”
“Oh I will!” he gasped breathlessly, “I will!”
My whole body rocked back and forth with the sheer power of his thrusts and our bodies slapped together loudly as he bottomed out deep inside me – his swollen knob-end now pushing up hard against the innermost reaches of my insides!
He then got off his knees so’s he was kinda squatting behind me and cupped both of my tits whilst fucking into me. This had the effect of making his massive knob-end ‘wedge’ inside me as though his knob-end was a cork in a tight bottle-neck when he reached the limit of his thrusts into me – something I’d never experienced before.
Then, as he withdrew, his knob-end seemed to remain ‘jammed’ or wedged deep inside the depths of my ass for a split-second before finally pulling free. Perhaps it was the suction that was caused by the well-defined large flange where his knob-end joined onto his shaft? Whatever it was, it sure felt great, and it made him reach his orgasm more rapidly, for a few moments later he gasped that he was getting near to coming!
“Oooo yessssss! Let it go!” I urged him, “Fuck me real hard, and spurt your cum deep inside my ass for me! Let me feel your massive cock jerking and throbbing as you fill my ass with your thick and creamy cum! C’mon…… I want it all inside me!”
To help him reach his orgasm, I was repeatedly tightening and relaxing my sphincter muscles – milking his thrusting cock for all I was worth in an effort to feel that beautiful cum being spurted deep inside me!
“I’m coming!” he suddenly gasped, “NOWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!”
I felt his cock and knob-end swell even thicker and larger, and then felt his cock jerking madly, and the beautiful ‘wet’ feeling I always felt as his thick cum liberally coated the inside walls of my ass!
He was rocking my whole body back and forth as he repeatedly slammed his spurting cock deep inside my willing ass – filling it with the thick cum that I craved so much!
Then he stopped dead with his still spurting cock buried into my ass as deeply as he could get it, and I felt him jerking and then heard him grunting softly in time with each dying spurt of his cum into me! He then almost collapsed on top of my back and fought for breath as his cock slowly shrank and finally plopped out of my well-fucked ass.
“Lie back and I’ll suck it clean for you!” I told him as he struggled to get off my back.
He did as I’d asked and I was immediately between his splayed knees – avidly sucking and licking his cock clean of his cum for him!
It was then that I suddenly felt Saxon’s tongue frantically licking my gaping asshole!
“I think you’ve just found out that Saxon’s very partial to my cum!” he explained, “He always cleans me up after I’ve had a good wank!”
“He’ll hopefully be replacing it with some of his own in a few minutes time!” I replied.
“Yeah, and with a lot more than mine!” the guy grinned, “A lot more!”
“Really? How much more?” I asked him.
“Well put it this way……. It’ll be flooding out of your ass and running down your legs before he’s finished!” he replied, “And if he knots inside you, you’ll both be ‘tied’ for over half an hour, I guess!”
“And he’ll be coming inside me, all that time?” I asked incredulously.
“That’s right!” he said, matter-of-factly, “You’re about to be fucked like you’ve never been fucked before! The fuck we just had was nothing compared to the one a dog gives!”
My stomach once more gurgled and turned over several times with excitement! This fuck with Saxon sounded like it was gonna be the fuck to end all fucks! But for now, he was happy just to be licking up his master’s cum as it oozed from my gaping asshole!
Five minutes later I was back on all fours with my suspender-framed ass totally exposed, as I nervously waited for Saxon’s cock!
“You ready for this?” the guy asked me.
“Ready, willing and waiting!” I replied confidently.
“Okay……! Saxon……. c’mon boy, your turn now, lad!” he said.
The dog eagerly jumped up and ran over to stand behind me………..!
Upon hearing his master’s instruction, Saxon jumped up on my back with his fore-paws and started humping madly at my exposed ass!
His aim was terrible and at first, the only thing he succeeded in doing, was to cover my ass-cheeks with pre-cum as he gripped me round my waist and repeatedly stabbed his pointed cock at me. I hadn’t realised that a dog’s cock has some sort of bone running along it’s length – and even when still flaccid, it’s inflexible and hurts a little when jabbed against your ass! It was only with the help of his master’s guiding hand, that he eventually found his mark and rammed his entire length into me with one thrust!
Once he felt the heat of my ass around his rapidly stabbing cock, Saxon stepped forward and danced around on his hind-legs as he really started to fuck his cock into me!
Even as he rapidly fucked his thin cock into me, I could plainly feel the still small knot of his repeatedly sliding in and out of my ass!
For the first five seconds or so I wasn’t all that impressed with being doggy-fucked, and then his cock and knot rapidly started to grow longer and thicker!
I was amazed as to how fast his cock swelled and started forcing my ass to open up, and I was also greatly impressed by the way his knot was growing and swelling much larger by the second – so large, that he was having difficulty in pushing it inside me!
He’d only been fucking me for about eight seconds, and already his cock felt as long and as thick as any human cock I’d had in my ass! Then he pushed really hard and I suddenly felt his knot force it’s way through the relatively tight opening of my ass, and slide inside me – which brought me some temporary relief from the bashing the entrance to my ass had been receiving!
But the relief was very short-lived! As soon as he’d gotten his cock and his knot inside me, he really ‘went to town’ on me! While his cock had become hugely long and thick – the pointed tip now easily reaching the innermost part of my ass with each violent thrust into me, his knot began to grow to truly massive proportions and stretched my ass-walls to their utmost as it slid back and forth inside me! But apart from the rapidly growing uncomfortable feeling of his swelling knot inside me, I was truly in heaven as I felt his massive cock giving me the best fucking I’d ever experienced!
Then Saxon changed his rhythm and no longer stabbed his cock into me, instead he fucked it into me with deep and powerful thrusts – his knot sliding even deeper inside me and all feelings of any discomfort, quickly fading away!
Now I really began to enjoy it! My ass was literally crammed full of his cock – his magnificent knot making sure we were locked together as tightly as he could make us!
I felt immense feelings of sheer and immense lust washing over me as his cock jerked and throbbed inside me and finally spat his cum deep inside me!
I was his – no doubt about that! I was his bitch and had been raped by him – no pretence, no formalities! I was being ‘taken’ and ‘used’ by him for his pleasure with no regard for my own feelings – which happened to be intensifying by the second!
It was only when he stopped thrusting and laid over my back so that I could feel the powerful spurts of cum being squirted deep inside me by his heavily throbbing cock, that I suddenly realised that my own cock was rock-hard, and lewdly jutting out from between my nylon-clad thighs – harder than I’d ever known it be before! I also realised that me and Saxon were alone – with no sight of his master!
So here I was, dressed in my sexy undies, on my hands and knees in the middle of a field, with a Boxer dog knotted deep inside my ass and rapidly filling me with it’s cum!
I then saw the guy returning from the car, with something in his hand.
“Sorry about that!” he called as he approached us, “Just been for the camera!”
As he started taking pictures of me being fucked by his dog, I became really excited at the thought of other people looking at them and seeing what I was doing! And it was the feeling of Saxon’s cum overflowing from me and running down my naked thighs, that made me suddenly aware that I was rapidly nearing an orgasm!
The feeling of being so soundly fucked by Saxon, was going to make me come – even though I hadn’t touched my cock!
“I’m…… I’m gonna come!” I gasped to the guy, I’m really gonna come!”
He immediately got down with the camera and shot picture after picture of my spurting cock – Saxon sensing my orgasm by the way my ass was contracting round his bloated cock – which made him start to fuck it into me again!
I’d never felt so deliciously horny in my life as I did just then! Wave after orgasmic wave of lust washed over me as the guy stood back and took loads more pictures of me soundly knotted, and being thoroughly fucked senseless, by his horny dog!
Although I was no longer spurting cum, I was having orgasm after orgasm as my guts rumbled and gurgled with the sheer amount of cum they were having spurted into them!
Saxon’s cum was now flooding past the tight seal of his knot in my ass, and freely running down my thighs – soaking my nylons through!
Because we’d been firmly knotted for about five minutes, or simply because I was too elated to care, I dropped down with my face onto the grass. This had the immediate effect of making Saxon slide one leg over my back and turn round, so’s we were now actually ass-to-ass – held together as one by his massively swollen cock, and bulbous knot!
Again the camera repeatedly flashed, as a river of doggy-cum literally gushed from my distended asshole, the guy going round to quickly photograph every drop of cum he could as it ran like piss off my now dangling cock!
“Hey…! I can actually see the back part of Saxon’s knot stretching and forcing your ass open!” he told me excitedly as he flashed away, “You’ll not believe the pictures I’m getting! Fuck me! Look at the fucking size of it! Christ, I don’t know how the hell you’ve managed to take all of that monster inside your ass!”
The sight of what he was photographing had a definite horny effect on him, and he walked round to the side of us with a massive hard-on!
“Let me set this to automatic and get a picture of you sucking my cock with Saxon still knotted deep inside you!” he told me excitedly, “Then you’ll have a record of you being ‘spit-roasted’ by a dog and his master!” I was so turned-on and feeling so fucking horny at being so soundly fucked by Saxon, the guy could’ve suggested me doing all this again in the main street of town with everyone watching us and urging us on, and I would’ve gladly agreed to do it! I felt like a total slut and was being treated like one – with no regrets at all! In fact, I couldn’t wait for this to happen again….. and again….. and again….. and again….. and again…..!
The camera flashed and saved the picture for posterity as the guy then sat back and started tossing himself off – raising himself onto his knees to spurt his cum into my open and very willing mouth!
“Mmmm, you like sucking cocks and drinking cum, don’t you?” the guy said, “How would you like to suck Saxon’s cock for him when he pulls out of you? Then you could drink his cum for him as well!”
I moaned my approval on his cum-smeared cock, and avidly caressed his balls for him.
“Mmmm, I thought you would!” he smiled, “I’d be able to get some real good snaps of you with Saxon standing over you, and with you lying on your back with his spurting cock in your mouth! Then you could drink as much as you wanted!”
Again I moaned my approval loudly on his cock!
“Well you won’t have to wait too long, I reckon he’ll be about ready for pulling out of you in a few minutes!” he told me, “You’ll feel his knot shrinking just before he starts trying to pull out of you, so let me know and I’ll make sure he doesn’t pull out too soon!”
I found out later that the dog sometimes tries to pull out of you before his knot has gone down enough – causing you lots of pain!
But the guy seemed to know what he was doing – and sure enough, about three minutes later I felt Saxon’s know shrinking and my ass bulging as he tried to pull it out of me.
The guy simply held Saxon’s cock inside me until he could see that my ass wasn’t bulging out too much, which meant it’s knot had shrunk sufficiently.
“Okay, you ready?” he asked me, “I’ll catch him before he wanders off, so you can crawl underneath him and hold onto his cock. Then he’ll stop where he is and you can have all the cum you want, as I catch you both on film!”
I spread my knees wider and felt Saxon tugging – my ass now so relaxed and dilated, he slipped out of me with very little pain but a deluge of cum! I could actually feel it draining from my ass and then from my guts as they gurgled loudly!
I then tried to turn round and crawl towards Saxon, but my legs were useless and didn’t go where I wanted them to go! So I half-rolled and shuffled underneath him before taking hold of his massive purple and red-veined, still spurting cock behind the still relatively massive knot – directing the spurts of cum all over my face as the guy snapped away!
“Let’s get some of him spurting into your mouth!” the guy called to me.
With no more ado, I opened my mouth wide and directed the pointed tip of Saxon’s spurting cock inside – spurt after spurt of his cum spraying onto my tongue! It didn’t taste bad – a slightly salty and ‘metallic’ taste, just as though I was drinking it from a can!
Then my lips closed around the massive shaft and I slid them up and down as I eagerly gulped down the copious cum he was spurting into my mouth!
Thirty seconds more of me holding onto his cock as I directed the spurts of cum into my open mouth for the camera, and then I let go and laid back and sucked him until I’d swallowed my fill!
Saxon then simply wandered away and started licking his cock himself as I laid back on the grass with my legs apart – cum still draining from my gaping ass and with a gutful of cum! Surprisingly, in spite of my many orgasms, I was still feeling as horny as hell and started to have a much needed wank!
The guy zoomed in with the camera and caught my surprisingly strong spurts of reasonably thick and creamy cum as they arced through the air and landed with a ‘splat’ on my dog-cum bloated belly!
“Here…… take some of me doing this!” I called to him as I scooped up the cum from my belly and allowed it to drip from my fingers …. into my open mouth!
“You horny, fucking, bitch!” he breathed as I cleaned all traces of my cum from my belly, “That’s three different lots of cum you’ve had tonight!”
“Mmmm! And I loved drinking all of them!” I grinned.
Fifteen minutes later we set off back to the cars – me feeling fucked and very happy!
“We never did get round to names… I’m Suzy!” I told him as I lit up a ciggy and leant against the car with my legs apart so’s Saxon’s cum could still drain from me.
“Hi Suzy!” he replied, “I’m Jason! Let me give you my phone number before I forget it!
I assume you will want to meet us again?”
“Oh yes!” I grinned, “Do I? I’ll give you my address as well, so’s you can come round and show me the pictures!”
“That’s not all I’ll show you!” Jason grinned, “But it’ll have to be in a few days time so’s I can have chance to recover from tonight!”
“No problem, I’ll be there for you!” I smiled, “Dressed as Suzy! Oh yes, and I’ll be there for Saxon as well, if you want to bring him round with you some night soon?”
“Within the week – I promise you!” he grinned as he got in his car before driving off!
Jason kept his promise, and since then, we’ve had many evenings in at my place, and outside in the nearby fields – all three of us!

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