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Mom had insisted on visiting me to see my new home – I hadn’t mentioned my five new companions that now seemed to rule my life … but there was no way to stop her from coming – so the day before her arrival, I stopped in at a boutique I’d seen a few times – it looked like it would have a new outfit for the occasion, not too sexy, but hot enough to turn a few heads … my mother was about as hot and sexy as anyone I’d ever meant … although dad had passed away several years earlier, I knew she dated, new she had a healthy sex life … just prayed she’d understand about mine.

The small shop only had a few customers in, looking around a cute young blonde clerk asked if she could help me find anything? Telling her what I was looking for, she picked out a few outfits to try on, then accompanied me to the fitting rooms.

Being a confirmed lesbian for years, there was a definite interest between the two of us … which was why when we stepped in the enclosed fitting room, the way her eyes went blank for a moment … then they cleared, but leaving her in an obvious erotic state of mind, surprised me a little.

Reaching out, touching my bare arm … then moving close to me, leaning in – kissing my neck … her eyes filled with the haze she was feeling for some reason.

This body is way too hot to pass up, especially when I thought about the fact it had been a long time since I’d enjoyed any sex that wasn’t with a dog..

Locking in a full body kiss, in no time I was nude, stretched out on a small seat, legs wide open, she was devouring the juices my body was producing, they seemed to make her whimper the more she drank. It only took a few minutes for me to plunge over the edge, flooding her mouth with this liquid … something I’d never done before. Normally I’m wet, but nothing more when I climax, but this time there was a lot of liquid. As soon as I’d relaxed, it was a pleasure to return the favor … I picked out a cute jump type of short dress that I thought mom would like, kissed the cutie before I left, promising to return or meet her after work someplace.

The question that kept going over and over in my mind, had the dogs seed from that first meeting, when it was absorbed into my body, had that changed me to the point where the scent I was giving off, signaled my sexual desire and had my juices been changed as well.

Mom’s plane was on time, as soon as we saw each other we hugged. It had been such a long time and I had missed her … but when I was about to end the embrace, she held on … finally separating – she like the young clerk had a distant glazed look in her eyes. She talked, about a lot of things while we waited for her luggage … once in the car, she slid as close to me as possible … she wasn’t really focusing on me, instead her eyes occasionally rolled away in her head, the lids opening then slowly closing. Her hand was rubbing my bare arm, small little kisses on my bare shoulder .. this was my mom, but for some reason that didn’t seem to matter, the more she touched me, the more excited I was becoming … We hadn’t been on the freeway long – it was becoming obvious mom was becoming so aroused, I was afraid we might end up crashing – when I spotted a small hotel .. since my place was a few hours away, pulling into the small inn, while my mother stayed in the car, I got us a room, driving the vehicle around the back, parking in front of the room, she never asked what was happening, just followed me inside – as soon as the door was closed, both of us were nude. The fact we were mom and daughter had all been erased from our mind.

At first we just made out, when my hand moved between her legs, a low whimpering moan told me how much she needed what I was doing. Easing first one then two fingers up inside her, my thumb rubbing her clit, pumping quickly in an upward motion, brought her to the edge in just a few minutes .. stopping to allow her to bring me to the same position, I was somewhat embarrassed at how quick her to tongue licking between my legs, triggered me to explode, like in the boutique, I sprayed the nectar all over her face, filling her mouth … allowing her time to swallow what I had shared.

I thought my juices had changed the young sales clerk, but I knew my mom … so that when she relaxed, licking the little remains on her face, when she looked at me, her eyes obviously were hazed There was a distinct far away look, making it impossible for her to focus on me … we had both crossed a line that normally is not crossed, but I didn’t have any regrets, mom was so far away, I doubt she even knew what had happened. To tell the truth I had dreamed of hooking up with her for years, now in a small motel we had enjoyed each others bodies.

The ride to my place, only took a short time or it seemed like a short time , all the way, my hand was between her legs, while her body humped my hand.

Taking my hand, walking from the garage to the back yard, helping her out of the clothes she had on, the dogs were interested in who the new female was.

Curious they started to circle her, mom didn’t seem to have any fear, watching each one – then seeing the ottoman and the padding it had around the base, without any help, she knelt down, making sure her legs were spread wide apart, relaxing her upper body on the padding. One lick between her legs, the same one who had mounted me first, did the same to my mom.

I watched her closely, as soon as he was in her, the eyes took on a whole new look … One I’d never seen before in anyone but one I recognized immediately. That wonderful cock inside her, was the beginning of pure pleasurable satisfaction.

Following the same pattern they had with me, one mounted her head, slipping his shaft deep inside her mouth … both in her started to move back and forth, but unlike most dogs, these moved very slowly – seeming to want to excite her, opening her body to receive their special seed, just like my body had.

Rubbing between my legs, I watched them pump her for a long long time. She was crying out with a low moans and whimpering … her nipples were hard as rocks, her face flushed with, the eyes floating to a place far away …. that was about when the first two dogs emptied their load deep inside her. Like me when they pulled out, all fo their seed remained inside, being absorbed into her body. Her body immediately replaced by two more cocks … this routine took place four more times, each one emptying their mixture in her pussy as well as in her mouth, causing her to swallow every drop.

When she slumped to the side then slid down, I remembered how uncomfortable I had been, now seeing that she looked like she was several months pregnant – I understood what had happened to me.

I had experienced one mini orgasm after the next … my legs were covered in my own cum … but I watched her closely, – hugging her … “I’m so sorry mom, the dogs seduced me in the park when I first moved in, I’ve been their bitch ever since. I had no choice but to bring you here to them. Please tell me you understand”

She was too far gone, too exhausted, every muscle in her body ached .. so no response came forth – instead helping her up to the shower, then making sure she was ready for bed, almost immediately sleep took over.

The next morning we talked – telling her everything that had happened going back to the ranch – she stayed for two more weeks, each day enjoying what the dogs could do for her …. at night we were lesbian lovers, then all too soon I drove her back to the airport … some questions neither of us had answers to, did we attract females to us and what would happen if we came upon a real dog. We also agreed, that if I picked up females from clubs, the dogs would convert them to the love of beastality. Hugging her goodbye, she promised to let me know what happened when she got home.

Mom’s story

The flight home took several hours, it was nice to be setting by a cute young girl … more then excited to talk while we waited to leave the city. Since Nikki and I had talked extensively about the effects we may have on someone close, especially females – I watched my new flight companion, Allyn breathe in what I assumed was a new scent, something the hounds had changed in me. We had just pulled away from the gate, when her eyes rolled up slightly in her head – she lost focus for a few seconds, shaking her head, looking around confused, then just as quickly her eyes rolled up again.

That’s when I thought I’d press the issue, leaning in very close, so we could whisper, “You OK Allyn, it looked like you were feeling something new and strange?”

She no longer could reply, just taking in deep breaths and loosing all ability to focus … she had on a short mini skirt, barely covering her bottom, when she was putting away her overhead bags and her handbag under the seat, I noticed she was going commando … taking a chance, since she was in the window seat, by my leaning over to her, it looked like we were talking. Slipping my hand between her legs, more then satisfied when they opened wide to allow me full access .. when I pushed two fingers up inside her, she let out a low whimper, her body jerked, raising her hips, squeezing my hand .. it only took a few pumps and she exploded – covering my hand with her juices.

I made out with her, until we were in the air, then had her join me in the restroom, where I had my legs wide open, my pussy so wet it was dripping … She licked me for a few minutes, when I crashed over the ledge – filling her mouth with my juices, so much so she swallowed again and again.

That was all it took, she was all mine, I could have stripped her nude and enjoyed her body in the aisle, she wouldn’t have resisted in anyway.

We continued to give pleasure to one another, it was obvious the more she was near me, the more of my juices she consumed .. the further under my control she was becoming.

Calling my daughter when I picked up my car, “Honey there is no doubt, if I’d taken her home with me, I’d have had her under my control the same way you have me – the only problem would be I don’t have the dogs”

Arriving home late in the evening, I showered, enjoyed a glass of wine, then turned in for the evening.

Being nude was now so normal for me, fixing some fruit and a cup of coffee, taking it out to my back yard – high fence with shrubbery, added to total seclusion with the exception of Charlie, a large white lab who lived next door.

Anytime I was out back, as soon as he heard me, it was only moments before he’d come charging .. his normal greeting is to zero in with his nose directly between my legs. I’d push him away, then he was like any normal dog, fun to be with.

I had just set down in a large lounge chair, the morning sun warming me up, moving a side table closer to me, moments later I heard him coming. This time I opened my legs wide, decided to let him do what he always wanted to – lick me then see what happened next.

I watched his sleek, trim white body running at full speed, up from my back yard entrance – coming at full speed, this time however, my eyes were closed for the contact, but it never happened, He stopped dead in his tracks a little over a foot or so away.

Opening my eyes when he didn’t make contact, he was setting on his back legs, a clear view between his legs, showed the pink piston was starting to show. He was sniffing the air, while I kept focused between his legs, that monster continued to grow, eventually the knot coming out in full display.

At that moment something strange and new came over me, dropping to my knees, turning to lean on the chair, spreading my legs wide … his nose now made contact, that marvelous tongue slowly licking all of my sexual area between my legs .. then in one motion he jumped up, mounting me – his large shaft finding its mark, slipping all the way in as deep as possible.

It was so sudden I gasped, but when his knot started to push against my opening, a small explosion ravaged my body, The only thing similar between what was happening to me now and the dogs at my daughters house, they both looked like dogs. Charlie was pounding me with the speed you’d expect to get used by a dog, his knot was pressing against my opening – eventually pushing its way in, triggering a mind blowing orgasm, one that was so different from anything the five beasts had done to me. It left me exhausted, panting, unable to fully understand what was happening to me.

The knot had just relaxed inside me, when the familiar feeling of a massive amount of seed began to flood the insides of me. This was something the previous dogs had given to me that I just loved, now however this was Charlie, my favorite dogs of all dogs … a wave of love and submission washed over me – in my heart I knew I had just become his cum dumping bitch, to be used when he needed or wanted me.

We were locked together for a long time, eventually pulling out of me, followed by what felt like buckets of seed. Turning, he had laid down on his side not far from me. Crawling to him, leaning down to take his still hard cock in my mouth … I licked, sucked and swallowed every bit of our combined juices.

Several things happened after this, first; Nikki’s dogs definitely changed us. Second; we were sexually attractive to human females and any male dog. Third; Charlie was a ‘kiss and tell’ lover. He used me exclusively for a few days, then other male dogs began to visit, I found I was submissive to any of them, so … I was becoming the town bitch to be used by any male dog in the area.

Sometimes they would be lined up to take their turns, when this happened, I could barely crawl to the bath tub, soak my poor body, then crawl in bed – moments like these made me realize … Visiting my daughter was the best decision I’ve ever experienced.

I’d love to visit a club and pick up some hot chick, problem is as soon as I go outside, I’m on all fours being fucked by some dog from somewhere.