Women with Animals

Curiosity got me raped – but I loved every minute of it


I lived so far away from my grandparents that I never got to know them, much more then a few phone calls on birthdays and Christmas … they lived on a large farm in Montana, had horses, dogs, a few cattle and a few other animals .. but that was all I knew, until the summer between my junior and senior year in high school … Dad had passed away before I entered high school, so it was just mom and me … but during that few months, she had to go into the hospital for an intense treatment, which would take a couple of months.

I was old enough to take care of myself, but between grandparents and mom – they decided to have me spend the few months on the ranch then come back before my final high school year.

Since I didn’t really know them, it was exciting and something I was looking forward to- spending time with them.

Both of them picked me up at the airport … they were just like I had imagined … on the way to their place, we talked, laughed, talked about mom … all in all had a great time. It took over an hour from the airport to get to the ranch, a couple of their staff had lunch fixed for us … this had to be the best meal I think I’d ever eaten. Mid afternoon they took me on a tour of the place – the large barn, the various animals .. large area where they grew hay to help with the feed needed.

That evening they gave me a few chores to help with … one meant I had to get up early, check out the pen of chickens located in back of the main house … it meant feeding them, gathering the eggs laid the previous day .. once a month cleaning the inside of the pen … It was easy and I loved the way the birds acted … I’d been doing this for approximately a week, when one morning I was heading to the pen … two of the farm dogs were acting strange. stopping to watch them, the male was sniffing and licking the female .. she took a piss, he tasted that .. then back to her bottom, more licking – then to my surprise he jumped up on her back.

I knew about sex .. but to tell you the truth, I never really knew what actually happened. Being close enough to see him enter her, pounding her, the knot slipping in, he impregnated her, then knotted .. eventually pulling away, watching large amount of liquid flowing out .. both were on different ways in a few minutes.

While I sat there, not realizing what I was doing, one hand between my legs, the other squeezing, massaging each breast … breathing heavy … the orgasm that rumbled through my body, soaked my panties … having to stay where I was for a short time .. eventually completing my tasks.

Why I got excited watching the dogs breed was not understood, but the explosion that took place afterwards was more then worth it. A few days later I was alone in the barn, when two pigs hooked up outside their pens. Checking to see if I was all alone, settling down against a bale of hay, where I couldn’t be seen easily … like before watching that curly squiggly cock penetrate her .. going deeper and deeper … then easily seeing him pumping his seed deep in side her body … had my hands in the same place as before, this time leaning back against the bale, legs spread wide open – no panties being worn now .. the explosion accompanied by a small whimper then a low moan … much louder then I wanted … he had pulled out of her, she was still standing, not moving – I suspected although she couldn’t express it, she was riding just as high as I was.

For the next three months, I watched horses, more dogs, a couple of pig hook ups again – one of the big bulls mounted a cow in the middle of the field – but grandpa was next to me … we watched, he laughed saying it looked like we’d have a few more calves later on.

I couldn’t do anything right then, but the moisture dripping down the insides of my legs, was easily felt … a few minutes later I remembered something I had to do back with the chickens, running to be alone – laying down behind the big coop, I was pumping two fingers inside me, triggering a much needed climax …this time even more intense from having to wait.

My vacation ended, back home, mom was recovering and going to be just fine, my grandparents hated to see me go … I hated to leave. Senior year was uneventful for the most part, I dated a few guys, even let one of them go all the way with me, but it wasn’t as satisfying for me as I imagined it would feel like if I had been with one of the animals.

College was next … when possible, walking in a park near by, more then once I’d catch two dogs getting it on, just like at the farm, I’d be mesmerized watching, always ending these sessions in the same way, bringing myself off – then for a few minutes having to rest in order to come back down to earth, slowing down my breathing and taking time to focus again.

College also gave me the opportunity to join into various internet sites of animals enjoying sex. I’d carefully watch, but it was not like watching the acts in real time, so the excitement wasn’t the same.

The final year at the university brought some sad news to us … both grandparents caught the flu, they were old, low immune systems, they just couldn’t fight the disease off – we lost both of them. Mom sold the farm, splitting the proceeds in half with me – I had no idea how wealthy they were, this put me in a position of total financial freedom – so when I graduated, landing a good position at a well established firm … giving me the option to work most of the time from home, I purchased a home with a little property – setting next to a state park, giving me the opportunity to go for walks in the evenings, easily locating animals that helped me with my now number one hobby – watching to see animals breed with one another. Birds, cats, wild animals like squirrels and of course dogs were easily visible.

I had found an outfit that was designed like a mans large dress shirt, skipping panties and bras, left me with complete access to my body, while staying clothed so no embarrassments made it uncomfortable to come back again.

After all this time, the enjoyment I felt when watching this taking place, had not diminished in any way, my body still explodes just as easy, with the same intensity as I experienced by the chicken coop at the ranch.

One weekend morning, I had picked a quiet place to just watch, looking for something that might happen in the early morning .. when suddenly a group of big dogs came running by. They were all males, it looked like there were five of them .. no specific breed that I could make out .. the way they were checking out everything, it looked like they were looking for trouble. They were not far from me when a smaller female poodle came trotting by. The way the males stopped, I suspected she was in heat – but she didn’t see them until it was too late.

They surrounded her, sniffing the scent, taking turns licking between her legs, licking her face and mouth, something I’d never seen before. The smaller of the group, mounted her – which surprised me, this was definitely not the alpha, but he was in her first. Again something I’d never seen before … he started pounding her, just as fast as any dogs had been, but he didn’t seem to be pushing in a knot … instead just fucking. Looking at the poor poodle, she had a big male trying to hump her face … this ones cock was out but the poor female had no idea what to do .. she’d lick it … try to move, but there was no place to go. The small one filled her body with his seed, as soon as he pulled out a second one jumped on her, his cock sliding in easily in the cum loaded pussy. It took two dogs to teach her how to accept the shaft in her mouth … to my total surprise he filled her mouth with his seed.
Having never seen anything like this before, never reading about anything like this, my body felt like it was on fire. Dripping moisture between my legs, tits hard as rocks and aching … eyes were becoming hazed, but I knew I had to get a closer look.

Very close to what was taking place, a large log, all covered in moss – which looked like it would be soft to lean on, crawling silently to this new location, pulling up my top so easy access to my own pussy would be possible – leaning on it, now it was easy to see the situation the poor poodle was in. A different cock was in her mouth, cum already running out the sides, the fourth or fifth one in her pussy … excess also running down her legs … her eyes showed she was in a complete daze … having no idea what was happening to her. Her legs were shaking, having a hard time staying upright …

I had laid across the log, spreading my own legs wide apart – one arm steading me, the other between my legs, rubbing furiously my own pussy … my body becoming so close to an explosion … when suddenly a large nose pressed between my legs, the huge tongue licking from my clit to the anal opening, instantly causing me to gasp, then turning … it was one of the pack … trying to push him away, brought a sharp growl, one that scared me – instantly becoming frozen.

A second animal left the poodle, joining his companion behind me, taking turns licking my already soaked sex area. Both of their bodies were against me in such a way, it was impossible to push back trying to stand up.

Fear gripped me, I knew what was coming – I had never planned on being fucked by a dog, let alone several of them. Twisting, trying to push them away, scolding them as ‘bad doggies’ … nothing stopped them. Trying to close my legs, they were standing between them, making it impossible to prevent this from happening.

They had apparently finished with the poodle, she was laying on her side, tongue hanging out, a creamy liquid running out of both her mouth and pussy … her body slightly shaking … I’m sure she was in a sexual haze leaving her exhausted, having no idea what was going to happen to her next.

Before any of this made sense, one moved in front of me, licking my face, playing with my ears, large rough tongue sliding inside my mouth, we started dueling – just like young lovers kissing passionately …

There were at least two stimulating me from behind, the one in front, at least two by my side, licking my boobs … with all of this going on, I was floating in a cloud of erotic excitement – knowing I was in so much trouble, but what they were doing to me, washed away any fear I may have felt … eventually one jumped up on my back, the one in front, presenting his cock for me to suck on … I was so wet, actually dripping – so the cock slid inside me easily … immediately starting a good steady fast rhythm – I was in such a frantic state, as soon as he was in me, my body shook – the most earth shaking explosion that I’d ever experienced in my life, washed over me .. wave after wave of pleasure kept hitting me … wanting so much to enjoy what was happening, but the large cock in my mouth, had me sucking on it … with all that was happening to me, I had lost all ability to focus … my eyes hazed over, opening and closing them but no longer able to focus on anything …

The pumping kept going on and on … it felt like the same rhythm, no variation .. somewhere in in my memory, dogs should have knots .. but these didn’t have any, I hadn’t seen them lock with the poodle and now in me, I couldn’t feel anything, just that marvelous cock slipping in and out, making me feel more wonderful then I’ve ever thought was possible. More waves of climatic explosions kept rocking me … almost as soon as the shaft in my mouth, started to pumping the strange tasting liquid … my body convulsed … a wonderful warm feeling flooded my pussy … I was swallowing as fast as I could, all the time inside me enjoying a the warm sensation of his seed filling me … This triggered a second and probably a third total body orgasm …

Emptying the nectar in my mouth, feeling an empty feeling when he pulls out of me … my eyes clearing seeing the poor poodle, still laying on her side, her poor body continued to shake …

Staring at her, a second one jumped up on my back, slipping his rigid pole in easier then the previous one did … starting to turn, a second penis slipped in my mouth … once again I was being used by two large male dogs … plunging me back into the sexual hazy that I was hoping would never come to an end.

More climaxes, swallowing more of their seed an unknown number of explosions raking my body … I think everyone of them enjoyed me in both openings, finally laying around the grassy area … while I lay on the log, never felt so exhausted in my life, but never enjoying what had just happened to me more then I was at that time. Rolling to my back, slumping down on the ground, legs spread wide apart, cum leaking steady out of me, having swallowed so much of their seed, it looked like I was several months pregnant.

The poor poodle must have thought we had become sisters, being abused by the same group of big guys, she came over to lick the excess cum off the insides of my legs and thighs … Finally able to stand, picked up my stained garment … with her by my side I started to head home. Turing around after only a few yards from the log, all five of the animals were jogging along behind me, staying a few feet back.

I received a few strange looks, walking along slowly, my body aching from the abuse it had received .. each step stretching strained muscles between my legs … a exhausted looking poodle finding it just as hard to walk … followed by five large, Heinz 57 dogs … everyone we passed took a second look … not sure what they were thinking. Arriving at my place, unlocking the front door, the whole crew walked in …I went straight to the back, opening that door, all five of the males jogged out back … I have a small stream running through the back yard, all of them made a bee line to the stream taking a much needed drink.

I poured the poor poodle some water in a bowl … then got myself a beer … opening the sliding glass patio door, moving out back to watch my new friends enjoy the peace and quite – the only sound, the water running along the stream … it was getting late – I assumed the dogs were staying the night .. .calling a delivery service, ordering a lot of dog food … just enough time to take a much needed shower .. then slip into something loose .. the dog food was delivered .. pouring out around 20 pounds in a large bowl out back … some in a smaller bowl for my new female friend … they all seemed hungry, but only ate a little then relaxed on the cool grass … the female looked like a Mitzi to me, “Come on Mitzi, let’s go inside before the boys decide to get frisky again” Shutting the house, she followed me to my bedroom, jumping up .. the two of cuddling close to each other, my body was so sore sleep over took me quickly.

My new bed companion slept soundly like me, waking late .. grabbing a snack to eat and some coffee … moving out back … the group were all relaxed on the cool grass … that was until the poodle came prancing out … almost immediately one of them mounted her … they were so big, she was helpless to fight them, but it looked like she welcomed him – becoming totally submissive to his movements … He had mounted her only a few feet from me … that massive cock in one stroke slipped all the way in … Being only inches from what was happening … Just like a long time ago, in back of the grandparents home, between my legs instantly became moist .. nipples hardened …

In less then a minute, one of the dogs, pushed his head between my legs – stunned, looking down at him, normally I’d have tried to push him away … but for some reason, it must have been the amount of liquid they made me swallow the previous day, my body betraying me, instead of pushing away, opened my legs wide … allowing him complete access to me.

The licking plunged me back into the erotic zone I spent most of yesterday in, just as I was loosing focus, the poodles eyes and mine locked … even though she’d been brutally used less then twelve hours ago, she was enjoying him on her back, pounding in and out of her …

Watching her enjoy what was happening, I wasn’t aware of being guided out of my lounge, kneeling forward on a large padded ottoman I had secured down, so people could set on it, without it moving … Now I was on my knees, leaning on it, legs spread wide apart … I didn’t see which one mounted me, but it happened so fast .. I barely had time to gasp when that heavenly huge shaft penetrated me as deep as possible.

His body started moving in and at an unbelievable speed, within a few minutes triggering the first of what today – would soon be many full body explosions … this first orgasm was followed by a second and a third … that was where I lost track, my body was shaking, thankful I was laying on the padded ottoman … legs were shaking, muscles collapsing from fatigue … head dropped down, when I felt him empty the first warm feeling liquid deep inside me …

Focusing for a few minutes, my girl friend was serving her second master … as soon as number one for me pulled out, a second one slipped in, easily picking up where the one had left me … My mind and body were in such a sexual confusion, having no idea how many times I’d felt the pure pleasure wash over my whole body.

It wasn’t until that night, my new pet curled up against my body, that I realized they did not give blow jobs to either one of us … what we had consumed the first day, must have changed our bodies to become what they needed. I know for me, I welcomed them using me, making me their permanent bitch, their sex bitch.

Before I slipped off to sleep, an on line order of 500 lbs of dog food to be delivered on a regular basis …

The next morning, rubbing my new night time companion, between her legs, easily showed me, she needed to be fucked as much as I did … The previous day had stared around 8:30 am for me and ended somewhere after 1 pm. Five dogs has used me for over 4 hours … leaving us recovering for two or three more hours.

Over the next few months something became clear, first they used us every morning, 7 days a week for close to 5 hours … second, it took me several hours to get back some strength and the ability to focus … third, Mitzi never got pregnant, but seemed to be in constant heat and fourth -the best of all, I was enjoying more sex, experiencing more orgasms in a day then humanly possible … all thanks to a strange curiosity I had when I was younger.

Mom had repeatedly asked to come and see my new home. She was a great looking woman, one who kept herself in great shape .. looking at the pack relaxing in the back yard … an evil grin washed over me … dialing mom’s number, “Mom just wanted to check and see how you have been” Both of us talked, then rubbing my free hand between my legs … “I know you’ve asked about coming out to see the new place. What do you think about coming and planning on staying for a few weeks?

When she jumped at the chance to visit … wondering if my new masters would accept her into our group …

Go to next Part

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