My Step-Dad said he had an old friend who he kept in touch with pretty regularly and when they last met, my Step-Dad had mentioned that I needed to start learning some responsibility and he was wondering if he needed any help on his farm? He was a retired Doctor and had a hobby farm with different kinds of animals along with a kennel that he used to make extra money boarding dogs for their owners. Not that he really needed it, it was just something to take care of expenses.

He said it was funny my Step-Dad mentioned it, as he was looking for some help as the girl who was supposed to come back changed her mind at the last minute. (Little did I know at the time why.)

It was arranged that my Step-Dad would drop me off at the end of June when school finished and other than the occasional weekend home I would stay at the farm until the end of August, then get a few days to get ready for school to start back up in September.

He dropped me off late one Sunday afternoon and after having a bite to eat he gave me a hug and a kiss and told me to be a big girl and help out as much as I could. After he left,the Doctor and I were sitting on the porch having some ice tea when he asked me if I was okay around big animals?

“Are you afraid of animals Becky?” he enquired.

“Not really,” I responded but I hadn’t had a lot of experience with them.

“That’s okay,” he said “it will get easier after a while, and will help you learn a few things about them.” He said we should turn in as we were getting up very early and so he showed me the room I would be staying in and I started to get ready for bed. I was in the bathroom next to his room and could hear him talking on the phone to someone. “I think she’ll work out great, she’s a real cutie and for 16 years old she really gets the old juices flowing.”

I heard him laugh at that and then I heard him say he would see them on Tuesday when they arrived. I wasn’t sure what he meant about juices but I guess he was expecting some other help on the farm as well, maybe a cute boy my age I hoped.

I was awakened by a knock on my door and when my eyes finally opened I saw that the sun was just starting to come up and after a few minutes in the bathroom I went downstairs to the smell of coffee and biscuits. I asked him what we were going to do today and he said we were going to the kennels first and then we are going to be looking after some of the ponies and horses and when I asked if I could maybe ride one later on, he said I would be riding one for sure soon enough, then started to laugh as he grabbed some bottles of water out of the fridge then said, “Let’s go Becky, we got work to do. It’s going to be hot in the kennel so you are going to want to get lots of water in you, so might as well start while we walk down there,” he said, and handed me a bottle.

I took a couple of sips and he said I should drink more so I tipped it back and took a couple of big swallows. “That’s more like it,” and he said it would help keep me hydrated while working with the dogs if they started to chase me around while playing.

It did taste very good, a little sweet for just water but I finished off the bottle and followed him inside the kennel. There were about 12 cages inside and there were dogs in most of them except a few that were empty.

“Grab that hose Becky and start filling the bowls with fresh water and then we will get them some food,” he said.

I took the hose and started rinsing out the bowls. I was wondering if I had drank enough water earlier so I grabbed another bottle of water from the cooler and drank it pretty fast. Feeling a bit better I started going into the cages and replacing the old bowls with clean ones with nice cool water.

A few times the dogs got really playful and we ended up spilling the water all over me so I had to start the process all over again. It was fun playing with them and my clothes were soaked through with all the water spilled on me and when I finished what I thought was the last dog I saw something move out of the corner of my eye a few cages down.

Slowly walking down to the last cages there was one that had a big blanket or something covering the side so I couldn’t see what was in there until I got almost in front of it and my heart almost stopped. I was looking at the biggest dog I ever saw in my life and I just stared at it.

It lifted his head and it was huge, and then he finally stood up and started walking towards me. Its head was almost over the top of the fence and it looked at me in a strange way. I just stood there, not moving in case he jumped over the fence at me, which with his size he looked like he could have easily done.

Out of nowhere Doctor Paul’s voice startled me, “I see you’ve met Caesar, but don’t be afraid Becky he’s a lover not a biter. Stick out your hand and let him smell you.”

I slowly stuck out my hand and after sniffing it a bit he stuck out his tongue and it slid up my arm. I couldn’t believe my eyes how long it was… and wet too.

“You know Becky, the young girl who helped out here last year was Caesar’s best friend after a while and I bet he would love to have you, as his best friend too.” He looked at me kinda funny after he said that, and I noticed he was looking at my soaked top as he was talking to me.

I wasn’t sure how to be a dog’s best friend but I smiled and said, “Okay, I guess.” Then I looked down and noticed that my boobs were showing pretty good through the wet shirt and I turned around quickly and grabbed the couple bowls left over and we headed back to the house to get cleaned up and get something to eat.

When I came back downstairs I could hear Doctor Paul sounding surprised that his friends would be here tonight instead of Tuesday, “You’ll have to wait to open your present you know, it’s not quite ready yet to be opened,” he laughed and said goodbye and hung up the phone.

“Who was that?” I asked.

“My friend Ben and his room-mate are coming up for a few weeks too and can’t wait to meet you, and also help me out with a few things. Now who feels like a nice big piece of steak for supper?”

“Yummy, I love steak!” I answered.

“Great Becky, I knew from the start you were a meat eater,” and walked into the kitchen to start dinner.

Dinner was great and I was just finishing off the dishes when I heard a car horn in the driveway and heard Doctor Paul going out the front door. I dried off my hands and walked to the porch just as they were coming up the stairs. “Well, hello there honey, how are you tonight? I’m Ben, nice to meet you.”

“Becky, this is my friend Ben. Ben, this is the girl I was telling you about.”

Ben looked to be in his late 30’s and must spend a lot of time at the gym, he for sure had a great build on him. But the guy who came up behind him was even bigger. He looked kind of scary but he looked at me and smiled, then licked his lips, “Well who is this lovely little lady?” He held out his hand to me.

“Hi, I’m Becky, nice to meet you,” I replied.

“Just call me John, little lady, and it’s going to be nice to ‘meat’ you too Becky, yes it is.” Then they all went into the house leaving me on the porch. It seemed they were going to be up for quite awhile so I decided to go to bed and left them in the living room.

When I woke up in the morning, I didn’t hear or smell anything and when I went in the kitchen I saw a note on the table telling me that they were going to be working in the barn and I was to feed and water the dogs again and there was some bottles of sport water in the fridge and to take a couple of them with me instead of water to the barn after I had breakfast.

I went through the same routine as yesterday and the dogs were really happy to see me and we played quite a bit as well. I was really thirsty and almost drank both the sports drinks before I got to Caesars cage to get him some water and food.

After about 20 minutes or so I started to feel a bit light headed. I leaned up against his cage door and then slowly felt myself sliding down to the ground with the gate opening up and me falling inside the cage.

Then things went blank.

I am not sure how long I had passed out but when I woke up I found myself laying on my stomach with my t-shirt pulled up under my arms and then realized I didn’t have on my shorts or panties anymore, and glancing back saw Caesar with my shorts in his mouth and standing on what I think were my panties.

Turning to look behind me I could see him looking down at my butt, then he dropped my shorts and bent over and began to lick the sweat off of me. Then he slowly moved his tongue down between my legs. When he ran its rough surface over my vagina I jumped involuntarily, at which point he started growling. When he was satisfied I wasn’t going to move anymore he resumed his inspection of me.

I couldn’t stop crying, I had never hated anything more! No one had ever touched me there sexually including me and now this disgusting dog was licking at me. This continued on for several minutes and I eventually stopped crying. Then I began to get truly afraid, what was this dog going to do?

The dog continued licking me, his long tongue exploring into my front and back. I don’t know how long this went on but when he was finally finished and stood up my crotch and butt was soaked with dog saliva. He got up on all fours and began barking at me. I was so scared I screamed as loud as I could while trying to pull my legs up under my body in an effort to get them away from him. Unfortunately for me, that’s just what he wanted.

I was sitting there with my head on the ground, my legs pulled up under my body, in the perfect position for him to get exactly what he was after. He jumped up and rested his legs over my shoulders; I could feel the fur of his belly rubbing on my back. His erect penis rubbed against my ass for a few seconds before he hunched his body and drove it straight inside of me!

I had never had anything in me before, except maybe a enema thing and the thickness of it surprised me enough that I stopped struggling and just opened my mouth to scream again but nothing came out, I couldn’t catch my breath for a few seconds and that gave the dog time to anchor himself around me with his front paws and then thrust his swollen thing even further into my behind.

He paused briefly, pulled most of his length back out and then shoved it back in again as hard as he could stretching me back there and sending waves of pain through my body. It felt like someone shoved a knife up inside me. It hurt so bad and I expected to just bleed to death right there when it was done with me.

I must have screamed again because he really started barking. I tried to move out from under him but he growled and hung on tighter to me. When I stopped moving he relaxed again, gave a short bark, and then resumed his violation of my body. Little did I know then he had barked due to the fact that someone was watching around the corner at my rape and just watched me being used by this animal.

I don’t know how long it went on, other than I remember feeling something inside me getting bigger and bigger and then the dog just kind of stopped pumping and I could feel him squirting something inside of me. I could almost feel my stomach start to bulge with how much he squirted inside me. I think the pain finally overcame me and I passed out again underneath this beast raping me.

I woke up sometime later and found all my clothes were gone and I was laying on a kind of bench with my hands tied down and with my legs in some kind of stirrups and spread wide apart and back. “Well hello sleepyhead, how do you feel?”

I didn’t recognize the voice at first then I looked between my legs and Ben and John were looking at me from there. “Looks like Caesar made friends with you a little quicker than we could, but seems he left the best part still for us. How is your ass feeling anyway hun?”

Both of them laughed. I told them there was nothing to laugh about, that the dog had raped me.

“He didn’t rape you hun, there’s no way he could have got your shorts and panties off without your help, so you must have done that yourself, and seduced the doctor’s fine animal.”

Ben then began to undress and I have to admit, although he wasn’t hard, he was really big down there. Then John started to undress too and gave me a big smile and it was the creepiest smile I ever saw. He was as big as Ben down there and was pulling on it the whole time he leered at me and it seemed to get even bigger if that was possible.

I started crying and could only imagine what was going to happen to me. Just then the Doctor walked in and smiling at Ben and John said, “I see we’re about ready to start. Let me get the camera’s going and then have at it.”

“Doctor! Please stop this!” I cried. “What are you doing? Wait till my Step-Dad and the Police find out.”

“Becky my dear, maybe your so-called Step-Dad and Mom should have taken care of business better and you wouldn’t be here, eh? Be assured, he knows exactly what is going on my dear. He’s been watching as we have, through all these cameras. Now Gent’s, are we ready to go? Okay, Becky’s Farm Adventures, take one!”

John stayed between my legs and after the Doctor gave him a jar of what looked like gel, started rubbing between them and running his fingers over my sex, I cried harder knowing what he was going to do when he pushed his finger in me then another. “Boy oh boy is she tight in here” John laughed, “Don’t think that will be a problem shortly eh,” replied the Doctor.

Ben then walked around behind my head and did something to the bench and the part my head was on dropped down leaving me looking backwards at him and right at his thing. I felt John rubbing between my legs with what I know now was his dick, but never thought it would ever fit inside me because of the size. Then I felt him trying to push it into me and then my head exploded again with the pain as he forced it into me a bit.

“OH MY GOD! STOP! It’s splitting me in two!” I screamed.

“Now, now Becky, babies come out of there, and this is a bit smaller,” John laughed again and pushed further into me.

I felt him hit something inside and knew it was my virginity then he grabbed my legs and shoved it in me as far as it would go. The pain was terrible and when I screamed again when he banged into the bottom of me, Ben then shoved his thing in my mouth and almost down my throat. I started to panic when I couldn’t breathe and then he pulled it out and I started coughing and choking. I could feel John’s legs against me, so somehow he must have gotten all of it inside me and could feel it inside my stomach when he moved.

“Open your mouth Beck!” I heard, then felt him pushing inside my mouth again then further down my throat. “Ah, nice…” I heard the Doctor say, “The perfect spit roast.”

Then John and Ben both started laughing then both started to pull in and out of me faster. Ben too was as far in me as he could go as his stomach was pushed right against my forehead.

I lost track of time how long they both pounded in and out of me but heard John grunting and felt him shooting inside of me, spurt after spurt then running down my legs. I could then feel Ben doing the same in my throat then started to pull it out and finished inside my mouth. It was the most awful thing I have ever tasted and he kept telling me to swallow it all.

Then they both were finally done and they left me laying there with my stomach rolling and the pain in my throat and between my legs hurting like I have never hurt before. (Little was I to know what further pain was coming…)

I laid there for a while and was left alone finally, but I could hear them talking, it was okay and it was time to go further and I could take it.

The Doctor then walked out of sight to the stalls and returned leading not a horse, but a small pony.

Reaching over to a shelf, the Doctor picked up a sealed jar which contained a stained cotton pad. He then smeared the area between my sore legs with the pad before replacing it in the jar. It was really strong smelling and stung when he wiped it on my sex and I screamed that it hurts and why are you doing it for. “That my dear, is the smell of a girl horse and that is going to make the pony very happy when he gets closer and smells it.”

Then John and Ben then dragged a vaulting horse (the kind like in our school gymnasium) into the centre of the barn. The “horse” had been modified with the wooden legs having been shortened at the end which curves downwards.

The Doctor then led the pony between my legs and he started to sniff me then gave me a big lick between my legs while Ben and John were untying me. They lifted me off the table and started to carry me over to the vault thing and when I looked back the pony was clearly sexually aroused with a black shiny penis of about twelve inches long and as thick as my wrist jutting out at an angle from his belly.

OH MY GOD! I thought, John’s was big, but this animal was huge. They put me on the vault then strapped my arms and legs around it and put some kind of hard plastic cover over me and attached it to the vault as well.

“That my dear is so the pony doesn’t hurt you while on top of you,” the Doctor said.

On top of me?! What could he…? Then I knew what he meant, the pony was going to have sex with me too. I started to scream and kick as much as I could move then Ben came up and shoved something in my mouth and tied it behind my head.

“Ya need to be quiet Becks. Don’t want to give the pony a scare now do we?”

There was no way I could take that inside me and knew that I was going to die very shortly. I cursed my Step-Dad for knowing and letting this happen to me and cursed these 3 men who were doing this to me.

I felt the pony again between my legs licking and sniffing but couldn’t turn my head to see because of the shield over me. Then his hooves landed up near my head and I knew I was going to be in a world of pain then slowly bleed to death very shortly.

“Holy shit Doc, you sure she can take all that in her?” I heard one of them say.

“Yes, pretty sure,” he replied. then I heard laughter before I felt something between my legs then being shoved inside me again. I thought John had hurt me but this was a new pain that made that feel like a stubbed toe. It spread me and stretched me to where I was sure I would split in half and could feel it pushing everything around inside me to make room for it.

“I can’t believe it’s going in her, Doc!” I heard one of them saying but it hurt too much to know who. “They can stretch pretty well before any real damage happens, but the length might be a bit of a problem.”

All I could feel was more and more of it going in me and then my stomach starting to cramp with the pressure on it.

“Will you look at that, she took the whole damn thing Doc, that’s unreal for such a small girl!”

Then it stopped and I waited for things to blur and I would just drift off to a peaceful death on this thing, but it didn’t happen. I felt it being pulled out of me then when it was almost out and slammed into me again and again. It was trying to go even further inside me but it was banging on my crotch as it was, there was nowhere else to go with that monster inside me.

Then it pushed tight against me one last time then I felt like a fire hose was turned on and my insides were blasted with something and then stretched even more. It shot off 4 or 5 times in me then I could feel it start to pull out then a gush of liquid poured out of me on the floor. “Clean up in aisle 4!” I heard someone shout, then they all laughed again.

The pony dropped off me and then I felt someone between my legs feeling around my sex. “She okay Doc?” I heard. “Just a bit of a tear on the lip but other than that, it looks like we have a star for the summer.”

I closed my eyes and just let whatever it was sweep over me, I didn’t know if I was going to survive much longer and after this I stopped caring.

The last thing I heard was, “This was a great day one of shooting boys. let’s go grab a beer and celebrate our star’s debut. It’s going to be a great summer.”

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