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Becky’s Farm Ordeal – Chapter Two


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It was very quiet and I slowly opened my eyes and started to wake up and for a minute I forgot where I was or what had happened, then I tried to move and felt my insides scream when I did, then it all came painfully back to me.

I shuddered with the pain inside me and found I was still tied to the “horse thing” that I thought I was going to die on after the pony shoved himself inside me.

I couldn’t believe I had survived having it’s thing inside me but it seemed I had. I didn’t know why I didn’t just die while it fucked me, “Wow, fucked me” I thought, I hardly ever swore but I guess there was no doubt what it had done to me, just as if I was a girl pony being bred.

I never had any real thoughts about sex being only 16, but you hear things at school and see things on the internet but nothing, nothing could come close to imagining what had been done to me so far by these men. And I still didn’t really know why, only because something my stupid Step-Dad did and I was paying for it.

My mouth was so dry and I still had that ball thing shoved in there so I could only breathe through my nose and after having Ben’s thing shoved down my throat over and over it was still sore as well.

I heard a door close and couldn’t tell where it came from as I was still out of it and then suddenly felt something touch me between my legs.

“I’m glad to see that there was no real damage done my dear,” as I felt fingers moving around then spreading me open a bit before going inside me. “Oh please no I thought, not again” and started to cry again with the pain and shame I felt.

“Don’t worry Becky, I am just checking to make sure everything down here is good and going to be okay for your next boyfriends,” then I recognized it was Doctor Paul.

“You seemed to have handled everything quite well for such a little girl and I am sure you will be able to with the rest of them as well.,”

I tried yelling at him but just mumbled with the ball still in my mouth and couldn’t get anything out. “Rest of them I thought.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry my dear, did you want to say something,” he asked, “that must be so uncomfortable in your mouth, would you like me to take it out?”

I looked at him and just slowly nodded my head yes.

He reached behind my head undoing the strap and pulled it out of my mouth. My jaws must have been stuck a bit having that in there for what seemed like forever and I couldn’t close my mouth and started to panic.

“Just relax Becky, your whole body has been through quite a bit since yesterday so it is going to take a bit for parts of it to go back to normal” he said, then reached out and started to massage my chin and cheeks with his fingers.

“Would you like something to drink hun?” he asked. I still couldn’t move my jaw yet so again just nodded my head. He walked away then came back with a bottle of water, then tipped it up to my lips. Some of it spilled out, but what I swallowed felt so good and I just sort of grunted while I tried to get more in me.

“Have you noticed a bit of sweetness in the water you have been drinking since you got here, Beck?” he asked. Again I could just nod my head.

“I have been putting a muscle relaxant and a little bit of something called Ecstasy in what you have been drinking since you got here, and especially in the sport drink you seemed to like so much.”

“Without it, I think you would have been damaged in here for sure,” he said, while reaching between my legs and rubbing over me. “We still can’t believe you took all of that pony inside you though.”

I could finally move my mouth a bit then looking at him I just asked, “Why, why me?”

“Becky, your Step-Dad made some bad decisions it seems, not only while playing cards but business decisions as well”

“It seems he crossed the wrong people once too often and it was either kill him, which wouldn’t get their money back, or someway for him to pay it back, and maybe just have a limp for the rest of his life, which he will,” thanks to John.”

“So, this is the decision he made, you will help pay back the debt owed. It was either going to be you, or Madison,” he said.

Madison, it was either my 16 year old step-sister or me?His daughter or me,I guess that says it all. I couldn’t believe he would just make this decision knowing what was probably going to happen to us, or as it turned out, me. I love my step-sister so much and there was no way she could have gone through what I just did, I guess for her sake I am glad it was me.

“When I was first contacted about this, I watched you and Madison for a few days, just to see what you both looked like. To tell you the truth I was kind of hoping it had been Madison. Nothing nicer than seeing a skinny girl stretched open for the first time, not that it wasn’t good watching you too Becky, the slimmer the better though I always say. But knowing your Dad, I am sure she will be our guest sooner rather than later,” then he walked away and started chuckling. See you soon Becky, oh by the way, you like bacon?”

I heard him laughing before the door closed and I was left alone again. “Bacon, what a stupid question, everyone likes bacon,” then I drifted off to sleep again.

I opened my eyes and looked around as much as I could, still strapped down as I was but at least I was not as sore as I had been earlier. From where I could see to my left, there was what looked like some kind of lab, like in school with jars and stuff on it and if I turned my head which I could just barely do, there was a large door to my right, this must have been where the pony was brought in. I could hear voices on the other side of it and they were laughing and seemed to be having a good time with whatever they were doing.

Just then the door opened and in stepped John and Ben, both just wearing shorts and a t-shirt. “Hey, there’s our girl, wide awake and ready for another day, eh Ben?”

They both walked over to me and just stared at me still strapped to the horse thing.

“Hey Becky, you really were a star last night you know,” said Ben, then he reached over then started playing with my boob. I could feel something between my legs again and knew it was John playing with me there.

“Wow, I still can’t believe she took that whole pony cock in her” I heard John say, and started to stick his fingers inside me, then he started pushing more inside me and it really started to hurt. “Please stop, you are hurting me, please?” I asked but he ignored me and kept pushing inside me.

“Gentlemen, there will be plenty of time for you to get acquainted again with little Becky here, but now she has to meet her new boyfriend” as the Doctor walked up and ran his hand across my behind, squeezing it as he spoke.

“Is everything ready next door for our next adventure?” he asked.

“As you asked Doc, even have the tubing set up,” said Ben.

“Great, what are we waiting for then?” he said.

“Becky, just so you don’t hurt yourself you are going to feel a little prick then you are going to sleep a bit until we get you ready, no sense in you jumping around while we get set up,” said the Doctor. Then I felt something stuck in my butt cheek and I was out.

I could hear someone calling my name, “Becky, Becky… wake up hun, time for school.” Then I heard laughter and finally opened my eyes. Once again I couldn’t move and found I was strapped inside a metal box thing with my knees stretched wide apart and my arms strapped to legs by my side. Again there was something against my back while I knelt there, almost like a roof or something. And inside my mouth was a plug or tube thing that almost went down my throat.

“Well my dear, I hope you are already waiting for your next lover to appear, but you will find this one is not as big down there as your other 2 were” said the Doctor. “Ben, John bring in our next lucky fella for Becky if you wouldn’t mind.”

“Not at all Doc, Becky, meet Brutus.” I saw them start to walk by me and then saw “IT.”

IT was the biggest pig I ever saw anywhere. I started shaking my head back and forth, I couldn’t believe they were going to make me do this again. “Becky my dear, I am sure you are not aware of how Boars fuck so I think I will explain it a bit so you know what to expect” the Doctor said. “They are not very thick like your other 2 boyfriends so far, but they are a bit longer, and they corkscrew inside you really deep, but hey, let’s just see what he does and then go from there shall we.”

“Okay guys, walk him up on the ramp shall we.”

My legs were under some kind of platform but its weight still pushed it down on my legs. Then I felt him climbing above me and then I felt something itchy on my bare butt. “Oh Becky, we almost forgot, the tube in your mouth is so you don’t dehydrate while he is loving you, they do go a long time. And to make sure, we will turn it on every minute or so for you.”

“Cameras and here we go Becky. John, help Brutus put it in please.”

Then I felt something rubbing between my legs then something went inside me, it was twisting and turning and I wasn’t sure what it was. It didn’t feel like the other 2 things that were in me for sure. Then it started twisting deeper then it started to push into me hard and then the pain hit me and I opened my eyes wide with the pain. “Becky, what he is doing is pushing through your cervix right into your womb. “”Hit the tap John” said the Doctor and something thick and disgusting poured inside my mouth. It was worse than what Ben had put in my mouth when he came, and my stomach started rolling.

“This is how boars make little piggies,” Ben laughed. “That’s what he thinks he is doing to you right now Becky.” It kept going in further and further and twisting inside me for what seemed forever and the taste in my mouth made it a lot worse. “Becky, did ya figure out what you are drinking yet?” asked John, then turned something and more of it poured in my mouth. “Just so you know, it’s Dog and Horse cum, we knew you wouldn’t want to waste any and we thought it would give you some protein to carry on,” laughed the Doctor.

“Oh please Lord make it stop,” I thought to myself, what are they doing to me while I felt more pour inside my mouth and down my throat.

My stomach was starting to really ache and I was starting to bloat, they had put so much in me, but then I felt something else and right inside me I could feel the pig squirting and squirting in me over and over.

“Holy shit!” I heard John say. “Look at her stomach, It’s fucking huge.”

Between what they forced me to drink and what was shot inside of my womb it got bigger and bigger and looking down it looked like I was having a baby, it looked like I had swallowed a beach ball.

The Doctor kneeled down and felt my stomach, “It is really warm with all the sperm he is pumping in her but there’s still lots of room left I think. Becky, what I forgot to tell you was the Boar is going to shoot stuff that feels like wax inside your cervix to hold the sperm in, then it hardens so it will be in there for awhile, just so you know what is happening.”

I felt another blast of cum in my mouth but it didn’t stop like before, it just kept coming. Then I heard Ben yelling at John to turn off the tap, she is going to drown. John was watching my stomach get bigger and forgot to turn it off.

Finally it seemed to stop twisting inside me and it started grunting and trying to move back like it was saying he was done here. “Looks like the mating is over Doc,” John laughed and he and Ben grabbed the leash and pulled the boar the rest of the way out of me. “Put Brutus away and then come back here and get Becky out from under there, I want to take some film and pics of how big she is,” the Doctor said.

They came back and started to undo the straps, removed the hose, then lifted the table off me, then grabbing under my arms, stood me up in front of the Doctor. “Wow said Ben, she looks like she is 8 months pregnant Doc, how much did he cum in her?”

“With what she drank and what he shot in her, let’s say close to a gallon if not more.”

“Lay her on her side on the bench, then get her a blanket please before she goes into shock when she starts to come out of it and starts throwing up,” the Doctor said.

“Okay,” said the Doctor, “let’s. get her up and see how far this belly hangs down shall we. Don’t bother trying to lift her, just put those straps around her wrists and use the hoist Ben.”

He lifted me until my toes were hardly touching the table, then the Doctor started taking pictures while John walked around with the camera filming me.

There was a bit of goo running down my legs but most of it stayed inside me. I was finally let down on my side again and after a few minutes I threw up all over myself and the bench, it shot out like a rocket but for the most part my belly still stayed huge.

Ben asked the Doctor if we were through now, and being told yes he took a hose and with some warm water sprayed me down then covered me with a couple of blankets. That was all I remember.

“How long will she stay bloated like that Doc? John asked.

“Most of it will be absorbed into her soon enough then some of it will leak out when the plug melts,” the Doctor answered.

“Anyway, the real fun starts for little Becky here tomorrow when she visits the kennel for the afternoon, 9 dogs then Caesar for the finale. She is gonna be one well fucked girl when it is over.”

“Did you get the breeding bench over there yet John?” the Doctor asked.

“Yes sir, all set up and ready to go, cameras too.”

“Okay then, let’s leave her here for the night, she seems okay now, just lock that strap on her leg and she will be okay till tomorrow,” said the Doctor.

“Then movie number 3 for our star,” added Ben.

Go to next Part

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