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Sitting back at the house Ben and John were talking about what Becky had gone through the last couple days.”Can you believe she took all that pony cock in her Ben,” John stated.

“There was no way I thought it would all fit in her, it must have moved her organs around in there to jam that all in,” chuckled Ben.

“It’s still early, why don’t we go down and see how she’s doing Ben? Especially after those dogs get done with her tomorrow, certainly not going to be anything left on her that’s going to be tight after they are done, that’s for sure,” said John.

“Sounds like a plan John, let’s pay her a visit while she has something that’s still small, eh? Grab a bottle of Tequila before we go down.”

Becky was still passed out on the platform, sleep finally coming, but not like it did a few days ago. A few days ago she never dreamed or imagined she would go through what she had with these men. Dream, oh my god, nightmare would better describe it, getting fucked by a dog was bad enough especially in the ass but nothing could be lower than being fucked by a pig, it was disgusting to even think about it, but she was bred like a sow and still had the pot belly to show for it. She always slept on her tummy when she was at home but there was no way she could do that now, she was still bloated with all the sperm that had been shot inside her womb they said. And why, just to make a movie for sick perverts to get off on.

No, that wasn’t the real reason, the real reason she was here was because of her Step-Dad, her stupid Step-Dad who she had loved so much and thought he loved her as well. But how could he put me through this if he even cared about me at all. Or I hate to think that Madison might have gone through this.

Tossing and turning she finally started to wake up and when she rolled onto her stomach it woke her up with a start.

Becky slowly opened her eyes and looked around to see where she was and then realized she was on the pig bench that she was strapped underneath a while ago. She could still smell it in the air and looking down between her legs she knew where it was coming from, it was leaking out of her while she slept and could smell it as it puddled under her and then she started to cry, thinking what she had been through and possibly what might still happen to her.

She moved her leg to stretch a bit and found she had some kind of lock or something on it. Like she was going to go anywhere like she was, no clothes and bursting with pig sperm. She wiped the tears from her face and lifted up on her elbows to look around, then felt more leak out of her.

It hurt too much when she tried to sit up so she laid back down and tried pushing on her belly to see if it would go down but it was rock solid and only hurt the more she pushed.

She tried to relax again and maybe go back to sleep but saw a light go on in the room next to her where the pony was.

She started to cry again and then saw Ben and John coming through the door, both were naked and were passing a liquor bottle between them and taking drinks from it. She started to cry harder when John reached out and squeezed her nipple and twisted it.”What’s the matter Becky, tears of joy from seeing Ben and me again?” he asked.

“Please, leave me alone, please,” I pleaded.

But then Ben grabbed her other nipple and pulled on it till she screamed again with the pain.

“We just come down to check and see how you are doing Becky, and maybe share a little tequila with you. Here, have a drink with us.” Ben put the bottle against my lips and tipped it up. A lot of it went in my mouth but the rest sprayed all over and up my nose making me cough and choke. What went down my throat burnt on the way down and then I felt my stomach start to roll again.

“I’m gonna be sick!” Then I threw up all over myself and John.

The sperm she still had in her stomach was too much mixed with the tequila and she couldn’t help but throw up all over. But John didn’t see it that way at all.

“You fucking little bitch!” he yelled at her then slapped her across the face, knocking her onto her side. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” Then grabbed her by the throat and pulled the bottle out of Ben’s hand.

“Have another drink Becky”, then kicking her legs apart took the neck of the bottle and shoved it up inside her while she yelled and screamed with the pain.

He twisted it and shoved it but the base of the bottle was quite thick and he could only get the neck up her but with her insides torn from before from what she had inside her it was like pouring salt in an open wound and it hurt terribly.

“John, let her go, stop it man, you’re going to kill her!” Ben yelled. Finally he pushed John away from her.

“Holy fuck man, we came down here to have a little fun with her, not fucking kill her!” Ben yelled.

“Go on back to the house John before the Doc comes down here, we’re done here for tonight.”

I just laid there with my insides burning and sore from him shoving the bottle up me, when I heard Ben say something about helping me feel better. I saw him get up and walk over to the bench and brought a hose back with him.

“Hang on Becky, I’ll try to make it feel a bit better for you,” he said, then felt him put the hose inside me and a warm feeling spread through me. It did start to feel better with him putting the warm water in me and pushing out the tequila that had been shoved up me by John.

“Couple more minutes and it should almost feel normal hon”. Well as normal as possible seeing what’s been in there so far. Becky, let’s try getting you on your hands and knees for a minute while I put some more water in there. Just take it slow, that a girl. Okay now, just stay like that for a second.”

I felt the hose pull out of me and Ben walked back over to the bench. I couldn’t see what he was doing over there but he walked back over and started to rub my back and telling me that he was sorry for what John had done to me.

Then I felt him move his hand lower and then start to rub my bum and then he took his hand away, then it felt a bit cooler and I realized he had cream or gel on his fingers then started to stick his fingers in my bum, one, then two then what felt like 3 fingers inside me. I started crying again and he hushed me and said not to be scared that he wasn’t going to hurt me too much.

I felt him move away then felt him behind me and I knew what he was going to do. And painfully I was right as I felt him start to push himself in my ass and knew it wasn’t his fingers stretching me this time. I think at that point I just went numb and finally stopped caring what they did to me and felt him push in further until his belly was pressed against me and I knew he had shoved all of it inside me.

“Oh Becky, you sure do have the tightest ass I have been in for quite a while, it is just squeezing my cock so nice,” he whispered, then I felt him pull out and then push back into me a bit quicker each time. My stomach was moving around all over and thought I was going to throw up again, but didn’t want that to happen after the last time, so I tried to just get through this till he was done.

He stroked in and out faster each time then started to really pound me from behind grunting and whispering how good it felt then he slammed into and held it in tight as I felt once again cum squirting inside me. I just knelt there with him hanging onto my hips till I felt him start to soften and pull himself out with a plop and more cum pour out onto my legs.

I slowly started to slide onto my side then just laid there looking straight ahead at that big door and wondered what else was going to come through there to rape me, maybe to finally fuck me out of my misery I hoped.

I felt a blanket being put on me then saw Ben reach his hand out pushing my hair off my face.

“Hey Becky, sorry but I couldn’t resist that cute little ass of yours, I hope you understand,” he smiled and chuckled a bit.

As sore as I was I could only look at him and with a little smile I asked him if he could do something for me? “What can I do for ya Becky?” he asked.

“Ben, could you fuckoff and die!” I slowly laid my head down and closed my eyes. Then I heard the door open and close and him laughing as he walked away.

“Fuck off and die indeed,” I heard him laugh, then I just felt everything go quiet and I was out again.

The Doctor was still on the phone with another “Filmmaker” when John and Ben came back to the house.”No, I have never seen anything like that in porn before, you have those there?”

“No plans really, I was just going to film her with the kennel tomorrow.”

“That sounds interesting, yeah, I know where that is, maybe 3 hours away.”

“Okay, plan on us being there late afternoon tomorrow then and we can go from there. See you then Jeff, bye.”

“Who’s Jeff?” asked Ben.

“Just another one of us who believe it or not has an aquarium and other wildlife, all trained to fuck girls.”

“Ben, we are going on a road trip in the morning, how was Becky when you finished with her?”

Ben looked like the cat who ate the cream, “Cameras Ben, remember the cameras.”

“She’s okay I guess, sleeping when I left.”

“Good, the dogs will have to wait. Miss Becky has a date with a dolphin very shortly and a few other things you wouldn’t think could fuck a girl,” said the Doctor. “Sleep well Becky, you have no idea what is in store for you next.”

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