Women with Animals

Becky’s Farm Ordeal – Chapter Four


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Watching Becky on the camera’s for a while John was still pissed that she had thrown up on him and was going to make sure he had a chance to give her what she deserved.”Soon Becky,real soon you will get what’s coming to you,embarrassing me like that with Ben.”

“Ben,come out here for would you” yelled Doctor Paul and him and Ben walked over to the large shed he had on the property.Inside, Doctor Paul had exactly what they needed to make the trip to Suwanee Florida from Fargo Alabama,a used ambulance with all the fixings including flashing lights and siren.

Being a retired country Doctor he still was able to transport patients by keeping up his dues as it were and would help out on occasion moving patients in the event of emergencies like tornados and such.Many a young patient was introduced to his brand of care with fingers and other things shoved in them while he had put them to sleep,”Makes the trip easier for them” was his normal response to the parents,who were never allowed to ride in the back with them,not to mention what he was doing to them while they laid there.”Ben,you have no idea how many tight cunts have been stretched inside this thing”he bragged.”

“The last one I had in here was something elsep,poor little thing had both her arms broken when a tree fell on her and they thought she might be hurt internally”. The blood found between her legs was written off as internal bleeding when she finally got to the hospital that night.Only thing internal though was Doctor Paul’s 8 inch cock in her belly while she was passed out and he pounded away at her on the highway after being picked up and secured in the back.Almost got up her little butt too but they got to the hospital a little too quickly and he had to scramble to get her and himself covered up properly.Of course she was considered his patient so no other Doctor’s examined her to see where the blood was actually coming from and the nurse’s weren’t hired for their brains it turned out or their nursing skills.They did what they were told and never questioned the good Doctor.So a couple quick wipes cleaned up the blood and cum he deposited in her.

“Our lovely little Becky here is going to be awake for most of the trip I think,just to keep us from getting bored eh” and he laughed with Ben while they walked back to the house.”John,get your stuff together so we can leave bright and early” and “Ben,make sure our princess get’s a good night sleep”said the Doctor,looking at both of them with a hint of seriousness.”She has a long trip tomorrow” and the Doctor walked away with John looking at Ben wondering where they were going.”Come on John and I’ll let ya know what’s happening”.

In the morning they started to get the ambulance ready and then John and Ben went to get Becky ready for her new adventure.On entering the barn they saw the Doctor already there getting some things together for the trip.”Still sleeping like a baby I see,eh boys”.”Must be all fucked out I guess Doc”replied John.
Okay,let’s get her ready,”John,you do the honors this morning of waking her up,but gently please” advised the Doctor.”Sure thing” and John walked over to Becky and slid his hand up the blanket and started playing with her a bit until she started to wake up,then she woke with a start as John shoved 3 fingers up her rather quickly,having her jump out of her sleep.”Owwww,stop it” Becky whined while John stood up pulling the blanket off her.”God she stinks Doc,can we wash her up or something before we go”? “Good idea John, grab that hose and brush and clean her up and out a bit while we load up the rest of the stuff please”.

John smiled to himself as he turned on the hose and grabbed the brush and bucket and a bottle of hand soap from the bench.”Okay Becks,let’s try to make you smell a little better eh”,and started to spray her down and pulled the brush out of the soapy water.”This might feel pretty good” as he stuck the nozzle up inside her and flushed out what her ‘Pig’ boyfriend left inside her watching the whitish grey stuff flush out of her and after that gave her a quick cleanup where Ben left his cum up her ass the night before.Then he started to scrub her down with the brush to try and freshen her up a bit without taking off any skin.Scrubbing her down John was looking at the brush then started to laugh,”Hey Becky,I think we may be leaving just in time,I think this brush belongs to that big horse in the stall over there and I am sure that the Doctor would have had you mated with him soon enough too”.”If I recall his dick is the size of my arm,which might have stung a bit getting it all in you”.Becky heard what he said and just kept on looking straight ahead of her,she started to tear up a bit thinking of what she went through and what might be next and wondered why the sudden interest in cleaning her.Probably only going to mess her up with who knows what soon enough anyway.But that horse comment did scare her quite a bit.

“Just about finished there John”,asked the Doctor? “Clean as a whistle and smells like a puppy Doc””mind you,after taking on your dog the other day,that might not be what she wants to smell like”.”Okay,let’s get her unhooked from that table and get her loaded on the gurney,Ben,give John a hand in here please”,and they proceeded to unlock her ankle and carry her into the back of the ambulance.”Now Becky,I am going to strap you down on here and don’t want to have to stick you again with a needle,so you promise to behave yourself back here”?Becky turned her head and looking around where she was,she nodded and then looked away again,wondering what was going to happen next.”Okay guys,throw on these white coats and Ben,you start driving and John,you can assist back here with me for a bit”.”Couple things I need to check on our little patient here”.And Ben climbed behind the wheel while John and the Doctor climbed in the back and closed the door.

It took all of 5 minutes for them to start on Becky and after 7 minutes they had her legs stretched out and up in the air and tied back with her knees almost to her ears.She could see their faces looking between her legs and the stupid grins on their faces,she knew she was not going to like what was going to happen soon.While the Doctor turned around to get something out of one of the drawers,John reached out and started to rub his hand on her breast and then grabbing her nipple, he squeezed it hard, looking at Becky with a sneer on his face and leaning in closer he said she was going to be in a world of hurt as soon as he could make it happen and to let her know that this was not going to be a fun trip,for her anyway.

“First thing we need to do John is to check on our patients insides,now I would normally use a regular speculum, but Becky here I think can handle a bit bigger one” and proceeded to show her and John what he was going to use.”This is actually one used by a Veterinarian but seeing what Becky has been having for boyfriends lately,I thought this will do nicely” and he proceeded to twist it inside her.Turning the ratchet it opened her up surprisingly wide.But now that it was as open as far as it could go he took a flashlight and started to look inside Becky to check if there was any damage done to her.”Can’t see anything too out of the ordinary so I think we are safe to have her take on a few more boyfriends for her fans”.”John,behind you in that cupboard there is a bottle of synthetic prostaglandin,little lime green pills,that’s what we will need to give Becky to help open her cervix up if she is going to have up her the size of cock I think she is going to soon,less risk of damage to her if she does”.”Got it, good,shove it in your pocket for now please.”

Satisfied that her insides could take some larger objects in there, he started to close the clamp and let her get a bit of rest before they carried on any further.Not 25 minutes into the trip and our Becky was in a world of hurt already,and another 2 and half hours to go.”What will they do to me next she wondered”.It won’t take long to find out though.John slid up to her head and bent over to her ear,”Becky,I think it’s time for you to make me happy,cause ya sure don’t want to upset me anymore,let’s get that mouth working girl”while he twisted her head to the side then stuck his cock in her face banging the head on her lips till she opened her mouth a bit and he shoved it in.”Ahhh,that feels good Becks,now you keep sucking on the head for a few minutes then ole John is going to start to go a little deeper down there and before ya know it,it’s gonna be lunchtime for ya,cream of some old guy” he laughed then started pulling her head towards him and started to slide in deeper down her throat.Watching John at the other end the good Doctor decided he was going to partake in a little of Becky’s charms and grabbing a little gel off the shelf rubbed some on his cock and started to shove it up Becky’s little cunt.”This is tighter than I thought it would be John,after everything that’s been up here before now”.John,looked down as the Doctor was just pulling himself into her and by the grunt he felt in her mouth he must have bottomed out a bit.So not wanting to feel left out,John got a good grip on her head and buried his cock down her throat and held it there.

Strapped down as she was Becky tried to move back to get a breath but found she couldn’t move and then started to panic.John still held her head tight to his groin and laughed to himself with her face starting to change color.Doctor Paul wasn’t really paying much attention what was happening at the other end of Becky but with the choking she was doing it was clamping her insides around his cock and he finally looked up and saw what John was doing to her.Her face started to turn blue and her eyes were starting to bulge,”John for fuck sakes man,let her get a breath” and John looked at him while he slowly pulled it out of her throat.Becky gasped and gasped for breath and even Ben heard her in the front of the ambulance.Pulling out of her,Dr Paul went around to where John was and pushed him out of the way and tried to make it easier for Becky to catch her breath.Banging on the partition he yelled at Ben to pull over to the side of the road.Ben pulled over and then went to the back to see what was going on.Looking in he saw the Doc holding Becky’s head to one side and was telling her to relax and try to breathe slow,he also noticed both of them still had their dicks out and John looking towards Becky with a smirk on his face.Turning his head,Dr Paul saw this as well and shaking his head he said to himself,that this was enough.”Everybody out now yelled Dr Paul” and Jon and Ben hustled out of the ambulance and onto the side of the road.

Making sure Becky was starting to breathe better and getting some color back Dr Paul grabbed something out of the drawer and jumped out of the ambulance and towards Ben and John.”Ben,is John kin to you, asked Dr Paul and getting a negative response replied good and then proceeded to put four shots into John’s chest with his .38 and John dropped like a rock where he stood.Ben just looked at John fall then turned and looked at Dr Paul who still had the gun pointed in his direction.”Ben,grab that son of a bitches legs and pull him into those trees over there,and with any luck some wild fucking animals will chew on him good,and grab that bottle of pills out of his pocket”.Ben backed towards John and grabbed his legs, started to pull him over to the clump of trees and then stood there looking at the Doctor.”We went back quite a ways Ben and I was not going to take a chance of that piece of shit getting us both killed where we are taking Becky.”

“Too many swamps to throw bodies into if you get my drift,and that fuck over there was too much of a risk for both of us”.”Let’s get this back where it should be,a little fun for us and a little money on the side as well,what do you say Ben”? asked the Doctor.Ben looked back at John and then started to walk towards the Doctor and holding out his hand,apologized to him for ever bringing John with him,”sounds great Paul,let’s move on and have some fun.The Doctor grinned and agreed and told Ben he would drive for awhile and for Ben to ride in back for a bit.

Ben sat on one of the benches still shaking over what had happened and just looked down at the floor deep in thought.”What was that banging Ben?” he heard Becky ask.”Let’s just say the good Doctor fixed something that needed fixing little girl” and Ben turned his head towards her and gave her a little smile.”I heard he almost choked you,you okay now? he asked her.”My throat is still sore and my chest hurts a bit inside but I guess I am okay,for now.”

There was a wrap on the glass partition and Dr.Paul looked back and said he was going to stop at the fast food place coming up and if Ben wanted anything?And almost an after thought asked Becky if she was hungry?Becky hadn’t really had a real meal for the last couple days since they had put her through her ordeals unless you count human and animal sperm as a meal,then responded that yes,she would like something too please.

Standing up and stretching Ben looked at Becky spread out and decided the best way to clear his head was to massage his other head then slipping between her legs started sliding in up her cunt into her belly.”Just thought I would help you work up an appetite Becks” and he proceeded to pound her a little harder each time.They were just pulling into the drive through as he dumped another load into her.

After getting their food and pulling into a secluded corner of the parking area,their food was passed through the window to Ben and cranking up her gurney so she was sitting up a bit,and let her legs down some,he passed Becky her lunch and watched her as she smiled and started slowly eating her food.”Sure doesn’t take much to make a 16 yr old smile” he thought.Don’t think she will be smiling so much shortly though,oh well.”

Paul was eating his food when his phone rang,looking down he recognized the number then shook his head.”Hello,yep.He didn’t,what a fucking asshole,where is she now? “Okay,so Anton is bringing her down,”after who does what? He better not fuck her,that’s where the money pot is.”In her mouth,I can live with that,okay,alright,send me a video of it…lol..okay bye.

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