Women with Animals

Becky’s Farm Ordeal – Chapter Five


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Madison slowly walked up the street after leaving her friend April’s house and hoped her Dad was in a better mood than he was this morning.He was furious because she had spilled some milk out of her cereal bowl on the floor,he was never like that ever that she could remember and she cried sitting at the table eating her cereal, afraid to look at him and wished that Becky had never went away to his friends farm or that she could have gone with her.

She thought how much fun she must be having now with all the animals at the farm and making some money too for back to school shopping.Maybe if he was in a better mood she could ask again about being with Becky for the summer.I can’t really see why he wouldn’t let me,at least I would be out of his hair for the summer.Maybe I could ask our Mom if she could bug him about it.She smiled a bit thinking she might be able to persuade their Mom to talk to him and put a bit of a skip in her step towards home.

Getting closer to her house she noticed there was a couple of cars in her driveway along with her parents and was wondering who they belonged to.Getting closer there was a very very big bald man sitting in one of them and he looked at her kind of weird and made her very uncomfortable walking past him.”Hey cutie pie,how are you today? he asked.Madison looked at him but just turned her head away and walked up to her door.

Madison opened the door and walking in saw her Dad sitting on the couch with another big man standing over him yelling.”Dad,what’s going on” and started to tear up a bit with seeing another man sitting across from him with a baseball bat in his hand.”Where’s Mom” and then started crying a little more.Walking in a bit more she could hear some noises upstairs and someone moaning and laughing and loud smacking noises.”DAD,where is Mom”? and Madison ran up the stairs with her Dad yelling at her to stop.Turning the corner to her parents room she stopped at the door and looked at the bed in shock,on it was her Mom and 2 other big big naked men and she had no clothes on and there was a big dog leaning over her back and it was pushing it’s thing inside her over and over again and the 2 men were holding her shoulders down on the bed while the dog was on her back.She was crying and crying and it looked like it was hurting, hurting her so bad, she yelled at them to leave her Mom alone.She started to walk into the room and felt someone grab her by the hair and start to drag her back downstairs,she hardly touched the steps and her sundress was blowing all around and looking up she saw it was the man with the bat and he had a big scary smile on his face.She heard her Mom really scream as she was pulled away then the 2 men laughing as she heard one say”it took him long enough to knot her,eh,that fucking thing was huge.” Madison couldn’t know how the word “Knot” was going to effect her in a very short time.

Coming into the living room with her, he had her by the hair and then sitting back in the chair he dragged her down to the floor on her knees.So little one,breathing into her ear,you know what was happening upstairs with your Mama?Do you know what kind of trouble your Papa is in little one?Madison looked at her Dad again and started crying hard wondering what was going on when her head was pulled back and was looking into the man’s eyes.Reaching over he stuck out his tongue and licked up her cheek and across her nose with it,then smiled and laughed at her.”Anyone ever lick you before little one and laughed and looked around at her father just sitting there.”You want to give your little girl a lick too?,he asked”

“Okay,Papa,tell her what is happening now and what will be happening”,reaching out and tapping him on the leg with the bat.Looking at his daughter with tears still in her eyes was breaking his heart but knew the worst was still to come and all because of his stupid gambling.And his wife was paying for it now upstairs with those 2 men and a big fucking dog ,and he was told there would be more up there soon enough.He tried to speak but his throat was dry and coughed trying to get the words out.”Madison,I need you to help Daddy out by doing something for Mommy and me please.A man is going to take you for a long drive and you will be spending time helping out a friend of mine like Becky is.But first I need you to do what I say and when you turn around I need you to do something for Boris,please don’t fight it honey,please.Just do as he says.

And turning her head to look at the man she saw him sitting back in the chair and in his hand was his thing,pulling it up and down while he looked at her.”Come here little one” he told her and looking back at her Dad she started crying again until she got a tap on the hip with the bat and was told to come here now, so she slowly turned around and hobbled over to him on her knees.”That’s a good girl,Madison right,very good girl..you ever see something like this before,he asked her”.”No,then you better take a better look” and grabbing her behind the neck brought her closer to it.”He wants to be your friend,and what do you do with new friends,you give them a kiss,right,kiss him right on top little one”.She looked at it and saw some stuff on the top and then felt herself being pulled closer then it was on her lips.Pulling back a bit she felt it stick then stretch out like gum then dribbled on her top.”Okay little one now he wants to kiss you too but inside your mouth so show Boris how you open nice and wide for me,that a girl open nice and wide” and pulling her forward slid his cock inside her mouth holding her head still.”Keep your teeth out of the way and lick it like a lollipop,that’s right.Very nice,now I have a nice girl treat very soon for you and you have to swallow it all Madison,hear me” and she looked at him and shook her head.After a few minutes of pulling her up and down on his cock,he was getting close to cumming.”Okay now,it doesn’t take old Boris long anymore so here it cums Madison,swallow now” and she felt something squirting in her mouth once then again and again,she couldn’t swallow fast enough there was so much and it finally stopped.He still held his cock in her mouth and she felt stuff dripping down her chin and neck and she couldn’t help moving her tongue against it.”Oh very nice little one,it feels like you want to do it some more eh”, and he laughed and slowly pulled it out of her mouth.”Maybe I should take you upstairs to suck on that big doggy cock that’s inside your Mama’s belly now eh”,see if that tastes better for you”?

She felt sick to her stomach and started crying again when he heard him say she had to do it again,especially with a dog,then she heard a phone ring and looking at Boris reach into his shirt pocket and say hello “Victor,yes we are still at the house”.”Yes she knows she is going on a trip but not when”.”Now you say,okay Victor yes I have Anton in the car ready to leave right now if you want,yes Victor sorry,he knows where Jeff has his place,we were there awhile ago remember,no I understand,she is ready to go anytime you say”. Thank you and he had a dead phone in his ear.

“George,tell Anton to get ready to go to Jeff’s place,and be ready to leave in a few minutes”,”and you little one,you are going on a nice little trip with Anton,you do as you are told and then you will have lots of fun on the farm like your sister eh”.He still had his cock out and Madison looked at him hoping he was not going to make her do that again to him,but standing up he started to walk towards the stairs,he told her to kiss her Papa goodbye and he will say goodbye to Mama for her.”I am going to see if Mama wants to be friends with Mr.Bat now”,and laughed as he walked up the stairs.She could still hear her Mama crying as he walked up the stairs.

Standing up Madison walked over to her Dad and crying, kissed her on the cheek and looking at her told her he was sorry for everything but kept to himself he didn’t think she would be seeing Becky anytime soon.He had saw some of what they did to her on video,little did he know what had been happening with the good Doctor and his call from Jeff. George came back in and taking Madison’s arm steered her out the door and into the back seat of Anton’s car.”Enjoy your 5 hour drive Anton,and closed the door before he heard Anton’s reply,and looking in the mirror he told Madison he wasn’t a fucking chauffeur and to get her ass up here in the front seat NOW,Madison scrambled up and over the seat as fast as she could.Looking at the big man behind the wheel she hoped she didn’t make him mad jumping over like she did but he just looked at her and smiled thinking that she was sure not going to just be sitting there for the next 5 hours,no sir,she is gonna be busy keeping Anton happy,that’s for sure.And looking at her with her dress bunched up around her waist from sitting down so quick,he knew what was coming off as soon as they hit the highway.

Madison just sat there and didn’t know where to look,and putting her hands in her lap she noticed her skirt had bunched up and she started to smooth it down.”Why are you doing that, Anton said,was a very nice view of your panties you showed me”,looking at her with a grin on his face.Looking up at him slightly she almost started to cry again thinking what that man made her do in the house,she could still taste it on her tongue.Anton saw the stains on her top and knew what she had done in the house.”Would you like a candy to take the taste out of your mouth”? he asked her.Looking up at him she nodded her head and told him yes please.”Here ya go hun,this tastes very sweet”,and handing it to her she popped it in her mouth.”That taste a bit better now”,he asked her and looking up at him she gave a little smile and nodded.”You have a nice little nap in a minute,little one he thought to himself once that roofy starts to work on you.”

“Reach over the seat and there is a cooler on the floor,get us something to drink while there is no traffic yet” he told here.Still looking at him she started to stand onto the seat and reaching over to the floor for the cooler she felt his hand on her bum and started to panic a bit.”Don’t worry little one,I am just making sure you don’t fall over and hurt yourself,hurry up and grab me a beer while you get a pop for yourself”.Grabbing 2 cans she pulled herself back up and sat down and handed him a can of beer.Taking it he thanked her and popped it open taking a big drink of it.”

What kind of pop is this she asked him”? “New flavor for pretty girls like you”,he said and told her to not be afraid and pop it open,”it will help to take away the taste he left also”.Looking at the can she had no idea what Jack Daniel’s Double Jack was but she saw cola on it so didn’t really think much about it.”Once you open it,you have to take a big mouthful and drink it fast”,that way it will help.Still not too sure she looked at him one more time then tipped the can up to her mouth and took a big swallow of it.Then the taste hit her all at once,taking a gasping breath she thought her throat and chest was on fire,and started gulping air like a fish out of water.Her eyes teared up and slowly the can started to slip out of her hand.”Whoa little one,better give me that before you spill it”,and took the can away from her.Sitting there,still not sure what she had drunk,a big mouthful had quite the effect on an 100 lb girl and she started to feel a little sick and dizzy,so she leaned up against the door trying to get her bearings.”Put your feet up on the seat and relax,I think it was too strong pop little one,lay down and rest for a bit and take a nap maybe eh”,and leaning up against the door Madison started to close her eyes.

After a few minutes he reached over and shook her leg,then a bit harder,then grabbing her leg,he pulled her closer to him and watched as her dress slid up her back exposing her pink panties to him.”Let’s get these off and take a look what is under there eh” he laughed to himself and pulled her panties down and off her legs then holding them to his nose and smelling deeply,he put them between the seats,”don’t think you will be needing these anymore little one where you are going,then pushing her legs apart ran his hands between her legs and up across her belly.”Not sure how many different shaped cocks are going to be shoved up here in your belly but I think you are not going to like it much little one,then pushed his hand further up and rubbed the bumps on her chest.Reaching around her he unhooked her bra and slid it out of the dress.Pulling his hand back down he reached up above his head and into a little compartment and pulled out a bottle of K-Y and poured some across her almost bare cunt then spread it around her and over his fingers.”Let’s see what Anton can get in there shall we” and then pointed his finger and ran it up and down her little slit for a few minutes,then pushed a little bit until his finger slipped into her an inch or so.He was surprised when his finger kept going then stopped as it hit that little piece of skin that men wanted to break.”Wow,still cherry eh,surprise for Anton but I better leave in intact.His hand still oiled he put a finger against her little rosebud and pushed it in her as well.”Very tight little one but I think you are going to stretch nicely for Anton eh.”Then shoved 2 more up inside her and worked his fingers in and out of her behind.

After driving a couple of hours and Madison still not waking up,Anton decided to pull over to stretch his legs then stretch Madison a bit too and pulled into a rest stop between two semi trucks and got out and stretched a bit,his legs being too long for even this car.Then looking inside at what waited for him, slid in and lifting Madison up onto his lap,he pulled out his cock and started to fit it into her little ass and slowly pulled her on to it,inch by inch till all 8 inches was inside her belly.”Oh,little one,so very tight but still went in so easy,I hope for your sake it does the same when you are awake”.”But I think you will be screaming quite a bit next time with some kind of animal rutting inside your belly “,then started to lift her up and down,sliding it and out of her ass.After a good 10 minutes of tight ass fucking his balls started to shake and then he started to shoot rope after rope of cum up inside her.Sitting still for a minute then leaning her over on the seat and slowly pulling his spent cock out of her ass he looked at her gape and then the slow drip of what he had just shot inside her start to come out.Something he knew there was going to be a lot of in the near future for this cute one once they got to Suwanee and her new life of animal cock and films.

Looking at her face he hoped she would be able to handle what they were going to be doing to her,but knew that a snuff film would be the next film for her if she couldn’t.

Just as he was wiping off his cock he caught something in the corner of his eye through his side mirror and watched as 2 men were walking alongside his car then 1 of them stopped just at the door and saw Madison laying there with her ass uncovered and leaking something.”Sorry to bother you but is any of that for sale” he asked Anton while looking down at Madison.Looking at the man then back at Madison he told him they could both have her ass for $200 but that was all.Both of them smiled then grabbed for their wallets and pulled out $100 each.”Can we take her in my truck,one of them asked saying there was a lot more room and privacy.Looking at his watch Anton said okay but he was coming as well and then slid Madison over to the door and carried her to the truck beside where he parked.”That was convenient he thought to himself” and passed the still sleeping girl up to the man in the truck.Climbing up into the truck he noticed how much room there was and also that it took no time for one of them to have his cock out ready to slide inside Madison.He also saw the pitbull sitting in the far corner watching what was going on but not moving any.

Looking at Anton,the one with his cock out asked if they could do anything else to her but he reminded them just her ass was available and then watched as 1 of them lifted her up and the other stuffed a couple of pillows underneath her.”Can we take off her dress,just so we don’t mess it up”,one of them asked.Leaning over the sleeping and passed out girl the trucker lined himself up with her ass and pushing started to enter her.”Hmmmm,this is nice” he said with a grin and kept pushing inside her.Anton watched Madison as her second ass fuck of the day started and still she never moved. The other reached under the girl and started to squeeze her breasts but still she failed to respond. “These are so nice he whispered then taking each of her small nipples between his fingers started to pull and twist them a bit.Still Madison never moved at all and Anton watched as both men had their fun with her.It didn’t take long until the first man fucking her started to grunt then pushed himself inside her hard and holding himself against her Anton knew he had just blown his wad up her ass.

Pulling out he grabbed a t-shirt laying on the bed and wiped his cock clean with it.Looking at the second man Anton told him to hurry up and do her as they had to get going and watched as he knee-walked behind her and started to take down his pants and then Anton stared as his cock came into view and couldn’t believe the size of it.The fucking thing was like a horse cock as the man fisted it and watched it grow into at least 10 long inches.”Holy shit pal,you better take it easy putting that inside her,I don’t want her damaged”Anton told him.And looking down at her ass gaped and leaking he told Anton there was enough lube inside her ass already and that she would be fine,then he leaned forward and started to feed his cock slowly up her ass.Still watching, Anton saw that not only was it long but almost as thick as a pop can as well but amazed, he watched him slide inch after thick inch inside her until after a minute he had the whole thing in her gut.”Oh that is so tight” the man said then started to pull it back out just as slow then with half of it still inside,shoved it back in and carried on reaming her ass, finally getting a rhythm he liked, he pulled almost all of it out then stroked it back inside her.After 10 minutes of hard fucking Madison still hadn’t woken up and Anton thought to himself that was probably a good thing with that log that was shoved up inside her and then heard the man start to grunt on each stroke then heard him yell as he shoved himself balls deep inside her and could actually see his balls throbbing as he came deep in her ass.

Finally sliding his cock out of her,they watched as a river of cum ran out of her onto the bed and Madison’s ass still gaped open looking like you could stick your fist in without touching the sides.Looking at both the men leaning against the wall he grabbed the t-shirt and started to try and stop the flow still coming out of her when one of the guys asked Anton if their dog could have a go too.

“How much do you want to pay for his turn,” he asked? Then looking at each other they said they would give another $100 as long as they could take pictures of it too.Anton thought for a minute then looking at the dog he said sure why not but only in her ass as well.”Okay boy, time to get a little pussy for yourself here,let’s get your nose in there and take a nice sniff,then his tongue came out and licked from cunt hole to ass with long wide strokes.”Look at him go Jimmy” one of them said then started to take pictures of it going to town between her legs.Watching for a minute Anton told them to get him inside her now and one of them reached over grabbing the dog’s collar and pulled it up on her back as the other one reached under the dog and lined it’s cock with her ass and watched him start to shove it inside her.Anton watched both men as they laughed and giggled as the big dog pounded her ass like a jackhammer.After 10 minutes the dog started to slow a bit and watching its legs grab tighter on what her hips and digging it’s rear legs into the blanket, it worked it’s knot into her tight ass.Watching the dogs ass twitching he knew it was cumming hard inside her then laid across her back,it’s head resting over her shoulder while he bred it’s newest bitch.It took almost 20 minutes for it’s knot to finally pull out of her and what it shot in her gushed out of her ass all over the bed they were on.Grabbing one of their shirts that was under her head he threw it at them and told them to clean her up as they were leaving now.And after taking a few more pictures of her gaping ass,cleaned her up best they could and shoved an old sock inside her to stop the rest from leaking out.Getting up he opened the door and had them slide her over to the door and climbed down telling one of the men to pass her down to him then carrying Shelly back to the car,slid her across the seat.It took a few minutes to get her into her sundress.

Looking at her ass still leaking,he grabbed some kleenex off the floor and packed it in her ass beside the sock,trying to keep some of it off the car seats.

Lying passed out on the car seat,she had no idea that Becky was just arriving at the place where they both were going to be filmed fucking every kind of animal imaginable and some of the biggest cocks in the animal world would soon be inside both of their bodies.For a virgin 16 year old girl,her worst nightmares were soon to take place and even her sister would be helpless to save her.And in around 3 hours her trip into hell would be starting.

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