Women with Animals

Becky’s Farm Ordeal – Chapter Six


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As Becky was left sitting up on the gurney after having stopped for hamburgers but still secured to it and trying to glance out the small window that Ben had opened as they drove down the road she had no idea what her sister just went through at the hands and paws of 3 men and a very very large dog.Then hearing a knock on the partition from the front seat,turning her head she saw the little window open and the Doctor told Ben that they would be at Suwanee in about half an hour and to get Becky ready before they got there.

Looking at Ben she wasn’t sure what getting her ready meant but watching him lower the gurney and reaching into the drawer behind him she knew she probably wasn’t going to like it.And seeing Ben turn around with a needle in his hand she started to tear up.”Just relax Becky and don’t tense up and this won’t take long at all”,then holding her arm still,she watched him push the needle into a vein and then as he put his thumb on the end and getting the liquid flowing into her arm she thought about her sister and how much she missed her then closed her eyes and in a few seconds was out for the count.Looking at her passed out Ben had no idea what was going to be happening to the little blond in front of him or her sister shortly after but thought that what Becky had been through so far would be surpassed rather quickly.

Driving into the compound Ben looked out the window and saw cage after cage of penned up animals and from what he saw,this was no petting zoo by any means.Most of what he saw were big animals.The normal horses and donkeys but zebras as well with giraffes and elephants and he could hear roaring from some big cats,not sure if they were lions or tigers or both.Then they drove by a large pool with what he thought he saw were dolphins and he was sure a killer whale breaching the water.Feeling the ambulance come to a halt he heard the Doctor getting out and closing his door then the rear doors opening and looking at Ben the Doctor said “welcome to Suwanee” and saw behind the Doctor a couple of men walking up to them.

“Hello Paul,hope your trip down here was good” he heard one of the men say then Doctor Paul responded to him,”Good to see you again too Jeff,I have a couple of people I want you to meet,this here is Ben who I go way back with and if you want to come inside,and standing beside Becky he threw open her gown and waving his hand toward her told Jeff that this was Becky our little star and animal lover.Looking her over Jeff asked him how old she was and being told just turned 16 a few weeks ago, Jeff walked up and rubbed her tits and bending down a bit spread open her legs and stuck a finger inside her working it around a bit.”She seems pretty tight but I saw the films you sent what she has had in here so I don’t see anything to cause too much concern with what we have planned”.Turning they walked out of the ambulance and Jeff stopped then looking at the Doctor again he told him her sister should be arriving within the hour so let’s get this young lady situated where she will be filming. “Oh,sorry,I forgot to introduce you to my associate,gents this is Ramone who ensures that the animals are ready when we need them to be and that the stars like young Becky here are as well” then looking at Ramone told him to take her to the pool shack where her first film will be taking place.Then with help from Ben getting her out of the ambulance,they pushed her down the path towards where the pool was located and into the building there.”Let’s grab a drink Paul and catch up a bit before our other little star shows up and we get her started with her debut”,then they walked towards the large house that sat in the middle of the property.

Becky finally woke up and looking around her, noticed that she was naked and strapped down still and was in some kind of room that smelled of fish or something like that and could hear voices coming from behind the closed door.Closing her eyes again she didn’t hear the door open then heard a voice saying hello to her then a hand rubbing her belly.”Hello Becky,my name is Ramone and we will be working together for the next little while” then moving down to the bottom of the gurney lifted her legs up and once again put her feet in the stirrups and spread them wide and pushed them almost up near her chest.”What are you doing to me and where is Doctor Paul”,she asked then looking at her Ramone replied that the Doctor was watching through the cameras we have in here and to just relax and they would start.Reaching into a cupboard beside him he pulled out what looked like a big syringe and moving between Becky’s spread legs started to insert the tip inside her,pushed the nozzle down squirting some kind of gel in her,then when it seemed to back up out of her, repeated the process up her ass,saying “I guess you are ready for us to move on and see how things go Becky”.What have you been sticking in me” she asked him and then looking at her he told her something that would relax her insides,and a little something to make sure any pain felt was very little.”It is also a really good lubricant but it had to go really deep inside you to prevent you getting hurt” and after wiping his hands pushed the gurney into another room where she saw a big pool with dolphins in it.

“You like to swim Becky”, he asked her and looking at the dolphins she wasn’t sure if he meant with them but answered yes,good said Ramone,”that makes it easier”, then waving at a couple of men in white outfits they came and undid the straps holding her on the gurney and carried her to the edge of the water.Sitting her down her feet were in the water then she jumped back when something brushed against her foot.”Don’t be afraid Becky,your friends in the pool are well trained and very gentle.And there in front of her popped up two dolphins who started to shake their heads at her and squeaked and squacked then dove back in the water and swam away.

Feeling a tap on her shoulder one of the men handed her some goggles.”Okay Becky time to go for a swim with your friends” Ramone told her then looking at the water she noticed a man with air tanks and a camera already in the water waiting for her to get in.She sat there for a minute then started to cry a bit,then looking up at Ramone realized she was going to have to have sex with them.”Are they very big down there”she asked and looking at her Ramone held his hands in front of him and held them about a foot apart and told her about 14 inches long. Looking back at them splashing in the pool,she put on the googles then slid into the pool.Looking up at Ramone again he told her to tread water but to keep her legs apart and if she got into any real trouble the man in the pool would help her.Nodding her head she started to push herself away from the side of the pool and then tread water as she was told.

Almost right away she felt something brush against her then beside her popped up a dolphin which startled her a bit.Then seeing that he seemed friendly enough reached out and touched his head rubbing her hand up and down,then seeing Ramone on the edge remembered why she was in the pool with this dolphin and what it was going to do to her.The she saw it dip down, then felt it between her legs nudging her with it’s head.”Becky,yelled Ramone,it is going to come up underneath you and you are going to be belly to belly”,then while listening to him the dolphin slid against her and felt herself being lifted out of the water slightly.”Get ready she heard Ramone yell then felt something hard poke her between the legs then shoved hard inside her. It was inside her about 5 inches she thought then it lurched again and she felt her stomach cramp as it shoved the full length inside the 16 year old.As it drove inside her she saw that it was going to dive into the water and grabbing a breath held it while they dove under the water,the whole time the dolphin moved ,she felt slide in and out of her,then they broke the water again so she could take another breath.One of the divers came up to her and asked if she was okay,and after getting used to the large thing inside her she nodded her head that she was.Looking at Ramone, he gave him the thumbs up then Ramone waved to another dolphin to mate with the girl as well.Waving his arm in the air the other dolphin slid along side the pair and it rubbed it’s cock against Becky’s hand.Startled a bit until she realized what it was she grabbed it and could feel how long the one inside her really was.

“Get ready Becky”,Ramone yelled “he is going inside you too”,then Becky felt it slide up her back and then realized where it was going to put it.Feeling it push at her bum she tried to relax so it wouldn’t hurt going in and then felt it slowly pushed inside her.With her stomach already cramping her insides were battered more than ever having two cocks this big inside her at the same time.Feeling it finally rubbing her bum she knew it was all inside her then the dolphins started to slide under the water again.Once under the water both the dolphins began to mate with the girl and after only a few seconds she could feel them both start to squirt inside her.Looking past the one dolphin she could see both the men with cameras filming her being fucked and finally after almost being out of air the dolphin pulled out of her cunt while the other started to swim to the surface where breaking the water she took in a big breath of air.Finally the dolphin slipped out of her ass and she could see clouds of cum floating around her then noticed the man pointing the camera between her legs showing her leaking it into the water.She never felt this sore since these men first started doing things to her and she cursed the thought of her Step-Dad and how much she hated him.Then she felt another dolphin bump her and steeled herself for another huge cock opening her up again.

Just as Becky felt her next partner proceed to fuck her, on the other side of the compound Madison and Anton drove in and pulled up to the big house.Leaving her on the front seat Anton walked up the steps and into the house seeing Jeff and Paul sitting on the patio.Hello Anton,how was the trip down and where is our little star?Having a little snooze,she found the trip a bit exhausting and a pain in the ass maybe,he chuckled.
Pushing himself away from the table Paul said he was going to go down to the car and take a look at the girl and walking down to the car and looking through the window it showed her laying on the front seat. Reaching in and turning her off of her back he noticed a lump in the rear of her panties and a big wet spot there and on the seat.Sensing someone behind him he heard Anton say it was a long trip and he needed some entertainment so he shared her ass with a couple of truckers and their companion,then he started chuckling again.

Companion? Paul asked him and grinning back Anton replied a nice doggy with a big cock,that’s why all the goop coming out of her ass,it filled her up and just poured out all over my seats.

Walking up to the car Jeff looked into at at the girl on the seat and looking at Paul asked him what was going on? Looking at Jeff,Paul answered him,”I said nothing severe was to happen to this girl on the trip down here and this son of a bitch sold her ass to a couple of guys and their fucking dog”.”That stuff all over her is what they left inside her.”

“Is this true Anton,?Jeff asked him.

“Yes Jeff but I was told I could have some fun with her on the drive down” now looking at Jeff with a wary eye.”Fun yes within reason” then Anton felt a pinch on the back of his neck and slowly watched the two men blur away as he passed out.”Let’s see how Anton likes to have some fun” and pulling out his phone he told whoever to get a couple of guys to the front entrance now.

Anton finally started to come to and when he tried to move found he was tied to a bench and that he was naked.”What are you doing to me” he screamed.Hearing a sound behind him he saw Jeff and the other guy walk in behind him.”You let me down in front of my friend Anton”,Jeff told him.”I can’t let that go”.Then waving his hand the men watched as 2 men brought donkeys into the room.”Let’s see how you manage them Anton” and then they watched as the first donkey was led up behind the tied up man and lifted on top of him.Anton’s scream could be heard for quite a ways as 14 inches of thick donkey cock was shoved inside him,then again as it tried to push it as far inside the man as it could.Looking at Paul,Jeff smirked then told him “that the one going next was even bigger than the first.I am afraid Anton will probably not be happy or breathe anymore once it fucks him,that will be a good lesson to all my men here” and they walked away to see how Madison was doing in the infirmary.

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