Women with Animals

Becky’s Farm Ordeal – Chapter Seven


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Walking into the infirmary with Jeff, Paul noticed a few other girls in beds before he saw Madison.”What happened to them”, Paul asked? Let’s just say that their mates got a little too frisky before we could get to them to stop them getting injured replied Jeff.”Are they going to be okay or to what extent were they injured”?asked Paul. “Unfortunately, their insides are pretty much destroyed, we have basically had to sew them shut”. “Let’s just say out of the 4 girls,3 of their next films will be of the snuff variety”.”An animal terror film which seems to be something our far east viewers enjoy”.”What the hell is an animal terror film”?, asked Paul. “Well, with these 3, one will be taken by a bear, one by a lion and the third by an anaconda”.”They will be drugged up somewhat so they don’t really realize what’s happening until it’s almost over for them”.”That is something that Ramone handles, not really my cup of tea so to speak”.Shaking his head Paul walked further down the corridor until he saw Madison in bed with an I.V. in her arm.Looking at Jeff, he responded that the nurse thought she was a bit dehydrated and suggested we get some fluids into her.Walking into the room Paul lifted up the blanket covering her and noticed she was nude underneath.Asking Jeff to hold her legs up and back Paul looked at any damage that might have happened with her ass being fucked by 3 guys and a fucking dog.Seeing how red and swollen it still was he knew that it was good for her that she had been drugged or it would have been a disaster for her with the pounding and stretching she took.Her ass still leaking, Paul opened her ass with his thumbs to see if there was any notable damage inside.Not seeing any right away he told Jeff he wanted to look at her more when she finally woke up.Then opening her vagina up a bit he noticed that she still had her hymen in place, which really surprised him telling Jeff that.”No problem Paul, I will have the nurse let you know when she comes around but come with me and I will show you what gets to pop that little piece of skin she still has”.

As they left, Ramone came into Madison’s room as well and looking at the girl laying there he removed the blanket and started taking pictures of her.Putting up the stirrups he placed her legs in them, stretching her legs wide open.Taking pictures of her ass and especially her slit of a cunt, opening her up with his fingers he took a couple of pics of her hymen.”What price some sicko’s will pay to watch that little piece of skin being removed by a huge animal” he thought to himself.Then moving to the top of the bed opened Madison’s mouth to check her teeth and throat.”All looks good in here “ and then taking out his cock, slid it into the girl’s mouth, taking a few pics of that as well.”I am sure to enjoy using this soon when you are wide awake Madison”then pulling out of her mouth and putting away his cock.”I think tomorrow you might be able to start your movie career with us” saying to himself as he threw the blanket back on top of the girl.

Following Jeff outside, they walked over to another enclosure where Paul could hear a loud grunting.”Is that what I think it is”? Paul asked and walking around a corner saw a huge gorilla sitting on a stump looking around.”You have got to be kidding” Paul stated looking at Jeff, who laughed and said “No, that will be her first fuck and her star is quite something” Jeff advised.”Most gorillas or apes have a very small cock, maybe 2 or 3 inches tops”.”Our stud somehow ended up with almost 8 inches of thick cock, and can fuck on and off for hours”.Looking around the cage, Jeff saw what he was looking for under some brush, and pointing at it yelled at the gorilla to get his attention and yelled “Fuck”. Seeing where Jeff was pointing the gorilla walked over and reaching into the brush dragged out a young naked girl who looked to Paul as being quite drained and almost comatose.Lifting her up with ease he spread her legs and holding onto her waist, shoved his cock inside her.Other than a little ummph it was the only sound she made as she was pulled on and off the huge cock.”That girl has been in there since early this morning and looking at one of the keepers, he held up 9 fingers meaning she has been fucked that many times in 4 hours”.”You will also notice that other than a scratch or two when she tried to fight him at first, our little miss, Rebecca I believe is her name, other than that, the only real injury, other than maybe her ass when he missed a couple times”.”We are looking at Madison spending maybe 8 hours in here and editing this into maybe an hour or two feature of ape fucking”.Looking at Paul’s face, Jeff assured him that the ape has not really hurt any of the girls he has been with, other than maybe a few scratches here or there.”Madison will be fine afterwards and then we can move her onto her next movie”.

Just then, Madison finally started to wake up and looking around her noticed the needle in her arm and thought she must be in a hospital or something then heard some animal noises before she once again fell asleep. In 15 hours or so, she will find herself facing one of the fiercest animals in the jungle, and in this place one of the horniest.

Becky sat on the pool deck while the dolphin sperm drained out from inside her when she noticed Ramone come walking up to her.”Are you okay he asked her”,”I’m okay I guess, just a little sore in my bum though”she replied.”Were the divers okay with you to make sure you didn’t run into any trouble in the water”Ramone asked. Turning to them then looking back at Ramone she told him, yes, that she knew they were there for her.”So how do you think you should repay them for looking after you so well? and in turning her head again she saw both divers walking towards her with their cocks out of their trunks and stroking them.”Guys, you have an hour with her, do what you want and with that Ramone turned and walked away while the first diver turned Becky’s head and fed her his cock.Pulling her onto her hands and knees she felt the other driver slide inside her ass and both started to push further into her.

When they were through with her, they took her to a room that looked like a hotel suite and she was told to grab a shower and clean herself up as she was going to meet someone she knew in an hour for supper.Not knowing who it could be she showered and looking in the closet found a small sundress but looking through the drawers, of course didn’t find any underwear to put on.After waiting for awhile there was a knock on her door and when opening it saw Ramone standing there.”Come on, you have an old friend you are going to dine with” and after walking with him to another room, she saw Dr Paul sitting at a table with another man.”Well hello again Becky, let me introduce you to our host, this is Jeff”.And pulling out a chair Becky sat beside Paul at the table.”How was your swim”, Jeff asked and turning a bit redfaced Becky looked at him and didn’t reply. “Becky, Jeff asked you a question” nudged Paul and looking at Jeff, Becky told him her bum still hurt and she had cramps a bit from them.”I am sure you will fell better in the morning and we have a surprise for you as well” Jeff told her.Thinking it was another animal to fuck her she didn’t respond in anyway.Paul looked at her then turned to Jeff and said “well if she doesn’t want to see her sister, then we can cancel them getting together later”.Becky choked on her water she was drinking and looking at Paul asked if Shelly was really there.”Of course she is and she is going to help out Dr Paul the same as you have been” stated Jeff.A look of horror spread over her face and kept yelling “no, no no, she can’t handle what you have done to me”.”Nonsense said Jeff, you can watch her with her first boyfriend tomorrow morning at 10am from the viewing room and I am sure she will be as big a star as you very soon”. Just then the waiters started bringing out the food and watching Becky with tears in her eyes, Paul told her ,”get eating as you are gonna need your strength for your next partner tomorrow too”.She started to eat but couldn’t get Madison out of her mind and what was gonna happen to her sister.

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One thought on “Becky’s Farm Ordeal – Chapter Seven

  1. Excellent follow up, I think Becky has had enough animals in her holes that in the next movie to get her ready for a man to put his fist and forearm in her pussy and most of his arm in her ass, maybe some double vaginal and double anal later with some men and dogs and then with bigger animals

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