Women with Animals
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The Devils Wolf enjoys me and Grandma


Growing up in a small village, in a third world country – we were surrounded by a dense forest on all sides. When I was a young girl, my parents as well as neighbors always warned me of going into the forest – the wolves were always hungry and loved nothing more than a tasty meal of a plump little girl like me. Some would even go into great detail, explaining how they’d tear me into pieces while they licked my bones clean – needless to say I was terrified of even getting near the forest, staying as close to home as humanly possible, even though our home was on the edge of this scary and forbidden area.

By the time I was in my teen years, the pudgy little girl had developed early, big double D boobs had replaced the previously flat chest … that added to a thin waist now had the males of all ages taking more than just a glance. For some reason the sexual needs deep within me kept increasing as I got older, so much so that by the time I was in my late teens, a reputation of being extremely easy had become well known in the small community. Older men, young ones, married and unmarried – basically anyone with a cock was interesting to me – this type of personality opened an opportunity to work as a server in the local pub being owned by an older lady, who like me, had enjoyed probably every male in the area as well as a few females.

When she interviewed me, it was the first time I’d really meant someone just like me – I immediately accepted the position as soon as it was offered.

She was like a big sister, one I’d always wanted. While working we talked about everything, about different guys we’d been with – laughed and giggled about a few guys with tiny peckers, making jokes like we needed tweezers to hold onto them. Occasionally when we closed, it was not uncommon for us to share a patron or in some cases several patrons who didn’t mind a gang bang party as long as they were willing to pay.

One evening the two of us had entertained a couple of guys who had been here on business, for some reason neither of us were tired … The obvious subject of sex came up, when I asked her about the best sex she’s ever had.

She was staring at the ceiling, not answering me at first, then turned to face me, “What I’m about to tell you must never be shared with any of the villagers – it must remain our own secret” She made me swear I’d never share what she was about to tell me. When I promised that I’d never say anything, she started the following story.

The woods contain a pack of animals similar to wolves only somewhat different. They are called the Diablos Lobos … translated to the devils wolves. These are the ones the stories are told about. Ifi they find you they will chase you as a pack, smelling fear they’ll kill and eat you but if they smell arousal – they’ll capture and fuck you over and over again and again. Then she laughed, “When I take a couple of days off, it is not to rest but to enjoy their hospitality – the males and females all use me … coming back I’m a new woman ready to face this place again”

I loved what she was sharing but obvious questions were present, “But how would I possibly show arousal when being chased by a pack of wolves?”

Moving her hand between my legs, rubbing my already aroused and sensitive lips, “By keeping in mind a pack of the biggest cocks you’ve ever enjoyed, of females so talented with their mouth and tongues that they’ll have you begging them to let you relax – and to top it off, cocks that never seem to want to stop – you have to finally come back here or the climaxes would have you lose your mind”

The sex sounded fantastic, just what I’d have enjoyed, but some obvious stumbling blocks, first they were animals you were having sex with – secondly since all my life I had been told to fear the wolves who lived out there – to start to run for my life while becoming aroused instead of worried I’d be killed and eaten, wasn’t making a lot of sense –

I slowly drifted off to sleep, dreaming of having a wolf on top of me or one between my legs – as much fun as it sounded, they were still wolves and there was no way I could become aroused by running from them.

The following morning I asked if all the animals were these sex crazed ones, she shook her head, “No, most are vicious killing creatures, but not to worry, I’d take you to their area – then all you have to do is run, become hornier than you’ve ever been – they will do the rest”

The more I thought about it, the more curious I was becoming – my grandmother was one of the oldest in the village – I figured if anyone knew anything about these sex animals she would, on a day off I walked to her place, like all grandparents she was more than glad to see me. After we’d caught up on everything I asked her if she knew anything about a group of animals having sex with women of the village?

She immediately smiled, “You work with Amy, Amy’s grandmother was just like her a slut, just like what you’ve become. From what I’ve been told, the grandmother was horny as hell one evening, spotting a few wolves waiting to impregnate a female who was in heat, she stripped down nude, had them chase her around until they caught her- while they waited to have their turn with the female they all fucked her a couple of times. Apparently they all liked what they had sampled, we heard she made weekly trips to the pack to satisfy her erotic needs. It looks like Amy has the same drive and since you’re asking I’m assuming you have a similar itch between your legs”

That surprised me, if grandma knew it was a good chance the whole village knew but no one seemed to mind or even discuss it no matter what the circumstances were.

When I stood to leave, in almost a whisper, “Your grandfather was a good man, but in bed he was the shits. I think I’ve still got a few good years left in me, if you start fucking them, think of me, I’m sure there are few that wouldn’t mind tapping this old ladies cunt once or twice”

Now I had more information on hooking up with this pack … on days off I’d venture into the forest – to see if I could repeat what my bosses grandmother had enjoyed – I shared this information with Amy, something she wasn’t aware of … she only knew her grandmother had enjoyed the same sex that she had, but had no idea how it started.

Early in the morning before the club opened, the two of us would look for female in heat – it took a few weeks, but eventually we spotted one who had attracted a large male –

Stripping nude, already soaked between my legs, so no worry in being aroused, I moved carefully towards the couple who were already fucking like mad. I didn’t see a second huge male come up behind me silently, when his tongue licked between my legs, jumping I damn near fainted – looking at him – there wasn’t any fear from me, the fact he had not attacked but licked me instead … gave me a moment to let out a deep breath – the second lick, damn near made my legs collapse – spotting a moss covered log, headed there, dropping down to my knees, afraid to look behind me to see what the reaction from him was going to be.

Nothing was happening for a long time or at least it seemed like a long time – Never having seen him, when suddenly he clamped those powerful huge jaws on the back of my neck, telling me instantly just how big he was as well as how easy he could kill me if he wanted to …. Remaining perfectly still, when he jumped up on my back, a huge pole-like device found my sex craved opening – easily pushing all twelve inches or more in me …

I had been told how big they can be, but I wasn’t expecting anything like this – as soon as he was all the way in, the rapid pounding started – the size of his balls slapping against my body – was causing some discomfort – the cock was in a spear shape, but each time he bottomed out, that thing pressed deeper than my body could take –

All of the excitement I’d been feeling came rushing to the surface, for no reason my body shook and exploded, covering his cock with a thick gooey cream – he was so big that all I could do was coat him, nothing ran out, he had stretched me when he pushed in – no room for anything else.

Somehow he sensed I had no way of taking his knot, so he only fucked and fucked and fucked me – until after what seemed like a long time – a feeling of intense warmth started flooding me – triggering a second explosion – this one mixing with the warm juices he had emptied in me.

He released my neck, that’s when I opened my eyes to be greeted by two large females watching me closely – as soon as he pulled out, they were between my legs, licking up the juices, teasing my now super sensitive vaginal lips … making me squirm and moan … I knew it wasn’t possible but a strange feeling began building deep inside me … it felt like an orgasm coming, but I’d already enjoyed two in a short time, there was no …… “OMG they’ve triggered a
third – OHHHH FUCK … nooooo a third” I screamed to no one in particular

It came on me, this time leaving me so wasted that nothing would move. They kept doing what they do best … making me whimper now, praying I wouldn’t die before they stopped.

Sliding off the log, sprawling on my back enjoying the soft grass – never having felt like this, never dreaming it was even possible – my eyes rolled up in my head, while I slipped into a well deserved nap.

Something was licking the area between my legs … the feeling so pleasant and enjoyable I slowly opened my eyes – not the same one who had taken me earlier but one that looked equally as large, had spiked my arousal to the peak again – rolling over, taking the same position over the log, he was up on me and deep inside in one small jump.

This time I wasn’t being treated in any special way, he was pounding me with all his strength, occasionally nipping my shoulders or arms to let me know the way I was writhing was not something he approved of – there was also no passing on his knot going in me … it felt huge, I’d already enjoyed a body shaking orgasm when he first entered me … now with this pressure – a second one was building quickly. There was no way that thing was going to be inside me, but when I tried to pull away or push him away he bit me … a few times hard enough that I knew his sharp teeth had broken my skin and had drawn blood.

The constant pressure of him trying to get in me …. The longer my body resisted, the harder he was pounding – something had to give – unfortunately my body finally gave way, allowing that monstrous thing to slip in – As soon as it did, never being as exhausted as I was at that moment – a massive explosion took place, but being as wasted as I was, I had no way of truly enjoying what was happening.

His seed was as warm or warmer than I’d previously felt … it felt wonderful – at some point he pulled out – females were there to clean and excite me just like they had before – my body squirmed from side to side, legs opening and closing, whimpering sounds taking place, but that was all I could do – as soon as I was cleaned a total body nap took over

Once again I was awakened from the nap by an intense licking this time over my tits – opening my eyes slowly, a different color beast, but it looked like he was equally as big, that was when I realized the pack now owned me – he moved from my boobs to between my legs, all I could do was open them wide – somehow he slipped in me just as easy as the earlier ones had – the fucking, the knot and warm seed all triggered an unknown number of explosions.

By the time the females had topped off what was now becoming a fantastic end to a mind blowing pounding – I headed for a small stream close to where I had been. A much needed cleaning took place. Walking around to dry off, large males came and went, it seems all knew I was their new play toy, to be enjoyed whenever they wanted.

I stayed for one more full day, was mounted four times, enjoyed an unknown number of climaxes – then headed back to my grandma’s home. It was hard walking, I can’t remember ever being so sore, but the pure pleasure they’d given me was well worth it – telling her of a place that seemed to be a mating area – we planned a trip in a few weeks, as soon as my body was healed from the soreness.

Amy was so glad to see I’d not only found the pack but they had accepted me – telling her of granny’s desires, she laughed, not sure if the pack would accept an old pussy, but you never know what they’ll do.

Three weeks later, the two of us headed for the place, stripping down nude, I was surprised at how good her body still looked, as old as she was. While I was immediately mounted by a big male, a younger one licked and mounted grandma – he was slower, didn’t try and push his knot in her, just fucked her then filled the emptyness with the wonderfully warm seed. I loved how many times her body enjoyed climax after climax – she came two more times when some older females took over to finish her off.

Her eyes were lost in a sexual haze, she looked at me but didn’t really see much – as the nap took over she whispered, “Thank you so much, you’ll never understand how much I’ve needed a good fucking”

We spent two full days with the pack, I had to help her walk back to the club – we have a room upstairs we sometimes use, it was perfect for her to rest.

A couple of days later, she helped serve drinks, did a couple of lap dances, seems there are a lot of guys who prefer an old pussy to a newer model – we worked out a schedule – two of us would cover the club, while the third was being used by the pack, then we’d switch and so on – that way we get more time with our lovers, they liked the new arrangements, we loved it and more and more patrons were visiting the club to have a go at the old lady.

Diablos Lobos are the best…

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