Women with Animals

Being a Working Girl opens up Fun and Games


Saying that sex is the center of my life is definitely an understatement. Ever since I was in grade school, on the way home one afternoon, a girly magazine had been thrown out of someones car … at least that is what I thought .. picking it up, looking through the pages … I was amazed at what I was seeing. This one was not just nude girls showing off their hot bodies … but this one was showing guys having sex with girls in various ways and positions.

That afternoon I sat down in a near by park, studying each picture … slipping a pencil between my legs, rubbing my pussy .. the more I looked at them .. the more the pencil moved back and forth … new feelings were beginning to take place … my breathing was becoming heavier and more labored … until finally a funny strange feeling rushed over me, leaving the area soaked.

That strange new sensation, made it difficult to walk, the moisture wasn’t a urine taste, instead a new taste that I’d never encountered.

Hiding the magazine in my back pack, heading home … my body feeling strange – so confused by all these feelings had me so mixed up …when I got home, I spent the rest of the afternoon on my bed, wondering what had happened.

Fast forward a few years, still not sure what I was looking at, or how it would feel, I was tending for a family down the street … they came home early, which allowed me to walk home sooner then I had planned … passing by a large home, I could hear some strange noises coming from an open window with a deck. Curiosity caught me, moving close to the railing, I could see the neighbor lady – nude, upon the bed on all fours .. someone was spanking her bottom with a strap of some sort. At first I was worried, but in a few minutes instead of trying to get away, it was obvious she was enjoying it … climbing up on the deck, moving to a corner .. I had the whole bedroom open to me to watch.

Her husband was a heavy set guy, one neither of my parents liked .. they referred to him as a fat slob who did nothing … but this guy was really well built .. olive skin, amazed at how big his penis was .. it was hard, seemed to be bobbing while he was spanking her .. finally the conversation had her apologizing for being a naughty girl .. that’s when he let her suck on his penis. Watching this actually take place, like I had seen in that old worn out magazine, I’d looked at over and over … plunged me into a sexual haze … slipping my hand down between my legs … masterbating and enjoying the feeling this always brought to me … was now even more exciting since I was watching it take place only a few feet from me.

She sucked on him until he was ready to do more, quickly turning on the bed, so once again her bottom was near him … that big old cock slid inside her so easy … but the expression on her face told me what I had been wondering ever since finding the magazine … she loved it, loved everything about it … which in turn triggered the most intense climax I’d ever enjoyed. What happened afterwards is a blur .. being zoned out …laying there, legs spread wide open … eventually the room went dark, I crawled back over the rail heading home.

The next day Susan, the lady I’d seen having sex with a stranger, called me, asking if I could help her with a small project … thinking it was just a coincidence, knocking on her door a few minutes later … she was smiling, “Nikki so good of you to come so quickly, please come in while I get us a cool glass of lemonade”

While she poured us the drink, not looking at me …”So tell me what did you think of the show last night? I watched you doing yourself and it looked like you were enjoying what you were seeing”

Being caught, not sure what to say, looking around in all directions .. becoming embarrassed … handing the drink, moving in behind me … putting her drink down .. taking hold of my shoulders … kissing my neck, “I know you like watching a guy and girl fuck, ever thought about how much more fun two girls can have?”

Being caught, this stunning knock-dead lady was kissing me, her hands roaming down the front of my loose blouse, squeezing my breasts … having recently seen her nude and how hot she looked .. plunged me into a rapid erotic frenzy … a small moan escaping me .. I hadn’t thought of what being with a woman would be like, but I wasn’t objecting to what had started … barely able to do anything except lay back, legs spreading wide open …

A few minutes my blouse was wide open, the fact I had developed early, so there wasn’t any need to wear a bra, she was teasing the super sensitive nipples … by the time she joined me on the sofa, her hand was between my legs, sucking and licking the nipples, had my hips jumping off the surface …

Moving on her knees between my legs, her finger slipped up inside me, while that magical tongue licked my clit … that was all I could take … arching my back, screaming in pure ecstasy – the most intense explosion I’ve ever enjoyed washed over me, so quickly – it left me dazed – the body completely collapsing – so excited by what was happening.

I ended up staying with her most of the evening, we got together as often as we could over the next few years, she introduced me to her boy friend one evening, when hubby was out of town – he took away my virginity, taught me submission and the love of pain.

Thanks to this new life, I sailed through school with unbelievable grades, due to the seduction techniques I had learned from these two … College brought on new adventures, until one evening I was walking back to my apartment, when a guy pulled up, asking me if I’d like to be his date – he’d give me a couple hundred dollars. I went with him to a hotel room he had … it was a quick fuck, nothing spectacular especially with the small dick he had … but he was going to be in town for a few days … if I would agree to come back each evening, he’d double the amount of money – ends up I spent the time he was in town in his bed, even sleeping over for a couple .. when he left town, I was $9,000 richer and a new life had opened up for me.

I did finish school, graduated with a degree in computer science, joined an agency that specialized in high end call girls … my minimum was 12 hours … the money was fantastic, being booked almost every weekend.

At a weekend conference where my agency had been hired to supply a half dozen working girls, all in my price range .. I meant Jenny … we had known each other through other parties, but no more then recognition and smiles .. however two guys hooked up with the two of us, inviting both to one room – a few drinks, some unbelievable rapid wild sex, apparently exhausted both of them, falling asleep as soon as they’d cum, Jenny was laughing when she crawled to me, works every time, now we can have some real fun – they’ll be out for minimum of three to four hours. When they wake, they’ll think they had the best sex ever” Then she giggled, “But you think what just happened was fantastic, wait until they wake … we’ll enjoy a fucking like none either of us has had before. That’s what keeps them coming back to me, never realizing they’ve been drugged”

Not sure what she meant, apparently she had found a drug, acted on males … making them super horny and keeping them on the edge, until they almost passed out … the explosion was so intense and exhausting – they fell into a deep sleep immediately. Waking they had a raging hard-on .. fucking us again like the first … eventually satisfied they’d made us happy … it never failed they did make us cum …

I immediately ordered a thousand of the dark web pills, from what she had told me and my background, I figured there may be a way to score some really big money.

She and I had a fantastic time together, triggering several explosions when our sleeping beauties woke, like Jenny said, they were more then ready for phenomenal sex … leaving me exhausted when I left …

My shipment of pills arrived the next day from South America … I had been booked for a Wednesday night/next day hook up with an extremely wealthy gentleman. Taking time to download a few programs on my phone, pick up a few more toys … meeting him on his yacht looked like what would be a fun filled day … we talked, had a small snack of cheese and crackers …shared a glass of wine, that was when I slipped the small white pill in …. it didn’t take long – we were in bed, I was on my back —- he was pounding away like there was no tomorrow ever … this triggered multiple explosions between my legs … when he finally emptied a full load inside me … we kissed more … slowly pulling out of me, he was asleep in moments.

It took me a few minutes to enjoy what could be the best sex I had enjoyed since I had turned pro, finally getting up, grabbing my bag, moving into his small office on the boat .. opening the personal laptop, hooking up my phone to it …running the down loaded program … activating the additional scanner I had brought along … with my background it didn’t take long to be inside his personal accounts.

The expected accounts were there, savings, checking, long term investments in his and his wife’s name … then, buried deep inside multiple accounts were a few, additionally password protected … once again easily broken … PAY DIRT. There were multiple off shore accounts, each one containing large amounts of money … all hidden from his wife, the IRS and anyone but him. I transferred just over $800,000 to a numbered account I had set up … erased all traces of the transfer as well as any reference to him even having that account.

When he woke, just like Jenny had promised, he was on me like a rabbit in heat … giving me a large tip as well as my normal fee … we kissed, he promised to call me again and I was gone.

The next 9 plus years put me in my early thirties, financially I was wealthy beyond anyone could ever have dreamed of … all of my dates had contributed in various ways, even though they had no idea.

One afternoon, while enjoying a cool drink at a local harbor type cafe – to my surprise a very good looking tall dark gentleman kept looking at me … even in his slacks a good sized tent was being supported between his legs … he also seemed to like what he was looking at.

It didn’t take long, Raul was joining me at my table … when he offered to buy me dinner, I explained I work for an agency who booked all my dates. He wasn’t surprised, asking if he could get the number of the agency …as expected with in the hour, he had lined up a date for two days with me on his private yacht, docked off the shore, at least five miles out, into neutral waters. This made me suspicious, but the money was more then double what I normally get, so I was on the dock ready when he personally picked me up in a small motor boat. Explaining he had let everyone have a few days off, he wanted me all to himself.

The ride out was pleasant … easy to talk to, very vague on what he did for a living, but the way he seemed to spend money – I figured he must be a trust fund baby … having never worked a day in his life.

A perfect meal was ready, we enjoyed the good food, wine and a breathtaking sunset … when he started to get cozy … dropping my little pill in his wine had him like a raging bull in a few minutes … this one’s cock was large, very large – without the drug, I’m sure he was extremely capable of using it for the companions satisfaction … by the time he emptied the warm seed in me … I was more then spent … quickly joining him in a short nap … waking I still had time to look around at who he was …

Gaining access was easy, a few files on family, kids a pretty wife … then deeper, opened up information I was not ready to see. Detailed files on politicians, local government officials, district attorneys, police captains and so on .. extensive details on how much each have been paid, favors they have done for this family and so on and on and on.

It dawned on me, this was some crime family and I had enough information to bury half the local government as well as this family. I was ready to close this one and not mess with anything when a deeper file told of prostitutes he’d used over the years, my name was in there, but incomplete … he had been skimming money from the family to pay for this life style … deeper in, was the biggest shock so far.

This file had names of famous female celebrities, lady judges, politicians, lawyers …all female and all with an attached video. Opening one on a state federal judge … it showed her stripping down nude … getting down on all fours, leaning over a well padded ottoman … a large dog, maybe a lab or lab mix, licking between her legs, mounting her and fucking her … all the time a close up of her face, showed how much she was enjoying this.

As far as I could tell every single file had a similar video of them enjoying some form of beastality … it was obvious these were being used for blackmail.

Just as I was about to close this up, a strange file all by itself – labored ‘FUTURE’ was intriguing. Opening this one, I recognized the lady immediately. Lady Ellen was the sole owner of the agency I worked for, it was no secret she had underworld ties – extremely wealthy, but as far as I was concerned always fair, especially to the working girls she hired.

Apparently Raul had been stealing from her for years … was now worried he’d be caught, so he’d hired a hitman to come in from out of town .. the meeting was set for the following weekend … from what I could tell, my new bed partner was just days away from running everything on his own.

Closing up the computer … we spent a lot of time in bed with one another … the next day slipping him a second pill, when he passed out, I called Lady Ellen. She knew me, had invited me to dinner multiple times … even though I knew what she was, we were on a first name basis. It took more then an hour for me to explain what I had found, as well as what I had seen.

He was just waking up, when the ladies helicopter landed on the pad the ship had in the back. Needless to say he was more then a little surprised … I still had the laptop open …when he saw it, I was threatened to be killed … but she had more then enough body guards with her to not take that serious.

While he sat between two of her companions, she was by my side, looking at each file with more then casual interest. Apparently all the blackmailing that was saved, was money going into his pockets not the companies … the female black mailing she did know about, this took place at her ranch … but the assignation plot was all new to her.

Finally finished .. she sat back, looking at him while he tried multiple times to explain, each time she’d wave her fingers for him to stop. Looking at me, “So what is it you want for finding all this for me Nikki?”

Laughing, a nervous laugh, “I can retire now comfortably if you’d like, but having never enjoyed sex like the ladies in the videos’ seem to be .. would it be possible for me to be used by one of those special hounds you have?”

She nodded to one of her companions, before Raul could react, a pre-filled syringe plunged deep in his neck, the contents being emptied before he could even raise his arms … eyes went wide .. he tried to scream, but nothing came out … his whole body shook – it was obvious he was in extreme pain … this went on and on for well over twenty minutes, eventually everything stopped, causing him to fall of the chair.

Two guys easily picked him up, tossing him overboard … I was asked to join her back to her place … a couple of guys stayed to bring the ship back to her private marina.

She didn’t say much of anything, until we were landing at a huge ranch, out in the valley … “You have seen a lot of things you shouldn’t have seen, especially when you’re not in the ruling group, but the fact you called me, means a lot. I’ve taken you out of the normal rotation, so you can stay here at the ranch for a while”

There was knockout blonde waiting for us to touch down, holding out her hand, “Nikki, I’m Cherrie, I’ll be your chaperone for a few days, until you get acquainted with everything .. welcome”

Ellen didn’t say anything, just walked with her staff … she had the laptop in hand, I had not closed out the files … we headed to a big barn, once inside … she asked me to strip down nude … helping me kneel in front of the same heavily padded ottoman, I had seen in the video – a second young lady brought out a huge black and white mountain dog .. Cherrie sprayed some cool substance between my legs … “This will get him interested in you immediately … now just relax and let him do what he has been trained to do, I’ll be here if you need me”

Before I could thank her, he was licking me … ever since my neighbor played between my legs, I think I have enjoyed every possible ways to excite me down there .. dropping my head, nothing had felt as good as this was … the second one, applied enough pressure to separate the folds … somehow the roughness triggered feelings that I’ve never felt before … then a third lick, coiled his tongue into a small cylinder, slipping inside me … making me moan, like this was the first time I’d been touched down there.

Just when I was convinced it couldn’t get any better then this … pulling his head away, jumping up on my back easily, his soft hair settling on my body, what had to be a foot long shaft, easily found my opening … slipping in all the way …

Again I’ve had a lot of cocks in me over the years, but this one felt bigger, longer and the way he started pounding .. much more exciting then I’d ever enjoyed in the past. That thing was sliding in and out with such speed, every nerve ending that made contact with it, began to throb and tingle … making my body try to get more of him in me,. Bottom writhing under this onslaught … gripping the ottoman, grinding my nipples against the leather surface … Never enjoying anything like what he was putting me through.

Remembering the ladies in the files, now I fully understood what they were feeling, why they looked looked like they’d found heaven on earth .. how could anything ever compare to what was happening to me now …

Being in such a sexual haze, wasn’t expecting the way my body would react when his knot started to apply pressure, trying to slip in … that was all I could take, letting out a blood curdling scream .. my body shook, exploded with the most intense, erotically mind blowing orgasm I’ve ever enjoyed … While this was taking place, he easily slipped inside me … immediately following with a flood of the warmest, most relaxing seed that any one has ever been filled with. This topped off the previous climax by allowing me to enjoy the ride it was giving me.

I was aware Cherrie had joined us once again, taking hold of the beast, making sure he didn’t pull me off the structure … but keeping him in place until the knot slipped out comfortably.

A feeling of the most intense emptiness came over me … dropping my head, allowing a low whimpering sound escape … she kissed me on the neck, “Just relax and stay where you are .. enjoy the feelings that are rushing through your body .. enjoy the ride he has given you”

Laying there, way beyond just being exhausted, seemed like every muscle in my body ached, but every cell was tingling … between my legs, the pussy was pulsating open and closed .. yearning to be filled again, not enjoying the empty feeling …

Finally when some strength was returning, looking up at the door way, Ellen was standing – a broad smile on her face … flashed me a thumbs up and was gone … my new companion joined me, leaning against the stationary furniture … “Right now you are convinced nothing could be any better then what that marvelous hound did to you … believe me, I was the same way my first time … but next week when I let you sample the horses … you’ll feel a whole new level of pleasurable enjoyment has been given to you”

My eyes went wide open, turning to her …”Horses .. I”m going to be fucked by a horse? OMG … ohh fuck .. yes I love the idea, when next week?”

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