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Madison woke up and noticed that the needle in her arm had been removed and other than a small pain in her bum she didn’t feel too bad.”I wonder what that man gave me in the car to make me sleep ” then looking under the blankets saw that she was naked. “OMG,where are my clothes,and who undressed me”?Just then one of the nurses walked into the room and asked Madison if she was hungry and would like something to eat.”Yes please,but can I get dressed as well,I don’t have anything on under the blanket”.”I can’t get you dressed until one of the Doctors says it is okay Madison,but stay under the covers and I will get you something to eat,then we can find the Doctor” then she turned and walked away.”I wonder where I am”,she thought and she was sure she could hear animal noises as well.

The nurse returned to the room and putting her tray on a table wheeled it over to the bed and handing Madison a plastic fork and knife,Madison looked at her plate with pancakes,sausage, a roll and some fruit.She really was hungry and asked if she could have some orange juice as well.”The Doctor will be bringing a glass for you in a minute,but I need to check on you to see that everything is alright down there”nodding her head towards her legs.While Madison started to eat, the nurse went around the other side of the bed and going under the blankets felt around Madison’s bum.Pulling up the blanket a bit to see, the nurse thought everything was okay with her and turned and walked away.Walking down the hall she met Doctor Paul with the orange juice and a little something else in there to calm her down for her movie debut in an hour or so.

“Hello Madison,I am Dr Paul and I heard you were pretty thirsty so once you eat your breakfast,drink the orange juice but I need you to drink it all down in one go,okay”,he asked. Seeing as she had almost ate all her food already she didn’t think that was too hard to do.”How are you feeling this morning” he asked her and taking away her empty plate,handed her the orange juice and watched as she drank it all.Making a face ,Madison thought that it tasted a bit bitter after drinking it all then handed the glass back to the Doctor.”I need to take a look at your bottom he told her as I understand you slipped and fell and might have hurt something inside,” then moving to the bottom of the bed he lifted up the covers and spread her legs open a bit.”This won’t hurt a bit so just relax and then we can go from there”.Looking at her bum and opening it a bit he could see that there was no real damage and while there opened her vagina to see for sure she still had her hymen intact.Taking a small plastic bag out of his pocket,he opened it and taking the rag out of it,wiped it between Madison’s legs,containing female ape urine.

Looking at her cute face Doctor Paul couldn’t help but be concerned what was going to happen to her very shortly.”Did you know that it was my farm your sister Becky helped out at” he asked then looking at her face brighten up,he told her that Becky was here as well and later this morning they were going to see each other.Madison started to cry as she missed her sister so much and remembered what had happened at her house with that man with the baseball bat and what they were doing to their Mom upstairs with that big dog.”Can I see her now please”,Madison asked then shook her head as she started to feel a bit funny.”You will both see each other very soon then get together a bit later”.

Just then Ramone walked into the room with another man and told them it was time to go.”Go where”? Madison asked, then Ramone told her she had to see someone important and then lifted her out of the bed,Madison never thought about not having clothes on while they helped her walk down the hall to a big door that, seeing it open, led outside.”Okay Madison,we are going to let you sit on the table over her for a bit,and then you will get to see Becky and she will be able to see you as well”.And putting her on the table,they walked away leaving her to wait for what she didn’t know.

Doctor Paul had collected Becky and brought her back to a room that overlooked the cage that Madison was in.Running up to the window,Becky yelled at her sister but ,Madison couldn’t hear her.”Why is Madison in that cage?”Becky asked Dr Paul,and while looking at Becky told her that Madison was going to be a movie star like her sister. “Nooooooo”,Becky screamed, then Ramone pulled her onto a chair by the window and told her to keep quiet or it could get Madison hurt.Crying her eyes out, Becky pleaded to let her sister go and that she would make a movie for them. “That is very sweet Becky”,replied Dr Paul, “but after this you and your sister are going to be in a movie together so sit there,be quiet and watch what happens”.

Becky saw Madison, sitting on the table and not moving,other than maybe her looking a bit off balance.”What have you given her,is she drugged” ?Becky asked.”Watch what will be her co-star and you will understand why we gave her a little something” and no sooner had Dr Paul said that they could see some of the brush moving, then with the branches parting Becky saw what her poor sister was going to have to endure,a gorilla that was a monster compared to her sister.”Oh my god noooo,please Dr Paul,don’t let this happen to her”screamed Becky as they watched the ape walk slowly up to the naked girl.Seeing the girl not running away, the ape got closer and reaching out rubbed his finger across Madison’s chest.Looking around he reached again then ran his hand over her blonde head and still Madison never reacted.The ape could smell something on her and reaching out lifted the girl up and held her aloft while sitting down on the table.Madison looked around then again at the ape but didn’t react at all to what was happening to her.Sitting on it’s lap,Madison felt the furry arms spread out her legs while the ape sniffed the air and started to get aroused while it’s cock started to grow between Madison’s legs.Rubbing between her legs and smelling the scent they had wiped between her legs.

Watching from the room they were in ,Ramone,Dr Paul and Becky saw the ape’s cock begin to grow and Becky’s tears continued as she watched what was growing and would soon be inside her sister.”Now don’t worry if you think you might have missed something once he gets started on her”,Ramone stated.”We have the whole area and especially the picnic table covered in cameras,as well as inside his little forest area too” so her fans will see everything the ape does to her”. The ape continued rubbing Madison’s body but had yet to try to mount her.Looking at Ramone,Dr Paul asked why he hadn’t done anything with her yet?” He is waiting for his “Go” word we have taught him to wait for” and picking up a microphone Ramone gave the word to start things going.

“FUCK” Ramone yelled into the microphone and you could see the ape perk up at once.Climbing onto the picnic table,the ape moved Madison in front of him on her knees then a final lick between her legs,he lined his cock up with the girl then with a pull back with it’s paws around her hips drove all 8 thick inches inside the girl.It was hard to figure out who screamed louder,Madison or her poor sister watching her be stabbed with that huge cock.But seeing the size of the ape over Madison,we were sure she bellowed the loudest and while the ape pounded her harder and harder,what ever drug they had given her had truly left her system and she would always remember this,her first fuck.The girl continued to gasp and grunt and with her being bounced around it seemed like she finally saw Becky watching her on the table.Becky too, felt them lock eyes,even through the tears they were both shedding.

“When is going to stop raping her”? Becky asked.Ramone lifting his arm and looking at his watch let her know that it was “now 10am and the ape would be finished around 5pm or so”.”Don’t worry,we made sure your sister was well hydrated beforehand and none of his co-stars has been hurt very badly,other than a few scratches here and there”.”And maybe if by chance one of these times he misses her cunt and shoves it up her ass, maybe a bit of pain for a bit,which I understand she has been well initiated back there with some larger cocks than his”. “I think your sister has gotten her first womb full of cum” Ramone stated as looking at the picnic table they could see the ape relax his hold on Madison who still sobbed underneath the ape.Pulling out of the girl you could see the red tinge of her lost maidenhood mix with the cum dripping out of her onto the table.The cameras they had placed around caught all of the rape and finale as the pair stayed still after the coupling.But that didn’t stay that way as the ape was still hard and grabbing the girl again by her sides once again shoved himself inside her and continued to pound her.

Madison, thinking it was finally over didn’t expect it to happen to her again and the shock of being entered again took her past her own resistance and she passed out with her head slumping onto the table.This had no impact on the ape as it lifted her a bit more and continued to fuck the dazed girl.Watching her sister go through this,Becky continued to cry and not believing what was happening.Looking at her, Ramone told her “in a couple of hours she would be able to talk to her sister outside the cage as she was going to be filming as well”.Becky was glad to hear she would be able to talk to Madison after so long but didn’t know what “film” she would be making while doing so. Unfortunately,it was going to be one of Becky’s biggest fears growing up.

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