Women with Animals

Becky’s Farm Ordeal – Chapter Nine


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Becky sat and watched her sister being fucked over and over by the ape,it would stop for 10 minutes then pick Madison up and do it to her again.A couple of times the ape carried Madison into the bush area but the cameras placed around always caught the images of the continued fucking of the girl.

One time she noticed Madison gasp quite loudly and saw Ramone chuckling that the ape must have finally missed and shoved it up her ass.Watching the camera close in,you could tell that is exactly where he put it.But it didn’t matter to the ape,just another hole to cum into it seemed.Becky wept, watching the ape drag Madison around by her leg then just turn her onto her belly and fuck into her over and over.She sat there for over 2 hours watching her sister be raped and abused.

With his phone ringing,Ramone answered it and after hanging up told Becky she was going to be able to talk to her sister shortly.”You can take that dress off here and leave it on the chair” he told her.Just then the door opened and a man told her to come with him,waiting for her to take off her clothes.Following the man,Becky was anxious to speak to her sister but didn’t know what she would say to her after what she has gone through.Walking into another big room,Becky was told to lay on her back on a padded platform and her feet were placed in stirrups which she was strapped down on.The section under her bum was lowered and a strap was attached around her waist.”What are you going to have me do now” she asked the man adjusting the straps.”I don’t think I am supposed to tell you anything,so just relax until Ramone comes down here” and finishing what he was doing the man walked away through another door.

Lifting up on her elbows,Becky looked around and could see all kinds of bars and poles laying on racks and couldn’t figure out what they were going to do to her this time.Hearing a noise to her left,she saw the man come back in the room with a long clear piece of plastic tubing and a small jar.”What are you going to do with that”? she asked him and looking at her, he just smiled then started to wipe something around one end of the pipe.Right then Becky knew why he was rubbing something on the end of it.

“I see our little star is almost ready” as Ramone walked up to them carrying a small box.Putting the box down Ramone grabbed Becky’s arms and pulled them above her head and strapped them to the table.Looking at the man Ramone nodded his head and the man proceeded to put the pipe between Becky’s legs and push it inside her a couple of inches.Ramone reached under the table and pulled out an extension that the pipe could lay on in an inclined position.Then the man attached the straps around Becky’s waist to the pipe securing it inside her.

“Okay Becky,let’s go say hello to your sister as I think she is back on the table again” laughed Ramone,then they rolled Becky out a door and along the fence where Madison was laying on the table.Turning her head Becky looked at her sister and called her name.”Madison,Madison wake up hun,it’s Becky”.Hearing her name being called Madison slowly turned her head around and saw her sister and through her tears kept asking “why,why are they doing this to me”.Becky started crying again as well as she felt so bad there was nothing she could do for her sister.

“Okay,let’s make a movie Becky and I am sure you and your sister will talk more soon” and in saying that he told the camera man to get set up and he walked behind Becky and raised her head up so she could see what was going to be happening to her.Seeing everyone was ready now, Ramone stepped over to the box and while Becky could not see what he had down there,she knew it was going to be horrible.

“Okay Becky,meet your co-star” and proceeded to push a 2 foot snake inside the tubing.Becky has always had a terrible fear of snakes ever since she was almost bitten by a rattler when hiking in the woods with her girl scouts and had nightmares for the longest time.Seeing this snake and what was happening brought them all back. Pushing the snake in Ramone then grabbed a pole and started to push the snake towards Becky.She started to scream and tried to get the tube out of her but it was attached too well.The closer the snake got to her the more she screamed.Hearing the screams Madison looked at the girl and finally realized it was Becky and started to call her name.

Pushing the snake closer to Becky, Ramone told her that the snake would be moving around inside her trying to find a way out and after awhile they would remove the tube and see what the snake would do.Finally at the end of the tube the snake stuck it’s head inside of Becky and the rest of it was pushed in as well.Becky continued to scream and watched as the snake moved around inside her as her stomach rolled with it’s movements.”I don’t think this will do you any harm inside Becky”,it looks cool on film though” and Ramone laughed while he walked over to the fence.”Madison,Madison” he called.Finally looking at him,Ramone asked her if she wanted to talk to her sister and not answering,Ramone smiled and looking into the bushes yelled “Fuck” and the ape once again came out of the bushes, climbed on the table and mounted the girl.Her screams matched her sisters as she was entered again by the ape.

The two sisters went through their ordeal while trying to glance at each other as much as they could,more difficult for Madison being jostled as she was by the ape.Trying to ignore what was happening to her and concentrate on her sister,Becky thought back on how they had become a family.Becky’s Mom and Madison’s Dad met after their spouses had met tragic ends,one to a drunk driver,her Dad and another to cancer,Madison’s Mom. It was a year after that at a party where they first met and talked most of the night about their spouses and daughters,they started going out a few more times and finally realized what they felt for each other.They were married later that year and Becky and Madison were both flower girls at the wedding.Two cuter 5 year olds were not found and they took to their new parents right away.Mom and Dad were used by the girls with the new parents.Becky had no idea what happened to her Step-dad to have him send her into this nightmare and now his own daughter as well.

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