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(c) 2011 by JenK9

I had identified almost 30 ladies from our K9 Training School who could join our K9 Club, it was now up to Emma to find out if they had any interest in dog sex. This was no small task as it could result in upsetting these women (especially if they were opposed to the idea) or ruining the school’s reputation. Our two only other club members, Jade and Allison, suggested that Emma talk to each candidate separately and drop hints about the subject of dog sex and gauge their response before being too forward about the idea. The first on the list of candidates was another beautiful business women, Mandy, who spent all her spare time and a lot of money on her German Shepard, Ben. Emma approached her after a training session

“Mandy. I’ve noticed you care for Ben quite a lot. Not many people give their dogs the amount of love and attention you give to Ben”

“Thanks Emma, Ben means so much to me, I’m not sure life would be the same without him”

“You must be giving him extra special attention, not many dogs are as happy as Ben”

“All I do is love him, play with him, take him for regular check-ups, bring him to training and feed him. I’m sure everyone does that for their pets”

“You’ll be surprised, some owners go the extra mile to love and please their pets. Ever heard of something like that?”

“You mean those freaks who cross the line and actually have sex with their pets? That’s just messed up!”

Emma didn’t flinch or give anything away

“Exactly, but we both know that you don’t have to screw your pet for him or her to love you”

“And it’s gross….”

Emma’s conversation with Mandy lasted another five minutes or so and Mandy perceived it as merely a complement to the way she cared for her Ben.

After every woman Emma spoke to, she became more comfortable with her approach and she figured out the best ways to broach the topic. By the end of the week, Emma had spoken to 14 women and determined that at least three of them showed an interest.

“How do you know they are interested?” I asked

“When we were talking about how some people have sex with dogs, these three ladies gave some telling responses. Mary-Jane had a very noticeable nipple stand, Sheryl bit her bottom lip and smiled and Rebecca went quiet for a moment and looked at her dog with a twinkle in her eye, and none of these women had a negative comment about it. I think it’s time to move to the next phase with these three. When we’re done with them then we can continue with the other women in your list”

That weekend, Emma, Jade, Allison and I got together at Allison’s house. Allison’s place was the unofficial headquarters for our ladies club since it was the most spacious and had the most privacy. We began by having lunch and continued after with wine and getting down to discussing the real reason for our gathering. Emma had more experience with dog sex than the rest of us, so she did most of the talking, telling us about her first time and other experiences.

“My first dog sex experience was not sudden or unexpected. Before I became a K9 trainer, I worked at an animal shelter on weekends where I handled many breeds of dogs, I was 19 at the time. I heard about sex with dogs from the shelter owner when we discussed how some people treat their pets, we joked about it but the idea intrigued me quite a bit. That night I couldn’t stop thinking about it and it turned me on, so I went to my room and fantasised about it the rest of the night until my parents were asleep. When I was sure I wouldn’t get caught, I got naked and masturbated to the wonderful fantasies in my mind. After a very satisfying orgasm, I started thinking about how I could make my fantasy a reality. Working at the shelter I knew the opportunity would present itself. The next time I was at the shelter, I went about looking for the dog that I would chose for my first K9 encounter, I found a very friendly Pit-bull (Marco) that had been at the shelter for quite a while. I made sure that every time I was at the shelter, I paid him special attention to make sure he would be comfortable with me when it was time to have sex. One Saturday, we were bathing the dogs when the shelter owner informed me that he had to respond to a call regarding an animal in need of rescuing and that he would be taking the other two guys working there with to assist him. He asked me if I’d be OK to finish up without their help and that it would be a while before they would return. I assured him that I’d be OK and they left. I only had a Doberman-Labrador mix to bath then I could take advantage of my privacy to fuck Marco. While bathing this last dog, my mind was on Marco but I was brought back to reality when I realised that I was washing this dog’s dick and that it was starting to come out. I rinsed him off and kneeled next to him to get a better view. The more I touched him the bigger his cock got, I just had to taste it. I slowly lowered my head and moved in under his belly and put that sweet dog cock into my mouth, the dog didn’t move, he was enjoying it. I began to bob my head back and forth and gave my first dog blow job. I was really enjoying myself and lost in the moment when I received a mouth full of dog cum. I was unprepared and it was more than I could handle so I had to quickly spit it out, then I continued sucking that cock and swallowed the rest of his load. I was so wet between my legs now, I had to do something about it. I got up to go find Marco, the dog I just satisfied couldn’t move, he just stood there with his pulsating cock hanging below his body. I found Marco in his enclosure, he was laying on his bed but not sleeping. I got completely naked and stood in front of him. Marco sat up and could smell my wetness. He sniffed at my crotch for a while and then gave my pussy a lick. A jolt of electricity shot through my body and I knew, there was no turning back now, I was far too horny and I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. Marco’s bed was slightly raised from the floor so I lay on his bed on my back and spread my legs as far as possible. Marco licked me from my butt hole, through my slit, right up to my clit and sometimes his tongue even went inside my cunt. I had an earth shattering orgasm which took all control of my body away from me. After a couple of minutes, I regained enough strength to achieve my final goal. I lifted Marco’s front paws up and placed them on either side of me, I then reached down to jerk his cock to get him aroused but found that his cock was all the way out already lubricating itself with pre-cum. The jerking of my hand sent him into a humping spasm which I took full advantage of. I guided his throbbing cock to my pussy and placed it close to the entrance. Marco’s humping was wild and all over the place until his dick entered my cunt for the first time. His humping became more urgent and the feeling of him enter me was better than I could have imagined. Marco fucked me to three massive orgasms before he finally came inside me. The heat of his cum sent me into my final orgasm. Finally, Marco and I were tied, I knew I didn’t have to worry as I had learned enough about dogs to know what was going on. Marco and I remained tied for about 5 minutes before he popped out and his cum poured out of my pussy onto the floor. It was my most satisfying sexual experience and I was determined to do it again”

After Emma’s story we were all very turned on so we all got naked and fucked each other and our dogs the rest of the night. The point of this story is to tell you about how we got new members to join our club so I am not going to give any further detail about that evening.

The next week Emma looked for the first opportunity to speak to the three ladies she identified as potential club members, she didn’t have to look hard. Mary-Jane (MJ) approached her wanting to continue their discussion from the previous week.

“Emma, you know what we discussed last week? Do you actually know anyone who does that for real?”

“As a matter of fact I do. How can I help?”

“Well, I….. I was just wondering. Never mind”

MJ turned to walk away

“MJ, come back. I like talking about this topic so please, don’t be shy”

“I’m not sure, maybe we should just forget it”

MJ turned again and headed towards her car with her Doberman Jeff. Emma quickly followed her to her car and touched her on the shoulder

“MJ, wait. I think I know why you’re so uncomfortable discussing this. Did something happened between you and Jeff? Don’t worry, you can trust me, I just want to help”

“Well…….OK, you see, Jeff stuck his nose between my legs one day just after I climbed out of the shower and gave me a lick. I pushed him away but it has been on my mind ever since. Then the other day you mentioned dog sex which got me thinking some more. I just want to talk to someone who actually does this sort of thing”

“MJ, you can speak to me”

“You mean you…?”

“Yes MJ, I have sex with my dog. I started a Ladies K9 Club where we discuss it at length, you should come”

“I don’t believe it, I thought just having thoughts like this would get me kicked out of you school, I never thought I’d find anyone who would understand or talk to me about this”

“Join the Ladies K9 Club this Saturday, you will hear stories from other women just like you”

“I don’t know, I’ll have to think about it.

Emma got all three ladies to agree to come to our club the following Saturday so we made sure that it would be a treat for them. We decided to have it at Allison’s place again and got some snacks and drinks to make it a party. Saturday arrived and we met at the three ladies and their dogs at the school. Everyone was introduced and then we headed to Alison’s place. Upon arrival we poured everyone a drink and had a picnic in the large back yard. Once we could see that everyone was comfortable and relaxed we started talking about K9 sex. Emma, Jade, Allison and I shared our first experiences with the new ladies to help them decide if they wanted the same sort of experience for themselves. By now all of us were wet and horny. Rebecca surprised us, we thought that all these women were new to dog sex, but Rebecca had been getting licked by her Husky (Jack) for almost 6 months already but she hadn’t had sex with him yet. All three ladies agreed that they wanted more after hearing our stories. I suggested that MJ and Sheryl get their first licking that night since they both had not yet experienced an orgasm from a dog in any way. Both were uncomfortable with getting naked and doing this in front of us so Emma and I got naked and let out boys lick our pussies in front of them first. I just did it to get MJ and Sheryl comfortable with the idea but ended up enjoying the eating out I was getting from Zeus. Emma and I were sitting on the edge of the sofa next to each other with our boys between our wide-spread legs, the other ladies kneeled on the floor in front of us for a good view. Zeus and Thunder were doing a good job, I lifted my legs up so Zeus had access to every inch of my pussy and ass. He licked me inside and out, stimulating my clit and ass until I came with a shudder, Emma didn’t take much longer. MJ and Sheryl sat in our places when we were done and quickly spread their legs for their boys to lick them. It’s not difficult to convince an inexperienced dog to lick a pussy, these boys took the bait in no time at all. While we were watching MJ and Sheryl getting their first dog licking, Jade and Allison got completely naked and started kissing passionately. MJ and Sheryl were enjoying the new experience, Rebecca was also naked by this point masturbating while watching the scene unfold in front of her, Emma decided to help Rebecca by going down on her, she did not object. The room filled with moans of ecstasy and one by one, orgasms were experienced by all.

After we all had at least one satisfying orgasm, we calmed down and discussed what just happened. All agreed that it was wonderful and that we would all be back for the next meeting. MJ and Sheryl were a little concerned though

“Is this Ladies K9 Club for lesbians, because we’re not lesbian you know?” asked MJ

“Not at all, we just get so turned on that we can’t contain ourselves and sometimes end up fucking each other” replied Jade

“Well I don’t think I could lick another woman’s pussy just because I’m so horny” said Sheryl

“I bet I could get you to lick my pussy” said Allison

“There’s no way!”

“I’ll take that as a challenge, Sheryl, let’s see you resist this”

Allison left the room and returned with Giant, Jade’s Great Dane.

“I’m going to show you what you can do with this dog and you can take over whenever you want, all you have to do is lick my pussy”

“I don’t think you that will work”

Allison made Giant lie down on his side and started stroking his sheath. Before long his red dick was all the way out and Allison started licking it, sensually looking at Sheryl. Allison did everything as if she were doing a sex show, trying to entice Sheryl to bite. She slowly wrapped her lips around Giant’s cock and began to suck it. She spread her legs wide open in Sheryl’s direction and starts rubbing her clit. Sheryl was quiet, mesmerised by the show. Allison got up and straddled Giant and slowly slid his cock into her cunt. She started riding his cock making sure Sheryl had the best view of the penetration, Sheryl’s mouth started to water. Allison got off Giant’s big cock and continued sucking it.

“If you want to suck this dick or fuck it, all you have to do is lick me”

Sheryl went closer and positioned herself between Allison’s legs and paused. Alison sucked Giant’s cock again and moaned, Sheryl watched closely and wanted that dick. She leaned down and licked Allison once and looked up at Allison.

“One lick isn’t gonna do it, you’ll have to make me cum”

Sheryl thought for a second so Allison sucked down on Giant’s dick again and closed her eyes and slowly moved up and down on that cock, again with a sensual moan. Sheryl couldn’t take it any more so she went down on Allison again and licked her for all she was worth. Allison let go of Giant’s dick and positioned herself into a 69 with Sheryl at the bottom. They both licked each other while we watched. Allison was getting close to an orgasm so she sat up straddling Sheryl’s face. Sheryl was now enjoying her first lesbian experience and just licked that pussy the way she would like it. Eventually Allison started to shudder and moan uncontrollably, she came into Sheryl’s mouth who didn’t skip a beat. Allison got off Sheryl and grabbed Giant’s cock

“You’ve earned this, get on”

Sheryl straddled the big dog and slowly sank down onto his cock. She rode him like that for a while then looked at Allison.

“I want him to fuck me hard”

Allison helped her into doggy style and got Giant to mount her. Giant knew what to do, after all, he had gained quite a bit of experience by now. Giant gripped her with his front legs and planted his cock deep within her cunt. Sheryl let out a squeal of delight and Giant fucked her with a ferocity that that excited us all. Sheryl had her chest on the floor with her ass up and was humping back against Giant’s thrusts. Sheryl’s orgasm was magnificent, she shouted a few times


There was no sleeping that night, we stayed up discussing our deepest desires, having more sex until the sun came up. Emma and I also did our own lesbian show but we didn’t finish it alone, all the ladies joined in ending our get together in a lesbian orgy. Before we finally went to bed (to sleep, not fuck) we decided that we would all share our deepest fantasies and make it a mission of our club to make those fantasies come true for each other.

After that we all got a few more ladies to join our club and have been having all sorts of K9 adventures. Our club now has 27 members and I think it will continue to grow. Not all members can attend every meeting, we average about 15 people at a time, at least twice a month with either Emma or myself at every meeting (normally both of us).

I wrote this story just after one of our club meetings (still naked and dripping) so I am a little intoxicated so if this story has mistakes in it or is poorly descriptive I apologise. My posts on Beast Forum have become a point of discussion here at our club meetings, I have gotten many of the members to agree to let me post their firsts on this site so if you enjoy these stories you can look forward to a lot more.

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