Women with Animals

Gina’s First K9 Sex


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(c) 2011 by JenK9

Last night we had another riveting story told to us here at our K9 sex club by one of our most beautiful members and she has agreed to let me publish it on Beast Forum. Her name is Gina (Italian) and she is a bombshell. Please Google Alessandra Ambrosio, she is a dead ringer for Gina. An exquisite beauty, 30 years old, 5ft 8in, brown hair, brown eyes, 25in waist, size 2 dress with 34-B bust. She is quite proper in the way she speaks and behaves (until she’s alone with her dog). She was modelling in Europe when she met her rich and very attractive husband, she moved here and after only two years of marriage they divorced. While they were married, her husband made some very good investments in her name so she is also one of the wealthiest members of our club. If you ever met her you would not say that she thinks she’s beautiful or that she is rich, she is one of the friendliest and most down to earth people you will ever meet. When she misses one of our meetings the other members are very disappointed. Gina typed her story and emailed it to me, this is her story:


At the time, I was 26 years old. My husband was very good to me but he couldn’t resist a beautiful woman. He confessed to me that he had met another woman who he had an affair and that he was leaving me for her. I was not surprised but was devastated as I did love him very much, he still loved me but his penis had control of his mind so he was moving on. I had my own money so I wouldn’t struggle when I moved out. I decided that I would like to move to a place in the country where I could be left alone if I wanted but it would have to be close enough to the city for me to pop in and out without too much hassle. After looking through the classifieds and searching the internet, I found three or four options that met my criteria. The first place I went to look at was owned by an entrepreneur (Jason – 28) who had made his own small fortune on the internet and through different investments. One of his investments was the small ranch he had bought and built small, luxurious cabins on which I was now looking at for my new home. When I arrived on a Saturday to view the estate, Jason met me at the entrance to let me in. Jason was very masculine but also a complete gentleman. When we approached the cabin he wanted to show me we were met by his three Rottweilers. At first I was a little scared but Jason was their Alfa and they were completely obedient to him. Jason assured me that they would not be a problem and could even be good to me if I just gave them some attention once in a while. The cabins on Jason’s property were just beautiful, every detail taken care of, separated by wide spaces and each with its own fenced off area. This ensured that all tenants would have privacy. To cut a long story short, I decided to rent the cabin from Jason so we completed the paperwork and I paid the deposit.

After my first week, I saw Jason through the window jogging around the property with his dogs. I thought that he was extremely attractive in that rugged, tough guy kind of way, not a pretty boy. He disappeared into his house and so I continued with what I was busy with. A few minutes later, Jason showed up at my door to invite me to join him for dinner.

“I feel like having a barbeque but there’s no point if I’m alone”

I thought why not, I don’t have any plans. We went to his place and he poured me a drink. We visited until very late and we got to know each other quite a bit. I found out that he had no qualifications or degrees and had fought his way to where he was today. He was extremely intelligent and had a high level grasp of many things like IT, construction, automotive, investments, finance to name a few, he even designed and built the cabins on his property himself with a hand full of helpers. He found out about my past and recent divorce but he didn’t pity me, he just listened. I eventually asked him about his love life to which he replied

“I’ve never been married and I’ve been single for about two weeks now”

“I’m sorry to hear that”

“Don’t be. She couldn’t be the woman I needed her to be and I don’t think she was completely happy, so it wouldn’t have worked out anyway. I have decided to take a break from relationships, it’s just too disappointing in the long run and I don’t have the energy for another disappointment“

“What type of woman did you need her to be?” I asked as I was very interested in him.

“Let me put it this way, if I hadn’t decided to take a break from relationships, I would be doing my best to get you to date me. But it’s more complicated than that”

“What’s so complicated, you like me, I like you, we date?”

“Yes but in the long run you will leave, I just have needs woman aren’t prepared to fulfil”

Jason changed the topic after that but at least I knew he was interested. After a few more weeks, I realised that Jason was very serious about taking a break from relationships and that I had no chance with him until he changed his mind, so I called my best friend Bianca (she used to model with me) and asked her if we could go out. We went to our favourite club where I met a guy who seemed to be a good option for a boyfriend, so we set a date. Bianca told me later that he lived down stairs from her in the building she was staying in and that he always seemed to be a nice guy, his name was Eric.

Eric and I went out on three dates and I was starting to feel like there was something missing. Bianca said I should have sex with him to get the relationship to the next level.

“Girl, you need to get laid. After your date tonight, fuck him”

“I do miss sex, maybe that’s exactly what I need. But I don’t want him in and out in 30 seconds flat, I need a good long session”

“I know what you can do. Men cum very quickly when they have sex for the first time or if it’s been a while, you should give him a blow job, wait an hour or two, then fuck his brains out”

Bianca’s plan had merit

“So what am I supposed to do in that hour or two? I can’t just sit there”

“You tell him you promised you’d come see me and that you will be right back after a movie or something”

So that’s exactly what I did. After our date, we went up to his apartment, I got down on my knees in front of him and unzipped his trousers. I pulled out is already hard penis and gave it a gentle, teasing lick. I teased him a little longer and finally took his penis into my mouth. I moved my head back and forth and massaged his testicles while I sucked him. It didn’t take very long before he ejaculated into my mouth. He was very satisfied and I asked him if he wanted more. Of course he did.

“Like I told you at dinner, I promised Bianca I’d watch a movie with here tonight so I’ll come back later and we can take this to the next level”

When I returned, we kissed passionately and got naked. He took he from behind, it felt so good to feel his penis slide into me. I was completely disappointed when he came after only 5 or so minutes, he kissed me and fell asleep. I couldn’t believe it, he even started to snore before I was even done dressing. I drove home feeling extremely unsatisfied. When I got home I decided to give myself the orgasm Eric could not provide. I started masturbating but before long I realised that I needed the pleasure only a penis can provide. I started thinking about Jason and how I really wanted him and about the type of man he was. I decided that I didn’t care about his break from relationships, I was going over there and was going to fuck him and he wouldn’t be able to resist. I took a quick shower, got into my very short skirt and see-through shirt which I tied in a knot at the waist to expose my belly. I left my cabin and walked over to his place. To get there I had to walk passed his bedroom window and could see the light was on. The curtains were closed but not properly. On the left, there was a gap I could see through. His bed was positioned just next to the window and I could see most of it as well as the door to his bathroom. I could hear that he was in the shower and decided to wait to watch him come out. Where I was standing was very dark so he would not be able to see me at all. The sower went quiet, my heart started racing at what I was hopefully about to see. Jason came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, he moved over to the closet and got some clothes out, and then he dropped the towel. I couldn’t believe the effect this man had on me. He was very well toned, not an ounce of fat, I got so wet from just looking at him. His penis was average in size and his body was to die for. He slipped into his boxers and a shirt then got onto his bed. From my view point I could only see everything below his chest down to the foot of his bed. He then placed his laptop on his lap and started working.

“What the hell am I doing?” I whispered to myself

Jason’s three dogs were now sitting by me. They had gotten quite used to me and were satisfied with a scratch behind the ear. I decided to go back to my cabin when I heard Jason talking. I looked through the opening and saw that he was having a video call with someone and couldn’t help but listen in.

“Jason, you won’t believe what happened last night. I’m sending you a video clip you have to see” It was his cousin Robert or something.

I could see the laptop screen quite clearly as he was right next to the window. He opened the video which showed a woman doing a strip dance for a bunch of men. When the woman was completely naked she inserted a large dildo into herself and pumped it in and out to the beat of the music in the back ground. The men cheered and then I saw something unexpected. A man brought a dog into the scene and it started licking her between the legs. After a few minutes, she got on her hands and knees and the dog screwed her from behind.

“Where the hell did you see this?” Jason asked

“I went for a piss-up at some guy’s house. His wife is the chick in the video. He told me to tell my friends and she can do a show for us if we want. He was pimping her out dude”

After the video call I was shocked, I watched Jason for his reaction which shocked me even further. Jason transferred the video to his big screen on the wall to the foot of his bed, then he lay down and watched it again. He removed his boxers and started to masturbate his very hard penis. I didn’t know what to think, on the one hand I knew what I saw in the video was supposed to sicken me but on the other I couldn’t stop watching his hand slide up and down his penis. I realised that my hand was between my legs and I began to rub my clit while I watched Jason jerk off. I couldn’t leave, my eyes were fixed on his dick right to the end. When Jason finally came, he shot his load onto his stomach and chest which sent a shiver through my pussy. I wanted that cock more than I did before, but I didn’t know what to make of the video he just jerked off to. Jason got up to clean himself off in his bathroom, I turned and stood at his window just thinking about what I had just seen. That’s when I realised that Jason slipped out of his room and was now in his kitchen, he opened the door to have a smoke (I never saw him smoke before now). I stood in the shadows and hopped that he wouldn’t see me. He patted his dogs and then spoke to them

“If only I could find a women that would let you boys do that to her”

Then he straightened up and stared at my cabin, deep in thought. After his smoke, Jason returned to his room and prepared for bed. I decided to go to my place to try to make sense of it all. I sat on my sofa and realised what he meant when he spoke about the women he had been with not being the woman he needed them to be. I sat there thinking about it for a while and I drank some wine. I realised that if a woman wanted to be with Jason and stay with him, she would have to be into having sex with dogs. Could I do something like that? Jason is an incredible guy, any woman would be lucky to have him. At that moment bear strolled into my cabin, one of Jason’s Rottweilers, I let them come and go as they pleased before since I enjoyed the company. But now, with what was on my mind, I saw this dog in a whole new way.

“Could I let a dog do that to me?”

I decided I should just give it a try and if I could bear it then I could do it for Jason. Sitting on the floor, I lifted my skirt and exposed my bald pussy. Bear just looked at me but didn’t move. So I started masturbating while I watched Bear closely. Bear picked up my scent and came over to me. I lay back, down on my elbows and spread my legs a little to give Bear access. He sniffed around a bit, his breath on my clit sent a tingle through me. Then he licked with his broad, rough tongue right over my clit, I almost came instantly. Bear continued to lick and I was actually loving the sensation, his tongue was unlike any man’s tongue that has licked my pussy, Bears tongue moved fast, hard and without getting tired. I had a very satisfying orgasm. I closed my legs and sat up on the sofa and couldn’t believe what I had just done or how much I enjoyed it. I looked at Bear and saw that his dick was out and he was horny too. I decided that now I wanted this for myself, not just for a relationship with Jason. I shifted my butt to the edge of the sofa, spread my legs and called Bear. He licked me again at first but I wanted more. I lifted my foot to make contact with his dick and rubbed it a few times, Bear’s instincts took over and he jumped up with his front paws on either side of me and started to hump. I reached down and grabbed his dick with my hand and pulled it to my pussy. I was so wet that the entire thing went in on one thrust from Bear. The pleasure this sent through my body made my head spin, Bear fucked me hard and at a speed no human could match. I came after only a few short minutes of fucking but he didn’t last much longer. He lay still for a while on my chest while he pumped his hot cum into me. When he was done, he got off and lay in the corner where he licked himself clean. That’s when Moose, Jason’s youngest Rottweiler came in. He started sniffing around and got hard very quickly. He tried to get to my pussy so I let him lick it but that didn’t last long before he tried to mount me. I got on all fours and spread my knees, Moose licked my pussy a few more times then mounted me. He fucked me as hard and fast as Bear did and I enjoyed every second of it. I came another two times before Moose shoved his knot into my cunt and shot his load deep inside me. We were stuck together and he turned around so we were facing away from each other. Then then I saw Sam, Jason’s biggest Rottweiler. His cock was already out, he must have been in the room while Moose fucked me. I thought that there was no way I was going to fuck him too. Sam cam towards me and tried to mount but with Moose still tied to me he had nowhere to stick his cock. I decided he shouldn’t be left out so I grabbed his cock and pulled it towards me. He mounted me by my face so I slid his cock into my mouth and let his face-fuck me. I must admit, I enjoyed the dog dick in my mouth a lot and when he came I didn’t stop sucking that dick until he was done cumming. Moose had dislodged from my cunt while I was sucking Sam’s cock, so when Sam was done I just collapsed onto the floor and lay there between these three dogs that had just pleasured me more than I had ever been before. Now I knew, I could get with Jason and fulfil his needs like no other woman had before and I would enjoy doing it. I went to bed with a big smile on my face that night excited about the future for a change.


Note about Gina; she almost never user vulgar language, so when she does use it, is an indication to the immense emotion or level of sexual excitement she was experiencing at the time.

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