Women with Animals

Gina’s Sister Anna Discovers K9 Love


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(c) 2011 by JenK9

Gina has a younger adopted sister (Anna) who still lives in Italy. Gina told her about our K9 club and asked her if she could share her story with us and if I could post it here. Anna agreed and emailed her story to Gina who has translated it for us.

Anna is 21 years old and is just as beautiful as Gina. She is 5ft 5in, black-long hair, Green eyes, small waist with 34-C bust. Gina showed us some pics Anna and her best friend Nadia took of themselves with their dogs, and I must say, these Italian girls are gorgeous. This is her story:


My friend Nadia and I were inseparable. We were in the same school, dance class and modelling school and spent all our free time together as well. Both of us were virgins but were at the point where we were both looking for any opportunity to lose it. What happened in the story below took place during a school holiday in the summer.

As usual, Nadia and I were in my room discussing all the things that fascinate us. We had discussed fashion, clubs, movies and were now on the topic of boys. We were both very eager to lose our virginity and were discussing who we might hook up with at the party the next evening to finally do the deed. We were both quite descriptive about what we wanted and how we wanted it when I heard my mother walk passed my bedroom door. We both went quiet for a moment and hoped that my mother didn’t hear us. Later after Nadia went home, I sat down to watch some TV with my mother after supper. She was unusually quiet and when I asked her if something was wrong, she said that she was just tired and then went to bed. I didn’t give it much more thought, and finally went to bed myself.

The next morning I woke up just before 9am and got into a shower to get the day started. While I was in there I started thinking about the boys who might be at the party and how I might get laid for the first time. By the time I was done showering, I was quite horny, so I lay on the bed and lifted up the towel that was wrapped around me so I could begin to rub my clit to have a little morning orgasm. I used my right hand index and ring fingers to separate my pussy lips while my middle finger rubbed and teased my clit. Just when I could feel an orgasm approaching, there was a knock at my bedroom door. I got quite a fright and asked

“Who’s there?”

It was my mother, I mean, who else would it be? I opened the door, still in the towel and my mother said she needed to talk to me. So I let her in and sat on my bed and she sat on my dresser chair. In her hand she had a shoe box which she placed on the dresser.

Before I continue, I must explain that my mother and I had a very close relationship, we were more like really close friends. My father passed away when I was very young but my mother ensured that my sister and I were always happy. All my friends commented on how lucky I was to have a mother like that.

My mother began the conversation by saying

“Yesterday I overheard you and Nadia talking about boys”

I dreaded what she might have to say next. She continued

“I understand that you are not a little girl anymore and you want to explore the world of sex, and I think you should. Before you do though, I want to tell you my story. I am not telling you what to do, I just want you to hear me out”

I told her I would listen so she continued. She then told me about her first time, how she was humiliated by him in front of his friends and how it took over a year before she could date again. Then she told me about boy number two who took it slow, treated her well and told her he loved her and how he changed after they had sex. When she met my father she told him he had no hope of getting with her but he made her fall in love with him, true love. She said that men like my father are few and far between. Then she said

“I want you to have a fulfilling sexual life, I just don’t want you to live through what I experienced. So please, think very carefully before you do it with someone who might hurt you”

Then she pointed to the shoebox on my dresser and said “That’s for you” and she left to go to a party at her best friend’s house who she was helping with the arrangements and wouldn’t be back until the following day.

For a few minutes, I just sat on my bed and thought about what she had said, I heard her car as she left. Then I turned my attention to the shoe box, in it was a note, a thinner box and a DVD with no label. The note read as follows:

“I want you to know what sex feels like, but be creative my girl, you don’t always need a boy to please you”

I opened the thinner box and found a dildo inside. At first I was a bit angry at my mother, then embarrassed, then curious. I looked out the window to make sure my mother was gone and then read the pamphlet from the dildo box, it said that this dildo was very realistic and would simulate the feeling of a real penis and that it was the size of an average penis. I held it and expected it for a while then went back to the shoe box. I opened the DVD cover and found a porno DVD inside. There I stood with a dildo in one hand, a porno DVD in the other and was blushing all over. After much thought I called Nadia and told her I wasn’t up to going to the party anymore and that she could go without me, but she said she wanted to be with me and would come sleep over.

When Nadia arrived, I told her my mom’s story and showed her the dildo. After discussing it for a while she asked me

“So, did you use the dildo?”

“NO” I replied

“I wonder what it feels like when it’s inside you, must be nice”

“Just remember, we’re virgins, it’s gonna hurt” I said

Nadia took out the bottle of Tequila she was supposed to take to the party and said

“Let’s just forget about sex for now and get drunk”

I agreed and so we began drinking and talking about other stuff. Eventually our conversation ended up at sex again. By this time we were both quite tipsy. Nadia picked up the dildo and suggested

“Let’s break our virginity with this so that when we have sex with a guy for the first time we can just enjoy it”

I was too drunk to disagree

“So get naked and I’ll break your virginity and you break mine”

Nadia stripped off and lay on her back on my bed

“I feel weird being the only one naked, you should be naked too”

So I got naked and lay down next to her. Nadia took the dildo and positioned herself between my legs

“I thought you were going first?” I asked

“What difference does it make?” she replied

At that moment we both realised what we were about to do and we both went silent for a minute, contemplating our decision. Then I felt Nadia’s fingers touching my pussy. She slowly spread my pussy lips apart and placed the dildo at my cunt’s entrance.

“Just let me know if it hurts”

She then began to push it into my cunt. My heart was racing and I was nervous about the pain that I might experience. When the dildo reached my hymen, it did hurt, but not as much as I expected it to. I told Nadia to continue pumping that toy in and out of me until it stopped hurting and it became enjoyable. It didn’t take long before the pain was gone and I started moaning in pleasure. Nadia stopped.

“What the hell? I was just starting to enjoy that”
“We will do the orgasm thing later, I wanna the crappy part over with too you know”

So I went and cleaned myself up while Nadia cleaned the dildo. Nadia lay on the bed as I did and we broke her virginity too. We took a shower together and got back into bed, still naked.

“Now that we’re over the crappy part, let’s have some fun” Nadia said

By this time we were both quite sober but both very inquisitive and wanting. Nadia was back between my legs with the toy and told me to “Spread ‘em” and so I did. Nadia slid that wonderful toy deep into my cunt and started pumping slow at first but increased the pace with each thrust. It was wonderful, I could feel every wall of my cunt on the inside being forced open and it felt so good, I got lost in the feeling. That is when I got a big surprise; I suddenly felt a warm and wonderful sensation on my clit, looked down and was shocked to see Nadia licking and sucking my clit. She looked up at me for my reaction, I smiled and closed my eyes. Nadia took this as approval and continued with her oral assault while she pumped the dildo in and out of me. Minutes later my body convulsed in a spectacular orgasm, and I had to rest for ten minutes before I could return the favour. I did the same to Nadia and she enjoyed it just as much

“Hey, I didn’t just fuck you with the dildo! How about it?” Nadia demanded

I decided to just do it, so I leaned down and sucked on Nadia’s clit the same way she did with me. Her orgasm was also epic. The rest of the evening consisted of watching the porn DVD and fucking each other with and without the dildo until late. We both went to sleep exhausted but totally satisfied.

The next morning I was woken by the sound of my mother knocking on my door, but before I could do or say anything she opened the door. I decided to pretend I was asleep. I could see my mother in the reflection of my alarm clock and was waiting for hell to be unleashed upon us. Nadia and I were still naked, sleeping in each other’s arms with our backs to the door. It was obvious what we had been up to the night before. I held my breath in anticipation.

“That’s my girl” I heard my mother whisper, and she closed the door and left.

“You have the coolest mom” Nadia said who had the same thoughts going through her mind when my mother walked in.

When Nadia and I finally got out of bed, my mother was asleep from her rough night at her friend’s party. So we had some breakfast and decided to go to Nadia’s house to swim.

On the way to Nadia’s house, we talked about our new-found sexual pleasures and were planning what we would do next. As we talked, we walked through the park when I remembered how Gina (My sister) had told me about a spot in the park where she fucked a guy in broad daylight while people were there and they didn’t get caught. I told Nadia and so we looked for it. When we found it we decided to have a little naughty fun. We pulled off our panties from below our skirts and started kissing and fingering each other.

“Please lick me again. I will lick you after” I asked Nadia

Nadia got down on her hands and knees in front of me where I lay down with my legs spread and she began licking my pussy. I was keeping my eyes open for any intruders but closed them for just a few seconds from the delightful pleasure of her tongue when she suddenly screamed and we both jumped up

“WHAT”S WRONG?” I asked thinking the worst


I looked down to see one of the neighbourhood dogs, an Alsatian, standing there wagging his tail.

“I thought something terrible happened, you just got a fright from the dog” I said

“He didn’t just give me a fright” Nadia replied

“What do you mean?”

“He licked my pussy from behind. I wasn’t expecting it OK”

“He licked you?”

We both were silent for a few seconds

“So how did it feel?” I asked

She thought about it for a few more seconds

“It was……… It was actually nice OK, but that’s fucked up, he’s a dog”

Both of us started at the dog with strange thoughts going through our minds.

“Let’s go home before we do something we regret” Nadia suggested

At Nadia’s place we met her parents on their way out, they were going on a three day romantic getaway and reminded Nadia about her responsibilities while they were gone. After they left, Nadia and I went to the pool for a dip. We got naked again, the pool was an in-door pool, and started talking as we cooled down. Nadia sat on the side of the pool with her legs in the water and I decided to get between her legs and lick her to orgasm. I put her feet onto my shoulders which exposed and opened her pussy to me all the way and then started sucking her clit while I pumped two fingers in and out her cunt. While this was happening we had no idea that Gina had come looking for me at Nadia’s house. Gina arrived when Nadia’s parents were leaving and they let her in. Gina first went to the bedroom to find us and then looked through the house slowly making her way to the pool area. When she found us naked, she decided to just watch for a while to see if we would get up to anything. While Nadia’s clit was between my lips and my fingers were deep in her cunt, Nadia noticed Gina and sat up straight with a gasp. Then I noticed Gina and was more embarrassed that ever.

“Get some towels on and come talk to me” Gina instructed

We did as we were told and went into the kitchen where Gina had poured us all juice. Gina and I are not sisters by blood, I was adopted so usually I would tell her

“You’re not really my sister, so I don’t care what you think”

But this was different and I actually do care what she thinks.

“I can’t believe what I just saw” Gina said

Bothe Nadia and I started explaining

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone”

Both of us thanked Gina and told her we would do anything to make it up to her

“Anything?… I came to find you to invite you to my new place for a few days. I’ll pay for the tickets and everything, I’ve been missing you”

Nadia and I were first stunned and then excited, neither of us had been outside Italy so of course we agreed.

“What about what you saw?” I asked

“Anna, that was very hot to watch. I hope you two will do it again when you’re at my place, and maybe I could join in?”

Nadia was excited at that idea and answered “Of course” in an instant.

Gina had already gotten permission from our mother and Nadia’s parents, so we set off the next morning. When we landed, Gina took us site seeing and shopping before we went to her beautiful cabin that she was renting from a guy she had a huge crush on (Jason). We got settled in and then sat down for dinner. We all had a glass of wine and eventually ended up in her living room chatting. Nadia remembered What Gina said the day before and was eager to get into it

“I think we should pay you back for not telling our parents about what you saw”

I had never thought of Gina in a sexual way before but now that I was, my only issue was that we are almost related. I thought that since I was adopted, we’re not related so it wouldn’t be incest. Then I looked at Gina in a sexual way and thought that she is actually the most beautiful women I know, then I started getting wet at the idea.

“If you both are ok with what I suggested yesterday, get naked”

We undressed and stood in front of her

“Since we are almost sisters, what would you prefer? Licking my pussy or being licked by me?”

I thought about it for a few seconds and said

“I think we’ll probably end up doing both, so I’ll start with licking you first”

Gina told us to get each other horny and wet while she slowly undressed as she watched us. Nadia and I started kissing, caressing breasts, licking nipples and fingering each other as we stood there. Then Gina spread her legs as she sat in the middle of the sofa just on the edge and said

“I’m ready”

I got down between her legs and started licking and sucking her pussy. Gina told Nadia to stand on the sofa facing her with her feet on either side of her, positioning her pussy in front of Gina. Gina licked Nadia’s pussy while I licked hers. Gina stopped for a second to tell me

“When I saw you licking Nadia, that’s not all you were doing”

So I slid two fingers into Gina and finger fucked her vigorously. Nadia was getting close to an orgasm so Gina stopped

“I will have the first orgasm tonight”

Gina instructed Nadia to get behind me and start licking, but I wasn’t allowed to orgasm. A few minutes later, Gina had the orgasm she wanted. It was so strong, she couldn’t talk after. She laid her head back on the sofa and closed her eyes.

Nadia and I decide we would give her a chance to recover and go make some coffee. While we were in the kitchen, still naked and very horny drinking our coffee, we heard Gina moaning from the living room. We thought she must have started masturbating so we made our way to her. When we got there we were completely shocked at what we saw. Gina was still not completely conscious so she was not aware of what was happening. One of her landlord’s Rottweilers was licking her pussy and she was moaning in pleasure. Nadia and I were too shocked to do or say anything so we just stared in amazement. When Gina realised what was happening, she told the dog to sit and then looked at us

“Are you two ok?” she asked

“I’m sorry, we didn’t know what to do” I replied

“Don’t worry, it’s nicer than you think”

“Do you mean to tell me that you’ve done that before?” Nadia asked surprised

“Sure, many times. Haven’t you ever thought about it?”

“Well, a dog licked me once by surprise, but that’s it” said Nadia

“I must confess, after I saw the dog do that to you I thought about it a lot” I added

“Me too” Nadia confessed

“Well, let me tell you, if you want an out of this word muff dive, you’ve gotta let a dog lick you all the way to an orgasm” Gina told us

Then Gina leaned back again, spread her legs and instructed the beast to lick her once more. Nadia and I sat down on either side of her and watched mesmerised. When Gina noticed how our breathing had increased she asked

“Would you like to try?”

We remained quiet. She then instructed the dog to stop and spread Nadia’s legs wide open. She then told the dog to lick her. The dog did as instructed and Nadia grabbed the sofa’s edge tight as she writhed in pleasure. After only two or three minutes, Nadia had an orgasm unlike one she had experienced before.

“Now it’s your turn Anna”

Gina pushed my legs open and led the dog to sit between them, she shoved her finger into my cunt then offered her soaking finger to the dog. He smelt and licked it. Gina led him to my pussy and removed her hand. The first touch from his tongue sent shudders and waves of pleasure though me, I couldn’t believe the sensation I was experiencing from this dog. The dog licked me without stopping or even slowing down, much faster and harder than Nadia had licked me before, his tongue was also rough which added to the pleasure. When I orgasmed it was magnificent.

Gina allowed us to recover from the new experience then pointed to the dog’s dick

“Now the dog wants some satisfaction”

Before we could comment, Gina got onto her hands and knees in front of the dog. The dog knew what to do, it was obvious she had done this before with him.

“Come closer for a better view” Gina told us

We positioned ourselves on either side of her, Nadia looked from behind between the dogs legs and I looking from beneath Gina. The dog’s huge cock was already in her cunt, sliding in and out at a furious speed. Gina took my hand and placed it on her pussy for me to feel the dog penetrating her. Suddenly the dog stiffened and shortened his thrusts, Gina explained

“He’s about to cum, and so am I”

Seconds later Gina was moaning loudly, the dog convulsing, both were coming and it was quite a site. Gina and the dog disengaged and his cum poured out of her well fucked pussy. She turned around and asked

“So, what do you think about that?”

“I know I am supposed to be grossed out, but I have never been so turned on in my life” I replied

“You know, there are two other dogs, shall I call them in?

Nadia and I looked at each other then back to Gina and nodded our heads. Gina told us to sit on the sofa next to each other with our butts just on the edge, then she opened the door and called the two other Rottweilers. The moment they entered the room they knew what would happen next, both dogs licked Gina’s face, breasted, ass and pussy in their excitement. She brought one of them over to me and placed his paws on either side of me on the sofa, she then got below him and jerked his cock to get it out for the fuck. When he was ready Gina guided his cock to my pussy, when it made contact the dog’s instinct took over. After a slightly painful penetration, I was being fucked in the most delightful way I could ever have hoped for, he was strong and fucked me fast and hard. While we were on the go, Gina did the same thing with Nadia and the other dog. For about ten minutes, Nadia and I were being simultaneously fucked by these two beautiful beasts, Gina was enjoying it so much she decided to take some photos. Eventually I began to orgasm and before my orgasm was over Nadia also began to orgasm. After our orgasms it was the dogs turn, when I felt his hot cum wash over my insides I came again. When the dogs were done, we were stuck

“Don’t stress ladies, you’re knotted. It’s natural, you’ll be stuck like that for a few minutes”

I didn’t mind, I was too tired. Nadia’s dog lover turned and faced away from her while mine rested on my chest. When they finally plopped out, a lot of sexual juices poured out from our pussies. Gina gave each of us a lick, just to taste.

After that encounter, Gina told us her story and also about Jason. For the rest of our stay there we had quite a few more sessions like that and made it our mission to get Gina and Jason together.

Go to next part

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