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(c) 2011 by JenK9

Note from Jen: Stacy just emailed me the sequel to her story (the last story I posted) and asked me to post it. Thanx Stacy.


On our last day at the cabin, Amber and I packed our things and decided to go home early in her car. I asked my parents if I could stay the night at her house and my father gave his permission. Amber and I were on the road before ten AM, we cranked up the music and sang along as we made our way home. After about thirty minutes, Amber turned the music down and we discussed our vacation and, of course, our first K9 sex experience. Both of us were excited about finding this adventurous way to be sexual and started planning our next session.

Amber wanted to try her German Shepard (Max) but wanted to make sure her parents wouldn’t catch us in the act, basically we had to be home alone. So we discussed ways to get her parents out the house so we could have the privacy we wanted.

When we arrived at Amber’s house, no one was home. We unpacked her things and then headed to the kitchen to make ourselves a late lunch. Amber found a note on the refrigerator from her parents. The note read:

“Can’t get hold of you on your mobile. We have decided to go to your grandmother for a few days. Let us know when you are home. XOXO – Mom”

Amber and I just looked at each other with silly smiles on our faces, my heart started to beat hard in my chest and Amber immediately called her parents as instructed.

“We have three or four days before they come back” Amber informed me

“That’s excellent news”

We were both quite tired from our trip so we decided to try our luck with Max the following day.

After a good night’s rest and sleeping in till noon, Amber and I got ourselves ready for the day. We were both quite excited with anticipation. We went to the neighbour who was looking after Max to bring him home for some fun. Back at Amber’s house, she couldn’t contain herself so she gave me a long, deep kiss and rubbed my pussy through my shorts, anxious to get things on the go

“and I thought I was horny” I said

Amber took Max to the kitchen, gave him a treat and some fresh water. When Max was satisfied that he’d had enough, he turned his attention to us looking for our attention. Amber decided that the best place to give him “attention” would be the pool house, so we slipped into our bikinis and lead Max there. Once inside, Amber made sure that no one could see us and then got completely naked

“What you waiting for?” she asked me

So I got naked too. Max’s ears were up and his tail wagging, somehow he knew he was in for a treat. Amber got down on her knees and started petting, hugging and scratching Max the way he liked. Still on her knees, Amber leaned back and supported herself with her hands on the floor behind her

“Let’s see if he likes pussy”

Max was still lying on the floor between her legs from the petting he had just received so her pussy was right in front of him. Max went very still as he smelt her pussy

“Comon’ boy, lick it” Amber pleaded

Max licked her pussy just once and then sniffed some more. Amber groaned in pleasure when his tongue slid between her pussy lips and over her clit

“Comon’ boy, don’t stop there”

Max then proceeded to lick her pussy the way she wanted and her head tilted back as she enjoyed the sensation. I was so wet at this point, I needed to get into the action. I got up and positioned myself with open legs above Amber’s mouth so she could lick my pussy at the same time. For the next five minutes or so, we were lost in oral ecstasy. Amber began to shiver from her building orgasm, so I removed my pussy from her face to watch her climax from Max’s efforts. I watched as all the muscles in her body tensed as her orgasm ripped through her body. Max stood up when Amber let out a high pitched moan, his head tilted to one side as he tried to figure out what she was doing. Amber leaned forward as her orgasm subsided and gave Max a hug and told him what a good boy he was

“Amber, look. His dick is ready for you”

Amber hopped up on the sofa with her back on the seat and butt just over the edge. Max started licking her again

“I want him to fuck me, help him” she instructed

I kneeled next to max and started jerking him off and as predicted, he started humping and jumped up between Amber’s legs. I guided his beautiful cock into her cunt and watched her arch her back and hold her breath as he penetrated her.

Max had a slower but deeper rhythm than Ringo which meant this was a different experience. I got down close to the floor so I could watch Max’s cock slide in and out of Amber’s cunt. Max didn’t manage to get his knot inside her but he did get her to orgasm hard as he spewed his load deep inside her. Max got off her and went outside to clean himself off and Amber lay back on the sofa with a satisfied smile on her face. We decided to take a swim while Max recovered before it was my turn and so that Amber could rinse herself off in the cool water. It took nearly an hour before Max wanted some more attention but I was glad that it was finally going to be my turn. I was so horny by now that I was considering getting myself off. We went back into the pool house and I got naked and down on my knees with my chest on the floor, I wanted to be fucked doggy-style. Max didn’t waste any time and began to lick me from behind. I closed my eyes as I paid close attention to the sensation I was feeling. Max didn’t bring me to orgasm with his licking, he mounted me just as it was building up. Amber came closer to guide his cock into me but it was not necessary. He slipped in without effort and began to fuck me.

Max’s cock wasn’t as thick as Ringo’s but it was longer, he was reaching places inside me I didn’t know could be reached. The pleasure was so intense that I didn’t even notice his nails scratching my thighs. When my orgasm hit, it hit hard and in the middle of it his knot slipped into my cunt. There was no pain just unbelievable pleasure. I found myself humping back at his forward thrusts, trying to devour his cock and knot with my pussy. Eventually Max was done spraying my insides with his seed and I was having little after-shock orgasms when Max lifted his leg over me to face away from me. There we were, butt-to-butt and Amber just watched in silence. Amber got up and left the room and then returned with her digital camera

“I’ve gotta take a photo of this, just to show you. We can delete it after”


Amber took at least ten photos from different angles and distances. Max finally pulled his cock out of my well-pleased cunt and left the pool house again. I lay down on the floor to recover and rolled onto my back as his semen leaked out of me. Amber lay next to me and showed me the pictures she took. I loved the pictures so we decided to save them on a jump drive that we would hide away for our viewing pleasure only. Over the next two days we added many more pictures and videos to our secret collection and we viewed them many times since.

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