Women with Animals

Texas Vacation Becomes A K9 Adventure – Part One


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(c) 2011 by JenK9

Note from Jen: It always amazes me, that no matter where I go, I always manage to find people who have experienced intimacy with a K9. The following story was told to me by my cousin’s best friend in Texas while I was up there a month ago on a business trip. I stayed with my cousin for the duration of my stay and once my business was concluded we had a wine-and-dine at her house where we got a little tipsy and began to share some of our sex adventures. This is Stacy’s story. She is very feminine, blonde, 5’7″, 32B cup and bust, 27 waist, 32 hips. She is very beautiful, full of energy and a delight to be around. She wrote and emailed me her story after I told her about the stories I have posted on this site and she gave me permission to post hers.


After reading all of Jen’s stories on this site and some others, I feel compelled to share my own. I never imagined that there was such a large community of K9 lovers. I only use my computer for office work and email, don’t really browse the internet much so I was shocked when Jen told me about this site. I will probably be browsing the internet a lot more from now on (LOL). Now for my story.

At the time I was 19 years old and still living with my parents while I was studying my degree. My father decided to take us all for a short vacation (5 days) to a ranch in Texas so we could all unwind. It seemed everyone in my family was quite stressed from work and studies. My father told my brother and I that we could each bring a friend, so my brother brought his best friend Josh along and I invited Amber. Amber could only join us on the third day so I would be on my own for the first two, which suited me just fine as I wanted some time to myself to read those romance novels that I never find the time for.

We arrived at the beautiful ranch in the middle of the wilderness, far from anyone else. It was so peaceful and secluded, I could feel myself starting to unwind immediately. Everyone seemed to be very happy as we unpacked. The only noises to be heard were those of the birds, trees rustling in the wind and of course Ringo our Border Collie. Ringo was very excited to be in the open and made quite a bit of noise in the first few minutes of our arrival. We all had complete privacy in our own rooms which were quite far apart from each other. After unpacking, my father decided to go for a short hike and I went with him, but before we were even a hundred feet from the cabin, I twisted my ankle and my father had to carry me home. My mother, who is a doctor, whipped out her impressive first aid kit and treated then strapped my ankle and told me I would have to keep it elevated and avoid hiking for a day or two. I wasn’t too perturbed as my goal was to catch up on my reading anyway so I lay myself on the sofa with my ankle up on the arm rest and began to read.

The following morning we all had a big breakfast and everyone discussed their plans for the day. My brother and Josh were going to spend the day at the lake about a mile away and my parents were going to a different part of the lake to have a picnic where they would meet some friends. Both my parents grew up in the area so they had a few old friends who wanted to see them. I decided to stay at the cabin to soak up some sun and continue reading the novel I started the day before. After everyone had left, I had a long, hot bath, got dressed in my bikini and headed to the deck. My ankle was still sore and swollen so when I sat down I put my leg up on the wooden table with the other foot on the deck which left my legs open. Now when I read, I fully immerse myself into the story and my imagination goes into overdrive. I become the leading lady I am reading about and the world around me disappears, so when the story evolved into a love scene it was me having sex with the leading man. I could feel his lips on mine and his hands as they caressed my skin, I could feel his breath as he kissed my neck and breasts. I had become aroused and could feel the wetness between my legs. With my right hand I moved my bikini to the side to expose my wet pussy and slid my middle finger between the lips as I continued to read. The story continued as the leading man licked and sucked her nipples and then kisses her belly making his way down to taste her sweet pussy. When he finally reached her pussy and began licking her clit I was slowly rubbing my own. I was so lost in the story that if anyone had shown up at that moment I would not have known until it was too late. I could feel his tongue as it slid between my pussy lips and it felt so good. My head tilted back for a moment as I enjoyed his oral pleasure and for a few seconds, I was euphoric. Suddenly I snapped back to reality as my subconscious told me that my imagination is good but not this good. The sensation I was “imagining” was far too real to just be in my head. I moved the book to one side and I looked down between my legs and saw Ringo licking my pussy as if it was the most natural thing on earth to do. For a few moments, I just stared as he continued and as my mind tried to make sense of this. I realised that this was unacceptable, but as I watched Ringo lick my pussy I could not bring myself to stop him. I had never been eaten out before and the sensation I was experiencing was too good to just stop. I stared in amazement as Ringo’s tongue found every inch, went into every fold and even inside my cunt. In my mind I continued to tell myself to stop but couldn’t do it. After about five more minutes of the most pleasing sensations I have ever experienced, I had an all-mighty orgasm. I slowly closed my legs to stop Ringo without frightening him, leaned forward, kissed his head and told him what a good boy he was.

With my heart still pounding, I got up, went inside and sat on the sofa to contemplate what had just occurred. I couldn’t believe what I had just let happen. I found myself feeling guilty, but not for the reason you’d think, I felt guilty for feeling pleased about the experience instead of feeling repulsed as I thought I should. To say the least, I was confused about the whole situation. I decided to put it out of my mind and continue as if it never happened. This proved to be impossible as I couldn’t read or do anything for more than five minutes before my thoughts were once again about my experience with Ringo. Once every one had returned late that afternoon, I was glad for their distraction and was now able to temporarily put it out of my mind. We had supper, enjoyed some time together, Amber called and told me she’d be at the cabin early the next morning, I had a shower and got into bed early. It took me at least three hours to fall asleep as mental images flooded my mind recalling my wonderful encounter with Ringo, I had to masturbate to get over the horniness before I could fall asleep.

The following morning I woke up before eight with the sound of Ringo barking outside. This immediately caused a tingle between my legs. My mother came into the room a little while later to check out my ankle and told me it looked OK but that I should just take it easy. By nine thirty, Amber arrived and we immediately started our usual chatting, this did distract me for a while until Ringo came into the cabin and sniffed at Amber

“I have to tell you something, but we need to be alone” I told her

Once we had heard everyone else’s plans, we looked at the map of the area on the wall and chose a spot where we knew we would be alone and undisturbed by the others. We simply told my parents that we would take a hike and have a picnic. My father reminded us of the rules and everyone got ready for the day. Amber and I waited for everyone else to leave first to be sure they were heading in different directions to where we wanted to go and then we set off in the opposite direction, the others all went in the direction of the lake and we headed into the thick forest. Amber and I chatted as usual as we hiked for about an hour until we found a beautiful spot to set up our picnic in a small open grass area surrounded by forest. The opening was just big enough for our blanket with about five feet of grass all around before the tree line. Amber had a small bottle of wine, so while she poured us each a glass, I unpacked the picnic

“So, what was it you want to tell me?” Amber asked “From your expression it must be something important or very interesting”

Amber and I are very close, we tell each other absolutely anything without fear of judgment, but this time I was quite apprehensive

“Come on, spit it out” she barked

I took a big sip of wine and then told her every detail of what happened. Amber just sat there quite as she listened with her mouth open in disbelief. When I was done telling my story, she remained silent

“Please say something” I begged

She looked into my eyes “I am shocked about what you just told me but… what I am even more shocked about is how turned on I am, I should be grossed out or something”

“That’s what I thought too” I replied

We both looked down at the picnic blanket in a few moments of silence while we thought about the situation and then Amber looked up again

“The more I think about it and try to be grossed out the more turned on I get. I need to get off right now! Does that make me weird?”

“I feel the same way, besides, who else but us will ever know anyway?” I added

Amber looked at me with a naughty smile and shook her head. She stood up and began removing her clothes so I did the same. Amber and I have masturbated together before but only in a dark room and we didn’t touch each other. We lay down next to each other on the blanket and started masturbating, watching each other’s hands as we worked our clits

“Tell me again how it felt to be licked” she asked

As I explained I could see her trying to imagine the sensation, but I knew she would never know until she had experienced it for herself. We were beyond horny at this point so what happened next was unavoidable

“Would you like to feel it for real?” I asked, knowing that she would

She just smiled and nervously nodded her head. I got on my hands and knees with both knees next to her head and rested my elbows on either side of her hips which put my mouth over her pussy. I looked back at her one last time and she bit her lip and nodded again. I looked at her beautiful shaven pussy and lowered my head. First I kissed her pussy lips and licked the outside before I spread her lips apart and began to slowly lick her clit. Amber began to moan and her body couldn’t lie still. I decided to lick her the way I would like it since I had never done anything like this before, so I started to suck her clit and inserted two fingers into her cunt. It was very clear that Amber approved. Then Amber tapped my leg and told me to get over her face, so I did. She then pulled my hips towards her face, which forced me to spread my legs, until my pussy met with her mouth. We were engaged in a sixtyniner which had us both writhing in pleasure. Amber was the first to orgasm so she rolled me onto my back and got in between my legs and finished me off too. We both lay there, in silence, breathing heavily for at least five minutes before we spoke again. When we spoke, it was all about how delighted we both were at the experience and how this wouldn’t be the last time. We also agreed that we were by no means lesbian but just enjoyed the experience.

The rest of the day was amasing, we were closer than ever before and we stayed naked and touched and caressed each other’s bodies while we spoke until it was time to get back to the cabin. Back at the cabin everyone shared about their day as did we, omitting the nudity and sex part of course.

After every one was asleep, amber and I were still awake chatting. At around eleven thirty Amber went silent with a look of deep thought on her face

“What’s up Amber?”

“I was just thinking, today was amasing and I definitely want to have more of that, but… it all got started with your story about Ringo and you…”

“OK, and?”

“I was wondering… could I… I mean, would it be OK…”

“You want Ringo to lick your pussy too, don’t you?” I asked with a smile on my face

“Well… yes. Is that OK?” Amber asked sheepishly

“Let’s ask Ringo”

We made our way down stairs and out the door as quietly as we could and since it was a hot muggy night, we only had our shorts and T-shirts on. Ringo was up and about and came over to investigate, tail wagging. We went to the shed which was a fair distance from the house, when inside we found some old mattresses and took one from the bottom of the pile, as it had no dust on it, and placed it on the floor. Ringo could sense our anticipation as he swirled around us. I told Amber to take off her shorts, but she was too nervous

“Suit yourself, I’ll have the pleasure then”

I dropped my shorts and lay down on the mattress with my legs spread. Ringo wasted no time and began licking my pussy with enthusiasm

“Holy shit!” was all Amber could say as she watched in amazement. She kneeled down close to Ringo to get a closer look. Moments later she stood up and dropped her shorts and lay down beside me. I didn’t really want Ringo to stop but I decided to first let Amber have the experience then let Ringo finish with me. I closed my legs and put my hand over my pussy to stop Ringo then tapped on Amber’s pussy to draw him over to her. Ringo took the bait and began to lap up her pussy juices. Amber could not contain herself, she was moaning and squirming. I got down close for a good view and watched as Ringo’s tongue performed miracles on Amber’s pussy. Finally Amber could not contain it anymore and she irrupted in a glorious orgasm. I watched her face as she lay there recovering from the experience until she opened her eyes and looked at me first and then at Ringo

“Oh my god!” she exclaimed


I turned to look at Ringo and where Amber was pointing. Ringo’s massive cock was hanging out beneath his belly. We couldn’t believe the size of it or what it looked like

“Looks slimy” Amber suggested

“Touch it” I dared her

Without any thought Amber stretched out her hand and took hold of Ringo’s impressive cock

“It’s not slimy at all, feel for yourself”

Since she was doing it I thought “what the hell” and took it in my hand. We were both so amazed that I didn’t realise that I was kind of wanking Ringo and he began to hump my hand. Amber and I both sat back a little shocked, looked at each other and began to giggle

“Stacy, you should let him fuck you. With that dick I bet it’ll be amazing”

“You must be nuts”

“Common, it’s about the same size as that dildo we used that time at my house, I dare you”

I looked over at Ringo and the idea was suddenly very appealing to me

“Fine! I’ll let him fuck me if you let him fuck you”


I got down on my hands and knees and Ringo immediately responded. When he tried to mount me he scratched my thigh and I got a little scared so I stood up. Amber and I decided it might be less frightening if I was on my back when he fucked me, so we piled a few mattresses on top of each other, about the height of Ringo’s hips, and I positioned myself with my butt just over the edge. I opened my legs and tapped on my pussy to invite Ringo closer. At first, Ringo just licked my pussy, which was amazing, but after a few licks he hopped up and started humping between my legs. His cock was stabbing my inners thighs, butt and my pussy lips but he was not hitting the target

“Amber, help him get in there”

Amber kneeled behind Ringo and took his impressive cock in her hand. She pushed him a little forward and guided his pulsing cock into my cunt


It was huge and hurt a bit at first. I bit my lip and hoped the pain would subside, and it did. After a few more thrusts I was in a world of pure pleasure. I had only had sex once before but this was a different world all together. Within seconds I could feel an orgasm building, but I could also feel Ringo’s cock starting to swell at the base. I didn’t give his swelling another thought as my orgasm was about to irrupt. It must have been my biggest orgasm every as I felt Amber’s hand cover my mouth to try and stifle my scream, my body shook uncontrollably and my vision burred. The orgasm was so intense that my knuckles and toes clicked from the stress of them being clenched and curled tighter than ever before. Finally, my orgasm began to subside, but before it was completely over Ringo shoved his knot into my cunt locking us together. This sent me over the edge with another orgasm. My stomach muscles began to burn from the way I was convulsing and I found it very hard to breathe properly. I felt an unbelievable amount of hot semen spray deep inside me. After both Ringo and I were done orgasming, we lay very still while we recovered. Ringo rested on my chest and I just lay there completely drained of energy. Eventually Ringo turned around but he was still locked in my cunt. I didn’t care, I was enjoying the experience. After less than ten minutes, Ringo slipped out and so much cum poured out of my very sensitive cunt. Amber’s eyes were wide, she knelled between my legs to investigate. She spoke to me as she investigated but I didn’t hear a thing as I was still in a daze. When I finally picked myself up onto my elbows and looked at Amber between my legs, she leaned forward and licked my cum-drenched pussy just once to taste our juices out of curiosity and desire. I convulsed again as her tongue rasped over my clit, it was so sensitive it felt like a pleasing jolt of electricity went through me. After I composed myself as much as I could, Amber put things back the way we found them and she helped me back inside. The moment I lay down on the bed I fell into a very deep sleep.

The following morning Amber woke me up just before nine

“You have to go shower before anyone sees you, you’re a mess” she said with a jealous smile

I did as instructed and felt stiff all over. After my shower I felt quite refreshed but my pussy was too sore to be used for the rest of the day. I told Amber and we decided that we would make a plan for her to fuck Ringo that day.

We headed to the same spot as the previous day but this time Ringo came with. We hardly spoke as we walked, our minds were filled with what happened the previous night and of what was about to happen. When we arrived at our secluded destination, we set up our stuff and sat down. Ringo was sniffing around

“I think we must just give him some time to get used to the place before we try anything” I suggested

Amber agreed and we began talking about the night before in detail. Amber explained what she saw and I spoke about what it felt like. Before long, we were both very horny. I started kissing Amber as our desires were too big to ignore. Amber kissed back passionately and we started touching each other. Before long we were naked and I told Amber to go down on me as she would be getting her pleasure from Ringo soon. Amber kneeled between my legs and began licking and sucking my pussy and clit while I just closed my eyes and enjoyed every moment. After a few minutes, Amber was moaning into my pussy as she continued to lick me. I opened my eyes and saw that Ringo was now licking her pussy while she was going down on me. Ringo hopped up to try mount her, so I got up and kneeled next to him to help get his cock inside her. It only took a few seconds to get his cock inside her cunt and she moaned as he penetrated her. Ringo built up an impressive rhythm as he fucked her. Amber was still leaning on her forearms so I decided to re-position myself in front of her in the hopes that she would continue eating me out while Ringo fucked her like his bitch. Amber immediately did as hoped and we were both moaning almost in harmony. My orgasm was first, but before I was done Amber’s orgasm was upon her too. Her head lifted up as her orgasm rumbled through her body so I rubbed my clit to finish myself off as I watched her. At the climax of her orgasm, Ringo shoved his knot into her and she found a whole new level of ecstasy. Her moans had become a scream and the world around her disappeared. Amber and Ringo were at their climax for a few seconds and when they were eventually done, Amber collapsed onto her chest and lay their heaving in silence. Ringo just stood still over her, still locked tight deep inside her. I lay on my back and slid under Amber between her legs to get a closer look at their tie. As I looked up a drop of semen fell on my cheek and I could not help myself as I stuck my tongue out to taste it. I started rubbing my clit again as I was as horny as ever again. At that moment, Ringo’s cock slipped out of Amber’s cunt and hit my face as semen poured out of her onto my lips and face. Ringo didn’t move so I took his cock and slipped it into my mouth. Amber lifted herself onto her hands again and looked down at me. When she saw what I was doing she stated to giggle

“I have to try that”

Ringo got off Amber and lay down on the blanket and licked his cock a few times. Then he lay on his side, panting from the encounter. As he lay there, Amber moved in to get a taste of that cock for herself. Eventually Ringo got up and disappeared into the forest, I think he wanted to be left alone and we weren’t giving him space to recover. Amber and I lay naked on the blanked for a while longer as we discussed what had just happened

“You know, I have a German Shepherd at home, I think he would like this type of thing too” Amber said with a smile

We agreed that we would make a plan to be alone with her family pet to see if we could get a similar experience from him. Amber and I have had sex with both our boys a few times now and it just gets better every time.

Go to next part

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