Women with Animals

How I Started To Having Sex With My Dog

(c) 2018 by Erika512

When i was 19 years old my parents bought a Labrador Retriever for my birthday, it was a little beautiful puppy. With time, he grew up a year and 4 months to be exactly. One afternoon when i took Bluffy for a walk to the park i saw a female and a dog were breeding, i guess female dog was in heat, that turns me on i hold Bluffy tight, so he won’t get crazy about what was going on there but at the same time i kept looking how that dog was trying to mount his bitch, Bluffy was getting exalting making noises and crying, right away i took him back home.

That night at home i was thinking poor Bluffy he might need a bitch he’s a grown dog he needs some company or something he has needs too “sexually talking”. Since that day Bluffy starts acting weird some times at night he cried was desperate. My parents told me to quiet him down it was my dog so i had to calm down i told him are you ok Bluffy? Please stay quiet and be a good dog, most of the time Bluffy stays at my room, sleeps there, but this time i said…i need to talk with a vet about this. The next friday we went to see a Vet, told him what was going on with him, he told me Bluffy is a healthy dog but as a grown male dog he needs some company a female dog, there’s another option for that problem he said…you have to Neutralize him, or he will keep doing the same thing at nights, i said Neutralize him i don’t think so poor Bluffy, but to get him a female dog will be complicated because i don’t know what kind of dirty bitch was out there, i told the Vet i was going to think about that and let him know soon.

My way back home i was thinking… I don’t have boyfriend right now, Bluffy needs a female dog, why i can’t be “his bitch” and that’s when those images from the park that afternoon came back to my mind, i have everything to make it happened Bluffy stays with me in my room, my parents goes to sleep early why not to try and make Bluffy happy calm him down, plus i need some too, i told Bluffy don’t worry baby tonight your going to have your bitch and fuck her all night long, kissed him and hugged him at the same time.

We got home, i waited until night around 8:30pm i told my parents i was going to watch a movie in my room with Bluffy, they said good night Kate we might go to sleep pretty soon too, i told them good night get good rest. When i get in my room i told Bluffly come on baby get in as soon as he walked in i locked the door, i had everything ready a towel on the floor, pillow, water for Bluffy just in case he gets tired. I was so turned on, i get naked, i have a long hair so i pulled my hair back with elastic hair tied that way will be perfect, i turned the light off but with TV on. That’s when i laid back on the towel and told Bluffly come on baby lick me he went right away sniffing, licking woow i had orgasms, i turned my back had to do the doggy position as i saw what that female bitch was doing at the park that day, come on Bluffy fucked mommy slapping my butt chicks, come on baby make me your bitch we have all night long for us, he knew what to do he mounted me, stars to go back and forward, i looked down between my legs saw his dick out a couple inches hitting my butt chicks and part of my legs, come on baby fuck your bitch, with my right hand i had to guide him the way to get in the right place and there you go… Bluffy good boy he was hitting that pussy hard lots of precum splashing around my ass, i was so exciting he grabbed me real tight with his paws around my waist, that’s when he knotted me, wow was so hot i told Bluffy stay baby, stay, i arched my back more, so he won’t move and not trying to pull back, i had some orgasms, he was so happy i felt his cum coming out of my pussy running down my legs lots of cum, on that moment i had a phone cal, i grabbed my phone right away had to mute the phone call, Bluffy was trying to get off because of the noise, i calmed him down again it’s ok Bluffy stay baby, stay mommy will take care of you. I grabbed my phone again sent a text message to my friend Jane that i couldn’t answered because i’m not feeling good and i saw that was 9:45pm already, we were playing for about and hour, we are locked now together with a big knot between us, i saw my phone again it was 10:10pm we were locked together around 25 or 30 mins, i felt the knot shrinking, Bluffy pulled back little bit and pop all his cum coming out of my pussy, i saw his dick it was big maybe 7″ or 8″and huge knot hanging between Bluffy’s legs, woow that big dick was in me? i was so happy i kissed Bluffy and told me i was his bitch don’t need to find him a female bitch anymore no worry about to neutralized him you such a good boy baby, Bluffy was tired so do i he went to drink water, i went to bed i was trying to keep his cum inside me as much as possible i would like to be pregnant by him.as possible i would like to be pregnant by him.

The next couple of days we kept doing the same sessions he was getting good at it he knew what to do with his bitch, one day my mom asked me… -Kate what You did to calm Bluffy down with all the crying and barking at nights?

I got little nerves and i told her i guess he was confused with some of the new furn ire i bought but don’t worry as soon as i moved that to different place he’s not acting like that anymore.
-Oh that’s nice, me and your father we were worried about Bluffy but i guess you resolve the problem Kate!

One day Jane called me, she told me that one of his neighbors had to give away three puppies “German Shepherds” she gets one but as soon as she got home her parents told her that she can’t keep the puppy, so she called me if i will like to keep him otherwise she will let him go don’t know here…im like i don’t know i have to ask my parents about that i already have Bluffy but i would love to have another dog for sure. I told my mom first and she’s like…

I don’t know kate i have to ask your dad, you k

The next couple of days we kept doing the same sessions he was getting good at it he knew what to do with his bitch, one day my mom asked me… -Kate what You did to calm Bluffy down with all the crying and barking at nights?

I got little nerves and i told her i guess he was confused with some of the new furn ire i bought but don’t worry as soon as i moved that to different place he’s not acting like that anymore.
-Oh that’s nice, me and your father we were worried about Bluffy but i guess you resolve the problem Kate!

One day Jane called me, she told me that one of his neighbors had to give away three puppies “German Shepherds” she gets one but as soon as she got home her parents told her that she can’t keep the puppy, so she called me if i will like to keep him otherwise she will let him go don’t know here…im like i don’t know i have to ask my parents about that i already have Bluffy but i would love to have another dog for sure. I told my mom first and she’s like…

I don’t know kate i have to ask your dad, you know two dogs its twice work you already doing with Bluffy such as walking them to the park, feed them etc, etc.
Don’t worry mom i will do my best to keep them happy please tell my dad convince him please!
-Ok, kate i will talk to your dad…

Thanks mom, i knew she will convince him she loves me so much, i called Jane and told her that i will give her an answer tonight when my mom talks to my dad, she says ok Kate thanks talk to you later. I Couldn’t wait till night, i heard my mom talking to my dad and after all he says yes but like my mom says i have to be real responsible with them. All i had to say to them was thanks mom and dad love you both, right away grabbed my phone and called Jane, guess what Jane? She says…
-What, what happened? What your parents said about the puppy?
Yes they gave me permission to keep the little one oh i’m so happy, i will pick him up in 30 mins Jane is that ok?
-Yes, Kate I’ll be here…
Ok see you in a few, i soon as i got there she gave him to me and i said thanks Jane i will take care of him as i do with Bluffy.
-Thanks Kate to take care of him, i will sometimes visit to see him.
Don’t worry Jane you have a good night, bye. Bye Kate.
On my way home i told my new puppy he will be so happy with me, i will love him so much of course he will be my new lover soon and named him Sammy…(Continue) inlove.gif


The time went flying I kept having sex with Bluffy almost every day, both dogs were in my room usually, Sammy watched every single time when Bluffy was fucking me, one day he starts to lick me, he was about a year old or so, that’s when I said it’s time to show him how to fuck mommy, i told Sammy I think you ready to start fucking mommy, don’t you think?

Saturday some of my friends called me and invited me to go out have fun with the other girls but i told her that i was going to clean my room, do laundry it will take the whole day plus i was going to be exhausted overall, she says…

-Kate lately, you don’t want to go out, have fun, hang out with the girls what’s up?

I told her i’m having a lot of thing to do here at home and getting ready to find my new job but i will hang with you guys next time.

-Ok See ya!

Later that night i had everything ready, but i was worry about if Bluffy will let Sammy fuck me, what will do his reaction?
I locked my door, lay down on my favorite towel and called my boys, come one mommy is waiting… Bluffy were licking me fast, then i grabbed Sammy’s fury and tried to strock him softly. Bluffy was ready i get on all fours right away he jumped, got me at the first push, that’s it baby fuck mommy deeper, deeper baby, as soon as i felt his knot he stop pushing, we were locked one more time, Sammy was trying to mount my face i was so turned on socking wet, 15 minutes later Bluffy’s knot got soft he was
out of my pussy and then Sammy jumped on my back i didn’t have time to rest, Sammy starts pushing hard but no luck i said don’t worry Sammy, mommy is going to guide you…i grabbed his dick and pop in the right spot he was fucking me hard in my pussy he was big, bigger than Bluffy i said thanks baby, good boy, i grabbed and pulled his legs against me i was afraid he will pull back, gosh orgasms more orgasms my legs was shaking i turned my head i saw Bluffly cleaning his dick, 30 mins tied with Sammy
on his pretty big knot i was so stretched out, wow i’m a real bitch now my two dogs were making me theirs, taking turns, sharing me, i milked Sammy’s dick as much as i could with my pussy, he moved couple times but i rubbed his back soft and calmed him down told him relax Sammy stay quite my parents goig to heard us,finally, Sammy give little pulled loud sound “pop” lots of both dog cum running down my legs, i saw Sammy’s big dick and big fat knot so yummy, i sucked his dick for few minutes drained
all his cum. Long sessions for almost two hours being fucked by my two dogs on all fours. I was tired Bluffy got closer he licked my face and was trying to tell me that i have to turn back on doggy position, he was trying to fuck me again,his dick was showing red and juicy, ok Bluffy i’m your bitch, fuck me again you and Sammy take turns don’t be greedy fuck me all night long please…”well you guys can imagine we fucked until 3 in the morning” i was exhausted, my pussy sore but so happy with my
two lovers…

Next sunday morning, my mom asked me…

-What was all the noise last night, Bluffy and Sammy were jumping in your room?

We were playing mom, they were lets say umm…yes mom i tried to chase them and they chasing me back but promise not to play with them too late, sorry mom!

-Don’t worry hon but maybe they have to start sleeping in the other room don’t you think?

I said right away “No”
they have to stay with me because i cant sleep by my self, i’m afraid to dark.

-Ok, Kate but please keep them quite your dad don’t like that kinda noise around mid-night.

Got it mom…
(but inside of me i’m like i have to be more careful with them since now on) During the next couple of weeks Sammy is getting better and better, the only problem i don’t get that much sleep, my dogs don’t let me sleep with all sex we having and soon i’m going to start working in office data entry i think i might have to do an schedule be smart about this i really need this job, i don’t want to be sleepy during work hours. Sunday before first day at work i had my schedule
ready on my phone:
Monday and wednesday just one session per dog.
Friday and Saturday all night with them, the rest of days just full rest. Hope they learn and have to be trained to understand that, they real smart i don’t see why not. Things went alright for weeks, they knew what to do i had to teach them a new signs and tricks before have sex…

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