Women with Animals

Joli’s Becoming


(c) 2015 ~ 2016 by Lynette G.

Joli hurried back to her dorm room after last class, she had to gather her last bags and make it to the train station within the hour. Since she had gotten her inheritance she had been restless to break with the norm, not do what was expected of her by her stuffy parents. She was 19 now, and ready to see the world before life took it’s claim on her, forcing her into the world of the family business and the same old thing day after day. Her friend Prava had invited her to spend some of the winter with her up in New England, to just get away from things and do whatever came to mind,no pressure or appointments, and just time to ‘find herself’.

She had met Prava online in one of the art chat sites she frequented and the two had become good friends, Prava having even driven down a few times during the semester for a few days visits. Prava was 5 years older, but they had found so much in common. They shared a huge love of art and antiques, scary movies late at night in the dark, cooking and just ‘junking’. Prava had even become the second woman that Joli had explored her bisexuality with, so she was anticipating even more exploration down that road with Prava also. The train ride took about 3 hours to reach the nearest town to where Prava lived and Joli had hurriedly disembarked and looked around the platform for her friend.

True to her word, Prava was waiting with a huge smile and welcoming hug for the young girl. Once all the bags had been loaded in the Rover, it still took another hour to drive to the small town up in the hills where Prava lived. The house stood just outside the town limits, not far enough to be rural, but enough to be private. Prava had shown some pictures to Joli of the house, but they did not compare to what it actually looked like. It wasn’t huge, like her parents where she had grown up, but still a nice 2 story Victorian that had been well cared for through the years.

As the Rover turned into the drive, Prava announced “Here comes the welcoming party.” pointing to the side of the house. Joli’s eyes grew at the sight of the biggest German Shepherd she had ever seen, taking huge bounding lunges, not simple steps she noted to herself, to greet the arriving vehicle. “That’s Dutch. He’s just a big puppy at heart, so don’t be afraid of him.” The huge dog ran right up to Prava’s window as she lowered it, giving her several hard fast lick’s across her face and hand as she scratched his ears. He was definitely glad to see her return home. Prava cautioned her to just stand still when she got out and let him get to know her before she tried to go anywhere, that he liked meeting new people, but was very protective of his home and family.

Joli got out and stood beside the car, partly holding the door open in case she might need to jump back inside. Dutch ran around the car, looking her up and down for just a moment before leaning close to take a sniff of her hand. This was followed immediately by the big dog sniffing her shoes and the legs of her jeans, checking out all the new scents from the school and train she had picked up that day. When he rose up on his hind legs to put his front paws on her shoulders, Joli was surprised by the weight and force of him on her and stumbled back a step to keep her balance. Dutch looked her face over intently, seeming to study her before that huge pink tongue swiped across her face.

Prava had joined them on that side of the car and was laughing. “Looks like you pass muster Joli.” “He’s a good judge of people and didn’t even bark once at you, so you’re in sweety.” Prava patted Dutch on the shoulder and shooed him back to the house, and he immediately turned and trotted off around the back. Joli was surprised how easy he had minded Prava’s command, being big enough to pretty much do as he wanted if he put his mind to it. Joli was very impressed with his size, compared to her 5’5″ frame, he was easily as tall as she was when he stood up,probably a bit taller even, and probably weighed as much or a little more than she did at 110lbs.

The women grabbed Joli’s few bags and got them into the house and upstairs to the room Joli would be using during her stay, getting her settled enough to take a dinner break. After a small meal, Prava showed Joli all around the house, proudly showing off all the antique furnishings she had collected to fill the house. Dutch had followed the women closely, sitting and waiting patiently in each room as Joli took everything in. She told Prava she was quite impressed with Dutch’s behavior, not jumping on her all the time and wanting attention like most family dogs do with new people.

Prava looked at her watch then announced it was time to take Dutch out for his evening walk before it got too dark, so they grabbed their jackets and Dutch got his leash and met them at the door. The sun was already behind the hills around the property and a slight chill had settled as they headed out the back door and down a couple of trails, Dutch sniffing and marking here and there before he finally took care of his business.

Prava cautioned Joli not to go out too far into the woods alone after dark, there were a few wolves in the little valley and a bear had been sighted a few times the last couple of years, telling her if she did go out at night, be sure and take Dutch with her for protection, just in case. It was quite dark by the time they got back to the house and the long day began to catch up with Joli. Prava took her back up to her room and showed her where all the towels and wash cloths were kept so she could shower and turn in, that she had a nice day planned for them tomorrow.

Prava leaned down and gently kissed Joli goodnight then turned and walked down the hall to her own bedroom, patting her hip and telling Dutch to come on, it was bedtime. Closing the door behind them as Joli headed to the bathroom and took a long relaxing shower before slipping into a long sleep tee and crawling into the big featherbed, where she quickly fell sound asleep.


Joli had slept long and hard that first night, only waking once at some muffled sound, maybe a low howl or something from out in the woods, but she couldn’t be sure, and fell right back into a very pleasant relaxing sleep.

A soft knock on her door awakened her. Prava came in and sat on the edge of the bed, already dressed in tshirt and jeans. She leaned down and gave Joli a soft kiss good morning, letting her know she was taking Dutch out for a short walk and to wake up at her own speed and she would be back for breakfast shortly, then they would head to town for some sight seeing and window shopping.

Joli could smell fresh coffee brewing downstairs and got out of bed slowly, re-adjusting to her new surroundings before making the trip downstairs. She found a large mug already on the counter, with cream and sugar set out, and fresh hot Amaretto coffee already brewed and ready. Looking out the window,she saw it had snowed a little that night, dusting the large blue spruce in the backyard and covering the ground. She saw Prava and Dutch’s fresh prints in the snow, heading off in a different direction from last night’s walk, thinking they must have several different routes they took and found herself wanting to explore the area some later that day. She had always loved walking in the woods back home, but it seldom snowed in South Carolina, so it would add a pleasureable addition to learning her way around. She could spend the rest of her life here, she thought to herself silently.

She never heard the front door open and close, just the thudding of big feet on the hard wood floor. Before she could react and turn around, Dutch had pushed his cold nose right up under her sleep shirt and onto her warm bottom. She squealed at the cold nose hitting her warm flesh, almost causing her to drop the hot mug into the sink. As she spun around, Prava entered the room and told Dutch to stop and behave. The big shepherd immediately stopped and sat back on his haunches, looking up at Joli with a ‘happy to see you again’ look on his expressive face. “Go eat baby.” Prava prompted him and he obediently got up and went to his food and water and began chomping away noisily.

“Let me apologize for that, he just isn’t used to you yet, so he just wants to make sure you’re the same person from last night.” Joli recovered herself quickly, “No harm done Prava, really, don’t worry about it.” They got a quick breakfast and Joli ran upstairs to change, eager to see the new town she would be living in.
The women and Dutch all climbed into the Rover for the short drive into town, maybe a halfmile or so, Joli thought,and parked on the square by the little courthouse. Dutch stayed right with them the whole time, waiting patiently outside on the sidewalk if he wasn’t allowed in the shop they went into. Prava introduced Joli to several people in town, and was greeted with friendly knowing smiles. They had lunch at a small diner where Prava seemed to know everyone that worked there, one of the waitresses even took a little out to Dutch so he wouldn’t be left out.

As they walked back to the car, Dutch suddenly stepped across in front of them, bringing the women to an abrupt halt. He stood staring across the street at a huge man that was watchng them. He clearly stood over 6′ tall, his bulky body hidden in a long thick greatcoat type of garment,a hood pulled over his head, concealing all of his face except a very strong looking jaw, covered in a short tight beard of almost coal black.

Dutch stood rigid as stone, watching the man until he turned and walked up a side street and disappearing from view.


“Who was that?” Joli asked as they walked the rest of the way to the Rover. “He looked pretty intimidating.”

“They call him Taylor, or that’s what I’ve heard him called. Never talked to him once the entire time we’ve lived here.” “Not even sure what he does, but sometimes he’s around, then no one sees him for a while. Just comes and goes.”

Prava locked arms with Joli as they walked, pulling her close before leaning down to plant a soft kiss on her cheek. “I wouldn’t worry about him, and besides, we’ve got Dutch to protect us.” They both laughed at that, arriving at the Rover for the short trip back to the house.

After a simple dinner that evening, both women went out with Dutch for his walk, the light snow cover crunching underfoot, Prava pointing out different places in the woods she had played as a child, secret places she had stolen off to with a young lover. The whole estate seemed so far removed from the little town, you would never have known it was actually so close.

After Dutch had taken care of his business, they headed back until they had again reached the small circle of trees Prava had used to meet her lovers in the past. Prava took the young girl by the hand and led her into the circle, the ground dry under the trees. Prava ties Dutch’s leash to a low branch and walked over to what looked like a rolled up tarp near the biggest tree.

Smiling at Joli as she shook the tarp open, revealing a thick soft looking comforter concealed inside. Joli watched quietly as Prava stepped onto the tarp and kicked her boots off, offering her hand to her new friend, almost whispering “Join me love.”

The women embraced, sharing a long, intense kiss, just lip to lip, as the warmth spread between them. Their hands busily, but slowly undoing buttons and zippers, fingertips grazing over soft warm skin. The chill evening air almost pleasurable as it caressed their skin, almost a nature’s breath.

Prava drew in her breath as one hand covered Joli’s small breast, the nipple already erect in anticipation. The other slid slowly down her tummy, fingertips deftly lifting the elastic band of Joli’s panties, sliding ever lower. She broke their kiss as her fingers felt the smooth bare skin of Joli’s soft mound, a questioning smile crossing her lips. Joli looked up at her new love, “I did that for you Prava, a special surprise.”

Without a further word, Prava drew her young lover down onto the comforter and devoured her body. Her lips covering the places her fingers weren’t, her finger’s exploring every inch of Joli’s willing body. Prava’s lips and tongue feasted on Joli’s wet pussy with a hunger she hadn’t felt in a long time, bringing Joli over the edge again and again, her finger’s exploring deep into the girl’s body, front and back.

Joli let herself be taken, neither woman saying a word, as none needed to be. Prava had loved her long and hard the few times they had met at school, but tonight was so much different, so sensual, almost primal in her lust for Joli. The older girl simply devoured the younger. Joli cried out into the wild open place with each orgasm as it took her, each feeling a little stronger than the last, her petite body wracked with small spasms between each hard cum.

At one point she had glanced over at Dutch. He sat very still, watching the two women in their pleasure, his ears almost pressing forward with each sound Joli let escape, his eyes shining in the fading light with an almost inate intelligence behind them, like he knew exactly what was happening before him, the sight holding him in place as it would a human male.

Joli’s body finally gave out after one particularly strong orgasm. She could barely feel Prava as she crawled up her body, kissing the warm but rapidly cooling skin as she moved up, both women’s eyes locked together, as if afraid the vision would fade if they looked away.

Prava wrapped her longer body snugly against and around Joli, pulling them tight together, sharing their warmth. They shared soft kisses and whispers for a short time, until the chilled air began to cool them faster than their bodies could replace.

The women pulled on their jeans and coats and boots, carrying the rest of their clothes. Dutch was ready to go as they untied him for the trip back to the house. Prava let Joli handle the leash this time, saying she needed to become familiar with it. Dutch seemed almost as full of energy as Joli was drained, half pulling her down the trail as Prava tried to keep from laughing at the girls predicament.


The next 3 weeks seemed to fly by. Joli spent more time in Prava’s room now than the small room that was ‘hers’. The two women had become very passionate lovers since that day in the woods, a few people in town even commenting to Prava that thay made a good couple. Joli had become very familiar with her lover’s body, noting a few small scars here an there, which Prava explained away as just the trials of growing up in the woods. But one on the inside of her right thigh, very near to that sweet pussy she had come to love, looked as though it had been very serious. Her lover explained that a family pet had bitten her rather viciously there one day when she was a teen, and had required a couple of surgeries to correct. Usually, one night a week, Prava would be away from town, conducting some work for one of her families foundation’s or another. Those nights, Joli would sleep in her room, Dutch dutifully sleeping in the room with her, guarding his new family member.

Dutch had become very protective of Joli as she took on more of the responsibility for his care, feeding, bathing and exercising him whenever Prava asked her too, and sometimes on her own. They often went into the woods behind the house, exploring the large property, and always taking Dutch with her as Prava had told her to do.

Dutch had led her deep into the woods a few times, one day they found what must have been a dirt road or maybe a gravel drive at one time. She was curious, so they followed it for a bit, seeing many different animal tracks in the snow, racoon or oppossum, turkey, deer, and what must have been wolf, crossing and some following the easier path of the old roadbed. She let Dutch lead her until they came over a small hill and down into a quiet dell.

The area had once been clear,but was now a little grown over with many small spruce trees beginning to reclaim the land. Off to the left, Joli found the remains of a low stone wall, but as she and Dutch moved closer, it was appearant that it was the remains of a building that had burned many years ago. She even recognized the remains of a fireplace and chimney under some of the snow covered ivy. It looked too dangerous to explore with all the snow and brush inside the walls, so they moved around the old clearing.

A bit deeper into the woods, Joli could make out the outlines of another building, this one still standing and even had its roof, though she could see that it was quite old. It wasn’t too big really, maybe an old garage for the house, but big enough for 3 or maybe 4 cars. She could see the trail leading back to the building, and as they approached, Dutch stepped in front of her and stopped, stone still and looking intently ahead and down the trail. As Joli looked around for the cause of his behavior, she finally saw the large footprints in the snow. It had snowed a little last night, and these were made after, even she could tell that.

The boot prints led up to the old building then off around one side and off into the woods. Her eyes followed them as well as she could, then she saw movement in the trees. She wasn’t sure what she was seeing from that distance, but Dutch saw it too. The hairs on his shoulders and back now stood rigid, his tail down and still, his eyes and ears locked on the shape. Whatever it was was watching them just as closely.

Her heart started pounding in her chest hard, she wanted to turn and run, but her body wouldn’t move. She could feel adrenaline beginning to kick through her boy, small tremors were beginning in her hands an legs. Seconds seemed to become minutes as the three stared back and forth at each other, no one moving, just the misty condensation from their breath moving on the slight breeze.

After what seemed forever, but was probably only a minute or two, the shadow moved again, turning slightly into a small patch of sunlight, Joli could clearly see it was the man Taylor, or at least someone built like him. He turned quickly and moved off into the woods without a word or sound that she could hear, disappearing pretty quickly for a man of his size.

Joli’s body relaxed finally, but she was shaking very hard from the adrenaline. She shouldn’t be scared, she thought, Dutch was there, but she just couldn’t stop the tremors coursing through her body now. She dropped to sit in the snow, the tremors of fear growing and spreading through her. Dutch could smell her fear now and came close, sniffing the air around her, nudging her with his nose to get her attention. When she looked up, Dutch looked intently at her face, his head cocked to one side, studying her then using that big wet tongue to swipe across her face a couple of times before she finally came to her senses, and looked around.

Dutch stepped back over to the trail and marked a couple of places on each side of it, warning anything or one that might try to pass this way. After a few minutes, Joli got to her feet, a bit unsteadily at first. “We better get home Dutch.” Tugging his leash once an they they set out back down the old road, a bit quicker this time than when they had come back here when they found it. Dutch marked several places as they moved along, making Joli realize she wasn’t going to make it back to the house before she was going to need to pee herself. She looked for a small stand of brush as they walked, finally finding one that would hie her somewhat, just in case anyone had followed or was watching them.

Joli dropped her jeans and squatted, releasing the hot yellow urine into the snow. She had to go worse than she thought, and took a bit to finally finish up, pulling a kleenex from her jacket pocket to dab dry. As she resnapped and zipped her jeans, Dutch came over and gave the area a good once over with his nose, looking from her to the stain on the snow and back at her, mentally making the connection. Before setting out back down the trail home, Dutch rubbed hard against her thigh, looking up at her before again taking the lead.

As soon as Prava returned home that evening, Joli told her what had happened and who she had seen at the old buildings. Prava promse to call the constable the next morning an report it to him, but it shouldn’t be too much to worry about tonight. With that, Prava took Joli by the hand and led the young girl upstairs to her bedroom, Dutch following closely behind his two human females, their pleasing scents filling his head.
Prava took her time making love to Joli tonight, bringing her to two very intense orgasms before letting the younger woman partake of her own body, feeling the eagerness of her lover to please her, to drink from her nether regions as she would. Prava had several very nice orgasms before Joli stopped and slid up beside her, exhausted from the excitement of the afternoon and their love making tonight.

Once she felt Joli breathing soft and steady, Prava quietly slipped out of bed and into the adjoining bathroom, Dutch waking and following her quietly. Softly closing the door and laying a big soft towel on the floor, Prava lay down on her back, whispering to Dutch softly “Here baby,mama’s got a treat for you tonight.” patting her thigh as she spread her knees wide apart, opening her still moist pussy for the big Shepherd, sighing long and deep as the big pink tongue began to lick her wet flesh.

Shivers swept through Prava as Dutch took his treat with eagerness,loving the taste and scent of his human. His tongue swept up between the hot wet labia of her pussy, the tight hard nub at the top making her shiver and moan each time his tongue would swipe over it. He would push his tongue deep into her receptive body, the wet hot tunnel opening easily and almost eagerly for him to pleasure. His woman thrashed her head side to side on the floor as he brought her to one strong orgasm after another, a corner of the towel wadded into her mouth to stifle her cries of pleasure, not wanting Joli to awaken and find out cetain things, too soon, before all was ready.

Quietly opening the door back into the bedroom, gazing on Joli’s sweet young naked body, lit by the almost full moon streaming in through the window. Pale and soft she seemed, but Prava knew well the strong muscles hidden beneath the alabaster skin. Dutch approached the bed to look at the girl from head to toe and back at Prava, almost pleading. Prava settled onto the bed next to Joli, kissing Dutch on the nose and whispering, “Soon my baby, soon.”


Joli could hear Prava on the phone as she came down the stairs the next morning, catching only the end of the conversation, but could tell she was speaking with the local constable about Taylor and trespassing. Prava looked and smiled as she hung up the phone as Joli stepped into the den, the light wispy robe clinging to the younger girls body, leaving very little to her imagination. Dutch quickly sprang to his feet and trotted over and stood up on his hind legs, propped on the girls shoulders, his big broad tongue eagerly lapping at her face as if to say “Good morning.”, his eyes shining, ears perked forward.

Prava stood and walked over to the two, “Well, it seems there’s two of us glad to see you this morning love.” Slipping her arm around the younger girls waist and leaning in to add to Dutch’s kisses with her own, never pausing to wipe a dry spot to kiss, but laying them right on top of Dutch’s. “Mmmmmm,you do taste as delicious this morning as you did last night.” Prava whispered as she leaned back and slid her arm from around Joli’s waist. “Let’s get breakfast then head to town to take care of a few errands.”

The day was filled with shopping and Prava running into an office here and there on business, with Joli staying out in the car with Dutch or taking him on short walks while Prava was inside. Dutch stayed close to her when they were out of the car or teasing her with friendly licks to her neck and ear from the back seat while they waited.

Their errands carried them to a couple of the small towns in the area. The roads weren’t too bad considering it had snowed a little each night, the crews working diligently early each morning to keep them safe and passable. Prava would always steal a short but affectionate kiss each time she got back in the car with Joli, often letting her hand rest on Joli’s leg as they were driving.

By late afternoon, they were back at the house, Joli looking forward to a warm comfortable evening with Prava. Dutch took off after a rabbit as soon as they let him out of the car, Joli calling and whistling for him to come back. Prava stopped her, “He’s on a mission now and won’t be back until his supper time, whether he catches that rabbit or not. He’s got his own agenda for now.”

The women got everything carried in and put away before Dutch let them know he was back and wanted in. If he had caught the rabbit, Joli couldn’t tell as he had cleaned up pretty well, and trotted over and began to eat his dinner. The women had a light supper, Prava telling Joli that she would join them on their evening walk after she made a few phone calls. “How will you know where to find us?” Joli asked. “I’ll know where you go by which path you take, remember, I’ve got a few years experience with that boy and know his haunts pretty well.”

Joli heard Prava on the phone as she got her coat and boots back on, Dutch fetching his leash and meeting her at the back door, obviously in a hurry to get going before it got too dark to see. He was a little more excited to go tonight than usual, probably wanting to get back on the trail of that rabbit Joli thought as the two of them took off into the woods.

She recognized right off that they were headed back to the old drive way that led back to the old house, thankful for the more easy going it offered instead of the narrow trails they usually took, with all those downed branches trying to trip her up and make the journey less enjoyable.

The snow was about half way up her calf, but more powder than the wet clingy stuff that would fall later. Dutch pulled a little harder tonight on the leash when he got an obvious scent of something in the snow, but stayed pretty much on the old drive. They came across a few tracks of a large dog,or maybe it was one of the wolves she had heard at night sometimes, and Dutch would mark the area as a warning. How an animal could hold so much water and not need to pee sometimes made her wonder. She had began carrying some Kleenex for herself for some of the times they were out longer than usual and she couldn’t make it back to the house. In a way, she was finding it a bit liberating to relieve herself in nature like that, like people had done for thousands of years before they discovered modesty. Dutch always marking near the area the let others know he was with her at those intimate times.

Just as they topped the little rise that led down to the old house, Dutch stopped and began to scan the old clearing intently. His ears remained on alert as he sampled the air for scent, his head slowly scanning the area for the sight of any animals that might be intruding on ‘his’ turf. She was very impressed with Dutch’s ability to just about ignore other dogs or cats when they were in town, but once on the estate, he was in charge and brooked no trespass of strange animals into his world.

As she waited for Dutch to begin moving again,she unconsciously was wrapping and unwrapping the leash around her hand and wrist, not really aware she was doing it while also looking around and trying to watch his body language for any clues of what was going to maybe happen if he saw something.

She noticed that the sun was already down below the hilltops, but the snow still reflected enough light to make the woods not too dark at all. She heard Prava in the distance, calling to her and Dutch and the other woman’s voice gave her a bit of comforting warmth to hear. If Dutch heard, which she was sure he could, he paid no attention to it.

Dutch let out a low growl which startled Joli, just as he took off at a run, jerking her arm out ahead of her, almost pulling her off her feet. Joli stumbled more than ran to try and keep up for several yards before losing her balance and tumbling into the cold snow, the leash slipping from her hand as her head struck something hard under the cold ground cover and everything went black.


Joli slowly became aware that she was laying on something hard, a table, maybe a floor. She tried to open her eyes, but if they opened, it was too dark to see anything around her. Her muscles ached and almost seemed to burn when she tried to move, so she gave that up for a bit. She could hear muffled voices around her, how many she could not tell, but it all sounded very muffled, almost foreign. Then she noticed a ringing, almost a low roar in her ears, and her head pounded with a dull, but persistent ache. When she tried to raise herself, she felt her head spinning before she fell back onto whatever she was laying on, letting the darkness flow over her again.

She could hear the voices again. How long had she been out? What had happened? An almost panic took hold and she tried to sit up again, but the burning in her muscles relit, and the dizzy, spinning made her give that up. She thought she heard her name a couple of times, very close, almost a whisper, then an arm, or something slipped under her shoulders and lifted her a bit. She tried to look around, but it was all so dark still, only vague shapes and slow gentle movements. A cup was pressed to her lips, as soft low “Sip” was all she heard as some liquid flowed into her mouth, sweet, thick and warm it felt, but her throat seemed aflame as she swallowed. As more of the liquid was fed to her, she could feel an intense warmth spread through her, from her stomach and out into her limbs, relaxing her even as her throat felt on fire from the liquid. The darkness took her again.

She had dreams. Not clear, more feelings than anything visual her mind could conjure. Hands were touching her body. She felt naked, but warm, almost safe and relaxed. She sensed more than saw the others around her. Prava was there, she thought she could hear her soft voice, but others also. How many? She dreamed she heard her name many times, the dark visions let her see Prava’s tall shape, familiar and comforting to her now. She heard Dutch’s name, but could only just make out another person, more a shape than actual form.

The hands were touching her all over, even the private places only her lover’s had known. She couldn’t count how many hands, they seemed all over her body at once, but not really there at all. Her dreams whirled through her head, disjointed, seeming out of order, oh but the warmth in her body made her feel safe, not threatened at all.

Her body responded to the touches and caresses of its own will, she couldn’t move to resist, not did she feel she needed to. She felt more than saw the other ‘person’ move over her body, it’s body much warmer, as it moved up over her. She felt her legs pulled apart, or maybe pushed, or had she moved them? A sharp jabbing pain into her body, almost as if she was having a sexual encounter. The invader much hotter than her own body, rigid, slipping deep into her. It felt different to the men she had known before, but somehow similar. Her body accepted ‘him’ easily, almost wantonly, a warmer wetness spreading from her lower body, filling her, easing the slight scare she was also feeling.

Her body was responding as if the shape was a long time lover, accepting ‘him’, taking all of him, over and over in an agonizing slowness. The whole world she could sense was moving as if in slow motion. Her body released the building tension, she could hear herself cry out for Prava as something much larger than any lover she had known pushed into her body, filling her to capacity, making her feel as if she was being torn in two. Then it all went dark to her again.

Her body jerked hard, waking Joli suddenly. Bright sunshine flooded through the bedroom window, the light making her close her eyes tightly, made her head pound with a sharp intense pain. Prava was sitting on the bed beside her, holding her hand when the girl woke up. Her voice soothing and soft “Just lay still babygirl. You gave us quite a scare last night.” Joli’s eyes jerked open and took in the surrounding bedroom. The bed familiar and soft, the sheets clean and smooth against her skin. She blinked and tried to remember what had happened, but it just made her head ache again.

“You fell and hot your head baby, you’ve got quite a cut there now. Dr. Samuels got you cleaned up and a couple of stitches as soon as we got you back to the house.” “You’re safe now and in my care. I’mnot going to let anything happen to you. Just rest.”

She felt a now familiar tongue slide across her hand, a wet nose nudging her to let her know who else was there. A hge smile crossed her lips as she saw Dutch sitting by the bed, his look almost willing her to be ok, and his eyes obviousy happy to finally see her stir. She tried to talk, but the sound just came out as a rasp more than anything. Prava shushed her attempts, and explained what had happened after her fall.

Prava explained that she had pulled the girl to the old carriage house and out of the snow after she had knocked herself out. Leaving her for only a short time while she ran to the house to call the doctor and get the Land Rover up the old drive to get her back to the main house. Dutch had stood guard over her the whole time Prava had been gone, and had not left her side once while she was out and the doc took care of her and patched her up.

Prava told her that the doctor had given her some pretty strong sedatives as she had been mumbling a lot while unconscious, and that she was to stay in bed for the next couple of days and just rest. Dr. Samuels didn’t think she had a concussion, but they would go in to see her in a couple of days to make sure everything was alright.

Joli wanted to talk, to tell Prava of the dreams, but all she could manage was a very raspy whisper, which just inflamed her throat again, so she stopped trying. Prava told her to just rest and sleep, let the medication do its thing. Joli finally gave up and just settled back to drift off to sleep again, the last vision was of Prava and Dutch, both watching her intently, just making her feel better by being there for her.

Once sure that the girl was out again, Prava leaned down to whisper to Dutch, “We’re almost there baby, soon, very soon.”


Joli was glad to finally be allowed out of bed for more than just going to the bathroom and showering. Prava had enforced Dr Samuel’s orders to remain in bed and had even been bringing Joli’s meals upstairs to her, and Dutch had remained almost constantly in the room with Joli, even sleeping on the bed with her in the afternoons. He never stayed gone long when Prava let him out to do his business,and quickly returned to the room after eating. But today they were going to the Dr’s office for a complete checkup. Joli was glad to actually have some clothes on other than just a nightgown, and her legs felt tense and ready to do some walking.

Dr Samuel was an older woman, maybe in her fifties, and very fit and active, and very attractive also. She shooed Prava out while she gave Joli a full workup that included x-rays, blood and urine and reflex. When Joli confessed to not having any ‘women’s’ exams for a couple of years, the Dr gave her a full breast and gyno exam as well, telling Joli not to worry about the cost, Prava was taking care of that for her. Dr Samuels sent Joli away for lunch with Prava, the tests and exams had taken all morning, telling them to come back in a couple of hours for the results.

They ate in one of the better restaurants in town, taking a quiet, semi-secluded booth near the back of the establishment. Joli ate like she hadn’t eaten in a week, and softly discussed the dreams Joli had experienced while unconscious. Prava seemed to try and piece together the disjointed descriptions Joli gave her, telling her she may have heard her and Dutch’s names as they were the most familiar to her now, but insisted that they were alone in the old carriage house until the doctor had arrived with the EMT’s to move her to the house.

The dreams had come to Joli several times while she was confined to the bedroom and she had spent many hours trying to make sense of them, especially the part of the man who had had sex with her. Why would she dream that when she felt she was falling hard for Prava, it just didn’t make sense to her at all. She had never even had what could be called fulfilling sex with a man, fun and naughty, yes, but not how she felt when Prava had made love to her.

After returning to the clinic, Dr Samuel had pronounced Joli healthy as a horse, and not a sign of possible concussion from the hit on her head. She also told the women that Joli was very healthy concerning all the other tests and exams. She gave Joli a prescription for an anti-biotic in case there might be any chance of infection from the wound, and also for some strong vitamins to build her natural levels to normal, as deficiency is very common in the U.S. and especially up where she was now living during the winter.

Dutch greeted the women as soon as they got out of the Rover, nearly knocking Joli down in his excitement, licking her hands and face hard, sniffing her from head to toe to register all the scents she had picked up at the clinic. Satisfied that Joli was really Joli, he wanted to play. So Joli obliged, finding a stick in the snow near the house and throwing it for him for a bit. He scrambled hard to try and catch it before it hit the ground,using a huge amount of energy to show how happy he seemed to be to have her back, almost like he was trying to impress her somehow.

Joli took her new meds as soon as they had finished dinner, making her feel just a little queasy at first, but that soon passed. Prava sent her up to take a nice hot bath and just soak a bit while she took Dutch out, promising to return soon. As Joli slowly lowered her body into the steamy lavender scented water, she could feel the day catching up to her quickly. Her muscles were tired from the little exertion and her head ached a bit as she relaxed and just lay in the tub and soaked, resting her head on the back rim of the huge footed tub.

Prava found her dozing when she returned with Dutch and couldn’t resist just looking at the younger woman’s supple body. She let Dutch stay in the bathroom as she undressed and slipped in beside Joli, trying not to wake her, the hot water enveloping both women in its warm embrace. Prava used a soft cloth to caress and stroke her lover as she dozed, small moans escaping from Joli’s throat as her body responded on its own to the soft touches.

Joli’s eyes fluttered open to see her lover smiling at her, leaning closer to place a soft but urgent kiss on her lips. Joli slipped her arms around Prava’s shoulders and drew her close, the kiss becoming more urgent as she woke from her doze, the tip of her tongue teasing across Prava’s lips, teasing them to open to let it slip between them. Prava’s tongue danced slowly with Joli’s at first, her hands sliding over Joli’s soft skin, massaging her full breasts, her thumbs feeling the nipple swell and harden to her touch.

Joli’s hand’s mirrored her lovers touches, firmly massaging the older woman’s breast’s, feeling the taught strong muscle beneath her skin as their breath deepened, their tongues playing deeper into each others mouth, dancing and teasing together. Prava’s hand slipped lower over Joli’s tummy, slowly, almost agonizingly so, slipping further down. Joli raised her hips, her thighs parting to let her lover have what she was seeking.

Prava was always surprised how fast Joli’s body responded to her touches, how her arousal swept through the girl, her body wanting, almost needing to be touched and made love to. As her slender finger slid lower,she felt Joli’s clit already hard, peeking out of the little hood,making the girl’s body jerk at that first touch, her legs parting further, no words breaking the deep kiss they were sharing, her body telling Prava she wanted more. Prava was more than happy to oblige, slipping first one finger between the swelling of Joli’s lips, a second joining as she could feel the slick juices even in the hot water.

Joli was busy doing the same to Prava, feeling the pussy she was drawn to now, both women smooth and clean shaven there, only soft skin and slick female juices providing their senses pleasure. Joli gasped audibly as Prava easily slipped the two fingers into the girl velvety folds, sliding deep and firm into the girls body,making them both shiver a little at what they were feeling.

Prava curled her fingers slightly in the snug channel, the walls gripping her like a velvet glove, firmly gripping, but yielding to the internal caress. Joli’s body responded instantly to the pressure, cooing softly, her breath catching in her chest as Prava’s thumb pressed and rubbed her clit at the same time. Her head rolled back on the rim of the tub, breaking their long emotional kiss for the first time as Prava took over,slowly raising her arousal, pressing the girl ever closer to a sweet orgasm that was building in her body.

Prava leaned in close, whispering, urging the girl to let go, let the pleasure take her body, “That’s it babygirl, let it go, let it take you.”. Prava increased the pressure of her fingers and thumb, playing the girl’s senses like a fine instrument, making her moan and coo as her body responded, almost on its own it seemed, unable to resist her lovers touches and urges. Joli’s body tightened and relaxed over and over, almost gasping for air between the growing pressure waves that were beginning in her tummy. Prava smiled and gently bit one of the nipples poking above the water, the shock sending Joli over the edge finally, almost in agonizing slowness until it finally broke over her. Joli moaned loudly, then almost shrieking in sweet release to finally have the orgasm crash through her body. Her legs trembled and jerked, splashing some of the water over the rim with their exertion, Prava trying to stifle the girls cries with kisses.

Dutch watched his two females closely, familiar with their behavior and recognizing the sounds they were making. His tail beat a hard steady cadence on the floor, his nose taking all the scent that escaped and mixed with the water. He knew what they signaled, how the females acted when they behaved this way. He loved the scents they gave off, soothing but energetic, causing them to be much more relaxed, almost docile after a little time passed. Prava would need him later, she always did.

The women soon stood up and got out of the big tub, grabbing towels to dry each other,not in any hurry actually, more enjoying the others body and touches as they dried each other. Dutch even joined in, licking some of the water from their skin, Prava smiling as the big tongue slid over her skin, Joli jumping and giggling when he licked across her’s. He even snuck a couple of swipes to her bottom, catching her by surprise and making her squeal a little before he drew back. He loved the taste of the new female, familiar but all so new at the same time. He licked Prava across the front of her sex, making her moan softly, and tried the same with Joli when Prava had her wrapped snugly in the towel. Joli was surprised at the lick, but didn’t resist it, having seen Prava show no surprise when it happened to her, admitting to herself it did kinda feel good after the orgasm she had just had. Dutch was tempted to try again, but one look from Prava told him to wait, so he sat back and just watched the two women, his tail again beating a steady fast rhythm on the floor.

Prava led Joli to the bed, laying her back on the big soft mattress and began to kiss her body. She lay over the girl,kissing down over the soft alabaster skin, starting on her neck,slowly working lower. Joli gasped nad cradled Prava’s head as she began to kiss and suck on her again hard nipples, almost as if she was nursing from Joli’s body, Little nibbly bites to the sensitive flesh, lashing the hard nubs with her tongue, each touch and bite sent electric jolts straight to Joli’s nether regions, bringing forth the familiar wetness again, arousing the girl’s body. Prava’s hands and fingers explored along with her lips and tongue, raising goose bumps on Joli’s body, tremors of pleasure following each touch. Joli played with her own nipples as her lover worked lower down her body, knowing where she was going and what she was going to do, just not how long it was going to take her to get there.

Prava began to lightly bite Joli’s soft flesh, making the girl gasp at the sensation, leaving small marks on the pale skin, a few bites a little harder when the girl offered no protest, encouraging Prava with the silent body language. She could feel the girl clench the muscles of her legs with each nibble,knowing it was arousing her. As her fingers again found the girls pussy, it was drenched with its sweet nectar, the hard clit standing out erect from the hood, red and swollen, almost begging for attention.

Joli clenched at the new sensation of the love bites, something new Prava was showing her tonight. They hurt a little at first, but she soon felt the effect of them on her body, there was no way she would, or could, stop her. As Prava moved over her throbbing clit, her body reacted by spreading her legs wider, drawing her knees up, opening herself to her lover, feeling herself bloom like an opening flower as that sweet tongue pressed deeply into her body. Joli just closed her eyes and let her body feel what was happening, small orgasms making her shudder, her lover biting again on the most tender flesh of her body. Joli’s hands and fingers massaged and squeezed her own breasts, pulling and pinching her hard nipples as Prava feasted on her, drinking her essence. One hard bite just beside her clit send the girl reeling into a very hard orgasm, the speed of it took her before she knew it was coming. She could feel her juices almost flowing out for Prava’s hungry lips and tongue. Her eyes barely open as her head rolled side to side, she caught sight of Dutch beside the bed, looking on intently, his gaze moving from Joli’s face to where Prava’s was hidden and back again as she moaned and squealed through the waves of pleasure taking her.


Joli was coming down from the orgasmic rush as Prava stood up and walked over to the big armoire in the corner, clicking off the single lamp that lit the room, plunging them into darkness. Joli could hear one of the drawers slide open as her eyes adjusted to the stream of moonlight that came in through the opened curtains. She could barely make out Prava’s shape in the dark as she moved, bending over for a moment then standing back upright, doing something at her waist.

“This will be a nice surprise for you Joli, something I’ve never shared with anyone else.” Prava slowly moved over toward the bed, “Roll over on your tummy for me, raise up on your knees, and I promise you will love this.” Joli was young, but not entirely so innocent, guessing right off that Prava was going to use a strap-on with her tonight. She had only experienced that a couple of times before and liked it, but it wasn’t her favorite activity. She couldn’t resist Prava’s words though and found herself pushing herself up on her hands and knees on the bed, looking back to try and see how big the new toy was, but it was still too dark for her eyes.

Prava’s voice was soft and calming, almost hypnotic as she spoke to Joli, “That’s it babygirl, this is all for you my love. I promise it won’t hurt at all, and you’re going to love the feel of me taking you like this.” The bed moved slightly as Prava moved up behind the girl, curling her longer body over the girls back, her hands stroking her body seductively, up her sides and under to lift and massage her breasts. Prava softly kissed and gave little licks to Joli’s back,one knee moving up between Joli’s legs, pressing them apart a bit wider.

Joli moaned at Prava’s touches, wiggling her butt a little to try and touch the toy, to judge it’s size, but Prava kept it just out of reach, teasing her as she caressed and stroked the girls body. One hand left her breast and trailed over her stomach, moving to the soft mound just above her cleft, the touches raising her arousal to same state she had been at a few minutes before. “Your body looks so delicious in the moonlight baby, so white and soft, almost pure.” “Drop your shoulder’s baby, just put that sweet bottom up for me.”
Joli almost panicked, thinking that Prava was going to do her backdoor. She had never let anyone do that,and the thought terrified her for a moment before Prava reassured her, “Only your pussy Joli, that’s what I want tonight, that’s what you want me to have, isn’t it babygirl?” Joli sighed in relief, “Yes Prava, it’s what I want, I need. Please take me, make me yours tonight, don’t hold back, pleeease.” she almost begged Prava. Surprised at herself for how needy, how wanton she sounded, but not caring.

“That’s all I needed to hear Joli. You will never regret this night.” With that, Prava raised up off of Joli’s body, holding a hip with one hand, dragging the tip of the toy up and down slowly between Joli’s swollen labia, making the younger girl moan as she felt the soft tip touching her. She tried to see it in her mind, the tip wasn’t blunt like any toy she had seen, but a little pointy, but soft. What confused her most was she could feel small jets of some warm liquid splash against her. It wasn’t unpleasant at all and felt good in it’s warmth. “That’s just a bit of lube baby, its a very special toy.”

Joli felt the tip slip into her channel easily, slick from both the lube and her own nectar,mixing together and letting the toy enter with little problem. Prava began to quickly hump the toy only a few inches into Joli’s body, the squirting continued and she could feel warm little trickles tickling her thighs as they rolled slowly down. Joli began to push back, trying to time her movements with Prava, but the woman was moving much faster now, much harder, pressing the ‘cock’ deeper into Joli.

Joli reached back to rub her hard clit as Prava began to push the toy almost all the way into her body. The shaft was soft and slick from the lube, but she could feel its rigid core as it pushed into her, over and over. She thought it felt like it was getting bigger inside of her body, getting warmer, the lube fluid still shooting into her. She had first one, then two small orgasms as Prava fucked her, pressing deep and fast and hard into the girls body. Joli thought she felt the base of the toy pressing against her pussy, hearing herself begging Prava to give it all to her as she had another small but intense orgasm.

“Rub yourself fast and hard Joli, the last will be the most difficult, but I know you want it.” “Tell me you want it all baby, tell me you need it.” “Yess yes, pleeease. Oh God Prava pleease.” Joli felt Prava’s thumbs slip to her pussy and pull her labia apart as she shoved forward, once, twice, on the third hard push, Joli felt herself almost split apart she was sure. The large roundish base entered her, the tight ring of muscle screamed as it stretched more than it ever had. Joli cried out loudly, almost a scream from her throat as she felt white hot flashes rushing through her body, a huge orgasm taking her, her keggle muscles clamping tightly around the shaft of the toy, holding it firmly inside her body as she shook through the most intense orgasm she had ever had.

Prava smiled and watched the girl thrash on the bed, unable to control her body any longer. Prava reached for one of the squeeze bulbs on the waist band of the strap-on, two good squeezes swelled the bulbous base nicely inside of Joli’s body, the other bulb pumping the heated liquid into the girl with each squeeze. Joli was frantically rubbing herself now, making herself cum as much as Prava was with the toy. Prava was holding very still behind Joli now,holding her hips tight against her, still pumping a little of the hot liquid into the girls body, listening to Joli babble almost incoherently in her pleasure.

Joli almost dropped to the mattress,but Prava held her hips up tightly against her. She could feel the warmth of the fluid slowly spreading through her body as her legs shook at random, smaller orgasmic tremors flowing all through her. The pressure inside of body felt like she would pop from so much of the fluid and cock-toy buried and locked inside of her. Her muscles squeezed rhythmically around the toy, each squeeze making it pulse again, to add more of the warm fluid into her. Prava gently began to rock against the girls bottom, moving the base against her g-spot, making the girl moan and shake even more, seeing her body slowing in its response. She could see the girl was almost spent, ready to fall into a deep sleep of contentment.

After about 10 minutes, Joli was oblivious to the world except for the toy deep in her body and Prava’s soft reassuring voice leading her through the experience, calming her, telling her how good she had done, how brave to want it all the first time. Prava slowly let the toy deflate, in short stages, one hand at the entrance to Joli’s channel. She felt very little of the fluid leak as the toy shrunk, smiling in satisfaction that most had been absorbed by the girls body,just as Dr Samuel had said it would.

Prava finally let the toy slip from the girls body as she lay flat on the bed, small tremors occasionally and randomly making her move. Each tremor making the girl moan softly as Prava unstrapped the dildo, taking it into the bathroom to clean it up before returning it to the wooden box in the drawer and locking it safely shut. Dutch was half on the bed, sniffing of Joli’s body, occasionally licking between the girls legs,making her moan each time as a small convulsion passed from her pussy into her body.

Prava opened the door and called softly to Dutch, patting one butt cheek, “Come on baby, mama needs you now.” The two quietly walked down the hall to one of the other bedrooms at the other end of the house, closing and locking the door behind them.

Joli dreamed beautiful peaceful dreams that night, sometimes awake, but not sure. She thought she heard a soft howling from somewhere, and another time Prava’s voice from far away, but couldn’t understand the words, and maybe it was just a dream. She awoke a couple of times, and Prava was curled up tight against her, her arms around Joli as if protecting her. After that, she didn’t awake until late in the morning.


The nights that followed, Prava only used the strap-on sparingly, gauging Joli’s adjustment and comfort with it carefully. The young girls body taking the ‘lube’ into itself, absorbing the thin fluid almost totally. Prava also started to use light restraint with Joli,who enjoyed the new ‘kink’ greatly, often finding herself immobile and unable to resist the things Prava would do with her body, but not really wanting to stop her lover either.

Joli surprised Prava one night by asking for the restraints and the strapon. She confessed to Prava that the toy seemed to give her a ‘body buzz’ each time it was used, like the very best pot she had smoked in the past, and she loved how it made her feel she belonged there with Prava, how her body now craved the older girls loving methods. “I knew it would be something special to you Joli, how much you would love its feel, and what it made your body do to enjoy those feelings.”

Prava often woke at night to see Joli’s small naked body near the window, illuminated by the waxing and waning moon, the silvery light seeming to almost polish the alabaster glow of the young woman. She knew Joli was not truly awake, but not asleep either. The solution Dr Samuels had given Prava was changing the girl, from the inside, bringing something to the fore they both would need in the near future.

Joli was spending more time walking Dutch in the woods alone, having grown accustomed to the cold now as the snow deepened. The trails were easy to see, and Joli knew where each led now. Dutch was not always on the leash anymore, Joli having gained his trust and she his, he could run off a ways at will now but always returned quickly when she called or whistled for him. He would sometimes hide from her and make her look for him, only to lay a playful ambush for her, knocking her into a deep drift or getting her to chase him. They both loved this game.

Joli was also noticing some changes in herself. Just the slightest attempt to picture the strap-on in her head, she had still never seen it in the light, caused her to get intensely aroused. She often stopped at the circle of spruce trees where Prava had made love to her, remembering that day in the minutest detail, and often dropping her jeans and panties to masturbate furiously at the memories, Dutch often hearing her cries and returning to quietly watch his female, taking in the heady, musky scent of her sex as she did.

She had explored the old carriage house, seeing the small blood stains from her wound on a big table there, obviously where the EMT’s had tended her. She found some old,almost ancient black glass bottles on a couple of the shelves, the contents long dried and gone. A couple of large slender carriage wheels stood against one wall, and some kind of frame leaned against the wall near them, probably part of a carriage frame or something like that, maybe an old sled as it had an old leather cushion on a raised cross piece, for sitting on as your slid down hill, maybe?

One evening while walking Dutch, Joli had again stopped at the spruce circle and rubbed herself to 2 very intense orgasms, causing her to lay back on the bed of needles and doze off for a few minutes. She dreamt of Prava going down on her, waking suddenly as a small orgasm swept into her body. She felt her lovers tongue and realized it wasn’t really a dream and she opened her eyes, looking down.

She almost squealed in surprise when it turned out to not be Prava, but Dutch, his bg tongue working through and over the folds of her pussy. She tried to push his head away from her body, repeating over and over, “No Dutch, No.” “Please stop, please.” but never calling him bad or raising her voice to scold him. She felt the urge to resist leave her will with each powerful swipe of that soft rough tongue, exploring her almost forcefully, pushing into her body as if he knew exactly what she needed.

Dutch was relentless in his licking. He loved the taste and scent of his new female, her body so similar to his other female, but new and exciting to him. The young bitch squealed loudly and her body convulsed hard, more of the sweet nectar almost pouring from her body to nourish him. She shook and trembled for a couple of minutes, only mumbly sounds came from her mouth as she couldn’t even form words. She didn’t scold him, so he knew she wanted his attention.

When Joli had calmed down and finally lay still for several minutes, Dutch walked up to lick her face, then went to sit quietly and watch his female begin to stir. Joli sat up, looking at Dutch, her face blushing a deep crimson as the realization of whathad just happened sunk in. She got up quickly and brushed the spruce needles from her bare sking and got her jeans pulled back up and adjusted. The whole whle, soflty whispering to Dutch as much as herself, “we can’t let Prava know, she will be upset with me. She might send me away.” Dutch could smell the slight fear ond other emotions the female was releasing as she mumbled to herself, starting to cry gently at the realization of what had just happened, and the fears and doubts she now felt.

Dutch walked over to her and stood up, resting his paws on her shoulders, that big tongue licking her face, trying to ease and change the emotions she was feeling. “We have to keep this secret Dutch, no one can know what we just did. Our Mistress mii….” The words stuck in her throat. Where had that thought come from? “We need to hurry home, its almost totally dark boy. Mistr….. Prava will be worried.”

The two ran most of the way back to the house, Joli hoping to sneak in the kitchen before she had to talk to Prava, hoping to collect herself before that happened. Prava was sitting at the table when they entered, rising to walk over to give Joli a soft ‘welcome back’ kiss, then leaning down to kiss Dutch too, pausing a moment as she could tell what had transpired in the woods. Joli saw her pause and turned to the sink, running a glass of water and gulping it down as she felt the heat in her face from blushing so deeply.

Prava straightened up and spoke casually “You two must had some good fun tonight, I was about to come looking for you both when you got back, I was worried about my babygirl, and my boy out there.” Walking over behind Joli and wrapping the smaller girl snugly in her arms, whispering “I wouldn’t want anything happen to you Joli, with all that we have together now.” Kissing the back of the girls neck before one of the tight love bites Prava was now giving her so often.


Joli winced at how hard Prava had bitten, much harder than usual, but it still made her tremble a bit at the flashes of the memories it elicited. Could she tell what had happened in the woods? Was that why she had bitten so hard? Dozens of questions tore through her mind almost at the same time, and all the answers seemed to come to one conclusion, that Prava would make her leave for betraying her trust on such a base level if she really knew.

Joli let her body slump back against her lover almost in resignation, waiting for Prava to just say the words, holding her breath awaiting the inevitable. But Prava’s arms just hugged the girl closer to her body, burying her face in Joli’s hair, inhaling deeply of the soft of lavender that still lingered from this mornings shower. A single tear fell from Joli’s eyes to land on Prava’s arm. “What’s this baby?” she asked as she turned the girl to face her, “Why the tears?”

Joli couldn’t look up at the woman as she fought to hold back the tears from the guilt she was feeling, she just started blubbering like a baby. “I didn’t mean to do it Prava. I just did and I couldn’t stop how I felt, the memories of us, the things you do to me. I was just so damn horny I couldn’t stop it.” Prava started shushing the girl, lifting her chin to look into her eyes. “Don’t talk babygirl, I know what you’ve been up to out there alone, and I’m not upset or mad at you.” “Don’t you think I can see how easily aroused you get now since you came to me, and I know you’ve been spending some time in our secret spot out there.” Smiling at Joli as she pulled a couple of spruce needles from the girls hair, showing her the evidence.

A huge wave of relief swept through Joli as she realized Prava had only half-guessed the truth, about her masturbating, not a word about Dutch. Prava wasn’t upset about that at all, and if she didn’t mention anything about what had really happened, then Joli wouldn’t either. Dutch couldn’t tell, so her guilty secret was safe.

Prava kissed the girls tears away, telling Joli to head upstairs and get the room ready for bed and they would take care of that ‘little problem’, swatting the girl hard on one cheek of her bottom, making her squeal at the sting that worked through the tight jeans. “I’ll be up after I make a phone call and turn things off.”, adding a second, harder swat to that sexy butt as Joli wiggled it, teasing her. “Upstairs girl.”

Joli walked slowly up the stairs, exaggerating each step, making her bottom sway sensually as she knew Prava was looking, teasing her lover and sending a very clear message. She didn’t realize Dutch was close behind her also, and he was watching the female too.

Joli hurried to turn down the bed cover’s , lighting the big scented candle on the dresser before turning out the bedroom light. Joli loved the aroma that the candle filled the room with, it seemed familiar, but also unknown, it set the girl’s body into a very receptive state, always seemed to raise her arousal a little more every time they used it, which seemed to be every night now, as Prava used that mysterious toy with her.

Dutch sat in his usual place by the door, watching every move the female made as she undressed in front of him. Joli saw him staring and blushed deeply as the memory of the early evening flooded back into her head. It had been very intense, and she did like the results, so maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing after all. She could feel her body warming as she finished undressing, could feel herself becoming very wet already. Was it the memory that was arousing her, or maybe just the anticipation of Prava making love to her again, using the toy to send her mind and body to some other level? She had to admit, she might be getting a little addicted to that mysterious ‘cock’, but had still never seen it openly in the light, and could only guess at what it looked like, though she was quite familiar with it’s shape and texture.

She stood in front of the tall dressing mirror that stood by the dresser, her hands caressing her smooth skin, cupping and massaging her small perky breasts that Prava loved so much now. Her body felt gloriously alive tonight, more so than usual. Maybe the ‘incident’ with Dutch had made her more aware of herself, her most basic sexuality, than she realized. She no longer cared at that moment, every light touch felt so electric.

Prava stood quietly in the hallway shadows, watching Joli touching and admiring her young body in the mirror. She felt her own body warming, responding to the vision she was seeing. Everything seemed to be working just as Dr Samuels had said it would, like it had done with her in the past. She looked at Dutch, watching the girl as intently as she was, showing very good restraint of his own urges that she knew so well. Prava knew he wanted the girl, was even eager to have her in his ‘special way’, but was waiting for that right time, his time, just as his sire had waited for Prava.


Seeing Prava’s reflection in the mirror as she quietly approached from the doorway startled Joli as she caressed her body. She didn’t know how long she had been watching,but could tell how aroused she was, pulling the thick sweater over her head and unclasping her bra in almost the same movement. Prava’s breasts looked so inviting in the soft glow of the candle, her nipples erect and hard as Prava softly pinched and twisted them, a very hungry look in her eyes as she walked slowly up to Joli.

Dutch watched his two females as they embraced, the tip of his tail softly thumping the floor in approval. The rich musky scent of the females filled the room with the scent of arousal, their slow movements showing how receptive they were becoming. The pheromones they released reassured him, told him what was happening between them, and what reward awaited him later.

Prava teased the girl with her breasts now, cupping and lifting her nipples almost to the girls lips, only to draw back as Joli tried to take them in her lips, denying her. Joli started to reach up, wanting, needing to feel their weight in her hands, the warm softness of her lover flesh against her fingers, only to have Prava push the girls hand down and away each time, whispering, “No baby, no touching, not yet.”

Prava slowly circled the girl,just her fingertips and nipples grazing softly across Joli’s body, touching and teasing all the most sensitive spots, then passing them by, making Joli moan softly, trying to move her body to prolong the touches, to make Prava touch her again. Two quick hard slaps to Joli’s bottom made the girl wince and yelp softly, “Stay still Joli, behave.”

Prava stepped to the armoire, removing a small ornate wooden box and walked over to the settee, taking a seat as she crossed her legs. She told Joli to come stand in front of her, that she had a very special gift for her. Reaching into the box, Prava explained “These were mine not long ago Joli, and I was proud to wear them for the woman that gifted them to me.” Prava lifted a set of very ornate leather wrist cuffs from the box, handing the Joli. “I want you to wear them now, for me, for us, and what we will have together from now on.”

Joli held them up, looking at them closely. They were more than just plain leather cuffs, but had a very fine filigree of silver wire into and through the leather. The wire work was a very intricate Celtic pattern, she thought. Joli gasped at the beautiful, and obviously very antique work that was done on them. Joli started to hand them back, saying they were too expensive to just give away like that, that they must be very precious to Prava.
Prava simply took the girls hands in hers and closed them around the leather, “They are yours now Joli, accept them in the manner they are offered, freely. I want you to have them, you have reached a point now that deserves such finery.”

Prava had Joli kneel in front of her, spending several minutes showing her how to manipulate the hidden latches and how the safety release worked, being able to open them with just one hand in case there was a reason to do so. She told her they were treated in a special tanning and oil process, so she could even wear them while bathing or just doing the dishes, water and soaps would not damage or affect them. “Joli, I want you to wear them for me, always. Once I close them on you, please, please, never remove them unless absolutely essential.” “The woman who gave them to me said they were very old, and the symbols would protect you as long as you kept them on.” Joli marveled at the softness of the leather against her skin, almost comforting. She promised Prava they would stay where they were, forever. With that, Prava pressed both locks shut, a quiet snap locking them in place.

“Now that we have you properly adorned, be a sweety and help me finish getting undressed.” She leaned forward, kissing Joli on the lips, nipping her bottom lip softly as she stood up before the girl. Prava lifted one foot then the other, letting Joli slide the fur lined boots and socks off, setting then to the side. Joli raised up on her knees, unfastening Prava’s jeans and sliding them down her long toned legs along with the little thong panties she always wore, pausing only long enough to plant a soft kiss to Prava’s mons, just above the little cleft. She inhaled deeply, her head filling with the sweet aroma of her lover’s aroused wet nether regions.

Prava then reached into the box, retrieving a small silver bar, about 6 inches long, that had a locking closure on each end. Leaning down over the kneeling girl and speaking softly, “Slip your hands behind your back baby. This will take a little getting used to, but it is important now, for you.” She secured the hooks to the cuffs and had Joli tug at them to make sure they were secure.

Satisfied, Prava sat back down on the settee, scooting her bottom to the front edge, one foot scooting a tall hassock between them. Prava reached forward, guiding Joli forward onto the foot rest, her face mere inches from Prava’s glistening pink folds. The hassock kept Joli from falling too far forward since she couldn’t use her hands or arms for balance, and made her bottom rise level with her body.

Prava scooted forward a bit while pulling the foot rest closer with her legs, stretching Joli forward further,most of her weight now rested on the hassock. Prava smiled smiled down at the girl and whispered, “It’s all for you babygirl, I need you so bad right now.”

Joli needed no prompting, inhaling deeply as she began to kiss and lick her lover’s sweet pussy. Her tongue and lips knowing all the right places to touch, how much pressure to use to make Prava moan loudly. Both women had begun to get loud in their love making of late, but there were no neighbors close by to hear, or anyone else in the house to disturb. Prava stroked the girls hair as she watched her, their eyes meeting, seeing the joy Joli had when she drank and tasted her lover so intimately.

Joli found Prava much wetter, more aroused than usual, her sweet juices almost flowing over the girls face and lips as she took it all in, drinking every sweet slick drop Prava fed her. She could feel her own body’s hunger growing, her pussy almost dripping wet, her clit hard and throbbing with each beat of her heart, but unable to touch herself, the cuffs proving to be very potent reminders that she had given up any sense of control.

Her hunger was driving her to give Prava pleasure,encouraged by the moans and movement of her lover’s body, using everything she knew to please her, she pushed Prava quickly into her first orgasm. The release seized Prava’s body faster than she seemed ready for, her body stiffening and relaxing in hard fast waves. She pulled Joli hard against her overflowing pussy, nearly bursting the nectar onto the girls face and lips, bucking her hips hard against her lover, that sweet tongue pushing deeply into her velvety channel. Joli pressed as deep as she could go, taking all the essence of her love as it flowed so freely from her lover’s body.

As the last hard wave of pleasure washed through Prava’s body, she slipped both feet up on Joli’s back, her thighs closing firmly to hold her in place, her fingers sliding deeply into Joli’s thick hair, gripping tightly and pulling her forward. Joli could only look up into Prava’s eyes as she barely heard the whisper’s “Accept babygirl, let it happen.” A big smile crossed Prava’s lips, almost wicked, but loving, “Don’t fight it, just accpet.”


Joli jumped in surprise as much as her position allowed as she felt something wet press into the cleft of her butt. She gasped and her eyes widened with realization of what was happening, trying to struggle sluggishly, but Prava held her firmly with her thighs, tugging her hair to keep her pressed against the wet folds of her pussy. She felt Joli start to cry out in surprise, but the sound quickly became a long moan as the girl’s body relaxed, feeling herself open for Dutch.

Joli’s mind was trying to tell her one thing, to struggle and resist, as the fog of pleasure began to envelop her thinking. Her body betrayed her at the first touch of Dutch’s soft, rough tongue, sliding eagerly through the blossoming lips of her now very wet pussy. The engorging folds holding the hot tongue, almost guiding his strokes over and then deep into her body. The first deep probing lick of Dutch’s tongue into Joli’s wet channel had her trembling into her first orgasm. The feeling of almost something alive inside her body, touching and caressing so many intimate places at once sent her body reeling as she came.

The orgasm drove Joli’s hunger for Prava, the girl devoured her pussy as she came for Dutch, trying to mirror what Dutch was doing with her, wanting Prava to cum with her, to share in the overwhelming emotion and physical release she was having. She slipped her knees apart as far as she dared, pressing back onto Dutch as she gave in to the newly familiar sensation, her eyes locked with Prava’s, seeing the look of joy in her lover’s face, her eyes glittering in the low light. Prava was saying something, but Joli was almost deaf but for the pounding of her heart and the blush rushing through her body.

Prava relaxed her hold of the girl as she saw her body responding to Dutch, seeing the distant look in her eyes as she surrendered to herself, eyes half closed as her resistance faded quickly. Prava began rocking her hips to Joli’s talented tongue. Reaching into her nearby jeans, she retrieved a small clear flask and twisted the top loose, She began to dribble the contents into the cleft of her pussy, letting it flow down to Joli’s tongue and lips.

Joli watched the cloudy liquid through half closed eyes as it rolled slowly down over Prava’s hard clit and down to mix with her sweet essence, a light almond scent filled her head. The taste was familiar to her, having tasted it many times on Prava’s nipples and pussy now. Sweet with a hint of bitter, Joli hungrily began to feast on Prava with more desire, reveling in the taste of the fluid mixed with Prava’s sweet nectar. She felt her whole body warming now, the combination of what she was doing to Prava and what Dutch was doing to her, her blood felt almost at a boil as small orgasms began to take her. Trying to spread her knees further for Dutch, to give him total access to all of her for that sweet, powerful tongue. Her body felt buzzed from the erotic battering her senses were taking tonight.

Prava watched Joli closely as she buried her face as far into Prava’s pussy as she could, could see the effect the liquid was having on her. She could feel her one orgasm building from the sights before her eyes, silently telling herself ‘not yet, not yet’ finding it hard to hold back much longer. Joli was experiencing one small orgasm over another, her lust and hunger consuming her, all that mattered to the girl was the intense pleasure she was feeling and what she was giving.

Prava leaned forward enough to reach Joli’s back, patting her softly to get Dutch’s attention. The big shepherd stopped his licking to look up at Prava, making Joli moan loudly at the absence of his tongue, her bottom moving around to try and find that sweet torturous tongue again.

Dutch looked back and forth from one female to the other as Prava made a little kissy sound with her lips and glanced down at Joli’s body. He hesitated for only a moment, looking down at the young female and how receptive she now was for him. Only seconds passed before Dutch moved forward and raised himself onto her hips, his front legs wrapping strongly around her small body. The heat of her skin felt good against him, his hips pressing forward, searching for that special spot that would set everything in motion.

Joli was trying almost desperately to find Dutch’s sweet tongue again, pushing her butt back, searching, as she felt his legs grip her tightly, his hairy belly rubbing against her naked, raised butt. Prava again tightened her thighs on Joli, pulling her tight against the pussy that was needing her so bad now.

Joli felt the hard pokes around her swollen pussy,not enough to hurt, but making her wince and gasp as she slowly began to realize what was happening. Her mind sharpened for only a moment to try to resist, but her body over ruled, The musky sweet juices from Prava’s body, her own arousal winning the argument in her head. Three more hard, rapid pushes and Dutch found what he wanted.

His legs gripped Joli tighter, almost pulling her back as his hips as he lunged forward, his hot, growing cock slid easily into her body. The heat of the intruder forced an almost guttural moan from his female as the heat of her body engulfed and urged him on. The short spurts coming from the pointy tip making her even slicker, easing the passage of his growing cock within her, making her gasp as he grew larger, thicker, and pressed deeper with each hard fast thrust, his hips slamming against her bare body.

Joli felt as if a hot poker had been pushed into her body as Dutch took her as his own, the growing cock felt almost a blur with the speed of his thrusts. She could feel a comforting warmth begin to spread into her body, starting in her clasping pussy and spreading outward, small trickles of fluid rolled slowly down her thighs as Dutch took her, his thrusts going as deep as any man had, and still deeper, his cock seeming to grow inside of her as Dutch made her his.


Prava began to see the signs in Joli’s eyes, widening with each hard thrust of Dutch’s body. She knew from experience what was about to happen to the girl. She began to stroke Joli’s hair, softly urging the girl to relax, that everything would be alright shortly, just relax. Joli felt a small panic but could not respond fast enough as Dutch gave one hard push of his cock deep into her slick folds.

Joli nearly screamed into Prava’s pussy as the swollen knot pressed Joli open, stretching her further than ever in her life. She felt as if her pussy was on fire for several second’s as the swollen knot passed into her body, filling her so totally, the tip of his cock pushing against the very back wall of her pussy. The soft screams turned to deep moans of pleasure, her pussy holding them together, sealing their bodies to each other.

Joli’s pussy throbbed around the big invader, each pulse squeezing down on Dutch to make him add to the fluids slowly filling her body. The first orgasm hit Joli hard, her body going rigid against Prava, unable to move except for the muscles contracting and pulling her in a hundred directions all at once. Her breathing stopped as she came, her eyes clamped tightly shut, she could only hear her own moans as she came. Each throbbing grip of her around Dutch added to the heat she was feeling inside of herself, making her feel full, but not just with his cock.

Prava stopped resisting her own orgasm as she saw Joli taken, letting go to feel it wash through her body, her pussy almost gushing its slick dew onto the girls face, losing control of herself as she watched Joli surrender to the power of Dutch’s mating. Her own body reacting in almost sympathy for the young girl, knowing so well what Dutch could do to her body when he mated.

She watched Joli’s body before her, every hard thrust from Dutch shook the girl, but he was beginning to slow down now,she knew he had tied with her, was now filling her with that potent seed, claiming her as his bitch. Joli’s eyes were lost, not seeing or focusing on anything, the orgasms had taken her away to that special place in her mind. All that mattered was the pleasure she now felt, the release like her body had never felt before. Prava watched her body shaking under Dutch’s big body, seeming almost limp from the exertions he had put her body through, her moans almost continuous as she felt the pressure building deep inside of her pussy, his cum slowly filling her, one squirt at a time, the tie so tight none could leak out.

Prava recovered from her own orgasm slowly before sliding off the settee to crouch next to Joli, whispering loving words to the girls, her hands stroking her body, helping her through this life changing experience. Joli was totally out of it, she couldn’t talk with any sense, her breathing came in rasping gasps as her body shook through one orgasm after another, all deep from within her small body, wracking her with ecstasy she had never experienced in her short life. She could feel Prava touching her, soothing her body, hear the words she was saying, but unable to respond.

Dutch was panting nearly as hard as Joli was now, his cock working it magic on the bitch, feeling her grasping him tightly, urging him for his seed. He felt the need to dismount now, turn to protect them both, even though they were all safe in the house. Prava saw his movements and held onto Joli’s body to keep her from being pulled off the foot rest to the floor by the strong shepherd. The movement of his body over hers made the swollen cock and knot twist in her body, pressing a long low moan from the girls throat.

Prava held her securely for several minutes until she saw Dutch moving to release the tie. She leaned down over the girl, timing her movement with Dutch and biting hard into the girls shoulder as he began to pull against her clinging muscles. The pain of Prava’s bite made Joli’s body respond, tightening up around the bite, but her pussy pushing hard on Dutch, expelling his knot,not unpainfully, but the bite distracted the girls pain.

A flood of cum and pussy juice flooded from the girls body as she went limp in Prava’s arms, her body exhausted completely. Prava gently unhooked the bar between the leather cuffs and lay Joli softly out on the floor, caressing her softly. Dutch sat several feet away, cleaning himself as his cock drew back slowly into the protective sheath, nothing else mattered to him at the moment. Prava walked quietly to the bathroom and got several towels and a couple of warm wet cloths to clean Joli up.

When she returned, Dutch was already busy doing just that, his tongue licking the girls skin and pussy from his leavings. Prava noticed Joli didn’t move or make a sound while Dutch tended her in his way, she was truely out of it, the fluid having the exact effect on her that Dr Samuels had predicted, she may not even remember any of this in the morning, but they would just have to wait and see.

Prava helped Dutch finish up the cleaning and got Joli onto the big bed, slipping the sheet up over her body before placing the towels on the floor to finish cleaning up the big puddle of cum that still lay there. She was always amazed at how much cum Dutch could produce during a mating, just like his sire.

Prava crawled up in the bed and held Joli against her, whispering to her about being brave, that Prava would keep her safe, and how she was proud of her, eventually dozing off after about an hour. Joli moving on the bed woke her as the girl got up and walked over to the window, her naked body dimly glowing in the low light reflected from the snow cover outside.

Prava walked over behind Joli and could tell she was not awake, but not asleep either. Joli was looking out the window again,like she had on so many nights now. She was staring at the little sliver of the moon, just starting into its first quarter. Prava held the girl by her shoulders, whispering “The equinox is soon now babygirl, everything will be right then, you will have your new family, your real family.”

Joli didn’t even seem to hear her, but let herself be led back to the bed, Prava holding her tightly to her body, falling into a very sound sleep, the last she heard was Joli’s deep steady breathing.


Joli awoke the next morning very slowly until she heard barking from outside, and from more than one dog too. She jumped up, her eyes squinting against the bright sunlight that was streaming in the windows already. What time was it? She saw it was almost 1030 by the bedside clock. Her body felt stiff as she stepped over by the windows that looked out behind the house. Why had Prava let her sleep in so long?

She could see the source of the barking now, or sources was more right. Dutch was playing with another German Shepherd of about the same size. Both dogs seemed to be having a good time in the snow, which relieved her to see it was not a fight of some kind as she had feared when she first heard them. She found her filmy robe and headed for the back stairs to the kitchen, slipping it on to barely cover her young slim body.

She could hear Prava’s voice as she stepped quietly down the stairs, and another woman she recognized as Dr. Samuels. The rich aroma of fresh amaretto coffee greeted her as she got closer to the bottom, trying to be as quiet as she could and hear what they were talking about. “… and we have the equinox in 3 weeks Prava honey, the moon will be full and the time will be perfect.” she heard the doctor saying to her lover. “Everything is going good, and all the signs say it will be the right time, so we have to be sure.”

Prava heard the stair creak, Joli stood almost stone still at the noise until she heard Prava’s sweet voice, “Come on down babygirl, it’s about time you got your sleepy butt out of bed and joined us.” Prava stood up and walked to the stairs as Joli stepped down on the last riser, taking the girl in her arms and giving her a coffee flavored kiss good morning. “I see you slept more than well last night, and half the morning too. What are we going to do with such a lazy bones?” Playfully slapping Joli’s bare butt thru the thin material of the shorty robe.

Joli walked over and sat at the table with the doctor while Prava poured and brought her a nice cup of fresh hot coffee and took her seat next to Joli. “Good morning Dr Samuels.” Joli started to greet the older woman, who laid her hand on Joli’s to shush her. “It’s just Alicia now Joli, we aren’t in the office or anywhere official, so just keep it normal hon, ok?”, she said as she lifted Joli’s hands to gaze at the leather cuffs that surrounded the girls wrists. “Oh Prava, I see you have given this sweet girl something special, more fitting to her new place with you.”. “I think you made a good choice,just like I did when I gave them to you.”

Joli could see Alicia remembering something special in her past, judging from the smile she wore across her face. Prava reached over and took one wrist and caressed both the girl and the cuff delicately, “Yes, Alicia. I think I did make the perfect choice. I knew the minute I first met Joli in person last September, I could see it in her.” “Just like you said you could see it in me.” Joli saw the private looks of familiarity pass between the women as she tried to remember what Prava had told her last night. She could remember the pleasure Prava had given her, she had used their special strap on again, she was sure, but so much of last night was so hazy in her memory.

Prava saw her struggling to recall, but knew there would be large gaps in Joli’s memory. “Yes Joli, Alicia is the woman that gave me the cuffs, she was my lover, and still is, in some ways.” “I owe a great deal to her for seeing things in me and setting them free, just as I have seen in you and want you to have that same chance I was given.” Joli questioned them both about the relationship they had shared in the past and felt very reassured that they had become more than that now, the truest of friends, but more so also.

Prava excused herself saying she needed to get the boys in and fed, they had been out in the cold long enough while Alicia asked Joli how she was feeling, were ‘things’ normal with her now since the accident, how she had adapted to the much more colder climate than she had grown up in. Joli told her everything was good and reassured Alicia she and Prava had done a good job caring for her, and the vitamins made her feel much better than she had in a long time. Even the questions about her period didn’t feel too personal for her to answer. Alicia was glad to hear that they were regular and even a bit lighter, and no serious cramping or headaches at all.

There was a great commotion in the back entry as Prava let the two big shepherd’s into the house with a clatter of nails on wood floor and huge feet stomping as Prava greeted them both with kisses and neck rubs. They had enjoyed their time outside, but were glad to be in and get something to eat and drink. Dutch ran and slid his way in beside Joli, raising up to give her special kisses all over her face and neck, his tail fanning hard in his greeting to her. Joli hugged and kissed him on the head before he turned and went back to his food dish and began to ravenously devour the food Prava had put down for him.

The other big shepherd came in at his leisure, walking up to Alicia and greeting her warmly while she returned his kisses and hugged and scratched his head. He was a bit bigger than Dutch, with just a touch of gray on his muzzle, so definitely older. Joli scooted her chair back a bit, which got the big dogs attention and he walked over to look this new female over. “Joli, this is Aspis, he is with me and is very friendly once you get to know him. And… he is Dutch’s sire.” Joli smiled at the big shepherd as he looked her over from a safe distance for a moment,then moved closer, sniffing her feet first and working his way up.

Joli held out her hand to him as an offering, letting him sniff it for several seconds until he was satisfied. “Hello Aspis.” Joli slowly moved her hand to scratch his neck and leaned forward a little. Aspis raised up, his big wet feet on the chair against Joli’s bare legs, making her start in surprise. He brought his muzzle close to her face and sniffed and looked her over carefully, cocking his head to one side, studying her it seemed. As a slightly nervous smile crossed Joli’s lips, Aspis let out very loud bark, startling the girl, almost making her wet herself he noticed bu the sudden change in her scent, then that big tongue began to swab over her face, licking her with abandon, making Joli laugh loudly.

Alicia turned to Prava in the doorway, “Well, it’s official now Prava, you can keep her.” All three women laughing loudly at that pronouncement. In the back of her mind, Joli had to ask herself, what if he hadn’t liked me? But she quickly banished the thought and Aspis kept licking her and she used both hands to scratch and rub his neck. She was very surprised with how big and strong he really was, probably more so than Dutch she thought.his muscles flexed and hard under the shiny soft coat.

The women ate a light brunch, chatting and laughing as Alicia and Prava told Joli some of their adventure’s together from the past. Joli learned that they ahd been passionate lover’s for about 2 years when Prava was Joli’s age and in college, Alicia moving her medical practice to Prava’s hometown when she had graduated and took up the reigns of the family’s extensive foundation’s, filling the place her mother had occupied for many years. Prava had used her connections to build one of the top small private clinic’s in the state for Alicia, allowing her to get her family practice well established and have a nice lab/research faility that brought in most of the clinic’s financial support now.

After they ate and Joli had cleaned the table, the women had moved their conversation to the big den to continue their visit, Aspis and Dutch following dutifully and laying near the big fireplace, restful, but keeping their attention on the women. Joli mentioned she needed to go up and get changed into some clothes, that the skimpy sheer robe was not appropriate for company. Alicia told her not to worry about that, she had seen her naked a couple of times now and wasn’t bothered at all by the girl’s appearance, that it kind of enhanced thing’s, smiling and winking to her. Prava added that the only males who could see were the two big shepherd’s,and they weren’t going to tell anyone, that Dutch had seen her naked many times now anyway, the three women giggling at that.

Prava went to one of the locked cabinets and retrieved a tall slim black bottle, pouring and filling a tall wine glass for each of them. Prava handed the other women each a glass, Joli lifting hers to inhale the sweet aroma, was surprised at the sweet bouquet of the liquid. “This is one the finest drinks you will ever enjoy Joli.” Prava said raising her glass, offering a toast “To our lives together, and the future one’s yet to be realized.” The women clinked their glasses together and Joli had her first sip.

The liquid was a bit thick, dark red in color,but had the lightest taste of sweetness she had ever tasted. It was warm as she swallowed, almost familiar, the bouquet fillng her senses with a pleasing light scent. The first taste was quickly followed by another. “MMMM, this is good, almost like honey.” Joli managed to get out between sips. All three women drank down the ‘wine’, satisfying sighs from each as they each finished their glass. “There isn’t alot of this made Joli, hon. Myfamily owns the distillery, but it’s hard to make, so it’s just for family and special friends.” Prava explained, collecting the glasses and taking them to the kitchen.

Joli sat on the big antique sofa, Alicia took a seat beside her, Prava taking the other side when she returned. Both of the older women began telling Joli that the equinox was a special time of year locally and a small select group of the long time residents had a sort of gathering to celebrate, and that they wanted Joli to join them. Plus it would be a full moon, which was a good omen for the local planters, signalling a special time for good crops and lot’s of babies in the coming year, so Alicia’s clinic was sure to be a busy place in a few months.

Joli felt her body warming from the wine and began to relax between the women as they talked and told her about including her, promising that she would enjoy and gain from meeting the select group of people she would soon meet. Joli listened closely and nodded a lot, her gaze focusing on the flames in the fire place. Her whole body was beginning to tingle a little as she listened, turning her head when Prava asked if she would like to be a part of their little group. Joli could only nod her head, a barely whisperd “yes” in response. Prava’s lips smiled widely at the word, leaning down to kiss Joli passionately, her arms encircled the girls body and held her tightly to her.

Alicia had stood up at that and took one of Joli’s small hands in her’s, Prava taking the other, helping her to stand between them. Prava reached Joli’s waist and untied the sash of the robe, slipping her hands inside to cup and lift Joli’s small breasts, squeezing them firmly, making the girl almost swoon. Alicia took the robe and slid it from Joli’s shoulder’s and down her arms, removing the thin garment and layng it on the arm of the sofa. Both women stepped close and circled theirs arms around Joli’s naked body, Prava taking Joli into a deep slow french kiss, Alicia kissing her shoulders and neck softly, adding little nibbly bites just like Prava would do. Joli felt her body responding to the two women, her nipples erecting to almost pebble hardness, her clit throbbing as her pulse quickened, her labia engorging with blood as her slick juices began to wet them.

Joli was helpless between the two women as their hands roamed slowly over her body, light slow caresses across all the tender places, her own fingers fumbling to lift Prava’s sweater up, trying to bare her lover’s body. The two women touched Joli everywhere, making her body blush, raising goose bumps across her pale skin, slowly trading places with each other, Prava moving behind while Alicia circled to the front, replacing Prava’s intense frenching with her own hungry, questing tongue.

Prava stepped back from them, quickly stripping her clothes and dropping them to the floor as Alicia pulled Joli tight to her, both hands gripping and squeezing the soft globes of her butt, pressing them together as her fingers teased into the cleft, tracing slowly up and down as far as she could reach. Joli’s hands explored the older woman’s body through her clothing, feeling the long lean muscle, the soft tender skin, the heat of her body against her own.

Prava pressed her now naked body to Joli’s back, her breasts pressing against the girl, her nipples hard points of heat. She kissed along Joli’s shoulder, the purple mark of last night’s bite dark on the alabaster whiteness. She kissed it softly, the memory of Joli’s mounting flashing through her mind, seeing the girl so helpless and wanting what Dutch gave her. The memory raised a soft moan in Prava’s throat as she bit again into the mark, not as hard as last night, but enough to make Joli wince and moan loudly into the kiss she shared with Alicia.

Prava worked her lips back along the soft shoulder, kissing and nibbling up Joli’s neck, whispering to Joli to relax and enjoy the moment, to let it just happen as it was. Alicia stepped back as Prava lifted Joli’s breasts from behind, massaging them, her fingers and thumb squeezing and stretching the hard buds, pulling Joli back against her. Joli reached behind her with one hand, seeking Prava’s cleft, slipping a finger between her thighs to feel the warm wetness that was spreading. Joli watched as Alicia revealed her body to her for the first time, mature and toned, youthful and soft. Alicia’s breasts and nipples were larger than hers and Prava’s, looking heavy but knowing they would be so soft to touch, to suckle the nipples. She could feel herself growing much wetter watching the woman undress before her, gasping as she saw Alicia was as smooth as she and Prava.

Prava and Alicia took Joli’s hands and led her to the center of the room, laying down with her on the rich Persian rug, one on each side as their hands began to touch her again, their lips kissing and nibbling the soft flesh. Joli tried to kiss one woman then the other in turn as the pushed her body’s senses, now touching her very wet pussy together, two hands each exploring her sex at the same time,yet separately, each woman sucking a nipple hard and deep, lightly biting into the tender flesh. Joli surrendered to the women and let them lead her body where they chose, playing her like a fine instrument.

Alicia reached up on one of the side tables and brought a small clear flask like Prava’s down to the girl, letting a few drops fall onto Joli’s lips,letting the girl lick the fluid from them. Joli loved the taste now. It made her feel so warm and relaxed yet so sexually excited when Prava used it with her. Alicia followed each application with a long smouldering kiss, sharing the fluid with Joli first, then kissing Prava just as sensually.


Joli pushed her hips up for the two women, opening herself to their finger’s, letting her scent spread through the room. Four finger sliding into and out of her now very wet passage, she tried to squeeze them, keep them from the sweet torment they were giving her, two thumbs rubbing each side of her hard clit, capturing it between them. Her chest rose and fell with deep quickening breath’s, the lips and tongues never leaving her hard nipples.

Alicia shared more of the sweet fluid with both women, the effects much more obvious in Joli’s young body, making her moan as her nipples grew impossibly hard, her pussy almost flowing with arousal as two pair of fingers worked in and out of her, alternating one pair sliding deep into her,the other withdrawing, stroking the velvety walls of her slick channel. Dutch and Aspis were sitting up now, watching intently, their noses taking in the scent of their females, each knowing they would be rewarded soon.

Alicia released the nipple she had been sucking to raise her body over Joli, locking them into a deep and sensual french kiss and she settled her weight onto the girls body. Their breasts pressing together, nipple to nipple, their smooth bare mounds meeting and rubbing firmly against each other. Prava sat up, lifting one of Joli’s knees up as Alicia straddled it, clamping her thighs tightly around Joli’s leg, pressing her own thigh hard onto the girls wet folds, starting a slow, steady rocking motion, her wet pussy sliding against Joli’s leg, her own thigh rocking against Joli.

Prava whispered that she would be right back and moved quietly and quickly down the hall and up stairs, leaving Alicia making slow love to Joli. She was only gne for a few minutes,but could hear Joli in the throes of her first orgasm and knew this would encourage Alicia to bring more to the girl. She stopped adjusting the harness of the strap-on long enough to let a pleasant memory of Alicia making love to her like that and knew it was just beginning for Joli today. She took her time to carefully fill the bladders for the fluid Alicia had brought, a new and stronger mixture than before, time was getting short until the ceremony, for Joli to become a true member of the family. Prava hurried back downstairs, the strap-on cock waving lewdly before her, making her hungry with the desire to have Joli impaled on her toy, to fill her body with the desire to belong.

Alicia glanced up when Prava reentered the room, smiling at seeing fake dog cock at her hips, already starting to drip a little of the mixture from the pointy tip. She coaxed Joli over onto her knees and scooted up in front of her , drawing the girl up to her mature wet pussy, telling her softly “Please Joli, lick me baby, I need to see what Prava likes so much.” Joli crawled quickly up to Alicia and buried her lips and tongue into Alicia’s pussy, sucking the swollen labia into her lips, her tongue teasing over the hot flesh of the older woman. Alicia dribbled more of the fluid from the flask onto herself for Joli to lick up, daubing a little on her own lips to taste for herself, to feel the intoxicating power of the concoction.

Prava knelt behind Joli, “Spread your knees babygirl,I’ve got something you like.” she almost whispered to the girl, Joli unconsciously spreading her knees wider apart, moving her soft butt around as if trying to catch,or just feel that delicious toy of Prava’s. Prava slid the soft pointed tip between Joli’s lips, wetting the end of the semi-hard shaft, squeezing one of the bulbs lightly to spread the lubricating fluid over the girls open sex. Joli’s pussy bloomed at the now familiar shape, opening to accept the toy, pushing her butt back to hurry Prava into filling her hungry channel.

Prava started a rapid movement of her hips,hard and fast into the girls body, feeding her a little more cock each time, making Joli moan into Alicia’s body, driving her tongue deeper. Prava squeezed the second bulb, inflating the large area at the base of the toy, forcing it into Joli urgently as it grew big enough to cause some resistance, knowing this was the only way to train the girls body. A little of the fluid leaked out and trickled down Joli’s thighs as Prava fucked her hard, almost sloppy wet noises coming from between their bodies. One more hard push set the toy as deep into Joli as it would go, several quick squeezes of the bulb sealing the toy in place.

Joli’s body went rigid as it was filled totally, tremors of pleasure swarmed into her body just ahead of a very intense orgasm, Joli gasping for breath, her nose and mouth still firmly pressed into Alicia’s flowing pussy. Prava rocked her body against Joli’s upraised butt,moving the toy cock inside her body, squeezing the fluid into her,filling her one squirt at a time until the reservoir was empty.

Alicia moved to crawl beside Joli, her hands caressing the girls lower tummy and mound, a finger rubbed the hard little clit, sending Joli into another orgasm as she descended deeper into the pleasure and sensations now taking her body. Alicia could feel a small pooch just above Joli’s mound, stretched as full of the concoction as she possibly could be, the swollen knot holding everything firmly inside the girls body to be absorbed.

Prava began to unbuckle the harness, Alicia helping to turn it inside out and securely fix it to Joli’s hips and waist, holding the toy in her body securely. Both women gently lay Joli over on her side, giving her teasing caresses and pinches over her warming body, every touch sending tremors deep into the girl, small orgasms washing over her as she trembled, barely aware of anything else now except her own body as the tow older women moved into the room center, staying on their hands and knees, turning to watch Joli, their bottoms both facing Aspis and Dutch.

The two big shepherds didn’t hesitate a second and walked quickly to their bitches, a quick sniff and a couple of licks before raising onto the backs of the females. Their big red cocks already out and erecting as their hips began to thrust at the women, seeking that one spot they both owned in the females. Aspis found his mark first and buried himself into Alicia’s willing, accepting body almost to the base in one hard thrust. Two hard pushes and his already swelling knot forced into her, the muscles of her pussy almost shocked by the speed and strength, though she was long used to how he always took her. Her whole body shook into her first orgasm as he began to fill her with his powerful seed, her body welcoming the hot essence of her lover.

Prava braced herself as Dutch followed almost as fast in his efforts to tie his bitch. Her breath escaped her body with the force of his mount, almost like he was trying to impress Aspis with his abiity to get his female where she needed to be. Prava could feel his knot swelling rapidly within her pussy as the hot sweet pre and cum began to fill her, the knot sealing her as tightly as ever. Her eyes looking into Alicia’s as the other woman became lost somewhere in her own pleasure. Both women began to orgasm almost at the same time and the rest of the world dissolved from them. Nothing mattered anymore but the pleasure they were being given. The last Prava was really concious of was the soft whimpering noises Joli was now making on the floor near them.


As Dutch began to settle down his movements on Prava’s back, she watched Joli’s body respond to the fake cock strapped into her body. Her normally white, pale skin was a deep blush of pink, her blood flooding through her, feeding and awakening all the nerves now alive and sending pleasurable signals to her head, almost overwhelming the girl with the heightened sensations. Her nipples looked achingly hard as her fingers unconsciously pulled and pinched them, shivers and small spasms working through her muscles and limbs, random firings of the almost overloaded nervous system.

Seeing Joli in such a vulnerable state led Prava to slide slowly into a deep, body warming orgasm as she felt Dutch’s cock throbbing deep inside her own body, her mind painting an erotic image of what was happening to her, as if seen from a distance outside of her own body. She could feel his strong pulse through the knot her pussy gripped so tightly, the tight ring of muscle squeezing him of it’s own accord, giving her body what she craved to hold inside herself.

Looking at Alicia in the throes of yet another very nice orgasm, mirroring her own pleasure, as if almost watching herself in a mirror. Alicia reached out with one hand to hold hers, both women turning their gaze to watch Joli, “She is doing so well now.” Alicia whispered in a slightly raspy voice, “She will do good when the time is right.”

Joli’s thought’s were so disjointed now, almost like she was on one of the rare drinking bouts she had experienced in her short life. Things she was seeing made no sense at all, but were perfectly clear to her, like it was supposed to be this way. Through half closed eyes, she watched the two big shepherd’s mating with Alicia and Prava, a far away thought telling her it shouldn’t be, but another telling her it was ‘right’ to happen at the same time. She could see both women watching her intently, smiling so seductively to her from the shadow that clouded her vision. Her pussy felt absolutely full from the toy, an intense warmth spread out through her from that center, her skin tingled from just the movement of the warm air caressing over it. Her nipples ached from her own pinching and pulling, but it felt soooo good to her now, like scratching an itch to hard, making it almost hurt, but so unable to stop. She wasn’t having the strong hard orgasm’s from just a little bit ago, but many smaller ones, the one’s that sneak up on you, not strong in themselves, but the ones that made your body feel so alive with just the sheer number of them. Inside of her body, each contraction of her pussy distended the neck of her cervix into the pooled fluid, drawing a little each time into her uterus, taking it deeper into her body.

Prava could feel Dutch slowly diminishing inside of her pussy, his knot beginning to grow slowly grow smaller. She reached down between her legs, her fingers holding the swollen wet lips of her pussy snugly against the big dogs cock as he began to pull against her gripping muscles. The knot soon lopped free of the hot channel of flesh holding it, Prava squeezed her labia tightly together, trying to hold as much of his hot cum in her body as she could. A few small rivulets escaped, tickling their way down her thighs, the room air cooling the wet flesh before she could get a good seal on herself. Raising up onto her knees,one hand between her legs, she moved as well as she could to Joli, leaning over and whispering “Roll on your back babygirl, I’ve got a delicious treat for you.” Using her free hand to help the semi conscious girl over while straddling her, a knee just outside each shoulder, slowly lowering her full pussy down onto Joli’s mouth and lips.

Joli began to lick and kiss Prava’s wet pussy without any coaxing at all, eager to pleasure her lover. Prava moved her hips snugly donw onto Joli’s questing tongue, getting just the right position before releasing the hold on her nether lips, sending a small flood of the mixed juices to fill Joli’s mouth. The girl swallowed fast,taking it all down as if famished for a meal, her tongue probing deep into Prava’s wet pussy for more of the sweet, bitter mixture. Prava pushed with her muscles to give Joli all that she could, that devilish tongue probing deeply into her body before slipping out to lick and caress her hard clit. Joli’s fingers and hands were squeezing and pulling her own breasts and nipples hard, stretching and twisting them, her hips rising and falling while her thighs squeezed and moved the cock toy inside of herself.

Prava only stayed over the girl long enough to elicit a nice warm orgasm from her body, feeding Joli as much of Dutch’s cum as she could before Alicia moved up behind her, urging her to share the young woman with her. Almost as fast as Prava could move down, Alicia was astride Joli’s head, the girl not missing a beat as a new pussy full of sweet cum was given to her, flooding her lips and face with the slick wetness, feeding her more of the delicious essence. Joli’s huger caused Alicia to cum rapidly as she squeezed all she could for Joli, her orgasm strong enough thet Prava had to hold her steady so she didn’t topple over.

As soon as she had gathered her wits, Alicia moved to help Prava unbuckle and remove the straps holding the toy cock in Joli’s body. Except for small spasms and muscle twitching, the girl lay almost still on the thick soft rug, her body glistening with sweat from her exertions. Prava opened the valve that let the knot of the toy shrink as she slowly removed it from Joli’s body. Both women smiled when almost none of the fluid escaped from her young body, having been almost totally absorbed. Alicia looked at Prava, “You were right to find her Prava, she is going to fit into our little family just fine.”

“I knew as soon as I first met her in person Alicia, she fit everything you told me to look for. She is going to make us all proud, very soon.” Both women worked to get Joli upstairs and bathed, and finally into bed. Joli seemed awake, but not totally. She moved in an almost fluid fashion at the women’s direction’s, and seemed to drop into a very deep sleep almost as soon as they had her layed back on the bed, a deep steady breathing as her body sank into the big soft mattress and was covered with the rich smooth linen sheet.

Prava and Alicia went back down stairs to the kitchen, discussing Joli and the coming events of the next 2 weeks. Alicia was concerned that Joli might balk at the last minute and refuse to join them. “I’ve already touched base with Sandra, Terri, and Katherine, and they will be there with their girls. Joli will make us twelve, just as it’s supposed to be, something we haven’t had in almost a hundred years.” Alicia said with a far away look in her eyes. “You saw for yourself that her body has accepted this, almost nothing remained of the elixir. It’s just up to her now to accept, and it will happen.” Prava bit her lip for a moment, “But will it work with her as it has with the rest of us? How can we know for sure?” “I have fallen hard for this girl, and don’t want to lose her now.”

Alicia took Prava’s hands in her’s, “Prava, I felt the same way about you and was afraid to lose you back then, but I had faith in you baby, I knew you would make it and accept.” “And, you’ve told me she has let Dutch lick her on her own now, and she didn’t fight when he mounted the other night, did she?” “That should tell you everything. Don’t second guess your choice hon. You were right, I can see that.”

After a nice hot coffee, Alicia got dressed and she and Aspis left, driving off into the night. Prava stood at the window and watched until the car lights disappeared before turning off and locking things. When she got to the bedroom, Joli was standing at the window, Dutch beside her, both looking outside at the sliver of moon as it came out from behind the scudding clouds.

Prava walked softly up behind Joli and took her in her arms, hugging her tightly to her, whispering, “Please make me proud of you babygirl, Dutch and I both need you here with us. We need you to be part of our family baby.”


Prava awoke suddenly, the sunlight starting to creep through the curtained window. The bed next to her was empty and she could smell a hint of breakfast coming from down stairs. She grabbed her light robe and pulled it on, tying the sash as she stepped quietly into the hallway and down the back stairs. The sounds and smells of cooking covered any sound of her steps as she crept down far enough to see Joli from the back.

The girl was moving about the kitchen, from the stove to the table and back, humming a light song to herself as she prepared breakfast, Dutch sat watching her move from the base of the stairs. Joli looked full of energy as her young body moved around lightly, fussing over one thing or another as Prava stepped quietly off of the last step into the kitchen, “Good morning babygirl.”

Joli and Dutch both started at the words, neither had heard or noticed Prava for the several minutes she had quietly watched them. Joli hurried to Prava’s arms, hugging her closely, standing on tiptoes to stretch up and give her lover a soft good morning kiss. “I was about to come and wake you Prava. I couldn’t sleep any longer and was famished for something to eat.” “I knew you would be too, after everything we did last night.” reaching around to softly squeeze Prava’s bare bottom under the thin robe. “Come eat some breakfast, I’m starving.”

Joli didn’t say word about some of the things she saw last night, except to comment on how good of a lover Alicia was, and that it was a total surprise that the two older women had shared the experience with her. “That was my first 3sum Prava.” Joli told her,smiling brightly,”I’m glad you didn’t ask, but just did it, you and Alicia. I might have chickened out if I had known.” Leaning over to give Prava a long deep french kiss, whipsering “thank you so much.” as they broke the long kiss. “You have to be the sexiest woman I have ever met in my life, and I’m lucky to be with you.”

“Babygirl, we are lucky to have each other, here, and now. It’s only going to get better from here on, you will see.” They finished eating, helping each other with the dishes, hands straying at times, tickling or teasing the other with soft caresses and sweet intense touches to special places. Prava had to tell Joli to calm down a bit, she had some things to do in town this morning and some important calls to make before they could get started with any serious playtime together. Joli tried to look sad and pouty, even sticking her bottom lip out like a 3 year old would, but her incredibly hard nipples betrayed her, Prava took each in a hand and pinched hard, making Joli wince. “We will take care of these after lunch young lady.” then turned and went upstairs to get changed for a visit to town.

Joli watched as Prava drove off down the drive before getting dressed herself. Looking at Dutch, she asked, “Want to go for a walk Dutch?” then realized that was a silly question. Dutch loved to be outdoors and he instantly started walking to the door, looking back to make sure Joli was coming too. As soon as they were out the back, his energy shot up, he wanted to play. Joli found a good stick and heaved it as far and high as she could for him, letting him run under and catch it before it hit the ground. She was still amazed at how fast he could be for his size, and his strength was amazing, she had not beaten him yet at tug with one of the ropes, he easily pulled her of balance and dragged her through the snow until she would let go.

Dutch started his own game of tag with Joli, running up and nudging her butt with his nose then taking off at a dead run, making her chase him down one of the better used trails they used, soon disappearing from her sight, hiding somewhere near where he could watch her look, but not see him. The female knew the rules, look and look for him, whistle and call his name before he would run at her full speed and stop just in front of her,making her squeal like a scared pup. He could tell it didn’t really scare her by the scents she gave off, but actually aroused her, making her appreciate his strength, his maleness that he presented to her, whether she was aware of it or not.

Joli tried to sneak along the trail, looking carefully for the next ambush, half watching for Dutch, but also remembering little things from last night. Her memory was clear as day until Prava had returned with that devilish toy, then things started to get cloudy to her. She had always marked it up to the pleasure that she got from Prava and that toy. Today, she was having little snips of memory, or maybe just her imagination playing with her. Did she see what she thought? Did Dutch and Aspis do what she thinks she saw? She dismissed it as the orgasms she had had mixed with remembering what she herself had let Dutch do with her in the woods the other day. That memory was real, and not a bad one at all to her now, having spent alot of time thinking abut the incident. No one got hurt, and Prava hadn’t sent her away. She knew that Prava had figured it out, but had never mentioned it once, so it couldn’t have been that bad, and Dutch seemed to know what to do and and had even gotten friendlier with her since. She wondered if Prava actually let him lick her too, but she was always too chicken to ask such a deeply personal question.

Joli knew from the area, she was close to the little circle of spruce trees she often stopped at. Thinking about last night had made her very horny and she wanted to do something about that right away. Dutch watched the female turn down a well used trail,knowing exactly where the girl was going. He sampled the air and assured himself why she was headed that direction. This female seemed to let the whole world know when she was receptive,and the scent made Dutch feel very good. Joli called and whistled to him several times as she got to the little private area, but he just crouched a little ways off,watching her intently, as if on guard for his female,protecting her from a distance.

Joli called one more time and stood to listen for him thundering through the bushes, but heard nothing but a few birds twittering to each other up in the trees. “Probably just after another rabbit.” she said out loud,no one around to hear her. Shrugging her shoulder’s, she stood still in the middle of the little clearing and closed her eyes, inhaling the cool crisp air deeply. She loved coming to this spot, it was so intimate, yet so open. She raised her hands to her breasts, having left her bra off when she dressed, she knew she would stop here for a little fun. Her nipples were pebble hard from the cool air slipping through her sweater, and from all the thoughts she had replayed over and over in her head as she played Dutch’s game.

She was so turned on, obviously from last night, she had found it a struggle to even make it through breakfast with Prava without just accosting her lover as soon as they finished eating. She looked around and found the old tarp, spreading it out over the cold ground and taking a seat in the middle, if she was careful, she wouldn’t get any of the needles in her hair this time. She slipped her snow boots off,but kept the thick woolen socks on to keep her feet warm, and quickly slid her jeans down her pale soft legs. “I’ll need to get a good tan this year.” she thought to herself, as she softly ran her hands over the soft alabaster flesh, raising good flesh that followed her fingers up her calves to her thighs. Joli had left off her panties when dressing too, she had one thing in mind when she got ready to come outside with Dutch, to come here to this spot and enjoy a good session of self pleasure.

She lay back on the tarp, her legs spread widely apart and her fingers began to trace over her already wet sex. “God, I am so wet and horny today,but it feels soooo good.” she purred out loud, two fingers slipping easily into her body, her knees drawing up and further apart so she could reach everywhere. She curled and uncurled the fingers against the front wall of her pussy, pressing and stroking that tender spot, her thumb pressing and rubbing hard against her pink clit. Her freehand pushed her sweater up, letting the cool air wash over her skin as she began to tease and pinch her nipples. She quickly became lost in the pleasure she was giving her body, a small quick orgasm snuck up from her tummy to warm her body, the pale skin growing almost pink with increased blood supply.

Dutch watched with interest as the female exposed her body to him, though she didn’t know he was close. The still air in the clearing was thick with her scent now, so obviously receptive, but just a hint of something else too, something deeply female, a very small change to her. He crept closer as quietly as he could, her moans and soft squeals covering any noise he might make accidentally, making it all the way to the edge of the tarp, standing quietly to just watch the female, her scent pleasing to him.

Joli was just coming through her second orgasm, a very nice one too at that. She slowed the stroking of her fingers, prolonging the after-glow as her body calmed itself. Catching her breath, her eyes opened slightly, the sight of Dutch so close made her gasp in surprise. “Dutch, you scared me boy. I didn’t even hear you come up.” Sitting up she hugged the big shepherd around his neck, his fur soft and warm on her skin. His muzzle followed her her fingers, his wet nose glued to the fresh scent as his rough wet tongue slid out to surround her fingers, the taste of her sweet to him.

Joli giggled, “Oh yea, you like that don’t you Dutch.” she almost whispered, dipping two fingers of her other hand into her wet pussy, coating them with the warm wet juices and offering them to Dutch, which he eagerly cleaned with just a couple swipes of the amazing tongue. Dutch began to push Joli’s shoulder with his head, hard and persistent, making her almost fall backwards until she leaned back on her elbows, Dutch standing between her open legs, looking intently down at the girl.

Their eyes were locked together, Joli could see the intense concentration in Dutch, almost as if he was willing her to do something. Almost without thinking, Joli lay back on the tarp, pulling her knees up and apart as wide as she could, showing her most intimate area to Dutch, as if offering herself to him, she could feel her juices almost flowing from her body, her already erect nipples getting almost achingly so now that she knew what was about to happen. She couldn’t resist Dutch now if she wanted, which she really didn’t want to do, his eyes had her locked into his, almost like he had some power over her.

Dutch could sense his female relax, watching her lay back and present herself for him. The nearly submissive look in her eyes, the scent from her body almost pleading for him, needing his maleness to exert itself over her. He pressed his muzzle into her wet folds, his strong tongue delving deeply into her body easily, the long low oans he liked hearing rising from deep within her body as he began to lick and taste her female offering. The new scent he had sampled before rising strongly from her now, urging him silently to work her body, telling she wanted him now.

Dutch felt her shiver and her body stiffen as she cried out loudly, her sweet juices flooding onto his powerful tongue, the taste, the smell was so strong in her now. The female pulled her nipples hard, her eyes tightly shut as she felt the pleasure he was giving her, unaware of anything else around her now except Dutch, the cold air not even bothering her now. He stopped his licking and stepped to her side, pushing his muzzle under her raised hip, nudging her hard, exerting his strength on the female, pushing her body onto her side. She rolled easily in the state she was in, almost as he told her to roll over. One loud bark and another nudge got her onto her belly.

Dutch stepped back between her legs and began to lick her soft bottom, his tongue warm and wet pressing deep into the cleft between her round cheeks. The female raised her bottom a little to make it easier for him, moaning softly from the caressing of the rough, soft tongue. Dutch pressed lower, his tongue again finding the source of her essence, the strong juices driving him now. Every deep strong stroke of his tongue raised the female’s bottom higher until she was on her knees.

Joli’s body obeyed Dutch’s prompting, unable to resist his strength while the orgasm flowed through her body, her will not wanting to fight anyway. It felt as though all that mattered was the feelings and sensations coming from her now soaked pussy, taking control of her body in some subtle way, her desire for Dutch overriding her own will to resist. His strength showing itself, actually impressing her in the state she now found herself in. She no longer cared what happened as long as he didn’t stop giving her the pleasure she was receiving.

Dutch took only a moment pause from licking his female to climbing onto her hips, pushing his body forward quickly, his forelegs grabbing tightly to her body, holding her firmly. His hips began thrusting forward hard and fast at the female, his cock growing and exposing itself, seeking the tender hot flesh that would soon envelope him, accept his maleness. Joli grunted and cried out as the tip hit hard on the tender flesh surrounding her pussy a couple of times before finding her channel, open and slick with her desire to mate with him. His cock felt almost on fire with its heat as it pushed deeper into her body with each hard thrust. Her instinct to escape him making her try to crawl forward from under him, but his strength held her tightly to his warm body.

He could feel himself growing as he drove deeper into the female, the heat and tightness of her channel urging him on. He began pushing hard and urgently to fully tie with the female before he was too big to do so, making her squeal and squirm to escape him before a full mating. He actions only spurred him harder and finally he felt her channel yeild to him,opening to allow him to fully enter her body as she moaned and cried out like his other female sometimes did still when he mounted her before she was ready for him.

When Joli felt his cock fully in her, she held still,her body adjusting to his size,knowing she had never had anything this large inside her before, ever. She almost panted trying to get her breath back from the shock of how wide she had been stretched there, She felt as if a fire had been lit inside of her, Dutchs cock hot and hard inside of her, she could feel the heat of him, of is cum beginning to spread through her. She could feel the pulse of both her heart and his through her flesh, both pounding hard and fast, not together, but one following the other,and she could feel the pressure inside of her body build a little each time his pulse beat.

Dutch began to settle down his movements, laying his full weight on Joli’s back, his belly fur soft and warm on her exposed skin, his cock pulsing steadily inside of her body. Joli’s breathing slowed as she calmed down, the warmth spreading deeply into her body, the sharp pain of his entrance into her passing now into a soft intense pleasure. She unconsciously reached down and began to rub her aching clit, a strong orgasm firing through her from almost the first touch, her body pushing back against Dutch now, losing herself in the feeling of fullness, reveling in the pleasure she was now feeling.

Prava and Alicia stood several yards away, squeezing each others hand at the sight of Joli surrendering willfully to Dutch. “I told you she was ready Prava, now its just a matter of time for the cycles to line up for us all.” Alicia whispered in her excitement. “I will contact the others first thing in the morning with the news.” Prava nodded and smiled, “And I will have her ready in time. It will be such a good thing for us all to be 12 again.”


Prava and Alicia snuck quietly away as they watched the mating of Dutch and Joli approaching it’s end, being careful to not let Joli hear them and know they had watched everything. Dutch knew, there was no way He could not have, but his attention was more concerned with Joli now than ever before. The scene they had witnessed was proof that the new elixir worked better than it had ever before. Though it had only been successful with Prava and Katherine’s girl, Becca, was awaiting the outcome of the new trial. Alicia had told Prava that all of Joli’s latest blood and hormone tests had shown that the change they had hoped for had happened and there had been no side effects or unplanned mutations in the girls gene makeup.

“I hope it will be easier on her than it was with me, Alicia,” Prava almost whispered, a hint of worry in her voice, “though I have never regretted one single time what we have accomplished and worked so hard to achieve.” Alicia squeezed her hand tightly as they walked back to the house down a lesser used trail, “Dutch has proved to be a blessing for us all Prava, and I am sure Seth will be for Katherine and Becca as well.” “ We have come so far now, and only a few days remain to fulfill what we have worked so hard to achieve again, just as the old books told us.” “Joli’s cycle will align perfectly with the equinox, and the 12 will be again, as it should be.”

Back in the little circle of trees, Dutch moved off of Joli’s back and began to clean himself, his female lay over on her side, quietly breathing contentedly. The scent of their mating filled the air around them, his seed drying and marking the females skin, letting all who could sense it that she belonged to him.

Joli lay in a relaxed state, her body almost buzzing with the experience she had just had with Dutch. She could feel their mixed juices on her skin, making her wet, but the blush of her skin keeping the bare flesh warm. She did not feel repulsed or disgusted or guilty for what she had just let Dutch do with her. Had she really let him? Or was it his “personality” that had overcome her inhibitions, seduced her in a way. She felt what had happened to be “right”, what she should be doing for him, for his protection of her.

Thinking about it all had also unlocked some of the mystery of the past few weeks. She realized this was not the first time Dutch had mated with her, she knew that clearly now. That Prava also knew about it, and had not said a word against it at all. The dreams of seeing and hearing Prava with Dutch, even Alicia with Aspis had to be real, there could be no doubt now. She actually felt a little reassured as she mulled those thoughts over and over in her head, accepting it as normal for her now, like she had when she finally knew she was lesbian. The relief to her mind was strong and refreshing to her.

She was jolted back to the present at the first lick of Dutch’s amazing tongue on her wet flesh. He was cleaning their combined essence from her, helping her in a way. She rolled over and sat up on her knees, hugging her new lover tightly, whispering quiet “thank you’s” to him. She didn’t want him to clean her for some reason, but wanted to feel ‘them’ on her skin as long as possible. She stood up and pulled her sweater down as far as it would go, put her snow boots back on and grabbed her jeans and rolled them up to carry back to the house. She was going to go home like this, back to Prava in this more natural state, and felt absolutely no shame in not being her usual fastidious clean self.

She and Dutch took their time on the walk back. Joli could feel the tickling of his cum as it trickled down her thighs. How much had he given her? It had to be a huge amount to still be leaking as it was. Twice she had to stop and pee in the bushes. It felt so glorious to be in this natural state, of feeling so much more than just a person, but so free. Dutch dutifully marked the area around her both times to warn others off the scent, to not follow. He stayed very close to Joli for the entire walk, his soft fur caressing her legs with each step they took, the scent from his female relaxed and soothing to him. Joli humming the entire way, a happy tune that seemed only she knew to herself.


Prava looked out the kitchen window to see Joli and Dutch casually strolling back from the woods and called Alicia over to see. Joli was smiling as broadly as either had ever seen her as she softly rubbed and scratched Dutch’s head as they walked. The sweater didn’t quite cover the girl everywhere, the small cleft of her pussy plainly visible just below the hem, and they could see the soft shining of wetness on her thighs as she walked.
“This is a very positive sign Prava,”Alicia spoke softly to her, “ Not a hint of guilt or trying to hide what happened. I think she has accepted things for how they should be for her.” Both women hugged each other tightly, sharing a congratulatory kiss at what had transpired today. “You know it will be time to have ‘the talk’ with her tonight, but not all. Some has to be held back for the ceremony when we have all gathered.” Prava nodded in agreement, “I know what needs to be said to her, and I believe it will go well now.”
As Joli and Dutch came in the back door, both women hurried to her and each hugged her tightly, welcoming her home. In an almost scolding tone, Prava held Joli at arm’s length for a moment, “Babygirl, you can’t just be walking around in the snow with no pants on, you could catch a cold, or worse baby.” “I’m fine Prava, really. I’m not cold at all, thanks to Dutch.” Joli replied, almost in a whisper, “I have something important to tell you too, later, when we are alone.”
Alicia hugged Joli one more time, whispering, “I can take a hint, so I will leave you two alone.” “Besides, Brenda will almost have supper on the table by the time I get home.” She patted Joli’s bare butt once and kissed her cheek and turned to go. “Give me a call in the morning Prava, we have much to discuss.”
As soon as Alicia had closed the front door, Prava pulled Joli tight to her, “Oh babygirl, there is so much I need to tell you too, but we need to get you upstairs and in the bath so you can get warmed up. Your skin is ice cold.” Before Joli cold protest, Prava had her by the hand and was leading her up the back stairs to the big claw footed tub.
Prava got the water as hot as she knew Joli liked it, the tub filling quickly, a goodly amount of lavender bath oil, Joli’s favorite. The feminine scent filled the room as Prava got Joli out of her sweater and began to undress herself to join her lover. Dutch sat quietly beside the tub and watched intently as the bodies of both women were revealed to him. Even with the heavy lavender in the warm moist air, he could smell the arousal of both of his females, cueing him to more of the pleasure that would probably transpire tonight for all of them.
Joli stood quietly, never letting Prava more than arm’s length from her, helping her out of her clothing, caressing her lovers soft skin as it was revealed to her. Seeing Prava undress made her want her lover even more tonight than usual, seeing her loves naked body never failed to heighten her arousal. Prava took her hands and both women stepped into the big tub together, Prava settling first, bring Joli down to recline between her spread legs, bring the girl’s back softly, but firmly against her own body.
Joli tried to speak a couple of times, to say what she needed, but Prava quietly shushing her, “Not now babygirl, we have all night to say what we need to say.”, before taking the big soft cloth and caressing and lightly rubbing the younger girls body under the scented water. The only sounds in the room were the gentle rustle of the water, and the relaxed slow breathing of both women as Prava played the girls body slowly and deliberately like a fine exotic instrument, eliciting several small orgasms from Joli, softly touching the still tender flesh of her womanhood, knowing how sensitive it would still be after receiving Dutch’s special loving.
When the water began to cool, Prava popped the stopper loose with her toe and the women just lay together as it slowly drained around them. Prava patted Joli’s hip to get her into motion, both women slowly taking their time to dry each other, more caressing each other with the big plush towels than really drying. Dutch even stepped up to lick his female’s leg’s to help get all that water off of them.
Once dry, both women got into bed, snuggling closely together. “Now, you wanted to tell me something babygirl?” Joli blushed a deep crimson as she raised up on one elbow, looking deeply in her lover’s eye’s. “It’s ok to tell me anything, you know that. And I might have a good idea what it is, but I need to hear it from you, your own words.” Prava pushing Joli’s hair back from her face, urging the girl to tell her.
“Well, out in the woods today…….. umm, well…. Something happened.” “It wasn’t anything bad, or at least I hope it’s not bad. I don’t want you to be upset or anything, but I have to tell you.”
“It’s okay Joli, you can tell me, and I promise I won’t be upset.” Prava reassured her.
If it was possible for Joli to blush any deeper, she did as the words spilled out in confession. “Well, Dutch and I were playing hide and seek, and I couldn’t find him. We were close to the private place, and I was so horny from playing with him and thinking about you, I… I went and got the tarp and started rubbing myself.” “Those dreams I told you about, and how I can’t help it sometimes, thinking about us making love, I just had to do it, I couldn’t help myself.”
‘Well, after I had a nice cum, not like the ones you give me, but a really nice one. I opened my eyes and Dutch was standing there, just looking at me. I couldn’t stop him, and he started licking me, down there, and it just felt so good I didn’t try to stop him. He’s done it once before out there, a couple of weeks ago, and I know you figured it out that night, but never told me to not let him, so we did it again.”
Prava hugged Joli tight and whispered, “It’s perfectly okay baby, I don’t mind at all, it’s really okay, and he seems to like it too. I’ve let him do that to me many times in the past, it’s kind of addicting, isn’t it?”
“But that’s not all of it Prava and I don’t want you to be mad or anything, and I won’t let it happen again, what happened next.” “The way he was looking at me, and started nudging me. I couldn’t help it Prava, I really couldn’t.” A few stray tears had begun rolling down the young girls cheeks as she confessed this to her lover, afraid of what might happen when she told her everything.
“He started nudging me, wanting me to roll over. I couldn’t stop him, and I knew I didn’t want to, I had to do as he wished. I can’t explain it.” “When I was on my tummy, I could tell by what he was doing that I needed to raise up my butt, that was what I was supposed to do.” Joli buried her face into Prava’s shoulder and began to cry softly.
“It’s okay baby, tell me what happened, let it out. You won’t shock me, promise.” Prava tried to reassure her.
“Well, it happened so fast. I couldn’t have stopped him if I had wanted to, and something in myhead told me not to try, it was what should be happening, and he is sooo strong.” Joli took one more deep breath and looked deeply into her lovers eye’s for assurance.
“Dutch, he made love to me. It wasn’t just fucking, not at all like some animal thing like you see on tv, but my body responded just like it does when you make love to me. I wanted it to happen, I don’t understand why or how I knew that. It just seemed so right for me, for him and me to do it, out there like that.” Again Joli broke down in tears, clinging her body tightly to Prava. “I’m so sorry I betrayed you like that, it’s like I cheated on you, with him. I just couldn’t stop it from happening, and I believe I didn’t want to either. Please, oh please don’t be mad, or send me away Prava.” “I love you with all of my being, my soul, but I just don’t understand what happened to me today.”


Prava pulled the girl close and held her for a few moments, shushing her quietly while softly stroking her long soft hair. “There are a lot of things that you are about to learn Joli, and understanding them will come with time. We are going to be very busy this next week, several friends of Alicia and I are coming to visit.” “This equinox is going to be a very important time for us all, and we all want to welcome you into our little ‘family’ group. With you, we will be 12 again.”
Joli looked up questioningly to her lover, “Do I know any of these people Prava?” “Well, you know Alicia and Brenda, but the others live some distance from us and are traveling here just to meet and welcome you.” “Everyone will be staying here with us, we have plenty of extra bedrooms and I just won’t have these dear friends staying in some hotel in town.”
“Now, your duties will change somewhat, for the better I assure you. Each of the older women will have their girls with them. They share the same lifestyle you and I have begun building together. You will hear the girls refer to the older women in many different ways, Ma’am, Mistress, even Mother, though they really aren’t the girls mother. But you will see a great measure of respect between all of them, and I do expect you to also show me the same respect now that things have moved forward lately.”
Joli’s eyes got big at that pronouncement, but Prava could see the girl thinking deeply, almost hear the wheels turning in her mind as she took this all in. “Also, unless you are outside and it is still cold and snowy, you are to remain naked at all times. The other girls will also, so that you do not feel uncomfortable around all of us ‘Old Hens’.” That made both women snicker a little at the thought of Prava being an ‘Old Hen’, being only 24 to Joli’s 19. “Other rules we will discuss as they need to be and come up day to day. But I know you will do good and be on your best behavior.
“We must discuss Dutch now, and I don’t want you to worry about me being mad or upset about what you told me. Dutch is as much a part of our family as you and I, and as he is the sole male here, it is our duty, and your new life to be there for Him, just like today, and as I have been since He matured and came of age to be as He is.” “He is a very special part of what you and I are moving into together, but that will be explained in due time. It is perfectly fine to mate with Him and you must do so anytime He wants you as His. He will let you know, and you will learn His signals also.” “The other women also live this life for their mates, as do their girls, and each couple will be accompanied by them for their journey here and to welcome you.” “We are a very unique sort of family Joli, the only one here in New England, but there is another group out on the west coast, and 2 in Europe.” There is a lot riding on how successful things go now for the equinox, and the other families are awaiting word from us.”
Prava could tell the girl was taking every word in and thinking hard about what was being said. She did not look shocked or put off by anything told to her so far, it just seemed to all make so much sense now, so easy to understand. Joli actually felt a calming warmth flow through her naked body, even with the closeness of her lover’s, no… her Mistress’s warm body, she felt her own reacting to those words.
Prava watched the soft pink blush spread over Joli, felt her nipple stiffen to hard little points against her skin. Joli pulled herself snuggly against Prava, whispering between soft nibbly kisses up her neck, “Yes, yes Mis.. Mistress.” Hearing herself whisper those simple words to Prava gave her a rush of excitement. “Please Mistress, please make love to me. I want to be yours now, I want to belong so badly.” “I wish for you to take me, make me yours tonight. I so need to this, to belong, to be needed.”
Prava sat them up on the big bed, turning so her feet were now on the floor, urging Joli to move beside her. “Not tonight Joli. This night belongs to someone else.” Prava stood and took the girls hand and led her to the foot of the bed. Dutch sat waiting, watching the older female bring Him the younger one, his tail beginning to beat the hard wood floor hard in a strong, steady rhythm. Prava stood behind the girl, softly holding her shoulders, whispering softly “Look into His eyes Joli, see His strength, His desire for you tonight. He knows what is happening, what you are becoming for us.” “Go to Him, show Him the love you have for Him now, give yourself to Him freely and without worry.”
With a gentle nudge from Prava, Joli stepped forward and knelt on the floor in front of Dutch, their eyes now locked together, Joli’s heartbeat quickening at what she knew was happening to her, what she now felt she wanted to happen. Leaning forward, she moved her arms around the big shepherd’s neck, hugging Him, pressing her face into the soft hair of His neck, inhaling deeply His strong male scent. The softness of His coat felt soothing to her, the strength of His neck muscles making her moan softly.
Dutch pulled back just a bit, His muzzle caressing her face as His long tongue gave her the special kisses only He could. Long, warm soft strokes up her neck and across her cheeks, tasting the salty residue of her now dried tears. The female locked her eyes into His own as she softly began to kiss His muzzle, her lips opening for her tongue to meet His, they shared each other this way for several minutes, His tongue softly probing into her open mouth as hers tried to do the same. He could smell her strongly now as she relaxed and accepted His love for her.
Prava was kneeling behind Joli now, whispering soft words of encouragement, “That’s it babygirl, become His tonight.” “Let Him know that you need Him, want Him to have you.” Joli could barely whisper, “Yes Mistress, teach me, show how to love Him, please be my guide tonight.” Prava’s steady hands guided Joli to turn around, kissing her one more time as they came face to face again.
“On all fours Joli, Keep your arms straight for now, part your knees for Him.” Almost as soon as the girl made the last move, she felt Dutch press into her now exposed pussy with His tongue, felt it burrow easily into the slickening passage. A soft moan escaped her throat as she felt Him licking deep inside of her body now, making her tremble at the rising passion she was feeling. Prava’s hands slid softly down her back, down to her soft cheeks, kneading and squeezing them, pulling the gently apart for Dutch, allowing His tongue to move even deeper into the girls now soaking pussy, making her moan almost continuously.
Prava released the soft globes of flesh, lightly digging her nails into Joli’s soft flesh as she slowly raked her hands back up to her shoulders, light pink marks following each nail, small welts rising along the tracks, making the girl shiver at contrast between the light pain and the soft caresses of Dutch’s tongue on her body. Joli felt Prava reach down and pat her back, just above the cleft of her butt as she whispered to brace herself, but not to move.
Dutch was on her in a single motion. His strong forelegs gripping her small body as He pushed His way up against her. Joli gasped at His strength but stayed as still as she could, feeling the tip of His hot cock probing against her now, seeking what was His, what she was giving Him to possess. Dutch only missed on two sharp jabs, making Joli wince a little, a small squeal coming from her. It didn’t really hurt, but more caught her off guard than anything.
Dutch’s third poke was right where it needed to go, the tip of His cock opened her, His pre squirting onto the females body, mixing with her own essence, making it easy for Him to drive deeper with each hard strong push of His hips. He pushed Himself hard to fill the female, to push His cock as deep into her body as He could go. His heart began to pound in His chest almost as fast as His hips fucked the female. He could feel Himself beginning to swell now, making His need more urgent to give everything He had to the girl. She was His now, just like the older female, His females, His bitches.
Joli felt the breath almost knocked out of her as Dutch took her hard and fast. She cpould feel the swelling knot with each push, first just pressing against her, then opening her body to Him, accepting the swelling inside of herself. She held her breath unconsciously as Dutch pressed into her, the heat of His cock raising a warming glow inside of her pussy, His juices squirting into her, making them even slicker together, easing the entry of His swollen knot into the tight opening of her body.
Joli exhaled one big breath as her body released its first orgasm on that strong cock. The floor muscles of her pussy gripping Him tightly in spasm after spasm, drawing Him totally inside of her body. Dutch’s frantic movements slowed, He held her hips tightly against Him, panting with the exertion to have this female tonight, have her come to Him this first time. His heart pounded slower, her body gripped Him as she trembled under Him, He could feel His seed spilling into her body, giving her what she needed to be his, what she wanted from Him, to belong.
Prava whispered to Joli to lower to her elbows now that Dutch had settled into the tie with her, to arch her back down a little so He could go deeper. The girl gasped as she followed what was said and felt Dutch slide even deeper into her now filling passage. His seed made her feel almost on fire there.
Prava reached under Joli’s trembling body, her hand sliding deftly down to the cleft of her pussy. Her fingertip slid across the pebble hard nub of the girls clit, sending her into a most pleasant orgasm almost immediately, causing the girl to cry out in pleasure as it swept through her body. She could see Dutch press hard into the girl with each contraction from the tight channel holding Him, knowing each time more of Dutch’s strong seed was being added to the already full pool inside her body. Prava could almost visualize the girl cervix flexing to draw more of that sweet cum into her body with each wave of the now almost continuous orgasm she was giving to her girl.
After a short time, Dutch had gotten His breathing under control and Prava could tell He was almost ready to dismount from His new female. Prava slid her slim body underneath Joli carefully, being careful not to unbalance the pair and cause Dutch to pull out too soon. Scooting on her back slowly, she got into position underneath Dutch and the girl. The sight she now had was almost glorious.
Joli’s mound and labia were swollen and almost an angry red from the increased blood flow through her, Dutch’s swollen knot was slowly fading and starting to peek out of the tight velvet glove that held Him snugly in the girls young body. In only moments she would release Him and their combined essence would flow heavily from Joli’s body, and Prava was ready to receive it when it did.
Joli opened her eyes a little as she felt Dutch begin to pull back and withdraw, her body was weak now, unable to resist His movements as she felt the large knot slip slowly from her at first. Prava reached up to hold the girl’s labia close around Dutch’s red cock as it withdrew from her, but unable to stop the outflow of their mixed juices totally.
She used her arms to push Joli’s knees further apart as she pulled down on her hips, raising her head to close the small distance between Joli’s leaking pussy and her own hungry mouth. Joli’s body relaxed, almost deflating it seemed as Dutch finally pulled clear of her body, collapsing atop Prava, her breathing deep and heavy as she adjusted to the now empty feeling of her stretched passage.
The cool room air barely touched the sensitive skin before Prava’s mouth closed on the soaked gaping entrance the girls young body, Dutch’s musky cum flowed out easily onto Prava’s seeking tongue, rolling into her open mouth to be taken into her own body, to absorb some small part of Dutch’s being within herself. Joli’s body trembled with each caressing lick, moaning softly as Prava devoured all she offered.
Joli’s body tensed one more time, her arms encircling and pulling tightly against Prava’s strong thighs as she had one more sweet orgasm before collapsing totally on her lover. Prava continued to kiss and lick softly on Joli’s pussy until she felt the slow even breathing of the girl.
Extricating herself from underneath her girls limp body, she carefully moved her into a fetal curl on the floor before retrieving the big comforter from the bed. She molded her body firmly against Joli’s back as she pulled the downy cover over them both before patting the floor beside them and calling Dutch to join them.
Prava woke once in the night, but Joli had hardly moved, except to wrap her arms around Dutch as he slept with them. Prava smiled to herself at the accomplishment of this night. Joli had accepted so easily her new role in the household and would make a very positive addition to their little family now. Almost everything was in the open now, 7 more nights before Joli would learn the full truth of her new life, but Prava could see no indications of reluctance that would stand in the way now.
She reached across both Joli and Dutch to hold her loves close as she slipped off to sleep for the rest of the night.


Joli awoke with a start as something warm, but very wet slid across her cheek, quickly followed by another and yet another. When her eyes focused, she was delighted to see Dutch standing over her, His eyes shiny and happy looking as He licked her face. She felt stiff and achy from the hard floor she had slept on all night and Prava was nowhere to be seen.
As she sat up and stretched, Dutch kept licking her face, welcoming her to the morning and letting her know it was time to get up. She reached around His strong neck and hugged Him close, finally kissing Him back almost as eagerly. “Good morning Dutch. Good morning, good morning, good morning.” She managed to whisper to Him between their shared kisses.
Dutch turned and walked to the door and looked back to make sure the female was following as she should be. Joli stood up on shaky legs, stretching the muscles to get the kinks out before trying to walk. She reached for the shorty robe on the bed and started to put it on then remembered what Prava had said to her last night, “You will remain naked inside of our home, at all times.”
She lay the robe back on the bed and stumbled after Dutch, sleep still partially holding her body. She knew it was probably time for His breakfast, and for her to start it for herself and Prava. She told herself that she would do the best that she could for her Mistress and not have to be told what needed to be done. “Mistress.” Hhmmm, she liked the sound of that as she said it over and over in her head, a sly smile crossing her lips at the very thought that she was now ‘Mistress Prava’s girl’. Yes, she told herself, that sounded very enticing to her.
After she got Dutch’s food and water freshened for the morning, she set off looking for her Mistress through the house, finding her busy in the little office where she conducted her business. Joli stood quietly at the door as Prava worked at her computer, not wanting to disturb her or break her train of thought, the office being the one room Pra.., no, Mistress had never had her enter before.
Prava finished whatever she was doing and hit the enter key, sitting back and smiling widely when she saw Joli quietly waiting just outside the door. “Ahh, there’s my lazy girl, finally awake I see.” Prava pointed to the floor just beside her chair and spoke softly, “Come in, kneel here for me babygirl. This will be your spot when I need you here with me.”
Joli hurried to the place indicated and knelt on the thick soft rug. “Good morning Mistress.” She said as she smiled up at her lover. “Some little rules Joli, first, wrists crossed at the small of you back with your head and eyes down. That is the proper position I wish to have you in unless told different.” Prava said firmly. “Your new place will always be right here when I am working, unless I send you off for something else. When we walk, you will be one step to my right and one step behind me, unless told otherwise. “I will give you time to adjust to your place, but not much, we have guests coming starting tomorrow and you need to be on your best behavior, understand?” Yes Prav… Yes Mistress.” Prava could see the girl blush across most of her upper body as she caught herself. “Don’t be embarrassed babygirl, it takes time to adjust, and I know you will do your best for us.”
“Now, I need you to go prepare our breakfast, two 5 minute eggs each, two slices of wheat toast and some of that wonderful coffee you brew.” “Yes Mistress.” Joli answered quickly, rising and quickly kissing Prava’s cheek before hurrying to the kitchen. Joli knew she was being tested a little, Prava’s 5 minute eggs actually took 7 minutes to get how she really liked them best. She hurried to the kitchen as she heard Prava dialing the phone, but could not hear who she was calling, and got her butt busy getting everything ready.
Joli walked back to the small office to let Mistress know that all was ready, waiting outside the door as Prava finished yet another phone call, “… okay then, I’ll be leaving here in about an hour, but my girl will show you where to go to find the job site. I gave you the dimensions, right? Okay, I will let her know to expect you at about 10 this morning.”
“Breakfast is ready Mistress.” Joli blushed as she said to Prava, excited to hear herself talk to her lover this way. At the table, Prava went over the day’s schedule with Joli. She had to run into town to see Alicia and pick up a few things, and that a small roofing crew would be out at about 10 to fix the roof on the carriage house. “It’s not a big job really, but they are glad to have the work this early in the season, and should be done by mid-morning tomorrow.” “Make sure to wear your long coat when you show them how to get back to there, I don’t want a bunch of men seeing the treasure I keep at home babygirl. And you would probably get them too distracted to work.” Joli really blushed at the words. “Just show them the building and come back to the house. Mr. Wakely has the house number in case there’s any questions, and he can call you until I get back.”
“Katherine and Rebecca will be the first to get in. Their train arrives at Windom at noon tomorrow, so I need you to make sure the linens are all changed in the other bedrooms, and there’s probably a ton of dust to clear away. We haven’t used them in a long while for this much company, so do a good job.” “Seth will be with them, in fact all the women are bringing their boys with them also, so you’ll need to make sure there are enough food and water dishes down in the pantry for six.”
“Yes Mistress.” Joli answered softly as she cleared the dishes into the sink to wash. “Oh yes,” Prava added, “Katherine is most anxious to meet you. She has some very important matters to discuss with you, now that I’ve let her know your last name and where you came from. She’s from South Carolina too, and says she knows your family there, through some business dealings.”
“I don’t know much about dad’s companies Mistress, just that they provide a very good income and for me to always be away at boarding schools. I don’t think I would be cut out for that life anyway, mom and dad were always away, so it wasn’t really like home, not like here with you Mistress.”
Prava got her things together and handed Joli a note for Mr.Wakely with a few clarifications to what they had discussed, making sure Joli knew to give them to him once the crew arrived. “They will ring the house from the gate so you will know they’re here. Remember, keep my treasure hidden babygirl.” With that Prava leaned in and gave Joli a very hungry smoldering French kiss that told the girl things were going to be pretty special later. Her still naked body took a full blush as Prava squeezed one of her butt cheeks firmly, a playful swat thrown in for good measure, before heading out the door and into town.
Joli got busy checking the rooms and closets for what they needed and lost track of time until the gate buzzer went off loudly downstairs. She hurried to the comm panel in the bedroom and answered, “Mr. Wakely?” “Yes, we are here to do a job for Prava.” “Wait til the gate opens then come up to the house, and I will meet you outside.”
Joli hurried to find some clothes, remembering what Prava had told her. She picked out a gray wool skirt that came down just below her knees and a huge frumpy sweater like the lobster men always wore in the movies. She pulled on some high knee boots, turning in front of the mirror. “Everything hidden like Mistress wanted.” Giggling to herself, seeing the only bare skin showing was her hands and face. “I won’t need any undies ‘cause no one’s going to see anything anyway.”
She and Dutch hurried out to the drive as two flatbed trucks pulled up the drive, loaded with all kinds of tools and supplies. She could feel the eyes of the men in the trucks looking at her and she realized they could tell by the movement of her breasts she was braless underneath. As she got close to the driver’s side of the truck, Dutch stepped between her and it, not letting her get any closer than she needed to.
She handed Mr. Wakely the note and waited for him to read it. “If you will follow Dutch and I, we will show you how to get back to the carriage house so you can get started. If we lose you, just follow our tracks in the snow, the roads not hard to follow and it’s not too bumpy.” With that, Joli turned and started to run around the big house and headed for the old driveway. She felt a small exhilaration at how fast she seemed to be running, even in the shallow snow it seemed she moved faster than she ever had before, and how free it kind of made her feel. Dutch was just loping along beside her, not seeming to have any trouble at all keeping up with his female.
As she neared the old building, she could hear the two trucks following a ways behind, she and Dutch finally stopped in the clearing near the old burned house and waited. Joli dropped to her knees and hugged Dutch, her body felt so alive after the run they had just had, the air smelled crispy and clean, and she noticed many smells she had either not noticed or was unable to perceive before. Even Dutch’s thick coat smelled different to her, His strength maybe, His maleness? She would talk to her Mistress about that tonight. Maybe it was just having lived up here in the area for a few months now that let her experience so much of the nature that surrounded her.
After the trucks stopped and the men got out, she talked with Mr. Wakely for a minute to make sure everything was okay and told him she would bring some coffee later if they would just call the house and let her know. Wakely seemed to know what had changed from Prava’s earlier contact and told Joli that they would appreciate something hot later in the day.
“Call the house if you need anything.” Joli and Dutch set out back down the drive for a bit before Dutch nudged her onto one of the side trails then took off at a dead run, He wanted to play now. Joli ran as fast as she could to keep Him in sight, but it was no use. As soon as He knew she couldn’t see Him, He took off into the bushes to hide, waiting patiently for her to catch up.
Joli stopped a few yards beyond where Dutch had left the trail, looking intently all around for any sign of Him. Trying to catch her breath, she could tell He was close, His scent was faint to her, but she could sense it. Dutch stayed hidden until the female walked a bit further up the trail before sneaking out to follow her, keeping her in sight, but staying more hidden than not when she would stop to look around and call His name.
Joli’s bladder felt full after the coffee from breakfast, so she stepped off the trail and into the bushes to relieve herself. Not wearing any panties made it easy, she giggled as she squatted and let the small flood go. Dutch picked up her scent easily, the female would need to learn to hide things better so she wouldn’t invite any ‘follower’s. He took several strong deep breaths to fill His senses with her scent, so inviting to Him, now so familiar.
A soon as Joli had started down the trail, He waited until she was out of sight before going over to where she had relieved herself. Dutch drank in the musky scent she had left before marking the exact spot, showing any who followed the she was His and to stay away, then began to follow along the trail. This female was so easy to track, her scent strong and young, so willing to be His now. He crept almost silently until he could see her again. She was stopping now and then to look and call for Him, Her soft voice made Him feel happy to be out here with her. He launched himself into a hard run and closed the distance between them rapidly.
Joli heard the loud sound of Dutch’s steps and she turned to see Him running hard, straight at her. She half crouched and squealed when it looked like He was going to run right over her, but He swerved at the last possible second, His powerful body brushing her legs as He ran a few yards beyond her and slid to a sudden stop. “There you are. I’ve been looking all over for you.” Joli started to run at Dutch, but He quickly turned and ran further up the trail, then sat and waited for the female to catch up.
Joli was laughing as she ran, enjoying the ‘tag’ game they played together. She almost caught up to Him before He again turned and fled, this time into the bushes and trees where she would have to work to keep Him in sight. Joli tried hard to stay up, but the limbs and ground clutter under the snow slowed her down. As she struggled through a fairly dense clump of bushes, she could see Him marking a tree ahead of her before lunging and disappearing from sight.
When Joli reached the tree, she stopped. She could smell the scent mark He had left, not at all unpleasant to her, but strong still. She reached down and rubbed her fingers over the wetness on the bark and brought it to her nose. She felt a blush creep across her cheeks as the pheromones filled her head. She felt her pussy dampen a little, her nipples hardened and tingled a little from the strong musky scent of Him.
Dutch sat and watched for a moment before making Himself obvious to the female, trotting ahead of her as she began to follow, stopping two more times to mark His passage into the woods. Each time Joli stopped to inhale the scent Dutch was leaving for her, she could feel her body warming under the wool skirt and heavy sweater, each time the scent filled her head with a longing now, a need to follow Him, to be near Him.
Dutch ran ahead to a small clearing and sat to await His female. She was making all kinds of noise trying to stay close, to find Him. When she finally saw Him sitting patiently, she hurried to Him, dropping to Her knees in front of Him and hugging His strong neck. They shared kisses for several minutes, Joli repeating His name over and over as she returned them eagerly. His tongue felt so strong and warm in her mouth, her smaller one dancing with His almost serpentine one.
Dutch pulled back after a couple of minutes to stare into the females face, cocking His head slightly to the side as their eyes locked with each other. Joli could feel herself arousing as He looked into her eyes, almost as if they were communicating silently between them. She understood now what her Mistress had shown her last night, what she had told Joli, to depths of her being.
Joli rose to her feet slowly, her eyes never leaving Dutch’s strong gaze. She reached down and unbuttoned then unzipped the closure at her waist, letting the heavy wool garment fall around her feet. She stood silently before Dutch, moving her feet apart for Him, watched Him take her scent.


The first soft touch of Dutch’s nose to the skin of her thigh’s sent a wild shiver through Joli’s body. The cool air mixed with the dampness of His soft nose caused her to sigh audibly, her body relaxing to the sensation. Almost like crossing some unseen threshold, Joli smiled down at her love, her feet stepping wider apart of their own, never conscious of making her body move or respond.
Her hand slipped down over her now bare mound, two fingers slipping easily into the small cleft of her pussy, feeling how her body had already reacted to Dutch’s unspoken commands. Her fingers were already wet with her arousal when she withdrew them, offering them to Dutch, holding them steady for Him as He sniffed eagerly before His strong tongue wrapped around them, taking the essence of her into Himself.
Dutch stepped forward, pressing His nose firmly into where the females fingers had just been, His tongue slipping easily between the soft folds of her sex. The strength of than sweet organ delved deeply into her wet sex, pushing the protective lips apart as He stroked deeply between them. The female tasted so sweet to Him, almost intoxicating Him as she squatted slowly, her knees parting as she tried to maintain her balance, one of her hands resting on His head, scratching through His fur to pull Him gently forward.
Joli moaned audibly as her body felt the pleasure her lover was starting to give her, her knees beginning to tremble as she tried to hold the almost lewd pose for Him. As if from the side she could see herself in her mind, knees bent in a shallow squatting posture, her hips thrust forward toward Him, her slim hips moving in small circles to allow Him to touch her so intimately.
A small orgasm swept through her as the firm, rough, but so soft tongue worked its magic on her body, a low quiet moan slipping from her throat as she felt her pussy almost melt for Him, her juices felt as though they were actually flowing from her body. “Oh Dutch, Oh Dutch, yesssss.” She almost hissed to Him as her body gave itself over totally to His demanding strength.
His female was behaving just as He wished her to now. The young bitch learning and accepting her place for Him. He licked her harder and deeper now, showing His maleness to her, silently telling her she belonged. The soft moaning, the strong essence of her body feeding His hunger for her. He licked until the small tremors had passed, her moans telling Him all He needed to know. He stepped back from her as her hand tried to keep Him in place, His eyes locking onto hers, as if willing her to move now, to drop down for Him, to offer herself to Him, to be His again, here in the open, where such things were proper.
Joli gasped as Dutch stopped licking suddenly to step back. She searched His expressive face, her eyes captured by His. She knew almost at that instant what she must do for Him to give her the pleasure her body now longed for. She slowly dropped to her knees, then down with her arms extended as her Mistress had shown her. She looked deeply into Dutch’s eyes, as if searching, asking for Him to love her now, telling Him she was His.
Dutch quickly moved quickly around the females body, His nose and tongue again finding that place that was now His, slipping easily through the now very wet sex of His bitch, tasting her once more. The female began to move her sex, searching for more firm contact between herself and that devilish tongue. Her pussy blossomed open for Him, signaling Him that she was ready, wanting.
She felt the heat of His body as He rose upon her, the soft belly fur insulating her from the cool air, tickling her upturned butt cheeks, His sharp dew claws raking down her side, making her wince with the mild pain. She could feel His strength as He held her hips tightly to Him, the fast hard thrusts of His body against her, the urgency of His thrusts poking the soft tender flesh around her willing passage making her whimper with each impact of the soft but firm tip of His strong cock.
The third strong push caused His cock to rub its growing length across her hard little clit, making her moan louder, her body to shiver under His weight. The next push found its mark, driving the first few inches into her hungry pussy. The heat of Him felt so filling, so needed for her body. Dutch’s hips went into overdrive to keep Himself in her receptive body, each strong thrust burying more of that hot hard cock into her body.
Joli could feel herself opening for Him, each small spurt of His pre mixing with her own body juices, making her slick, easing His passage into her body as His thrust became harder, more insistant. She could feel the cock that now owned her growing inside of her tight pussy as she braced herself for the ultimate plunge of her lover. She could feel the hard knot pressing against her opening again and again as He pushed to complete their tie, to seal her body to receive His sperm.
Dutch could feel the heat of the female surrounding Him, grasping to hold Him deep in her body, His knot swelling fast as He planted His back legs to deliver the final deep, hard thrusts. The female pushed back to Him, wanting to be filled, helping Him the possess her, as the swelling knot pushed her open one final time to slide into her, feeling her muscles close to grip Him, hold Him.
Joli felt the knot growing inside of her now filling pussy, small rivulets of their essence trickled slowly down the inside of her thighs, the inevitable leaking before His body sealed them tight, locking them together. Joli moaned in pleasure as the size of Dutch’s knot made her move her knees further apart, tightening her muscles that held Him in her.
As Dutch slowed the thrusting of His muscled body, Joli could feel the heat filling her down there as He slowly filled the passage that held Him in place now. Her pulse beat almost in time with His, each beat of her heart causing her muscles to squeeze tight around the large knot. Each time she squeezed, Dutch pushed and she could feel the soft heat spreading through her body. Dutch’s hips began a gentle rocking motion with each pulse beat of His body, the strong sperm now beginning to flow into His bitch, beginning their quest to fertilize her, to make their litter.
Joli felt a strong orgasm begin deep in her belly as the fire in her pussy grew, the pressure of the trapped fluid swelling her passage. She cried out loudly as she came for her love, dropping to her elbows as Mistress had shown her, her back arching down slightly, feeling that powerful male cock slip just a bit deeper into her body. She began to slowly rotate her hips against Dutch as the tremors grew as they passed over her body, the hard knot rubbing that special place inside of her body, pushing her to think of nothing else now but their shared pleasure.
Joli cried out as her legs began to tremble uncontrollably, shaking her to her core with erotic lightning. She felt warm liquid flowing down her thighs, feeling as if her body was emptying itself. She pushed a bit of the wool skirt into her mouth to quiet the sounds she was making, her eyes squeezed tightly closed as the waves of orgasm continued to flow through her, her body shaking and trembling without control.
Dutch held the female firmly with His forelegs, keeping her as still as He could, not letting her out of His control. He eagerly filled His female’s body with His strong sperm, the contractions of her pussy showing how much her body wanted Him to give. His fur felt matted between His legs from the female having let loose a flood from her body, the scent rising strong all around them. This was not their own mixed essence, but something different that her body had released, each strong contraction of her body pushing more of the musky fluid out as her pussy seemed to draw more of His sperm deep into her body.
Joli had grown quieter now as she felt Dutch filling her, but the shaking of her body lessened slower. She felt strangely empty now, but still quite full of Dutch’s cock and cum, each tremor of her body caused a little more fluid to flow down her thighs. She could hear Dutch panting over her back, His heart pounding in His chest, His grip on her body as strong as ever, holding them tightly together.
She lost track of how long they had been locked together, minutes, hours? She had no way of knowing, but admitted that it didn’t matter to her anyway. She began to feel Dutch’s breathing slowing as the hard knot began to diminish in her body. Almost too late she remembered to brace her body again as Dutch began to pull back away from her, her pussy unwilling to release the pleasure He was giving her. She was too weak to stop Him, exhausted from the mating as He pulled one more time and felt His knot open her again as it pulled free, the collected pussy juice and cum flowing down her thighs as she dropped her face and breasts down into the snow covered ground, her butt remaining raised in the cooling air.
Dutch turned and tested the air around them for scent, searching for any threat drawn to the powerful scent the female had released. The young bitch had to learn not to do that, it could cause some troubles in the future. Sensing no threats, He stepped back behind the female and began to lick the swollen, gaping opening to her body, trying to seal her, the make her retain what He had given her.
Joli trembled with each strong lick to her now sore pussy, not with real pain, but the overly sensitive flesh felt each wrinkle and ridge of His tongue as it passed rapidly over her again and again. Her body finally gave out as she dropped onto her side in the cold snow, curling up a little, trying to settle her body into something close to normal.
Dutch moved around to where she could see Him and dropped to His side, His cock still visible as He began to clean Himself. She had never seen His full size before and was surprised to see it now in all of its glorious size. He was easily bigger than any sex toy she had used, except maybe for the one Mistress owned, but had never seen, only felt its magic. Joli pulled herself over to Dutch, moving her head down to His maleness. Slowly she leaned closer, inhaling their mixed scent on Him as her tongue slid out to touch the strong organ of her lover. Without knowing why, she began to softly lick along it’s length, tasting the slick fluid that coated Him. Strangely familiar, yet not strange to her, she liked it, not unpleasant at all she thought.
She softly licked along His length as the furry sheath began to cover Him, to protect this powerful, magnificent part of Him. She licked until the sheath finally slid over the tip and took her new treat from her. Dutch seemed relaxed, yet attentive, licking her face a few times as she lay next to Him. He occasionally glanced quickly one way or another, as if sensing something near, or hearing something in the distance. Joli began to shiver from the cool air a little, Dutch rose up and began to pace around her until she sat up, realizing they needed to get back to the house soon.


Joli stood slowly on her shaky legs, feeling the slick wetness trickle down her legs. She used the skirt to wipe up as much as she could before pulling it up her pale legs, finally realizing just how cool the air was on her skin. Dutch trotted through the bushes, looking back to make sure the female was following, until He turned down a trail that they used often in their walks, waiting patiently for her to catch up.
Joli knelt beside Dutch, scratching and petting His muscled body, pushing her face into His fur, inhaling deeply of His scent, kissing His muzzle tenderly before standing and turning for the short walk back to the house. Each step brought a new small trickle of the evidence of their mating, tickling down her now warming skin, making her smile with the secret she shared with Him.
Back in the kitchen, Dutch went straight to His food and water, gulping down enough nourishment to replenish the energy He had expended with the female. Seeing how hungry and thirsty Dutch was, made Joli feel how empty and drained she also felt. Pulling off the sweater and skirt to be gloriously naked again helped her relax even more now. The skirt was hopelessly stained now and would need to go to the cleaners soon, the sweater very damp from laying in the snow with Dutch.
She made a quick sandwich and reheated the left over coffee from breakfast, wolfing it all down almost as fast as Dutch had, but took care of her thirst and hunger. Glancing at the clock, she saw they had been away almost 2 hours and the noon hour approached, when her Mistress had mentioned she should be home. She hurried upstairs to the big bathroom to clean up, but heard the sound of the Range Rover coming up the drive, so she thought it didn’t matter and hurried downstairs to await her Mistress.
Dutch heard the Rover also and hurried to the front door to join Joli as they waited for Prava. They heard the garage door start openimg as Prava turned around in the drive and backed close to the large door as it slid up. Joli and Dutch hurried to the garage to greet her, Joli reasoned the garage was still technically inside the house and stayed nude. Both were excited to know Prava was home, Dutch barely able to contain His desire to go and greet her, pushing past Joli to be the first one there, His tail wagging wildly as Prava stepped out of the vehicle.
Joli walked quietly into the garage, seeing Prava and Dutch greeting each other, but unable to hear what she was saying to Him as He stood with His paws on Prava’s shoulders, giving her a few of His special kisses. Joli waited until Prava turned to her, and a huge smile beamed across her face as she crossed the short distance to her Mistress and hugged her body tightly to her. They kissed before any words were exchanged, “And how did your morning go babygirl?”, patting the girls naked butt and giving her a little pinch.
“Oh Mistress, we had a marvelous morning.” Joli whispered and blushed deeply. “Dutch and I, we … uh… He took me to a new place in the woods on our way back, and .. uuhmmm… Oh my god Mistress, it was sooo awesome.” “We were alone out in the woods, and I think He told me, somehow, I don’t know how, that He wanted me, He had to have me right then, right there. I just knew, somehow.”
Prava smiled and hugged the girl tightly, “I told you He could do that, and I can’t explain it myself.” Prava reassured her, “So don’t think about it too much, just go with your feelings, how He makes you feel babygirl.” “I know how He can make you feel, and it is wonderful to feel that.” Prava thought to herself that everything was working so well now, almost so fast. This weekend would bring it all together for them now.
“Joli, there are some grooming tables in the back of the Rover, I need you to get them out and set up here in the garage. I have some calls to make right away to tie up some loose ends.” “Did Wakely and his crew get here ok?” “Yes Prav … Mistress. And they are out there working now, and he said the changes wouldn’t cause any problems.”
Prava smacked Joli’s bare butt and turned to go inside, Dutch following close behind, “Get busy hon, we have a lot to do before tomorrow.” “Yes Mistress” Joli answered as she rubbed the glowing handprint on her soft cheek. It took about 30 minutes to get all the tables out, closing the garage door to keep the cold air out. She got them set up pretty quickly, she thought, not as hard as she thought it would be, though they were heavier than they looked.
Joli went into the house and could hear Prava typing on the computer. At the door, she saw Dutch curled up in the big soft bed kept there for Him, snoozing away contentedly. Prava glanced up at the girl as she waited in the doorway, then pointed to the spot beside her chair before returning to her typing. Joli walked slowly over and knelt, the carpet soft and yielding under her knees as she crossed her wrists behind her back and lowered her head, remembering what she had been told.
Prava finished what she was doing then turned the chair in Joli’s direction, sliding the toe of one boot between the girls knees, nudging them apart to about shoulder width, baring the girl’s treasure to her sight. “That looks much better babygirl.” Reaching down to run one finger along the soft folds of Joli’s pussy, bringing it to her lips and tasting the moisture she had gathered. “I see you’re still leaking a little, that must have been a very nice time you two had.”
“Oh yes Mistress, it was very special. I so wanted Him right then, as soon as we could.” Joli blushed deeply at the confession. “It’s okay babygirl. I was once in the same spot you are now, and it will only get better with time, much better.” “Now if you would, help me out of these boots dear.”
Joli reached out and began loosening the laces of her Mistress’s high boots, the soft suede material felt good under her hands as she pulled one, then the other off, revealing the soft toned calves of her Mistress. Prava then stood in front of Joli, “Now my jeans babygirl. I won’t tell you many more times, but you’re still learning.”
Joli rose to her knees, unbuttoning then sliding the zip down. She hooked her fingers into the waist of Prava’s jeans and drew them slowly down her Mistress’s legs, over each foot as it was lifted then folding and setting to the side. Joli softly slid her small hands back up the length of Prava’s legs, feeling the luxurious softness of the woman’s skin. As her eyes became level with to Prava’s waist again, she realized her Mistress was wearing no panties, making the girl gasp and smile as she planted a small kiss to her Mistress’s smooth bare mound.
Prava sat back down into her chair, sliding her butt to the front of the seat and spreading her legs, smiling at Joli. “I know this is a chore for you babygirl, but I need some of your special attention, right now.” Prava giggled as she reached out to pull Joli to her.
Joli smiled up at her Mistress before leaning in to inhale first the wondrous smell of her sweet pussy, followed almost immediately by her tongue and lips, laving, almost devouring the sweet pussy presented to her. Prava lifted the girls hands from her thighs, “Behind your back girl, no hands this time.”
Joli devoured her Mistress with enthusiasm, having endured several days now without the sweet nectar that she loved so much. Her Mistress’s pussy was almost heaven to her now, having been deprived lately. Her small nose bumped Prava’s hard clit as her tongue searched into her depths as far as she could reach, tasting and drinking every sweet drop that was given to her.
Joli alternated pressing her tongue deep into Prava’s body, then sweeping it up to her hard clit, her lips locking tightly around the hard nub as her tongue lashed it side to side rapidly. Prava’s loud moans let her know she was doing what her Mistress needed and wanted from her. She wanted to bring her Mistress all the pleasure that she could possibly give her for the wonderful new life that Prava had given her now.
Joli’s eagerness was contagious as Prava fell into two quick orgasms, the girl eagerly taking the given nectar, not a drop even reached as far down as Prava’s tight back rosebud. After the 2d orgasm, Joli slowed her licking and kissing, softly sucking each labial fold into her mouth as if nursing from them, calming Prava, soothing the tightness of her body.
“My god girl. If I had known you were that hungry, we would have taken care of this after breakfast.” “But we have things to do, and not a lot of time.” Joli listened quietly to all the intstructions as Prava rattled them off. “The bedrooms all ready and refreshed for our guests Mistress.” “Will the girls be sleeping with their Mistress’s also?”
Prava laughed softly, “I don’t think there will be a lot of sleeping going on babygirl.” “And you need to make sure all the girls know where the food for the boys is.” “And I don’t want you to be shocked if maybe you walk in on one of them, accidently.” “I think you will get along quite well with everyone, actually.”
In the den, Prava sat on the divan and had Joli kneel in front of her. “All the girls are about my age, except Rebecca, Katherine’s girl. She is about a year younger than you babygirl, but has belonged to Katherine for almost 3 yrs now.” “Katherine called her a ‘stray’ when she told us about finding her one night at her front door in a horrible rainstorm, looking for somewhere to shelter until the next morning. She’s been with her Lady since that night.” Joli looked up confused, “A ‘stray’, Mistress?”.
“She had no home or family to go to, she was a sort of rebellious young girl, according to Katherine. But took to her life there very well and has been very loyal to her Lady.” “Sort of like I was Mistress?” “I was never close to my family, and was rarely at one school or another for more than a year before they would send me away.”
“You, my dear, were merely without direction. I could sense that in you the first time we spoke on the phone, and only confirmed it the night we first met in person.” “Becca, as Katherine calls her, had nothing sweety, just what she was wearing that night.” Joli thought this over for minute. “Is she as happy now as I am Mistress?” “I would say she is very happy with Katherine hon. And she is really looking forward to meeting you, also.”
“Why is she looking forward to meeting me Mistress?” Prava thought for a moment, “Well Joli, if everything goes as well on Saturday night as we are hoping, Becca will be the next to go through the same ceremony as you will, to join our family and start a new future for us.” Joli looked a little confused, unsure exactly what Prava was talking about. “I thought she was already a part of the family Mistress?” “Well, she is babygirl. But there is a new part of our family that we will initiate on Saturday.”


“We will talk more about Saturday later babygirl, right now we have a lot to do.” With that they got up and proceeded to clean the house from top to bottom. Joli thought it was nice that her Mistress hadn’t bothered to put her jeans back on until Mr. Wakely called to ask for some hot coffee, which Prava took back to them after Joli got it all brewed and into the big thermos’s as she had some things to discuss with him and see how work was going.
Her Mistress was gone over an hour and Joli kept looking out the window to watch for her return. Dutch had gone with her and the big house was just too quiet for Joli. All she could hear was the big clock in the den ticking as she watched and waited.
Joli finally took a break and sat in the den on the big comfy divan, replaying her morning with Dutch and Mistress over and over in her head, which led inevitably to her lazily starting to play with her hard nipples and pussy, which quickly grew wet at her touches. She could see her body being taken by Dutch, see how she gave herself to Him without reservation or doubt. She knew this was what her life was now meant to be, belonging to Him and her Mistress. How much her life had changed since that first weekend with Prava last September. She now had people who cared for her, for her health and well being, a place to belong where she felt right belonging now.
She was softly touching her body, not really trying to masturbate, just give herself those nice feelings of arousal. The world outside had no bearing on her right now, and she had not heard Prava and Dutch come in from the Rover, or even heard it pull up outside. Joli nearly jumped out of her skin when Prava spoke up, “I hope all the chores are done Joli.”
Joli hurried to stand and move in front of her Mistress, “Yes Mistress. I think we are all ready for our guests.” Prava simply pointed at the floor in front of her, “Kneel sweety.” “Remember, that is your place unless told otherwise.” ‘Yes Mistress.” Joli spoke softly, feeling a little guilty at what she was doing when Prava had come back in, and knelt quietly on the plush rug.
Prava walked around the the girl and over to the cabinet. Joli could hear glasses clinking and liquid being poured, but waited where she was, quietly. Prava moved to sit on the divan, calling Joli over to be near her. Prava handed Joli a glass of the thick red liqueur that they had shared with Alicia that night. “Here’s to us Joli, and to success on Saturday.”
Both women turned their glasses up and drained the thick liquid. Joli felt her body warming after she swallowed, the sweet flavor coating her throat as it went down. Joli felt as if her body was aglow after a few minutes with the liqueur spreading through her body.
Prava leaned forward, her lips pressing to Joli’s softly, each woman tasting the sweetness on each other’s lips. “You go up to our bedroom Joli, I’ll let Dutch in out of the cold and be right up.” “Yes Mistress.” Joli softly answered as she rose. Her body seemed to almost float as she went up the stairs quietly. Once in the bedroom, Joli lit the candles and let the room fill with the pleasant fragrance of the outdoors, which was quickly becoming her favorite smell now, her mind linking it with making love with her Mistress.
She stood at the foot of the bed as Prava came into the room, Dutch following close behind and moved over to the big armoire. Joli scooted over to help her Mistress undress, kissing her smooth softness all over as her glorious body was revealed to the girl. Joli could never tire of seeing her Mistress naked, or even just partially dressed, becoming aroused so easily with even a small glimpse of her lover.
Once naked, Prava opened a drawer and pulled out a set of leather straps and held them up in front of Joli. “Hold this at my waist just like this baby.”, turning the straps a certain way and handing them to Joli. Prava deftly lifted each leg and stepped into the rig, showing and telling Joli how to adjust and buckle them into place so they were firm but not constricting.
Joli had stepped back as Prava reached into the drawer again, this time bringing up a large, reddish-pink cock. “This looks just like Dutch, Mistress”, Joli gasped as she realized what it was. Prava had her hold it as she reached into the armoire and pulled out a clear bottle which Joli recognized as the fluid that Mistress had given her many times now.
Prava carefully filled a cavity inside of the toy cock and rubbing a little over the outside of the toy, making it glisten in the rooms warm light. Once Prava returned the bottle to the drawer, she took the phallus from Joli and pressed it into the harness around her hips. Joli gasped softly at the sight of her Mistress with the cock now jutting out in front of her and felt herself grow instantly wet at the sight.
“Go lay on the bed babygirl, we are going to make love the rest of the day.” Joli turned quickly and hurried up on the bed, positioning herself on all fours, her soft round butt turned to her Mistress. Prava giggled at the girls position, “No silly, on your back. I want to look into your eyes as I love you.”
Joli looked surprised, they had always done it this way the last couple of months, but she quickly did as requested, her legs opening of their own will as Prava crawled up on the bed between them. Prava took a pillow and had Joli lift her butt so she could slide it underneath, lifting the girls hips up at an angle.
Prava looked at the young girls body with an intense hunger in her eyes as she straightened out the tubes running from the squeeze bulbs. Kneeling between Joli’s spread legs, Prava aimed the cock at her wet pussy and squeezed one bulb, shooting a thin jet of the fluid inside the cock onto the girls body. Prava was always surprised how quickly the fluid seemed to melt and soak into the girls skin, and this time was no different.
Prava pushed the girls legs back by her knees, rolling her hips up. “Watch Joli. See how your body accepts so easily, watch yourself receive what you want and need now.” Joli held her knees back, eyes wide as she watched Prava guide the cock into her willing pussy, steadily pumping the little bulb, feeling herself slowly filling with that intoxicating liquid.
Prava slow fucked her girl with the fake dog cock, the combined fluid and Joli’s own juices mixing, making slick wet sounds as Prava worked the cock deeper into her willing body. Joli could see the cock widening at the base as Prava squeezed the other bulb, making it look just like Dutch’s hard cock. She drew a deep breath as the growing knot pressed against her opening, “Relax baby and let it take you, you want it to fill you, don’t you?” “Yes Mistress, please take me, show me.”
Hearing the girl say that, Prava pushed the growing knot in and out of the girls hungry pussy 2 then 3 times, making the girl gasp as she stretched to take the big cock. One more Hard push and it slid deep into Joli’s body. Prava rested her full weight on the girl’s body as she squeezed the bulb over and over, completely filling and sealing the opening of the girl’s passage.
Once it was securely held by Joli’s tight pussy, Prava began to pump the first bulb quickly. Joli could feel the fluid filling her rapidly, every crevice of her pussy was filled with the thick fluid as her body began to warm from the feeling. Prava began moving her hips on the girl, fucking her girl hard but slow, grinding their bodies together in an erotic dance of flesh on flesh. Joli slipped into the feeling of ecstasy as her mistress took her. Joli started to orgasm hard under Prava, their eyes locked together. Prava seeing the girl slip partly away into the pleasure her body was receiving, the fluid absorbing quickly into the girls body, taking her to that special place she knew so well. Joli could see the hunger in Prava’s eyes as she surrendered willingly to her, gave herself over to how Prava pleasured her body.
Prava let control of her body go as she fucked the girl under her, the base of the cock pressing and rubbing her own hard clit as hard as she was fucking Joli. As it was made to, the cock also leaked a little of the fluid over Prava’s hungry pussy with each squeeze of the bulb and soon began to take her to same place Joli seemed to be so heavily into now.
There was no difference between them now, one orgasm triggering a similar one in the other as the two women’s bodies worked each other, together and against the other at the same time. Nothing else in the world mattered now except the emotions and ecstasy shared by the two women, locked together by the big red cock between them.
Joli was the first to grow almost quiet, exhausted from what Prava was doing to her body. The world grew dim for Prava soon after as her body collapsed atop Joli. Dutch looked on intently as both females grew quiet, seeing their bodies move against each other slowly, tremors passing between them, spasms causing them their bodies to jerk though they were not in control. Dutch felt a sort of pride in both of His bitches. They enjoyed and wanted what only He could give them, but also had an intense hunger for each other. He didn’t understand it all, but it didn’t matter, they were His, always His in the end.
The bell from the gate ringing woke Prava first. She was still locked tightly in Joli’s body and the girl was stirring also from the sound. She reached the control box on the night stand and pressed the button to open the gate and let Wakely and his crew out of the property.
She relaxed breathlessly on Joli’s body, kissing the girl awake slowly. She turned the knob on the squeeze bulb, letting the knot that locked them together deflate and shrink so she could separate them. A wet sucking sound came from between their bodies as Prava pulled the cock from Joli’s body, not a drop of the fluid escaped, it had all absorbed into Joli’s hungry pussy or been drawn into her uterus with each orgasm the girl had experienced.
She stood beside the bed looking down lustfully at Joli’s body. The girl’s legs were spread wide apart, the opening to her pussy gaped open at an almost lewd width, the flesh surrounding the opening red and engorged with blood and the special fluid, the girls hard clit throbbing visibly with each heartbeat. Prava stood up slowly, loosening the straps of the harness and sliding it down her legs. She removed the cock from the belt and took it to the adjacent bathroom, laying it on the counter before returning to the bedroom.
Dutch was waiting patiently at the foot of the bed for her, knowing what she would need after mating with the younger female. Prava walked beside Him and knelt on the floor, her butt up high, her scent telling Him exactly what He already knew. Dutch quickly mounted the bitch and took her without mercy, making her cry out with the power of His maleness. He drove His body hard to give this female what she wanted, His cock and His seed. Prava surrendered to His power easily, willingly.


Dutch’s tail began to swing rapidly back and forth as Joli’s scent began to enchant him, Joli leaned forward and scratched His soft fur and looked into his eyes. “Mistress said not to let you distract me TOO much. But she didn’t say we couldn’t enjoy some fun either.” She stood up and walked out of the bathroom, patting her hip for him to follow.
Joli walked softly but quickly down the hall to the stairs and on down into the den, Dutch following closely, drawn along by Joli’s arousal and the scent trail she was leaving. Once in the den, Joli lit the gas in the fireplace and pulled one of the thick plush rugs near the hearth. Dutch came over to her and she hugged him close to her, letting his soft fur caress her breast’s and shoulder as she rubbed against him, she in turn inhaling deeply of the powerful maleness about his strong body.
“Did you like what I did for you yesterday Dutch?” she asked, wishing he could answer her. Her hands stroked his body, her finger’s rubbing the tight muscles hidden underneath. She brought her lips to his muzzle, lips parting so they could share the deep kisses she was beginning to like so much. As their tongues danced together between them, Joli’s hand stroked underneath to Dutch’s tummy, rubbing and caressing closer and closer to the furry warm sheath that protected his powerful cock. She stroked the length gently, unsure how much pressure she could use to touch him there, and could feel the hardness that was always present.
She rubbed her thumb over the opening each time her hand slid back to the front and could feel small drops of fluid leaking. “You do like that, don’t you?” breaking their kisses for moment as she turned and grabbed a small pillow off the end of the divan. Pushing the pillow underneath Dutch’s belly, Joli lay down and slid in to rest her head just inches from the furry sheath. She could see the small drops now and feel Dutch growing in her hand. She leaned to the opening and began to softly lick the dewy moisture from his fur.
In only moments, the pink tip emerged to touch her lips, soft but firm, more drops of the sweet coppery fluid formed and were swept away by the caressing tongue. Her hand could feel the knot beginning to form near the base of his cock as she slid the sheath back further. Each inch of his pink-red cock was quickly covered by her soft lips as it was exposed, the sweet pre fluid coming now in short spurts as she swallowed it all down, as if receiving nourishment from him.
Dutch began to push his hips forward with increasing speed, yet slower than when he had mounted her normally. Joli sealed her lips firmly around the growing shaft as Dutch began to fuck her warm wet mouth. His sheath had slid back past his hard growing knot, filling Joli’s small hand easily as it grew larger and harder. Dutch was giving her more and more of his pre than she could keep up with, a little leaking from the corner of her mouth as she tried to swallow as much as she could, some of the spilled fluid made her lips slick, letting Dutch work into her mouth with ease.
His cock was already pushing over the back of her tongue, the tip actually entering the top of her throat, almost triggering her gag reflex. Joli’s hand instinctively tightened around his knot to try and hold him back some, the pressure triggering a large heavy spurt of the thin pre, but something extra, small thicker clots of more pungent essence. Joli stole a peek at her hand and her eyes grew wide to see how big his knot was now, feeling the strong pulse of his body there. She squeezed once again, not hard, but about what she thought her pussy might be able to do, and was rewarded by a much larger spurt of the thicker fluid. She knew immediately that Dutch was now feeding her his strong potent cum, she could feel it coating her throat and mouth as she swallowed as fast as she could, her head filling with that powerful scent and taste.
Joli began a slow steady compression of her hand, nursing like a baby on his cock as he fed her. She relaxed and closed her eyes and just let it happen, her mouth filling and then swallowing the nourishing fluid down to her tummy. She felt almost intoxicated by his offering, wondered why she had not tried this before yesterday.
Many minutes went by as the two of them shared the most intimate of erotic kisses, her hungry mouth almost as good feeling to him as her pussy, her hunger taking all he had to offer her. Dutch began to fidget his hind legs after a while, signaling he needed to move now, and with a very contented sigh, Joli let that powerful cock slip from her lips as Dutch turned around and lay down next to her.
Just as she had done yesterday, Joli moved to lay her head on his chest and began to lick him clean, hearing and feeling that strong heart beating in his chest as he calmed down and relaxed. A soon as the warm sheath had covered him, Joli crawled over his body and spooned snugly against his back, one arm and leg over his body, her body pressed against the softness of his coat. The fire warmed and relaxed them both along with their shared body heat. Joli’s full tummy was relaxing her, making her a little sleepy, like a happy baby that just nursed from its mother’s breast. Both Dutch and Joli dozed together in their shared bliss for a short time, her face buried in the thick fur of his neck, his scent pleasing and making her feel safe with him.
Sometime later, Joli felt Dutch get up and stretch next to her. As she started to open her eyes, that big sweet tongue slid across her face, as if Dutch was telling her nap time was over. Joli sat up giggling as Dutch continued licking her face until she hugged him to her. She glanced at the big clock by the wall and saw they still had over an hour before everyone was due back. “What is it Dutch?” she asked as if talking to another person. Dutch trotted out to the kitchen and returned with his leash in his mouth. “Ahhh, you need to go outside and take care of business. You guys are all alike I guess. A little fun and pleasure then you need to go pee.”
Joli hurried upstairs and grabbed her jeans and boots and coat, she wouldn’t wear a blouse as the coat would cover her while they were out. She quickly dressed and went to the backdoor, taking the leash and laying it on the shelf by the door, she would let Dutch go and run and do what he liked for a bit, they both needed some play time she thought.
Ditch headed straight for the woods edge near the house and did his business, hurrying to get back to Joli for some serious play. Joli found a nice stick for the toss game and threw it hard and high. Joli was surprised how far it went. Was she somehow getting a little stronger? Maybe the stick was just lighter than she thought. Dutch caught the stick just before it hit the ground, turning and heading straight at Joli as hard as he could run, making her try to curl and duck and squeal as he slid to a stop right in front of her.
Dutch never tired of making the female squeal like a scared pup when they played. He could tell she wasn’t truly scared, but instincts made her cringe anyway, and all the noises she made when they played made him feel good too, letting him show off his strength and maleness to her.
After a bit, Joli could faintly hear the big clock chiming the half-hour, letting her know it was time to go back inside and get some things done before Prava got back with their guests. Kneeling to give Dutch one more big hug and kiss, “We need to get back inside Dutch, it’s almost time.” They turned together and went to the backdoor where Joli stripped quickly before leading Dutch back into the den. “You stay here by the fire and dry off baby, Mistress will be home soon and I can’t have you all wet and shivery.”
Joli headed back to the kitchen and got the best amaretto-almond coffee they had and got it brewing, then decided that maybe someone would like some hot tea instead, getting the kettle filled and on the stove to slowly start heating. She got the table set for 4, checking everything so it was in the right place, then ran upstairs to brush her hair and make herself presentable. She wanted so much to make a good first impression on Ms. Katherine, and Becca too. They seemed very important to Prava, and second best just would not do.
Joli went back to the den so she could keep watch out the window, small butterflies flitting in her stomach as she waited. Dutch didn’t seem much interested himself, staying close to the fireplace and keeping warm.
As she watched, Dutch sat up suddenly, his ears perked up and forward before stretching and trotting into the entry and sitting beside the door. Joli finally heard the gate opening and hurried to join Dutch so they could greet everyone as soon as the door opened. Joli thought about her nakedness now, everyone else would be dressed but her, but she justified it by remembering Prava’s instruction to stay naked at all times inside their home. That still didn’t quell the butterflies at all.
Joli kept shifting her weight from one foot to the other while she waited, hearing the engine of the Rover finally shut off and doors opening and shutting. Dutch stood up, taking his best posture while he waited for Prava beside Joli. They could both hear the women’s voices as the came up the walk and started up onto the porch. Joli looked down at Dutch “Well, here we go Dutch. Ready as I can be.”
Joli reached for the door handle and opened the door just as Prava stepped up to do the same. Dutch pushed past her to greet his female, standing up with his paws on her shoulders as usual, licking her face with enthusiasm. All three women outside started laughing, a new voice adding “Well, we can see he’s glad your finally back home.”
Joli first peeked around the door then stepped out in front of everyone, the cool outside air causing her nipples to harden quickly, making her blush. “Welcome home Mistress.” Joli tried to control her voice, keep it even, but couldn’t contain her joy at seeing Prava again, quickly moving to wrap her arms tightly around her lover, standing on tip toe to reach up and kiss her gently before stepping back so they all could come in.
Once inside, Prava introduced Katherine first. Joli looked up at maybe one of the tallest women she had ever met, “Pleased to meet you, Ms. Katherine.” And extended her hand to the woman in greeting. Katherine turned to Prava, “The pictures you sent did not do this girl justice Prava. And such a proper young lady at that too.” Katherine leaned down and gave Joli a warm embrace before straightening back up, “And Joli, this is my girl, Rebecca. We all call her Becca, unless she is in trouble, but that seldom happens anymore.” Joli looked at the girl standing a little behind Prava and Katherine, she stood maybe 5 foot tall, making Joli feel very tall indeed.” Becca moved quickly to give Joli a nice hug, “We have heard so much about Joli, it is so good to finally meet the girl that has captured Ms. Prava.”


Becca turned a little, adding “And this big guy is Seth.” Joli’s eyes widened as she looked down at the big Rottweiler standing behind Ms. Katherine. He was easily as tall as Dutch, but His body much wider, the short coat showing his muscular chest and legs to great advantage, making it obvious that he clearly outweighed Dutch by quite a few pounds.
Joli bent just a little, extending her hand for the big Rotti to sniff, “And hello to you also Seth.”, her voice wavering just a bit as she spoke. Seth took several quick sniffs of the offered hand then quickly stepped forward, surprising Joli just a bit, before he started to check her scent starting at her feet and working his way up. “Hold still babygirl.” Prava whispered as Seth worked his way up her legs, his muzzle stopping right at the small cleft of her smooth mound, taking several deep sniffs, before walking all around and taking more scent from her body. Joli stood very still as she was checked out, feeling his wet nose touching and pressing against her everywhere, she was almost too afraid to move.
Seth took several long licks of her hand as he came back in front of her, then nudged her just like Dutch does when he wants to be scratched. It seemed everyone sighed at the same time before begin to chuckle, “Well, I guess you will do just fine Joli.” Katherine announced to everyone before hugging the girl a second time, much tighter than the first one.
Seth and Dutch now reacquainted themselves with each other, having met many other times. “Joli, why don’t you show Becca where the boys food and water bowls are so Seth can get something to eat, he’s probably famished by now.” “Yes Mistress.” Joli said with not a little pride, smiling at Becca, “Follow me. Everything is in the kitchen and pantry.” As the two girls walked to the back of the house, both Seth and Dutch following close behind.
Katherine turned to Prava, “Girl, I hope you keep that girl on a tight leash, she is going to be quite a temptation to all of us if you don’t.” Both women laughed at that. “Well, she’s learning what’s allowed and what isn’t, but I think I know her well enough by now that I can trust her as much as I trust all of you.” “Now, I imagine you and Becca are about starved yourselves, that stuff the train serves isn’t fit for an alley cat, much less people. Joli has made some light eating, I hope, so we can all sit down and get acquainted a little better. I can smell the coffee from here and it’s making me hungry now.”
The two women walked into the kitchen and saw Joli had already gotten the food out and on the table. Both Becca and Joli scooted to help their Ladies out of their coats, Joli taking them and Becca’s to the entry hall and hanging them up before hurrying back to help Becca start serving the late lunch, which was devoured heartily by all. Katherine made many remarks to Prava about Joli’s manners and talents, the two women speaking together as if both girls were not even in the room.
Joli was impressed with how Becca joined right in helping her serve and then clean the table and dishes after Prava and Katherine had moved to the den to talk more privately. Prava telling Joli to let the boys outside for a bit and get her coat and boots on to help Becca bring in the bags and get them settled upstairs.
It took the girls 2 trips to get all luggage upstairs, chatting as they unpacked and put everything away. In one of the dress bags were two long heavy robes that looked very warm and felt as soft as butter to Joli’s finger’s. Becca noticed her checking them out as she hung them in the closet, “Those are for Saturday night Joli. Otherwise, we don’t wear them that often.” “And now that everything is put away, I can finally get out of these clothes like I should be. It was awfully rude of me to not have joined you sooner.” Becca apologized as she slipped off her shoes and socks, then sat on the bed to finish undressing. As she pulled the high neck sweater over her head, Joli saw she was wearing leather cuffs just like hers, maybe a little different, but just as old and ornate as her own. What got Joli’s attention most though, was a collar that Becca wore. Made of the same leather as the wrist cuffs, and with matching silver filigree work, she could see they were plainly a set.
Joli leaned over to look closer at the collar. She could see that it had the names of Ms. Katherine, Rebecca, and Seth worked into the scrolling with the same silver wire as the rest of the ensemble. “May I touch it?” Joli asked, “It looks absolutely beautiful.” Becca raised her chin and smiled, “I don’t mind Joli.”, obviously proud of the only ‘jewelry’ she wore. “I think that you will get yours on Saturday, but that’s supposed to be a secret, so don’t tell them I told you.”
Both girls giggled like they had been friends for more than a couple of hours. Joli felt it was easy to like Becca, actually meeting another girl who shared the life she was now living. She watched as Becca finished undressing and brushed her long, thick, almost raven black hair, silently admiring the stark contrast of her very light tan lines against her almost almond skin. Joli gasped when she first saw Becca’s back though, several faint lines crossed the smooth skin, light scars from some time in the past. Becca turned to Joli when she heard her, “Don’t mind those. They’re from my old life and one of my mom’s boyfriends. It’s why I ran away.”
“They were fresh the first time mom, uhh, Ms. Katherine saw them. She got her lawyer the next day and sued for custodial rights for me, to keep them away from me, and took me in. So, in a way, she is my mom, or at least who I want to be anyway.”
Other than the marks on her back, Joli saw that Becca had flawless skin and had a very healthy and positive glow to her. Her body, except for her head and eyebrows was as smooth as Prava liked for Joli to be now, and she looked quite strong too, for a girl smaller than herself. Joli thought she might not even break 100lbs soaking wet.
Becca finally got her clothes put away, “Let’s go down now and join our Ladies,” Becca smiled broadly, “You know they just cannot do without us for very long.” Both girls laughed at that and headed out down the stairs to the den where they could almost hear them chatting and catching up on things from since their last visit.
Both girls quietly entered the room, each moving to kneel beside their Mistress’s, Joli smiling when she saw Becca taking almost the same position as Prava had shown her. Katherine laying her hand on Becca’s hair and gently stroked the thick hair on her head like she would for Seth or Dutch, or any beloved pet. She saw Becca visibly relax from the stroking, knowing just how she felt, like when Prava touched her in non-sexual ways, just making the girl feel safe and protected.
“Joli, did you know that your mistress was quite smitten with you after she met you the first time?” Katherine asked. “No Ma’am, I didn’t. But I think I fell for Her that weekend too, definitely by the next time she came to visit, for sure.” “Becca and I live about an hour from where you were going to school, and Prava came to see us every time after she left you. She just could not stop talking about you and how she thought you would fit in here with her perfectly. But I can see for certain now that she was right.”
“Ms. Katherine, after being here with mistress these couple of months, and the things she has taught, and let me experience, I cannot picture myself anywhere else, or how things could be this good for me now.” Joli spoke quite honestly to the older woman, how she had doubted herself and what her future would have been like. At last, I know what it is to be happy and to be with someone who really, deeply cares about me, and loves me without condition, as much as I am falling in love with her.” Joli declared, blushing a deep crimson at the now public admission that she had only made to Prava in private before this. Katherine and Becca made it so easy to open up about things.
“Joli, after dinner tonight, I have some very serious things to discuss with you, about your family and your future, and some hard decisions will need to be made very soon. Believe me when I say they are all for your own good, your well being.” Katherine told her, “But, that can wait until we are all relaxed later and no so travel worn.” Looking at Prava, Katherine said she felt like a short nap was in order for now. Standing up, she took Becca’s hand and headed up the stairs, leaving Prava and Joli in the den.
Prava stood up and got Joli to her feet, hugging the young girl tightly to her, “You have done very well babygirl, you’ve made me very proud of you today.” Prava told her between little nibbling kisses to the girl’s soft lips. “Most women can be a little intimidated by Katherine sometimes. She’s a no BS taking person, and sometimes takes no prisoner’s too.” “Now, you run that sweet but up to bed and I’ll join you in a few minutes, I think I could use a short nap myself. I’m going to make some reservations in town for dinner so no one has to cook tonight, and call to let Alicia know we made it home okay.” “Now scoot.” Prava added a hard smack to Joli’s butt to emphasize that she needed to get moving. Joli hurried up the stairs, peeking in Katherine and Becca’s room as she went past. Becca was helping Katherine undress, and caught a couple of intimate caresses between them as she scooted by the door.
When Prava got to the room, Joli was looking out the windows to the back of the property, seeing if she could see Dutch or Seth. “Don’t worry babygirl, they’ll probably be busy for some time out there, and they’re big enough to take care of themselves.” “Yes Mistress, I’m sure you are right. And Seth looks pretty tough too, I know Dutch is.”
Joli helped Prava undress as quickly as she could, her body getting tingly and aroused as she looked upon Prava’s nakedness again. They heard the door down the hall shut softly, so Joli did the same in their room before joining her mistress on the bed. They lay side by side together, hands and fingers re=exploring the body they had now become so familiar with. Deep searching French kisses mixed with soft tender lip only ones. Their breasts pressed together and they snuggled as close as they could, Prava could feel Joli’s swollen erect nipples pressing firmly against her own.
Joli tried to kiss her way down Prava’s body but was stopped by her mistress. “Just touches this time babygirl, that’s all for now.” Seeing the slight disappointment on Joli’s face, making it disappear with the knowing touches and caresses only a true lover can give.
Both women took pleasure from each other and gave it in equal return. Using only their fingers and firm thighs to touch and rub, pressing each other onto a higher and higher level of pleasure. They felt each orgasm take the other in turn, nothing hurried or demanded from the other, just giving pleasure to each other.
From down the hall they could hear sounds much like their own drifting from the other bedroom, they giggled a little hearing that Becca seemed to be doing a very good job of helping her mistress relax too.


Joli got their shower running and ready as Prava went to speak with Katherine, letting her know they would be meeting Alicia and Brenda in town for dinner. A quick glance over the older woman’s shoulder gave her a view of Becca on the bed, totally spent and ravaged, sleeping like a baby. “You’re going to wear her out one of these days Katherine.”, both women laughing, “No faster than you will with that little hottie you have now, Prava.” “I hope she can keep up.”
It took Joli over an hour to get Prava and herself taken care of in the shower, making sure she got every inch of her mistress squeaky clean before they stepped out and Joli began to work on her hair for tonight, nothing fancy, just a few small curls and some fluffing to add some body. Stepping back to admire her work, smiling, “You look good enough to eat Mistress.” “Not until after dinner babygirl, no matter how turned on you get.” “Now, help me get dressed, then you need to also. They won’t let you in the restaurant like you are, no matter who you’re with.”
Joli helped lace Prava’s high suede boots, picking out a beautiful ankle length skirt with matching gypsy blouse and vest ensemble. Prava got a little makeup on as Joli picked out her best skirt and blouse set, almost matching her Mistress, but not outshining her, that would just not do. Both women chose no lingerie to go underneath, both preferring the feeling of freedom it gave them. Joli was even beginning to not like wearing them anymore anyway, and they would probably just get in the way later.
“Why don’t you go down and get Dutch and Seth to come in and put them in the garage while we are out, they’ll be muddy and wet by now. You and Becca can get them cleaned up when we get back.” “Yes Mistress.” Joli replied as she left the room, hurrying down the stairs and out the back, calling and whistling for the boys.
After a couple of minutes, they came out of the woods at a dead run, both big dogs making a beeline for the female calling them. Dutch pulled up at the last second like always, even with Joli expecting him to, she squealed and cringed. Seth, not used to this much snow, was unable to stop quite so quickly, piled into Dutch from behind, his greater weight causing them both to slide into Joli, knocking her down, putting her on her butt in the cold snow.
Both dogs looked almost as confused as Joli for a moment, until she began laughing loudly, being trapped under the two huge boys. Dutch and Seth both scrambled to get back up on all fours, just making the females predicament worse, until they were finally able to untangle from each other. Joli fell back on the ground laughing hard as both of the big males closed in on her and began to lick her face and neck as if she was some sort of treat. This just got Joli laughing harder, making it almost impossible for her to get off the ground.
“Well, I guess that’s one way to get them to come in.” Katherine said as she, Prava and Becca stood looking out the open back door, getting a good side show at the helpless girl buried under both of the boys, trapped more by her inability to stop laughing than by the weight of both Dutch and Seth.
The three women came out and helped get Joli out from under the pile and back to her feet, Becca leading the big, wet and muddy culprits to the garage, sliding their food and water in behind them. Kneeling down to look them both in the eyes, “Now you two behave and we will be back in a little while. I’ll bring you both a treat for staying out here and off the furniture.” Becca gave them both a kiss on the nose and stood up to rejoin the others as they walked around the house to get into the Rover.
The ride to the restaurant only took long enough to go to the far end of the small town opposite Prava’s, and Joli saw it was only a couple of blocks from Alicia’s clinic. Their table was set and ready when they got inside, Alicia and Brenda having gotten there a bit ahead of them, having already ordered two bottles of wine for the meal. Joli noticed for the first time that Brenda was wearing cuffs and a collar like Becca was. She had never noticed them before at the clinic, but she had not spent that much time with Brenda, most of her exams were handled solely by Alicia, especially after she had knocked herself out that night.
The girls all sat to the right of their Ladies and the conversations flowed fast and easy as it usually does with friends who have known each other for a long time. Everyone kept Joli in the talking too and made her feel very welcome to belong to this special group now, even though she was having a little trouble keeping up with all the lines of talk, especially after they had emptied the second bottle and ordered one more. Becca sent part of her veal back, asking the waitress to divide it into two doggie bags for the boys. Joli could see that being as small as she was, it was no wonder she couldn’t eat as much as everyone else seemed to.
Alicia and Brenda said their goodnights by the cars, needing to get home as Brenda would have a very busy day tomorrow with Alicia going with Prava to pick up the others at the train station. Before Prava backed out, Alicia came over and handed Katherine a medium sized box, this will get you and Becca started, and I’ll have more ready to send home with you before you leave.”, before leaning in to kiss Katherine on the cheek, whispering “I’ll see you both tomorrow.”
As soon as the Rover pulled up to the house, Prava turned to the girls in the backseat, “You two go and get the boys all cleaned up, use the big sink in the utility room to wash them, and there’s a couple of blow dryers in the closet out there to get them dried off. Katherine and I have a little business to handle while you two get your chores done.”
Joli and Becca nearly ran into the house ahead of their mistress’s, up the stairs and got naked as fast as they could, both emerging from their rooms almost at the same time. “Seth really likes bath time, it helps us be closer with each other.” Becca beamed as she took Joli’s hand and walked down the stairs together. Joli felt something between her and her new friend, a closeness she had not felt with another girl before, maybe like sister’s, sort of? Prava was always talking about the ‘family’ she would soon be a part of, so maybe sister wasn’t too much of a stretch really.
Both Katherine and Prava smiled when they saw both girls holding hands as they came down the stairs, “It sure looks like you two are already getting close. But that’s what we hoped for.” Katherine commented. Prava was getting that special liqueur from the cabinet with four glasses as Katherine motioned the girls to join them. Joli didn’t feel at all out of place now, being naked in front of Katherine, maybe having Becca also in the same state made her feel that way.
Prava handed everyone a small flute and raised hers, “Here is to our growing family, and it’s new member.” All four glasses clinked softly then the contents were drained, Joli feeling the soft warmth of the liquid slide down her throat as she swallowed. She could feel the slight tingle it always caused in her body, the warming of her skin, and wondered if Becca had ever had any before. The relaxed smile on the other girls face and the creeping blush that crossed her face told her she probably had.
It didn’t take long for the girls to get both Seth and Dutch cleaned off, both boys shaking their bodies furiously, almost drenching them. Dutch’s coat was much thicker than Seth’s, so Joli knew it would take a little longer to get him dry, but both of the big dogs stood very still on the grooming tables while the girls attended them. Joli stole a glance over at Becca and Seth, his dark black coat seemed to shine in the light, hugging his body, letting her see every strong muscle almost in detail as he moved a little.
Joli was so wrapped up in getting Dutch all groomed, she hadn’t noticed the other blow dryer had been shut off for a couple of minutes. Glancing over at the pair, she had to smile as she saw Becca and Seth exchanging special kisses just like she and Dutch shared, Becca breaking them a little to rub her face and cheeks along Seth’s strong jawline, inhaling his masculine scent as she did so, then start to kiss him again. Joli found it amazing that she and Becca had much the same behavior as each other and not having really discussed it much at all. Prava had been right when she said Becca and her would hit it off very well.
The door from the pantry opened, Prava sticking her head in, “Are you two done yet? It got awfully quiet in here.” “Come on in the house and bring the boys with you.” Joli looked Dutch over one more time, running the brush through his hair one more time to get them all laying just right, so masculine and healthy.
Both girls headed for the den, Seth and Dutch following, both taking in the mixed scent of both of the young females, even sharing a knowing look with each other. The girls walked quickly into the den, kneeling beside their Ladies in their proper places, both big dogs settling near the fireplace for it’s warmth.
“Joli, Katherine has some very important matters to go over with you, so Rebecca and I are going to take the boys out for their evening business, and I’m going to show her the carriage house. It was so run down the last time she was here and the new roof makes it look fabulous.” Prava said as she stood up, stepping over to take Becca’s hand and helping her to her feet. “Just your boots and coat will be enough to keep you warm Becca, it’s not windy outside, or that cold really.”
Once they were wrapped, Prava and Becca each patted their hips and both Seth and Dutch got up and joined them as they headed out the back door. “You two behave out there.” Katherine called out just before the backdoor closed. “Maybe we should have chaperoned them Joli. But I don’t think they’ll get up to much really.”
Katherine patted the divan next to her, “Now, you just get up here beside me, we have some serious matters to go over.” Joli scrambled to do as told as quickly as she could, “What is it about Ms Katherine?”
Katherine took a deep breath, pausing for just a moment, “Last year, when Prava told us about meeting you… Well, I had you checked out.” “Prava is a very special person to us, to our family, I had to be sure about some things, just to settle some concerns we had.” Joli looked surprised at the revelation, “To protect her Ms. Katherine?”
“In a way, yes.” “Two years ago, we almost lost your Prava, dear.” Katherine explained, “She had fallen for a young girl much like yourself, was convinced the girl loved her and would stay with her.” “But the little bitch used her, took so much from her. Prava just sort of fell into herself for several months.” A look of concern filled Joli’s expression, “Did she try to hurt herself Ms. Katherine?”


“As far as Alicia and I could tell, no, she didn’t. But she cut herself off for so long, just her and Dutch out here alone. Alicia could rarely convince her to allow a visit, and she had everything delivered, wouldn’t go to town, wouldn’t travel to see us when we invited her. She just shut herself off for a while.”
“She’s never mentioned anything to me about that, I would have never known. She seems such a together person to me, that she is in control of herself and her life.” Katherine took the girls hand when she saw how Joli was taking this new revelation, lines of concern marking her young face.
“Now, that all changed one day. Out of the blue, Prava called me and told me she had met you, and would be near to us when she came to visit you.” “You, Joli, brought her back to us, in a way. She could not stop telling us about you and the feelings she was having so quickly for you. It caused us more than a little concern. So to keep her safe, that’s why I had you checked out.”
Joli started to speak up but Katherine placed a finger on her lips to quiet her. “What I found, about you, did cause me a little concern, but I also realized, I knew some of your family, I had actually done some business with your father.” The mention of her father made Joli purse her lips, a slight scowl crossing her face. “He never really cared for me much Ms. Katherine. I wasn’t ‘the son’ he really wanted, so the family name would still be around, to run the business, to be his legacy.”.
Katherine could see the bitter memories plainly on Joli’s face as she spoke, “And mother would not go through another pregnancy just to make him happy. She’s got her own problems to deal with.” “She is a very vain person, constantly showing me the stretch marks I caused her when she was pregnant.” Joli’s anger was starting to come out now, “Hell, I was closer to my nannies and the housekeepers than I ever was to either of them.” Katherine shushed Joli to calm her a little, “No need to swear Joli, but I understand what you are saying. Becca gets that way sometimes when she thinks about her old family too.” “You two girls come from such different worlds, but have so much in common about your pasts.”
“I found that what you are telling me is the truth after I visited your father, strictly on business and not to pry. His office had one picture of your mom, just one damn picture, and there were none of you, anywhere I could see. That told me volumes.”
“The main reason I wanted to talk to you in private hon, I found your father was having trouble with the money, keeping the company afloat. He was putting out feelers for someone to buy it, to make his life somehow easier. I just don’t get some men at times.” Joli looked surprised at that revelation, “I never knew he would do that. Granddad would be furious with him.”
Katherine continued, “When I saw how much you were affecting Prava, in a very positive way mind you, I got some things together, liquidated a few others, and I bought your fathers company.” A look of surprise filled Joli’s face, her eyes grew as wide as they ever had at the revelation. “Now, now Joli. Don’t panic hon. Your inheritance from your grandfather is 100% intact, you will always have that, I promise.” Joli was on the edge of panic, her breathing rapid and shallow. Katherine pulled the girl tight against her, hugging her close until she felt Joli slowly regaining some control.
“You now have a decision to make Joli, a very important one to you.” Katherine almost whispered, trying to reassure her, keep her calm until she explained what would happen. “I brought two agreements with me, and I need you to make a very important choice. Not tonight or tomorrow, but soon. I want you to talk with Prava about this, as this will affect you both for the future, for your future.”
“The first agreement is a cash settlement. You will receive one third of the price I paid to buy the company. If you take that choice, it will be paid in one lump sum to you, but you will give up any control in the business in the future. It will be out of your family forever.” Joli pulled back, looking up at Katherine, the implications rolling through her head. “And the other choice, Ms. Katherine?”
“You will keep your inheritance, as it is yours. But, you will not receive any money from the sale.” Joli interrupted, “But I can’t just live off of the inheritance and mistress’s money, that just wouldn’t be right. I would be like some kind of freeloader.” Katherine again had to shush the girl from the rambling direction she knew the girls thoughts were taking her. “Joli, I’ve already talked to Prava at length about this. She would have you in her life now if all you had was a pair of unmatched dirty sneaker’s. Your money is not of any concern to her, she has plenty for you both to live on for a long, long time.” “What I am proposing, and this is a huge decision for you to make.”
“This choice will make you a partner with me in the company. A small partner, yes, but you will have some say in its running when needed.” “I will give you one-third of the stock, and a seat on the board. This will give you a steady income for the rest of your life, like your grandfather wanted for you.” A wry smile now crossed Katherine’s face, “And, it will kind of ‘stick it’ to your father at the same time.” “My people found some things in all the paperwork involved. Your parents didn’t plan to give you anything once the sale was made. They were going to leave you out in the cold, just like when you were growing up, always away at some school or another while they had the time of their lives.”
Joli sat back on the divan for many minutes, not saying anything, but Katherine could plainly see the emotions the girl was experiencing, the shock at hearing what her parents had planned. Finally speaking up, “That sounds just like them. They are greedy, self-centered, small people. I’ve actually been happier when I was away from home, and I’ve never been as happy as I am now, here with Prava, actually having someone care that I’m around, that appreciates me, and really does love me.”
Katherine let the girl vent for several minutes, holding her close when she started to cry a little. “You don’t need to decide right now Joli, you have time to talk to your Prava about all of this. Sometimes, I can surprise people with my patience, regardless of my reputation.” That broke the tension finally, and both women laughed out loud for several minutes.
Katherine got up from the divan and crossed the den to Prava’s wine cabinet, bring a bottle of the sweet thick liqueur and two small glasses back to sit with Joli. “Let’s toast this hon, and get to know each other better. I’m sure my hardass reputation has preceded me, some of it is true, but not all of it.” They both sat and chatted quietly, Joli quickly downing two glasses of the thick, strong liquid, feeling the strong buzz grow rapidly in her body. Katherine only sipped from her glass, seeing that maybe Joli needed to do this, to let some pent up emotions go.
“Let’s see, what does Prava call you? Oh yes, babygirl.” “I like that, it just fits you.” Hearing that made Joli smile as she finished the second glass. Katherine stood up, taking Joli’s hand and getting her to her feet. “Come upstairs with me now babygirl, I want to get to know you much better.”
Joli’s steps were a bit wobbly as they climbed the stair, Katherine holding her hand to steady her a little. As soon as they entered the room set aside for Katherine and Becca, Joli went to the dresser and lit the big candle as Katherine shut off the light. Kathrine stood and took in the sight of the very naked young girl, the smoothness of her skin, almost reflecting the candle light with its paleness.
Prava and Becca had let the boys run as they would, taking the old drive through the woods back to the carriage house. Seth and Dutch stayed within earshot of their females, but had their own agenda for now. It would be so easy to find them if they needed to, they were so loud when they walked, and their scent was so strong to them, it would be easy to catch up.
“Ms. Prava? Will Joli get her collar this Saturday?” Becca asked. “She saw mine last night, and the other girls will have theirs on too.”. Prava thought for a minute, “If she says the magic word, ‘yes’, when it’s asked of her on Saturday, then she will have her collar. I have no doubt that she will answer otherwise, and I sent the collar to Janae a couple of weeks ago to have her name added, she will be bringing it with her.”
“That is so cool of you to have it already done for her Ms. Prava. I just know she will say yes. She even told me that she’s never taken her cuffs off, even though you showed her how to do it.” Prava nodded her head, “I don’t think she ever has either. You should have seen her face the night I gave them to her and explained what they represented for us.”
They had reached the carriage house after a bit more walking and even in the semi-darkness Becca could see the improvements from just having the roof repaired, and even the big skylight had been repaired too. “It looks a lot different from your last visit Becca. I remember you thought it looked kind of haunted.” Prava unlocked and opened the door, switching on the lights to let Becca see the newly cleaned inside. They walked to the center of the big room, looking up through the skylight to see all the stars clearly shining through. “The moon will be right overhead on Saturday, and we will have the seasonal blessing for new life and renewal Becca.” Prava said as she walked around behind the girl, her hands slipping the long coat from her shoulders.
“I have something for you, from Katherine, that she feels we need to start tonight, so it will make it easier when your night comes in June.” Becca watched silently as Prava pulled a small glass vial from her coat pocket, “Just a little tonight, sort of a test to see how it affects you. Joli has been using this for several weeks now, and Alicia says it has done what it is supposed to, and there have been no side effects.” Prava opened the vial and applied several drops to her fingertips, tracing them over Becca’s soft lips.
The strong musky aroma filled Becca’s senses as she inhaled, the slight coppery-almond taste swept over her taste buds as she licked the fluid from her lips. Becca’s body visibly relaxed as the fluid was absorbed into her lips and through her tongue, her eyes came to about half closed as she turned to look up through the skylight at the starry night sky.
Prava added one more layer of the fluid to her lips, then a few drops to each of Becca’s already erecting nipples. The thick fluid seemed to almost melt as it warmed and was quickly absorbed into the tender flesh, the small bumps of her areola rising as her nipples became visibly erect and swollen. Prava stepped closer to the girl, applying more of the fluid to her finger tips, then gently reaching down to press them into the cleft of Becca’s smooth mound, almost caressing the liquid into the sensitive flesh, coating her labia with a liberal amount of the fluid.
Prava stepped back to the door and whistled for Seth and Dutch, both arriving at the door in less than a minute. Prava greeted them both, then quietly closed the door and turned out the lights, letting the star light fill the room from above.


Katherine began to unbutton her blouse but Joli stepped up close, her hands brushing Ms. Katherine’s away as she continued what was already started. As she slid the open garment down Katherine’s arms she admired the obviously expensive lingerie hidden beneath. The soft pink satin material almost shined in the low light from the single candle, half cups lifted the woman’s breasts as if offering the now exposed nipples to Joli, delicate white lace rosettes trimmed the edges and boning of the exquisite bustier.
Joli knelt on the hardwood floor beside Ms. Katherine, her fingers deftly undoing the buttons along that side of the ankle length skirt, letting it slide down to reveal the very toned, obviously strong legs of the older woman, so smooth and soft, almost as tanned as Joli had seen Becca’s skin to be. Both of her new friends obviously enjoyed a great deal of time outdoors.
Joli got up, folding the expensive clothing carefully and setting it aside on the little settee that occupied one wall of the room. Ms. Katherine’s panty matched with the bustier perfectly. “Ms. Prava has shown me how free it makes me feel to not wear lingerie Ms. Katherine,” Joli admitted, “But if I had some as pretty and feminine as yours, I would be proud to feel it next to my skin, to show it off to Mistress.”
“Being naked for the one you love can be as important as any ‘window dressing’ Joli, never forget that.” “Prava is very enamored of your body babygirl, as she told me once, seeing you nude makes her feel almost crazy with desire for you.” she said matter of factly, making Joli blush, a deep pink glow coloring her pale skin, noticeable even in the pale candle light. “Now come to me babygirl, let Ol Ms. Katherine enjoy what she sees.”
Katherine took both of Joli’s hands and led her to the bed, laying the girl on her back and almost sliding her way atop the younger woman. Their lips met in a long sensual kiss, Katherines hands sliding up Joli’s arms to stretch her body beneath her, “Grip the headboard Joli and do not let go unless I tell you too.”
Joli’s hands clenched on the wood tightly as Katherine began to slowly devour her willing body. She felt her lips and hands all over herself, small kisses mixed with sharp small bites to the sensitive flesh, fingers first softly teasing then pinching her hard nipples, followed by those soft searching lips. Joli spoke no words as Katherine explored her, only soft whimpers and sharp inhalations at the testing bites, each reaction telling Katherine something new about her.
Katherine slowly worked her way lower down Joli’s willing body, the destination known to both women, Katherine almost making the journey sweet agony for Joli. Feeling Katherine’s shoulders slide between her thighs, Joli spread herself as wide as she could, feeling the woman’s eyes watch as her swollen lips bloomed open to her gaze, feeling a flood of her essence flow freely from her body in offering.
That first tender kiss to her swollen clit sent Joli almost to the edge of her first orgasm, her muscles straining as if to force the release from her body. A sharp bite just below the engorged nub sent Joli reeling, crying out loudly as the orgasm took her. Her body spasmed hard, her legs trembling and shaking as her sweet nectar flowed heavily onto the searching tongue, her juices seemed to gush into the woman’s mouth, like had happened with Dutch only days before.
Katherine’s lips, fingers, tongue and thumbs were everywhere on Joli’s tender pussy as she gripped the headboard as tight as she could, searching everywhere outside of her body, pressing deep within the velvet passage. Joli lost track of herself as the woman began to ravage her body, all that mattered was giving herself freely, her senses centered on her very happy pussy and the woman loving her body.
Prava slipped her clothing off, laying it on one of the low work tables in the building, exposing herself to Becca’s gaze. She walked quickly to one of the large cabinets, returning with an old tarp, folding it and putting it down on the floor, “We can’t have you skinning your knees Becca, Katherine would never forgive me for damaging such a precious possession.”
Dutch and Seth were both pacing around the females now, very impatient to have what was theirs. Seth began to push and nudge Becca’s legs hard, making the female do as he wished, Dutch stood in front of Prava, his muzzle buried between her thighs, his tongue working fast and hard to have his treat.
Both women dropped to their knees almost in unison beside each other, Prava’s head facing the opposite direction from Becca’s. Dutch and Seth wasted little time in moving behind the females, mounting almost at the same time, Dutch, true in his aim, spearing deeply into Prava’s willing pussy on the first try, Seth missing the first couple of tries, making Becca cry out from his strength before hitting that one spot he was seeking.
The difference in size between Becca and Seth was now apparent as his powerful thrusts were lifting the small girl up from her knees as he drove the big cock deep into her body. Prava could see the knot already swollen as he pushed to wedge it into her small body, her small pussy opening to the so familiar feel of his size, stretching tightly around him as he planted the growing bulge deep into her young body.
Dutch’s long hammer thrusts were doing to Prava what she saw happening to Becca, his knot already inside of her pussy and growing rapidly to seal them together. Prava could see the little trickles of Seth’s cum slowly roll down her thighs, her body surrendered totally to him.
Prava heard Becca’s first hard orgasm as she also began to slide into the throws of her own, both big males taking what was theirs, driving to give the females what they always needed, what they always wanted. The rest of the world mattered nothing to either woman any longer, only their lovers were important, they could both feel themselves slowly filling with the powerful seed they so desired, filling every crease and fold within their bodies.
The sounds coming from Becca were close to not human as she received her pleasure from Seth. She had no control of her body any longer, she belonged to her lover, overpowered by his strength, helpless beneath his powerful body, offering no resistance to him. Prava let her eyes close as Dutch took her again. His cock so familiar to her pussy, this was all that mattered to them both at this moment, Dutch giving his strong sperm to his female, she willingly taking it into her body.
A very audible pop brought Prava’s eyes fully open, seeing Seth had turned and dragged Becca some feet away before her pussy released him. She fell over on her side, soft moans the only sound coming from her as a large pool of cum formed under her hip as she lay on the hard concrete floor. Her body trembling from Seth’s assault, a look of total bliss on her face.
Prava felt Dutch trying to turn now and relaxed her body as well as she could. Her pussy stayed tight, not wanting or afraid to surrender its possessor. Dutch pulled insistently and Prava had no strength to resist, feeling the muscles of her pussy yielding to his strength, opening against its will to let him go. As soon as she felt his cock leave her body, she stretched out on the floor on her stomach, legs held tightly together to try and trap as much of his sweet cum within herself as she could. Exhaustion finally took her, her eyes closing as she dozed contentedly. Dutch’s warm cum slowly pooled underneath her prostrate body.
Dutch’s insistent tongue brought Prava back from her dreamless nap, licking fast and hard across her face to rouse her. She pushed up onto her elbows to return his kisses, “Thank you my love. Momma really needed that tonight.” Slowly glancing around, she found Becca had moved at some point, now laying on the folded tarp, Seth had his body pressed tightly against hers, sharing his warmth to keep his little female warm, resting his head on her up turned hip.
Prava slowly got to her knees, stretching her muscles before trying to stand, “You boys need to go out, don’t you?”. Once on her feet, she got to the door and opened it, Seth hurried to get up and join Dutch as he sped out the door, Seth’s movements woke Becca from whatever pleasant dreams she was having, good one judging by the contented look on her face. “We need to get back to the house Becca, I don’t know how long we’ve been gone.”
Prava got dressed as Becca slowly came back to the present, moving in an almost dream like pace to stand after pulling her boots on. Prava got the coat on her, noting to herself how the elixor she had given Becca had almost the same effect on her as it did on Joli. Things were looking very promising at long last.
They took their time on the walk back, Becca stopped twice to relieve herself in the bushes. Not much was said, but Prava kept a close eye on her anyway. Becca would pause in their walk to inhale deeply, taking the fresh scented winter air deep into her lungs, testing it as if she had never smelled such a scent before. “You know Becca, Katherine wants to move up here to be closer. Has she mentioned it?” Becca stopped walking to look up at Prava, “No Ma’am, She hasn’t said a word. But I think it would be good to be closer to others of our family.” Becca confessed that she would love to live up here, they had so little snow back home, and the storms from the ocean were terrifying at times, to her anyway. “But wasn’t it one of those storms that brought you and Katherine together Becca?”, Prava asked though she knew the answer.
As they came out of the woods behind the house, Prava saw only the kitchen light and a soft glow coming from Katherine’s bedroom. “Looks like we weren’t the only ones to enjoy tonight, Becca.” Becca looked up from her thoughts about that storm, “I hope Mistress was not too demanding of Joli. She can be very tender at times, but so insatiable at other’s.” They both laughed at the thought, “Joli can be pretty … uhmm.. hungry herself too Becca. She is full of surprises sometimes, and has quite an imagination.” “I know first-hand how your Ms. Katherine can be once she gets into one of her moods.”
Once inside, Becca stripped as she was accustomed to and got Seth and Dutch fresh food and water while Prava went up the stairs to check on things. Katherine was perched on the settee, intently reading the instruction Alicia had put in the box earlier, naked as the day she was born. Joli, on the other hand, looked devastated. She lay sprawled on the bed on her stomach, her hair a total disaster covering her face and in total disarray. Her upturned butt was a rosy shade of red, her toned legs widely spread apart, Katherines handprints very much in evidence on the pale globes, small red bite marks were everywhere on Joli’s body, but her hands still gripped the headboard, not tightly, but still refusing to let go even as she had obviously collapsed from exhaustion, just as she had been told.
Katherine looked up and smiled at Prava, “She is an amazing young woman Prava. You and Dutch are very blessed to have her.” Katherine stood up and approached Prava, “I need you to help me work out these instruction Alicia gave me, way too clinical for me to follow, at least this late.”


Becca joined the two women about then, walking quietly into the room to not butt into their conversation. She looked first at Joli, then to her mistress, knowingly looking at her hips and seeing the pale red marks that her strap harness always left on her mistress’s body. “Is she still alive mistress?” Becca asked, almost giggling. “Oh yes dear, quite alive actually, but gone for the night I fear.”
Katherine looked at Prava, “I think maybe Becca should stay her with Joli tonight, you and I have an early day in the morning, if we’re going to see those properties before we have to head for the train.” Becca tried to look a little surprised, “Are we really going to move up here Mistress?”, the smile hard to hide that was forcing its way across her face. “If I like the properties we see tomorrow, we just might be doing just that Becca, you, me and Seth.” “Now, you get ready for bed. We will need a light breakfast in the morning, you can tell Joli when she wakes up. But we will be leaving as soon as we get done.”
Becca almost leapt at the news, almost skipping to the bathroom to clean herself up and get to bed. Katherine turned to Prava, “And you and I also need to get to bed, we’ve been up much to late tonight already.” Both women turned and shut the door quietly as they went out, Prava already removing her blouse as they entered the other bedroom, Katherine taking a long memory filled look as Prava undressed quickly. “God woman, this view does bring back some delightful memories. If your girl hadn’t worn me down…….mmmmmmmmmm.”
Prava smiled at the compliment, Katherine could still make her blush sometimes. “We will have to have some alone time this week, for sure. But we need to get some sleep to recharge for tomorrow, it’s going to be a very busy day around here, like we haven’t had in some time.” Both women climbed into the big comfortable bed, snuggling up close as they quickly fell asleep.
Becca snuck quietly out of the bathroom after giving herself a good cleaning up, pulling the sheet and comforter up over Joli’s still body, her slow deep breathing the only sign she had survived her first time with Ms. Katherine. Becca climbed in the other side and snuggled up to hold Joli against her, the girl never moved once as Becca drifted off to sleep beside her, softly mumbling, “Yes, maybe sisters is what we are supposed to be.”
Dutch and Seth looked from one closed bedroom door to the other. These females had shut them out, they turned and trotted down the stair to the big warm den, both also falling quickly to sleep near the low fire that still burned in the fireplace, both of them letting a huge sigh as the day finally caught up with them, reaching the end of their energy.

Prava could smell toast wafting up the stairs from the kitchen as she slowly opened her eyes to the morning. Still a little sleep disoriented, she wondered why she could smell breakfast but also thought she felt Joli sleeping beside her. Turning over to look behind her, she quickly remembered last night as she saw Katherine just beginning to stir behind her. Damn, the next few days were going to be hectic for sure. Rolling over, she softly kissed Katherine until her eyes started to flutter open, “Good morning sleeping beauty. Smells like its time to get up and get started, it’s going to be a long day no matter how soon we get it going.”
Both women slowly got out of bed, stretching their tired muscles, trying to get some circulation going in them. “Let’s sneak down the front stairs and have a peek at what’s going on down there.” Prava said quietly. Both women walking softly down the hall to the stairs and down into the front part of the house. The other bedroom was empty and the bed made to perfection as they went by, both girls had risen early and gotten to their morning tasks so quietly, neither woman had heard a sound at all.
As they peeked around the door frame, they saw both Dutch and Seth were nowhere to be seen, probably already outside patrolling the grounds to make sure nothing had snuck into their little domain to bother their females. Both girls flitted around the kitchen finishing up getting everything ready. They could now smell the fresh brewed coffee, their cups already filled and steaming on the table, which was already set for the meal too.
Prava whispered to Katherine, “Good gosh, what time did they get up? I never heard a sound.” Katherine looked as surprised as Prava, replying ‘I didn’t hear anything till you woke me just a bit ago hon.” “Maybe we have been given a true treasure after all.”
Joli started when she caught a glimpse of the two women watching them, almost dropping the plate of sunny side up eggs onto the table in surprise. She quickly nudged Becca who let out a soft gasp at finding themselves being spied upon. Both girl broke out in huge smiles as they quickly moved to their mistress’s, hugging them both firmly to their bodies, almost in unison they greeted their ladies, “Good morning mistress” then stretched up to softly kiss them both. The girls took their hands and lead them to the table, pulling their chairs back for the two women, motioning for them to have a seat.
Both women looked at each other, Katherine spoke up, “We had damn sure better not let these two get away from us, I could get very used to this every morning.” Taking a sip from the fresh hot coffee, Prava nodded in agreement, “Somehow, I don’t think they will ever stray too far. They seem to be in their element together.”
Both girls blushed as they served the women, Becca almost apologizing, “Sorry mistress, I know you said a light breakfast, but considering you both will be on the go for a long time today. We thought you both would need as much energy as you could muster, and we decided to provide it.” Katherine gave Becca’s butt a playful slap, making the girl squeal a bit and rub where it had impacted. “We aren’t that old, yet, young lady. Now both of you sit down and join us before anything gets cold.”
Both girls chattered away as soon as their bottoms hit the chair seats, obviously full of energy from last night’s exertions. Prava had to tap her spoon on the table to finally get some quiet. “You both have sort of a free day today, only a couple of things to take care of before we get back home this afternoon.” “Now Joli, there will be two deliveries this morning, both are supposed to be here before lunch. Swinson’s grocery will bringing out a lot of groceries for the coming week. The boy will need some help unloading them and it’s up to you two to make sure everything is put away, and please, don’t tease the young man, Old man Swinson can be a dick if he thinks it took too long for the delivery.”
“If you are still putting the groceries away when the second one gets here, Becca can show them back to the carriage house to get it all unloaded. It’s just a few pieces of furniture and some very nice rugs, and Becca knows how to get back to there. Just open the door and have them move everything inside, we all can go out later and get everything where we want it.” Prava tried to sound serious after that, “You both will have lots of extra time after that. We probably won’t be back until close to 3 o’clock this afternoon.”
“Katherine and I expect you both to be on your best behavior, and make sure the boys don’t cause any trouble either.” “Any questions?” The moment of calm before the storm had arrived, both girls immediately started asking where MS Katherine would be living, when they would be moving up, would Prava and Joli come down to help pack things. Not one question about the days task’s, only about the expected move. “Now slow down just a bit.” Katherine answered, “I haven’t even seen the properties yet, and we don’t know how much work will need to be done to them before we can even live in them.”
Becca spoke right up in her excitement, “But Ms. Prava is recommending them, so they’ve got to be some really choice homes, and you could have them bought before we go home next week, and the house fixer upper guys can get started right away, and I can mow the lawns and fix the gardens, just like I do back home, and Seth can start exploring our new place.” Looking quickly at Prava she continued, barely taking a breath, “How many acres are they Ms. Prava? Do they have lots of trees too, like your land does? Would Seth be able to play out there with Dutch when you come to visit us? And is there a lot of wild animals, like squirrels and racoons and rabbits and wolves and bears and things too?”
Katherine reached over and clamped her hand across Becca’s mouth, “Slow down girl and catch your breath, you’re going to hyperventilate. And that is just too many questions for right now.” Prava and Joli were giggling to themselves at Becca’s enthusiasm. Prava reached across and took her hand, “There’s plenty of time sweetie to answer all those questions. It’s not going to happen in the next couple of weeks, but soon. And both properties are just down the road from us, one even adjoins ours.” “You’ll have plenty to do between now and then, so just relax and let it happen as it will.”
Prava and Katherine could see the questions bubbling in Becca’s head as they ate, almost waiting to see if she would explode again into more uncontrolled questioning. The rest of breakfast went slower, and much quieter, Katherine complimenting the girls on how good everything tasted. Prava finished first, standing up from the table, ‘Katherine and I need to get dressed so we can be off as soon as we can, the realtor is probably already waiting on us, they can smell a sale from a mile off sometimes.” “You two need to get the dishes done and clean up the kitchen so everything else doesn’t start interrupting in a bit.”
Katherine and Prava hurried upstairs to get dressed, almost surprising the girls by how quickly they were back and saying goodbye for the day. “Please be careful mistress.” Joli whispered as she hugged Prava tightly like she was going to be gone forever. Both girls kissed their ladies and stood at the open door watching as they drove down to the gate. “Brrrr, it can be a little chilly in the mornings here, but I think it’s going to be for the good if mistress likes one of the houses.” Becca mentioned softly, like she was already daydreaming of their new home.
“I can show you the one next to us after we get the deliveries put away, you can see some of the house from out on the old drive. It looks okay from here, but I’ve never been over to see it close up.” Joli promised, “Heck, I’ve still not been all over our property yet, only as far back as the carriage house, and that’s not much of it either.”
Before they went back inside, Becca called out for Seth, soon the sound of both boys barking came answering back. They both hurried to the backdoor to get it open, Becca getting fresh food and water down for them, they had been out a couple of hours already. Once inside, they both headed straight for the food and began to gobble it down noisily as the girls retreated to the kitchen and began getting everything in the dishwasher, finally sitting down with a big mug of coffee apiece.


Both girls sipped their coffee quietly for a few minutes, letting the heat warm them from standing at the front door so long. “Can I ask you something personal Becca?” Joli began. “You can ask me anything, Joli. Mistress wants me to be as honest with you as I can.” Joli searched for the right words, not wanting to be too nosy, “Just tell me if it’s too personal, okay?” Becca nodded, “I will, but as open and honest as mistress has taught me to be, I really don’t mind if it is, just be ready for an true answer you may not expect.” They both laughed at that thought.
“Well, one night, Ms. Prava was telling me about you and Ms. Katherine, and she mentioned that your mistress often called you her ‘stray’.” Joli began slowly, not wanting to bring up any bad memories. “I think it was because you were a runaway, but there has to be more than just that.”
Joli could see Becca was remembering some things that were not good memories, taking a long sip of the coffee before speaking. “Okay. You remember I told you about mom’s boyfriend making those marks on my back? Well, that’s only part of it.” Becca closed her eyes then and began remembering, telling Joli the whole story like it was not that long ago.
“My mom worked nights all the time, which left me alone at home with ‘him’, so I stayed in my bedroom most of the time. He drank a lot, and one night he came into my room and began to tell me that I was old enough to ‘start doing what women were supposed to do and take care of the man of the house.” “I could see he had been drinking more than usual, and when he sat on my bed, I just started kicking him, telling him to leave me alone and get out. That just pissed him off, so he took off his belt and used it on me. That’s how I got those marks.” Joli instinctively reached out for Becca’s hand, “If it’s too bad, you don’t have to finish Becca, I didn’t mean to pry too deep.”
“No, Mistress says it’s good to get it out sometimes, keeps things from get too full and boiling over. I still have dreams sometimes about that night.” “I guess hitting me like that tired him out and he told me he was going to get another beer and I had better think about being ready when he got back. So, I snuck and followed him, and waited in the living room. All I could find to defend myself with was this huge ashtray mom had on the coffee table. When he came out of the kitchen, I threw it at him and it hit him in the head, hard enough to break that ashtray and he went down.” Joli could see a small smile of triumph on Becca’s face as she continued.
“He wasn’t moving or nothing, not even moaning and I panicked. I thought I had killed him.” “There was a lot of blood coming out where it hit him, so I ran to my room and grabbed as many clothes and stuff as I could get in my big hobo purse and I just took off.” “I stayed out in the woods for several days, always keeping hid, I didn’t want to go to prison for killing anybody or nothing.”
“All I had to eat was some candy that was already in my bag, and some stuff I got from a couple of homeless people I met.” “Anyway, I finally got close to a big town, but was afraid the cops were all looking for me, so I stayed just outside of it and snuck in to a couple of dumpsters to look for something to eat, I was so hungry it was making me crazy.”
“One night, this big storm came in from the ocean and it rained like the devil, almost all the time for a couple of days. Everything I had was soaking wet, and I was afraid to go under any of the bridges cause of the bums and homeless guys that stayed under them.” “I just kept walking down this side road. It was cold and rainy, and know I had to be almost waterlogged myself.” “Then I saw some lights from a house out there and figured I should just give myself up, so, I climbed over the fence and went up and just rang the doorbell.”
“Ms. Katherine finally opened the door after I rang it a couple of times and was quite upset by someone sneaking up to her home so late at night. But when she saw me in the light, I guess she felt sorry for me.” “She took me straight in, saying I looked like some stray that had spent the night in a sewer puddle somewhere.” “So, that’s how I got that nickname.”
“Mistress got her doctor out there that night, I had chills and fever, and some of the marks on my back had gotten infected. Once they got me cleaned up and taken care of, she started making calls to her lawyer and the authorities, since she had seen my picture in the papers.” “Her lawyer got papers for her to have custodial rights taken away from my mom and she took me in. I think she even paid my mom some money to just go away and leave me alone, but she’s never said directly.” “And, she’s been the mother I’ve always dreamed of having all my life.”
Joli leaned across and hugged Becca tightly to her, “And now I have a wonderful family, and mistress is so caring of me. I have never been happier than I am now. And now, I have you too.” The girls just held each other for several minutes before the ringing of the gate bell brought them back to the present.
Joli hurried to the intercom box by the front door asking who was there, “Grocery delivery for a Miss Prava.” Joli answered back, “Okay, just come up to the house by the garage, and stay in your truck till we open the door.” Pushing the button, Joli turned and sighed, almost in disappointment “I guess we have to get dressed now.” “See if you can get Dutch and Seth inside before he gets up here.” Joli hurried up the stairs to the bedroom and threw some jeans and sneakers on, grabbing a cardigan from the armoire before heading down to the garage. Becca emerged from her room dressed pretty similar, “I couldn’t hear the boys yet but thought I needed to get dressed to help too. They’ll be along shortly I think.”
The young man got parked in front of one of the garage doors and without heeding Joli’s advice, jumped out of the truck to wait for the door to open. Before he even made it around to the front of the truck, Dutch and Seth both appeared from around the house, causing him to stop moving and watch the big animals as they separated, Seth staying in front of him, Dutch moving around to his side. Neither of them growled, but the man saw their ears were laid back and the hair on their back and neck was erect. He swallowed very hard at his predicament.
Just in time, the big door started to lift, making the man look in that direction, but Seth and Dutch didn’t move an inch, keeping all their attention locked on the human male. They didn’t like his scent at all, and could sense his rising fear of them. Their females never showed that much fear, even when they tried to act tough and strong for them.
Joli ducked under the door bottom before it was open, “I told you to stay in the truck, you should have listened.” Becca came out beside her, walking quickly to Seth, leaning down to whisper in his ear and give him a few kisses, making him relax visibly as Joli did the same with Dutch. Joli looked at the man and told him to not move until they had the boys inside and he would be safe, otherwise she couldn’t say what would happen.
Once they got them inside the house, Joli and Becca came back out to help unload the groceries. The man made the comment, “Those sure are some big dog’s you have out here.” Hearing the word ‘dog’s’ made Becca turn on the spot, “They are NOT dog’s, they are like part of our family. Don’t ever call them that again.” Joli laughed when she heard that exchange, she could see that Becca had a lot of her Ms. Katherine in her, take no BS from anyone and set them straight.
The man answered a little sheepishly, ‘Yes Ma’am. I didn’t mean anything by it.” “I’m sorry.” The rest of the delivery went almost wordlessly. It took all three of them about twenty minutes to get everything into the garage near the door to the pantry. Joli tipped him a nice amount for the help, telling him the gate would be open by the time he got back down to it, and would shut automatically once he was through, turning on her heel and ducking back into the garage as she hit the close button and the big door started to close.
Before the door was all the way down, Becca had already shed her clothing and was letting the boys back out into the garage. She knelt in front of Seth and hugged him tightly, sharing kisses with him and rubbing her face hard against the sides of his face and jaws, marking her cheeks with his scent. “Thank you my love for protecting us from that man.” She whispered in his ear, giggling as she stood back up, “Have to stroke that big ego of his or I’ll never get any peace today.”
The girls wasted no time in starting to get all the groceries out of the boxes and bags and into their proper place in the pantry shelves and bins. Ms. Prava would be glad to see everything put in its place and ready for the week ahead. “I wonder how long before the other truck gets here, I really would like to stay naked all day.” With that, Becca came over and helped her get exactly that way, saying, “It won’t take long to show the next one where to put everything and we can get back to the house pretty quick.” “I hate getting dressed too if I don’t have to. It used to make the housekeepers back home a little uncomfortable when I didn’t wear anything all day, but they kept their mouths closed about it.”
The second truck arrived a few minutes after they finished putting away the groceries, both girls hurriedly getting dressed and meeting it on the drive. Both Seth and Dutch went with them back to the carriage house, Joli unlocking the door and showing where to set things so they could get them arranged later. Becca took both boys for a short walk while the men on the truck got everything moved inside. The furniture was exquisite antiques, velvet material of several colors covering thick cushions, rich dark oak wood trimmed every piece. The rugs were huge and heavy, the nap very thick and soft to the touch, they would easily cover most of the floor of the building.
Joli gave the driver a one-time code for the gate and let them go on their way before turning and calling out for Becca and the boys to join her. They locked the door to the building and started to walk back to the house. Joli suddenly got an idea, a sneaky smile crossing her face as she turned to Becca, “I want to show you something, a special place mistress showed me the first day I was here.” “You and Ms. Katherine can maybe have one like it when you get settled in.”
As they walked down the drive a way, Joli pointed out the house next door. Becca saw it was about the same size as Ms. Prava and Joli’s home, but couldn’t see all of it. “I think the grounds may be a little overgrown, and you can see it has lots and lots of trees too.” “it would make a good home for any family, but I hope it’s you and Ms. Katherine though.” Joli took the other girls hand, pulling her down a side trail, “this is the way we need to go now for a little bit.”


Dutch immediately knew where they were headed, taking off at a fast trot with Seth following close behind. Joli pointed at the boys as they moved ahead, “I think this is Dutch’s favorite place to go with me or mistress. Ms. Prava calls it our ‘private place’.” Joli blushed lightly remembering all the wonderful things that had happened to her here, “This is where mistress first made love to me outdoors, and it’s special for Dutch and I too. He first licked me here, and its where he and I …uhhm… did it the first time.”
The girls soon got to the little clearing, Becca looked all around at the close growing spruce, their entwined branches seemed to make a sort of roof, maybe about a foot over Joli’s head, and the bushes growing between the trees made sort of walls around it, so no one could see into or out of it. Joli strolled to the far side of the clearing, pulling down a rolled tarp hanging from one of the low branches, unrolling it to lay on the ground, a thick comforter inside to pad the frozen ground.
Becca watched for only a moment as Joli began to undress, hanging her clothes on some of the branches, before she herself started to do likewise. The air was a little chilled, but the breeze couldn’t penetrate the thick shrubs and bushes, but her bare nipples quickly erected to the lower temperature. Joli had taken a place on the thick blanket, patting a spot beside her for Becca. “We have lots of time now Becca, it’s not even eleven o’clock yet.”
Becca sat next to Joli, facing the opposite direction, both girls crossing their legs. Seth and Dutch watched patiently from one side of the small clearing, their sharp noses quickly catching the aroused scent of their females. Joli leaned over to Becca and gently kissed the small girl softly and had it eagerly returned, their arms each wrapping around the other’s shoulders and back, pulling them together.
Four nimble soft hands explored each other’s body, feeling the goose bumps rise against the silky smoothness of the each other’s skin. The girls could not have been more opposite. Joli was taller by some, and her breasts, though smaller than most women her age, were larger than Becca’s perky small ones. Becca was raven haired, dark eyed, and oh so tanned, Joli with her lighter hair and blue eyes, her skin almost alabaster white. Each girl found the other a marvel to be explored by touch, kissed and tickled.
Joli felt Becca’s small hand trail down her stomach, searching between her legs, each finger exploring the full pouty lips, the wetness that was growing rapidly as she found the hard nub of Joli’s clit, rubbing it in small sensual circles. Joli mirrored every move Becca was making, her finger’s deftly slipping between the now puffy lips of Becca’s sweet pussy. The girl felt familiar to her there, but she couldn’t quite tell why. Becca’s fingers gently tugged at the exposed inner labia, feeling the slickness, feeling Joli tremble slightly with the pressure. Then she knew. Becca felt the same as Ms. Prava did. The inner lips of her pussy almost non-existent. Joli drew back, whispering, “You feel just like mistress Becca.” Becca giggled a moment, “It’s because we are the same there Joli. Ms. Katherine calls it a ‘bitch trim’. Not like bitch in a bad way, no, no.” “You see, every female who mates with boys like ours are technically classed as a ‘bitch’, as we are who they choose to mate with, and we with them.” Becca was trying to read Joli’s thoughts as she digested this new information. “If you’ve ever seen a female canine’s vagina, it is very neat and trimmed, a very pretty package if you ask me, and makes it easier for the male to mount and breed since there aren’t those annoying labia in the way.” “Ms. Alicia did mine a couple of years ago, and most of the others too.” “I imagine she will yours too if you ask her.” “It does help a lot really. The only problem is that those damn stitches itch like mad, and they’re there for 2 whole weeks.”

Dutch and Seth grew impatient with those young females just sitting and talking, both getting to their feet and slowly approaching their females. Dutch walked right up to Joli and began to look intently into her eyes, cocking his head slightly, causing her to stop talking and look back into his. She felt her thoughts getting almost jumbled as she began to recognize what he was wanting. Seth just walked up behind Becca and nudged her with his nose, pushing her roughly forward. When she looked back at him, she could tell instantly what he wanted, and felt that she wanted to be mated to him today like she was last night.
Both girls silently got up on their hands and knees, moving to opposite ends of the comforter, Joli bringing her head down in obedience to Dutch, showing him that she was his, she belonged to him now. Becca was playing a little hard to get with Seth, turning her upturned butt away from him every time he got close to lick her now soaking pussy.
Dutch moved behind Joli quickly, his nose and long, snake-like tongue pressing into her, pushing insistently to delve as deep as he could reach into her body. The rough, softness of his powerful tongue swabbed through every fold and crease of her, deep into the velvet passage of her pussy. Every long stroke to her body made her desire for him grow, the only place on her body she was now aware of was her pussy. It existed for her lover, for him to have and to use, for her to give without thought.
Seth grew rapidly impatient with Becca’s antics, his powerful body ramming into her, pushing her first off balance, then down on her side. She was giggling softly as his maleness began to exert itself over her. She tried to stand up as quick as she could, but Seth was on her from behind before she could straighten up. His powerful forelegs clamped tightly just above her hips, his hind legs pushing her off balance again, driving her to her knees roughly. Becca squealed loudly as the first lunge of his hips drove his growing cock into her small tight channel, followed by an almost jackhammering of his body into hers.
Dutch was close behind with his female now, gripping her body to his tightly as his hips began to drive into her as fast as Seth was Becca. Joli pushed her hips back, widening her knees to lower herself for him, to make it easier, wanting him to take her right now, right here. When Dutch’s growing knot first pushed partly into the opening of her pussy, Joli moaned out loud, unrestrained by the thought of anyone hearing her, her passion for her lover having grown with each mating to an almost primal level within her now. Once that fire awakened, it could only be extinguished by his powerful loving, her own orgasmic releases from within her body.
Seth was driving his swollen knot deep into Becca now, each hard thrust making the girl squeal, almost as if in pain, but totally in her pleasure now. His strong legs lifted her from her knees and pushed her forward with every hard driving thrust. She already had been through two small orgasms when he planted his cock and knot totally within her pussy, the floor muscles clenching tight around him, holding him deep within her as he filled her to almost bursting with the hot strong cum she so desired. The girl was almost panting to catch her breath as a huge orgasm swept through her body, ravaging her on the big cock that had taken possession of her. She went almost limp beneath the big animal as her orgasm subsided, unintelligible sounds coming from her throat as she drifted off to that space in her head reserved for ultimate pleasures.
To untrained ears, barely any sound came from the little clearing. Joli and Becca were panting almost as hard as the boys, their bodies taking the hot, filling cum of their lovers as they watched each other through half closed eyes. Joli knew in herself that this was how she was meant to be, how her life had changed direction, the thought growing and planting deep in her mind. She began to softly cry out to Dutch, “Yes my love, take your bitch as yours. Give me that precious essence of yourself.” She began to moan and whimper like a true bitch tied to her male, their bodies locked tightly, no beginning or ending between them.
Seth began to turn over Becca’s back, he needed to do this, protect them both in the moment they were both most vulnerable. He stood stone still as his full balls kept adding to the females already full pussy, making her flat tummy almost distend from its fullness. She could feel the pressure building inside of her, telling her there was only one place more for him to fill her, her mind pushing her into one more very intense orgasm, her cervical neck pushing into the growing pool of cum inside her body, drawing it deeper within her being. As her final wave of pleasure slackened, her eyes closed as she left the present, becoming something more for Seth, for herself.
Dutch seldom turned when mated to his females, keeping their bodies pressed firmly to his belly, controlling their every movement. Joli watched Becca slowly fade as she herself felt at last one more orgasm slowly take her, feeling her body let go, the pressure of her cum filled pussy pressing other fluids from her body as she lost control of herself, her legs and hips almost violently jerking as she felt the warm thin liquid spread between Dutch and herself, her head and shoulders dropping to the soft blanket as her body exhausted itself on her lover’s strong knot and long thick cock.
Joli had no idea how long she had been gone from them, her eyes slowly taking in her surroundings as she slowly came back to the present. Even in the cool still air, her body felt the comforting warmth from within. She felt her skin was very wet, but not cold at all, the big wet spot under her hips was still warm.
Dutch sat to the side cleaning himself, his belly fur wet and matted from her body letting go as it had again, his beautiful cock already covered in the protective sheath. Becca looked as though she was still out from how Seth had used her, a very peaceful, restive expression on her face, her breathing deep and steady. Seth sat watching the trail that had brought them here, guarding against any possible intrusion.
Joli crawled over next to her, pressing her body to the young girls, her arms wrapping them together as she softly kissed the girls face, trying to wake her slowly. After several minutes, Becca began to stir, stretching her body against Joli, her eyes opening slightly, causing a broad smile to cross her lips as she softly sighed, “What a nice way to wake up.”
Both girls slowly got to their feet, pulling on their shoes before rolling the tarp back up and hanging it back on the low branch. Few words were shared between them as they gathered up their clothes, “We won’t need these to go back to the house, unless it gets too cold for you. No one else is on the property to see us.” The girls held hands as they walk slowly together down the trail, unconsciously patting their hips for the boys to follow, their tails swinging back and forth vigorously as they followed the pleasing scent their females were exuding from their receptive bodies.
Once back inside the house, Joli got their clothing into the washer as Becca put out fresh food and water for their lovers. Joli walked up close to Becca, slipping her arms loosely around the smaller girl, “The shower in our bathroom is big enough for two, if you would like to continue what we started earlier.”


Both girls headed up the back stairs, leaving Dutch and Seth to their meal, “I don’t think they’ll get in any trouble in the house.” Becca quipped, smiling as they walked down the hallway. Joli responded positively, “Mistress did say to keep them out of trouble, and I think my best behavior would be to entertain our guests, just like she said.” Twisting Prava’s instruction just a little.
Joli got the shower going quickly once they got into the big bathroom, Becca closing the bedroom door as the steam quickly raised the temperature. Joli took Becca’s hand and pulled her into the big walk-in shower, “Now, where were we….?” As she wrapped her body against Becca, both girl pressing tightly to the other as they began to explore each other again.
Joli pressed Becca back against the wall, slowly kissing her way down the smaller girls body, her hands and fingers leading not far ahead of her lips. Becca’s small breasts were incredibly firm in Joli’s hands, her thumbs and forefinger rolling the small hard nipples, lightly pinching them between her lips, suckling them, hearing the girls soft moans from the attention she was getting.
Becca looked down to watch Joli, her arms cradling her head against her sensitive breasts, her breath slowing and deepening as the pleasurable sensations spread through her body. She could feel Joli’s fingernails tracing over the skin of her back, down her sides and back up, caressing her body softly and slowly. Joli’s hands slid over the globes of Becca’s soft bottom, her hands covering almost all each cheek as she squeezed and kneaded the soft flesh.
Becca responded by pushing her hips forward against Joli’s wet skin, her knees parting to slip to each side of Joli’s lean thigh, pressing her smooth mound firmly against the strong muscles hidden beneath the soft layers of smooth skin. Joli spread her knees slightly to give Becca access, letting the shorter girl raise the leg between her own to press against her smooth mound, then closing her legs tightly to hold Becca’s thigh secure.
Both girls began to slowly but firmly rub against each other, each firm movement pressing their sensitive clits against the hard pubic bone underneath. Becca lifted Joli’s face back up to hers, their lips coming together in a long smoldering kiss, their tongue tips meeting between them, beginning a slow sensual dance together, one pressing forward then retreating, the other following, each caressing back and forth.
Becca’s orgasm hit first, not a big earth shaker, but a small, very comforting one, spreading slowly through her body, making her cling to Joli tighter as the sweet warmth spread from her pussy to her head and down to her feet. Joli followed before Becca’s had passed, almost like she was pulling the girls pleasure into her own body, sharing the intense deep sensations together. Both girls legs almost gave out beneath them, causing them to slide slowly to floor together, bodies pressing, legs and arms almost entangled by the slow release.
They sat together on the floor of the shower, warm water cascading over them as they caught their breath, neither girl speaking a word, just sitting together, holding to each other. They sat together like that for several minutes, just breathing slowly, relaxing together, a feeling of closeness that Joli had never felt with anyone else except for Prava.
Becca began to whisper, “I think this why our Ladies wanted us to spend time together. They knew, they just knew we would be close to one another.” Joli softly kissed the younger girl, “I think you’re right. Mistress says all things happen for a reason, and both of our ladies are so right on so many things.” “We should listen to them more often.” Joli smiled as she reached up to turn off the water. They both slowly untangled from each other as they stood up, Joli reaching out to grab two huge, thick towels, wrapping Becca snugly into hers before pulling her own around her body.
After they both were dry, they went out into the bedroom and sat down on the bed, Joli grabbing a big boar’s hair brush from the vanity and proceeded to brush the tangles out of Becca’s thick hair. “One thing I did learn in all those girls schools was how to braid hair, and yours is so awesome. I’d love to do it for you if you want.” Becca thought for a moment, “Anything but pigtails. I used to wear them all the time when I was younger, and I hate them now.”
Joli got her sat down at the vanity by the bed and proceeded to work. She tried a couple of different kinds, but they didn’t seem to work too well before deciding that simple might be best. She worked quickly, not letting Becca see what she was doing in the mirror until she was done. When Becca turned, she was speechless.
Joli had done a small tight halo braid around the top edge of Becca’s head, bringing them together at the back then into a single, long thick braid down the middle of her back. Becca was very impressed by what had been done, Joli holding a small hand mirror so she could see the back. “Oh my god Joli. Mistress is going to love this. I’ve never had anything this beautiful done to my hair.” The smaller girl jumping up and hugging Joli tight, whispering, “What can I ever do in return? This looks so awesome.” A couple of small tears ran down her cheeks, falling onto Joli’s breast.
“I don’t know, really, and you don’t have to do anything. I like doing it.” Joli responded, using her thumbs to wipe away the next set of teardrops as they rolled down. “But, I think we need to check on the boys, they must be sad since we locked them out.”
Becca went and opened the door, but neither Seth nor Dutch was in sight in the hallway, “Hmmm, I wonder where they could be?” The words had hardly been spoken before they both heard the thunder of many feet running up the stairs. Becca turned and barely spoke, “Better get ready.”, before both of the big canines pushed the door open hard, each moving quickly to their females, almost knocking the girls down in their excitement.
Noses and tongues got busy checking to make sure both of their females were alright. After several minutes of close inspection and shared kisses, Joli walked towards the door and called both boys, “Let’s go down to the den, we can sit by the fireplace and maybe get a nap before everyone starts showing up, this morning has worn me out.”
Joli walked to the door, patting her hip for Dutch to follow, not that he needed the signal, he enjoyed walking behind his females, their scent very pleasing to him. Becca and Seth followed them down, all four getting settled in front of the warm fire, the girls snuggling up close with their loves. The quietness of the house and the warmth of the fire soon had both girls resting securely against the strong bodies of Dutch and Seth. Joli buried her face in Dutch’s thick soft fur, inhaling deeply as she nodded quickly off, the last she saw of Becca, Seth was spooning against her back, one massive foreleg laying over her body, seeming to hold her against him, a look of safe contentment on her face.

The gate buzzer brought Joli out of her peaceful slumber, looking around at Becca as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, Dutch and Seth got up quickly at the sound. Joli looked at the big clock, they had been asleep almost two hours, the chimes never even making them stir after falling asleep. “I wonder who that is? We got both deliveries and mistress has a remote for the gate, and it’s not even close to time for them be back yet.” Becca thought for a moment, “Maybe it’s Ms. Terri and Cheryl. But they’re way early too.”
Joli hurried to answer the intercom to the gate, “Who is it?” she asked quietly, trying to mask the sleepy yawn that escaped her. “Is this Joli? This is Cheryl, Prava is expecting us.” Both girl came fully awake quickly. “Oh, yes ma’am, we are. But we didn’t expect you until later this afternoon.” Pressing the open button for the gate, “The gate will be open in second Ma’am, and just drive up to the garage and we will meet you there.”
Becca noted they would not have time to get dressed before Terri was at the door, “Well, I greeted you this way yesterday, and never heard any complaints.” Both girls laughed at that as the hurried to the garage to get the big door opening before Ms. Terri made the short drive up. “Better look for the boys too, they’re sure to hear the car.”
The sun shone brightly outside, reflecting hard off the snow to make the girls shield their eyes from the glare. Joli watched the SUV climb the small slope up to the house and pull up in the drive. Both girls could see both women in it smiling and laughing a little when they caught sight of the two very naked girls awaiting them.
The older woman got out of the driver’s side, “Well, this is definitely a special welcome, for sure.” She said walking quickly to Becca and hugging the girl warmly. “It’s been what, almost a year Becca since we last saw you?” “Almost, yes Ma’am.” Becca replied, taking her hand and leading her to Joli, “And this is Joli, Ms. Prava’s girl.” Joli held out her hand in greeting, but Terri quickly gave her a very firm hug instead, catching her a little off guard. “We have heard so much about you Joli, Prava can’t shut up when we are networking. And those piccy’s she sent everyone just do not do you justice.” Joli blushed deeply at the words, smiling, “It is my pleasure to meet you too Ms. Terri, though I must admit, I don’t know much about everyone yet.” “All in due time hon.” Terri replied.
The sound of the other door opening got everyone’s attention as Cheryl climbed out, stretching her legs. Becca almost ran to the new girl, wrapping her in a warm friendly hug, “It’s good to see you again, come with me, you have to meet our new sister, well, almost sister.” Becca nearly dragged Cheryl over to meet Joli, making the necessary introductions.
Loud barking from the car was answered quickly from Seth and Dutch, both still in the house. Joli looked and saw a big Blonde Lab in the backseat of the SUV, obviously ready to get out with his females after the long drive. Cheryl went to open the door to release the lab, Becca quickly going back in the garage to open the door for Dutch and Seth.
All three of the big canines met in a confusing mass of fur, noses and wildly wagging tails as Seth and Dutch greeted their friend and got reacquainted, all 4 women laughing at the boys. “And that would be Jacob.” Terri said to Joli, “He will be happy to meet you, he just loves new friends, once we get them all sorted out. Becca looked up at Terri, “I may be brave Ma’am, but I don’t think I want to get in the middle of that, just yet anyway.”, pointing at the three old friends.


All three girls soon waded into the mass of fur, getting the boys separated and some semblance of control gained, everyone went into the house to get Jacob some fresh food and water. Joli turned to Ms. Terri, “I can get you and Cheryl something to eat if you would like Ma’am. Becca and I were going to eat something after our nap anyway.” “How about we get the luggage in first hon, then we can consider a bite to eat.”. Turning to Cheryl, “Girl, you help get the bags up to our room, and I think you are horribly overdressed, considering how our welcoming committee turned out to greet us, don’t you?”
Cheryl’s voice was soft, but very clear, “Yes mistress, as soon as we get the bags.” Joli led the other two back outside to the SUV, Cheryl opening the big rear door. “We didn’t bring much, just 4 bags, and they aren’t heavy at all.”, and began handing the other girls a bag each, herself taking the last two. Joli led the way up to the bedroom next to Becca and Ms. Katherine’s, all three getting things unpacked quickly.
Terri stayed down in the den while the girls got everything moved, making a call to Prava to let her know they were in okay, teasingly scolding for not giving a true description of Joli, adding, “Yes, I think she will be a very excellent addition to our little group.” “Does she know everything yet?” she asked, needing to know what to mention and what not to. After clicking the phone off, she could smell the coffee in the kitchen and proceeded to go and make herself a nice big mug.
Joli watched as Cheryl began to undress as she had been told, neatly folding each garment and putting them away as they came off her body. Cheryl was just a tad shorter than Joli and about the same weight. Her long blonde hair was held back in a single pony tail that fell to just above her heart shaped bottom, and her blue eyes shown in even the dim light of the room.
The girls soon joined Terri in the kitchen, “What would you like to eat Ms. Terri?”, Joli asked. “Oh, maybe just a sandwich, and some more of this exquisite coffee will do until dinner.” “Yes Ma’am.” The girl set up sort of an assembly line, letting Cheryl add the meat and veggies to Ms. Terri’s and soon everyone was seated and chattering away, Terri and Cheryl asking lots of questions about how Joli met Prava, when she moved up to be hers, wanting to know everything about the new addition. Becca proudly told them about maybe her and Ms. Katherine moving up here to be closer to everyone else. It was easy to see for everyone that Becca was very excited to be sharing the news, “And Joli and I will be sisters for sure then.” Leaning over to kiss Joli on the cheek.
After the meal, Terri took Joli aside to the den while the other two got things cleaned up, making a short whistle and calling Jacob. “You still have not been introduced to our boy yet Joli.” Jacob sauntered into the den, his tail shifting in to high gear as soon as he saw Terri, the tail wagging the body more than the other way around. Joli bent slightly at the waist as she extended her hand for him to sniff, letting him take her scent for memory. Jacob began bumping her hand with his head, letting her know he wanted some petting and scratches which Joli was glad to give him.
After a few minutes of this, he began to give her the once over from the waist down, making sure he got a sample of every inch of Joli, front to back. “He sure is as friendly as everyone else Ms. Terri.” “Just squat down for him and you’ll find out just how friendly he can get hon.” Joli squatted down to be on eye level with Jacob, causing his tongue to lap rapidly across her face and neck with a speed she wasn’t used to from Dutch. “I guess he likes you Joli, it seems.” “You’ll have to stand up to make him stop, otherwise he will lick till you both fall asleep. It’s one of his best talents.”
Terri called Cheryl into the den then excused themselves for a quick shower before everyone got in for the night, calling Jacob to go upstairs with them. Becca brought two big mugs of coffee, she and Joli sat on the divan, “Ms. Terri owns a landscaping company where they live and Cheryl is like her personal assistant or something along those lines.”, pausing to think about something for a minute. “Hey, maybe mistress will have them come up and fix up our new place outside. That would be cool.”, her voice very excited. “I really hope mistress likes the property next door, we live so far away from everyone else.”
Joli broke in, “We can hope she does. Ms. Prava travels some on business and always leaves Dutch here with me. It would be so awesome to have someone special really close.” Joli added. “Ms. Alicia is out here fairly often, but Brenda usually doesn’t come with her. I used to think maybe she didn’t like me or something, but mistress explained that Alicia keeps her on a pretty short tether, with the clinic and all.” “Naw, Brenda is okay once you get to know her, but Ms. Alicia can be pretty demanding of her sometimes.”
They could hear the shower running from upstairs after about 30 minutes, Becca giggling a little when they first heard it come on. “Cheryl must have been down for Jacob by the sound of it. Riding that long stress’s him out, he’s a total outside guy and hates being cooped up. Ms. Sandra and Heather have a black lab, Gunner, and he’s the same way.”
“What Ms. Janae like Becca?” Joli asked as they sipped the coffee. “Well, she’s the one who owns a small jewelry store chain, she and Mylia live outside of New York City. Janae is African-American, and Mylia is from Mexico, but part native American too. And, you’ll get some pretty nice presents for your birthday and Christmas from her too.” Becca adding, “If you liked my hair, you’re going to fall in love with Mylia’s, it comes down below her butt, blacker than mine is, and straight like Cheryl’s. I bet you could braid hers all day.” They both laughed at that, Becca adding, “Maybe you could do all of our hair for Saturday night. That might make a good initiation for you.”, giggling almost hard enough to spill her coffee. “Their boy is Caesar. He will probably intimidate you at first, he’s a Mastiff. If you think Seth is big, just wait till you meet Caesar, and watch out, he will drool all over you if you let him.”
“Ms. Sandra owns a lot of properties up where they live, she’s the one you have to watch out for though. She’ll take switch to your butt if she thinks you need it, I know about that first hand.” Becca cautioned, “And Heather is really foo-foo, a real girly girl. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but you never, ever see her in a pair jeans, slacks or a dress only.”
Terri and Cheryl came down the stairs after a bit, Terri heading into Pravas office and taking a seat at the computer, “Mistress says we need to let Jacob out for a bit, let him get some energy burned off.” All three girls got dressed and gathered up all three of the boys and headed out the back door. Cheryl asked which way they should go, “I’ve only been up to visit a couple of times and don’t really know my way around.” Joli jumped right in, “Maybe we should just let the boys go and do what and go where they want, it gets Dutch pretty relaxed for the evenings when we let him go like that.” As soon as they were let go, all three of the canines disappeared into the woods, barking and running until the girls lost sight of them.
“Why don’t we go back to the carriage house and get started setting things up? Then it won’t take so long tomorrow.” They all headed down the old drive deeper into the property, taking their time as they walked and chatted some, still able to hear the boys off out in the woods somewhere. As they got about halfway down the old drive, Joli suddenly told the other girls to stop, there were strange footprints in the snow that should not be there. Joli stood still and quiet as she looked around, the tracks cut across the drive just in front of them. “We had better get the boys back to us as quick as we can, those aren’t supposed to be there.” All three girls whistled and called out for their companions, hearing the answering barks from some distance away.
A heavy rustling in the brush behind them made them turn quickly to see a very large man step out onto the drive. All three girls huddled close together at the sight of how big he was, and Joli realized immediately it was the man Taylor from town.
“You aren’t supposed to be here Taylor, Prava will have you arrested now.” Joli yelled at the tall silent man. He stayed several feet away from them, raising his hand and pointing right at Joli, “You should leave now, as quick as you can. You have no idea what is about to happen to you girl.” “Don’t pack, just leave now before everything is too late for you, like for these other abominations.” He spoke calmly and clearly as he gave his message.
Becca was calling the loudest for Seth, obviously terrified by the size of the man in front of them and was answered by all three of the big canines as they ran to their female’s protection, drawn by the fear they could hear in their voices.
Taylor turned his head in the same direction, hearing the approach of a pack of very upset dogs coming through the bushes. He turned and ran as fast as he could before they arrived, following his earlier footprints back into the woods, disappearing only a few moments before three large, very angry blurs sped past the girls. Dutch led them on, quickly picking up Taylor’s scent, Seth and Jacob close behind as they tore through the thick undergrowth.
Joli locked arms with the other two girls and started running, “Back to the house, now. Hurry.” As one, they all took off as fast as they could through the trampled snow, Cheryl calling for Ms. Terri most of the way, there frightened state making them run as fast as they could.
Terri opened the back door and stepped out, looking around in confusion as the girls came around the house from the drive, yelling for her. In the distance they could hear the sounds of an obvious fight, occasional yelps accompanied by several throaty, terrified yells from the mans throat.
All four women turned and ran back into the house, Joli heading straight for the phone in Prava’s office, dialing the emergency number. Terri was already on her cell trying to reach Prava, Cheryl and Becca watching out the back windows for any sign of their protectors.
The operator tried to calm Joli as she dispatched the constable to the house, telling her to keep everyone inside. The sound of a siren came almost immediately through the air and over the phone as Joli reached over to unlock and open the gate, Ms. Terri joining her in the small office, letting her know Prava and the others were about 30 minutes away and hurrying to get home.
Joli ran outside as soon as she saw the constables car coming up the drive, yelling and pointing in the direction of the old driveway, “It was that man Taylor, the one from before.” The car barely slowing as it passed her by, driving quickly up into the woods. Terri got Joli back inside the house and all four watched and listened from the back door. The fighting sounds had died away to just barking now, but still some distance away. Cheryl and Becca began calling loudly for their companions, Joli too terrified to utter a sound, just watching the woods for any sign of Dutch or the others.


All four women waited by the kitchen windows, looking out for their boys to come back to the house. Joli was a nervous wreck from meeting Taylor out in the woods like that, and the way he accused the others of being something other than what they were. Abominations he had called them, but why? Was it because they preferred the love of other women? So many people just didn’t understand how a woman could love another woman, though it was just so natural to her now.
It couldn’t be because of what she felt with Dutch, or what the other women felt for their boy’s either, that was a closely kept secret that no one knew of outside of their family, and besides, Prava had shown her how right it was to love that way, how natural it had become for her, and for the others too. It was all so confusing to her.
Terri brought a liqueur glass of the potent concoction for each of the girls from Prava’s cabinet, to settle their nerves. Joli drank hers down in one gulp and turned back to the window to watch silently for Dutch, all the doubts and thoughts running through her head at the same time. Becca scooted over next to her, even though she was too short to see out the window over the sink, holding Joli’s hand firmly in hers to offer some comfort, looking up to speak softly to her, “They’ll be okay Joli, it was 3 against one, and he didn’t stand a chance.” Joli didn’t answer at first, just stared out the window and watched.
The first sign the boys were returning was some barking in the distance, making Joli squeeze Becca’s hand tightly in hers until she saw them all three coming out through the woods edge, Seth carrying a large piece of fabric in his jaws, Dutch led them at a casual lope. “They’re back.” Was all Joli could manage to get out before she started to the back door, running to meet her love, dropping to her knees as they met to hug him tightly and start giving him kisses, Cheryl and Becca doing much the same, all three girls inspecting their boys closely for any wounds or hurts. There was a little blood on all three of them, but no wounds that could be seen and soon they had all three girls on the ground, licking their faces hard and fast, seeming to also be checking to make sure their females were okay also.
Ms. Terri walked over and picked up the fabric that Seth had dropped. It looked to be a large piece of a coat, and there was blood on it too, someone had gotten the crap bit out of them. As she inspected the cloth, the constable’s jeep pulled out of the woods on the old drive and headed in their direction.
As the constable got out and walked up to Ms. Terri and the girls, all three of the big canines stopped their inspections and moved to stand between him and their females, Jacob interposing himself between Ms. Terri and the strange man approaching her.
“It looks like he got away, again. But there’s quite a bit of blood back there on the snow, he will be needing some medical attention and soon by the looks of it.” He informed the woman who was obviously in charge of the little group, “I’ve already radioed the other constables in the area to keep an eye for him. He’s known and easy to spot, so we will have him pretty soon.”
Ms. Terri talked quietly with the constable for a bit before getting back into his jeep to leave. She shooed all three of the girls and their companions into the house. “Prava will need to see the constable tomorrow at some point Joli, to file the formal charges against that man, but I think we’ve seen the last of him, for quite a while at least.” She told the girl, her arm around Joli’s shoulders and holding her close.
As soon as they were all safely back in the house and had the door closed and locked, Ms. Terri clapped her hands loudly to get everyone’s attention, exerting her natural place as the dominant woman present at the time. “Okay girls, the excitement is over for now, and everyone will be here shortly. The boys look an absolute mess right now, so get them out to the garage and get all the briars and burrs brushed out of their coats, make them presentable for everyone when they get here.” Raising her voice a little to add emphasis, “NOW girls.”
The submissive nature of all three girls took over as if automatic, they all stood and led the boys out to the garage without a word, being careful and attentive to make sure every piece of bush and briar was cleaned from their thick coats, the boys all standing very still and proudly erect for their female’s attention. Once they were finished, all three of the girls shared kisses with their loves, rubbing their faces against their males to pick up his scent, to mark themselves as belonging to them again.
Dutch’s strong male scent had its usual effect on Joli as she rubbed against his strong body. She could feel herself becoming aroused at the softness of his thick fur combined with the firm hardness of the taught muscles lying just beneath. Time began to slow for Joli, her thoughts turning only to her love. As Becca and Cheryl continued brushing and stroking their boys, Joli began to quietly slip out of her clothing, wearing only jeans and a blouse besides her boots, she was quickly naked for Dutch. His deep searching eyes bored into hers, as if they were communicating in their own unspoken way.
Joli quietly slipped two fingers into her dampening pussy, bringing them to Dutch’s nose for him to sample then clean with that powerful tongue. Images of him taking her as his mate flowed through her head. She could feel how her body would respond to him now of its own, her desire to have the special loving that only he could give to her, strong and powerful like her Mistress, but also how he took possession of her, body and soul when they mated together.
One hand strayed under his strong body, lightly gripping the protective sheath of his cock, her possessor, feeling his body’s heat through the soft flexible skin, the strong throb of his pulse. She could hear herself softly whispering to him, almost a whimpering sound as she thanked him for being her protector, her lover.
She brought Dutch down from the grooming table, keeping her now naked body pressed firmly against his, totally unaware of the other girls watching her now. All she could see was herself and her lover, feeling only his body against hers, the soft fur caressing wherever her skin touched his body, a deep strong hunger rising within her.
Down on all fours for Dutch, she turned her soft butt to him, rubbing back against him, offering herself to him, wanting him to have her. She felt no control of her desire for him now, deep in her mind she knew she belonged to him, needed him to mate with her, to take her body as his, to fill her womb with his baby making sperm.
Cheryl and Becca sat holding their boys close to themselves as they watched Joli give herself to Dutch. Familiar with the sight, but also somehow different, more powerful than they had each experienced in their devotion to their life. Joli seemed to almost become the ‘bitch’ that they had desired to become for Seth and Jacob on such a deep level themselves. They both watched in admiration at how their new sister behaved for Dutch, neither speaking, just watching.
Dutch caught Joli with her butt to him and began to use his tongue to good effect on the female, relishing her essence on his taste buds, the strong pheromones filling his senses, letting him know she desired him, wanted him to be his alpha self and take her, here and now.
Joli’s body responded to the deep searching of Dutch’s tongue, opening wantonly for him, needing him to fulfill his place, quench her need to belong to him. As soon as she felt his strong forelegs grip her hips, his weight pressing onto her back, she began to move her butt to get him in place, to help her lover find the passage into her body. Dutch only Had to push against her two times before the hot tip found its place, driving his hips into that strong thrusting to claim her body before she might try and escape him. The warm feeling of his pre wetting the outside of her pussy at first, then making her velvet passage slick with their mixed essence, letting him easily press his cock deep into her body, filling her before his knot was too big. Her pussy opening for him in desire, feeling the pulse and heat of the growing knot inside of her body, the floor muscles squeezing and clamping to hold him deep in her body.
Tremors and shaking coursed through her body as she began to cum for her love, her body almost becoming one with his, her pussy holding him deep within itself, joining them into one. She could feel his pre and strong cum beginning to fill her as she dropped down to her elbows, arching her back down for him, feeling that sweet possessing cock slip just a bit deeper, the heat of his cum bathing her inside, coating her, marking her as his bitch.
Joli was lost within herself, unaware of any time passing, only the feeling and passion she felt with Dutch. She never felt him dismount, only a soft familiar voice whispering to her from very close. “Joli, babygirl, it’s me. Wake up baby, come back to us.”
As she slowly opened her eyes, she could see Prava’s face very close to hers, softly kissing and whispering to bring her back to the present, making her smile and feel safe, blinking at the light in the room. She could feel the cold cement of the garage floor under her, Prava’s hands slowly stroking and caressing her body, easing her waking, and Dutch, licking her face to let her know he was still there for her.
Prava got her sitting up before she noticed that the garage was full of people. Everyone had gotten home while she was out and were now seeing her for the first time, others she knew, even for a short time. She blushed deeply at seeing everyone there as she hugged Prava to her in a strong grip, “Welcome home Mistress. I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were home yet.” “It’s okay babygirl, don’t worry about anything.”
Prava got her slowly to her feet, a little of Dutch’s cum trickled down her thighs, but her body held most of it deep inside of her now, needing the strong sperm to remain within her. Prava made quick introductions of the people now in the room she didn’t know yet. Being naked now in front of strangers .held no embarrassment for her, it was how it was supposed to be, how her mistress wanted it to be, how she would be from now on.
Prava smacked her lightly on the butt, “Now go get dressed babygirl, we have a dinner to get to and everyone would like to meet you when you are actually aware we are even there.” That got everyone chuckling as Becca stepped up and took Joli’s hand and led her to each new person that had arrived, introducing her as her new sister, and the newest member of their family.
Once dressed, everyone trooped outside and got into the vehicles for the short drive into town for dinner at the restaurant they had eaten at the other night when Katherine and Becca had arrived.

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