Women with Animals

Joli’s Becoming – a girl learns her purpose


(c) 2018 ~ 2019 by LynetteG

Hello everyone. This is a story that I started before I had my cancer battle. I never got to finish it then, but my Stacy has convinced me to begin my writing again. I hope I have caught the same flavor as the original chapters and that you enjoy my story. For those of you who have not read the older installments, I ask that you at least skim through them to understand what is going on in the new ones.

I hope you all enjoy them as much as I enjoy writing them.


Prava had gone upstairs with Joli to help her get ready so everyone could head out to the restaurant to enjoy the evening talking and bringing everyone up to date with their lives since the last time they had all gathered and seen each other.

Prava always said the simplest looking things were always the prettiest and picked out a simple broom skirt and peasant blouse, both with intricately embroidered flowers around the hem and plunge neck. Joli had started to pull a bra and panties from one of the dresser drawers, but Prava simply laid her hand on Joli’s arm, saying, “Not tonight babygirl, let’s let everyone see the natural beauty I do when I look at you.” then leaning down to plant a smoldering kiss on Joli’s lips, one that seemed to promise much more later. Prava helped lace and tie the mid-calf boots, the soft suede caressing and hugging to Joli’s strong legs. A light, lace shawl topped off the outfit and they were heading down the stair’s.

Joli heard a couple of the others gasp as they came into view, Becca exclaiming to her newest sister, “Oh my god Joli. You’re going to put us all to shame tonight if you aren’t careful, but your sitting near me, anyway.” and made everyone laugh at that. It was obvious to everyone that if anyone might have a problem with Joli, they’d have to go through Becca first, Mistress or one of the other girls.

The girls made sure there was plenty of food and water down for the boys, Joli making a mental note that they would definitely have to get a resupply of food for them all. Every one of the boys was big, two German shepherds, a black lab, a blonde lab, a Rottweiler and a Mastiff. It was going to definitely take a lot of food to make it for the whole week if everyone stayed. Ms Katherine and Becca were for sure, Ms Terri and Cheryl would be looking at the landscaping needs for Katherine and Becca’s new home, Ms Janae and Mylia were staying at least part of the week, and she wasn’t sure about how long Ms Sandra and Heather were staying, and of course Dr/Ms Alicia and Brenda, but they lived in town and would only be staying at Prava’s for the weekend at least.

All the remaining luggage would wait in the garage until they all got back from dinner before it was moved upstairs and unpacked and everyone settled into their own rooms. Joli was glad of the size of her new home. Everyone had a beautiful large, and well appointed room with queen sized feather beds. It probably took a small fortune just for all the bedroom furniture, and it was all genuine antique too, one of Prava’s passions, and Joli was learning more everyday about how to spot the real from the fake.

Everyone crammed into just two vehicles but they would have Alicia’s Range Rover when they came back, so there would be more room. Janae and Mylia got into Prava’s Rover with Katherine and Becca. Joli tried to keep up with the conversations all the way into town, and the six of them talked almost non-stop the whole drive, mostly Becca telling Janae and Mylia about their plans to move and their new home right next door to Prava and Joli. Everyone had plans in the morning to go next door and really give the house the once over. It was almost as old as Prava’s, and the caretakers had done a magnificent job of taking care of it, though it had sat empty almost 4 years now, so there was still a lot to do. Katherine chuckled and told Prava and Janae that Becca just didn’t know how much work she had ahead of her.

Prava called ahead to let Dr. Samuels know they were on their way and she met everyone outside while her girl Brenda waited inside, helping the staff get places set for everyone now that they had the final count of how many would be there. Alicia, Dr. Samuels to Joli, greeted each person as they exited the vehicles and pointed them into the restaurant.

Prava sent Joli ahead to help Brenda get everyone into the private dining room and seated. Alicia walked with Prava a short distance behind the other’s, talking of how things were shaping up for this Saturday. “Do you think she really is ready Alicia? I mean, I know all the tests have shown as positive and her body is strong and healthy, but I may be a little worried about how she will accept her new role within our family. She will be the first in very long time to have this honor, you know, there’s a lot at stake now.”

Alicia slipped an arm around Prava’s shoulder’s and pulled her close as they walked. “If I didn’t think that this girl of yours could handle what is about to happen for her, I would have never risked doing this. After all, we do have Rebecca, and we know she is just as capable as Joli is, just a tad younger is all the difference there is.” she reassured Prava. “And Katherine tells me that little stray of hers is meeting all the goals and requirements I had outlined for her, and is just as healthy as Joli.” “Plus, when, not if, we are successful with these two, the other 4 girls will immediately begin their regimens to achieve what we are working for.”

They stopped for a moment and faced each other just outside the dining room, Alicia holding both of Prava’s hands, gently squeezing them to reinforce what she was saying, “You’re worrying worse than an old mother hen Prava. Relax, let nature take it’s course, and trust your girl. She will know when it is time to accept her place, and I know she will not shy away. She’s a strong woman hon, but needs our guidance to work through this, and especially she needs your love now in her life, that is very important to her now that her old family is almost out of the picture. She has her new family to care for her now.”

Prava and Alicia both turned and acknowledged a few of the local people they knew before entering the dining room and closing the doors behind them for privacy. Looking over the setting, it was just as Alicia had asked the owner to arrange. A large round table set the middle of the area with 12 chairs around it, close enough for comfortable conversation, but far enough apart to allow easy movement around the grouping. Six very nicely upholstered and padded chairs were set with six smaller, less well appointed ones between them, surrounded the table. The larger chairs for each of the Ladies in the group, Alicia, Prava, Katherine, Janae, Sandra and Terri. Each Lady taking her seat with her girl helping to adjust the chair for them, the girls all taking their proper seats to their Ladies right hand, in the smaller seats.

Joli kept watch out of the corner of her eye to make sure she was doing as she was supposed to, following Becca’s lead, and also hearing the soft whisper’s from Prava. It was still taking some getting used to her position as “Prava’s girl”, even though most of the time Prava treated her as equal in their home, but also learning her place as the ‘bottom’ half of their being a couple. She had been taught all of her life that she was an ‘equal’, but she hated that now. Being ready and available for Prava when she was needed made her feel more empowered than anything she had learned in all the girls schools she had attended, she actually felt she had more freedom now than at any time in her life. No, she had decided, she would not miss her old life any longer. This was to be her life now, with the woman that she loved more than anything, in a home that she felt she belonged in, was welcomed and loved in. Meeting new people that accepted her for who she was now, not who she was before, and who accepted her without condition as if she had been with them for a much longer time than she actually had. She felt loved.


Joli looked around the table at all the women gathered together. It was easily obvious to see that everyone was very familiar with each other and were catching up with what all had happened in their lives since they were all last together, just like a very large, close family, just as Becca had been telling her it was.

She could overhear Janae and Mylia telling about all of their travels, buying the best gems and semi-precious stones and metals for the jewelry work that they did. While she listened to them she brushed her fingertips over the wrist cuffs she wore, like all the girls, and pictured Janae working her talent into the exquisite filigree between silver wire and the rich leather. Looking around the table, she could determine very little difference between each set, but knew there had to be, with each one being hand made in the old style of jewelry work, not turned out in some numbers by some autonomous machine, like things were done now.

It finally dawned on Joli the the women of her new family actually preferred things to be more “old-fashioned” in their lives than modern. Thinking about it, Joli knew there was a computer at home, but only 1, and they had their cell phones, a new one for Joli to match Prava’s, but they only had the very basic service on them. The only TV in their home wasn’t even hooked up to an antennae or cable, it was for watching movies on and that was all. All their news they got when they were in town or from the radio in the kitchen.

Prava had told her of living a simpler life before she moved up to be with her, and it had been so easy to accept living that way and she had barely noticed the transition. There were some touches of modern life, but Prava, and apparently the other women felt it was most unnecessary to live a full and productive and happy life.

Once all the food that could be eaten, had been, Alicia stood and got everyone’s attention. The waitress made sure everyone had a small glass of Prava’s red liquor, a toast was made to everyone being back together and healthy, the prospect of their new future as a family, and welcoming Joli into the group. Once everyone had drank the warm liquid down, Janae stood up and directed all the girls to now move one place to their right and to keep talking like women need to or they might pop.

Joli could here the other girls and their Ladies talking about things that had happened since they last were together, how their businesses were doing, news about the boys, and general small talk. Janae rising every so often,telling the girls again move to the next Lady and begin all over again with news and updates from everyone. The Ladies also sharing that information with each girl in turn, sort of like the allowing the whole group to know and be included in even the smallest happenings of the others, almost like a group consciousness, sort of.

When Joli was with Janae, she recounted for the 4th time about the discussion she had with Katherine about her parent’s business and the opportunity it now presented her with. It seemed it was going to be unanimous among the Ladies that Joli should become a partner with Katherine, if for no other reason than to stick it to her uncaring parents, and show them what their self-centered life would bring them in the end. Joli was feeling more and more to want the same thing, and Katherine had assured her that she would take a personal interest in teaching Joli how to handle her responsibility as far as running any of the business was concerned. Katherine had also assured her that a lump sum buy out was still on the table if, ata later time, Joli wished to wash her hands of the business completely.

Janae had taken several size measurements while Joli talked, her neck and wrists, and each finger too, dutifully writing them down in a little memo book she had with her. Joli remembered Becca saying that Janae and Mylia always sent the best or prettiest Christmas and birthday presents, so she figured Janae had all of the women’s sizes in her little book also.

Once the girls had made a complete round of the table and were once again with their Ladies, the bottle of dark red liquor was brought around by Becca and everyone’s glass was again full. Alicia stood and got everyone’s attention and cleared her throat before speaking. “Now that we are all caught up on the things that really matter to us all, likes and troubles, expectations and fears, I want us all to stand together as a family now, 12 again, always and forever now.” Prava spoke now, “I want to officially welcome my babygirl, Joli, into our arms and hearts tonight. Though she has been with us for almost 3 months now, she has made my heart warm to have her with me, to fill a place that was empty, and I hope that she will always be a part of my life and my home, and be a welcome sister, daughter, and lover to each and all of us.”

Joli found it hard holding back her tears as each of the Ladies spoke a little, followed by each of the girls in turn, welcoming her to join them, to be a part of what they all had together. Nowhere she had ever lived, or occupied space was more like it, had been so accepting of her. No one spoke of her financial contribution, like the girls at the boarding schools considered important. She had found out that Mylia, as well as Becca, had both come from absolute destitution, and now had their place as equals with the other girls in their families. There was no ‘wanting’ for anything, but also there was no ostentatious and frivolous spending either. Charities for girls and single mother’s were heavily supported by the Ladies, as well as animal rights, most often anonymously, but generously also.

Joli ended up bawling like a child before everyone had come to her and welcomed her personally after they all drank down the toasts, and Prava held her tightly until she quieted and her tears stopped rolling. Alicia again spoke up, “Okay Ladies, let’s get this all gathered up and ready to go back to Prava’s for the night. We start our celebration at midnight tonight, and have so much to do over the next few days. The Solstice is tomorrow night, and it will, I hope, be a very special night for us all,” turning to Joli, “and especially for you babygirl.”

The ride home wasn’t crowded now that they had all 3 vehicles to move everyone in, Rebecca being the last to in with Alicia, Brenda and Katherine after having secured enough dogie bags for all the boys back at the house. Alicia stopped at the clinic before heading out to Prava’s, sending Brenda in for a package for Katherine that was in the fridge. The two Ladies sat in the front seat of the Rover, talking about what was in the box, Rebecca listened intently, knowing better than to interrupt her Katherine in the middle of something important, and this sounded pretty important.

“are you sure this won’t be detrimental in the least possible way, Alicia?” Katherine asked her friend, the concern evident in her voice, “I don’t want ANYthing to happen that can be prevented.” Alicia took Katherine’s hand reassuringly “All of the tests we’ve run have been very positive Katherine. I wouldn’t risk this if I knew there was any chance of it going wrong in any way.” “You and Prava have already administered the beginning of her treatment, and you both saw how easily her body absorbed the formula. I guarantee that we will have the same results that are showing in Prava’s girl. I promise.”


Brenda rejoined the others for the short ride out to Prava’s home, the box she had gotten had Rebecca’s name printed on it, which made her curious. Katherine caught her looking at the box, “There will be plenty of time for us to see what all is in that box young lady, for now, you have enough to keep you more than busy when we get to Prava and Joli’s.” “Did you get all the boys their treats like they expect you to?”

The question got Becca to thinking about her responsibilities for the week again, distracting her from wondering about what was in the box, “Yes Ma’am, I got all of the boys some of that delicious veal like we got for them last time we ate with Ms’s Prava and Alicia, and Brenda and Joli the other night. Dutch and Seth really liked it, too.” Rebecca leaned up as far as the seat belt would allow, placing her small hand on Katherine’s shoulder. “Mistress, when do you think we can start moving up here to be closer to everyone? Just thinking about going back to Charleston is making me wish we already lived here.”

All three of the other women in the car got a good laugh from hearing the way Rebecca said it, her mind already back on track for the move. “Girl, we have a lot to do between now and that happening. There’s a lot of things to move, all the furniture, the decorations, our personal belongings, not to mention moving the business main offices up here too.” Rebecca let out a small huff as she sat back, her mind already working the details of what it would take to get it all done and here to their new home as soon as possible. “But I don’t have that much stuff, really, to pack. And since I don’t wear many clothes anyway,” blushing at Brenda as she spoke, “I wouldn’t need many till next winter, and it is already getting warmer up here now.”

Before they really had time for a lengthy discussion about it, they were pulling through Prava’s big security gate, which started closing almost as soon as Alicia had driven through it. The landscapers had been out while they were at dinner and cleaned all the remaining snow and ice from the sloping drive and parking area in front of the big garage. One big door was open and they could see Janae giving instructions to the girls and pointing one direction or another and at each girl in turn. “She sure is a take charge woman when you let her.” Katherine almost laughed as she said it, watching the girls move quickly at the tall, dark woman’s directions.

Alicia turned slightly, saying, “Brenda, you and Becca had better hurry and get in there to help before Janae comes up with something ‘special’ for you two.” Both girls replied in unison as they opened the car doors and stepped out to join the others, “Yes Mistress. On our way.”

Rebecca had the paper bags that held the treats for all the boys, holding them up for Ms Janae to see before stopping in front of the woman. Rebecca looked almost like a child next to Janae, her short, light 5′ frame dwarfed by Janae’s 6’2” body. Janae was the only African -American in the group, and easily the tallest and strongest of any of them. Just a look from her could petrify any one of the girls, especially Rebecca, the shortest and most petite of them.

Janae looked and then leaned down just a bit toward Rebecca, “And just what does Katherine’s little stray have in those bags?”, trying to look at least a little menacing, which didn’t work for a second. “I have treats for the boys Ms Janae, and I need to get by so that I can divvy them out in the bowls so they all get an equal portion, and maybe a little more for your Caesar, he is a big boy after all.” Becca smiled and then went around Janae, the taller Lady trying to scowl but ended up laughing at the girl.

While Rebecca portioned out the veal, the other five girls had all the bags from the last group to arrive and were trooping up the stairs to everyone’s rooms to get unpacked. The Ladies all stood in the den watching the parade of young girls and bags move through the house and up the stairs, Prava giving more instructions as they went by, “You girls hurry and get everything put away. And help each other if you get done ahead of someone else.” “30 minutes, and all of you had better be back downstairs with us, and dressed accordingly, or undressed as the case may be.”

Janae had joined the 5 other women in the den, Prava pouring each a fresh glass of the strong red liquor from her private stock. Becca was the last to go up the stairs, having gotten all the boys to their bowls and making sure there was enough water to go around. As big as the animals were compared to the slight girl, they all seemed to do exactly what she needed them to do without much scolding at all, and never having to raise her voice. All of the Ladies commented on that ability whenever they saw her display it. They would definitely need that talent for the next few days.

The unpacking went pretty easily, Joli, Becca, and Cheryl pitched right in with the other girls, having already had time earlier in the day to get Ms Terri’s and Cheryl’s things put away. Joli helped Heather with her and her Mistress’s things, careful with every piece of the beautiful clothing they had brought. Ms Sandra owned a chain of women’s wear boutiques that specialized in hand stitching on all of their products, and you could easily see the quality in each piece as it was put away. Just as Becca had told her, there was not a single pair of shorts or slacks or jeans in either of the bags. Heather wore only dresses for her Lady. All of the ones Joli had helped with were the softest and shiniest material, except one. It looked like rough burlap and was almost formless. Heather saw Joli looking at it and explained, “That is for when I have displeased Mistress. She makes me hide my body under the thick material, and it itches like crazy.” “I don’t have to wear it often, but we always travel with it, just in case.”

“I do understand, Heather. Ms Prava has a pair of woolen English knickers that have ties at the waist and legs. I’ve only had them on two times, once to learn about them, the second because I gave Her lip when she wasn’t in the mood.” “I think a man must have designed them.” Both girls laughed out loud at that, but Heather added, “I would bet she got them from my Mistress, if they itch like the devil anyway.”.

Each of the girls hurried to the respective rooms as soon as all the unpacking was done, hurriedly stripping their day clothing off before returning to the den as they had been told. None of them knew what might lay in store for the rest of the night as that was up to their Mistress’s, but they could hear the Ladies laughing downstairs, so they knew something was definitely up.

All six girls waited in the hallway until everyone was ready to go down, Joli seeming to be the only one looking the other girls over, having really only seen Becca naked before tonight. All of the girls were young, Brenda the oldest at 26, Mylia was 24, half Mexican and Native American, Sandra and Cheryl, both 22 and still showing some light tanning, but no lines were apparent. Rebecca was the shortest and youngest, standing 5′ even and 18 years old. But they all had things in common too. Each wore their hair very long, mid-back or longer, Mylia’s coal black hair reaching the top of the cleft of her bottom. Each girl also had the leather cuffs like Joli’s, and everyone but Joli had the matching collar also. Joli unconsciously rubbed her neck with her finger’s, almost wishing she had hers already too.


Rebecca saw Joli rubbing her neck as she looked at the other girls, “Don’t worry Joli, you will have yours before you know it, then you’ll be a hundred percent one of us, officially one of the family.” The other girls added their support to Becca’s, and everyone in turn gave Joli a warm hug and kiss on the cheek, Becca giving her a light slap on the butt.

All six girls turned and headed quietly but quickly down the stairs and followed one another into the den, seeing their Mistress’s already seated and waiting. Each girl walked swiftly to stand in front of their Ladies, bending slightly at their waist and taking the right hand of each as they turned and sat just as Prava had taught Joli. Each girl had their ankles crossed under their bottoms with their knees wide apart, their left hands holding gently to the right hands of their Mistress’s while the other hand slipped smoothly to the small of their backs.

Alicia then spoke, “ It has now been over a year since there were last twelve of us. It is finally good to see us at that point again.””This gathering of our ‘family’ will be a special time for us. We are welcoming a very special and new member to our family, and as we have worked so hard for these last few years, we will begin again what the women in our past worked for, and It is said, achieved.”

“Prava and I have searched and retrieved what we believe are the final and we hope, complete notes of her grandmother from before the fire.” “All of our testing of the compounds so diligently reconstructed, that we believe we have success at last’ and we hope that Joli will bring us to our goal.”

Joli looked around the gathered women, her eyes wide in surprise from Alicia calling her out in front of everyone, and because she wasn’t sure what the goal was that Alicia spoke of. Prava slightly tightened her grip on Joli’s hand as the surprise swept over the girl.

Joli looked from each girl and woman to the next, they all had the same smile on their faces, maybe a hint of a hunger in their eyes at the prospect of what Alicia had only hinted at. She wasn’t uncomfortable to be the center of attention, but she wasn’t truly relaxed either. Prava was here to support her and she knew she could trust her and trust her judgment. Prava leaned down, whispering, “It will be okay babygirl, trust in all of us, in me, and especially in your instincts and intuition. We’ve all been through this, but you will complete us.” Then kissed her gently on the cheek before sitting back up straight in her chair.

Alicia raised her glass, the other Ladies following suite, then downing them in one swift gulp. “To us, Ladies, and our special girls. Tonight we will celebrate and tomorrow, we will do what we must.” Prava stood up with a crystal bowl that had been on the table beside her, slips of paper could be seen inside of it as she lifted it for all to see.

Prava reached in the bowl and stirred the paper slips, explaining, “Girls, your names are in this bowl. Tonight, we will let convention slide for a few hours. Each of the Ladies here will draw one name from the bowl, and that girl will belong to whoever draws her name from midnight tonight, until breakfast at 8am in the morning. We know you girls will make your Mistress’s proud by your obedience and giving of yourselves, just as you would for your Ladies in private at home.” “The ladies know of all of your limits, and they will be respected. Trust each other, and trust in yourselves, and we will all enjoy this night.”

The bowl was passed to Alicia first, who stirred the slips even more before drawing a name and keeping the paper hidden. Prava drew next and also hid the name of who she had drawn. The bowl went from Lady to Lady until all 6 slips had been drawn. Alicia spoke again, “Well, I can see by no do-overs, that everyone drew a girl different than normal. Now girls, I know, and we all know, that you will do your best, behave as much as possible, but above all, enjoy what the Ladies will do for you tonight.” “Now, the name I drew is Joli. I am indeed lucky. Now hon, go get Aspis and I will meet you up in my room shortly.” Prava announced she had drawn Heather, and sent her to get Dutch and return to the den. Janae unfolded her slip, shocking the other girls when Rebecca was announced to be with her for the night. Two more opposite people could not have been put together. Rebecca shyly stepped over to stand before MS Janae, “Do not be frightened my little stray, this will be a night you will long remember.” “Now go get Caesar and come back to us.”
Sandra drew drew Cheryl, Terri drew Brenda, and Katherine would be with Mylia.

“Now, everyone is free to go where they will, Prava says the couch house is unlocked if you wish to make that walk. I will be in my room.” Alicia announced, “Any trading of the girls will be done on the hours in the kitchen. Each girl will be notified at the time of trade, and will have no say in such transactions.” “Now, off with everyone, and have a good night.”

Alicia kissed Prava on her way by, “I will take very good care of her Prava, you know that.” Joli had disappeared up the stairs with Aspis following closely just as Rebecca returned with the huge Mastiff, Caesar, kneeling before Ms Janae, Caesar sitting just behind the small girl, taking the measure of her scent and was very pleased by what he learned.

Sandra, Terri and Katherine stayed in the den, sending their girls to bring the boys back to them while they got the fireplace going with a nice warm fire. Prava took Heather by the hand and led her up the stairs to the master bedroom, Dutch having joined them without being called, he knew the night was just starting, and there were now so many females in the house, his senses were almost overloaded by the numerous and very pleasing scents of receptive females.

Janae squatted down in front of Rebecca, lifting her chin, “Do not be afraid my little stray. You have nothing to fear, and so much to revel in tonight. A trade will not happen for you my dear. I have wished to be with you since Katherine brought you to us.” “Now follow me, and let Caesar learn your scent and take his measure of you.” With that, Janae turned and let Becca and Caesar up the stairs to their room, rubbing the girls head as they walked, almost petting her as the door closed softly behind the trio.

Joli looked down the hall from a crack in Alicia’s door, seeing Prava lead Heather into her room, with Dutch close behind. She knew what pleasures awaited Heather once that door shut. Prava and Dutch probably would not come out again until morning, and Heather would have a most memorable night with Ms Prava.

She caught little Becca looking at her as she followed Ms Janae into their room, a slight look of worry on her face as a veritable mountain of muscle, almost as tall as Becca was, and easily over one and half times her weight, followed close behind. Joli could see Caesar sniffing the air as they went, and could almost see the hunger in his eyes as he looked the naked, young female over from behind. It was obvious, there was only one thought in his head tonight. Becca may look apprehensive, but Caesar could easily sense how receptive she was going to be for him, he was already showing a red tip as he turned.


Joli closed the door softly, turning and moving quickly to Ms Alicia. She helped Alicia remove all of her clothing, making mental notes of the soft, smooth texture of the older woman’s skin. For a woman in her 50’s, and the oldest of the women gathered in their home, Alicia was remarkably stunning. The other two times Joli had seen her nude, it had been through a cloud of the red liquor and very dim lighting.

“Go ahead and touch me Joli. I won’t break or tear, I promise.” “I take very good care of my skin and health. Most of my research is with hormones and alternative medicines hon. I won’t use anything on one of my patients that I have not used on myself.” Alicia informed her as she turned fully around under the young girls gaze. “I hope to have skin as soft as you and Rebecca’s when I’m in my 80’s, and you will too, you will see.”

“Now, before we get down to some serious togetherness, I know there is a lot of explaining to be done for you, and you have a lot of questions for me too, I’m sure. Go and shut off the light and join me by the love seat hon.” Alicia got a match from beside the big candle and lit it while Joli darkened the room and joined her, obediently kneeling by Alicia’s legs as Prava had taught her.

As soon as Joli was down in her pose, they both heard a very large thump reverberate through the floor from down the hall, followed almost immediately by a long, almost guttural sound, not quite a scream, but not a moan of pleasure either. Joli started to rise, but Alicia put a hand to her shoulder, “She will be quite alright Joli. Janae may seem quite intimidating, and that Caesar is quite strong and big too, but neither of them would hurt that girl.” “She is definitely getting more than she ever has before, even being Seth’s little bitch, but she has a desire in her that only boys like them can fill, Joli.” “Rebecca will truly surprise you after you’ve known her more than a couple of days.”

‘Yes Ma’am. I hope you are right, and I am sure you are.” “I do have some questions though, about some things I’ve been hearing from the other’s that I’m not sure I quite understand.” Joli looked up into Alicia’s eyes. Alicia spoke quietly, “I will answer everything I can Joli, but some things will need to be taken on faith also, and trust, between us all, and everything you learn this week must remain confidential with just those around you tonight.” “No one can be brought in from outside of our family.”

“Now, what we have all been meaning about you being our future.” Pausing to think of the right words to use, Alicia spoke carefully. “Prava’s grandmother, and 5 of her friends had a group much like ours back in the late ’30’s. There were twelve of them, six Ladies, and their six girls, just as we have now. Back then, being lesbian was looked down upon as almost being witches or murderers by most people, so it was all kept secretly among them, and they met out here, on this very property.” “That man Taylor, that was trespassing out here, well, his family was part of the group that found out about Prava’s grandmother and her friends. They couldn’t get the local authorities to do anything about the women, so they took it upon themselves to run the women out of town.”

Joli listened intently to what was being told to her, “That vigilante group came out here one night when all the women were gathered and enjoying the pleasures that only women can know with each other. Other things were witnessed by the group before it all got out of hand.”

“They were simply coming out here to run the women out of the county. But after seeing what else was going on, it got violent. There was a fire, and 5 of the women perished in the house.” Joli gasped and interrupted, “That’s the ruins out by the couch house, isn’t it?”

“Yes dear, that’s what is left anyway. The authorities hushed it up as best they could and no one was punished for the fire or the deaths, and it just became a sort of foggy legend in the towns past.” Joli was adding it up in her head as she listened, and Alicia left some pauses so she could ask the obvious questions. “But what else was it that they found the women doing Alicia, what could have been so bad as to cause them to burn the house?” Alicia sighed, then spoke, “Some of the old journals and newspapers say it was witchcraft, some mention what we do with our boys now, but back then it was a deadly sin to even mention something like the love we share with them.” “Maybe it was a combination of those thing’s, plus the women being lesbian also that enraged those ‘holier-than-thou’ self-righteous lumps.”

“A few years ago, Prava had been poking around in the old couch house, and found a secret basement that everyone had forgotten about. We found a lot of hand written books down there, and some of that liquor Prava now makes. But the information in the books was hard to decipher as it was coded. We deciphered what we could, and found that they were experimenting with herbs and hormones, working to perpetuate what we thought was the ability to only give birth to females, and not needing human males to impregnate the women.” “But, that may all be a pipe dream babygirl. We have tried many times to replicate what they say they accomplished once, but have failed each time.”

“But, now we have you. And we have Rebecca too. You both match everything that is in the books. You both sort of fell into our lives. We weren’t looking or seeking anyone specific, but once I studied your health and hormone levels and DNA, all those tests I ran on you, and on Becca, we found you were matches, or close enough.” Reaching into the night stand by her seat, Alicia lifted one of the clear flasks like Prava used to give her that devilish elixir that so intoxicated her. “this is the product they were making back then, and I now have figured it out and am making it for you and Rebecca.” Joli started to ask another question, Alicia placing a finger on her lips to quiet her a moment, “Joli, we may be on the edge of a major discovery. Prava and I didn’t want to keep it from you any longer, but we didn’t want to lose you either.” “Becca is sort of aware of what all the testing is for, and now you are also, and we are hoping that you will see it out, become the first for this, for us.” Joli sat back and thought, deeply as Alicia studied her. She took the vial from Alicia’s hand and opened it, sniffing it to be sure what it was, then pouring some on her fingertip to wipe it across her lips.

The familiar, warm tingling began almost immediately, and Joli closed her eyes and sighed, relaxing to the intense feeling she knew the elixir would bring to her. Putting more on her fingertip, she smeared a copious amount around each erecting nipple, making the brown areola wet and shiny in the low light. Then rising up to her knees, pushing them apart, she dabbed more of the intoxicating solution around and over her hard clit and along her labia. The thought of what Alicia was proposing should have set off alarms in her head, but it had much the opposite effect. Joli felt as though her body was newly alive. She sensed what she had just been told was somehow true, and her thoughts accepted it, wanted it to happen. Without much thought, she brought the vial to her lips and drank it down, feeling it absorbing into her tongue and cheeks as it went down, warming her body.


Becca looked to her right as she followed Ms Janae, seeing Dutch nudge Heather’s butt as they followed Ms Prava into her bedroom. Then looked to her left,catching a glimpse of Joli peeking from Dr Samuels room. She tried to smile in the brief instant their eyes met, but Caesar was nudging her forward just as Dutch had Heather. She hoped that Joli wouldn’t worry about her and would enjoy her time with Dr. Samuels.

Ms Janae shut the bedroom door just after Caesar got inside, scratching his head as she stepped around him and the petite girl now standing quietly to the side of the bed. Janae moved to light the big scented candle on the dresser then looking Becca over , “Get the light little one, then help me undress.”
“Oh yes, girl, Caesar and I are going to eat you up tonight, yes we are.” “I do hope you aren’t afraid of him.”

Looking up, Becca spoke quietly, “Oh no Ms Janae, Ma’am. My Seth is almost as big and ferocious, but they are all just big pup’s inside, except for a few parts, of course.” finished saying as she walked over to Janae, who was waiting by the armoire, already starting to unbutton her blouse. “Please let me do that for you Mistress, it is after all, my place and responsibility to you.” Becca explained as she reached up and finished undoing the buttons on the beautiful silk blouse, letting it slide down Janae’s back and arms before carefully hanging it on one of the old style wooden hangers in the armoire. The long, multi-colored silk skirt followed as Becca undid the buttons on the waist and slid it carefully down Janae’s long, cinnamon brown legs. Becca couldn’t help caressing the strong, taught muscles of Janae’s legs.

Becca stepped back a bit to take in the beauty she now had revealed in front of her. Janae’s lean body was well muscled, but definitely in a very feminine way, her skin the color of rich cinnamon. She stood before Becca wearing only a matching black lace, half cup bra and matching thong panty, neither of which his anything from Becca’s view, and she audibly gasped at the woman’s natural beauty. The small girl started to step around behind Janae to unclasp her brassiere, but was stopped by Janae “This is good for now child.” she said, placing a hand on Becca’s head and stroking her soft hair as if petting her.

Janae stepped around behind Becca, bending slightly, her long lithe fingers and hands exploring the girls young body. Janae whispered in her ear as she cupped and squeezed her small breasts, making them almost disappear in her grasp, “Oh you are a nice treat for me tonight little Becca, you won’t have to worry about me trading you away later for another, you might even beg me to keep you all night before I send you back to Katherine.” Janae’s hands roamed all over Becca’s small frame, pinching and teasing her hardening nipples, squeezing her breasts hard enough to make her gasp, but not to hurt. One hand flowed over her tummy, moving enticingly down to the girl’s bare mound, making Becca moan and press her body back against Janae, but remaining as silent as possible since she did not have permission to speak.

Janae’s long finger’s pressed between Becca’s legs, feeling the heat emanating from the girl’s center, feeling the wetness already flowing from her body, lubricating her, making it known she was receptive to Janae, and through Janae, for Caesar too. Janae stood up straight, bring the wet fingers up to take Becca’s scent, to taste her arousal before stepping away from the girl and taking a seat on the love seat to the side of Becca. One smooth motion of Janae’s hand and a snap of her fingers, Caesar was up and pushing the new, small pup to her knees with one hard shove.

Rebecca fell to her knees, barely catching herself before her face would have hit the floor. Caesar stepped over his new little bitch, his hips already in motion from the scent of her. Janae hurried down beside Becca, one hand on her back, pushing down and back so that her tummy almost rested on her thighs, her knees well forward of her hips. The other hand slid to the back of her thighs, lifting her small butt higher. Caesar’s already exposed cock nudging and bumping her perineum hard, his pre fluid shooting to cover her warm skin as the tip of that big red cock searched.

Janae moved the girl’s bottom just a little for Caesar, the tip finding the hot wet passage and plunging into her body rapidly, almost savagely fucking the small girl, pushing that long, thick cock deeper with every hard thrust, making his new bitch tremble from his strength. Becca started to moan as the feeling of being filled up overtook her, Janae manipulating her hips first one way then the other, until a loud gasp, followed by a near scream escaped the young girls throat. Janae knew then that Caesar had hit his mark and would now make this bitch his for the night, and she would never forget his strength and power.

Becca tried to talk, to plead with Janae that he was too far, but not human sound could she make. A huge almost cramping pain took her body over as Caesar again pushed with all his strength. Becca moaned louder than she probably ever had as her body clenched hard feeling that cock push through and into a place she had never been penetrated.

As soon as Caesar calmed his thrusting somewhat, Becca could feel the heat of the massive amount of pre and sperm he was giving her. It filled her deep and completely, the warmth of it spreading into her body as her first hard orgasm almost split her in two. Her body would have expelled the massive cock from her if his knot hadn’t already sealed them together. Becca could feel herself stretched to the limit with his maleness, while each throb of that big knot sent more of his essence into her body.

Once Janae was sure they were tied, she lay down beside Becca and began caressing her quivering body. The girl was having one orgasm after the other with what was happening to her. The pressure of the knot filling her, touching and rubbing all those special places inside of her pussy. One big hard cum would be followed by several small ones. Becca’s body shook and trembled from the overload to her nerves. She couldn’t talk, only moan and squeal when he moved that cock. Her eyelids fluttered through each orgasm and she could see Janae beside her, could hear her whispering, but was unable to answer.

Janae massaged her tummy to relieve the cramps she was having, whispering to her, “Feel how full your young body is little one. He is showing you why you are a bitch for him. His strong sperm will stay in your body for a while now, as deep as he is giving it to you to keep for him.” Rebecca’s eyes flew open with the realization, the cramps, the heat so deep in her body, she knew before Janae told her, Caesar had pushed that long, hot cock into her uterus, forcing it’s way through her cervix to fill her body deeper than it had ever been.

Janae held her tightly as she realized what was happening and began to wail almost in pain, but mixed with more pleasure than she had enjoyed in a long time. Her mind and body dissolved into the next series of orgasms that consumed her. At some point, Rebecca passed out in Janae’s arms. The older woman holding her securely until Caesar broke their tie and went to clean himself next to the bed.


The warmth of the elixir spread through Joli’s body as Alicia leaned forward, pulling her close, their lips meeting in a smoldering kiss, Joli’s body relaxing at the softness of Alicia’s lips on hers. Alicia trailed the backs of her finger’s on one hand down Joli’s jawline, rolling them over foe the tips to caress down her neck and along her bare shoulder. The soft caresses sending their erotic signals through Joli’s body, causing her nipples to visibly harden as those finger’s drew closer to the soft flesh of her breast.

Joli’s hands seemed to move on their own, sliding and circling up Alicia’s firm calves as the older woman slid her butt to the front of the cushions of the love seat, her legs working to each side of Joli’s body. Joli’s body tingled with the familiar buzz of the elixir she had swallowed, and she liked what it did to her each time, the hunger it brought out of her. Alicia’s hands slid down to lift each breast as they continued to kiss, their tongues now teasing and dancing together, back and forth, not hurried but soft and slow.

Joli could faintly hear noises from outside the room, but she couldn’t tell where. She did hear Rebecca a few times, her moans now familiar, but the other girls in the house were just as loud, the Mistress’s administering to each of the girls, wringing pleasure from their young bodies in ways that Joli could only guess as Alicia’s hands slid to under her arms and lifted her up to her knees as the older woman leaned back into the yielding cushions.

Joli rose up between Alicia’s legs as their kiss broke apart. She could feel Alicia’s knees go wide apart with her between them, almost an unspoken command to move her kisses lower, to nibble and lick and taste Alicia’s softness. Joli worked slowly down her body, moving from one breast to the other, alternately sucking or lightly biting each hard nipple between her teeth. Little nibbling kisses and love bites trailed down Alicia’s ribs and over her flat stomach. Joli dipped her tongue into her navel, showing a promise of what was to come as she worked her way lower. Alicias fingers tangled in Joli’s hair as the girl moved lower over her body.

In the low candle light, Joli finally glimpsed Alicia’s wet center. The scent rising to her, the thick outer lips glistening with invitation, just as Joli knew herself to be also. She gazed at Alicia’s most private area, seeing she also had gotten the ‘bitch trim’ that Prava and Rebecca both had, and she was sure all the other’s did also. Having their inner labia removed made their pussies look much neater, more accessible, as Becca told her, easier for the boys to mate with them. She wanted to be the same now, like her new family, to not be different, and to be so for Dutch, to show she accepted being his bitch now.

As Joli leaned in to kiss Alicia’s wetness, her tongue slid out and between Alicia’s lips, the tip working from her hard clit, slowly side to side down the length of the furrow of flesh, tasting the salty sweetness that covered the hot flesh, until she found Alicia’s entrance. Joli worked slowly but firmly, pressing her tongue in just a bit before pulling back, working just a little more with each push into the velvet lined passage of the older woman’s body. Alicia wrapped Joli’s hair in the fingers of one hand as she sighed deeply feeling the girl’s knowing tongue working her. She knew it would not take long for Joli to bring forth her first orgasm of the night. She could feel it rapidly building in her body, unable to prevent it, and not wishing to at the same time. With her free hand, she reached down and patted Joli’s back softly, getting Aspis’s attention, telling him the girl was ready for him.

Aspis walked quickly behind the young bitch as she pleasured Alicia. The powerful mixed scent of both bitch’s almost intoxicating to him, telling him that both were receptive and ready for him. Joli never broke her concentration as the big male Shepherd raised himself onto her back, his strong forelegs locking around her just above her hips, pulling his own body forward. The tip of his cock showing a couple of inches from his sheath as he made his body search for his prize, his pre beginning to squirt and coat the young one’s pussy with it’s slick warmth. That hard tip poking only a couple of times before finding her entrance, feeling it ready for him, no resistance as his legs and hips thrust deep into her body, his cock taking it’s rightful place in her, as deep as he could push it.

Joli felt the hot cock slide into her pussy in several short but hard thrusts. The feeling making her moan into Alicia’s pussy, to lick the woman harder, spreading her own knees further apsrt to get the big male as deep as possible. She could feel the knot already swelling as it traveled inside of her. Her own need to feel full of her lover had her pushing her butt back against him, the taught ring of muscle contracting once the knot had passed within her. She coud feel the hot essence of him begin to fill every crease and crevice within her now full passage. That cokc setting a slow fire in her body, she could feel herself swelling as his thrusts slowed then stopped, his forepaws holding her tightly underneath his weight.

Alicia felt her first strong orgasm spill through her body as she watched Aspis take Joli. The girl wantonly receiving him into her body, coaxing every bit of him that she could take, kissing, licking and suckling at Alicia’s hard clit as her body surrendered to Aspis and gave him his pleasure. Alicia’s juices flooded Joli’s mouth with their volume and intensity and the girl took as much as she possibly could into her mouth, swallowing it hungrily down as her young body took everything Aspis was giving her also. Her body being fed from both ends, two different sources of nourishment fill her body, and she hungrily took everything given to her.

Joli’s orgasm’s were coming almost as fast and hard as Alicia’s, both women moaning loudly with each. Both of Alicia’s hands were tangled in Joli’s hair, pulling her tightly to her pussy, allowing no rest for her from the pleasure she was giving, her own young body pushing to almost exhaustion from Aspis’s efforts to own this girl, to fill her with his strong sperm, mark her in his own way. Joli could feel every strong pulse of his cock in her pussy. She knew that each throbbing pulse added to the fluids mixing within her. But also knowing that it would end soon as she could already feel the intensity of them weakening, the knot shrinking slowly. She squeezed her pussy floor muscles harder each time she felt the pulse, wanting to keep him the forever if she could.

Joli’s whole body was buzzing it seemed, from the elixir she had drank down, from Ms Alicia holding her tightly to her pussy, and especially from Aspis, His strength making her feel weak for him, yielding, receptive to his maleness. She felt him lift one leg over her back, turning to face away from her, signaling her that he was wanting to let her go, that he was done with her now. Joli almost co;;apsed as he pulled his cock and knot from her pussy. She tried to backup to him, to keep him deep in her but Alicia was also pulling her tightly to her own body, also not wanting to let go.

Joli’s knees collapsed under her as soon as Aspis pulled free, their mixed juices flooding out of her body as she almost fell to her side on the floor, feeling empty now, the loss to her body great as she felt him pull away and leave her. Alicia got to her feet as she looked down at Joli before moving to the dresser and opening a drawer as Joli’s eyes closed.


Rebecca slowly opened her eyes when she felt Ms Janae slide into the bed next to her. She had no idea how long she had been out and her body ached. Not the ache of pain, but with the tiredness from enjoying something too much. She was on her side now, the room lit only by the single candle on the dresser. Ms Janae was behind her on the bed, her large breasts pressing into Becca’s back, the nipples unimaginably erect against her, those long, strong arms held Becca firmly as her hands caressed her body.

Rebecca pushed back gently against Janae, reveling the soft touch of skin on skin, following the roaming hands and fingers in her mind as they moved about her smaller body. Janae took one of the girls smaller hands in hers and guided it to her lower tummy, whispering, “Feel the swell there girl, look down and see the gift Caesar has given you.” Not fully understanding what was meant, Rebecca looked down her body to where both of their hands rested just below her navel. Rebecca gasped when she saw the slight swelling of her tummy under their hands, could feel the almost taught fullness as she realized what had happened when Caesar tied with her.

Janae held her firmly against her dark skinned body as the girl momentarily panicked with the realization that her uterus was probably almost full of Caesar’s essence. Janae whispered and hummed softly in Rebecca’s ear as she held her still, reassuring her “It will be good for you little one. His essence will strengthen you as you absorb some of him into your own body.” “He has marked you now, making him one of your protector’s now. Seth will not mind, he will know you are protected, that you now have higher status in the pack, so to speak.”

As Janae held and talked to her, hummed the little tune from somewhere in the past, Rebecca felt herself relaxing though she hadn’t willed herself to. Her body had accepted the potent gift, now her mind was doing the same. She knew already that she belonged within this special family of women, but this was something different. “That’s it little one, let yourself join with what was given. Those of us that have accepted this from Caesar are still family, but more also, in a very different way.” “Mylia will be proud to know she has another ‘true sister’ now who has joined us. Only myself, Mylia, Cheryl, and now you have been so gifted by him.” Rebecca suddenly thought of Ms Katherine, “But, what about my Mistress, Ms Janae?”

“Hush now child. Katherine knows what has happened with you. I had her permission before I even drew your name from the other’s. She knows and approves, just as Terri did for Cheryl last year.”
“Mylia takes his essence this way every month when she is fertile, as you are now, as Cheryl has been each time for her also.” “It is a time your body can become closer to him this way, you will see.” “Now, we have some unfinished business to take care of now little one.”

With that, Janae sat up beside Rebecca, straddling her legs as she rolled her onto her stomach, her strong hands and arms gripping the girl by her hips and lifting. Rebecca obeyed the unspoken commands to raise up on her knees for Janae, resting her shoulders down on her elbows. “Owwwwwiee” Rebecca almost screamed as a firm, hard slap of Janae’s hand struck one cheek of the girl’s upraised bottom taking her by total surprise. Janae reached down with one hand, securing a handful of hair and pulling Rebecca up onto all fours as the firm but soft tip of the strap-on dildo pressed roughly into the girls body. The girl knew the shape almost immediately, it was one of the canine shaped ones that all the Mistress’s had, and used on the girls, but this one was bigger than her Ms Katherine’s.

Rebecca relaxed her muscles and let the thick intruder invade her as Janae leaned forward, pressing deep into the girl’s pussy easily, still slick and wet from her mating with Caesar. “I hope you didn’t think it would be all gentle and sweet tonight girl. I do have a reputation for a reason.”, as another hard slap to her butt lit a small fire and made her yelp from the sting.

With each hard push of the dildo into Rebecca’s wet pussy, another hard slap was delivered to her bottom. Her cheeks glowing first with a rosy red before turning almost crimson from the blows. Rebecca almost howled from the mix of the pain, the burn from her sensitive nerves, and the flow of her orgasm’s as her body displayed it’s growing pleasure with what was being done to her.

The dildo was not as long as Caesar had been, and she was thankful for that, but it had much more girth than he did, almost wrist thick, as big as his knot, but from end to end, not just in one place. She could feel how wet she was, how much she had already lost down her thighs after only a short time of Janae fucking her. She could also feel orgasm’s taking Janae as she used the girl’s pussy for her own pleasure and need.

Rebecca could feel the sweat drop from Janae’s heated body onto her own, and she could feel her own skin was covered with her own sweat as well. Janae’s pace slowly picked up as she fucked Rebecca remorselessly with the big toy. Janae stopped her movements suddenly, telling the girl through gritted teeth, “Show me little girl, show me how bad you want to be fucked. Use the toy to pleasure yourself, you cannot cum again unless you do it.”

With those words, Janae raised herself to full height on her kneed, lifting Rebecca from hers, raising her higher so she was on the balls of her feet and hands. “That’s it girl, show me how bad you want this toy in your pussy, fuck yourself and let me watch.”

Rebecca did her best to move her hips back and forth on the fat toy she was impaled on. Her breathing was ragged from the exertion, sweat dripping from her body, her hair wet and plastered to her head as she drove herself back and forth. The next orgasm was to be her own, of her own doing as Janae stayed rock still, keeping her up on her toes and hands, almost hanging her from the rigid rubber phallus by her wet open pussy.

Rebecca could feel it building deep in her body, very small and almost masked by her efforts to bring it to life. She pushed herself faster, harder, feeling how loose she was becoming. Janae wasn’t holding her hips any longer to keep her on the dildo, it was all up to her. She could here Janae whispering, almost chanting to her, setting up an unconscious rhythm for her to keep fucking herself, to work for her release, earn the orgasm she so desperately wanted to have.

One more hard deep push and it broke over her. Her body seemed to fly into a million pieces then back together again as her nerves reached their limit. Her legs shook and trembled without control, her arms burned with the exertion to hold her up, they trembled too. She felt as though she needed to pee, and bad, for just a moment before she felt the flood of liquid spill from her body, splashing Janae, running down her legs to the bed, the release causing a loud, long wail to escape her lungs. Everyone in the house probably heard her, but she didn’t care. Rebecca collapsed onto the bed, tremors and twitches passed through her body as Janae looked on and smiled to herself, “She will remember this night for the rest of her life.”


Joli lay on the floor feeling her body slowly coming back to as normal as she could. The elixir still giving her the deep, relaxing sensation of contentment, helping her mind to know this was ‘right’ to feel this way. Some small noise from where Alicia stood got her attention as she slowly turned her head to look without raising up, almost rolling over onto her back to look up at the older woman.

Alicia was making the final adjustments to the harness clinging firmly to her body, holding snugly to her thighs and around her waist when she buckled the last adjustment into place. Reaching into the drawer, Alicia lifted out her favorite toy, one which Brenda was quite used to, but Joli had never seen before. Alicia heard her gasp when the girl saw the size of the of the faux cock that was being deftly attached to the leather support that sat low in the front of Alicia’s body.

Alicia smiled as she looked down on Joli, seeing the girls eyes go wide when she realized how much bigger this was comared to the one Prava had been using with her. “This will be a new experience for you babygirl, but it will be one you will remember for a long time.” “Brenda takes this all the time, and is becoming almost addicted to its power, it’s ability to fill her needs.” Joli began to sit up on the floor, not saying a word as she stared at the large dog cock projecting from Ms Alicia’s harness. She could see from how it sat that it would stimulate them both.

Alicia took another bottle of the sweet elixir and filled the small reservoir on the harness sidestrap, using almost the whole bottle to fill this one. When Joli was back up sitting as Prava had taught her, Alicia handed her the bottle, “Put the rest of this where you need it Joli, we want you ready for the rest of tonight.” Joli raised herself up onto her knees, Taking the bottle in her hand., she applied a generous amount to first her lips then to her already erect nipples, adding to the strong sensation in her lips and causing the dark areolas to feel much tighter as her nipples grew to almost rock hard rigidity. The increasing intensity of her body’s response to the elixir caused her to close her eyes for a moment, a long, soft moan working it’s way out from deep in her body as the potion took hold of her.

The liquid remaining in the bottle was poured on the fingers of her free hand as she spread her knees further apart, reaching between her thighs to her already very wet pussy. She could feel some of the fluid that Aspis had given her, mixed with her own natural wetness as she rubbed the rest of the lotion into the over sensitive flesh. She could almost feel her skin absorbing this potent mixture, the skin warming as it soaked in, the tingling increasing. Lifting her hand to her lips, she licked the remaining lotion from her fingers, the sensation of absorbtion repeating itself on her tongue and lips, almost intoxicating her within moments as the powerful fluid seemed to take away the world from her. All that mattered to her now was do what Ms Alicia wished, so she could know the pleasure that she was about to receive.

Alicia smiled down at Joli, seeing her young body react to the elixir just as the books said it would. She motioned to the girl with just her finger, making a sort of circling motion which Joli seemed to know what to do. The girl leaned down on her hands and knees and began to turn away from Alicia, looking back over her shoulder, a look of almost begging on her face. “Very good Joli. You know what you want and need.” Joli smiled up at the older woman as she knelt down behind her, running the tip of the cock slowly up and down between her sensitive labia, the pointed tip grazing over the entrance to her passage as Alicia sought the special part of the girl’s body.

Almost as quickly as Alicia found the entrance to Joli’s center, the girl pushed back on the stiff cock, moaning as the bluntly tapered tip entered her body. Alicia immediately began pressing forward into the slick channel, mimicing the hard fast thrusting of Aspis and Dutch, causing Joli to moan louder as the thick cock pressed deeper into her body, almost making her cry out as it stretched her further then almost seemed possible. Alicia didn’t have to grasp her hips to pull her back on the rigid member, Joli was pressing back hard against each thrust the older woman made. In only moments, the cock was buried as deep as Alicia could press it forward, Joli slipped into her first orgasm from this new toy. Gripping the squeeze bulb that would inflate the knot inside of the girls body, Alicia pumped rapidly, the faux knot expanding, opening Joli wider than she could remember, but felt no pain from it, just an unending fullness that grew with each squeeze of the bulb.

As she made the knot larger, Alicia pushed down on Joli’s hips, at the same time pushing her own up and under Joli’s. The changing of the angle caused the back edge of the now rigid knot to slip beneath Joli’s pubic bone, pulling it into her another inch or so, wedging it firmly into her body, Joli’s ring of muscle clamped down tight on the swollen cock, holding it firmly inside of her body.

Joli’s breathing was coming in an almost panting rhythm now as her body reacted to the large cock filling her pussy, stretching her. Alicia pulled back a couple of times to ensure that the phallus was locked firmly into her body before beginning to pump the elixir with the second squeeze bulb, filling the girl with every drop of fluid from the reservoir, eliciting an almost continual moaning from Joli. She could see it in her mind how that special fluid filled and warmed the girl from the inside before the velvety tissue began to slowly absorb it all, taking it slowly into her body, bringing the changes that were needed for this weekend to be successful.

Alicia’s hands stroked Joli’s body softly, feeling the temperature rise as her body took the elixir, small goose bumps followed where she touched. She could feel the muscles slowly contract and relax as Joli lowered her shoulders down, supported now on her elbow’s. An almost dreamy moan built as Alicia reached under her body and teased her erect nipples, pinching and ywisting them hard to see her reaction. Joli only moaned from the hard manipulation, in a soft, almost begging tone, “Please….” was all that the girl could manage to say as she lowered her shoulders to the floor, turning her head to one side, eyes closed, a slight smile on her lips as random muscles slowly trembled then stilled themselves.

Alicia could almost see the small tremors of Joli’s orgasms move through her body. Not hard, intense ones, but quiet, persistant pleasure slowly taking the girls body as she slipped deeper into the possession of the elixir.

Reaching down to the harness, Alicia unfastened the buckles and loosened the straps from her body. Turning the strap inside out, she carefully slipped them around Joli’s hips and thighs, snuggling them down tight, helping the swollen knot to hold inside of her trembling body. Once the straps were secure, Alicia gently layed Joli over on her side, curling her legs up in an almost fetal position, folding her arm under her head to support it. Aspis got up and came over to make sure Joli was alright, gently licking her face as Alicia reached to the base of the cock and pressed the little switch hidden there.

The soft hum of the vibrator motor made Aspis look to see what it was, Alicia reaching out to scratch his ears, “She will be just fine Aspis, she is almost ready now for tomorrow night.”

Alicia stood up and moved to the side of the bed, putting on a very sheer, short robe and tieing the belt around her waist. Aspis looked on, sort of bemused and curious, probably wondering why these bitches put on things to hide their body from him when he could obviously see right through it. Maybe he never would understand them, but he definitely understood their needs.

Alicia knealt beside Joli, softly kissed her cheek, “Relax now babygirl. Let things work their purpose.” Rising back up, she reached the door and got Aspis’s attention, “Come on boy. Let’s go and check on the other’s.” He followed his bitch out into the hall as she quietly closed the door and turned to move away, taking one last look at the very sensual view of Joli on the floor, small orgasms passing through her, her pale skin now a nice rosy pink from the action of the elixir.

She could hear lots of different sounds coming up the hallway, from Janae’s room, and from Prava’s also. But also the sounds of intense pleasure drifting up the stairs from the den. Janae’s door was her first stop, lisrtening briefly before cracking the door open just enough to peek inside.

Caesar caught the sound and motion of the door moving and looked up, almost unpleasantly at Akicia. She could see him up on Janae, holding her hips firmly as he was buried deep in her pussy, panting furiously as he filled her with his essence. Janae was up on her kneesm hwer head down, resting on her elbowsm her head and face hidden by Rebeccas small thighs, gripping firmly as Janae devoured the girl. Rebecca was herself underneath Janae, her body raised on her elbows, lifting her so she could lick Janae’s and Caesar’s mixed fluids as they leaked from her pussy. Neither woman looked up or even acknowledged Alicia’s presence, so she quietly backed up and shut the door so as not to disturb them.

As she approached Prava’s door, she could hear the telltale sound of an impact, followed by a sharp squeal then a long low moan. She hesitated for just a moment, hearing another of the sharp strikes, then the squeal and moan. She tapped the door twice, finally hearing the words “It’s open” from Prava’
before slowly opening the door and looking inside. Prava was standing over Heahter holding a very expensive looking riding crop in her hand, Heather lay face down over a hassock near the foot of the bed, Prava’s arm raised back to deliver another stinging swat from the leather crop to the girl’s upturned butt, several very red whelts already criss crossed both cheeks, showing Alicia everything she already knew. She smiled and winked at Prava before shutting the door and leaving the two alone. Alicia smiled to herself remembering past times with Heather. For all of her foo-foo, girly-girl acting, she liked and even needed to feel the pain of the crop on her ass, and Sandra never failed to apply just the right amount to keep that girl straight and out of trouble.

She remembered hearing about how Heather had been more like a boy than a woman when Sandra met her. They had met in a lesbian bar that Sandra frequented, decked out in torn jeans and t-shirt, hair cut short under a NY Yankees ballcap, and she had her breasts bound to flatten her chest. The stereotypical dyke, but Sandra had seen something beneath it all and took that as her challenge to change and shape the girl into a woman of finery and class. The task took several months, but Sandra would not back down or stop looking for the girl when she tried to avoid this woman who dared to change her. The only thing Sandra couldn’t change though was Heather’s need for discipline, and she heartily agreed, and supplied her with what she needed to guide her behavior, finding she had to enforce her rules adamantly and vigorously, but Heather finally came around and realized she belonged with this woman who had dared to polish and shine her up into a very beautiful young woman.


Alicia and Aspis walked quietly towards the stairs, the muffled moans drifting up to her and Aspis’s ears as they neard the landing. From the top of the stairs, she could see Gunner, Sandra’s big Black Lab standing in the doorway of the den, looking around and up to her at the top of the stairs. His ears perked up when he saw Aspis as he and Alicia began descending the wide carpeted steps as quietly as they both could.

The big den was almost dark when she first looked in, the only light from the low fire in the fireplace. Aspis was sniffing the air as their eye’s adjusted but she already knew what he was smelling. The scent of sex and aroused females filled the air thickly enough that even Alicia, with her weaker human sense, could know what had been going on here for almost 3 hours now. Gunner greeted her and Aspis, his tail wagging feircely to see his friends, he and Aspis sharing scents with each other through their Jacobson’s organ as Alicia scratched his ears in greeting, leaning down to plant a big kiss on the top of his head, receiving several very wet licks to her face in exchange.

Alicia sensed more than saw two women approaching her from the dark periphery of the room, Ms’s Terri and Katherine tread softly over the rug covered hardwood of the floor, both naked as everyone else in the house. Alicia suddenly felt very overdressed in the thin, filmy short robe she had put on. The two women both hugged Alicia briefly before greeting Aspis as he dutifully checked them over for any new scent. Terri whispered to Alicia, “Sandra took Jacob and Seth out for a bit, the poor dears were needing out rather badly a bit ago, but we haven’t heard a sound from out there since.” Alicia looked a little surprised, “Jacob is usually so noisy when he and Gunner are out here in the woods like this, probably just tired from a very hectic day.” “All the traveling and new sights and sounds probably have them pretty worn down.”

Terri chuckled softly, “You wouldn’t say that if you had seen all 3 of them with the girl’s a bit ago, you’d think they hadn’t mated in a year the way they all 3 did them.” Katherine adding, “You may want to see to Mylia’s knees in the morning, Seth gave her a good, hard mounting. That poor girl was making almost as much much noise as a New Orleans brothel on Saturday night, I think.” All three women chuckled softly at hearing that. “The girls are over in front of the big sofa, on that big Persian rug if you’d like to check on them, since you’re obviously on ‘mother hen’ duty tonight. And we have some tea brewing in the kitchen if you would like to join us.”

“I’ll meet you both in a few minutes, and you might want to let Aspis and Gunner out too, they probable are about to pop.” Before stepping into the den to check on the girls, Alicia reached over and slapped Katherine’s butt firmly but loving, “And just how would you know how loud a New Orleans whorehouse is on a Saturday night young lady? Hhhmmm?” All 3 women chuckling as they parted ways, “I’ll join you both in a few minutes.”

As Terri and Katherine headed for the kitchen with both canines, Alicia stepped softly up to the back of the big sofa and looked over. Mylia, Brenda, and Cheryl looked to be locked into a slow-motion daisy chain on the plush Persian rug. Soft moaning and sighs coming from the circle of girls as they each savored the sweet pussy of the next one. One small orgasm seemed to be working it’s way from one girl to the next, almost like passing around a closed circuit. Brenda peeked out from between Cheryl’s thighs, smiling up at her Mistress in obvious pleasure as the shared cumming slowly worked through her body. Alicia smiled back and only made a motion to her to return to her pleasure as she turned to join the other’s in the kitchen.

When Alicia had rejoined the Katherine and Terri in the kitchen, Sandra had already returned and was putting out snacks for all the boys along with fresh water, having removed her coat and boots already before joining the other three women at the table, a fresh steaming cup of hot tea already waiting for her. “When I saw Gunner and Aspis coming out the door, I just left Seth and Jacob out to run with them for a bit. They all seem to have gotten what they needed tonight.” Everyone had a good laugh at that statement and turned as one when they heard a tredle on the back stairs creek. Janae and Prava were slowly coming down to join them, naked as everyone else except for Alicia. “I.ve got to get that step fixed one of these days, it makes it impossible to sneak up on anyone anymore.” Prava joked as she and Janae took a seat at the table. Alicia spoke up first, “Well, I can see I’ve brought entirely too many clothes for the weekend.” turning a little serious before adding “Is anyone here to make a trade, or are we all satisfied with how the drawing came out?”

Almost as one, the women all shook their heads and answered they were more than satisfied, Katherine, Terri and Sandra mentioning that they pretty much forgotten who was to be with who after they all got started in the den. Janae spoke up first, “Katherine, you never told me that your little stray snores. She’s up there now, curled up with Caesar, making more noise then he does.” “She only does that when shes been worn out Janae, so you and that big guy must have done a very good job with her.” Katherine replied, smiling and proud of her little one. Each woman shared a little information with the other’s about the girls behavior and abilities to handle what they had been given by all the Mistress’s. It was all to give the women something to mess with the girls later about, not as any form of critique. “Sandra, you might put Heather in that burlap thing you call her dress in the morning, it will rub her sore butt most delisciously.”

Once their tea was finished and all the boys let back in and fed, the women went to the den to get the girls, who had all by now fallen asleep. Waking them, each women told them to go upstairs and get ready to sleep some before breakfast, and to take the boys up with them. It made quite a sight for Alicia, standing at the top of the stair as the 5 other women, 3 girls and four canines walked quietly up the stairs. Alicia wished them each a sound sleep, a kiss to their cheek or a pat on the head as they passed by her. All three of the girls looked absolutely exhausted by the nights activities, and this weekend would give them no let up in the pace of things that were going to be happening either. It would prove to be a long and fruitful time to spend together.

When Alicia reentered her room with Aspis, she looked down on the rug where she had left Joli. The girl wasn’t there and there was no sound coming from the connected bathroom either. The lone candle on the dresser didn’t provide much light, until her eyes had adjusted. She saw Joli standing by the windows, the curtains opened wide, standing, still wearing the reversed harness, a low hum eminating from the vibrating toy still wedged deep in her body. The girl didn’t seem to notice Alicia had returned at first, as she stared out into the cloudless night, the almost full moon sending it’s silvery light down to reflect off of the pale, white skin of the girl. Joli didn’t even answer as Alicia came up behind her whispering her name, didn’t move a muscle, even when Alicia could plainly see the muscular tremors she was experiencing from the rigid, vibrating phallus.

As she approached Joli from behind, the girl almost whispered “Isn’t it beautiful Ms Alicia? The moon. It’s so big here.” Alicia remembered Prava telling her of how Joli would stare at the moon after they had made love many times,

Something in all the journals she and Prava had worked so hard to decypher had mentioned the moon, but most of it was in the notebooks that had been fragmented or partially burned, so she wasn’t sure. Previous generations had given the moon some pretty odd beliefs that were once followed, maybe they did have some basis in truth after all.

Joli visibly relaxed as Alicia softly laih her hands on the girls shoulder’s but did not move, her gaze remaining fixed on the nearly full, shining white moon. Alicia stood close behind her, arms and hands reaching around her slim body to unbuckle the harness that remained on her body, the soft hum of the vibrator barely audible to Alicia. “Let me get this off of you babygirl, then we will go to bed. Tomorrow isn’t far away now and we all need to rest now.”.

Joli barely moved for Alicia to remove the straps of the harness and reach between the girls legs to turn the vibrator off be fore gently pulling the faux cock from the girls body. Joli only opened her legs a little to give Alicia access, her gaze remaining fixed on the source of the cold, white light bathing her pale body. Alicia noticed that there was almost no discharge or ‘flood’ of fluid from Joli’s channel, her body having once again absorbed almost every dro of the elixir, just as the notes had described.

After Alicia had taken the toy to the bathroom for cleaning later in the morning, she saw that Joli had already moved to the bed and was snuggled in under the thick comforter and soft sheets, breathing in a slow, steady rhythm, already asleep. The older woman moved qyuietly and easily into bed beside Joli, not wanting to disturb her sleep, thinking that a freight train probably couldn,t do that either. Once she was snuggled down and comfortable, without a word being spoken, Joli scooted close, resting her head on Alicia’s shoulder while her arm slid across her body as she settled in next to Alicia, sound asleep as far as the world was concerned.


As was one of her new habit’s, Joli was the first one awake in the big house. She slipped gently and quietly out of Ms Alicia’s arms, not even making the woman stir, and almost silently out the door. Aspis awoke from his keener hearing, seeing the young bitch about to leave the room, arose and trotted out right behind her, almost as silent, joining her in the hallway. As Joli softly closed the door, she reached over and scratched the big male behind his ears, “Good morning big guy. I bet you,re pretty hungry this morning.”.

Joli could hear the almost quiet sounds of other people sleeping, though all the bedroom doors were closed tight. She thought that her hearing had improved somewhat since moving out here into the country and away from all the noise that a town makes, much less a real city. As she walked softly to the back stairs that would take her down to the kitchen, she patted her right hip and Aspis stood up, stretching a bit, then following close behind, sampling the scent of this one, noticing something special in what he was ‘reading’ in her body language and scent this morning. He didn’t fully understand it, but he knew he liked it.

Joli got some fresh chow down for Aspis and freshened his water for him before heading to the kitchen to get both coffee makers busy, one with her special amaretto flavored, fully caffinated blend, the other with regular decaf. What a waste of clean well water the decaf was she thought, wondering if she would ever be reduced to drinking that one day. Next came the water kettle for those who liked hot tea with breakfast.

While the coffee brewed, Joli got table settings for 12 out of the cupbard and carried them to the dining room, setting them down before returning for the cups, saucer’s flatware, salt and pepper and all the myriad things that go on a nice table, but not that anyone really notices anymore. The entire service she picked for this meal was some of the finest antigue dinner wear in the house, but her Mistress Prava preffered using almost daily. As she poured herself a cup of fresh coffee, the stair tredle squeeked, causing her to turn to look and see Mylia softly coming down to join her. “Ahh, another early bird.” Mylia almost whispered like she was afraid of waking the other’s. “Mistress has me always had me up by this time, every day I’ve been with her. I just can’t sleep in anymore to save me.”.

Joli smiled to have some company, and help, with breakfast. “I really appreciate you coming down Mylia, I’ve never cooked or sone anything for this many people before, on my own anyway.” the two girls shared a light hug and kissed each other’s cheek, Joli handing Janae’s girl a large cup for her first of the morning. “Regular or decaf Mylia?” Mylia looked at her for just a moment before almost laughing, “Decaf is a good way to screw up water, fully leaded, please.”

As Mylia and Joli got busy getting everything out to start cooking, each of the girl’s came down to join them, one at a time. Mylia noticed Heather’s striped and red bottom first, “You must have really upset Ms Prava last night, Heather.” pointing to very tender looking butt cheeks. “Oh my, Heather.” Joli exclaimed, “Mistress has only done me that way a couple of times, I know what you’re feeling hon. Can I get you some salve or something.?”

Heather blushed at their comments, “I must refuse girls, it looks a lot worse than it feels, really, I’ll be okay.” Joli and Mylia just looked at each other, smiled and shrugged. “Just tell me if you need something later, okay?”. Joli knew just exactly how she felt, remembering wearing her own stripes not too long ago. But that had been her fault.

Once all the girls were in the kitchen, busily cooking, setting the table, making more coffee since they had drank most of it, Brenda sort of took charge of them all, being the oldest of the group. Joli provided directions to where everything was kept and the whole process ran pretty smooth.

Each of the Mistress’s were up and stirring about upstairs, and could be heard downstairs by the girls, which gave them a sort of head’s up warning. Joli looked up at the ceiling once, saying outloud, “I do hope they are all in a good mood this morning. I’d hate to see a gang paddling if they aren’t pleased with breakfast.” All the girls laughed louder at the statement, knowing their Ladies were all awake now. “I seriously doubt they will be anything but pleased Joli.” quipped Brenda as she too looked up at the ceiling.

Brenda called Rebecca over to her, “Hon, why don’t you go up and get the Ladies, sort of ‘test the waters’ with them, so to speak. Tell them breakfast is ready in the dining room, if they would care to join us.” “Terri, if you and Mylia would join me in the garage getting the boys food and water all out, we will be ready for a new day.”

Pretty soon, Rebecca came back downstairs to join the other girls, each standing in the dining room behind their Mistress’s chairs when all six Ladies filed in to join them. Each one stopped and looked at the spread the girls had prepared for them. The table was absolutely loaded with dishes, food, coffee, condiments, name it and it was probably there, with each of the girls providing something they knew their Mistress would enjoy with the meal. Four different jellies, orange marmelade, cinnomin sugar, home bottled honey, it was all there.

Alicia spoke up first, “Well, girls, we could sure get used to this every morning. I think you have all done remarkably well, and thank you for all you have given us over time.”. Alicia took the seat offered by Brenda without further comment, and the other five Ladies did likewise, the girls remained standing until they had served their Lady with tea or coffee of her preference, then took their seats quietly. Almost comically, it was quiet for only a matter of a few seconds before chatterbox Rebecca started talking, followed immediately by everyone else around the table.

Joli looked from one person to the other, trying to keep up with even a small portion of all the different conversations taking place simoultaneously around the table. Prava reached over and squeezed her hand softly, leaning close and whispering, “Dive in head first babygirl, or you won’t be able to say anything til it’s all over.”, kissing her cheek softly before laughing then joining one of the dialogues. Joli was amazed at how all the women could keep track so easily of who they were talking to and what they were talking about and knew it was a skill developed among long time friends and family. In her head, Joli realized, she now belonged to a very special family of women, so very different from the family she had known growing up where not much was said most of the time, her parents being wrapped up in their own tiny little worlds and oblivious of the special person they had given the world.

Plates full of food went one way around the table, empty ones came back the other direction. One of the girls was always heading to the kitchen to get a fresh pot of coffee or tea, or something that had run out on the table. The dizzying conversations hadn’t slowed much by the time most of the breakfast was gone and the women were satiated by the nutritious meal.

Alicia tapped her coffee cup to get everyone quiet and their attention directed to her as she stood up, “Okay girl’s. Today will be a very busy day for us all once we get through lunch.” “First, you need to get the dishes done and put away, 2 of you need to get the boys outside for their morning business.” “Once everything is taken care of, we will all load up and go over to Katherine and Rebecca’s new home and let everyone have a looksee. I want you girls dressed only in boots and coats, is that understood?”

“Yes Ms. Alicia”, the girls all answered almost in unison. Joli was beginning to see how things really worked in her new family. Meals were sort of a free time for the girls to talk and share information, but once the meal was over, the Ladies were what mattered most and the girls all listened dutifully to them. The other girls knew exactly what there place was, and each of the Ladies was shown the same respect and deferrment that was given to each girls own Mistress.

The Ladies weren’t lazy, sit-abouts either, with such beautiful young women tending to them as they went about there day. Each Lady worked hard and had a large amount of say and duties to the family just like their girls. Everyone shared the load, the girls had the most menial tasks, as was due their station in each relationship, and the Ladies had the more authoritarian position and were the chief money winners in each smaller family. And the boys had their place too. All the women were their bitches, no questions, with the girls being in the lowest of ‘pack’ positions as the strong males saw it.

With four girls doing the dishes, it all went pretty fast. Joli washed, Heather rinsed, Cheryl dried, and Mylia tried to keep the clean stack caught up, putting the dishes away almost as fast as the other’s washed them. Brenda and Rebecca took all the boys outside for their morning business, the whole group raising a great deal of noise at the same time. If anyone or thing was hiding within a couple hundred yards of the house, it wouldn’t be there long as they broke up into three pairs and took off into the woods, Brenda and Rebecca trying to keep up with them unsuccessfully.

As soon as everyone was gathered back at the house, everyone climbed into 3 vehicles and drove the short half mile or so to the gate to Katherine and Rebeccas new home. Rebecca and Seth were the first one’s out of the vehicles, almost before Prava got it stopped rolling, and were bolting for the front door. A loud “Rebecca Jane!” stopped the girl in her tracks and made her turn around to face Ms. Katherine. “Just slow down girl, the house isn’t going to disappear on us anytime soon.” Turning red from embarrassment, Rebecca bowed her head, replying, “Yes Mistress. I.m just so excited.” Katherine walked up to the small girl, lifting her chin with one finger, eyes locked together and serious looking, but a broad smile quickly crossing her lips, Katherine said quite affectionately, “You can’t get in without a key young lady.” pressing one into her hand before turning her around and swatting her butt once for good luck, “Now, you can go ahead and get the door open for everyone. Scoot.”

“Come on Seth.” the girl called out as she almost ran to the front steps and started working the key in the lock and the door opened before everyone caught up to her. Katherine and Prava led everyone else up from the circular drive to the low front porch, “Before you and I came out here the other day, I haven’t been inside the house in over 10 years, Katherine.” Prava began explaining. “I was friends with the youngest daughter of the family that lived here back then. They moved out to California when we were about 12.” “There was a path we had worn between our houses from the backyard here to the old drive on my property. But it’s all grown over now, and there was a small footbridge over the little creek that runs between us, it’s probably gone now too.”


Rebecca and Mylia gathered everyones coats and got them hung in the entryway closet as they all gathered in the den just off the entry. Katherine was speaking to Prava before turning to the group. “I want to officially welcome everyone to My and Rebecca’s new home. It’s pretty bare right now, but we plan to have everything moved up here by Summer Solstice in June, and our next gathering, when, I hope, we have some very good news for everybody, so let’s keep our finger’s crossed.”

“I want you all to just wonder around the house and grounds, help me with some ideas for making this as homy of a place for us to gather as it is at Prava’s. She and Joli should not have to carry this family alone any more than she already has over the years, and her mother did also.” Katherine handed Rebecca a small canvas tote and had her pass out the pads of paper and pencils inside to everyone, for them to write any ideas or thoughts about what changes should be made or what should absolutely not be touched too. “I have the keys if anyone finds a door they can’t open, so take your time and look around everywhere.” Katherine then asked everyone to walk and look on their own or pair up and that all ideas would be considered.

Prava walked with Katherine as they headed for the back of the house, Joli and Rebecca following a little bit behind. Rebecca was very wide eyed as she looked around, not saying much as she was trying to take it all in, sort of memorize what she was seeing. “The ceilings aren’t as high as back home, they’re like your and Prava’s home. But I like that, makes it erasier to warm up and get all the cobwebs in the corners too.” Both girls stopped short of following their istress’s out the back door as it was a pretty cool morning still, and they only had their boots on to protect them. They could hear the clicking of nails on the hardwood floors as the boys also explored this new house, checking out all the new scents they could find.

Pretty soon, Joli and Rebecca found themselves upstairs, checking out all the bedrooms. “So many bathrooms and bedrooms Joli, how do you take care of so many at your house?” Joli laughed, “Do one a day Becca, and make sure you do your Ms. Katherine’s bathroom every day, then you’ll do fine.” Once they had found the master bedroom, Rebecca pronounced it to now be the Mistress bedroom, Both girls were now totally turned around now, the house not lending a true sense of direction with it’s angled layout. They went to the large windows at one end of the big room and looked out.

“Look Joli. I can see part of your house from here over the tree tops.” and sure enough, when Joli looked, she could clearly see a large part of her new home. “Those windows on the left Becca, that’s our bedroom. Now we can look and see if each other is up when it’s late.” laughing at that, Rebecca added “Or, send code with flashlights to each other.” Both girls laughed at that.

Looking out another set of windows, they could see all six of the Ladies gathered in the backyard, talking, “I wish we could hear what they’re saying Joli.” Rebecca said. “I think that’s why they told us to not wear any clothes when we came over, so they could keep us inside while they went outside and talked about something important.”


“Of course Rebecca will do exactly as she’s told tonight. She knows how important this is to us all.” Katherine told the other ladies matter of factly.

“Even as close as she and Joli have gotten in the couple of day’s they have known each other, she know’s it will be her turn next, and she want’s to see this be just as successful as we all do.” she added after catching her breath.

“I’m more worried about what will happen if it doesn’t work this time. Last time nearly brought it all down, remember?” Janae exclaimed with more than a bit of worry to her voice.

Alicia butted in unforcefully, “Last time we weren’t 12 like the books said. We hadn’t gotten far enough into them yet to know that. And look, Prava recovered okay. It took time, but she is just fine.”

Each woman looked from one to the other, just a hint of doubt in their expressions. “This will work. So much has changed since the last time. I released Prava to be one of us to help this along once we found our error.” Alicia reminded them all, “And then finding these two special girls, given to us by fate or destiny or what have you, they came to us when we needed them both to make us 12 again.” “This will work.”

One by one they all agreed after talking it over some more. They were all in agreement when they broke up their little group session. Prava glancing up at one set of windows to see Joli watching them, a broad, happy smile coming to her as she looked down at her Mistress. She would talk with her more seriously after lunch, she would have to answer some more questions, she was sure.


It was nearly noon when they all arrived back at Prava’s home. It was Ms Terri’s turn to direct the girl’s in the kitchen, but only 3 would really be needed for the preperation as they were only making a big salad and clam chowder soup for everyone, but it was all to be done from scratch. The other three girl’s were kept busy getting the table set and the drinks all prepared and taking care of the boys needs also.

A very simple but very filling meal was enjoyed by all, with most of the discussion concerning ideas for Katherine and Rebecca’s new home. Most centered around new paneling or carpet and some ideas for the uses of different rooms. The almost full basement had intrigued Rebecca the most, as well as the other girls, and made the Ladies exchange some knowing glances and smiles. Prava had pointed out the old path that went over to her house, but after following what was left of it for only a few yards, she and Katherine found it to be entirely overgrown.

Rebecca was excited that the path had existed at all and now she and Joli could take the shortcut to visit each other after the big move and not have to drive the long way around to get over the creek, as long as the footbridge was repaired or replaced.

After everyone had eaten their fill, the girls went to work cleaning it all up while their Mistress’s retired to the den to do the planning for the night’s business. Alicia, Prava and Katherine would take three of the girl’s out to the coach house to get it all ready after Prava and Joli had their talk.

As soon as all the cleaning and putting up was done, Prava got Joli and sent her up to the bedroom to await her, telling her she would be up shortly. Janae and Mylia had some measuring and a little leather work to take care of while Sandra and Heather would be doing the same with Joli’s new robe.

Joli watched from the bedroom window as part of her new family headed off down the old drive to go back to the coach house, taking all of the boys with them, sort of. Even with Rebecca with them there was almost no controlling the pack once it decided to go it’s own way and see what game they could scare up and let all the other critter’s in the woods know just who was in charge now.

After a few minutes of watching and listening to the boys once they were out of sight, Prava came in the room to join Joli. “Joli, hon, today is going to be very special to you and to the rest of us, so it is vitaly important that you do exactly as we need you to.” Prava had her sit on the loveseat and sat with her, holding her hands, looking more serious than Joli had ever seen her, making her just a bit worried about what she was going to say.

“As of right now, Joli, you are on isolation.” Joli gasped and started to speak but Prava put a finger to her lips, “Let me finish first babygirl, then you can ask me all the questions you need to, if you have any after I’m through.” Joli relaxed, forcing her questions to remain held as Prava had asked. “Like I said, you are on isolation from here forward. Not because you broke any rule or anything like that.” Joli smiled with relief as Prava’s fingers moved some stray hair back behind her ear.

“The isolation is to remove any temptation from you. Temptation between you and the boys, especially Dutch, and from between you and the other girls, especially myself and Rebecca.” “After I leave in a few minutes, you will not be allowed to see me or Dutch until later tonight. Everything will be handled by one of the other Mistress’s or girls.” Prava paused only a moment before continuing. “Tonight, there will be a ceremony of sorts, that all of us have gone through in our turn. You and I will become a couple. I hope you will accept the ring when it is offered babygirl. It is just like the small rings the others wear, if you have noticed.”

Joli’s mind began to race at the thought of being committed to Prava. She would not have any problem at all accepting, and not for the money either. Nshe loved Prava as much and more than anyone she had ever had in her life. Prava again had to stop her from speaking so she could continue. “Now, understand, that by committing to me babygirl, you are also committing to Dutch. We are his bitches in this little part of our family, just as the other’s have also committed to their boys, and yes, even little Rebecca belongs to Seth as much as she does to Katherine.” “If you have any questions, now is the time to ask them, you won’t have a lot of time later, and it’s going to seem boring for the most part, the waiting for tonight. But it has to be this way Joli, to join our family and become our new hope.”

Prava studied Joli’s face intently as she turned what she had just learned over and over in her mind. Joli had tears forming in the corner’s of her eyes as she spoke, “Yes Mistress, oh yes I will accept. I know this is where I am supposed to be now, with you and with Dutch.” Slipping off the loveseat, Joli went to her knees before Prava, almost crying as she took her place before her Mistress, her lover.

Prava leaned over and kissed Joli on the top of her head, lifted her chin with her hand, “You make me proud Joli. Proud that you will join with us, and I know you will make Dutch proud to have you as his also. Now, just stay here in the bedroom, other’s will be by to help you with things in a bit. Just do as they ask, and today will fly by, you will see.” With that, Prava rose up and walked softly out of the room, closing the door behind her. Joli stayed on her knees and burst out crying, not from sadness but from her joy, at finding her place in life.


Joli stood and watched from the windows as her Prava walked across the back lawn and down the old drive to the coach house. The house was pretty quiet even though there were still four other women still here with her. She could occaisionally hear barking out in the woods, the boys obviously having a good time running loose. Did they know how important tonight was going to be for her and Dutch? Did he even know himself?

Even with the door closed, she could hear the big clock in the hallway ticking, counting off time, making it abundantly clear just what her Mistress meant by isolation. Though it was the biggest bedroom in the house, it now didn’t seem all that big to her. This ‘isolation’ was definitely making her think all kinds of things, trying to make her imagine what tonight might be like for her. Would it be like a traditional wedding for her and Prava, or just a simple civil commitment to each other? How was she going to be committed to Dutch if he couldn’t talk? So many questions now crowded into her thoughts almost all at once. Now she regretted not asking Prava even a couple of questions instead of just blindly agreeing and accepting. But that was how she now was, how her Mistress encouraged her to act, go with your first instinct, don’t second guess yourself.

She realized she was pacing the room now and returned to the window to watch and listen. All she could hear was some far off, occaisional barking and that damn clock ticking so loudly in the hall. Where were Janae and Mylia or Sandra and Heather? Maybe she should go down and see if they needed anything? No, Prava told her she was to stay here, isolated, and they would come to her when they needed to. That’s what this was, a test, to see if she could do as told, to follow a simple order. But Prava never really said for her to stay did she?

She crossed the room with light footed steps and reached for the door handle, but stopped short. She could hear steps coming up the back stairs, yes, that one tread creeked as someone moved up to the second floor with her. She could hear heels clicking on the wooden floor in the hallway, approaching the bedroom so she scooted as quietly as possible to the love seat and sat on the edge of the cushion, hands together on her knees as the handle moved down and the door opened.

Sandra stepped into the room followed by Heather, who was carrying a heavy looking robe like she had seen when she helped the others to unpack. Sandra was dressed in a conservative knee length dress and blouse set of equisite appearance and tayloring. Heather, on the other hand, had on the burlap dress she had seen the night before, and definitely looked uncomfortable as she walked,making the rough material brush back and forth across her sore butt, the tightness of the fit making it impossible for it to not touch her and irritate the marks and whelts that Prava had given her.

Sandra walked over near Joli and pushed the hassock into the middle of the open area of the room, turning to Joli, ”Now young lady, stand up on this and we will get you fitted in your new robe for tonight.” Joli looked from Ms Sandra to Heather and back before beginning to respond and rise. A very sharp and commanding “NOW girl!” sprang from Ms Sandra, making Joli jerk in surprise to the command. “That was not a request Joli, and I will not repeat it. And Heather is not going to help you, she is here to take notes and measurements.”

Joli got quickly to her feet and climbed up on the firm hassock, standing very still before Ms Sandra while Heather reached up and sllid the almost shapeless robe over Joli’s shoulder’s, fastening the collar clasp and adjusting the fall of the fabric around her body. Ms Sandra held out her hand to Heather, who produced a cloth tape measure and handed it to her Mistress.

Sandra began taking all sorts of measurements on the outside of the robe, calling numbers out to Heather, who was busy writing them down in a little notebook. Sandra again held out her hand, not saying a word, but Heather reached into the single pocket on the ‘dress’ she wore and handed Sandra a fair sized pin cushion. Joli stood stone still as Sandra began pinning up the bottom hem and cuffs , telling Heather a few comments that she wrote into the notebook.

“Now, Joli, take off the robe and hand it to Heather, I have many more measurements to take and we have a lot to do, no time to waste.” Sandra stood with her arms crossed while she waited for Joli to get the clasp undone and slide the long robe off and hand it to Heather. Turning to her girl, Sandra remarked, “Take that to our room Heather, and when you come back, bring my crop like a good girl.” Joli swallowed hard at hearing that, making up her mind to do exactly as Ms Sandra said, as soon as she said it. There was no doubt that Ms Sandra could weild the crop efficiently, as she had tamed Heather from a butch dyke to a very obedient young lady with it. “Yes Ma’am” was all that Heather answered as she hurried out the door and down the hall.

Sandra walked around behind Joli, one hand caressing the pale soft skin of one butt cheek, “Prava would definitely be interested to see a mark or two on this almost perfect skin, don’t you think Joli?” Joli almost shivered as she answered quickly, “Yes Ma’am, I think she would.”

A hard, barehanded swat echoed in the room, “Yes Ma’am or No Ma’am will do Joli.” Sandra re-enforced her statement with a slap to the girl’s left butt cheek. “Yes Ma’am” Joli quickly answered to avoid another swat. “That’s much better dear, clear and to the point.” Sandra smiled to herself, having taught this one a quick lesson with only the threat of the crop needed, Joli will make a fine addition to the family.

“You may step down now Joli. We have some more measuring to take care of, just for my personal notes, but you will need to hold still while I take them.” Heather had returned to the room and quietly closed the door behind her. Stepping close to her Mistress, Heather held out the leather crop in her upturned, raised hands for Sandra.

For the next half hour or so, Sandra put Joli in several positions and dutifully took measurements of almost every part of her body, even around her wrists and ankles, up the inside of each leg, breast and cup size, calling out each measurement to Heather as she made them. “Well Joli, looks like we are done, finally.” Sandra said as she circled around behind her.

Joli heard the swish of the crop and felt it’s stinging bite before she could really react, but she knew better than to say anything. The crack was quickly followed by Ms Sandra gently massaging both of her butt cheeks where the crop had bitten the soft flesh. “Just one to let you know you’re still awake and not dreaming, dear.” Sandra kissed Joli on the cheek softly as the burn worked it’s way into the muscles of Joli’s bottom. Remembering the few lessons that Prava had given her, she quickly responded, “Thank you Ms Sandra, Ma’am.” but dared not move to rub her now sore butt.

Sandra handed the crop back to Heather, instructing her to join her in their room so they could get to work. As Heather walked past Joli, they looked at each other, Joli catching the other girl’s sly wink as she moved to the door and followed her Mistress down the hall, closing the door behind her, one more wink and a slight smile directed at Joli before it shut.

Once the door was closed, Joli could finally relax and used both hands to rub her butt as she walked over to the tall dressing mirror, twisting her torso so she could see the mark that Ms Sandra had given her. Contrasting wth the paleness of Joli’s skin, the red stripe actually looked angrier than it felt. It still burned and was tender to the touch, but she knew she would survive it. She remembered Prava telling her that the girl’s didn’t just answer to their Mistresses, but now being included as part of the family, she was answerable to all six of the Ladies, and not just to Prava. That realization was going to take some getting used to, for sure.

Joli went into their private bathroom and found some of the salve that Prava kept there for her skin and put a nice dollop on each globe of her butt and massaged it until it all disappeared. She realized that Sandra could easily have given as many strokes as she chose to, but had only used one to make a point, to remind Joli who was in charge and who should be listening. With just what she felt after one swat, Joli tried to picture how Ms Sandra had tamed Heather from a womanizing stereotypical dyke to a docile and obedient submissive, and it made her butt ache to think about process.

Joli went back into the bedroom and lay across the big bed she shared with her lover, her mistress, and tried to think. The slow ache she felt now in her bottom a constant reminder of the person she had become for her Ms Prava, and the hurt seemed to almost go away, but some remained to show the direction she was now heading. She found that she did not feel any dread in what she assumed now lay ahead of her, but instead felt a slow growing warmth in her body and she wasn’t ashamed at all that she was becoming aroused by the thought of what her Mistress was asking her to become for them both, or all three if you added Dutch in the equation.

Joli was snapped back into the present by the sound of the door opening and people walking into the bedroom. Quickly getting to her feet, she saw Ms Janae standing just inside the doorway, with Mylia standing just behind her quietly.

Janae stepped over by the bed and took one of Joli’s hands, “You need to stand up for me Joli, there are some important things I need to take care of before you can slip into some leisure activity. Come now, get up!” Joli knew better than to dally this time. Ms Janae could enforce any decision she might make quickly and easily with just her strength alone, but combining that with a softly, rugged beauty that made her seem almost deceiving as to how she would apply it. “Yes Ms Janae, Ma’am” Joli replied almost on instinct this time, and stood quickly before the tall, strong woman, hands clasped behind her back, eyes diverted down.

Janae towered a full nine inches taller than Joli and her darker, skin sharply contrasted with Joli’s almost alabaster paleness. Ms Janae slipped her arm around Joli’s shoulders and moved her to the foot of the bed next to one of the tall corner posts. “Now, move and position how I need you to and we shall be done quickly and can get on to what Mylia needs to finish some items for you before tonight.”

Ms Janae had her assume several diffent standing and kneeling positions, all of which Mylia dutifully measured and wrote down in another small notebook like Ms Sandra’s. Even taking her wrist and finger measurements, making her remember Rebecca mentioning the jewelry that Janae would probably make for her as gifts. Some of the measurements made her try and guess what they were for also, but she refrained from asking, knowing it was all for her and not to question the decision of other’s.


Janae had Joli at one point standing against the corner post of the bed, arms raised to full length up the length of the wooden post, wrists together and standing on tippy toes. Mylia took all of the low measurements while Janae handled all of those too high for her to reach. Next, Mylia produced four strips of velcro material, Janae telling her to clasp and place the palms of her hands together at the small of her back. As Janae held them together firmly, Mylia slipped one piece of the slim strap around her wrists and snugged it tight, securly binding her hands together.

The velcro was obviously marked in some fashion as Janae read off some number for Mylia to write down. This was followed by another band being place a little higher up her forearms and pulled snugly to bring both arms to almost touch behind her back, and again some numbers being read off to Mylia. This was repeated two more times, with the straps pulled firmly together, bringing her arms as far back and close together as possible, the last strap fitting just above her elbows. Joli remained very still and quiet through this process, finding it not too uncomfortable to be in.

More of the black, clingy material was now added to the exixsting straps, this time wrapping around her torso, from the top strap back to the wrist straps in turn. Once tightened and measured, Joli felt as though her body was bound to a very rigid post, but there was nothing actually there, the straps held her posture as erect as possible, a slight arch forward to her back, causing her bare breasts to jut proudly out before her. Stealing a glimpse of herself in the large dressing mirror, Joli was a little shocked to see how erect her nipples had become from Ms. Janaes handling of her body, all the touches and caresses while fastening the straps in place had aroused Joli without her even noticing, but became very aware of now that she saw how she was captured and quite helpless in the presence of the two women.

The last item to check was a slip of leather about three inches wide and almost as soft as her cuffs. Joli gasped as she realized this was the collar that would be so important tonight for her to accept, to show to whom she would belong to from this night onward. Mylia giggled a little at hearing Joli gasp, causing Ms Janae to grasp her shoulder’s and turn her so that she could see herself fully in the tall mirror. “Yes Joli, it is your collar, but only temporary for now. You can feel the power it will have on your life now, can’t you girl?” Joli tested and pulled against the straps encircling her body before answering, “Yes Ms Janae.” she replied, and at the same time saw a relaxed, almost peaceful smile cross the lips of the girl reflected in the mirror.

Joli marveled at how simple it had been for the tall woman to ensnare her body and render her helpless. Janae could almost read her thoughts as she gazed at herself, “Yes child, your Ms Prava can do the same to you, amost as easily as I did.” Janae almost whispered, “And understand one thing. From tonight forward, when she does this to you, you will want her to do it. You will not resist her will to possess you.” Janae intoned, adding “And you know it will be true, deep inside of yourself, you know. And it doesn’t scare you, does it?”

Mylia joined her Mistress in talking to Joli, “It is amazing, isn’t it Joli.” “You used to see yourself as so independent, as I once did. But deep inside you can feel the person you once were taught you must be, slowly melting away, showing you your true self.” Janae adding in a soft voice, “Tonight girl, you must change for us all, and accept that new person you are becoming, for yourself, for your Misress, for your new family, and most importantly, for your Dutch.”

Ms Janae planted a very sultry kiss to Joli’s lips, almost playfully biting the bottom one, immediately followed by a long lingering French kiss from Mylia so intense Joli almost missed Janae slipping the velcro from her body and arms, the ripping sound of the material releasing the only clue of it happening. “Now, you just stay here girl and NO mischief with yourself, or I will be back to secure your cuffs. Some one will be joining you shortly, so just be patient.” And with that, Joli found herself alone again in the big bedroom.

Joli stepped closer to the big mirror and examined the red marks on her arms and torso where the straps had held her so firmly. She had been in them for about ten minutes she guessed, but her muscles showed no signs of discomfort or stress by how Ms Janae had her positioned, standing as if secured to some object. It only intensified the knowledge in her mind that she had done that willingly and had offered no resistance to Ms Janae at all. The only thing really holding her in place and immobile was herself. She could have complained when the straps were too tight or too confining, but she hadn’t said a word. The old Joli of just 4 months ago would have fought, tried to escape from the imagined prison her body felt itself being put into. And it slowly came to her, like a soft whisper in the back of her thoughts, she did NOT want to resist, she didn’t panic, didn’t say a word against what had been done. What had happened was that she accepted it, just as Prava had asked her to do so many times now, and being so helpless had aroused her.

She looked down at her erect nipples, saw how hard they looked, the small bumps on her areola surrounding the pebble hard nubs plainly evident just to see. She started to reach up to confirm what she saw, but remembered Janae’s words “…NO mischief” and her hands stopped moving upward. She could also feel the moisture beginning to collect on the lips of her pussy, feel them slowly engorging, opening like a very special delicate flower between her thighs. “…NO mischief” again echoed in her thoughts.

This was going to make for a long day at this rate. She found that the more she tried to ignore her growing arousal, the wetter and more excited her body was becoming. She knew that any of the women staying with her and Prava would be able to tell at a glance if she had done anything about it except to ignore it. And Janae’s implied warning kept comeing to her mind. As big and strong as Janae was, what would it be like to be truly punished by her. What had Mylia endured and rejoiced in at the hands of her Mistress? Thoughts like that just added to the slow burning fire in her body now. She couldn’t stop them from coming to her, arousing her even more, in an almost viscious cycle. She felt her breath begin to shorten and quicken and she tried to control that as well as her thoughts, which only made her more aware of her arousal. Surely this would make her go mad in its steady encroachment to her thoughts, her attempts at denying what her body was doing to her.

Thoughts of trying to stop nature in it’s tracks, followed by more thought’s of what she was now feeling, she took a seat on the loveseat and looked at the hassock before her, remembering that this was where Dutch had first had her, where she had accepted him willingly as her lover, as his bitch. The more she thought about all the times they had been together like that. The need she had for him to mount her, his ability to almost communicate his desire for her. She knew she only imagined that, or had it been real? Dutch never made love to her like she dreamed he did, he only mounted and fucked her. As only an animal could possibly do. Over and over since coming to live with Prava, Dutch had fucked her, plain and simple. Or had it been that simple?

God she needed to masturbate so bad right now, but she knew she dare not. How long will they leave her alone like this, or is this part of her initiation, maybe even a test of her ability to do as she was told. Even with so many people on the property, Joli felt alone at the moment. She wanted to see her Mistress so bad, she had so many questions in her head now that she needed to ask. But Prava had said she would be isolated from her Mistress and Dutch until the ceremony tonight. Joli’s train of thought was working in circles again, her level of arousal increasing even as she tried to fight those feelings.

A soft tapping at the door surprised her, she hadn’t even heard the sound of anyone approaching the door. When she opened it, Brenda and Cheryl stood in the hallway, as naked as she was, smiling Cheshire cat grins at her, which made her suspect something was up. As soon as both girls were in the room and the door was closed, they both hugged Joli and each planted a small kiss to each cheek. “We are here to help you bathe and get yourself ready Joli.” Ms Alicia says we need to have you plucked, scrubbed and shaved as smooth as a baby for tonight, so here we are.” Brenda informed her. Cheryl went on into the bathrooom and began getting the big tub ready for their project. Brenda guided Joli into the already steamy bathroom, taking all of her jewelry off and setting it on the counter. “Hhhmmm, someone has been having some sexy naughty thoughts while she’s been alone. Are you going to tell us who has you so worked up, or are you going to make us guess?” Joli wasn’t sure if Brenda knew for sure she was horny, or just teasing her a bit to ease the feeling of isolation.

The girls helped Joli slowly sink into the steamy hot water of the bath and began gently scrubbing her body with the softest wash cloths they could find in the linen closet. Cheryl kept adding little dashes of fresh lavender oil to the water, causing it to release the soothing scent each time she added it. Joli looked at Brenda, asking “I haven’t seen Becca since lunch, is she staying away on purpose or is she that busy?” Having someone give her a bath was most welcome now and she was finally relaxing, having someone to talk to.

“Well, the Ladies are keeping her pretty occupied, and the way she seems to be at handling the boys, she has her hands full right now, but she may be up with the rest of us later.” Cheryl informed her, “And I think our Ladies are trying to keep her away from you as you two might get up to something you shouldn’t, if you catch my meaning.” Brenda chuckled at that, “Yes, you two do seem made for each other. Little Becca was always so shy around the rest of us for quite a while, but she opened right up to you, Joli. The Ladies are right, there seems to be something special about the both of you, and we could not be luckier to have you both joining us.”

The bath was very relaxing and Cheryl did an immaculate job of shaving Joli smooth, and neither she or Brenda could find a single stray hair anywhere below Joli’s eyebrows when they were done.


Brenda got Joli to lay down on the big bed and relax, “You should try to nap Joli, this is going to be a long night, especially for you.”

“Trying to relax just let’s me start thinking about things Brenda, then I start thinking about ‘what if…’ and it just starts a self feeding fire. I can’t really relax right now. ” “What if I mess things up later, like saying or doing something wrong or stupid?”

Both Brenda and Cheryl sat with her on the bed, trying to get her to relax, but the girl was just getting herself worked up over and over again. “Joli, listen to me, please.” Brenda said just a little forcefully. “I’ve only known you since January, but I’ve never seen you mess anything up girl. You’re going to do just fine tonight, I know you will.” Cheryl leaned close and almost whispered to her “You will do just fine Joli, it’s only a short little ceremony, then it will all be so easy, just like your everyday life again. A bit of excitement, then normal. And besides, we will be there to help you if you do mess up or panic.”

A voice from the doorway startled alll three of them as they never heard the door open, “And I will be right there with you sis. I won’t let anything spoil your night, okay?” Hearing Becca’s voice made Joli smile, finally. She sat up, seeing her ‘new younger sister’ seemed to lift tons of pressure from Joli.
“Mom, uh.. Mistress, I mean, let me come back to the house to at least check on you. I know what yu are going through Joli, we all know really, so trust us, please. It will all work out fine.”Rebecca tried reassuring her as she approached the bed.

“Brenda, Ms Alicia asked me to send you downstairs for a minute, Cheryl and I will take good care of her for now.” Brenda got up and quietly left the room as Rebecca climbed up on the foot of the big bed and took both of Joli’s feet in her lap and started rubbing them, her thumbs pressing into Joli’s feet firmly, yet delicately. “Mom really likes me to do this for her, especially after a hard day, she says I have magic hands.” Seeing Joli release a deep sigh as her body visibly relaxed, Cheryl added, “You better let her do it Joli, almost all of us have had one of Becca’s foot rubs, and they are heaven, for sure.”

Joli closed her eyes, answering, “If you say so Cheryl. I already decided to give up and let her do it after the first couple of seconds. This really feel s good.” Rebecca looked at Cheryl and smiled, both watching Joli’s visibly tense body relax as she closed her eyes and let it happen. “We’re going to stay right here with Joli, make sure everything goes like it should. Ms Janae already warned me though, she will not allow us to get up to anything we aren’t supossed to, or else. If you catch my drift.”

Joli didn’t answer Becca back, the foot massage already putting her into a nice relaxed state as she slipped quickly to almost sleeping. Becca’s voice along with the accupressure massage did just the trick. Becca kept softly working her feet while Cheryl did the same with her hands and fingers. The soft touches of the two girls sending Joli into a very relaxed, almost sleeping state of mind. She could hear both girls talking softly, but their voices sounded so far away, she just breathed slowly and let her thoughts just go.

“You know the Ladies are going to make you teach the rest of us how you do that one of these days.” Cheryl was saying. “My Ms Terri says it has something to do with the way you handle the boys so easily, something about the hidden tones in your voice, I don’t quite understand it, but I know it works.”

Rebcca responded softly, “I can only teach you part of it ’cause I don’t really understand it all myself.” “An old lady who lived next to where I grew up told me I had something in me, sort of a gift,” “She showed me some of it before that ‘woman’ that used to be my mother made me stop talking to her.” Joli’s body tensed a little as Rebecca let some of the bitterness she held for her birth mother slip loose into her voice, an expression of discomfort crossing her face momentarily as she mentioned her. Cheryl could see it wasn’t a pleasant memory, and she only knew a small part of how Rebecca had come to Ms Katherine that night.

Rebecca forced the bitterness out of her as quickly as she could, smiling back to Cheryl as she talked softly again, putting a soft expression back on her face, willing the bad away. “If you get Ms Terri to talk to mom, I bet she would let me teach you some of it.”

Once they could hear Joli’s breath become slow and even, they could tell she has fallen to sleep finally. Rebecca told Cheryl that the coach house was pretty much all ready for tonight, that when Ms Terri had shown the delivery guys where to unload the truck the other day, she had them put most of the items in place, to make it easier to get ready. “Your Mistress is a good planner, always thinking ahead.” Rebecca complimented.

Cheryl let a small laugh out, “She’s always trying to get me to do that too, think ahead. But I would rather just deal with the ‘right now’ stuff, like taking care of our home and our boy Jacob, “He is such a smart boy. Demanding of my attention for sure, but definately good for our family.” “I know Joli will be as happy about Dutch once they are committed tonight.”

Rebecca nodded her head, agreeing with Cheryl, “Yesterday, did you see how she reacted to him? Almost like he was sort of ‘talking’ to her as they looked at each other.”

“I know, it was almost spooky. Ms Prava has mentioned that to Mistress too. Joli tells her it’s like he can talk to her, but she only really hears him in her head.” Cheryl informed Rebecca. “You know Dutch is one of Aspis’s pups don’t you?” Rebecca nodded her head in agreement, “I knew that from listening to Mistress talk about it. But I don’t know about his mother though, but I do know Ms Prava has had him since Ms Alicia released her, and I suspect it had something to do with that.”

They both agreed there was so much they didn’t know yet about their family, both girls having come into it in just the last couple of years. “I know this was all supossed to happen a year or so ago, but that little snot Trina up and left Ms Prava. No note or call or nothing, just left while Prava was out on one of her buying trips. I didn’t know her but a short time, but I could tell she was trouble.”

Rebecca nodded, “Yes, I only met her once and didn’t like her at all right off. Ms Prava brought her down to visit us once right after Ms Katherine took me in.” Becca frowned as she remembered, “And it crushed Prava so bad when she left. Mistress was truly worried about her.” “I think all the Ladies were, in one way or another.”

A soft rapping on the door got both girls attention, seeing Brenda slip quietly into the room, “Rebecca, Ms Katherine needs you in the kitchen if Joli is asleep now, and The lLadies need you in the den Cheryl.”, she whispered to both girl’s, “Let her rest and we will be back to get her ready ina bit, and supper is almost ready, too.”

Joli could hear a soft voice calling her name as if from a distance, but getting closer . When she opened her eyes, Ms. Katherine was leaning over her, whispering her name, fingers softly stroking her temples. “That’s it babygirl.” “We brought you some dinner and get you roused up, it’s almost time to get things started with you.”

Joli blinked several times as she sat up on her elbows, looking around the room. Rebecca was behind Ms Katherine holding a small tray with what was apparently her dinner, smiling at her with that sexy little grin she had. The light from the windows was not very bright, letting her know that the sun was setting now. “How long have I been asleep Ms Katherine?” she asked as she sat all the way up, crossing her legs to sit on the big mattress.

“It’s been about three hours Joli. The girls said you had worked yourself up a bit so we let you sleep once Becca worked her massage magic on you.” Rebecca moved around her Mistress and set the tray on the bed next to her sister, “You wouldn’t have gone to sleep so easy if you hadn’t needed to Joli. It was easy to get you to go out like that.”

Joli could now smell the food on the tray and it made her stomach rumble a little. Ms Katherine stood up, saying, “We aren’t here to feed you Joli, so eat up hon.” Joli looked at the tray and realized Ms Prava had probably made the sandwich for her, it was as sloppy and loaded with things she liked on them, just the way she liked to make them, roast beef, pickles, mayo, mustard, lettuce, black olives, banana peppers, red onion, tomatoe. A real fridge cleaner, as she had told her Mistress she had named them. Afdded to that was a big bowl of a wonderfully smelling stew and a big glass of iced sweet tea.

Ms Katherine excused herself and Rebecca, “We will all see you in a bit Joli, enjoy your food and someone will be in shortly.” Turning to Rebecca, “And you, young lady, need to leave too and give Joli her peace while she eats. You haven’t stopped talking all afternoon.” adding a firm swat to Rebecca’s naked butt to motivate her out the door. Rebecca looked back and waved and winked at Joli, but before she could utter a word, Ms Katherine shooed her a little more firmly out the door and closed it.

Joli got off the bed and went to the window to look out. It was definately very late afternoon as the sun was almost down to the hilltops that surrounded the little valley they lived in. Looking up, she could see absolute clear skies above, so all of those brilliant stars would shine tonight, along with the full moon her Mistress kept taking about that would shine tonight for the equinox.

The smell of the warm food made her stomach growl again, making her realize just how hungry she was now. She took the tray, setting it on the hassock near the love seat and dove into the big sandwich, alternating bites to it with big spoonfulls of the warming, hearty stew. mIt really took no times for her to get every bite down and finish the tea. Walking to the door, she put her ear against it and listened. she could her a few footsteps on the wooden floors, but no voices at all. The big clock in the hallway easily the loudest thing she could hear, making her feel quite alone in the big house, but she knew at least one other person was with her, but not a clue as to who or which room they were in to help identify them for her.


Joli looked at the nightstand to see what time the clock said it was and was surprised to see it was not there. Mistress had clocks everywhere in the house where she thought they would be useful and could see at a glance, but it was odd that this one was missing, tonight of all nights too. She resigned herself to think of it as all part of the ‘isolation’ Prava had told her she was under now.

Thinking about what all she had been through just since lunch, she began to understand that this was definately some kind of test or something. To test her psychologically maybe. The women and girls too had let slip little tidbits of information, which had made her think and try to reason things for herself without any definate limits to what she could ponder. It had definately worked too, as she had worked herself up pretty easily earlier with facts and implied information, her mind had tried to work it all out with what she definately knew, versus what she thought she might know.

Joli let out a frustrated growl as she got up and went into the bathroom, taking in her image in the big mirror and then closing her eyes. She was doing it again, just like earlier. Rumor versus fact, implied actions versus truth. She stood quietly still and dropped her chin to her chest, taking very deep and slow breaths to regain control of her thinking. Deep steady breathing, in through her nose, slow and just as deep exhalation from her narrowly open lips.

Fact. She knew that her Mistress would never let anything harm her. Fact: She didn’t believe anyone else with them here this weekend would do any harm to her either. Fact: Rebecca wouldn’t let anyone do anything like that either. So it could only be some sort of test of her will to become a member of this family, make themselves as well as her sure of her desire to be with them.

After a few minutes, she had relaxed herself and cleared her head. She needed to think only of the three facts she had thought of and she would be able to make it through whatever they had planned. She remembered at a couple of the boarding schools she had been at, to belong in some of the groups with the other girls and accepted, there had been some sort of initiation and ceremony to be allowed into the group, so that was probably just all it was. That thought made her feel better since she had never failed joining those groups. Maybe the life her father and mother had put her through made her tougher than some? She doubted that almost immediately, thinking of how they were when she got into her teens and started college, she knew then that they really didn’t care about anyone else beyond the end of their noses.

She could hear some of the boys barking outside now and their noise was getting closer too. Joli almost ran to the windows to look out and saw Caesar, Seth and Gunner running and chasing each other as Ms Terri, and Janae led Cheryl, Heather and Brenda out from the old drive towards the house. Were they finally coming back for her? She definately hoped so and took a seat on the edge of the bed and waited.

She heard them come in downstairs and the usual noise of people coming home they made, getting coats and shoes off, food and water down for the boys, footsteps moving back and forth. She heard Ms Janae coming up the stairs calling for Mylia, then heard that bedroon door open and close just down the hall. So now she knew who had been in the house with her for the afternoon.

It wasn’t long before she heard the voices of Ms’s Janae and Terri coming up the hallway towards the room she was in. What to do, what to do?… the thought ran through her head. Joli quickly moved to the end of the bed and knealt there, facing the door but with her eyes down and wrists crossed at the small of her back, like she had been taught. The action actually calming some of the emotions she was feeling at the moment, shooing the butterflies of anticipation away from her.

Both Mistress’s entered without knocking and smiled to each other as they saw where Joli now was, “She is finally learning Terri, I think she will fit very well.” “I knew she would sooner than later after finally meeting her the other day when we arrived”, Ms Terri replied.

Both women moved close to Joli, “Stand up now Joli, we are here to get things finally started for your big night. Come over here by the bedpost.” Joli quickly got to her feet as she was told and stepped near to both Mistress’s. Ms Terri stepped in front of her, “Present your wrists to me Joli.”, removing a small bar of metal from a pocket of her Jeans. When she had both wrists out for Ms Terri, she watched as her wrists were locked together by a clamp bar similar to the one her own Mistress had shown her the night she gave her the cuffs to wear. God that seemed so long ago now, but it was only a short time really, as wearing the cuffs at all times now was almost second nature to her.

Once the bar was clamped to both cuffs, Ms Janae turned and spoke to her, “Face the bedpost Joli and raise your hands as high as you can get them for me.” Once Joli was stretched as much as she thought she could, Ms Janae hooked the clamp bar under a couple of finger’s and lifted her easily a few more inches, so that she was on the balls of her feet, her arms stretched very straight above her. “Now do not move yet dear.” Ms Janae instructed her.

Ms Terri handed Janae a thick leather strap with some buckles on it, which was quickly affixed from the bedpost to the metal bar, keeping Joli stretched almost to her tip toes and leaning against the tall post to keep her balance. “Very good Joli, now, just stay that way for a short time for us, and don’t go anywhere.” That last part making both Mistress’s giggle as they walked out of the room, Ms Terri saying to Janae, almost out of earshot “Like she could after you work your talents. You are funny Janae.” The closing of the door sounded loud to Joli now, absolutely helpless as she stood, waiting.

The solitude again made her start thinking. When Janae had done her measurements earlier, she had made the comment of how easily Joli was immbolized, not through Janae’s abilities as much as Joli’s own inner desires to be done that way. And now here she was again, unable to really move except to step around the corner post of the bed, her hands and arms stretched as far as possible over her head, standing on the balls and toes of her feet. She had simply done as the women had asked, she didn’t have to be told or coerced to do it. It had come to her so naturally to just obey them. Six months ago, she would have questioned and resisted anyone even trying to get her to do the same thing with her. These women had a definate way about them that seemed to make you want to obey them.

One of them, probably Ms Terri had turned up the heat in the room a little she thought, it was definately getting a bit warmer as she waited, and she could feel a couple of drops of sweat roll slowly down her back to her butt, tickling her skin as they moved so slowly down. Soon it was all she could think of, all that she could feel. Her hands and feet didn’t hurt at all, or she didn’t notice them hurting. Only those slow moving drops were all she could think of, and the tickling was getting quite annoying too.

Joli finally remembered to close her eyes and relax. Practice the breathing that she had started in the bathroom just a little while ago. She pictured herself in her head, her body stretched almost to it’s maximum, the weight of her breasts was more pronounced in this position, and she could feel herself beginning to warm between her thighs. She knew she was vulnerable like this, unable to prevent anyone from approaching her and touching her, intruding into her personal space, gaining free access to her body to do with as they pleased. And it excited her.

After a short time, or maybe it was longer than she knew, she couldn’t tell really, she could hear the soft steps of someone walking slowly up the hallway. One person? No, she heard more as they got closer, but who, she couldn’t tell. She heard the door open quickly and several people came into the room. Before she could twist around to see who all had joined her, a blindfold was slipped over her eyes and tied snugly at the back of her head, effectively keeping her literally in the dark now.

No one said a word, and all she heard was a soft “SSShhhhhh.” whispered in her ear. After only moments she felt a pair of hands on her waist, rubbing something into her skin, very softly, but definately putting some kind of lotion or thick liquid on her, the hands doing an almost sensual dance across her body. A second pair soon touched her on the sides, mimicking the first pair in rubbing some lotion on her body. Her skin began to warm from the gentle massaging, or was it the lotion, or both. She could not tell.

Soon, a pair of hands began to repeat the same movements on each arm. This time, they were so close to her face she could smell the scent of what was being applied to her. It was the elixir, the mixture that her Mistress and Ms Alicia used in the dildo’s when they made love to her. She could feel her skin almost drinking it into itself, making her body warmer, her skin becoming a soft rosy pink glow growing over her as the warmth spread. throughout her.

Two more pair of hands began to now massage and add more of the elixir to her legs. Except for her head, her entire body was now being rubbed down with the intoxicating compound. She could feel her body reacting as it always did, her nipples hardened to stony points with out even being touched yet. She could feel the warnth spreading into her labia, feel her clit growing erect and hard, poking out from it’s protective hood, the tight rose of her back door tingled naughtily in reaction to what was happening to the rest of her body.

She felt something slick and hard touching her lips now, and again the soft whisper, “Drink.”, as the salty sweet elixir flowed from the container into her mouth, being given to her slowly so as not to overwhelm her. She swallowed it down as fast as it was given to her, and she could feel it being absorbed even as it slid down her throat to her stomach. The almost magical liquid stoking the warmth of her body, spread from within to every part of her now arousing body. Every sexual nerve of her waking to the effect of the elixir. As her body became fully awake to itself, the hands began to caress and rub more of the liquid into the skin of her breasts, over her vulva and labia, questing fingers working inside of her body through her vagina and anus. All the digits slick with the powerful liquid.

Five pair of hands worked her body together, though not a word was spoken. Joli could not determine who was doing this to her. All of the Mistresses? Maybe all of the other girls? She had no idea, and the sexual high that was taking over her body made her really not care who it was either. The hands and fingers were touching her most sensitive places now, her breathing becoming shallow and quick.


As stretched as Joli was against the tall bedpost, she was unable to move her body to keep the hands touching where she wanted them. She almost lost her balance two times while trying, and the person’s that were touching her, were not making it easy for her either. If she started to move her hips one way, the hands on that side would move away, but returned almost immediately when she would move back.

She could feel her skin was covered with the powerful liquid now, her whole body felt warm, and it was getting slowly warmer, it felt from the inside out. More of the elixir was offered for her to drink and she took it in, as much as they would give her. She would hold the strong liquid in her mouth for a bit before swallowing, and swore she could feel the amount decrease just a bit as she savored it’s heady aroma, the salty-sweet taste and the thick consistancy of it as she swallowed slowly, trying to just let it slide down her throat instead of disappearing in one or two large swallows.

Just like it all started, the girls in the room with her silently filed out, one by one, to leave her stretched upright on the strong bedpost. She could feel her body arousing by itself from just the erotic memories she had from her previous experiences with this strange concoction. She tried hard to press her erect, hard clit against the post, needing to feel it touching something, to try and give herself a nice orgasm she could feel just underneath her consciousness, just out of reach.

Her breathing was very shallow and quickening as she grew more frustrated by the minute. Oh why wasn’t her Mistress here to help her release the pressure, where was Dutch and his powerful cock. She could feel the desire, the need, and the hunger growing inside of her body. Her nipples ached in their hardness, she could feel her pussy almost dripping wet with her lust, her labias swollen between her thighs. Her heart was beating hard and steady in her chest and she could feel her pulse deep within her core, even the velvety soft walls of her pussy lightly throbbed in time with her beating heart.

Blindfolded, she leaned her head against the hard wood of the post that kept her securely against itself. The days events replaying over and over in her head as she tried to gain control of her breathing, which would give her some control over her body. It seemed as if everything that she was feeling on or around her body was magnified in some way. She could feel the beads of sweat moving down her skin, slowly, almost maddeningly, the stirring air from the heat vent whispered softly over her, cooling the wet tracks of moisture left by the drops. Her concentration distracted her other senses as she tried to slow the beating of her pulse, deepen her breathing, she didn’t hear the door open softly behind her.

A soft voice whispered in her ear “Hold still girl.” as two sets of hands slid slowly up her arms to the leather strap holding the cuff bar, lifting it slightly to get a little slack in it. One hand pressed gently down on the back of her head as another lifted her cuffs, “Head and eyes down Joli.”. She felt more than heard the buckles securing her hands so high up finally let go. Her arms fell in front of her, feeling as if they weighed some unimaginable weight. Trying hard , she could not lift them very far.

The hand pressing her head forward and down kept a steady pressure applied to her and other hands massaged her arms and worked them to bend and flex a few times, making sure she had circulation. Joli almost started to cry as the feeling returned to her hands and arms, the blood rushing to the extrmities again, reigniting the sensitive nerves. The hands touching her were very gentle with her, but very strong too as they made sure she stood exactly still where she was. The voice whispering so softly in her ear she almost didn’t recognize the southern accent of Ms Katherine as one of the persons with her now.

Looking down, all she could see was her own bare feet and the bottom hems of the dark robes that each of the women had brought with them. The thick soft material came down to cover the tops of the soft leather boots they wore. She could see that there were three women with her now, but only one spoke. She knew that one other was probably Ms Janae as she could reach where her hands had been secured so far above her head, but not a clue about the other person with them.

As she stood still, she could feel leather straps sliding up her arms to her shoulders. Ms Janae grasped both wrists from behind and pulled them to the small of her back, “Palms together Joli, and do not move.”. As she held her hands where she was told, she could feel several straps brushing across her skin in different places as two slipped around her wrists, the metal buckle tinkling as one end was pulled through it and secured firmly, her hands now immobile.

Three other straps were now secured around her arms, her mind giving her a mental picture of what she must look like as it happened. The first encircled her arms about half way up her forearms, being pulled and buckled until her arms were actually touching behind her. The next was a wide strap that covered her elbows both above and below the joint of her arms, again pulled roughly together, her elnows almost touching, but not quite. The fourth strap slid around about half way between her shoulder’s and elbows, agains being pulled hard to bring them as close together as possible.

Joli now found that her back was arched forward by the position of her arms, her shoulders were trailing back, caising her upper torso to thrust forward, she could feel how exposed her breasts now were. She could feel the third person in the room with them begin to run her fingertips slowly and very softly over her aroused skin, each movement drwing closer to her breasts. Joli tried to move her body, to bring her aching nipples closer to those fingers but felt Ms Janae tug sharply on the elbow strap to pull her back upright and straight. A very hard swat to her butt and a reprimand followed quickly, “Do not move Joli. I will not say it again.” she heard Ms Janae almost growl in her ear as a small fire had ignited in the butt cheek that had recieved the hard swat.

“I’ll hold her still while you fix the other’s.” she heard Ms Katherine tell Janae, as she felt the elbow strap gripped and lifted just a bit, to raise her to the balls of her feet again. Janae and the other woman stepped in front of Joli a little off to the sides a bit. Janae began directing the other to hand her other wide straps of leather that she buckled round the girls torso. Each one corresonding to one of the straps securing the girls arms. The first was tightened and buckled just above Joli’s breasts, pulled tightly to make her back arch just a bit more. The other three straps were buckled and tightened tighter as they got lower, eventually pulling her forearms and hands securley against her back, holding her in an almost swayback posture.

All Joli could see were the three Ladies boots and the bottoms of each robe. She dared not try and look up and kept her eyes onediently downcast, as was proper for a girl when in the resence of a Mistress. She tried to rembebr everything Prava had taught her, she almost feared making a mistake now, know Ms Janae would be the one dealing the ‘corrections’, at least for now.

Ms Katherine reached around from behind her now, relaxing her grip of the strap from behind, reaching around and lifting the gilrs chin up high and holding it there. The mysterious third person said not a word and mover just out of Joli’s visual range as her head came up, standing just behind and to the side.

As Katherine held Joli’s head raised, Janae slipped a wide stiff leather collar around her neck and buckled it quickly. The collar forced Joli;s head to stay slightly raised and also to force her shoulders back just a little more than the straps had done, making her stand more erect than she could ever remember doing in her life.

The mysterious third person now moved past Joli and Katherine and Janae tpwards the hallway, but had the big hood raised on her robe so Joli could not tell who she was. When they could all 3 hear her returning down the hall, Janae turned Joli to face away from the door momentarily. Joli felt what was probably an old military wool blanket, or some near kin of that slipped over her sholuders and clasped together just at the base of her throat, the itchy material causing near havoc with Joli’s now very sensitized nerves.

Joli heard liquid being poured into glasses as she stood quite still to maintain her balance, being unable to use her arms in any way. Ms Katherine stepped in front of her now and lifted a double shot glass of Ms Prava’s red liquor, “drink this Joli, it will keep you warm for a bit when we go out to the couch house.” Joli drank greedily until the glass was emptied and Katherine set it back on the dresser. The liquor was followed by another small bottle of the special elixir, which Joli had actually developed quite a taste for dince Prava had first let her sample it.

Once the little bottle was empty, Janae clipped a short lead line to the posture collar and all 4 women started out of the room and to the outside, stopping at the front door for Katherine and the 3rd woman to slip Joli’s low boots on her feet to protect against the cold snow. All four now left the warmth of the house to begin to walk back into the woods to the coach house, where all the other’s were undoubtedly waiting for their arrival.

Not a word was spoken on the walk up the old drive. Joli could feel the liquor and the elixir beginning to relax her body now like they always did when taken together. Her arousal began to increase with each step it seemed, but she dared not say anything as she could see the riding crop that hung from the belt of Janae’s robe, and knew that she would not hesitate to use it.

They walked until they came to the side path that was one of Joli’s favorites to take with Dutch. It led back to the sheltered area where she and Prava had made love that first day she was there, and also the first place she had given herself to Dutch, freely and willingly. Janae turned to the other two women, “You both wait right here and I’ll be back in a moment.” then turned and led Joli to the small clearing.

“Joli, you will wait here until someone comes to get you. It won’t be long, and then you will be back with your Mistress and with Dutch.” Then reaching up, secured the lead strap onto a branch above Joli’s head, leaned down and kissed her cheek softly, whispering to her as she unclasped the blanket from her shoulders, “You will do good tonight babygirl, just take it as slowly as it comes, and think before any answers,” Turning and taking the blanket with her, walked quickly out of the clearing and back up the path to the others waiting on the drive.

Joli now stood naked to the night. The air was very still and actually a little chilly, but the combination of the liquor and the elixir was making her body warm, She could see that the moon was already up and the night sky that she could see through the branches of the tree was filled to capacity with stars, as if each were to be a spectator to something special tonight, crowded together to fill the sky.


Joli could feel the coolness of the air around her as she breathed it in, but her body was warm. She was so relaxed now she wasn’t even shivering but she could see her breathe on the air each time she exhaled. The straps that gripped her torso made her stand as erect as she ever done in her life, the wide collar holding her chin a little above horizontal, it was disorienting to turn her head very far to either side. Without her arms being free, she could feel the muscles of her back and legs alternately flexing and relaxing to keep her standing upright.

When her eyes looked around as far as she dared move, the shadows in the woods seemed darker to her, more able to hide things or creatures that watched her silently. But they also were lit by the silvery gray light cast by the now fully risen, full moon. Dark deep shadows set off by the exact opposite amount of light where nothing could hide, color was absent in all she could see, Where her mind told her there was green and browns was only gray and darker gray, the snow covering branches and the ground glowed as if lit by brilliant neon.

Her visual search was suddenly interrupted by something soft brushing her leg, making her squeal in surprise. She had heard nothing approach, what she felt was gone in the next instant. The small amount she could turn her head revealed nothing, and she couldn’t look down because of the stiff collar around her neck. Her back and hip muscles clenched as her body instinctively held itself in balance, preventing her from falling. She couldn’t have imagined what she had felt, could she? Her senses were receiving little input except vertical and horizontal, had she only imagined it?

Nothing. No sound or movement could she perceive. The woods were as silent as the stones in a cemetary. “Oh how long would they leave me here?” she thought to herself. Or had she actually said the words. Her mind was working too hard, she had to slow things down, rationalize things like she always did, no need to panic, yet. Except when she had napped earlier, her day had been almost an unending procession of second guessing Ms Prava, the other women, even Rebecca . What dwelled in her thought most though, was the way she was also second guessing herself, as unsure now of anything she had ever experienced. What had she allowed herself to be drawn into? Were the other women trying to do something terrible to her? Would something unseen in the woods attack her? Foreign thoughts crowded into her mind, one on top of another, each totally different from the one preceding, and the next one to raise itself into her thinking.

“NO!!!” She had closed her eyes tight at all the thoughts that crowded her and yelled loudly to clear them all away, or had she just thought the word that loudly to herself? There was no echo of the word, the night seemed to devour any sound but her breathing. Looking around to see what she could, she willed herself to relax and wait, just as Ms Janae had told her. Everything the women had told her today was the way things went. They were, each in their own way giving her help to cope and make it to the ultimate goal that awaited her in the coach house. Her own Mistress, her sire, Dutch, her new family. All waited out there for her, she knew she must trust them all, trust herself above all else.

Again, something very soft and light touched her other leg, making her start in surprise, again she squealed in surprise as whatever ‘it’ was touched her and was gone. The action of he response almost caused her to lose her balance, her body fighting itself to keep her upright. She tried turning a little in place, to see behind her as far as she could, but again saw only the brilliant white and deepest shadow in her very limited field of vision.

Her body shivered slightly now, not from cold, no, she was quite warm actually, though the air was still very cold as she breathed in. Her body was reacting as it should to the unknown touching, adrenalin adding it’s own unique effects to what the liquor and the elixir was already doing to her body, and to her thoughts. “Calm down girl. Get ahold of yourself. There is nothing there, You are safe here, in this very spot is your own sanctuary. No thing or no one can harm you here.” Hearing her own words frustrated her, or did she just think them to herself? She could no longer tell if she had said them or not.

She wished her Mistress was here, now, or even Dutch, neither would allow any harm to her. But they weren’t. She was as alone as she had ever been. No family to shield or guide her, no lover to prevent harm coming to her, she was alone now, just her and her thoughts. She pulled against the leather straps holding her body, keeping her from escaping. Why had she allowed herself to be done this way, to have gone this far, the helplessness she realized, was her own doing, her own need to belong here, somewhere. “Please Prava, find me. I need to be here with you.” This time she heard the echo, she had actually voiced her wish this time. She felt a small tickle in the corner of her eye, feeling a tear roll down one cheek, another welling in the other eye. If she could have hung her head in desperation, she would have as she resigned herself to the night, tears falling down her cheeks to fall on her breasts in their solitary journey down her body.


As quietly as she could, Ms Sandra turned from her crouch immediately behind Joli and gave a silent hand signal to the other five Ladies up the path near the old drive. Letting them know that Joli had finally uttered the words they had all been waiting for, telling them she was finally ready.

In the group, Alicia turned to Prava, whispering, “She is one to be very proud of Prava. She held out almost an hour longer than any of the girls yet.” Prava lowered her head, a deep sigh being the first sound she had made since they had all come to watch Joli in her solitude. Tears also fell from her eyes as she watched, relieved that her girl had finally said the words they had all been waiting for, to know she needed her Mistress to protect her.

Katherine detached herself from the little knot of women as they turned and quietly headed off to await her sister’s bringing Joli to join them. She walked as stealthily as she could to join Sandra in the clearing, ready to begin the final steps for Joli to become one them in total, and for them all to bring her to them as a much loved part of their family.

Joli opened her mouth to speak as Katherine stepped around Sandra and stood in front of her, placing two fingers over the girl’s lips to quiet her, “No words yet Joli, it’s not your time to talk just yet.” Sandra stood and stepped around Joli, finally letting her see her, “It’s time Katherine.” She aid almost in a whisper. Katherine took down the lead line that Janae had simply draped over a branch above Joli’s head, making the girl think she had been securely tied to the tree instead.

Sandra now produced a second lead, and attached it to the collar like the first one. “Now come with us Joli.” Sandra said as she tugged the lead to make sure it held. Both women started to walk, Joli staggered just a bit as she first began to walk again, She knew the exact way to the coach house, but she let the two Mistress’s lead her, one to each side and slightly ahead of her.

It took only a few minutes to cover the remaining distance to the coach house, she could probably walk it blindfolded by now. Joli’s steps were heavy as they walked, it was quite difficult to walk with any normalcy as she felt as intoxicated as she had ever been by the liquor and the elixir. The leather straps surrounding her body felt as if they had tightened just a bit as her breathing increased with the exertion of keeping up with Ms’s Katherine and Sandra in the ankle deep snow. Walking with her head held up a little was making the short walk difficult also since she could not look down to see where each foot was going.

The trio of women eventually came to the clearing where the coach house stood and walked up to the door, holding the leads tight, keeping Joli almost on the brink of being unbalanced and making even the smooth approach to the door a small challenge to cover with no way to truly balance her body. Ms Katherine handed Sandra the lead she had held and stepped close to the door, knocking loudly 4 times before reaching out and pushing the door latch down and opening the door.

Sandra brought Joli to the threshold rather abruptly, almost spilling her inside of the building. Joli heard all noise from inside suddenly stop as the big room came into view, although just a little foggy to her from the potent liquor. Katherine stepped a little further inside the building and announced so all could hear, “Sandra and I have found a lonely stray in the woods, abandoned and naked, alone and scared. Who will accept this one as theirs, to keep and train in their home?” Joli tried to see who was where in the room, but the many candles did not give off much light at all, espescially after the glaring light of the reflected full moon off of the snow.

“Bring her in so that we may see what is offered to us tonight by chance and fate.” Joli immediately recognized the voice as Ms Alicia. Sandra pulled hard on both leads, almost tipping Joli over as she fought to remain standing. The action of both women could be seen as Joli’s attempt to resist by trying hard to stay upright. Ms’s Katherine and Sandra grabbed the girl under her arms, almost lifting her as they guided her toward the middle of the room, where she saw Mylia and Brenda placing a small wooden platform in the middle of the room. It looked about three feet square and about a foot high, and with Katherine and Sandra exaggerating all of their movements, it again looked as if Joli was resisting, though there was no way she really could have if she had wanted to.

Now standing on the platform, Ms Alicia spoke once more, “Bare her feet and prepare her for us to see if she is worth bringing into our midst tonight.” Both Sandra and Katherine squatted down and in turn, each removed a boot and dropped them on the floor behind Joli, Ms Katherfine taking both leads and draping them over her left shoulder to hang loosely in both the front and back. Ms Sandra stepped to Heather and held out her right hand. Heather placed Ms Sandra’s riding crop gently in her hand and stepped back, trying not to smile at Joli as she did.

Ms Sandra slipped the looped end of the crop between Joli’s knees and moved it from side to side, making her spread her feet apart with small nudges, which Joli seemed to not respond fast enough for her. Stepping to one side and pulling the crop from between the girls knees rather roughly. In one smooth motion the crop was pulled back and up before Joli heard the pitched whistle of the crop a split second before it landed with some force across both of Joli’s butt cheeks, making her cry out loudly in surprise at the force Ms Sandra had used. “Knees apart girl, as directed.” Ms Alicia commanded from her position to Joli’s front.


Joli’s eyes roamed as far from side to side as she could without moving, fearing another lash from Ms Sandra’s crop. Prava had to be standing somewhere behind her as she coould not make her out in what she could see of the room. Almost everyone was in the range of her vision with only a couple of exceptions, but the room was only lit by a couple of dozen big candles, and the moonlight that streamed into the room through the big skylight directly above her. Her vision had begun to blur a little as it usually did from the combination of liquids she had been given and the dark robes the Ladies wore didn’t help much either.

Ms Alicia spoke to Joli again so that everyone could hear, “What is your name child, and why are you here?”. Joli hesitated, confused because Ms Alicia already knew the answer. “I, uumm. I…” she stammered in her confusion just as Ms Katherine stepped close, speaking loudly “Answer her girl.” before whispering “Give her your name and tell her you seek your mistress and wish to belong.”, before pressing down on her shoulder, as Ms Sandra prodded her behind her knees, adding for all to hear “Kneel when you speak child, respect.”

It took Joli a few seconds the get everything registered and straight in her mind. Once she had knelt on the platform, she immediately tried to bow her head, forgetting she wore the posture collar, making her gasp audibly before raising her head. “My name is Joli, Mistress, and I seek my mistress and to belong.”. Her eyes glanced briefly at Ms Katherine to see her smile and wink. “Katherina, Sandra, prepare her to be examined for us if you will.” Ms Alicia directed.

Katherine and Sandra stepped up on the platform on each side of Joli, Katherine unclipping the lead straps and coiling them around each other while Sandra released and removed the wide posture collar from around Joli’s neck, whispering to her, “Take your kneel Joli, remember respect and ettiquette.”. Both Ladies stepped off the platform, handing the items they had removed to their girls, Joli caught a smile from Rebecca as she bowed her head and spread her knees apart, settling on her crossed ankles. The straps around her body still did their work, holding her back very straight and erect.

Ms Alicia now walked to stand before Joli, who could only see her from the waist down. “And just who might your Mistress be child?” she asked. “I wish to belong to Ms Prava, Ma’am, if she will have me in her home.” Joli replied, hoping she had said the right words. Alicia then reached under her chin and lifted, raising her eyes up to look deeply into them, “And what if she doesn’t want or need a stray such as yourself.” Alicia inquired. Joli was surprised by that question. Would Prava deny her now? Was there some way to end what they had started? Joli felt a moment of panic, then the abrupt sting of Ms Sandra’s crop again biting into Joli’s butt, making her jump and squeal in surprise, “Answer her truthfully, child.” Katherine quickly advised from the side.

Joli began to feel her panic begin to creep back into her thoughts, adding to the mild confusion caused by the liquor and elixir mixing in her body, “Mistress Alicia, if she denies me, I will have no place to go, and no one to guide me any longer.”, her voice cracking just a bit at even the slightest thought of not being allowed to remain here. “Of course you won’t child. That is why fate has brought you to us, to join us and be part of something special, something powerful.” Alicia said softly to her just as her fingers slid over Joli’s eyes, closing the lids, and feeling the tears of fright that had begun to form in the gilr’s eyes, “keep them closed child, until told otherwise.” Another small glass of the potent red liquor was brought to Joli’s lips and she drank until it was empty, the burning in her throat comforting her with it’s familiarity.

Alicia raised her voice just a bit, “Let all the Ladies and our Sire’s come forward to examine this stray, let us find if anything will keep her out of our family tonight.” Joli could now hear the softened sound of bare feet on the thick rugs that had been laid over the hard, cold concrete of the building as well as the panting of the boys accompanying their top bitches.

She first felt hands, from all angles around her, touching and caressing her body. Reaching into her most private places and the most mundane ones too. From head to toe and front to back, they were all over her body. “hmm’s “ of approval came with the touches. Then the cold, wet noses of the boys began their examination of her, coming with a few hard licks of her body in most of the places already touched. With her eyes closed, she had no idea of who was surrounding her, how many Ladies or boys were checking her. She could net even tell if Prava or Dutch was among them as no one spoke but Alicia.

After several minutes, all the hands and noses withdrew and joli could hear them receding away over the rugs. Again, Alicia’s voice sounded, “Has anyone found defect with this stray girl?”, “Did you Katherine?”. “No Alicia.”, “Sandra?”. “No Alicia.”, each Mistress in turn was asked and they gave their answer, until only Prava was left. Joli tightened her eyes as she waited to hear the answer, holding her breath in anticipation of possibly being denied after all that she had experienced since coming to be here with Prava. Finally Alicia asked, “And what do you say Prava? Is this one worthy to join with us? Will you take her as yours tonight?”

After what seemed to be an eternity but was actually less than a full minute, Prava answered, “I find no defect or fault with her Alicia.” Then turning to Joli and leaning down to her, using her thumbs to coax her eyes open, in a much softer voice and wide smile crossing her lips, “Yes Alicia, I will be proud to take this one as my own, to guide and train so she may belong.” then planted a smouldering kiss to Joli’s lips, their eyes locked together and shining.

“Then let us begin the ceremony.” Alicia announced to everyone present. “Brenda, hand Mistress Prava the knife if you please.” Joli’s eyes widened at hearing about a knife, looking around with just her eyes, not moving as she had been told. Joli saw Brenda approach and hand a very nasty looking serrated knife to Prava then moved quickly back to stand beside Alicia. “Now, Joli, you must answer from your heart, to cleanse your past and to accept your future, do you understand?” Joli quickly answered, not needing to think about that question, “Yes Mistress Alicia, from my heart.”

Prava now turned to face Joli and step forward, knife in hand, pointing straight at the girls heart. “Joli, the harness you wear is your life. The top band around your chest is all that was, your old life, home, schools. Do you wish to be free of them, forever? To never return to their burden on your life?” Joli only paused for a moment, “Yes Ms Alicia, I wish to leave them forever.” The words had barely left her mouth before Prava leaned in with the knife and easily sliced the leather of the top band, letting it fall open and release itelf from Joli’s body.

“The second band is the aquaintences, the periphery people in your life. The ones who payed lip service only to your face and would stab you from behind if they could. Do you renounce all connections with these people?”. Joli had only to think a moment to know she had no one from these people to keep in her life, “Yes Ms Alicia, I wish to renounce all of these people, to be rid of the unimportant.” Prava leaned in close, slowly sliding the knife blade down between Joli’s breasts and under the second strap, the sharp blade cutting through the leather as if it were butter, letting it fall to join the first.

“Now think hard Joli. The third band is the people that you once called friends, whether they truly were or not. You need not refuse their friendship by your choice, but you alone will bear the burden of their deceit and lies should they turn on you. Choose them carefully Joli.” Alicia advised her. Prava kept her eyes locked on Joli’s, but had not uttered a word so far. She could see Joli weighing this descision in her mind before she finally spoke. “I have no true friends from that life any longer Ms Alicia, and I don’t think I ever really did. I refuse their friendship now and forever.” Prava smiled widely as she slid the back edge of the knife down Joli’s torso and under the third band, cutting it away from her body easily and letting it fall.

“This may be the hardest or the easiest decision for you to make Joli. The fourth and final strap is your family. You have been told of their plans for you, what they were about to do before Katherine found them out. But, they are your blood kin, so choose wisely girl.” Joli looked deep into Prava’s eye’s then looked to Ms Katherine, but no emotion could she determine. This was to be her decision alone and the women knew that they should not try to influence her. Joli swallowed hard and took in a deep breath, turning back to look at Ms Alicia, “I wish to leave my old family Ms Alicia. I was nothing to them any longer, and they had become nothing to me a long time ago.” Ms Alicia smiled at Joli, as did everyone in the room, though she could not see it very clearly. “Very well Joli, by your own answers and wishes, you are now free of your old life and self. The burdens of your past are lifted from you and will bother you no more.” Prava slid the knife to the last strap and cut through it in one swift motion, letting it also fall to join the others.

Prava hugged Joli tight to her, feeling her babygirl begin to cry, the tears dropping onto Prava’s shoulder. She knew instantly they were tears of relief and happiness to at last be free of all that had been before. “We are only half way through Joli, so relax and answer from your heart.” Prava whispered to her.

“Rise up on your knees Joli.” Alicia commanded her. Prava helped her to rise, holding under her arms as they were still strapped together behind her. Once she was steady on her knees, Alicia continued to speak, “Now Joli. The straps on your arms are your new life, what will be in the future, for you to strive to perfect and to become.”

Prava made a clicking sound with her tongue on her teeth and patted her thigh. Joli saw Dutch begin to walk out to join them at the platform, his eyes taking in how Joli looked, his eyes bright and shiny in the low light, his coat immaculately brushed and cleaned. Joli could only think that Rebecca had cared for him during the afternoon for her, so she owed the girl. Once Dutch had taken his place opposite Prava beside Joli. “Joli”, Alicia began. “Dutch has now joined you and Prava for the rest of the ceremony as your Sire, to accept you fully now as his bottom bitch. Do you understand your new place with him?”. Joli answered almost immediately, “Yes Ms Alicia, I know and understand where my place will be for my Mistress and my Sire.”

“Very well then.” Alicia began, “Joli, as was true with the straps that held you before, The four around your arms have their meanings for you too.” “The top strap is your new life. It will release you to know and hold all that is before you now, all you will gain and need to live your life as you wish it to be now. Will you accept all things and all people who will now become a permamnent part of your new life?” “Yes Ms Alicia, I will.” Joli responed, smiling at the clear thoughts now flooding her mind as Prava neatly cut the toop band holding her upper arms, and again the restraint fell to join the others.


“The second strap is your new aquaintences, The people that will now come into your life through your family and work with others in our group. They are to be trusted as we do not take our circle lightly. Will you accept these new people in your life Joli, to know and to accomplish your next goals with?” Joli thought for a moment and wondered what the ‘next goals’ was before answering. She remebered, ‘trust, Joli’, and knew the answer, “Yes Ms Alicia, I will accept these people.” Prava slid the knife under the strap just above her elbows, slicing it and letting it fall. Joli thought she heard soft murmurs of anticipation from the other women. Dutch was studying her intently through it all.

“The third strap Joli, is your new, true friends. People you will learn you can trust implicently, people who now work for Katherine, but will soon work for you in Katherine’s or Prava’s businesses. Will you accept these people into your life as needed, without question as we have accepted them?”
Joli only needed to remember, ‘trust’, before she answered, “Yes Ms Alicia, I will accept new people into my life.” Prava’s smile widened as she realized Joli had finally figured out what they had all been telling her in sneaky little moments, ‘trust’, and all would be well. She slid the knife carefully between Joli’s forearms, slicing through the strap that held them snugly together.

“Now Joli, this last is the most important one. Not just to your life from here on, but to ours as well. We have voted today, while you were secluded, to allow you to become one of us, to join with our family and become an accepted member. The girls will be like your sister’s, and you will serve all of the Mitress’s as needed. No one of us is more important than the other’s. You do not just belong to Prava and Dutch by agreeing, but you belong to us all. Your new family will care for you when needed, advise you when you ask, and protect you as our own. Do you wish to let us into your life tonight, as we wish you to be in ours?” Only miliseconds passed before Joli answered, “Oh yes, yes ,yes Ms Alicia. I will open my life to all of you, to accept you as my family now, where I belong, where I am wanted.” As soon as she bgan to speak, Prava reached down and sliced off the strap holding Joli’s hands together.

As soon as they were free, Joli moved her stiff arms to hug her new Mistress tightly to her, tears flowing heavily down her cheeks and Prava squeezed back just as hard. Each Mistress walked up and kissed Joli on the cheek and welcomed her to the famliy, immediately followed by all of her new sister’s. Rebecca was the last to to welcome her and Joli pulled her into the hug she was sharing with Prava. She thought over and over to herself, she had made it, had endured all the self doubt and second guessing, almost to a mild madness it seemed. She had made it just as Prava had told her she would. Her Mistress seemed to know her better than she did herself. Dutch even stretched up over Prava’s shoulder, his long pink tongue began licking up the salty tears falling down Joli’s cheeks.

Leaning over the two women as they hugged, Alicia tapped Prava on the shoulder, “You two need to break it up. It’s almost midnight and we still have some things to do girl’s.” she said. Prava stood up and got Joli up and moved her over by the big table she had lain on the night she had hit her head. “Kneel here for a few minutes babygirl. I’ll come get you as soon as we are ready. Joli looked around and saw most everyone was busy doing something. Rebecca and Cheryl were moving the small platform she had just been on to the side out of the way, Heather, Brenda and Mylia were carrying what looked sort of like a part to an old wagon or something, and set it directly under the large skylight. Ms Terri approached Joli and handed her yet another small glass of the thick red liquor, “Drink this down Joli, everyone gets a fresh taste before we get started.”

Joli didn’t need any encouragement to drink, she had developed quite a taste for the potent liquid, as sweet as it was, it still tasted good to her, and warmed her body from the inside out whenever she drank it. Terri made her way around the room giving each person a fresh double shot glass of the drink. While the others were moving some other things around, Ms Alicia came over to Joli, a small glass flask in her hand. “Here Joli. This is for the next part of tonight.” Joli accepted the flask and put it to her lips, immediately recognizing both the smell and taste of its contents, it was more of the special elixir.

Joli took a long pull on the flask, holding it in her mouth for almost a minute before swallowing. She liked the coppery-metallic taste on her tongue, and how it felt like it was soaking into her tongue almost immediately and also as she swallowed it down. Before taking another drink, she poured some onto two fingers and slipped them down betweem her thighs, pressing into the smooth cleft of her pussy. The buzz started almost as soon as she touched herself, causing her pussy to seem as if it bloomed open, her labia engorging rapidly, becoming puffy and tender to her touches. She forced herself to stop touching or she would be masturbating right there in front of everyone.

A little more was poured onto her fingers again, this time rubbing the delicious liquid into her nipples. She was surprised to feel they were still erect and pebble hard from the eaerlier application in the bedroom, but it just felt so damn good. She put the flask back to her lips and turned it bottom up. Why not. She had accepted her place in the family and it was cause to celebrate. She could feel the body buzz starting again as it crept from just below her tummy and spread first down to her smooth mound, and into her pussy, making her soak herself in her juices.

After only a few minutes, Prava and Ms Janae approached her and got her to her feet, walking her to the odd looking contraption the girls had moved to the middle of the rooom. Next to Janae’s dark skin, Prava looked absolutely pale, but once under the streaming light from the full moon shining through the skylight, Joli’s alabaster whiteness was almost reflective of that light.

Joli looked over the contraption sitting on the floor and recognized it from before the coachhouse had been cleaned up. That still didn’t help her know what it was yet. It was made of an iron frame with small wood beams reaching from side to side, each having the top edge covered by padded leather. The wood had been polished and the leather pads mostly redone, she guessed by Ms Janae and Myla after their arrival at some point, and the beams looked adjustable to some degree. Leather belts were attached at several places to the different cross pieces. Maybe it was some sort of torture device they were going to try and scare her with.

Prava and Janae each had a hand under each arm, almost carrying her to the device, “Kneel on the first beam babygirl.” Prava told her while she and Janae got her knees set. Straps were then pulled over her thighs just below her knees and secured snugly to the pads. Joli remained quiet while Prava and Janae secured her on her stomach over several of the beams, each time securing her firmly down and then adjusting the height of the cross pieces. The mix of the liquor and elixir Alicia was giving her made her feel quite relaxed, but also complient to Prava’s directions.

Joli looked around and noticed several of her new family were watching Janae and Prava position her down on the contraption. The two Mitress’s finally stepped around the end by her head and fastened both wrists down to the last cross piece, stretching her tightly across the tops of all the cross beams. One level piece was inserted that allowed her to rest her head on, but her breasts hung between two of the beams, her butt higher than her shoulder, she felt cool air caressing over her wet pussy.

Joli felt totally open and exposed on the frame. Her ass was higher than her shoulders by several inches, and her torso was stretched forward over the different beams and pads, her breasts hanging between a pair of them. She could hear the sound of activity around her, but it was hard to see what all was going on in the dim light of the big room. Around her and the frame was plenty of light coming down on her from the big skylight, the full moon reflecting from her pale skin just as it had on the snow outside. Turning her head to the other side, she could see Ms Prava and Dutch several feet away.

Dutch was standing up in front of Prava, his front paws on her shoulders and they were sharing some of his special kisses. Just watching them together made Joli think about how much she liked doing that with him too, and she felt herself grow wetter at the thought of them, and what would happen after they had kissed like that before. Her whole body tingled as she lay stetched on the frame. The sound of a girl’s loud moaning drew her to look back to the other side. She saw Cheryl, down on all four’s, pushing back with her butt as Jacob’s hips hammered into her body. A look of being far away crossed Cheryls face as Jocob found her entrance and lunged forward onto her back, his forelegs gripping her waist tightly as his swollen cock disappeared into her body. Cheryl cried out for her Sire as she swooned from the knot of his cock growing rapidly to fill her pussy and seal them together, causing her to drop her shoulders down to the floor, shaking into an almost immediate orgasm from the big blonde lab.

A girl almost sqealing in effort drew her attention to almost the edge of her vision. She could see Becca moving quickly around and turning this way and that on her hands and knees as she tried hopelessly to keep away from Seth. This obviously a game they played before, Katherine stood to one side with Ms Sandra and Alicia, as well as Heather, watching the little exibition. Seth was trying to catch and pin her but for a moment, she was able to escape the big rottweiler. Quickly catching his small bitch, at once he pushed her hips hard with his nose as he swept his right foreleg forcefully against her knees, easily knocking the small girl to the floor. At first she laughed as she lay prone before him, then squealed in surprise when he stepped onto her back, pressing her down with his heavy wieght, dropping his head. When he raised back up, his mouth was full of her hair and he was lifting her bodily up from the floor by it, quickly pulling her hands and knees underneath her to try and rise up and deny him again.

As soon as he felt her butt against his belly, his legs gripped her hard around the waist and his hips began thrusting against her now raised butt. Through her foggy vision and the buzzing in her ears, she saw and heard Seth take the small girl forcefully, watched helplessly as he drove his large cokc deep into her small body in two very hard thrusts which drove the air from her lungs. Her body’s reaction and her hard gasping for air made her muscles clench down around his rapidly growing cock and knot. Becca let loose a moan like she had never heard before as Seth took possession of her body, making it look as though he was raping his bitch now. Then Joli could plainly see her new sister pushing back with all her strength to try and get him even deeper into her body, trying to fuck back against her Sire and take all of him into her own body.

Joli could hear but not see the other girls being done much the same way as Rebecca and Cheryl, being taken by their Sire’s, giving themselves freely to them as their Mistress’s stroked and soothed them through the beginnings. Joli now looked around for Prava and Dutch, seeing them break their kisses and begin to walk around behind Joli, but something was different, very different. Dutch was not all fours. She blinked hard and tried to shake her head to see better, but they had already gotten behind her.


With the straps holding Joli down to the leather padded beams, she could not turn her head enough to look behind her, but she could feel Prava’s hands caressing her legs and lower body, teasing the cleft of her butt and tracing the red mark left by Sandra’s crop. Joli groaned softly as she felt her Mistress’s fingers teasing over her overly sensitized skin, then tensing briefly as she felt Dutch’s cold, wet nose taking her scent over and around the cheeks of her butt, then down between her spread thighs, seeking the source of her obvious arousal. His warm,soft tongue digging into the furrow of her pussy, the taste of her essence drawing him further, his tongue driving as deep into her body as it would reach.

Joli tried to push her hips back to him, but the straps held her firmly on the frame, preventing almost all movement on her part. She could feel Prava’s hands on her body, caressing and yet teasing the nerves in her body, massaging the tense muscles. But she thought there was other hands on her also, strong, powerful hands, but who’s? She closed her eyes and relaxed at their touches, trying to focus her mind and body together to know if she was really feeling them, or her body sending her altered sensation from the elixir and liquor mixed. In her body, altering her thoughts and senses.

Prava’s hands moved further up her body, combing slowly through her long hair as she kissed Joli on the cheek, whispering, “Accept babygirl, just like before. Let yourself go for your Dutch.” As she said that, Joli could feel Dutch moving rapidly up and over her raised ass and hips, his hips thrusting ahead rapidly, the tip of his erect cick prodding and probing for her pussy, to take her as his for tonight.

Dutch’s movements were rapid, almost frantic as he sought what was his. Three, four hard thrusts and then the tip found her entrance. The feel of his cock being enveloped by her wet, slick pussy drove him hard to enter her, his own pre juices coating her, making her even more wet than she had gotten herself in anticipation of their mating. His hot, smooth cock slid into Joli easily, Joli moaned loudly as he took her, hard and fast to get his growing cock and knot deep into her body, but something was different. Her breath was coming quick and shallow as she tried to think, needed to know what was happening. Prava’s hands on her shoulder and caressing her face, the hands holding her hips tightly, pulling against her. She tried to turn to see, but Prava stopped her. Hands on her hips where none should be. Joli started breathing faster as her body responded to Dutch.

She could feel his knot expending inside of her pussy, his cock felt swollen more than it ever had, somehow bigger? She wasn’t sure it was Dutch mating with her and she pushed with the muscles of her pussy, trying to expel ‘him’ from her body. His full weight hammered hard against her upturned butt, pressing his cock as deep as he could while her floor muscles gave out and the tight sphincter of her velvet channel tightenrd and closed around the base of his knot, pulling him the last inch or so into her body, wedging him behind the hard pubic bone, locking them together now.

Prava was whispering to her to relax and caressed her upper body to help her. The liquor and elixir was also srating to wash through her body and mind again, pushing her panic down and letting her feel the growing ecstacy of being tied with her Sire. She could feel the steady throbbing of his large firm knot within her pussy. She knew that each pulse of his body was sending more of his potent sperm into her, slowly filling her. She could feel the first stirring beginning to grow into her first orgasm, the warming rush spreading outward from her bodies core as her breath became shallower, and being held in her chest longer. As her body built to the release that was coming, every small movement of Dutch seemed almost magnified within her.

She had never felt the tip of his cock pressed into the back wall of her passage before. His knot pressed him to hit bottom as it grew to firmly lock their bodies together. The mental image of what was happening inside of her body pushed her to the edge, one more quick shallow breath and she began to moan loudly from deep within her chest. She felt him stretch out over her back as her body released all of the tension that had built in her so quickly. The familiar, soft belly fur tickled the nerves of her ass as he pressed into her with all of his weight. Again, it felt like hands reaching up to her shoulders to pull him tighter to her. Big strong hands, thick, long fingers stretches around the joint of her shoulder’s, confusing her again as a second wave of her orgasm forced all thoughts from her mind.

Joli’s body jerked hard under Dutch and she felt a hard spasm from deep inside of herself, also feeling the tip of his cock moving inside of her, pressing against plces that had never been touched. The feeling of fullness in her body decreased a little, but was followed by the pressure increasing almost at once. Her vagina muscles squeezed him hard in their grip, pulling just a bit more of him into her, holding him tightly, accenting each delicious throb of his knot and cock.

Another strong orgasm went through her body, from her very center out into her hands and feet, her fingers and toes curling and gripping air as the tremors passed through her. She felt the cramp one more time as her body tensed and released. Joli finally slipped away for a short time from this climax, when she awoke, there was almost no internal pressure from Dutch’s cum though she coukld feel him pulsing, and knowing each hard contraction of his cock sent more of his essence into her body.

She could hear the other girls also having orgasms and tried to open her eyes to see them, but couldn’t. It seemed only seconds between her own hard cums as one powerful orgasm led to another. Her body was almost exhausting itself, giving herself to Dutch. She could hear Prava whispering to her, comforting her, but also thought she could hear an almost gutteral voice occaisionally also. Sometimes it sounde far away and other times almost in her ear. “Yes” and “Accept” were about the only words she could make out, and then only single words, not talking like Prava’s voice. But after what seemed an eternity, Joli’s breathing was slowing, her body began to relax. She could feel Dutch relaxing on her back also, his own swelling seemed to be decreasing. Prava’s voice became soothing to her, relaxing her until she could hear no more and her body gave out at last and her world turned black as she fell into a deep, almost trance-like sleep. The stress and exertions of the day, plus all the liquor she had drunk and the powerful orgasms that Dutch had given her had all combined finally to make her crash.

Prava got Alicias attention and she came over as Dutch was becoming untied from his bitches body. Alicia felt of her pulse and listened to her breathing and smiled to Prava, “She is just fine Prava. Much stronger than you would think, but her body has it’s limits, and she has reached them for now. Get her loose and we will move her to where she will be comfortable.” Prava sighed audibly, “I hope you are right Alicia. But I think everything went as well as the notes explained it would.”

Pava busied herself undoing Joli’s restraints and getting her off of the frame, Alicia helping to move her to the side a bit and covering her with one of the robes that now lay on the floor. Prava then joined Dutch for some serious attention they were both needing, Dutch’s true strength showing itself in the fact that he was ready again to tie with his other bitch tonight.

Alicia returning to Brenda and Aspis as they remained tied for several more minutes before they too seperated from each other. Slowly, oner by one, each of the other Mistress’s helped their Sire’s with the girls, and took their place, pleasuring and giving them what they wanted..

Joli awoke a couple of times, looking around and seeing the Mitress’s in the different combinations possible with the boys. Her vision was somewhat blurry still, but she could just make out who was where , just not a lot of detail. Ms Janae was on her hands and knees at the mercy of Caesar, who was obviously giving her as good as he had Mylia, who was asleep curled up and spooning with Brenda not far away form Janae. She saw Prava and Dutch, or what she thought was Dutch at first,but she wasn’t too sure. Prava lay on her side, her head resting on Dutch’s belly, his erect cock in her lips as she softly slid them up and down his length, her tongue occaisionally playing around and over the blunt tip.

Katherine was sitting in one of the few chairs, slouched with her butt on the front edge of the cushion, Seth almost voracious in his licking of her very wet pussy. But it was Jacob and Gunner with Ms Terri and Ms Sandra that puzzled her most. They were all four standing, Jacob with Terri and Gunner with Sandra. They were sharing intense kisses with each other, but the boys had their forelegs wrapped around the women as if holding, and hugging them. She tried to focus her eyes to make sure she was seeing what she thought she was, but sleep overtook her again and she closed her eyes and lay her head back on her arm.


Joli slowly became aware of how snugly warm she was. The sheets soft and caressing her skin, she could feel and arm and a leg draped over her, Prava pressed firmly against her back, spooning with her. She breathed deeply a couple of times before opening her eyes slowly. Sunlight flooded her vision and she quickly closed them again. After a couple of tries, she got them fully open, blinking several times to get them wet and where they didn’t feel full of sludge. The cotton sheets and thick, wamr comforter worked with Prava’s body to hold her in a warm embrace she didn’t seem anxious to come out of.

Then the thought hit her, sunlight! Oh God, Prava wpuld be furious that she had slept in so long, she turned her head as far as she could to see the clock, 10:25 am. She started to panic until she felt Prava squeeze her body tighter, whispering, “Go back to sleep babygirl. Everyone is still in bed, and there’s no rush this morning.”, settling Joli back down in the big feather bedm feeling her body sink into it;s warm softness.

She could hear Dutch’s tail softly hitting the floor as he waited patiently on the floor by the bed. Joli tried to remember what all had happened last night, but very little after her tie with Dutch was in any kind of coherent memory. Snippets or memories came to here as she thought about it, or were they dreams. She was confused for certain. She knew she had tied with Dutch, one touch to her pussy let her know that as it was still over sensitive to any kind of touch this morning. She knew she had seen Dutch and Gunner and Jacob standing and walking on their hind legs, or did she imagine it. She had, after all, consumed a lot of that red liquor and quite a bit of Alicia’s elixir as well. The two always combined to give her mild hallucinations almost every time they had been mixed. She tried to think of what she had seen, but sleep was coming for her again, she would figure it out when she got up.


When Joli finally awoke and forced her stiff body out of bed, Dutch was right there with her, freely giving his special kisses when she bent over to give him one. Voices drifted down the hall, but from the other sounds, it was all coming from the kitchen and up the back stairs. One more look at Dutch saw him right behind her, ready to follow where ever she went. Did he truly understand what had transpired between them last night? Did he realize that she had given herself not just to Ms Prava, but to him also, that they were actually, sort of married, in a manner? As she walked into the hallway, she looked back to see him following, his muzzle held high and taking huge samples of the air behind her. Joli laughed lightly and told him, “You boys are all alike.” and smiled a huge smile to herself.

Everyone was already up and Brenda had already started washing dishes at the sink, Rebecca going constantly from the dining room to the counter beside her with fresh dirty dishes for her to work on. Joli stood and watched for only a couple of minutes before Dutch nudged her to go down and join everyone. Everyone who saw her came and gave her a very warm and welcome hug, kissing her cheek and welcoming her to her new day. “Yeah, after she sleeps half of it.” Rebecca added from the doorway, then came over and hugged her tight, whispering, “Good morning to my new sister.” and giving her a very hot kiss to the lips and pinch to her butt.

Prava was the happiest to see her finally up and around, even fethcing her a fresh cup of her favorite Amaretto coffee while Cheryl got her some eggs and bacon started. Joli tried to listen to all the different conversations taking place around the table as the girls came and went on various tasks while the Ladies all sat and discussed all sorts of things. She didn’t hear one word of some of the things she thought she had seen last night, so maybe, after all, she had not seen them correctly or even imagined them, so she didn’t bring them up. As soon as she had finished her brunch, Joli felt the restless energy of just sitting and was soon up giving the other girls a hand with getting things back to normal and put away, and making sure her Dutch had his meal and fresh water before letting him out to run with the other boys. From the back porch, she could hear all 6 of them out in the woods, raising hell and having a good chase of something, or someone maybe. Looking around, everything seemed to be absolutely back to normal again.


Ms’s Janae, Sandra and Terri all stayed over until Wednesday before heading back to their homes and businesses, all promising to stay longer this June at the Summer Solstice, and they would be able to stay with both Prava and Katherine and not make it such a burden on one person from now on when they came up. Ms Sandra and Heather had another long session of taking measurements of all the girls, spending a lot more of time with Joli and Rebecca, than the others.

That Monday night, all of the group gathered in the den to present Joli with her official collar, presented to Ms Prava by Janae, and place on Joli’s throat in turn by her Mistress. Just hearing that said out loud made Joli feel a little horny, and proud that she now had a place in someone’s life that was important, and not just to her Mistress or the other Ladies and girls, but to Dutch also. Joli just knew in her heart that he could communicate with her with just his expressions. She seemed to understand it all so easily just by looking into his eyes. Of course, one of the most common things they did together was to walk back to the couch house almost daily and have Joli lay herself across the leather and wood of the breeding frame and give her body to him, as his true bottom bitch.

About a week after everyone had gone home, Joli had asked her Mistress if she could set up an appointment with Ms Alicia to finally give her the labial trim she had talked to her about. She desired so badly to be as neat and trim as all the other women in their family and Alicia had promised to do it whenever she was ready. The whole procedure was done in one day as an outpatient and Joli was back home and resting in bed that afternoon. Rebecca had been right though, the stitches were miserable to endure. She was always wanting to rub or itch them, and she knew Dutch was being deprived of what he wanted most, but Alicia had given Prava a big box of bandages that Joli swore were super thick diapers so that she could not be touched until the stitches came out, and Prava was with her everytime she went to use the bathroom to make sure everything stayed clean and sanitary. After seven days, Prava drove her back to the clinic and the stitches were removed and everything checked. Of course, that night, she found that Dutch wasn’t the only one in their home who had been deprived of things.

Katherine and Becca returned about four weeks later, followed by two big semi’s full of furniture and possessions. Joli and Prava had been busy helping Kathrine by showing the painters and carpenters where all the work needed to be done and what was to be painted. Prava showed the landscaping company that Ms Terri had subcontracted with where the gravel path joining their properties should be laid and where the little footbridge was to be rebuilt. Joli and Becca had drawn the approaches to the bridge, and it would be made of beautiful red clay brick, steps leading about halfway down the embankments on both sides of the creek with built in benches and a place to get water for both people and animals. Both girls worked diligently when their Mistress’s gave them the time to explore, in laying out a few paths behind the house for Seth and the women to walk when they were out there. The girls even found and modified a secret place much like the one on Prava’s property, no wind could intrude,only a gentle breez made it through the surrounding bushes. Once cleaned and ready, the girls wasted no time in bringing both Dutch and Seth back there to christin it as ‘their place’, Becca would make the decision to show it to Ms Katherine when it was all ready in the late spring.

At night, Joli could look out the window’s and see the pale light of the candles lighting Katherine and Beccas bedroom. Joli was finally beginning to notice just how beautiful her new home was as it slowly came out of the winter sleep that had held it since her arrival. The trees didn’t look so craggly or scary in the night, and the grass and ground cover of the woods was greening up and softening so she go barefoot a lot of the time. Neither she nor Rebecca drove much, so the path between their homes made it easy to see and spend time with each other, and Seth and Dutch liked it too. Both girls liked the freedom that the adjoining properties gave them to go about naked if the weather cooperated, and they did as much as possible but try as hard as she could, Joli was not able to darken her pale alabaster complexion very much, a curse of her genes, and she remained almost the polar opposite of Becca, who darkened quickly in the springtime sun.

Katherine broke ground on her new company headquarters about 3 weeks after the big move, making it now a permanent arrangement and sold the Charelston house and property a little more than a week later. Then, at the first part of May, Prava told her that they would be traveling to Charleston with Katherine and Rebecca, that the lawyers had gotten all the paperwork finalized for buying her father’s company and they were going down to sign all the contracts to make it final. Joli dreaded having to go there, almost right in her old families backyard, to sign everything, but Katherine had a plan worked out to really get it done and overwith as quickly as possible for Joli.

The day finally arrived for the signing and Joli waited in a small office adjoining the big board room that all the lawyers and required signators were gathered in. She could hear everything being said over the intercom that Katherine had left turned on, and see it all on the small security tv on the desk while she waited. She could see the person her father had become since she last saw him almost a year ago, and noticed that no one in the big room seemed hardly impressed by the ostnetatious display of wealth he exihibited. She heard Katherine apologize that her new partner was held up in traffic but would be joining them in a short time. Prava poked her in the side, and said “She’s talking about you, you know.” “Now let’s get you ready to go in and play your part.”

Joli got to her feet, a little wobbly in the new heels she wore, and Prava helped straighten out the exquisite business dress that Ms Sandra had sent to her just for this occaision. It fit almost like second skin and was accompanied by new matching jewelry that Ms Janae had sent to go with it. The overall look making Joli seem a very powerful woman of business to any that would see her.

Joli entered the boardroom through a doorway behind where her father sat with his lawyers, walking briskly by the men fast enough that they only saw her back as she moved around the table. “Katherine, I am sorry I am so late, but this Charelston traffing is such a mess of late.” Said loudly enough for all to hear. Her father just stared as soon as he heard her voice, almost gaping as Joli kissed Katherine on each cheek before taking a seat next to her. One of Katherines attorneys slid a stack of paper over in front of Joli, flipping to the back pages and indicating where to sign and where to just initial, talking in low tones to each other as she signed, totally ignoring her father. Prava and Rebecca watched on the little tv in the adjoining office. “She looks a lot like a Mitress today, doesn’t she Ms Prava?” Rebecca asked as they watched. Prava replying without looking away from the proceedings, “She’s learned from the best Rebecca.”

As soon as Joli finished signing all the paper’s, she stood up and proceeded to walk out of the room, this time her eyes almost boring a hole through her father as their eyes met. “Be sure and tell mother goodbye for me when you see her, father.” she told him as she walked by and out the door, never giving him a chance to even respond. Her steps quickened as she passed his chair and left him wide mouthed and staring as she left, immediately entering the small office next door and shutting the door. Only then did she stop and began to visibly shake as Prava and Rebecca came over to hug her and congratulate her bravery in facing the man down and taking the high road, not causing a scene.

Katherine joined them all in her old office as soon as everything was concluded. All were in agreement that nothing should be said of the man who was Joli’s father, he would not be missed, nor would he ever be able to find her again if he had too. Katherine’s lawyers had immediately started the process of burying Joli’s where abouts and her new last name, using Prava’s family name now after an official, legal marriage to her Mistress.


Joli and Rebecca had spent most of the spring together whenever they had time. Rebecca was extending the chain of girl’s shelter’s that she had been dreaming of, more like an underground railroad really, getting abused girl’s away from their tormentors and safely placing them with trusted people around the country, Katherine really only needing Joli to sign paperwork for the company they had bought from her father, leaving the day to day business to a very dependable staff that Katherine oversaw.

The new corporate headquarters was about a third finished and They had already hired the staff they would need locally, with about half of the people from Charelston planning to make the move with the HQ. Even with her new responsibility to Katherine, Joli had plenty of time for her Mistress and Dutch and her regular duties at home. Dutch came to her almost daily now just after lunch for them to go out to the little sheltered area in the woods, sometimes Rebecca and Seth joined them. Rebecca was taking the elixir almost daily now, her special night less than two weeks away now at the Summer Solstice, the last night of June’s full moon.

When Prava came to bed this night, that was where she found Joli, looking out the windows at the moon. It was almost as if it held some power over the girl. Prava stood quietly in the doorway for several minutes just watching her girl. Joli didn’t move, didn’t seem to even breathe when she was looking up at the brightly shining orb.

Prava walked quietly up behind Joli as she looked up into the night sky. Without turning, Joli sploke, “Ms Katherine and Becca are at it again, I can see the light from the candles in their windows.” “Just like we used to be, Mitress, and will be again soon.” her voice light as she smiled at the thought. Prava rested both hands on Joli’s shoulder’s, her fingertips tracing over her soft, pale skin, her face buried in Joli’s long, thick hair, freshly shampooed from her nightly shower, her favorite Lavender scent filling Prava’s head.

“I was just on the the phone with Janae, she and Mylia will be here next Wedesnday, and that makes everyone now. Rebecca has worked so hard on this, now she deserves everyone to be here for her, just as they were with you Joli.” “This will be her time to shine now.” Prava let her hands slide lightly down Joli’s arms, feeling the goose bumps rise on her smoothness as she leaned close to kiss along Joli’s shoulder. Her hands continuing down over Joli’s hips and letting her nails trace back up over the cheels of Joli’s butt before slowly circling around her waist.

“I talked with Alicia today Joli, I told her all of your new symptoms and she wants to see you in the morning, first thing after breakfast.” Joli answered softly without dropping her gaze from the near full moon, “Everything is alright Mistress, I know what is going on with my body.” her hands slipping to cover Prava’s, both women sliding their hands along Joli’s tummy, just below and slightly supporting the gentle bulging of her belly, one of Prava’s hands feeling the now protruding belly button. Joli sighed and leaned back to Prava, both bodies warm and soft against each other.

“Have you thought of a name yet Joli?” Turning her head to kiss her Mistreess softly on the lips, “Adam.” “He wants to be called Adam.” Joli almost whispered as she relaxed in her lover’s arms. “He comes to me in my sleep, and we talk there.” “You will be so proud of him Mistress, we all will.”

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