(c) 2018 by Story Teller

For those of you new to my tale please read Mary’s Journey and Julia’s Tale first as the third part ‘The ABC’ will hopefully make a lot more sense if you have read these earlier stories first.

Part One

Julia stood on the platform of the station and waved as Sam’s train left, taking her daughter back to her boarding school. Three days had passed since Sam, Trisha and she had gone riding, a ride that began a sexual adventure that included horses, dogs, incest and lots of cum. Sam had spent most of the last few days up at Trisha’s stable, helping Pedro look after the horses, mucking out the stables and his other duties. Because there were two people doing his work it all got completed a lot quicker than usual which gave them plenty of time to fuck and suck each other as often as they wanted. Sam had jokingly complained that she was finding it hard to sit down as Pedro had fucked her ass and cunt so much. Julia enjoyed the thought of her highly sexed daughter enjoying the company of Pedro, as it gave her plenty of time to be with her new lover Trisha. They spent as much time as they could together, their relationship blossoming as the days passed. They spent their evenings having sex with Sam, Pedro and Trisha’s dog Rex, occasionally taking the horses out during the day and sucking them off until they were covered in equine cum. Julia’s half-brother James had been included in their little sex group although because his cock was so big, He had to settle for either being sucked off or wanking himself off. That was going to end tonight though, Julia had it all planned out.

Julia pulled up outside Trisha’s house and beeped her horn, seconds later Trisha came out of the house, and hoped it to the passenger seat of Julia’s Range Rover. The pair kissed “I am so excited about this, you don’t think he will mind being set up like this do you?” Trisha asked of Julia after they had separated from their loving kiss. “Oh, I am sure he will be ok with it!” Julia responded giggling. They pulled off and made the short journey to Julia’s mid-size country home. They headed up the curving gravel driveway past the little cottage where Julia’s House Keeper and groundsman lived. Julia had inherited a large sum of money, the country house, a flat in London and a small cottage down on the coast when her husband died unexpectedly 10 years ago. Her half-brother had moved in with her a couple of years ago after his divorce stripped him of virtually is entire finance portfolio. Julia parked the car outside the front door and the pair got out and headed inside. Julia went and found the housekeeper, letting her know that she would not be needed any more today and that she could also have the morning off the next day. Trisha meanwhile unloaded a few bags from the back of the car and headed up to Julia’s room with them. It was here that Julia met up again with Trisha. “That’s Mrs Finnegan gone, we have the place to ourselves until lunchtime tomorrow!” Julia said with a grin and pulled her lover towards her as the pair kissed passionately, stripping the other as their tongues danced around in each other’s mouths. Once naked, Trisha dropped to her knees and started to lick at Julia’s shaven pussy, her tongue and fingers finding all of Julia’s erotic places. Julia quivered as a mini orgasm hit her “Come one, we have lots to do, and I am sure we will cum plenty later on!” Julia said regretfully as she lifted Trisha up off her knees before licking her own juices from Trisha’s face. The pair went into the bathroom, Trisha took a quick shower, making sure that she was shaven smooth. Julia started to unpack the bags, placing the contents out on the bed. She stood back and looked at the two identical outfits as they lay on the bed side by side and grinned “He’s not gonna know where to look” She called through to Trisha, who having dried herself off, came and stood beside her “Yep, I think we chose well!” she agreed. The pair had decided that they were going to give James a proper treat tonight and had purchased two sexy maid outfits to wear. The outfit’s consisted of a short black skirt that had a frilly white underskirt built in. The skirt was so short that it barely covered the asses of either lady. Next came a PVC corset with a white lace frilling running up its length and edging the quarter balcony cups that held their tits up, leaving their nipples fully exposed. Once they were laced up at the back in their corsets, they slid on silky black suspender belts, and lace topped black fishnet stockings and slipped their feet into shiny black stiletto heel shoes. “Just these left then,” Julia said holding two small purple boxes in her hands. “Oh yes!” Trisha responded as she took one of the boxes and opened it “Shall I do you and you do me?” she asked Julia who agreed excitedly. Trisha Turned around and bent over showing her bare ass and pussy. Julia knelt down and started to lick at Trisha’s ass, slipping her tongue in to taste the earthy taste of her ass. She then took the butt plug from the box she was holding and started to push it inside Trisha anus. The glass plug slipped inside with little resistance leaving the gold coloured jewel looking back at Julia. “Your Turn,” Julia said proudly as she turned and bent over. Trisha was on her knees with her tongue inside Julia’s ass within seconds, lubing it up with her saliva. Julia’s plug also went in with very little trouble. Trisha stared at the red jewel that was embedded in the base of Julia’s glass plug and said wistfully “Do we have to wait for James or can I just fuck you now!” as she ran her fingers the length of Julia’s wet pussy. “Oh I wish, but come on, he will be here soon!” Julia said, as the pair stood up and headed down the stairs. They arranged the furniture in the lounge so that the sofa and chairs were pushed back against the wall and there was a large clear space in the middle of the room. Trisha positioned the large leather armchair so that it had a perfect view of the room as Julia went to the kitchen and returned to get an ice bucket and a bottle of very expensive champagne. Trisha grabbed a single crystal flute from the cabinet and placed it on the silver tray that sat on the sideboard beside her. “I think we are ready” Trisha beamed “and just in time,” Julia said as she heard the sound of car tyres on gravel could be heard getting louder as James car headed towards the house. Julia quickly opened the bubbly and filled the glass. Julia went and stood in the hallway facing the door and Trisha came and knelt beside her.

James opened the door and stopped dead in his tracks. He stared into the house and there stood his half-sister, dressed in a sexy maids outfit, with her girlfriend apparently dressed identically kneeling beside her. “Welcome, Sir!” Julia said stepping forward a pace offering him the glass. As she moved forwards, Trisha crawled forwards “Greetings Sir!” She said as she kissed his cock through his trousers. James gulped as he sipped at the champagne and had his cock kissed. “We are here to make you very comfortable Sir” Julia started, “Please come through to the lounge Sir and we shall begin” Trisha continued. As Julia turned and headed into the lounge she wiggled her hips making sure that James got a good view of her ass. Trisha followed still crawling which meant the golden jewelled plug in her ass was clearly on view to James. He needed no more encouragement and followed the two women into the lounge. He was ushered to sit in the large antique leather winged armchair that had been placed toward the centre of the room. As he sat, Trisha crawled across and removed James’ shoes, whilst Julia leant forward and took off his tie, and undid his top two buttons. Julia then took a cigar from the case that sat on the small table alongside the chair, placed it to her mouth and lit it. She puffed gently on the cigar until she was sure it was lit, and then placed it in James’ lips. James took a long drag on the smooth cigar and exhaled a large cloud of thick smoke before sipping his champagne again. The two women moved into the centre of the room, and Julia stood legs spread facing James. She opened her pussy wide with her fingers as if looking for approval, at which Trisha crawled across and started to suck on the soft wet flesh. She had her back towards James who now got an even better view of the butt plug and her dripping pussy. He resisted the urge to reach out and touch Trisha as he wondered what these two sexy women had in store for him.


Part Two

The women performed a lesbian show for him as they licked and sucked and probed each other prompting multiple orgasms to flow through them both. Trisha made sure that her mouth was over Julia’s pussy every time her partner came to ensure she could swallow every drop of Julia’s cum. Trisha had got very used to Julia being a squirter and loved to swallow the cum as it exploded from her lover. James was very turned on and rubbed his stiffening cock through his suit trousers. “Would Sir like some relief?” Trisha asked as she looked up at James, her face covered in cum. Without waiting for an answer Julia had moved across the room and was undoing James’ belt followed by his button and fly. Trisha was now at his feet and removed his socks, before pulling at the legs of his trousers. James lifted his arse off the leather chair which allowed Trisha to remove his trousers. Julia was now unbuttoning James shirt and as James sat back down he leant forward so she could slip it back off his broad shoulders. Trisha moved up between James’ legs and ran her tongue along the long length of James stiff cock through the soft material of his trunks before hooking her fingers into the waistband of them and pulled them down over his thighs. James cock now sprung up having been released from its fabric home. Trisha sat staring at it as it swayed inches from her face. Julia had said he was big, but it was now that Trisha realised how big he was. Now compared to her horses, he was not big at all, but for a man, he was huge. She placed a hand on its shaft, her fingers not meeting such was his girth. She placed a second hand above the first, amazed at how much flesh was still visible between her hands. She pulled it down towards her face and slowly ran her tongue around the rim of its dark purple head. James moaned as his cock was teased by his half-sister’s lover, his hips lifting gently in encouragement. Julia swung a leg across James and knelt on the arms of the leather chair so that her large 36D tits were level with James’ face. She pushed them together and moved forwards so that James could get both nipples in his mouth at once. His tongue started to flick across them as Trisha continued to lick the head of his cock. James placed a hand in between Julia’s legs as he licked her tits racing back and gripping the butt plug with his fingers. He gently pulled on it, not hard enough to remove it but hard enough to stretch Julia’s sphincter. This brought a moan from Julia and from Trisha who had a perfect view. Trisha decided now was the time to try and swallow this enormous rod of flesh, and she opened her mouth wide and sank down on James’ cock. She bobbed her head up and down a few times her lips slopping over James cock head, then every now and then she would force as much of it as possible into her throat before bobbing back up and returning to slurp over its head. James had now given up on the butt plug and instead had pushed three of his sausage size fingers up inside her pussy instead and Julia was bouncing up and down on them, with such vigour her tits were bouncing around in James’ face. Trisha could recognise the noises Julia was making and knew she was close to cumming so she doubled her efforts on James cock hoping that she would get him to cum at the same time as Julia. She gripped the lower half of his cock and wank it hard as her head continued to bounce up and down on the hard cock. She reached up with her spare hand cupping his balls, which seemed to do the trick and he unleashed the first volley of cum into Trisha’s mouth. Trisha instantly lifted her head as she had agreed with Julia that she would take the first facial and smiled as wad upon wad landed on her face and in her hair. Julia could tell that James was coming and this threw her over the edge and she squirted cum all over James hand and belly as she writhed on his fingers.

When she had finished cumming, Julia swung herself back off the chair and knelt next to Trisha, “Does she look as good as me?” She asked James as she framed Trisha’s head with her hands “You both look amazing!” James answered diplomatically. Julia released her grip on Trisha’s face and took hold of James cock “I hope you still have the strength for more, we have not finished with you yet!” James roughly grabbed the back of Julia’s head and using his far superior strength pulled her forwards and down until her face rested inches above his cock “Do not worry, I have plenty left for you two whores” He said and he pushed Julia’s head down onto his cock. He pushed her hard and Julia was forced to take far more of his cock than was comfortable and she started to choke and gag as his glands pushed against the insides of her throat. He released his grip, but even though it was starting to hurt her, instead of Julia pulling herself off his cock, she stayed there for a few more seconds before lifting her head and gasping for air.

James roared with laughter, “My little Sis is a proper whore, and so is her dyke lover!” he grinned, He started to rise from his chair “So come on sluts, what do you have planned for me next eh?” He stood in the centre of the room in the centre of the room his hands on his hips, his large cock still standing proudly before him. Without a word, Julia moved towards him and lay on her back. She lifted her legs up in the air spreading them as she did. Trisha moved and knelt over Julia’s face and reaching forward with her hands she spread Julia’s cunt wide. “Your sister wants to feel you cum inside her!” Trisha announced as she rubbed Julia’s clit with her thumb. James knelt down between Julia’s legs and Trisha grabbed his cock with one hand rubbing it gently but pulling it down towards Julia’s cunt. James lined it up as Trisha spread Julia as wide as she could before James leant forward with his hips and entered his half-sister. Julia moaned up into Trisha’s pussy as her own pussy was stretched wider than ever. James took it easy to start with, slowly pulling out before sliding his full length back inside Julia, allowing her to get used the feeling of such a large cock inside her. James could feel each time he slid inside Julia the resistance to his cock lessened and so the next time he entered her, he would thrust forward a little harder. Julia could feel that James was gearing up his pace and power with each thrust and lifted her hips slightly to allow him better access to her wet hole. Trish was no sitting upright playing with her tits, lifting one then the other to her mouth so that her tongue could flick across her own nipples. Julia was still licking at Trisha’s pussy but the fucking she was starting to receive from James was making this harder with each thrust. Trisha realised this and lifted herself off her friends face “Oh god yeah, fuck me, fuck me hard!” Julia shouted as sound as Trisha’s pussy was off her face. This spurred James on and hooking his hands under Julia, he lifted her up and held her above his cock. He then stood himself up and carried Julia across the sofa at the edge of the room and lay her on her back “Ready for my cum slut?” He asked, “Fuck yeah, I want all you black cum inside my white cunt!” Julia replied her hips bucking as James paused momentarily. Julia’s eyes almost popped out of her head as James threw his whole weight behind his next thrust. Julia felt like her cervix were being ripped apart by the force of his thrust had push James so deep inside her that his cock felt like it had penetrated her womb. He pulled back and fired forwards at her again causing the same feeling of pain as he reached maximum depth. Julia started to cry from the pain but Shouted at James not to stop, she was quite surprised when she heard herself tell him to fuck her harder still, an instruction James obey to the letter. He lifted Julia’s legs up over his shoulders allowing him to get even deeper still as he leant forward and using his weight hammered himself into Julia at a renewed pace. Julia was now in the middle of a massive orgasm, and each time James pulled back, streams of her cum flew out of her stretched pussy. Trisha manoeuvred herself between James legs trying to catch each spray but more in anticipation of the creampie James was going to leave inside her lover. “Fuck yeah you dirty whore!” James roared in a deep guttural voice “I am gonna fill you so full of my cum!” And with one almighty thrust, he buried himself deeper than ever and roared as he unloaded his balls inside his half-sister’s cunt. Julia almost exploded as she felt her brother’s cum hit her insides as wave after wave of her own cum exploded out of her cunt, the force of her orgasm forcing the liquid through any gap in her cunts opening it could find. James thrust his hips forwards another half a dozen times, each time a flood of cum would leave his balls and a deep moan would leave his throat. Finally after two shorter stabbing thrusts his body relaxed and he pulled his cock out of Julia. She moaned as he left her gaping wide and soon she felt the soft lips and tongue of Trisha envelop her pussy, slurping at sucking as the mix of Julia’s and James cum began to trickle out of her. James knelt down beside Trisha and reached under her with one of his hands and grabbed one of her swinging tits, squeezing it tightly in his hand. Trisha continued to lick at Julia’s pussy until the flow of cum eased off, she then turned her head and started to clean James cock, which was now starting to droop a little but hadn’t seemed to lose much of its girth or length.

James went and sat back in his chair, picked up the cigar from the ashtray in one hand and glass in the other, “I need a refill!” he demanded as he flicked the lighter re-ignite his cigar. Trisha stood to go and fetch the bottle, “Crawl like the little bitch you are!” He demanded of Trisha who apologised and dropped to her knees and crawled across to fetch the bottle and top up James glass. Julia was still trying to regain her composure on the sofa her pussy throbbing from the assault from her half-brother’s thick cock. Trisha put a couple of cubes of ice from the ice bucket into her mouth and crawled back over to Julia. She lowered her head to Julia’s pussy and squeezed that ice cubes into Julia’s pussy. The cooling effect caused her to shudder but soon it was having the effect of soothing the ache in her cunt. Once Julia had regained enough strength she slid from the sofa onto her knees and crawled across the floor to James. She crawled between his legs and started to lick his balls, “Are you enjoying yourself, Sir?” Julia enquired as she looked up at his face. James smiled broadly and nodded “When you are ready Sir if you would like to fuck Trisha she is yours to take, we are both yours until 10 am this morning to do with as you wish!” James took a moment to let those words sink in. He had fantasised about fucking his half-sister for years, and since seeing Trisha a week or so ago he wanted to know what it felt like to fuck her too. “You two enjoy each other for a bit while I regain my strength then we will see what is next!” Julia and Trisha slid themselves into a 69 position with Trisha on top “Turn so I can see your ass slut Trisha” James demanded at which the women obeyed, shuffling around until Trisha’s ass was pointing up at James.


Part Three

James sat back in his chair sipping his champagne and smoking his cigar as he watched his half-sister and her lover perform a 69 in front of him. He leaned forward in his seat to get a better view then reached out and trickled some of his champagne over Trisha’s upturned ass. The fizzy bubbles trickled down her ass crack around the jewel-hilted butt plug and down into her pussy. Julia tasted the first few drops as they seeped down Trisha’s cunt and lapped harder trying to get more of the sweet liquid. James poured the remainder of his glass down Trisha’s ass crack and Julia lapped greedily at it as it flowed into her mouth. James put the glass down and dropping to his knees behind the women he pulled the butt plug out of Trisha’s ass, quickly replacing it with one of his fingers. He heard Trisha groan pleasingly as he slid his finger in and out of Trisha’s ass hole. He slowly slipped a second finger into Trisha’s asshole, bringing another groan of pleasure from her. The blood was slowly making its way back into his manhood making it start to grow between his legs. Julia could see this from her position and reached a hand across and started to massage the growing cock swinging between James’ thighs. James continued to grow partly from his fingering of Trisha’s ass and Julia’s hand job until he was almost back to his impressive best. He moved forward aiming his cock towards Trisha cunt, but Julia pulled it down into her mouth and slurped at the head a few times before lining it up on her lover’s pussy. James eased himself into the waiting cunt, Trisha moaning as every inch of his cock slid inside her. “He is huge” Trisha exclaimed to Julia as she took the full length of James cock “Come on Sir, fuck me hard, I want to be used like a whore!” Trisha continued this time looking over her shoulder and up at James. James leant forward and grabbed a hold of Trisha’s hair pulling her hair backwards and thrust himself forwards into her. He pounded into Trisha’s pussy but no matter how hard he fucked her Trisha screamed back at him to fuck her harder, so James tried his best to fulfil her wishes, throwing himself at her each time until with an enormous scream from Trisha he felt her pussy contract tight and she shook almost uncontrollably as she orgasmed hard.

The three of them fucked until almost 3 in the morning, with James coming inside both Trisha and Julia a number of times, but the evening finished with him giving them both a facial with his cum. They woke at about 9 in the morning all in Julia’s bed, they fucked again before James got up and headed back to his own room. Julia and Trisha cleaned up before Trisha headed back to her home and Julia popped into town to do some shopping. Trisha and Julia met up again later that evening at Trisha’s. They had dinner and then cuddled up on the sofa and started to watch the TV. “I have been thinking,” Julia said to Trisha quietly. “We can’t be the only people who enjoy this sort of thing, I mean there are videos of it all over the internet” Trisha turned a little and faced Julia, “What’s your point? She asked sweetly. “Well” started Julia hesitantly “We both like fucking, a lot” They both giggled at this. “And we both like fucking animals and we don’t mind fucking in a group” Trish was intrigued but stayed silent. “Well what if we got in touch with other people who enjoy the same things, we could start our own club or something” Trisha smiled “that does sound like a bloody good idea, how long have you been thinking about this?” she asked. “Not really sure” responded Julia “but it keeps popping into my head just recently.” “Well why we don’t have a search on the net, see if we can find a forum or something that we could maybe find other people on.” The women agreed and they both spent the next 20 minutes or so looking at various web platforms, groups and forums that might be useful. After a good search, the both agreed that “Beast Forum” (*sorry for the gratuitous plug lol*) looked like the most promising, so they set themselves up a profile and started to look at some of the posts that had been put up recently. There were pictures and videos of women with dogs, women with horses, women who were looking for couples with dogs, all sorts in fact. They finally found their way to the chat forum and posted that they were a female couple who also liked cock, be it male, canine, equine or any other type for that matter, and they were looking to meet likeminded people within the UK to share extended experiences with. They smiled a satisfied smile at each other, closed down the browser and waited to see if they would get any replies. They didn’t have to wait long before Julia got an email on her phone, she checked it and there had been a reply to their post. They logged back in and there was a reply. It was from a single male aged in his 40’s who lived in Devon. He had a dog that he wanted to train to fuck women, but his wife wasn’t interested so he was looking elsewhere. As they were reading, another email came through another reply. They refreshed the page and there was another single male, this time without his own dog who wanted to watch a woman being fucked by a dog. Over the course of the next 2 hours, they were inundated with replies, all of them from single men, some of whom owned a dog, but all who just wanted to watch them being fucked. Feeling a little dejected, Julia muted her email for the evening and the pair headed up to bed, taking Rex with them.

They awoke the next morning, it was Sunday and Trisha had no bookings in the stable so they could have a lay in. Rex was still exhausted from fucking them both the previous night so he hardly stirred as they got up and went downstairs. It was also Pedro’s day off, so neither bother to put on any clothes and they sat in the kitchen drinking coffee without a stitch covering their bodies. Julia picked up her phone and checked her emails, they had over 50 new notifications on their post. With a sigh, Julia opened up the link to the chat and started to scan down through the replies. A single man, single man, single man, married man whose wife doesn’t understand him. Julia was now not bothering to open most of them, just reading out username to Trisha and passing by to the next. She was just about to give up and log off when an equally distracted Trisha said: “Hang on, what was that name again?” “Dudesforpussy?!” Julia said oddly, no before that!” Julia looked back up the list a few lines “Wiltssubgirl” had replied. Julia quickly clicked on the post. It was from a married woman who was bi-curious but had never acted on it and was also interested in animal sex. She sounds promising they both said simultaneously and agreed to send her a personal message.

The three of them exchanged messages over the next day or so, agreeing that it would be good for them all to meet up when they could arrange a time. During this time they had received almost 500 replies to their original post, the vast majority were time wasters but they had managed to make contact with 2 other women and a couple that sounded promising. A week had passed since they had posted their request when Trisha and Julia sat down in Trisha’s lounge and spoke about the next step. They had now been in touch with about 7 different people and three couples and had messaged them all a number of times. They had exchanged pictures of themselves with some of the women and had been sent a very interesting picture from one couple of the wife on her back trying to feed a horse cock into her pussy. Julia and Trisha had agreed that they didn’t want to meet up with just one of them more than the other so they decided to float the idea of a meet up en-masse at Julia’s house as she had the most room and it was secluded. The invites were sent out for a months’ time. They would meet in the early afternoon and that it was not expected that anything would happen that first time but if it did then great. Within in 2 hours, everyone had replied accepting the invitations. Julia and Trisha hugged excitedly and they both began planning the event.

The next three weeks flew past and suddenly their gathering was only 3 days away. Julia had arranged for her housekeeper and groundsman to go her flat in London under the pretext of decorating and tiding it in order for her to put it on the market. James had asked to stick around but promised to stay out of the way until invited and Sam, of course, had demanded on coming home for the weekend as soon as she heard of her Mums plans. She was going to arrive on Thursday, but was going to stay with Pedro for the time she was home saying she “didn’t want to get under her mum’s feet” to which Julia’s response was “no, she wanted to get under Pedro!” Trisha had arranged booked out the local hotel, saying that they were potential investors in her stable as cover and arranged for a catering firm to supply a cold buffet for lunch and a hot meal for the evening. These were to be served in a marquee in the grounds of the house, far enough away so that there were no prying eyes on the escapades. Julia ran through the guest list one more time, there were 6 single women coming 4 of whom were bringing their own dogs, and 3 couples. One of the couples did not have a dog but were very keen to try it and the second had one dog who wasn’t that experienced. The third couple however bred Huskies for a living and kept three males as family pets, all of whom regularly bred with the wife and some of her female friends, they were bringing all three of their dogs with them so the numbers almost balance out once Julia and Trish added Rex to the mix. Julia and Trisha had agreed that they would let Rex fuck one of the women who did have their own dog if they wanted, as they had constant access to his cock, they could have him later on.

The morning of the meeting arrived, and Trish woke up in Julia’s bed alone. As her ears adjusted to being awake, she could hear the shower running in the en-suite, so she rolled over and closed her eyes for a moment. Julia walked back into the room and kissed Trisha gently on her forehead. “Morning gorgeous” she whispered into her ear, assuming that Trisha was still asleep. Quick as a flash Trisha grabbed hold of Julia around the waist and pulled her on top of her o the bed, locking her lips against Julia’s. “Good morning indeed,” She said squeezing her lover’s butt through her towel. Julia rolled over on to her back, pulling her towel open as she did so, exposing her large tits and freshly shaved pussy to her lover. They made love fuelled by the anticipation of the day to come and were so sweaty and covered in cum that they both showered again before getting dressed. Guests had been invited to arrive for a champagne reception in the Marquee at 1 pm so they had a little over 3 hours to get the last few things sorted out. They headed downstairs and into the large dining room where the main ’party’ was planned to be held. James had moved all the furniture to the sides of the room which left a large area in the middle of the room for play. The antique rug that usually covered this area had been rolled back so as not to damage it, and a new roll of deep pile cream carpet lay on the opposite side of the room, waiting for James to roll it into place. “Need a hand, James?” Julia asked innocently, knowing as soon as the words left her mouth they would be twisted into something perverted by her half-brother “A hand job would be good!!” he replied not disappointing Julia. She giggled, “If we get 5 minutes later we will come back and blow you ok”. “Done!” James said happily and continued to shuffle heavy furniture across the wooden floor. The next few hours flew past but being true to their words and finding that they had checked and double checked everything with half an hour to spare, they returned to the dining room just as James was putting the final fixing to the carpet. “Blow job time as a reward for all your HARD work” Trisha announced as she walked into the dining room, emphasising the word hard as she did so. Before James had fully stood up, both his half-sister and Trisha were on their knees in front of him removing his cock from inside his trousers. They took it in turns to suck James’ large cock until he blew his load across their faces. The women licked each other clean, swapping cum between them before swallowing it all. James tucked himself back in his trousers as the sound of the first car pulling up the drive could be heard.


Part Four

Julia and Trisha straightened themselves up, and closing the door to the dining room behind them crossed the hall and opened the front door in time to see a small dark blue car pull up, a cute woman in her early thirties sat behind the wheel. Julia indicated towards the side of the house where she could park. The pair walked hand in hand to greet their first guest, who got out of the car followed by a very excited springer spaniel who ran straight up to Trisha and pushed his nose up into her crotch. “Get here, Alfie, Stop it! OH my god I am so sorry” she continued apologising to Trisha as she grabbed hold of Alfie’s collar and pulled back to her sides, chastising him and telling him to sit. Trisha assured the lady it wasn’t a problem and introduced herself and Julia. “Yes I recognise you from the photos you sent me, but you are even prettier in reality” she blushed “I am Jessica, but most call me Jess, you know me as ‘Wiltssubgirl’” she continued smiling. Julia stepped forward and kissed Jess on each cheek, and then Trisha did the same. “Why don’t you take Jess over for a glass of champagne?” Julia asked Trisha as she heard another car heading up the drive “I will greet our next guests.” Trisha led Jess by the hand round to the side of the house where the marquee stood. Julia stepped on to the grass at the edge of the drive and waved the next vehicle in alongside Jess’. The old Volvo estate’s brakes squealed as it came to a halt in front of Julia. A small man of no more than 5 ½ feet tall with a pot belly stepped out of the driver’s seat and headed straight to Julia. “You must be Julia” He said also recognising her from the photos that had been distributed. “Walker, Reverend Mike Walker” he said politely holding his hand out to Julia who promptly shook it “and this is my good lady wife, Maureen.” He indicated back towards the car as his wife extricated herself from the car. She was a small plump lady dressed in a floral blouse and skirt, thick beige tights and flat black court shoes. She slowly made her way around the car and Julia bent down to greet her with a kiss on the cheek. “We have champagne waiting for you in the marquee around the corner” Julia said pointing the way, “Trisha is in there with our first guest Jess!” The Reverend thanked her and went to the back of the car and out hoped a rather old fat Labrador who obviously needed a cold drink “There is plenty of water round there for the boys as well!” Julia said cheerfully, as the Reverend and his wife made their way to the marquee. Julia followed them after a few minutes to get herself a glass but also to check on how her first guests were getting on. She indulged in some small talk for a few minutes before hearing her next guest arrive.

As she rounded the side of the house she saw a taxi pull up and out of it stepped two women, the taller of the two bent down to pay the driver through the window, her large breasts almost falling out of the skinny tight top she was wearing along with a very short red leather shirt, and stiletto heels. Brushing her long blonde hair back out of her face, Julia heard her tell the cabbie to keep the change. Julia looked to the other side of the car where in total contrast to her travelling companion stood a demure woman probably in her early 40’s holding a large carpet bag. Her mousey brown hair was tied up in a tight bun on the top of her head, and she wore very little makeup apart from a very pale red lipstick. It was this lady who approached Julia first introducing herself as Lisa, the pair exchanged air kisses as the tall blonde now made her way over “This is Kim, we met at the train station so decided to share a cab” Lisa continued. Kim said hello to Julia and in her Essex accent continued “Someone mentioned bubbly in the chat, I could do with a glass, bloody gasping I am!” Kim said almost demandingly, Julia directed the pair to the marquee, thinking to herself that Kim would probably be a bit of a handful if she had too much ‘bubbly’ so made a note to keep an eye on her. The next car that pulled up the drive was a brand new black 4×4 that followed Julia’s directions and parked up alongside the other cars. Out of the driver’s side hopped a woman who was barking orders at her husband about making sure that her bought her hand bag, to go and sort the dogs out and a number of other instructions, she paused long enough to look at Julia, “Penny, Penny and Jim, and our three boys, been a hell of a drive, Jim sent us down at least three wrong turns in the last half an hour alone” she complained “Come on Jim, go and get the boys, they have been cramped up for far longer than they had needed to be thanks to your map reading” She barely took a breath as she strode up to Julia, kissing her firmly on both cheeks “You look delightful my dear,” she said. “I must say we are very excited about today, aren’t we Jim” Jim obviously didn’t answer quickly enough “Jim, I was talking to you!” she shouted “yes dear, very excited!” he mumbled unenthusiastically. Julia smiled to herself as Penny strode off “This way to the champers!?” she half asked, half stated and strode off around the corner of the house “Come on Jim!” She called back. Jim finally emerged from behind the car closing the boot with one hand whilst he held on short leads, three of the most gorgeous well-groomed Husky’s Julia had ever seen. “Our pride and joy” Jim said. It looked as if the weight of the world as he saw Penny disappear out of view behind the house. Jim was a tall man, with a bald head apart from a small patch of greying hair on the sides of his head. He must have been in his late 50’s now but Julia imagined that he would have been very handsome in his day. Julia strode up to him kissing him on the cheek and greeting him before kneeling down and greeting the dogs “Suki, Pana and Mika” Jim said as Julia rubbed her face up against each of the boys “Traditional Inuit names, Penny insisted” Jim said with a sigh “Julia looked up at him and smiled, “Why don’t I go get you a glass and bring it out here for you? I can tell Penny I have asked you to stop here so I can get to know your dogs a little!” Julia winked and Jim smiled. Julia disappeared off to grab him a glass of bubbly returning a few seconds later. Penny hadn’t even noticed her enter the marquee as she was busy telling everyone how Jim had messed up with his directions. Poor chap, Julia though to herself as she grabbed two fresh glasses and headed back to the front of the house. Jim smiled as Julia passed him a glass, and they chinked their glasses and took a sip. “Did Penny notice I wasn’t there?” Jim said. Julia told him that she was deep in conversation and didn’t notice Julia nip in or out “Nothing new there!” Jim said with a smile. “How do you put up with it?” Julia asked “Oh there are benefits” he said with a smirk “Definite benefits” he repeated as he sipped his drink again. Julia and Jim chatted for a while before he announced he had better go and get the boys some water, “Penny must be nearly needing to take a breath soon, so she may notice I am not there!” Jim said with a laugh. Julia kissed Jim on the lips and gave him a hug laughing with him. Julia liked Jim and hoped that Penny wouldn’t be quite so controlling later so Jim might come out of his shell.

Trisha appeared behind Julia and wrapped her arms around her waist and kissed her neck “Hey gorgeous, want to trade places for a bit, you go and mingle and I’ll wait for the rest of our guests” Julia turned and kissed Trisha full on the lips, “If you don’t mind darling” she responded and with a little pat on her ass from Trisha she headed off around the corner to the marquee. Because they had hired in caterers to provide the champagne, buffet later that day and the meal, the conversation inside the marquee was polite but almost forced. Penny was holding court with Kim and Rev. Mike, whilst off to the side Jess, Maureen and Lisa chatted quietly. Julia decided to head for the group of ladies, and picking up herself another glass of bubbly on her way greeted the three ladies sweetly, apologising for interrupting. “Not at all” spoke Jess, “Mo here was just telling us about the little village church she and Mike have and what the WI would say if they knew the real reason for their trip out today!” All four giggled politely, Mo continued her tale and the group spoke for what seemed about 15minutes, until Julia noticed 2 more ladies enter the marquee. Julia made a bee-line for them, introducing herself to them both as she reached them. They in turn introduced themselves as Belle, with her 5 year old rough collie, and Fran and her Dalmatian, Pogo. Julia asked if that was Pogo as in 101 Dalmatians and Fran shy fully admitted that the film had been her favourite growing up and that as soon as she moved out of home, she bought Pogo as a puppy. Julia led them across to where Jess and the others were stood and introduced them, just as Jim came back into the marquee “I hope they are well watered!” Penny called across at him without even looking at him, Julia caught Jim’s eye as he moved towards he “Benefits?” She whispered as he got close enough to hear, “Oh yes, definite benefits” he winked as he headed passed Julia towards his wife. A few seconds later Trisha appeared at the entrance to the marquee, with the final couple and single woman with her dog. Trisha quickly got them a glass of champagne and headed to be at Julia’s side. “That’s everyone on the list apart from Sam and Pedro but they are probably still fucking, so shall we start? Trisha asked of her partner. Julia nodded and picking up a fork from one of the nearby tables, tapped it against the crystal champagne flute garnering everyone’s attention.

“Thank you all very much for coming,” she paused as she heard the village clock distantly strike 1, “and for being so prompt!” she smiled. “Trisha and I, welcome you to our home and open it up to you, all we ask is that we keep todays events in side the confines of the house, and that the staff areas are out of bounds, but please feel free to use the other rooms after the main event” There was polite applause and nodding as Julia finished. “Shall we?” Trisha said indicating towards the house and led the way to the french doors that led into the dining room. Julia hung back a while greeting their last visitors. They introduced themselves as Sue, and Jack and Stevie. Sue had bought along her border collie, Patch, but Jack and Stevie didn’t own a dog of their own. Julia smiled at Stevie, “First time?” She asked sympathetically, she nodded but smiled a wide smile.

By the time Julia entered the dining room the assembled mass had spread out around the large room. Dogs were still on leads but apart from the three Huskies, the others were eagerly straining at their leashes to either get closer to another dog or in some cases a female. It was Jim who spoke first “We would like to change if that is acceptable Julia?” he asked, she nodded and said they could use her room, directing them to it. “Shall I mind the dogs?” she asked, “No thanks” Jim replied and they turned and went upstairs. Julia thought it odd, since moving inside Penny had become a different person. Her stance instead of being confident and upright almost looked nervous and submissive, and Jim had done all the speaking, she had not uttered a word. Her thoughts were interrupted as Jess spoke up “If it pleases you Mistresses, I would like to remove these clothes, I feel more comfortable naked” Julia looked at Trisha, Mistress they both mouthed at each other, but it was Julia who responded, “Yes dear, strip naked!” Trisha was a little surprised in the authoritarian tone Julia’s voice suddenly took, surprised but turned on. “Why don’t we all get a little more comfortable” Trisha announced as she lifted her floral summer dress off over her head revealing her naked body. Julia went over and kissed her before removing her own dress. Within a few minutes pretty much everyone in the room was naked. Stevie had left on a white lacy bra, knickers, stocking and suspender combo, whilst Maureen or Mo as she liked to be called, stood wearing a black fishnet body stocking that was cut to expose her tits and pussy. Her husband stood next to her in just a pair of black leather trunks. Lisa and Kim had wasted no time but to Julia’s amazement, Lisa who had now let her down from her bun, had hold of Kim by her long blonde hair and was in the process of pulling her to her knees telling her that she was going to eat pussy like the little slut she is. Julia and Trisha looked at each other, “Appearances can be deceptive” Trisha said to Julia, “Very deceptive indeed!” Julia said with a stunned tone and signalled to Trisha to look at the door.


Part Five

Trisha turned and there in the doorway stood Jim dressed in Black leather chaps, black leather waistcoat and a black cowboy hat. In his left hand, he held the leashes of his 3 dogs, in the right he held another leash, on the end of which on her hands and knees was Penny. Penny had a thick black collar around her neck and a leather strap with a large red plastic ball was around her face, the ball inside her mouth preventing her from uttering a single word. She had a black leather harness strapped around her body that was tight around her tits, from which hung large glass baubles attached to rings in her nipples. Jim walked confidently into the centre of the room and looked Julia straight in the eye “Definitely benefits” He said laughing. Penny stopped in the middle of the room, “With your permission, this dog whore that you were introduced to as Penny would like to get this day started!” Jim announced looking straight into Julia’s eyes “By all means, the floor is your Jim!” Julia sat down in a large, padded armchair, and Trisha came and sat on her lap, swinging her arms around her neck. The rest of the group gathered around, pulling up chairs to watch the show.

Jim bent over and released the ball gag from Penny’s mouth, he then turned and unclipped one of his Husky’s lead from its collar. The dog had obviously played out this scenario before as he walked slowly around to the front of Penny and lay down on his back rolling in such a way that his hind legs stuck up in the air. His cock had already started to emerge from its sheath and again without a word Penny dropped her head and started to suck its cock. Julia’s was mesmerised by the way that Penny and the dogs did not need to be told what to do, they were well trained in what Jim wanted and they carried out their function instinctively. Jim unclipped a second of the dogs who again calmly walked around this time behind Penny and pushed his nose up into her pussy. A moan could be head as Penny continued to suck on the almost fully grown cock of the dog in front of her. Trisha had started to play with Julia’s tits and Julia murmured her approval, encouraging her lover. Julia looked around the room, Mo had pulled Mikes trunks down as he sat in a comfy armchair, and was slowly wanking his cock as she sat on the arm of it fingering herself; Lisa had now sat down also but now had Kim’s head firmly between her legs licking her pussy. Belle, Fran and Sue, who were now also naked, sat close to each other, their dogs curled up at their feet watching intensely, either had fingers rubbing their clits or their nipples. Jess was kneeling in an upright position, with her springer Alfie sitting upright next to her, Jess’s hand was gently stroking Alfie’s sheath trying to coax his cock out. Jack and Stevie were the only two who didn’t seem to be comfortable, “Why don’t you go and get Stevie in the mood Trisha” Julia said, again Trisha noticed a kind of authority in Julia’s voice, which had not been there before today, and her pussy tingled “Yes Miss!” She replied causing Julia to look a bit quizzically at her, “I will do as you say, Miss!” Trisha said as she got down off Julia’s lap, and crawled across to wear Stevie sat. “You don’t mind if I give your wife’s pussy a little lick do you Jack?” Trisha said mischievously as she pushed Stevie’s legs apart with her hands and ran her tongue up the white lace panties that covered Stevie’s sex. Stevie moaned as she felt the tongue of this stranger run across her clit, and her hand instinctively shot down and pulled her knickers to one side exposing a small bush of fine blonde pubes above a tight little pussy. “See, she doesn’t mind!” Trisha said looking up at Jack briefly before putting her head back in between Stevie’s legs. Julia looked across at Jess as she sat quietly and patiently watching Penny sucking off one cock whilst having her pussy and ass expertly licked, by the sounds coming from her, by another. Jim was stood in the centre of the room still holding the third dog, his cock standing to attention between his leather chaps. “Go and suck Jim’s cock!” Julia barked across at Jess who immediately crawled into the centre of the room and knelt in front of Jim, and without a word, she opened her mouth and swallowed him whole. She tilted her head back and looked up into Jim’s eyes as she held his cock deep in the back of her throat. Julia’s pussy tingled at the way she had just spoken to Jess, why had she been so forceful, why did it turn her on so much “All fours!” She instructed Jess again, who obeyed without question, Julia’s pussy twinged again, but harder this time. Julia stood and moved into the centre of the room stopping just behind Jess, “Is this cunt ready for using” and shoved three fingers into Jess pussy. Julia was surprising herself, not knowing where this side of her personality was coming from, but she loved it, she looked over at Alfie who was still sat where Jess had been moments before, and she called him over. She withdrew her fingers and let Alfie lick them, before guiding his tongue to Jess pussy, where she slurped and lapped. “Do not let him fuck you until I say so!” Julia demanded. A muffled noise came from Jess which Julia took to be agreement. “Time to let Mika breed her?” Jim asked of Julia, “Oh I think we would all like to see this bitch get fucked!” Julia announced, there was a large round of applause and everyone stopped what they were doing, apart from Jess, who still held Jim’s cock in her throat. That girl must breathe through her ears Julia thought to herself, as Jim unclipped the last dog.

He snapped his fingers and Suki, and Pana stopped what they were doing and returned to his side. Julia returned to her seat, to watch the ensuing show, Penny was told by Jim to move around so that she was now side on to where Julia sat “The least you can do is give our host the best view slut!” Jim chided her. Penny apologised as she moved around. Mika sat patiently until penny had got herself into position “Take me, boy, make me your bitch please!” Penny begged and at that Mika was up on her back. He must have had plenty of practice fucking this bitch because within seconds Penny was panting and moaning and Mika’s hips were a flurry of movement as he funds his target first time. Penny moaned and groaned as Mika continued to fuck her. After a few minutes the pitch of her moans went up significantly indicating that Mika’s knot was forcing its way inside her, and then a loud yelp let the crown know it was in. This sound was greeted by a loud cheer and applause as the crowd no encouraged Mika to fuck his bitch or to fill her up. It was the women who made the most noise and of all of them, the sweet demure looking Lisa had by far the foulest mouth. Jess was now frantically bobbing her head up and down on Jim’s cock, and Julia could also hear Stevie starting to cum. Then in almost perfect unison Jim groaned loudly as he came down Jess’ throat, Stevie squealed as Trisha’s tongue completed her orgasm quickly followed by Jack as he shot his load all over Trisha’s hand but the loudest by far, the earthiest, most guttural noise came from penny as her orgasm and Mika’s red-hot seed surged through her pussy. She visibly convulsed as Mika slowed his pace until he hardly moved, although from the spasms Penny was still having showed he was still shooting his cum inside her. Again a loud round of cheers and applause rang around the room. Jess finally came up for air, without a single sign that she had just had a man unload his balls in her mouth and sat herself up forcing Alfie to cease his licking. The cheering had almost died down when the door to the dining room from the hall burst open and in rushed a naked Sam pulling Pedro along by the hand who had Rex on his lead behind him.

“Sorry we’re late, I just couldn’t find a thing to wear!” She laughed and there was polite laughter around the room. Julia stood and crossed the room introducing her daughter, Pedro and Rex to the group, she knelt and greeted Rex, letting him lick her face. Before he unclipped his leash and pointed him towards his owner, Trisha, who was across the room still on her hands and knees between Stevie’s legs. Rex needed no other encouragement and ran across the room had jumped straight up on to Trisha’s back. Julia looked up at Stevie whose eyes were now on stalks as she saw up close a dog breeding the female between her legs. Trisha moaned as Rex found her wet hole and started to fuck her hard. Julia looked around the room and now people were starting to get horny and couples were starting to play around the room. Mo was now on her hands and knees while Mike was encouraging their elderly retriever, Judas, up on to her back. Judas slowly mounted Mo, and slowly prodded his hips against her, with Mo moving back trying to help him. “You’ll have to get him in Mike!” Mo said to her husband who reached between the hind legs of his dog and holding the swelling cock, guided it into his wife’s pussy. Mo squealed like a stuck pig as she felt Judas enter her and she kept squealing as what moments ago seemed like an old dog hardly capable of moving under his own power, suddenly regained the freshness of his youth. It must have been the feeling of fucking a bitch but suddenly Judas’ hips were a blur of motion and he was thrusting forward with such vigour that the pair rocked back in unison. Julia’s gaze was pulled from this scene as she saw Jim approaching her, Penny on her lead in one hand and one of his lovely dogs in the other “You haven’t properly thanked our host for inviting us slut!” Jim said sternly and without hesitation, Penny’s face was between Julia’s legs and her tongue was licking frantically at Julia’s clit. Penny looked up at Julia as she continued to lick as Julia’s body quivered with pleasure which made Jim smile as his slut pleased their hostess. “She is very different to her normal persona!” Julia muttered a little breathlessly as her clit was continuing to be stimulated. “Yes it is quite a transformation isn’t it” Jim replied smirking “I only found out she has a submissive streak a mile wide a few years ago, in fact, it was finding that out, that probably saved our marriage” He smiled and slapped penny on her bare ass “Thank you, Sir!” Penny said not moving her mouth from Julia’s pussy. Jim clicked his fingers and Penny sat back on her heels, her back straight and her hands up behind her head which had the effect of pushing are ample tits out in front of her. “If you wish Julia, Suki here is ready to breed and whilst Mika is the Alpha, Suki has a wonderful cock and a knot that will swell your insides like nothing before I wager” Julia almost came as Jim spoke. There was something about his voice, he spoke quietly almost softly but there was a tone in his voice which made Julia go weak at the knees, a sort of power that wrapped itself around her as his words left his mouth.

Julia bent down and put her face next to Suki, “Would you like to fuck me boy? Would you?” she said dipping her fingers into her soaking pussy as she spoke than bringing them up to Suki to lick. Suki was quick to clean the sweet sticky juice from Julia’s fingers so she quickly dipped back for some more. She then turned her back to him and leant forward on her hands, raising her bum up into the air. She heard the click of the lead being removed from his collar milliseconds before she felt his weight on her back. He was slightly bigger than Rex but he weighed a significant amount more and Julia struggled to lock her elbows to prevent herself collapsing under his weight. Julia waited as she felt the spurts of hot pre-cum splash against her flesh, along with the poking of hard dog flesh against her every now and then as Suki continued to stab around in his search. “Help him please Jim, I want him inside me” Julia moaned Jim obliged and Julia could feel the tip of a monster cock. She moaned immediately and then almost shouted the house down as Suki pushed forward “Holy fuck, he is huge, come on boy, that’s it fuck me hard, yes fuck me!” Julia continued as her newest lover picked up his pace his cock reaching deep inside her, coating the walls of her cum with his hot pre-cum. Julia was stretched wide by his cock and was starting to regret things as she felt the start of Suki’s knot form at the entrance to her pussy. Even though she was well lubed from a mixture of Penny’s saliva, her own juice and Suki’s pre-cum but it was still a struggle for his knot to slide inside her. Suki did not appear to care if he was going to slip in easily or not, as he continued to throw himself hips first at his newest conquest. His breathing was getting rapid and deep and Julia could feel it on the side of her face. She turned slightly to look at Suki and opened her mouth and tried to flick her tongue across hiss. Suki leant forward his long tongue covered in slobber lapping across Julia’s face. Julia relaxed at this moment enjoying making love to this powerful beast letting her pussy open as wide as she could and he was in. His knot tore against the flesh of Julia’s pussy, she was sure that he had torn her but she didn’t care. This huge knot was now inside her and although Suki’s thrusts had slowed somewhat the throbbing inside her had not abated at all. She gripped her cunt tight holding in Suki as she continued to kiss him “Oh yes boy, fill me up, cum inside my cunt you gorgeous animal!” She screamed. In the background she could hear Trisha saying the same, “Is he about to cum in you darling!” Julia shouted, “Fuck yes, I think he has missed fucking me!” Trisha panted back and then almost together both women howled as their wombs were filled with hot canine semen. Waves of cum filled Julia’s pussy as her own juices exploded within her also. She could hear another woman coming too, and looking to her right she could see Mo, enjoying her own orgasm as Mike unloaded his own cum across his wife’s face. All around her as she looked people were orgasming either as a result of being licked or fucked by a dog or by another guest. Julia’s orgasm was still ripping through her body and every time her eyes moved from one guest to the next another wave would hit her. She soon realised that Suki had finished cumming inside her but his knot was far too swollen for him to untie, but she felt him pulling and trying to move, “It’s ok” said Jim as he helped Suki turn so he was ass to ass with Julia, He should stop pulling now until he is ready to slip out”. Julia was now calming down and she looked around the room again, everyone was involved in some kind of sex, apart from Jess. She had returned to her corner and was kneeling again with Alfie sat next to her. The pair looked a real picture. “Are you not enjoying yourself?” Julia addressed Jess with concern in her panting voice> “Very much so Miss” Jess responded “I am just waiting to be allowed to join in” Please Miss Julia, can I be fucked by someone or something!” Jess almost pleaded with Julia, who was not used to being in this position. She looked around and it appeared that apart from Alfie and Pana, Jim’s third dog, all the others were occupied. “Come over here and get on all fours then!” Julia instructed and Jess did exactly as she was told “Call your dog and suck his cock!” again Jess did as she was told and within a few seconds she had Alfie’s cock out of its sheath and was sucking on it for all her worth. “Jim, I think Puka deserves a fuck and this little bitch would be perfect, wouldn’t you agree” to which Jim nodded and called Puka across to him.

Unfortunately unfinished as the forum has been closed…