Women with Animals

Mary’s Journey


(c) 2018 by Story Teller

Part One

Jack had been married to Birgit for 20 years; they had met at High school and she had been his first and his only. Birgit was a small slender lady, with shoulder length mousey brown hair. She would always say “Still got my high school figure!” and she wasn’t wrong. Although she was now nearing 40, her hours spent in the gym were keeping her a slender size 8. They had two lovely children, a nice house on the edge of town, with a garden large enough for their 3 dogs to exercise in during the day. They had a large circle of friends with shared interests, the men would go and play golf, and the women would spend evenings at the local bingo. Life was good! So why was it he could not take his mind off Mary?

He had worked with Mary now for about a year, she had started off as a part time assistant in the Service station, but had proved a hit with the regular customers and the Boss, so she had soon worked her way up to being the Senior Supervisor, there was even talk of training her up to be his deputy. Mary always had a smile and a glint in her eye, but just lately Jack thought it was more than this when he was around; he couldn’t put his finger on what exactly but Mary had started to flirt with him. Just a little to start with but as the weeks passed what started as a coy comment had become more full on. She would come into the office and lean over his shoulder, he could feel her brush her large breasts across his back and her hand rested on his shoulder in a way that just felt suggestive. He had laughed it off but tonight had his mind racing.

They had been working the close shift together and everything had gone as normal, he had gone to the office to cash up, whilst Mary stocked up the last of the shelves and mopped the floor. She had mentioned she was off out into town after work to meet up with some girl chums for a drink so would he mind if she got changed before they locked up, which of course he had not objected too. He finished cashing up and locked the office door behind him, he called out to Mary to see if she was ready to go, “just a minute, just finishing up” came her reply. He went through into the store to wait for her. “What do you think? She said behind him. Jack turned to see her leaning up against the doorframe seductively. “WOW!” he thought, she looked amazing! Jack had always known that Mary had a stunning figure but it was never really visible in the slightly dowdy il-fitting uniforms they had to wear, but now he could see her in all her glory.

Mary stood there in front of him wearing a purple Basque top, that pushed her large breasts into a fabulous cleavage. The sculpted waist of her top accentuated her hips and slender thighs, which were squeezed into a very short leather skirt. Her stocking tops were just visible below the hem and the look was finished off by a pair of over the knee black leather boots. “Well don’t just stand there drooling Jack, what do you think??” Jack stammered and stuttered causing Mary to hoot with laughter “Vicars and Tarts party, reckon I’ll pass as a Vicar?” she laughed again. Jacks eyes were transfixed on her cleavage as it swelled and swayed with every laugh. Jack regained control of himself “Well if not you make a bloody good tart!” he said as she walked over towards the door, seductively swinging her hips as she strolled down the aisle towards him. Jack opened the door for her “I’ll be your tart any day” she said with a wink as she walked passed him, and without another word or glance she disappeared around the corner to where her car was parked. Jack stood stunned for a second or two. The noise of her horn beeping as she drove off the forecourt snapping him back to reality.

That was two hours ago now, Jack lay in bed, the same bed he had slept in with Birgit for 20 years, the same bed where he had always felt satisfied and content. He had never looked at another woman; he had no need. Birigt had the persona of an angelic schoolgirl but they had always had a very active and imaginative sex life, so why now could he not take his mind off Mary? Just then his mobile blinked, a message at this time of night he thought? He picked up his phone to see who was texting him at 3am; his heart pounded when he read the name. It was Mary. He opened the text…

Jack slipped out of bed, trying not to wake his wife, grabbed his clothes off the dresser and headed down stairs, once dressed he left the house, got in his car and drove the short distance into town. Mary had mentioned earlier that evening that the party was in the back room of the Railway House, and sure enough leaning against the wall of the place was Mary. Jack pulled up and got out of the car and walked over to her, she stumbled as he approached, Jack reaching out to grab hold of her as she fell. “Oooo you’re not wasting any time are you!” she said. Jack was confused, then he realised he had hold of Mary by one arm and one breast. He quickly straightened her up apologising for accidentally groping her, “Best action I’ve had in ages” was all Mary replied, winking at him as she had earlier that night. Jack walked her to the car her skirt sliding further up her thigh as she slumped into the passenger seat revealing her upper thigh to the point where he could see the lace edging of her red knickers. Closing the door he went round to get in the driver seat, as he sat he could see she was struggling to get the seat belt on he leant across her to help, she snapped forwards locking her lips onto his kissing him deeply! Jack was stunned, he had never kissed anyone like this other than Birgit, he pulled away apologising as he did so, mumbling about his wife, not taking advantage of a drunken lady. “Do you really think I want to be treated like a lady dressed like this?” she said and passed out!

Due to the shift patterns at work, Jack didn’t see Mary for almost 3 days after that night, but he had been anxiously waiting because today they were down to do the close together again. Jack arrived about 20mins before his shift started as he always did, and went to the office to check that all the paper work was up to date. He was busy entering the latest stock numbers onto the PC when he heard the door close behind him. He turned and saw Mary standing there, her eyes avoiding all contact with his, “Im sorry about the other night”. “That’s OK it was only a kiss and besides, you were drunk, don’t worry” he replied. Mary looked at him for the first time, “Not about the kiss, I meant about passing out on you before I could repay you for helping me out!” the glint had returned to her eye and as she spoke, she turned, wiggled her hips at him and walked out of the office!

The shift went without event or incident, Jack hid himself away in the office as much as he could; he was tortured. He wanted more, she obviously wanted more but what about Birgit, what about Mary’s boyfriend, Dan, he steeled himself and decided that he would confront her after they had locked up, tell her she was a very attractive woman and that he was very flattered but they had responsibilities and they should not do anything to hurt their loved ones, or compromise their jobs. He finished cashing up, locked the safe, turned off the computer and lights locked the door behind him and took a deep breath before confronting Mary. He walked into the store, she was just moping the final bit of the floor. “Mary, can I talk to you a second please?” he said. She turned to face him, putting the mop in its bucket keeping hold of it in one hand. He started to talk, telling her all the reasons why they could do anything silly, she kept her eyes fixed on his but he became aware of her hand sliding up and down the mop handle. “Stop that!” he said, she looked back at him innocently as if she didn’t know what she was doing.

Jack gave her the benefit of the doubt and continued his well-planned speech. “Do you agree?” he said in conclusion. She let go of the mop, walked over to him slowly “Yes Sir, whatever you decide for your tart Sir!” at which point she lifted her top over her head, her full braless breasts bounced into view, “whatever you decide…” she paused momentarily as she dropped to her knees “….Sir!”, she winked at him again and had his trousers down around his knees and his cock in her mouth before he could say or do anything….


Part Two

Jack didn’t have a clue what to do, there at his feet was a topless woman with his cock swelling harder by the second as she expertly moved her mouth along it, taking it right to the back of her throat each time. He had meant to put her off, this wasn’t meant to happen but he couldn’t stop, wouldn’t stop it. She looked up at him making eye contact once she was certain that he had grown as much as he was going to and with a wink, slid her mouth all the way down his cock, her chin making contact with his balls, her eyes never once leaving his. She held herself there for what felt like hours gazing up into his eyes, then slowly she peeled herself back until her mouth was empty, she spoke “have you decided what to do with Your tart Sir?” This was now the third time Mary had called him Sir, and Jack liked it.

He wasn’t completely unaware of the world of Bondage and submission, Birgit and he had tried it years ago but she hadn’t really taken to the role of being a submissive too well, so they left it at that. Jack however was now remembering those old feelings of dominance and control that surged through him all those years ago, he liked them then, and he wanted more of them now. He looked down at Mary, placed a hand on the back of her head and rammed his cock back down her throat. Her eyes never flinched or twitched, she stayed looking longingly up at the man now using her mouth as a hole for his own pleasure. Jack held her in tight until he could feel her try to pull away, her face going red and her eyes starting to water as she began to choke. He relaxed, allowing her head to move back a little and to free her throat, with a gasp she a deep breath and without any encouragement from Jack forced her head back down onto his cock. He grabbed a handful of her thick black hair, and started to move her head up and down his cock, her tongue flicking over his engorged head every time he removed it from her mouth.

Mary would also take the opportunity to speak “fuck my tart mouth Sir!”, “harder Sir!”, “Rape my throat Sir!” she continued to beg him to abuse her until he could take no more and with one final thrust he pushed his cock deeper into her throat than he had done previously and emptied his balls straight into her stomach. Mary didn’t flinch; she maintained hey eye contact with Jack, as jet after jet of cum coated her tonsils on its way down her throat. He held her in place until he had drained every last drop into her, and slowly pulled his still hard cock from her mouth. She darted her tongue along every inch, making sure that not a single drop of her new Dominant’s cum was left behind. Once she was satisfied she had every drop she smiled “Thank You Sir for allowing me to be used for your pleasure, if there is anything else you would like to do to me than I am Yours to take!” on this final word she lowered her face and placed her hands on her knees and awaited His command.

Jack looked down on the scene in front of him not knowing whether to believe the last 15 minutes had actually happened, but there she was kneeling submissively at his feet, her large breasts on full view rising and falling as she struggled to calm her breathing, her nipples still hard, glistening with the glow of sweat she had built up during her use. He wanted more, but Birgit would be waiting for him at home, so he lifted her gently by the chin to her feet, and told her that she would not be required again tonight, but he would call on her the next day to continue where they had left off. Mary smiled and nodded thanking him she leant towards him to kiss but instead received a swift and stinging slap across the face “I will decide when to kiss you!” he said sternly. Marys eyes glinted again, “Yes Sir” she said calmly, “Sorry Sir”.

The next day was meant to be a rest day for Jack and he would normally have a lie in but today was going to be different. Birgit left for work as normal at 7.30am on the dot, taking the kids to the child minders before school, he knew no one would return until at least 6pm this evening. As soon as his wife’s car had left the drive he immediately got his phone out.

“Get over here now!”

“Yes Sir, what would you like me to wear?”

“It doesn’t matter, you won’t be needing clothes today. Make sure you are naked when you ring the door bell!”

There was no response to his final text, Jack wondered if he had pushed Mary a step to far too soon,, but he continued to prepare the house in readiness for her arrival. Mary lived no more than 15minutes away from his house so he hurriedly gathered items from the garage that he thought might be of use, some old rope, gaffer tape, a tarpaulin to cover the carpet with and some old metal clamps that he used to grip small pieces of wood in the days he used to make model aircraft.

He had just finished placing the tarp under the corner of the couch to keep it in place when the intercom buzzed, He could see on the screen it was Mary, and that she had obeyed him and stood naked at the door. Jack smiled and pressed the buzzer to talk to her “Wait outside, I will fetch you in a minute!” she nodded her silent agreement. Jack went and put the dogs in the conservatory and opened the door so they could use the garden, and wouldn’t bother him whilst he entertained himself with Mary.


Part Three

Mary waited at the door, she knew she was exposed to anyone who may have passed by, they would have seen her standing there naked but she was determined that Sir would not see an ounce of embarrassment in her eyes or a twinge of shame in her body when he opened the door so she stood stock still, head slightly bowed and awaited Jacks arrival. The few minutes that passed while she waited felt like an age, at least 3 cars had driven past the house while she stood there, but she had not turned to look if they had seen her, she stood resolute. Finally she saw a shadow through the glass panel of the door, then a click as the lock was removed and then the door swung open.

“I am here as requested Sir” she said softly, her head staying respectfully low as she spoke. “Come in” he instructed, but as I took a step again I was caught by a stinging slap across the face, “Crawl” was his second command. Instantly I obeyed, dropping to my hands and knees and crawled into the warmth of the house. It had been quite cold outside, my skin looking like goose flesh but my nipples were hard and stood out impressively. I had always been proud of my tits and how hard my nipples got, often going without a bra on cold days to see what reaction I would get from passers-by. Now they pointed down to the floor, as my 36DD tits hung below me, softly swaying from side to side as I crawled alongside Jack as he led me through the hall along the soft carpet and into the lounge. He paused at the edge of the tarp, instructing me to crawl to the centre of the tarp and then to stand facing away from him, my arms out to my side and legs apart. I obliged presenting myself as instructed. I waited finally hearing his footsteps crunch on the old dirty tarp beneath me feet, I could sense him closer to me then a rag was placed about my face, covering my eyes and nose, and roughly tied behind my head. My eyes slowly readjusted to their new environment, a little light crept in under the rag and there was a slight rip just above my right eye, but neither gave me a view of my surroundings.

I could feel Jack walking around me, catching a brief glimpse of his reflection in the tarp as he moved in front of me. He had circled me about three times when he stopped in front of me, “You will call Me Sir, or Master At all times!” his voice was quiet but stern. I nodded and responded “Yes Sir”, “you will obey my every command and not prevent me from doing anything I wish!” I hesitated a fraction of a second and felt his hand sting my flesh once more, this time hard across my left breast, but the effect was the same, “Yes Sir” I responded a slight quiver in my voice partly from the sting in my tit that bought both pain and pleasure, and partly out of trepidation that I had just given myself totally to this man. “You will have a safe word which you will use only if you feel that you are in danger of permanent physical harm, but you will learn to trust that I will not put you in that position, no matter how it might feel to you. Remember I will always be in control of the situation and it will go only to my wishes!” not wanting to feel another stinging blow I immediately confirmed that I understood.

“Now I shall inspect my new toy,” He said. His hands were softer than I had imagined, not baby soft but not as rough as Dan’s. Dan worked as a chippy so always had cuts and grazes ion his hands, but Jacks hands smoother. A little callused but years of working in the service station had healed the larger areas of hard skin just leaving rough ridges which I felt as he ran his fingers down the side of my face, along my chin an up to my mouth, I instinctively opened my lips for my new Master “ Good Girl” he said, I felt a warm glow at his praise. He pushed two fingers to the very back of my throat, applying a downward pressure, trying to get me to gag on his fingers but I managed to control the urge, which resulted in more praise. He moved his hands down along my neck onto my chest, circling my boobs with his fingers, slowly the circles getting smaller and his fingers nearer my nipples. I could feel the skin around them tighten even more than normal in anticipation of his touch, and then it came. First one nipple then the other were pinched between his thumb and forefinger. I came on the spot, my body convulsed and the pain as he pulled and twisted on them seeing the effect it was having on my body.

Wave after wave of pleasure rode through me like a tidal wave; a moan escaped my mouth. This sound bought two stinging slaps hard across my tits, first the left and then then back of his hand slapped even harder into my right tit. I gasped again two more slaps. I knew that to make another sound would result in a further slap but I couldn’t help it. The mix of the pain from the slap and the pleasure from my nipples caused one last whimper to exit my lips. I was ready for it this time though and I bit on my tongue as his hand made harsh contact with the soft flesh of my tits. No sound came from my mouth, and again I was praised by my Master. I could feel the warmth building in my tits where my Master had struck me, it was feeling I had had before, but never in an intense situation like this, and it felt good. I wanted more, but I dint want to anger my new Master, not on my first visit, so I stayed silent as again as he pulled and twisted my nipples. His hands then continued their journey down my body towards my smooth freshly shaven cunt. I had woken especially early this morning to ensure that it was perfect in case I received the call from Jack. “You will keep this cunt freshly shaved at all times, that goes for all body hair, understood slut?”, again I confirmed that I understood.

His fingers ran along the length of my cunt, pushing my lips to one side with one hand he sought out my clit with the other. I was already incredibly wet from his attentions and this made it difficult for him to maintain pressure from his pinch grip on my clit, but after a couple of attempts he managed a good hold, and as with my nipples proceeded to pinch and twist it. I felt the start of another orgasm build deep inside me, I knew I would not be able to stay silent when it hit me so I tried my luck “Sir, please may I cum?” I requested in my softest tone, “Not yet!” was his curt reply. I considered my options, I could ask again and risk getting slapped, or I could try and hold on and risk getting slapped, either way I knew my fate would not be great unless I really tried, so I shut my eyes and held onto my orgasm as best I could. His fingers released my clit, and I relaxed however within seconds they were now deep inside my cunt, twisting and turning in search of my G spot. He found it within seconds and rubbed two fingers across my most sensitive area I could hold it no longer “please Sir?” I begged, “Please let your slut cum for you!?” his silence gave me the only answer I needed as his fingers sped up their probing of my inside. My body was starting to shake, I could feel my arms getting heavy and my knees turning to butter as he continued to massage my cunt from the inside, just as I was about to blow he removed his fingers a split second later I was covered in freezing cold water. My orgasm exploded through me as the ice cold water hit my skin.

The contrast of his fingers to the emptiness to cold was too much for me and I sank to my knees, screaming as the pleasure ripped through my body. As my body slowed from its convulsions I managed to pant, “I am Sorry Master! I failed you! You told your slut not to cum and I couldn’t obey, I will take whatever punishment you see fit for me!”. As the words left my mouth I stood, similar in a fashion to a baby deer standing for the first time but I made myself upright and retook my previous position. “Yes slut you will be punished….later!”


Part Four

Mary stood there shivering, now more from cold than pleasure, for what felt like five minutes since Jack had thrown the water over her, but he just stood silently in front of her not saying or doing anything that she could discern through the small gap in her blindfold. Suddenly the sound of footsteps on the tarp crackled in her ears, he was moving away from her and after a few steps she could only hear the soft padding of his feet on the luxurious carpet. A door opened and closed leaving only silence in the room. She let out a long relieving sigh as she relaxed her shoulders, making sure not to move from her position. The cold water had almost dried on her skin but she could still feel the wetness between her legs and the slight sting in her nipples remained.

The door opened again but this time it did not sound like Jack coming through it, the footsteps were softer and not human, Mary froze and she could tell from the sound that whatever it was had four legs as she heard it softly pad onto the tarp. She could hear it breathing now, almost a pant. It must be a dog she thought to herself, and steadied herself waiting for Jack to come back. The breathing got louder as it edged its way slowly towards her from behind her; suddenly she could feel its breath on the back of her legs, warm soft breath that felt nice in contrast to the chill left behind by the water.

Its breath moved up her legs until she could feel it on her buttocks, she thought about moving but hesitated in case this was a test set by her Master. She flinched as she felt a wet nose nestle on the crack between her buttocks then almost jumped out of her skin when she felt a long rough tongue lapping at her body. The tongue was long enough that the tip brushed across the edge of her still wet cunt. The taste of her juice must have encouraged the dog behind her as he pushed his head under her and licked again, this time taking in the full length of her pussy, the third lick ran across her clit, the rough skin sending an uncontrollable shudder through her body as she came again. The animal’s tongue licked her relentlessly, sometimes it would drag it the full length of her now dripping hole, sometimes it would find its way between her lips and would penetrate her soft folds, either way she shuddered as orgasms flowed through her in time with the licking she was receiving. She was just about on the verge of another major orgasm when she heard Jack come back into the room, he called the dog to him – his name, Mary now knew, was Rebel. Rebel stopped his licking and ran to his Master. She Heard Jack tell him to stay as he moved towards Mary and stood in front of her his hand forced its way inside her soaking cunt almost far enough to take his entire hand, “enjoying that were you slut?” he spoke in a matter of fact tone.

She dropped her head and answered “Yes Sir” he pushed his hand harder against the walls of her cunt slipping slowly further inside. “Want more do you slut?” he said again, his voice not changing in tone. “Only if it pleases you Sir” Mary Responded. He pushed again this time forcing his knuckles passed her lips ensuring his entire fist was now inside her pussy. He could feel her quivering and shuddering as he moved his fist inside her. “If I let Rebel start again there is no telling where he might stop, ready for that are you slut?” Again there was no change in his tone, “I am ready for anything my Master wishes” was Marys instant reply. As soon as the words had left her mouth Jack pulled his fist hard out of her cunt, leaving it gaping so that the cool air of the room tingled on her inner lips causing Mary to shudder slightly. She felt Jack move around behind her and place his hand on the back of her head, “On your hands and knees!” he instructed. Mary did as she was told without delay. Her mind racing as to what was coming next. She thought that it must involve Rebel again but what did Jack mean by “there is no telling where he might stop”.

Mary thought about this over and over in her head as she heard Jack call Rebel to heel. The sound of panting snapped her from her thoughts and before she could think of anything else the tongue was back on her wet cunt. Being on her hands and knees gave Rebel much better access and soon he realised that he could get his tongue deep inside her and access more of her sweet juices and so the dog began lapping harder and faster inside Mary making her cum harder with ever repetition. She was so lost in her orgasms that she hadn’t heard Jack move, the first she knew about it was the feeling of his hard cock against her lips. She instantly opened her mouth wide as Jack forced his cock fully to the back of her throat, first time without any warning. Mary couldn’t help but gag slightly on his cock, she heard Jack chuckle at this but he didn’t move. He held his cock deep in her throat until she thought she would pass out, she started to feel herself go light-headed and go dizzy, then he pulled back leaving her gasping for air, thick saliva running down her chin.

Just as she had caught her breath, Jack was back, deep in her throat again, his hand this time on the back of Mary’s head forcing himself even further down towards her tonsils. He pulled out just as she was about to pass out again. Once more Mary gasped for air, her eyes running under the makeshift blindfold that sealed her vision from the unfolding scene around her. Jack now changed tack, he started to fuck Mary’s face, with shorter sharper movements, not going so deep each time to allow her tongue to flick around the head of his cock. He continued this for a few minutes looking down at Rebel licking her cunt from the other end of her soft silky body. He was about to cum so he pulled out, Mary guessed what was coming and took a deep breath just before Jack forced his cock all the way into her throat again. As it hit the back of her gullet his seed shot out stream after stream of thick, salty cum. Mary’s head was spinning as her body convulsed with pleasure due to the fucking her face was taking, in tandem with the deep licking her pussy was getting from Rebel. She had never felt such pleasure and was oblivious to where Jack had moved after unloading his seed into her belly, but when Rebel stopped licking her mind cleared enough to feel Jack patting her back and saying “Come on boy, up!” Marys mind raced, was Jack inviting Rebel to mount her? Would he really let this animal mate with her?

Her thoughts were interrupted as Rebel jumped up on to her, his long fur felt warm on her back and his fore legs scraped and clawed at her as he tried to move forward up her body, Mary held her self firm, holding the weight of this animal, she didn’t know if she wanted this to happen but it was obvious her Master did so she started to shuffle backwards, helping to bring Rebel’s rear legs closer to her arse. She could feel him now thrusting his hips against her, his cock prodding against her thigh and arse cheeks, as he continued to thrust she could feel his cock growing, and starting to leave a warm pre-cum on her soft skin as he made contact with her. Mary found herself instinctively moving her hips, trying to line her dripping hole with Rebel’s hot shaft, as it started to spray pre-cum harder against her. Rebel was now stabbing hard against her as he got more turned on ready to mate with this hairless bitch. She could hear him panting just over her shoulder and feel his drool dripping onto her as he continued to search for the warm wet hole he craved. He continued to stab getting closer and closer as finally Mary managed to line herself up with his next thrust, and he was in. Mary squealed with delight as Rebel doubled his thrusts forcing his now fully engorged cock deep inside Mary. She had never felt anything so long thick and hot inside her, even her biggest dildo didn’t feel as wonderful as this hard throbbing dog cock did. The squirts of pre-cum continued inside her coating her womb with his hot liquid, each spurt sending another shockwave through Mary’s now trembling body.

Rebel was now pumping hard deep inside Mary, his full weight resting on her back, his head rubbing against her cheek. She turned her head towards him, opening her mouth, her tongue coming out searching for his. After a second or so, she felt his rough tongue brush against her own, was she really doing this? French kissing a dog as it fucked her? Her mind raced thinking of the predicament she now found herself in and she loved it. She pushed back hard against Rebel pushing him deeper still inside her, so deep that she felt a new sensation against her soft wet cunt lips. A large solid lump was pushing against her, swelling and getting larger by the second. It felt as if it was the size of Jacks fist and still it was getting bigger, pushing harder against her trying to gain access to her insides. She relaxed as much as she could trying to allow it to enter but even still it stretched her wider than she had ever been before. The pain ripped through her body as Rebel continued to force this flesh ball inside her, stretching her wider still until with an audible ‘plop’ it was inside her and as her pussy muscles contracted behind it she felt Rebel tense up. What came next knocked her forwards, her arms collapsed and her face hit the floor as the force with which Rebel came deep inside her threw her totally off balance. Her insides felt like they were being flooded with molten lava and orgasm after orgasm surged through her body as each new fountain of boiling cum fired deep inside her cervix. How long could he keep cumming for she wondered, how long could she keep cumming for, for that matter? Her head started to spin, the panting in her ear becoming fainter as she slowly slipped into unconsciousness as the pleasure over took her body.

Mary could feel a throbbing between her legs as she started to come round, she opened her eyes, everything was black, what had happened, was she blind? Her mind panicked but then her memory returned, she was blindfolded, the throbbing between her legs was Rebel, he was still inside her, but something was different, his weight was now longer on her, his warm soft fur no longer warming the skin on her back. As her senses returned more, she could feel him now against her legs, as if he had turned, in fact she knew he must have, she had seen dogs turn after sex, locked together in the act of passion. She could now feel the large ball like swelling on Rebel’s cock straining against her pussy lips again, this time trying to get out. She didn’t want him to leave her, so she clenched her cunt muscles tighter around Rebel, he growled as she squeezed but also squirted another load of hot cum inside her. She relaxed slightly and did it again, another growl, softer this time and another load of cum flowed into her already filled pussy. She did this a number of times, until the cum stopped flowing, then she relaxed, happy knowing she had milked as much cum out of Rebel as she could. As she relaxed Rebel moved away and with a louder ‘plop’ than before he was out. As soon as her pussy was empty Rebel’s cum flooded out of her as if someone had turned on a tap. She sighed in pleasure as she felt her newest lover’s seed flow from inside her. She reached back with one hand, and covering her fingers in the still hot seed, she returned her hand to her mouth, tasting it for the first time. It was bitter, saltier than human cum but it wasn’t nasty, she made sure she had cleaned every drop off her fingers before returning for more.

She had forgotten all about Jack being in the room until she heard him over behind her “That was amazing Slut!” he said, finally Mary could hear emotion in his voice instead of the cold harsh tone of earlier. Her mind exploded as did her body as soon as the words had left his lips as she felt him force himself into her arse in one shove! He had obviously applied a large amount of lube to her anus whilst she was unconscious because he slipped inside her with little effort at all. Mary was not an anal virgin, however she was also not well used, so his entering her in one go sent shock waves and pleasure through her body like she had been hooked up to the mains. She moaned in pleasure as her Master started to slide in and out of her arse, she felt him lean forward and grab hold of the hair on the back of her head. He gripped it tightly and pulled, causing Mary to lean up off her elbows, arching her back, allowing Jack to fuck her deeper. He upped his paced and the force in which he fucked her. His spare hand slapping her on the arse whilst telling her what a dirty slut she was, how she was just a fuck toy, a dog fuck toy. Marys heard all these things and loved it, her body convulsed over and over as each thrust hit her deep insides and each insult hit her ears. She love being a slut, a fuck toy, a dog fuck toy, she loved what was happening to her, and she wanted more. Jack began to spank her harder, she knew that he must be getting close as the insults had stopped and his breathing became heavier, his thrust were now more like stabbings and then it happened, Jack moaned loudly as he emptied his balls deep inside his new sluts bowels.

Wave after wave of cum flowed out of him, filling his slut to the point he could feel it starting to leak out passed his cock. Once he was empty he pulled out and moved round in front of Mary. Mary heard him moving and anticipated that he would want her to clean his cock, so by the time Jack was in front of her, she had opened her mouth, and rested her tongue on her bottom lip, inviting her Master to use her mouth as he pleased. Jack smiled and groaned as Mary cleaned her Master’s cum and her own arse juice from his still hard cock. She skilfully wrapped her tongue around the head of his cock, then would slip the entire length to the back of her throat and run her tongue around its base and the edge of his balls. Jack could feel another orgasm rising in his balls as she tended to him. Mary could feel him tense up, knowing what was coming she started to fuck her own face with her Masters cock, slamming her head forcefully down on his hard member slurping and licking as she did. Jack started to thrust back. To Mary’s surprise he ripped the material that covered her face off her, she instantly opened her eyes and looked up at her Master.

The bright light meant it took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust, and they did just as Jack closed his own, pulled his cock from her mouth and covered her face in his third load of cum that morning. Mary kept looking up longingly at her Master as his cock twitched and convulsed in front of her. Hot semen sprayed up onto her cheeks, her forehead, and across her mouth. Her tongue darted out to catch what she could, greedily swallowing it down as if it were the last few drops of water in the world. Jack finally opened his eyes and looked down at his cum covered slut and smiled at her. Mary smiled back up at her Master, her hands coming up to her face scooping all of his cum from her face into her mouth, she made sure she got every last drop, then turned her attention to his now softening cock, ensuring that not a drop of cum was left. Satisfied that she had she had every last drop in her mouth, she opened it wide to show her Master, her eyes locked on his. Then she closed her mouth, swallowed it all in one go then again opened her mouth to show what a good cum slut she was.


Part Five

Jack stood there looking down on Mary, his heart pounding hard as visions of the last few hours raced through his mind. She didn’t move, her eyes were fixed on him, a sweet smile across her face. Beads of sweat ran across her naked body, her tits moved gently up and down as her breathing slowed to a more normal pace but her nipples remained hard and pointed. He could see a puddle between her slightly splayed legs, a mix of dog and human cum leaking from both her pussy and her arse. How lucky he was to have this scene before his eyes, and how lucky he was to have such a willing slut before him. He bent down and put a hand out to Mary, “Take my hand and Stand up Slut” he said with compassion in his voice. Mary reached out and took his hand. Her legs were still wobbly as she tried to stand, but she could feel the strength in Jack as he helped her to her feet.

Once she was stood he lowered his face to hers and kissed her passionately, their tongues locked as they kissed. Mary wrapped her arms around Jacks neck, as his hands cupped her pert ass cheeks, squeezing them slightly as he pulled her closer to him. Each could feel the others heart pounding as they continued their passionate kiss. Jack was the first to pull away. “Go upstairs, you will find fresh towels in the bathroom, have a shower and come back down once you have finished”. Mary agreed and went upstairs, she looked through a couple of doors before finding the family bathroom. The floor was tiled with white marble effect tiles, and in the corner was a cubicle with a large shower head over the top. Mary stepped inside and started the water. She adjusted the temperature to a nice warm flow, then started to clean herself up. Her hands lingered across her body as she thought of what had gone on that morning. As her hands soaped her clit, she came instantly as she thought of Rebel filling her with his cum. Just as she was starting to float away with her orgasm, her mind clicked back, she was Jack’s now, it was not for her to pleasure herself, so she quickly cleared her mind, and finished cleaning herself up. As she had entered the bathroom she had noticed a bidet in the corner so decided that would be the best way to clean out her ass and cunt, so she squatted over, turned on the jet of water and proceeded to flush herself clean. She dried herself off and went back down stairs.

As she re-entered the living room she noticed that the tarp had gone and Jack was nowhere to be seen. She thought about going to look for him but instead went and knelt in the middle of the floor her hands on her knees and her head slightly bowed and waited for her Master to return. Somewhere in the house she heard a clock strike 10, she had been here for a little over 2 hours and already so much had happened, she began to wonder what else might happen when Jack came back into the room. “Feeling clean and refreshed Slut? I bet you’re hungry after all that sex?” Mary nodded, making sure to keep her head down in a respectful pose. “Stand and come with Me” Jack stated. She followed him through the door and out into a well equipped kitchen/dining room. On the table was set a place with a cold roast chicken and some salad arranged neatly. Mary hesitated, there was only one place she, was she to eat on her own? As this thought crossed her mind Jack went and sat at the table, he lowered his hand by his side and clicked his fingers.

Mary moved to his side and knelt without a sound. Jack began to slice off some chicken and put some salad on his plate. He pulled a drumstick off the chicken, pulled the meat off and dropped the bone in front of Mary. She hesitated, was this meant for her? She slowly leaned forward and picked the bone up, lifting it to her mouth she gnawed at the last bits of meat left on it. Half a bread roll was next to be dropped in front of her, “Thank you Sir!” she said as she lifted the bread to her lips and took a bite. Jack continued to drop food in front of her, and each time she would thank him graciously before eating it, her head never looking up at her Master as he sat beside her. When he had finished he turned his chair towards her and unzipped his fly. Mary instantly placed her head in his lap and took his cock into her mouth. Jack was soft when she started but as she expertly sucked and licked his cock he got harder and harder until he was at his full size. Mary continued to suck on her Masters throbbing member until he started to twitch. She waited for Jack to push her head down onto him but he didn’t so this time she let his cum fill her mouth. She sucked until every drop was out and held it in her mouth. She opened her mouth so Jack could see, he nodded, at which she closed her mouth and swallowed it all. She was beginning to love the taste of her Masters cum and wanted more. Jack stood and zipped his fly back up, “Stay there” he said in a matter of fact way, and headed off out of the kitchen. He came back moments later and stood behind her. He placed a dog collar around her neck and heard him clip what could only be a lead to it once it was secured around her neck.

He tugged on it and she started to stand, he quickly slapped her across the face, “you Crawl slut!” he said, a tinge of anger in his tone. Mary apologised and dropped to her knees and began to crawl long side her Master. He walked to the back door and opened it, pulling Mary out in to the open air of the garden. The garden was quite large and covered on 2 sides by high conifers that stopped the neighbours looking in. The third side to Marys left had a fence that was about 6 foot high and bordered onto another house. Mary froze, what if someone saw her, naked being led around by a lead she thought. Then another thought entered her head, what if they did? She was her Masters slut and if he wanted other people to see her like this then it was her duty to let them, so before Jack had chance to tug on the lead to encourage her out, Mary crawled proudly out into the garden.
The grass was soft under her knees in contrast to the hard floor of the kitchen and was slightly damp after the overnight rain so that it cooled her legs and hands as she moved further out into the open space. Jack stopped about 5 yards into the garden, and gave a slight tug upwards on her leash. Mary got back in to her kneeling position. “You have met Rebel already” Jack began, “but you haven’t but Bruno and Apollo”. “You will wait here and I will bring them out to meet you, I am sure they will LOVE you!” He said. The emphasis he put on the word ‘love’ sent Marys mind racing again. Was she to have two more dogs fuck her that day? This time out in the open? Once again Jack returned breaking her train of thought.

Alongside him was a fairly large black Labrador. His head came up just above Jacks waist and he had long powerful legs. Mary could see the muscles flex as he moved alongside Jack. Without a word he sat as Jack stopped a meter or so in front of Mary. “This is Bruno slut, say hello to Bruno!” Mary thought about saying hello, but instead went back to her hands and knees and crawled over to Bruno and licked his face. “Well done Slut” Jack said, slightly surprised. He too had thought Mary would speak, but was happy that without any prompting she had already taken on the role of a dog slut. This would go easier than he had thought. Bruno returned Marys lick then started to get up. Jack released his lead and jack sprung round behind Mary and began to sniff at her ass, as dogs do. She could feel his nose getting closer to her naked ass until again she felt the soft wet touch of a dog nose between her arse cheeks. She moaned and slowly looked up at her Master. He was looking down at her, smiling, she smiled back up at him and spread her legs a little wider to allow this new dog to taste what his friend had had earlier that day. She moaned louder still as Bruno forced his tongue inside her. His tongue seemed wider and rougher than Rebel’s but it was just as keen to taste her juices and he lapped at her with as much gusto as a kid licking an ice cream for the first time. Just as her orgasm was nearing, Jack called Bruno back to him. Mary suddenly felt empty, her orgasm faded away as quickly as it was building, leaving her with a feeling of being robbed of it. Jack took up Bruno’s lead again and disappeared, instructing Mary to kneel again as he turned away.

Mary waited again patiently for Jack to return. He mind raced as to what kind of dog Apollo would be. She wondered what kind of dog Rebel had been as she had been blindfolded while he mated with her. But she knew that he was not like Bruno, as she had felt his long soft fur against her as the bred her. Her curiosity was answered shortly as around the corner returned Jack this time leading a magnificent grey Weimaraner. Mary almost swooned as she saw him. His soft velvety fur glistened in the sunlight as he sprung alongside Jack. Mary was in love, she knew even before she had gotten within a meter of him that Apollo would be her lover above all. Yes she had a soft spot for Rebel as he had been the first to breed her, but this beast was just amazingly beautiful. Her heart pounded as Jack stood just feet away, she waited impatiently for the instruction to say hello, and almost shot across the short distance between them when it came. Jack could hardly fail to see how eager Mary was to meet Apollo as they licked each other’s faces like a pair of long lost lovers. “Now I though you would like Apollo slut!” Jack said with a slight giggle in his voice, “but I didn’t think you would like him this much” Mary looked up at her Master, Apollo still licking her face, “he is gorgeous Sir, please let me be his bitch Sir over any other” She lowered her head waiting for a punishment for daring to ask of her Master, but instead Jack placed a hand under her chin and lifted her head back up. “Apollo is the Alpha dog in this house so you were destined to be his as soon as you had allowed Rebel to mount you, but I am his Alpha Make so you will always be Mine first!” Mary nodded “I am always yours Sir” she said with true emotion in her voice. Just this morning she could not have imagined any of this but a few short hours later it felt so right, so normal and her heart was pounding at the thought of it always being so.

Jack picked up her lead and led her back into the house with Apollo following closely behind them. He was not close enough to touch Mary but was close enough for her to feel his breath on the back of her thighs as she crawled back into the house. The cold hard feeling of the tiles in the kitchen was back underneath her hands and knees, and she could hear the soft clatter of Apollos claws as he walked along behind. Jack carried on into the living room and then out through another door that led into the garage. It had been converted into a sort of den with a large plasma screen TV on the wall, sound and games systems sat on a metal and glass unit just below it. A large 2 seat leather sofa sat against one wall and a soft white rug in the middle of the pale laminate flooring that had been laid over the old concrete one. There were no windows and the only light came from small LED lights that were placed around the walls. This was obviously Jacks place. The living room they had just left was very different. Soft white carpets, floral sofa and matching arm chairs, marble effect fire place. It was clear his wife had chosen the décor for that room, and in fact most of the rest of the house that Mary had seen thus far, but this was definitely a Man’s room.

Jack led Mary into the middle of the room stopping on the rug. Mary was grateful for the soft weave under her as her knees were starting to get red and sore from crawling on the hard floors. He turned her so that she was facing the sofa, then he moved off to one side of her so that he vanished from her view. A few seconds later he returned from the other side of her, and sat on the sofa. He patted the seat beside him, Mary went to move, but quick as a flash, Apollo was up beside his Master he turned and faced Mary who was sure the dog smirked at her. Jack started to run his hand down the back of Apollos head, soothing his back and along his tail and returning to do it again. They both sat looking at her as she knelt on her hands and knees in front of them The Jack spoke “You have done well Slut, far better than I had imagined this morning” “You have not flinched away or complained about anything I have done to you. This is a good sign”. “You asked Me to allow you to be bred by my Apollo here,” He patted Apollo’s head and gave him a treat from a little packet which sat on a table beside the sofa, “which will in future result in a punishment! You do not ask of your Master”. “Yes Sir, I am truly sorry Sir, it will never happen again” Mary said, her heart had sunk at being admonished by her Master. “But as a reward for you generally good behaviour today I will let it go and grant your request” Marys heart leapt again and in an instant she could feel her pussy flood with juices and them start to leak out and down her legs. Apollo must have smelt them as he lifted his head and started to sniff the air. “He can smell his new bitch is in heat, shall I let him come and fuck you slut?” Jack taunted. “If it pleases My Master” Mary said desperately fighting the urge to beg him to let her be fucked by this beautiful animal. Jack could tell she was desperate to fuck the dog, so taunted her some more, “He is bigger than Rebel you know slut! His knot is almost as big as my two fists together. He has broken 3 bitches at the kennels already he is so powerful!” Mary was getting more frustrated as every word left Jacks mouth until finally she could hold it back no longer “Please Master, please let me be bred by the gorgeous Apollo. Let him make me his bitch Sir, Pleeease!!!”


Part Six

Mary’s heart pounded as she waited for her Masters Reaction to her outburst of begging. Would she suffer for her insolence or would he take pity on her and let the dog sat beside her, whom she had lusted after since she first laid eyes on him, mount and breed her and make her his bitch. She didn’t have to wait long for the answer. Without a word or glance towards the dog, his eyes firmly fixed on his slut before him, Jack patted Apollo on the back. The dog sprang like a coiled spring off the sofa and was behind Mary before she had a chance to take a breath. There was no fore-play this time. Apollo knew exactly what he wanted and exactly how to achieve it. He was straight up onto Marys back, his cock must have been growing as he ran round her because she could instantly feel it prodding against her thighs, his pre-cum flowing out in bursts all over her back as he stabbed aimlessly around and over her up turned ass.

Rebel had been heavy on her back but Apollo due to his longer legs bore his own weight as he continued to find the hole he was looking for. A couple of times he stabbed at Mary’s puckered ass but he didn’t penetrate it. Mary wasn’t sure if her ass would take the kind of fucking that she hoped she was about to receive so was grateful when the next thrust was lower but still wide of the mark. She shifted her hips slightly to correct for the miss and thrust back in perfect time to meet Apollo on an inwards thrust and they were joined.

His cock felt amazing. It was indeed larger than Rebels and Mary could feel it hadn’t finished growing as it throbbed inside her. This was not like being fucked by Rebel. Apollo had stopped as soon as he had entered her. Mary didn’t know what was happening, did Apollo not like what he felt? She started to panic that her new lover did not feel about her the way she did about him. Tears started to well up in her eyes, but were suddenly halted as she felt his cock touch and spread her cervix. Apollo had not moved, she would have felt him if he had, his cock must have been growing inside her. It then became abundantly what Apollo had been waiting for.

The instant she felt his cock reach maximum length he pulled his hips back and started to fuck his new bitch with a power and ferocity of which Mary had never felt possible. She braved herself on her hands as this powerful magnificent beast drove home his hard cock, splitting her cervix open each time, and each time a shot of pre-cum would flood into her womb. Mary was going wild with ecstasy. Never had she been fucked like this in her life. No man had ever taken her with such force and fucked her so deeply. Her mind was going mad with the new feelings and sensations that hit her every time Apollo thrust forward that she didn’t notice his knot starting to grow. It was already bigger then Rebel’s when she felt it push against her cunt. How on earth was she going to take this if it got much bigger Mary thought to herself, her only hope was to get it inside her now before it grew much more, so with all the force she could muster she pushed back hard against Apollo the next time he thrust forward and he was in.

She felt it rip through her cunt walls as it entered and she feared she might have ripped herself open the pain was so extreme, but the pleasure of having that large throbbing knot inside her soon made the pain go away. Unlike Rebel, Apollo was not ready to cum as soon as his know was inside his bitch. Instead he continued to thrust his hips forwards pushing his cock further into Mary’s womb. His knot was still growing inside her and Mary thought she could take no more as it was now pushing on every inner surface of her cunt. Then with a howl it happened. Apollo unloaded his molten lava cum deep inside Mary. She howled in return as she felt her lover empty himself inside her. Dog and bitch howled together as they mated for the first time. As Apollo’s seed started to slow the howling ceased.

Apollo lowered his head and softly but firmly placed his jaws around the back of Marys neck. Mary swooned at this, knowing that this was Apollo claiming her as his bitch and she softly growled her acceptance to him. At this Apollo released his grip on her and licked her face. She turned her head and kissed her lover as passionately as she had kissed anyone ever before. She could feel his hot seed inside her and again she swooned. She had cum so much and so hard that her flesh was covered in goose bumps. Apollo started to twitch, trying to pull his knot from inside her. Mary didn’t want it to end but decided that her lover wanted to move so she relaxed herself as much as she could and his knot finally popped free. As soon as he was free from Mary’s cunt, and without asking for permission from her Master, she spun round onto her back and slid under Apollo. His cock still hung low beneath his muscular frame and it didn’t take much for her to lift her head in order to take the first few inches of it in her mouth. He tasted almost as amazing as he had felt inside her. She could taste a mix of their combined cum on his cock and it was still squirting a salty liquid down her throat as she sucked on him.

She lifted her head further still taking as much of this monster cock into her mouth as she possibly could, and even with her ability to deep throat she still eft a good inch or so outside her mouth. She continued to slide her mouth up and down on Apollos cock when she felt her legs being lifted. She had forgotten all about Jack being in the room. So lost has she become in the mating with her doggy lover that everything else had cleared from her brain. Suddenly though she remembered. A large thick cushion was placed under ass and she felt her legs being placed over Jacks shoulders as he slid his hard cock into her ass again. This time there was no lube, but the mix of dog cum and her own juices her provided sufficient lubrication and Jack slid in until he was ball deep. He started to fuck her hard and it was a struggle to keep Apollo in her mouth such was the force Jack was pounding into her with. Mary could feel both Apollo and Jack start to grow in size, Apollo was now almost choking her he had grown so large. She reached her hand up and felt his knot was now back to being fully engorged. She wrapped her fingers tightly behind it and Apollo started to cum. Mary couldn’t swallow fast enough as Apollo unloaded again and again into her willing mouth. She swallowed as much as she could only allowing what she couldn’t to leak from her lips. Jack was now fucking her even harder and panting, as he too started to unload inside his slut. Again this was too much for Mary and she passed out.

When she awoke a blanket had been placed across her legs and Apollo was curled up by her side, spooning with her. Mary reached an arm out and wrapped it around her new lover. As she came round she could hear voices, she started to panic but realised that Jack was sat on the sofa drinking a beer and watching repeats of the football highlights on the telly. “Ah welcome back my little slut!” he said when he noticed Mary had opened her eyes. “I think we might have worn you out a bit” he said with a smile on his face. “A little Sir” Mary responded, “but I am still yours to use if you wish Sir!” Jack laughed. “What a slut I have found” he said congratulating himself. “No, I think we can call it a day for today. Besides my wife will be home in an hour so we had better get you cleaned up and on your way!” Mary rose silently after giving Apollo a kiss on the nose. He lifted his head and licked her face then returned to sleeping. Mary went upstairs and showered again. She then came downstairs kissed her new Master and left as naked as she had arrived almost 8 hours earlier. She got in her car and raced home. Once inside she darted up to her bedroom, lay on the bed and instantly her hand dove into her cunt. She had not cleaned out her canine lovers juices from her cunt when she had showered and now she scooped them out with her fingers enjoying them on her own in her own time. She knew that from this moment on not only was she a slut, but she was a dog slut too. She smiled, closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Part Seven

The day passed by again without incident. Jack had spent most of his time in the office doing the month end reports, whilst Mary had been busy serving customers and stocking up the shop as and when she found time to. It was almost 2.30, half an hour before the end of her shift, when Jack finally came out behind the counter. He pinched her bum and she squealed like an innocent school girl, “No what do you think you are doing Mister” she said in a sweet school girl voice!” Jack just laughed and walked off into the shop. “I am taking the boys out for a walk into the hills this afternoon” he said nonchalantly as he rifled through the magazines for any that might be out of date. “Oh yes” said Mary equally as nonchalant. “Yes we will be out on the outcrop overlooking the town about 5ish id reckon” he replied.

Again Mary just nodded and said “Oh Yes”. Her heart was pounding inside her chest again. She knew what Jack was suggesting and she wanted it more than anything. Jack took the few out of date magazines that he found out to the back and flung them on the returns pile, the went back into the office and closed the door. Maggie came in a few minutes later, Mary’s heart was still pounding and it obviously showed as her co-worker asked her why she was looking so flushed. “Must be my age” she said laughing “Hardly” Maggie replied as she went out the back to take off her coat and put her stuff in her locker. It took about ten minutes for Mary to cash up and do the handover and by the time she had grabbed her coat and bag it was almost 3.15. She knocked on the office door and stuck her head round, but Jack was on the phone with his back to her, so she closed the door and walked out to her car and headed home. As soon as she got home she raced upstairs threw off her uniform and jumped into the shower. Although she had only shaved her cunt yesterday she once again soaped it up and shaved it making sure that it was totally smooth as she had been instructed to by her Master the previous day. She resisted the urge to masturbate as she knew that she would come over and over again later on that afternoon, or at least she hoped so.

She wrapped a robe around herself and went down stairs to make herself some pasta and chicken which she ate in the kitchen, half keeping an eye on the clock. It would take just over half an hour to drive to where Jack had said he was taking the dogs so she would need to get a move on if she was to get there in time to meet them. She went upstairs and selected a low cut dress that was tight across her tits giving her a nice cleavage but had a loose and flowing skirt that would allow easy access to her cunt, if it was required. She giggled to herself as she thought this. She put on some flat shoes and grabbed a small shoulder bag into which she threw some perfume, her purse, keys and mobile, and headed out the door. Her heart was racing as she headed out of town and out into the country, wondering if she was going to be fucked, and by whom first. The drive passed quickly as her mind was fully occupied with coming up with different scenarios of that afternoon. She pulled into the car park and her heart dipped as she couldn’t see Jacks car anywhere. There were a dozen or so cars in the car park, and Mary wondered if they would be able to find a quiet spot with all these people around. She parked up near to the track that led to the outcropping, turned off her engine and waited.

Mary had only to wait 5 minutes until a car pulled up alongside her. She looked across and there was Jack smiling across at her. She leapt out of the car and ran round to knell at Jacks door as he stepped out. He patted her on the head and told her she could stand and walk, for now. Jack went round to the back of the car and popped the boot lid. He opened the cage door and three very eager dogs jumped out and leapt up at Mary with such force they almost knocked her on her back. “The boys are happy to see you slut” Jack said smiling. Mary leant down and stuck her tongue out to French kiss each dog in turn. Rebel and Bruno gave her a quick lick and then moved back as Apollo gave her a long lingering kiss that Mary could have let go on for ever. Jack snapped his fingers and the three dogs all sat looking up at him. He hooked a leash onto Bruno and Rebels collar but not Apollo who was allowed to walk freely. He took up station alongside Mary and would bear his teeth if Rebel or Bruno got too close to his bitch. Jack led them off up the track into the hills. They walked for a few minutes until they reached a small copse of trees that sat below a slight rise of rocks. It was nice and secluded and offered a view down over the valley towards the town, but also a view up the path so that anyone heading their way could be seen in plenty of time.

Jack found a low thick branch and tied Rebel and Bruno’s leads to it, they knew they would not be needed anytime soon and lay down and drifted off. Apollo, sat bolt upright next to Mary as Jack approached her. He lifted her skirt and placed his hand between her legs. “No knickers, well done slut!”. “Thank you Sir” she said with a slight gasp as he slid 3 fingers up inside her cunt. He quickly found her G-spot and rubbed it with his fingers, she trembled as the first mini orgasm hit her. Jack pulled his fingers out and lifted them up to her face. As quick as a dart her tongue was out cleaning her juices from his fingers. Mary had always loved the taste of her own cunt juice so this was no hardship for her at all. Jack pulled her top down exposing first one tit and then the other. He pulled hard on her nipples and Mary resisted the urge to flinch or moan in pain, remembering how that her reaction had been received the day before. Jack could see she was fighting the urge to react, and pinched harder and pulled and twisted her nipples stretching them as far as he could. Mary remained stone face even though the pain in her nipples made her want to scream out.

With a snap of his fingers Jack released her nipples. Her tits sprung back and she sighed in relief. This went unpunished but again he grabbed her nipples and repeated the torture, holding them longer this time around and again releasing them with a snap of his fingers. Again she remained silent until he had released her and she again sighed with relief. Next he leant forward taking her left nipple in his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it flicking across the hard bud. He took it between his teeth and leant backwards, again stretching her tit and nipple harder than he had been able with his finger. Mary gritted her teeth and still no sound left her lips until Jack released his grip and she sighed a third time. He was immediately onto her other tit, the same process of licking and sucking on her nipple before gripping it tightly between his teeth and pulling hard. Mary continued her fight against the pain but found that this time was easier, in fact she was starting to enjoy it and a slight smile crossed her face. Jack saw this and bit down hard on the nipple between his teeth. The smile vanished but still no sound from his slut. He released his grip and stood back to admire her. Jack had admired Mary’s naked body yesterday as she had stood naked and blindfolded in front of him but with the sunlight catching the side of face and tits she looked exquisite. Jack reached down and started to undo his trousers.

Before he had undone his belt, Mary was on her knees in front of him, her head slightly back mouth open and tongue resting on her bottom lip again. Jacks hard cock was soon bobbing in front of her face and she wasted no time in swallowing it all the way down her throat. Jack started to sit down and Mary ensured that his cock never left her mouth. By the time Jack was sat Mary was now on all fours between his legs. She looked up at him as once more she swallowed the full length of his cock. She worked her head up and down his length as he reached behind her and started to pull her skirt up over her ass. Once he had her ass on full view he clicked his fingers a single time. Mary knew that this was Apollos signal and she braced herself to be mounted hard. Instead she felt his tongue lick at her cunt. His nose prodded against her ass hole and his breath caused ripples to flow through her body making her sphincter twitch as his warm breath hit it each time. His tongue was now deep inside her cunt lapping up her juice. Mary could see out of the corner of her eye that Rebel and Bruno were now awake. They were still laid on their sides but their heads were up and their tongues were hanging out the sides of their mouths. Mary could start to see the start of their cocks starting to emerge from their pouches. A hand on the back of her head forcing her back down on to Jack’s cock was a reminder that she had work to do here and that she should not just be staring at the dogs so she re-doubled her efforts and worked his cock for all she was worth.

She felt his balls start to twitch and she prepared to take his load down her throat. She relaxed her throat muscles as best she could as he thrust hard up into her head as he unleashed the first wad of cum into her. This was quickly followed by a second and a third. Mary was ready for them and swallowed each load as it flew out of his hard member until no more came out. She slowly lifted her head back off his cock, licking every inch of it clean as she did so until her tongue was circling the rim of his cock. He moved back out of her reach at which point Apollo decided he had had enough of licking his bitch, he was ready to fuck her. He leapt up onto Marys back and with amazing accuracy compared to yesterday found his target almost straight away. Again he held himself inside her until he had reached his full size and then he started to fuck her in earnest. Mary could not contain the pleasure inside her and with a loud howl she exploded in a massive orgasm. Her body shook uncontrollably as Apollo continued to pound deep it to her womb with his hot purple member. Mary had her eyes closed from the moment Apollo had entered her, but now she felt something brush against her face. She opened her eyes and dangling there in front of her was Bruno’s large cock.

It was already dripping pre-cum has he was moved closer to her face by Jack. Mary stuck her tongue out as far as she could to catch each squirt as it came out. Jack reached under his dog and turned its cock so it now pointed directly at Mary’s face. She opened her mouth and the first spurt went straight in. She swallowed it and opened her mouth again in time to get the second. The third time she leant forward and took his cock into her mouth licking it and sucking it into her, swallowing every time he squirted into her mouth. She had one dog cock cumming in her mouth and was being fucked hard by another in her cunt. Mary was in ecstasy. She came over and over again as she continued to be fucked at both ends. Apollos knot was now pushing against her lips, and she had been so pre-occupied by swallowing Rebels cum that the knot was almost fully grown and was still not inside her. Mary took a deep breath and tried to relax as she felt Apollo push harder as he tried to tie with his bitch, slowly but surely with every thrust it slid further inside her. Mary’s screams of pleasure were now tinged with pain as Apollo showed her no mercy and continued to fuck her harder and harder and with one last push Mary released a screaming howl as he finally manage to push it inside her.

The pain subsided almost immediately as the pleasure of this throbbing ball inside her cunt took over and her orgasms started again in earnest. She could also concentrate on the cock in front of her face that she had released when Apollo was trying to knot her. She took it back in her mouth and continued to suck on it hard again. She could see the knot starting to form inches away from her face. She was amazed at its growth from what was seemingly just another length of shaft now was swelling up, the purple veins engorging and the blood swelling up the flesh as it filled with the hot dog cum. She tried to lift a hand to cup Bruno’s cock behind his knot but was not able to hold her weight up on one hand with Apollo still fucking her. Jack saw this and his hand shifted to grip behind the knot and still point it in Mary’s direction. Mary could see that the knot was now fully formed and Bruno was panting harder, and she braced herself for a second load of cum to be shot down her throat in a short time. She relaxed her throat as Bruno started to release his load in to her. She opened her throat allowing as much of it as she could to flow down, remembering how much Apollo had unloaded, but Bruno was not as much and she managed to swallow it all which drew a congratulatory comment from Jack. Mary smiled to herself just as Apollo thrust deep inside her and started to unload his hot cum deep inside her again. Mary orgasmed with every load that hit her insides and they howled together as they climaxed in unison. Mary was just starting to calm down when Apollo turned and started to pull his knot against her insides. She relaxed as best she could knowing that to fight him would just cause her more pain.

He tugged for a few moments before with a load pop he was free and his juices ran from her like a waterfall. She closed her eyes thinking that was that was she felt another dog in front of her. She opened her eyes and this time was face to dick with Rebel. This was the first dog cock that had ever fucked her and now for the first time she saw it in all its glory. It was longer than Bruno’s but not as thick, but nowhere near the size of Apollo’s. She opened her mouth as Jack manoeuvred the cock into it and she started to suck on her second dog cock of the day. Her cunt was aching from the fucking she had received from Apollo who she could now see was laying on the floor cleaning her cunt juices and his cum from his own cock. She wished that her Master had allowed her to do that for her lover, but was happy that she had been offered a cock at all, so she concentrated on Rebel. She soon saw the tell-tale sign of the knot starting to grow as she sucked and licked and she was just getting ready to take a full load again she felt another dog on her back. She looked and Apollo was still laying down although now he was staring directly at her. It must be Bruno mating her this time. Bruno was the youngest of the three dogs and it showed as he was banging hell for leather out of her leg for a good few seconds before Jack moved him across to line him up better with his prize. The eagerness of youth though is hard to control and after jabbing around a number of times he hit Mary’s ass hole and went straight in for an inch or so. He thrust a couple of times making Mary scream on the cock in her mouth before pulling back out and dismounting. She was about to say something to her Master when Rebel unloaded in her mouth so her words were drowned by the flow of cum down her throat.

Rebel came almost as much as Apollo and she had to admit defeat and let some of it dribble from her mouth as she swallowed what she could. As she swallowed Bruno was back up on her again. This time she tried to raise her ass a little so that he would be hitting her cunt and not her ass and after a few tries he was in. Again it was evident that he was little more than a pup, as he thrust about wildly, Mary still came over and over as each thrust hit but there was no finesse like there was with Apollo. Rebel had no problem getting his not inside Mary after Apollo had opened her up so she clenched her cunt muscles around it to keep him in and he shot his load deep inside her. Mary orgasmed again as the thrill of having a dog cum inside flowed through her body once more. She relaxed and Bruno pulled out, still squirting his cum as he did so covering Mary’s ass in the hot thick liquid.

There was a round of applause as Mary sank to her side in exhaustion, it took her a moment to realise that there was more than one person clapping. She shuddered, who else had seen her fuck these dogs, how much had they seen, she turned to look towards where the sound was coming from and there stood Jack, and beside him a small slender woman dressed in country gear holding a lead which sitting calmly by her feet on the other end was a large Husky.


Part Eight

Mary lay there staring up at her Master and the woman stood next to him, her heart racing as the realisation of having been watched while she sucked one dog and was fucked and bred by another dawned on her. Her pussy quivered at the thought and her belly cramped up as she contemplated the repercussions of someone other than her Master knowing what she loved to do with these dogs. Jack started to walk towards her staring directly into her eyes. She could feel his authority over her burn into her pupils and without even thinking, she lifted herself up on to her knees, placed her hands on her thighs and lowered her head. Jack smiled as he saw the obedience of his new slut, “Let me introduce you to Julia & Shadow, slut!” he said calmly “Miss Julia” Mary said as she crawled towards her to greet Shadow.

As she reached them she lifted her head slightly and licked Shadows face. Shadow was a silver and white husky with striking blue eyes. His fur was softer than any she had ever felt and when he licked her face his long pink tongue rasped up the side of her cheek, leaving a line of slobber dripping off her face. Jack called her back over to him and Mary crawled back the few yards to her Master where, sat beside him also waiting for her was Apollo. Mary was sure she could see a look of jealousy in his eyes, so before assuming her kneeling position, she crawled up to Apollo and offered him her tongue, Apollo quickly opened his mouth and their tongues entwined in a lovers kiss. Mary would have sworn blind that Apollo was human if she did not see the dog she was kissing.

With Apollo sat on the right hand side of Jack, Mary crawled around to his left and took her position on her knees. It was Julia who spoke next “She is very well trained Jack, is Apollo her Alpha?” she asked. “She fell in love with him as soon as she saw him” Jack responded. “It was Rebel who fucked her first, and I thought that she would take him as her lover, but when she saw Apollo she would have no other Alpha dog than him and he seems rather taken with his new bitch too as you can see”. Julia laughed commenting that she had never seen a dog French kiss the way Apollo kissed Mary. Her Master and Julia continued to talk about what had happened the day before and Mary’s mind started to drift, recalling for herself the thoughts and feelings of that day. It wasn’t until she heard Shadows name being mentioned that she started to listen again to what was being said “and of course she is quite happy to do as I ask so if that is what we decide, she will have no hesitation in doing as she is told” she heard Jack say. Mary wished she had been listening to all of the conversation now, because although she knew it involved Shadow, she had no other clue as to what her Master and Julia had just agreed for her to do or when this was going to take place. It soon dawned on her that it wouldn’t be today as Julia quickly turned leading Shadow away calling back over her shoulder “You have my number Jack if decide to take me up on my offer, Byeee” and then she and shadow turned a corner and were out of sight away down the slope to continue their walk.

Jack placed a hand under Mary’s chin, lifting her head up “Well slut that sounds like an interesting plan doesn’t it?” he asked with a wicked smile on his face. Mary hesitated, he obviously thought she had been listening and knew what they had planned for her, slowly she stuttered “Sorry Master, my mind drifted off whilst you and Julia were talking, so I have no idea what Sir has planned for me to do. But you’re right Sir, I am yours and will obey if it please you” she lowered her head again in respect. Jack laughed, “You have no idea eh Slut?” Mary nodded. This bought a long belly laugh from her Master, “oh you poor thing, what a surprise you have in store!!” “Now I think it is time that I used My slut, seeing as my boys seem to have all the fun so far!” she felt Jacks hand on the back of her head pushing her forwards,

Mary took the hint and moved onto her hands and knees as Jack moved round behind her. She braced herself for Jack to fuck her ass again, as he had only done so far but to her surprise and great pleasure she felt his already hard cock split her pussy lips and enter her cunt. He was nowhere near the size of any of his boys and neither did he have the raw power that they would fuck her with, but instead Jack moved his hips reaching parts of her cunt that hadn’t been fucked recently. Mary started to moan as Jack continued to fuck her, an orgasm starting to build in her belly, her pussy starting to convulse as her pussy was pounded by her Master. Just as she was about to reach the point of no return, Jack pulled out pulling on her shoulders to turn her round. He lay on his back his hard cock pointing straight up. Mary lowered her head, tasting her juices of his shaft before climbing on top of her Master and lower her wet cunt down on to him. She rode him as hard as she could, her tits bouncing in the cool outdoor air. She rotated her hips as Jack thrust upwards rubbing her clit against his pelvis, causing her orgasm to regain its former strength. Jack reached up grabbing hold of Mary’s nipples, pinching and pulling on them. He released them and proceeded to slap her tits, first the left, then the right, then the left then the right. He continued his slaps getting harder each time until they started to throb.

She could feel them start to redden as every strike landed on her soft flesh. Undeterred she continued to ride her Master below her, her pussy flooding juices all over him as she got more and more turned on. Partly from the fucking she was giving her Master, partly from the slapping her tits were receiving but also because she could see Apollo just out of her reach, his fully hard cock standing proudly between his legs as he lay on his side watching her. The thought of her canine lover getting hard watching her was enough to send her over the edge and she threw her head backwards and howled as a mighty orgasm ripped through her body. With two more slaps across her tits, harder than before jack grabbed Mary by the hair, pulled her head down to his, kissed her deeply and started to fill his slut with his own hot seed. Mary moaned into his mouth as she milked every drop of cum out of his cock with her cunt muscles until her released her head and pushed her back upright. “No wonder by boys can’t get enough of you slut!” he said slapping her tits one more time causing another orgasm to surge through her body. “That is one tight cunt you have!” Mary blushed at his words “Thank you Sir, I am glad you all enjoy your fuck toy” she responded.

The sun was starting to set and after Mary had cleaned Jack of the mix of her cunt juice and his own cum that had leaked from Marys cunt when he withdrew, he hooked the leads back on the two dogs and Mary and headed back to the car park. He opened the boot of his car and Rebel, Bruno and Apollo leapt in. Mary went to leap in too, not wanting to end things there but Jack stopped her, saying that his wife was expecting them home for tea, but he would be in touch. Mary let out a low moan and pawed playfully at Jacks groin. He laughed and patted her on the head “good slut” he said playfully, unclipped the lead from her collar and walked away getting into his car leaving her kneeling there. Once he had left the car pack, Mary stood, pulled the dress back over her head that Jack had left behind before he left, got into her car and drove home.


Part Nine

Due to the rotas at work Mary had only seen Jack briefly on handovers for the last 4 days. Every time they met they exchanged knowing looks, and she would receive text messages from him telling him that the boys missed their slut, as did its Master” in return Mary would respond saying that she was empty without her Master, and the boys. It was now Thursday and the new Rota was up, she was working the early shift on Friday but had both the Saturday and Sunday off followed by a late on the Monday. Mary was very surprised, she never got a weekend day off, let alone both of them and with an early on the Friday and late on the Monday she had virtually a 3 day weekend. She was just starting to think what she could do with the time off when a hand reached round and grabbed her tightly by the throat instantly cutting of her air supply. “Looking forward to a few days off are we slut?” Mary relaxed as she heard Jack whisper in her ear. She nodded but the hand around her throat didn’t release its grip. “I had to pull in a few favours to get those days off for you slut, I hope you will be accordingly grateful” Mary nodded again the hand gripped tighter.

Mary could feel her face going red as she struggled for breath. “Had to pull in even more favours to make sure I was also off at the same time slut!” Mary’s heart leapt in her chest the hand released its grip and she gasped in a deep breath. She turned round “Thank you Master, I will be as grateful as you need me to be!” Mary said, a huge smile on her face. Her pussy pounded almost as hard as her heart as she thought about what he might have planned for her. “I will pick you up after work on Friday from the bus stop on the corner of the High Street. You will not need to bring anything with you, everything you need will be provided for you. Make your excuses to your boyfriend that you are going to visit an old friend out in the sticks and you will be gone until Monday morning and that there is little to no internet or mobile so he is not to worry if he doesn’t hear from you after you leave!” Jack had obviously got it all worked out, Mary nodded, “Yes Sir, I will make sure that everything you ask is done” she replied her face still covered by a broad smile. Once again Jack grabbed her by the throat, pushing her back up against the notice board, then he leant in close to her face “Make sure it is Slut!” he said forcefully before kissing her deeply. He released her leaving her panting, and turned went back into the office and closed the door behind him. Mary quickly ran into the toilet, locked the door behind her and let out a long satisfied sigh. She touched up her make-up, straighten her uniform and went back out to finish her shift.

Mary hardly slept that night, Dan, her boyfriend had been out with his mates so came back pissed, tried to make a move on her, which she easily brushed off, before he passed out snoring loudly beside her. Her mind raced thinking what she was in store for this weekend. Would Jack be bringing Apollo, Bruno and Rebel, she really hoped he would be. How would she handle a whole weekend away with her new Master, her hand slipped down into her cunt and she rubbed her wet lips with her fingers, bringing an orgasm to her loins. When she did sleep she would dream of Jack and Apollo, which would lead to her masturbating again as soon as she woke up. This cycle continued until the alarm went off at 6.30. Time for her to go to work. She showered and got dressed and head off to work.

The 8 hour shift dragged as if time was going backwards at times. What had felt like an hour to her had only resulted in the small clock behind the counter moving on only 5 minutes or so. Eventually the clock passed 2.45 meaning she only had 15mins to go. Her heart started to pound in her chest harder and harder as every minute passed by. Finally she had cashed up and was ready to leave, she rushed into the staff room, grabbed her bag and stuff out of her locker and literally ran out of the store to the bus stop about 200 yards up the road. She got there and looked around. There was no sign of Jack. She checked her phone to see if there was any message but nothing. She waited looking around her so as to see her Masters approach as soon as he came into view. She checked her phone again, 10 minutes had passed since she arrived. Then it was 15, then 20 minutes. Mary started to think that Jack was not turning up when around the corner she saw his car. He pulled up alongside her and she jumped in the front seat next to him.

“Good afternoon Sir” she said as she sat herself in the seat. Jack replied and grabbed her by the throat and pulled her to him and kissed her deeply again. He pushed her back into her seat, put the car back into gear and pulled away. Mary sat in silence as they drove ou of town and picked up the dual carriage way heading west. Mary tried to look around the car to see if Jack had bought the dogs, as she hadn’t heard them since they had pulled away, but without making it look like she was looking it was impossible to see much. Jack smirked as out of the corner of his eye he watched her try to search the car “Looking for something slut?” he said coyly “Or someone??” Mary blushed “Sorry Sir, I was just seeing if the boys were coming away with us” she said lowering her head as she spoke. “Take a look” Jack stated. Mary turned round in her seat and stared into the empty boot. None! Not one dog, not even Apollo was caged in the back. She turned and looked at her Master without saying a word. Jack said nothing but reached down unzipped the fly in his trouser pulled out his cock had looked at his slut. Without a word and putting aside her disappointment, Mary leant over and took her Masters cock deep into the back of her throat. Jack rested an arm on the back of her head, keeping her in place as she gagged and spluttered on his hard member. It didn’t take long for Jack to cum and fill his slut with his cum. He lifted his arm allowing her to release his cock, which she quickly cleaned up before putting it back inside her Masters trousers, doing up his fly and sitting back in her seat. The blow job had done little to stop her thinking about there being no canine companions on their trip, but she knew that a weekend away with her Master would still be eventful and fun and that she was bound to cum a million times.

Mary must have drifted off for a while because when she opened her eyes she had absolutely no idea where they were. They had pulled off the main road and were winding their way down country lanes. Hills rolled into the distance up on her right hand side whilst on her left she could see the land fell off quickly, and beyond that she could see the sea. They drove for about another 20 minutes until Jack turned off the road and pulled onto a dirt track that led down the side of a cliff to a secluded bay. Perched on the side of the cliff she saw a small cottage surrounded by a small white fence which enclosed a small garden with ornamental Rose trees planted within it. Jack stopped the car on a small concrete pad outside a large double garage and turned the engine off. He turned to Mary. “Are you ready slut?” He asked. Mary nodded. The anticipation in her mind was now running almost out of control as scenario after scenario raced through her brain. Jack got out of the car and walked round and opened Mary’s door for her. She stepped out and as her feet hit the floor she was ordered to strip. Mary did not hesitate. Not because they were in a secluded cove with no one around to see her naked, she thought, but because she wanted to please her Master.

Jack took her clothes off her. She unhooked her bra and slid her knickers down her legs, leaving her totally naked. The cold sea air whipped around her body causing her nipples to harden as soon as they were free of the lace material that had held them only moments before. Jack placed a collar around her neck and threw her clothes into the car “You won’t need these until Monday morning. You can remain standing for now” He said seeing Mary start to drop to her knees, then he turned and strode up the path towards the little cottage. Mary followed him, stumbling as she walked bare foot up the sharp shale path but kept pace with her Master as he strode off ahead of her. Jack paused as he reached the front door, waiting for Mary to catch up with him. “Crawl” was his only instruction as he opened the door to the cottage and went inside. Mary followed, the soft carpet in the hallway was blessed relief to the previous hard cold stones on the soles of her feet. Jack headed off to the left and held a door open “In you go slut” he said. Mary obeyed and crawled into the room.

No sooner had she got through the door, it closed behind her and she heard a bolt slide across from the outside. She looked up and squealed with delight. In the corner of the room was Apollo, fast asleep on a large tartan dog bed. Mary raced across to him as fast as she could on her hands and knees and hugged her canine lover as if she hadn’t seen him for years. Apollo woke and started to lick at her face. Mary opened her mouth and they kissed passionately. Apollo lowered his head and started to lick at her tits. His rough tongue scrapping her nipples making them throb and swell like never before. Mary moaned as she orgasmed at the feel of her lovers tongue on her nipples. Mary laid on her back as Apollo stood over her and lowered his heard between her legs and started to lick at her clit and pussy lips. Another orgasm ripped through her as his tongue lapped at her dripping hole. Apollo looked up at her, his face smeared with her juices. Mary swore that he smiled again just before he returned to licking at her soaking cunt. He continued to pleasure her for what felt like hours, she lost track of the number of orgasms she had and her head was spinning as her lover drove her wild with lust. She shifted herself onto her belly and raised herself up onto her elbows. Apollo sensed what she was trying to do and raised his head allowing his bitch to raise her ass up into the air as she got on her knees. Once she was in position Apollo pounced on her back and was inside his bitch in one go. This bought a load guttural moan from beneath him. It wasn’t long before he had grown to full size and as he had before he started to fuck the warm wet hole he was deep inside with great power and force. His bitch moaned and screamed as he rammed further in to her his knot growing and pushing its way into the hot opening.

Apollo fucked her harder, forcing his knot inside her with a great push, which drew another low moan from Mary. She was not getting used to the pain that his knot caused her as it stretched her wide on its way in but she was learning to bear it as she knew the ecstasy that would follow once she was tied with her lover. Sure enough within seconds she could feel the knot at its full size throbbing against every wall of her cunt, the end of his cock splitting her cervix and the hot flow of cum filling her womb. They howled together again as they came in unison. The orgasm that ripped through her again robbed her of her consciousness. When she came round she could feel that her lover had untied himself from her, she slowly opened her eyes to look to see where he had gone, but as the light filtered back into her vision, she saw that he was stood in front of her, his still engorged cock daggling between his legs inches from her face. He wanted her to clean him up, as he had seen her do to their Master. Mary was only too keen to oblige as she lifted her head and took his veined member into her mouth.

As she regained her strength she moved herself up so as to get him deeper in her mouth. Apollo let out a low soft growl and Mary released him, thinking she had upset him or hurt him, but instead he lay on his back so that his cock pointed high into the air. Without hesitation Mary sank her mouth down onto it as far as she could get. She was disappointed that she could not swallow the entire length of her lover but she satisfied herself that she was pleasing him as again she saw his knot growing. She reached one hand up and stroked his belly whilst the other cupped behind his knot. The hand on his belly could feel his heart racing, almost as fast as hers, the hand around his knot felt the first surge of cum make it was up his shaft giving her a split second to lift her head slightly so as to swallow the hot seed that erupted into her mouth. This time she managed to swallow nearly every drop with only a few drops escaping from the corners of her mouth. Once she had drained him of his last droplets Apollo stood and went to lay on his bed, Mary crawled over and lay behind him spooning up to her lover and they fell asleep.


Part Ten

The sound of the bolt being removed on the door was enough to wake both Mary and Apollo, and as the light flooded the room, they saw Jack walk into the room. “Have you got reacquainted with your lover then slut!?” he asked. “Yes Sir, you are too kind to leave us alone to share our love Master” Mary replied. Apollo barked as if agreeing with his bitch. It was then that Mary saw that Jack was carrying two bowls, one in each hand. He strode forward and place them on the floor before them both. I will come back with some water shortly for you both Jack said as he left, once again bolting the door behind him. It quickly dawned on Mary that she was expected to eat out of one of the bowls and as Apollo stood to eat his supper, Mary crawled forward to do the same. It was a cold bowl of fresh beef, with chopped potatoes and some vegetables. She looked across at Apollo’s bowl to see he had dry biscuits on top of what looked like a juicy meat dog food.

Mary thought that if she were to be Apollo’s lover she should eat the same as he did, but for now the hunger in her belly was too much for her, so she lowered her face into the bowl and began to eat. She finished just as Jack unbolted the door and returned as promised with 2 bowls of water which he placed beside the now empty food bowls which he picked up as he stood. “I will return in the morning with breakfast for you two love birds, so enjoy your night together, oh and Apollo” at the sound of his voice Apollo’s ears pricked up, “Don’t fuck her all night, she will need her strength for the rest of the weekend!” His laughter was almost as hard as the swell of excitement that rose up through Mary. She was to have the entire night alone with her lover “Master!” She called up after Jack as he was leaving the room. Jack stopped and turned to look at her. “Master, your slut is forever in your debt for your amazing generosity to let his toy spend a night as Apollo’s bitch. But could your slut just ask one small favour of her Master please?” Jack thought as he heard her speak, surely he had done more than enough to please any slut yet here she was asking another favour of him.

He decided to hear what she had to say before he punished her for her ingratitude “Ask slut!” he said. Mary could hear the rising anger in his tome “Master, I am sorry to ask more of you but if I am to be Apollo’s bitch tonight then I would like to be treated as a bitch. May I eat the same as my lover in the morning please Sir!” This request shocked Jack. He had expected her to ask for something to make the night easier for herself, instead she wanted to throw herself further into her role as Apollo’s bitch. He walked across to her, slapped her hard around the face, so hard that tears instantly welled up in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. Apollo went to stand to protect his bitch but one sharp look from Jack and he returned to his seated position.

Mary sank to her knees, apologies tumbling from her lips as Jack stood over her. “That is the last time you will ask anything of me unless you are offered a reward or a choice, do you understand slut!” Jack barked at her with a ferocity Mary had never seen in him before. She nodded and agreed apologising over and over for her insolence. Jack now spoke in a softer voice “But this one time I will allow your request. From now on you will only eat with Apollo you will share his bowl, so it will be up to him if you eat or not!” and on those words he turned and left. The door slammed behind him and the bolt slid across. A few seconds later she heard what sounded like a padlock snap closed too. Mary was now locked in with her Lover and her heart melted.

Mary turned and flung her arms around Apollos neck, her face nuzzled into his strong sleek neck. “Thank you for trying to defend me my darling!” she said to him as she kissed his fur. Apollo whimpered, “Its ok, He is our Master, we must both obey him no matter what” Mary said as if she had understood what his whimper had meant. Apollo lowered his head and let his tongue flop out. Mary instantly sucked it into her mouth and let him kiss her. After a few seconds Apollo lifted his head and let out a sharp bark. Again as if Mary knew what he was saying she turned so her back was to him and lowered herself onto her hands so that her ass and pussy were available to her lover. Without hesitation Apollo was back up on her back and inside her cunt again. Over the course of the night Apollo bred Mary almost a dozen times. Each time with the same power and intensity, flooding her insides each time with as much cum as the last one. Mary was in heaven, she was even managing by the morning to stay conscious as the explosive feelings of their simultaneous climaxes ripped through her body and mind.

Mary woke up, a stripe of light shone through a gap in the wooded blinds that she could now see covering the window, she had no clue as to what time it was as the sun rose early in the summer time, she leant forward and buried her face in the fur of her lover as her hand gently stroked his belly. She could hear her lover softly growling as she smoothed the soft fur on his belly. His growls grew stronger as she moved her hand down his belly towards the pouch which held the most amazing cock Mary had ever experienced in her life. Her fingers gently moved across it as she could feel it starting to grow inside it. She shifted her body so that she would be able to take it in her mouth as soon as it was out. She continued to stroke the pouch as Apollo’s cock finally emerged. Mary lowered her head and flicked the purple head with her tongue as the shaft began to extend further from the pouch, growing thicker as it grew longer. Soon it was long enough for Mary to swallow it to the back of her throat. Her lips kissed the fur of his pouch as he was not quite fully grown yet so she was still able to swallow all of him, but as he continued to grow his fur got further away from her lips as she had to move her head back to stop herself from choking to death. Apollo started to thrust his hips fucking his bitch’s mouth, as his knot started to grow. Mary took her head off his cock and shifted down to lick across the swelling knot. Kissing it lovingly, letting her tongue roll and slide around it until ever part was covered in her saliva. She moved back and took his shaft back into her mouth just in time to catch the first burst of cum that flowed from his cock. She continued to swallow as he pumped into her mouth.

Just as she was finishing she heard the padlock being removed and the bolt slid across. Mary sat up on her knees waiting to greet her Master, but instead of Jack appearing from behind the door, a tall young lad, no more than 19 came into view. Mary flinched and thought about covering herself up, then she thought to herself, why should she be ashamed of being naked with her lover? The boy walked up. Not taking his eyes off Mary’s tits. He placed a single bowl of food down on the floor in front of Apollo and a fresh bowl of water. Then he stood to the side of the dog bed where Apollo and Mary sat, unzipped his trousers and pulled out his rigid cock. Your Master says you are to suck me off until I come all over your face. And you are to leave it all there. Mary said nothing she just leant forward and took his cock into her mouth. He was smaller than Jack so she had no trouble taking him all the way to the back of her throat. She held him there as she slipped a hand under his balls and caressed and squeezed then gently. She could feel that this was working so she moved her head up off his cock. He grabbed it in one hand and wanked it for a few strokes until he shot a small load of cum across her face. He tucked his member back into his trousers and left without saying a word. She turned and looked at Apollo, “Nothing compared to your my darling!” she said as she stroked his back. Apollo looked up at her and barked, then turned to eat the food from the single bowl. Mary sat next to her lover waiting for him to finish.

After a while Apollo slightly lifted his head and with his snout he pushed the bowl towards Mary and barked, as if inviting her to eat. Mary noticed that he had eaten almost exactly half of what had been bought in. Her heart raced again as she lowered her face down and began to eat. The taste was strange to start with and the biscuits much harder than she had imagined but after few mouthfuls, Mary was getting used to it. Mary ate as much as she could, leaving some in the bowl, which in return she pushed back towards Apollo with her face. He lowered his face into the bowl and cleaned up the remains of their breakfast, he then returned to his bed and curled up. Mary lapped at the water trying to quench her thirst without washing off the young boys cum, but it was nigh on impossible so she gave up and went to cuddle up with Apollo. She hadn’t been there long when again the door opened. This time it was Jack, “Time to go you two!” He said and walked out of the room leaving the door open.

Apollo was the first to move and Mary quickly followed him on her hands and knees, through the door and out into the hall way. Apollo, unsure of where to go next decided to sit at the foot of the stairs. Mary sat alongside him and they waited. Mary could hear voices coming from behind a glass panelled door on the opposite side of the hall. There were a number of voices, she could pick out her Master, and the young boy from earlier. There was another male voice that she could not identify and a soft female voice. At first she didn’t recognise it but the she remembered, it was Julia, from the afternoon they had spent up in the hills. Mary strained to hear what they were saying but all she could hear with muffled conversation. It was Julia who came out of the room first and stopped in front of Mary and Apollo, “Ahhh look at the love birds, I hope he gave you the fucking you deserve dogslut!” she said. Julia’s words shocked Mary, not the content but Julia was a slender well turned out woman and Mary had not expected to hear those words come from her red lipstick stained lips.

Julia then shocked Mary even more as she stepped forwards and crouching down in front of her slid 2 fingers into Mary’s cunt. “Mmm feels like it has been well used!” she said as she slid her hand out moved her hand further back and slid her cunt juice covered fingers into Marys ass. “Still tight, will need work to get it ready” she said without emotion. She leant forwards and licked up a trail of cum into her mouth that had run down the side of Marys face “Yes, I never tire of tasting my sons cum” Mary quivered in excitement as each word Julia spoke broke down the veneer of this elegant charming woman, who could easily pass for a vicars wife, and revealed a true slut underneath. Mary sat motionless as Julia lifted her skirt up and present her with a neatly trimmed bush that sat proudly above her pussy. Two gold hoops hung from each of her pussy lips and a jewelled stud was pierced through the centre of her clit. Julia pushed her hips forwards in Marys direction, so Mary leant forward and started to lick at the pierced clit. She flicked her tongue across the jewel stud that protruded then sucked the swelling hood into her mouth. Lightly pinching it between her teeth. She felt Julia shudder as she did this so she bit a little harder, which bought a louder grown from Julia. Mary reached up with one hand and slid two then three fingers up inside Julia’s cunt. She slid in with ease as it was already well lubricated. Julia’s moans become louder and deeper as Mary worked her clit with her tongue and fingers worked the inside of her cunt.

Mary felt two hands on the back of her head pushing her head forward as Julia thrust her cunt forwards, “Open your mouth slut” Julia screamed, and as Mary did as she was told Julia came. As she came she squirted her cum all over Marys face. Hot wet cum covered Mary’s face again as she took as much as she could in her mouth without swallowing any. Julia stepped back, lifting her skirt back over Marys head. As the material cleared the kneeling slut Julia looked down and saw Mary mouth open, full of her cum, her face and hair soaked, with cum still running down her face and onto her large tits. Julia knelt down and placed her mouth over Mary’s. Their tongues darted around sharing the juice between them both. Julia pulled away and Mary swallowed what was left in her mouth and smiled up at Julia. It was then that she saw Jack, Julia’s son and the other man stood behind Julia, broad smiles across their faces “Did you enjoy that Mother?” the boy asked. Julia turned around and kissed him on the lips “I saved some for you though Billy” Julia said as she shared her cum, that she had taken from Mary’s mouth, with her son. “Shall we go?” The stranger said “We have a lot to sort out” he continued. Everyone nodded and the walked out through the front door. Mary followed behind Apollo and Billy shut the door as she was back in the open air.


Part Eleven

Mary crawled across the hard cold paving slabs that formed the path to the garden gate, the stone cutting into her knees. She continued to crawl as she went through the gate, waiting for her Master to allow her to walk on the hard shale as he had the previous day, but no such permission came, so she continued on her hands and knees. Billy walked along behind her muttering a stream of insults at her loud enough for her to hear him but not loud enough for the rest of the group who had gone quite far ahead due to the speed at which Mary cautiously crawled across the stones. “Come on whore, bet you would move quicker if there was a dog to fuck at the bottom” He taunted, “How about I shove my cock up your ass to see if you like that” he continued. She felt him try and slip a finger into her ass but she managed to move so that he missed his target. “Don’t want a man inside you eh dog whore?” Billy snarled. Mary laughed at this latest taunt. Apollo was so much more of a man then Billy could ever dream to be.

She steeled herself and picked up her pace, ignoring the pain as the stones cut into her knees, showing her tormentor that he could not get a reaction from her. She was about half way down the slope when the advance party reached the bottom, it was then that Jack looked back and saw Mary crawling down the slope. He raced back up the path “Slut you may stand!” he called as he ran up towards her “Stand you silly whore, stand” he shouted. Mary could sense the concern in his voice as she stopped crawling and lifted herself to her feet. “Look at you, your covered in blood” Jack said as he reached the part of the path where Mary stood motionless. She looked down first at her hands and then at her knees. Sure enough they were cut to bits from the stones and the blood was flowing quite a bit. “Sorry Sir” Mary said. Jack scooped her up in his arms and carried her the rest of the way down the path placing her on the bonnet of a large 4×4 that was now parked alongside his own car.

Julia arrived with a small first aid kit, and started to clean up the wounds on Mary’s knees and hands. “Looks like the stupid whore won’t be giving many hand jobs to her little doggie lover any time soon!” Billy quipped as he reached the bottom of the path. Apollo immediately turned at him. He lowered his head and bearing his strong sharp white teeth growled at Billy in a way Mary had never heard him growl. “Call him off, call him off!!” Billy screamed as Apollo stalked towards him, forcing the young lad backwards until he was up against the garage wall “Call him off!!” Billy screamed again. Without even looking towards the commotion, Jack snapped his fingers and Apollo stopped growling and just sat on the spot where he stood, not taking his eyes off Billy who was still frozen against the garage. “Looks like Apollo doesn’t like you teasing his Bitch, Billy” Julia said sternly. “Next time I won’t call him off!” Jack said. Billy said nothing as he sidled away and got into the back of the 4×4. Apollo came back at sat at the side of his Master looking up at his bitch as her wounds were tended to. “I think she will live” Julia said jokingly as she wiped the last of the blood off Marys shins.

Mary looked at her hands, they were sore with a number of small slices across her palms. She imagined her knees looked the same. She just hoped that they wouldn’t hurt too much so as to stop her from getting on her hands and knees to let her lover mate with her. Jack lifted her off the bonnet and put her back on her feet. Come on, we are going to be late the stranger said as he opened the door to his car and got in. Julia kissed Mary, “Good Luck!” She said as she got into the passenger side of the 4×4. Jack led Apollo and Mary to the back of his car, he opened the boot and the door to the cage, Apollo jumped in “and you!” jack said, so Mary crawled into the cramped space. Jack threw the travel blanket over the cage and she was plunged into near darkness. The only light came in at the bottom of the cage where the blanket didn’t quite reach the ground. Mary tried to adjust herself to get comfortable. She moved her legs and brushed up against Apollo. He moved his head and Mary felt it between her legs. Instinctively she opened her legs and let the dogs tongue slip inside her wet folds. Mary couldn’t help but moan out load to which Jack called from the front “My god, even in a cage you find a way to fuck that dog!!” he laughed. Mary moaned louder as she knew that he was right. She would do anything to be with her canine lover.

Mary could feel the vibrations coming up through the floor of the car change, she guessed they had left the dirt track and they were now back on a tarmac road. Apollo had bought her to a screaming orgasm moments before and she could now hear him cleaning her cum from his face. She tried to lean down to clean it for him but it was too cramped in the cage so she sat up and rested for a while. They travelled for about half an hour Mary guessed before she felt the rumble of a cattle grid as the car passed over it. “Almost there slut!” Jack called back to her. Mary closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She had no idea what was about to happen to her, let alone where she was, but she trusted Jack, more than she had trusted anyone ever before. He had promised never to hurt her and she believed that was the case. The car came to a halt and she heard Jack undo his seatbelt and get out of the car. “In the back. Take him to the garden, and her up to the room at the back of the house” she heard Jack say. The boot door opened, and then the blanket was removed from the cage. There stood a tall slim blonde girl in her early twenties. She was dressed in a stereotypical French maid outfit. Her tits, whilst not as big as Mary’s formed a tight cleavage inside the lace frilled top she wore. Mary looked down and could see the top of her black stocking and a red garter as they sat just below her unrealistically short skirt. “Wait here” she said to Mary as she called Apollo out of the cage. She closed the cage door again but left the boot open as she walked off with Apollo following alongside her. A few minutes passed until she returned. “Now you” as she opened the cage door again. Mary climbed out and stretched after the cramped journey. “Don’t worry, we will make you feel better very soon” the maid said. She walked off towards the front door and Mary followed.

The front door opened up into a large hallway. An oak staircase led up to the first floor and the maid started off up the stairs. Mary followed and as she glanced up she could see under the maid’s skirt. She was not wearing any knickers and there was a glass butt plug sticking out between her ass cheeks. She turned a corner as she reached the top of the stairs, along a short corridor and opened a door at the end. She motioned Mary through and into the room. The room was amazing. There was a large double bed with plush white pillows and a duvet.

There were fresh flowers on the table by the window. She looked around and could see into an en-suite bathroom, with a large porcelain bath with gold taps. Mary stood in the door way “You must have the wrong room” She said to the maid, “No” was the only reply she got so Mary entered the room and threw herself onto the bed. The mattress was so soft that she bounced. She giggled as she bounced on the bed a few times forgetting that she had company. She sat upright on the bed, assuming that the maid was also a sub as she was, Mary steeled herself to see if she could glean some information from her. “Do you know why I am here Miss?” she asked, still being respectful just in case she had misread the situation. “Oh yes!” was the reply a smile stretched across the young woman’s face. “Can you tell me Miss?” Mary tried again “No. I am just here to clean you up for this morning’s entertainment!” As she finished her sentence she closed the door and walked across the room into the bathroom. Mary heard a bath being run and she got off the bed and walked into the bathroom. The maid stood in the middle of the room and started to remove her clothes. Marys was getting turned on as this young woman exposed her slender body. Her pert tits were not as big as Mary’s, as she had first thought, but they were in no way small either. Her nipples were both pierced. The left with a gold bar, the right with a gold loop. Her clit was also pierced in the same way as Julia’s was, only this girl had a red jewel set into her stud. “In you hop” the maid said, pointing to the now almost half filled bath. Mary stepped in and lowered herself into the deep hot water. She hadn’t washed since she had left for work the previous morning and had been fucked by Apollo all night, had had Billy’s and Julia’s cum all over her face so the hot water was a blessed comfort. Her knees and palms stung but even this paled in comparison to the relaxing water.

The maid poured some oils into the water, and started to move her hands across Mary’s shoulders and neck. A mix between cleaning her and a massage. Her hands moved down across Mary’s chest rubbing every inch as she went. Caressing the soft flesh of her tits moving her fingers towards her nipples. Rubbing the gently as she continued to clean Mary. Mary closed her eyes and sighed as the maid’s hands continued their journey across Marys flesh across her belly and down her legs. “Lay back and I will wash your hair” Mary did as she was told as she lifted her head back up from under the water the Maid climbed into the bath with her. There was plenty of room and she sat straddling Mary as she began to wash her hair for her. The Maid pulled Marys head towards her pushing a nipple towards her mouth. Mary duly opened her mouth and her tongue darted out and flicked across it. She leant forward and sucked it into her mouth, flicking the bar as she sucked on it. She closed her teeth behind the piercing to which the maid moaned softly, but continued to wash Mary’s hair.

Mary released that nipple and moved across to the other and repeated the process but this time she lowered her hands and cupped the Maids ass cheeks with them. She could feel her tense up as she squeezed them together obviously making the butt plug shift inside her ass hole. The Maid then stood up without any warning, wrenching her nipple from Mary’s teeth “Time to Rinse” she said coldly as if nothing had happened, and grabbed a shower head that lay across the back of the golden taps, and proceeded to rinse the suds from Mary’s hair. Just as she was finishing up the door to the room opened and Mary heard footsteps heading towards the bathroom. “Are you done?” a brusque male voice asked. “Nearly Sir” the maid replied, her hands reaching under Mary’s arms encouraging her to stand up. “Out you get then” the man said from the doorway behind Mary. As she lifted herself from the tub she turned to see a large mountain of a man with ebony coloured skin dressed in a tight fitting black morning suit. His size was such that he had to duck as he turned and walked out of the bathroom to avoid hitting his head on the door frame. “Come on!” he boomed over his shoulder. Mary virtually ran after him such was the gravitas in his voice. He had stopped in the middle of the room and turned to face her just as she reached him. “Arms out legs apart” he instructed. From behind Mary the Maid started to rub her down with soft Egyptian cotton towels. Within a minute or so, Mary stood dry in front of the butler. He towered over her and his hands were almost as big as her head. He reached out with one of them and grabbed her left tit. He easily held it in the palm of his hand and squeezed.

Mary knees almost buckled as she felt the strength in this man’s hands. He released her and then did the same with the other tit. “Nice and firm!” he said. “Turn around and bend over!” Mary did as she was told bending at the waist and almost touching her toes. She felt his hands spread her ass cheeks apart and then slip a finger into her cunt. She was always wet nowadays so he had no trouble fitting it inside her. He removed it almost straight away which confused Mary, but when she felt it push against her puckered little ass hole she realised he was just after some lubrication. He pushed his finger deep inside her. He withdrew it and she heard him cross the room. A drawer opened and closed and he returned to stand behind her. “Come here” he said obviously to the maid, as Mary saw her naked feet move around to behind her. Her ass cheeks were spread apart again but this time by the small soft hands of the maid. She felt the maid push her face between her cheeks and then the new feeling of a tongue being pushed into her anus. Mary moaned out loud, why had she never had anyone do this before she thought to herself. The maid probed into her ass with her tongue leaving thick saliva behind then she was gone and now something else pushed against her ass hole. Something cold and huge. She thought that they were trying to stuff her with a water melon, but after it was worked in and out a few times and with one last powerful shove it passed her sphincter and was in. Mary bit her lip to stifle the small scream caused by the pain but then relaxed. “Now we are ready” The large man boomed “follow me!” he turned and strode out of the room with Mary running behind to keep up with his long strides.


Part Twelve

Mary followed behind the tall man down the corridor, but instead of going down the oak stair case they went through a door opposite the corrido they had just traversed. Beyond the door was another staircase only this time dark and old. At the bottom it opened up into an old kitchen with copper pans on the stove. A man dressed in a chef’s uniform turned to look as they passed through and he licked his lips as he looked Mary up and down. Mary had stopped blushing now when people looked at her naked body. More people had seen it in the last 2 days than had probably seen it in the previous 30 years of her life. She smiled to herself knowing that she still had a figure worth looking at. As she continued to follow her guide they turned a corner through another large oak door into a small room. In the centre of the room was a small box tied up with a red ribbon, a tag hung to side, but from here Mary could not see what it said. The man closed the door behind him as he left. Leaving Mary alone in the room. Apart from the door they came in through and the box on the floor the only other feature of the room was a bookcase on the wall opposite to the door. Mary bent down and lifted the tag on the box. “Slut Mary” it read. “Welcome to our home, we hope you enjoy your stay, Here is a little gift for you” There was no signature. Mary slowly opened the box inside was a small memory stick a blindfold and a note. “Put on the blindfold and wait” Mary did exactly as instructed.

It was only moments before she heard a noise in front of her. The door was behind her she thought, the bookcase must have been a secret door. Her hand was taken by a small soft hand which she assumed to be the maids and was led forwards, the carpet under her feet changed from a harsh tight weave to a much softer loose weave and she could feel warm sunlight on her skin. She was walked a few more paces across the soft carpet before they stopped and her blindfold was removed. She stood in the centre of a very posh large room, around her were about 10 people all dressed in formal suits and dresses (it was almost an equal split of men and women). Directly before her sat Julia in a very impressive almost throne like chair with Shadow curled up at her feet. To her right was Jack. My god he scrubbed up well Mary thought as she gazed upon her Master in a fine tuxedo jacket and bow tie. Apollo lay at his feet also. As Mary looked around the room, each person had a dog sat at their feet, dogs of all shapes and sizes, but none was smaller than a spaniel sized dog. As Mary continued to survey the room it suddenly dawned on her what was expected of her, she was going to be bred by each and every dog in the room, no wonder Julia had wished her good luck earlier that day.

Mary had done a complete 360° turn on the spot and was now back facing Julia and Jack. She couldn’t help but smile slightly as she stared directly into her Masters eyes. It was Julia who spoke first “You are not a stupid slut, so by now I imagine you have worked out what you are doing here!” Mary nodded, “Yes Miss Julia” she replied. “And you have no objections? If you do you may leave now and nothing more will ever be said! Stay however and you will be rewarded greatly!” Julia continued. “No Miss Julia, I am happy to stay if it please my Master?” Mary turned her head slightly towards Jack asking for his blessing. “It will please me greatly slut!” Jack responded. “Good then it is settled” Julia stated. “Firstly a reminder of the house rules and an introduction to them for our willing slut here” The assembled group all laughed politely. “Number One – Our guest is here of its own free will and that free will means it can leave at any time, so if it calls a halt then this will end.” There was a murmuring of approval around the room. “Second – There is to be no seconds until everyone has used our slut to their desires,” another murmur of approval rang around the room. “Finally – its Master has asked that its ass is not touched. He has plans for it, hence the plug. Do we all understand?” Julia stated. A chorus of agreement rang around the room. “Now as is tradition, as host for this weekend I get to go first, you have all drawn lots as to your order and everyone will get a go I am sure. Now if you will kindly hand the memory stick to my daughter” it made sense that the maid was Julia’s daughter, she approached and took the memory stick out of Mary’s hands and walked over to a small computer in the corner of the room. She placed it into the drive and then projected around the room was a video of a dog asleep in the corner of a room. It took a while but Mary recognised it. It was the room she had stayed in last night with Apollo. They had recorded the whole thing and now they were going to play it while she was gang fucked by a load of dogs, men and women. She almost came on the spot.

Julia clapped her hands and Mary heard movement behind her. The maid moved alongside Mary and placed black leather cuffs around each wrist before bending down and doing the same to both ankles. She then stood up and stepped to one side. The Butler then came into view carrying what looked like a large wooden box which was heavily cushioned on the top. He placed it a couple of feet in front of Mary and then beckoned her forwards. Mary cottoned on that she was going to be bent over this box and the cuffs on her wrists and ankles used to secure her to it. She obligingly walked forward, her head held high.

She was a dog slut and she was proud of that fact and she didn’t care who saw it now. She bent across the box, the soft cushioning under her belly was warm. Once her hands and ankles were clipped in place, the maid and butler move to either side of Julia who had now risen to her feet. The removed her long flowing floral patterned dress revealing a leather bodice beneath. Its quarter cups pushed her ample breast up and in together, and like her daughter, she had both nipples pierced, one with a bar and one with a hoop. Her legs were clad in black stockings that stopped halfway up her slender thighs, and her shaven pussy was on full view as she was not wearing any knickers. Shadow now sat upright beside her, his tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as he panted in anticipation. He obviously had been to a few of these parties so knew what was coming for him. Mary was so transfixed on Julia she hadn’t seen Jack come and stand beside her. “We will be watching you slut, every moment, we will be watching!” He whispered in her ear, half threateningly, half teasing. The she heard Apollo bark before he licked her face. She smiled back at her canine lover who barked again, before following Jack back to their seat.

“We shall begin!!!” Julia announced proudly. Julia walked forwards stopping a yard or so away from Marys face, close enough so Mary could see the juices already glistening on Julia’s labia. She could hear Shadow panting from behind her and she knew it would only be a matter of time before she was mounted by a canine and that it would be the first of many times that would happy to her that day. She purred to herself how lucky she was to be here in this position. Her self-congratulations were bought to an abrupt halt as first she felt Julia’s hand lift her head so that her pussy was now over her mouth. Before she could even open her mouth she felt the great weight of Shadow land on her back. It was at this instant Mary was glad for the support beneath her as she knew she would not have been able to support this large dog’s weight on her own. Mary started to lick at the jewelled clit presented to her face, as Shadow prodded and poked around behind her, covering her legs and ass with his pre-cum as he searched out her cunt. After a few stabs he was in.

He felt wider than Apollo but not as long but when he pushed inside Mary his additional weight meant he pushed almost as deep as her lover did. Shadow was obviously an experienced fucker of human bitches, as unlike Rebel and Bruno, he took his time, he was methodical, making sure that every stroke hit home with maximum power, causing Mary to flinch in pleasure each time he thrust home. Marys face was now dripping with the cum from Julia’s pussy as she worked her tongue between the pierced lips, slurping at the juices that were flowing from behind them. Julia’s hand was now gripping Mary’s hair pulling her deeper into her cunt as her dog buried his cock into the slut at the other end. Mary was in heaven, as wave after wave of orgasm hit her. Shadows knot was now trying to push its way into Mary, who relaxed as best she could. To her relief it was not as large as she had expected and although it was not easy to get inside her she managed it without too much pain. She groaned loudly as she wrapped her muscled around behind it. This was enough for Julia as she exploded in a rampaging orgasm, squirting cum everywhere as her body convulsed on Mary’s face. As the last few drops of cum squirted from Julia’s cunt, it was Shadows turn. Mary felt him tense up and then that unmistakeable feeling of hot dog cum hitting her insides was inside her again. This bought her body to a shaking quivering orgasm which was greeted by loud cheers and applause from the on lookers. Mary smiled to herself, bring them on she thought to herself, bring them ALL on!!


Part Thirteen

Mary was still quivering from her orgasm as he thought about how she was going to be used over and over again that day when she sensed someone moving closer to her. She opened her eyes in time to see a small fat man waving his stumpy cock in her face. He was already full hard but could have been no more than about 4 inches in length. Mary being the obliging slut she was though duly opened her mouth to let him slip inside. Mary could relax as she was used to having her throat fucked by her Master, but this man barely made it to the end of her tongue so instead she worked her lips and the tip of her tongue around his head and shaft. She was just getting into a nice rhythm when she felt the hot breath of a dog behind her, and without hesitation she felt the long skinny fore legs of the beast wrap around her waist. Again she could feel the back of her legs being coated in juices but like Shadow before him, this dog didn’t take long to penetrate Mary’s wet lips.

What entered Mary in her cunt was similar to what she was currently sucking on, prompting Mary to think that dogs don’t just ‘look’ like their owners they are ‘hung’ like them too. But what both of the males lacked in size the more than made up for in volume of cum. It hadn’t been long since she had been mounted before she could feel the knot slipping in and out of her as she got fucked, then as if they were paired and the groins, both master and dog unloaded inside the slut. Wave after wave of cum flowed into Mary from both ends, she thought they would never stop. She tried to swallow as much as she could but even opening her throat wasn’t enough to take the amount coming out and she let some slip from the corners of her mouth. Meanwhile at the other end she could feel it rushing out of her cunt almost as quickly as it was being pumped into her. The sensation was making Mary cum again and she moaned as the flow of cum finally slowed. They both moved off, the dog having no trouble slipping his knot from Marys well used cunt and they were quickly replaced in both ends with fresh cocks. This time the cocks were much bigger making Mary stretch both her mouth and cunt to accommodate them but what was noticeable this time was that they both wanted to just fuck her.

Mary looked up to see Billy, Julia’s son once more pounding into her mouth. He was not holding back and was violently fucking as hard and as deep as he could, trying to force a reaction out of the slut. Mary was not going to give him that satisfaction so she tilted her head back slightly looked him straight in the eye and forced a smile as she thrust her head forward against his cock, proving that no matter what he did, she could take it and more. His dog was as brutal as Billy as he hammered into this bitch with all his force. She felt him try to bite the back of her neck as he pounded into her but he wasn’t able to get a hold so ended up just dragging her teeth across her skin. His paws were also scratching at her flanks as he tried to get a hold of her to pound her harder. Mary could feel that the skin was broken and that she was no doubt bleeding from the scratches but again was determined not to let it show on her face or in her moans, that even though she was being fucked roughly like a piece of meat, still flowed from her guts as the orgasm once again started to build inside her. She started to moan, and in an attempt to wind up Billy started to beg to be fucked harder, between him pulling his cock out of her mouth and fucking it back in as hard as he could.

She could feel the back of her throat starting to get bruised, but she was not going to let this kid beat her. She was a true slut and she would take anything she was given she told herself. “Is that all you got!! She taunted him just before he slammed back the hardest yet, holding his cock in her throat. It must’ve turned him on all her taunts as he started to unload the instant he hit the back of her head. Mary could feel she was starting to choke on his cum but held herself in place, just managing to swallow enough at a time to keep from gagging. When he finished cumming he pulled out. Mary looked up at him smiling, she did not say a word but he knew that he had not broken her. He had a sulky look on his face and he stormed off around her and felt him pull his dog off her. The dog whelped and barked as he had been denied his finale but he was quickly told to shut up, and Mary heard Billy walking off out of the room, muttering that she was a stupid whore and he didn’t like her anyway. The door slammed behind him and again the room was filled with applause and laughter. Mary looked up at Julia who smiled back at her, nodding her approval at her treatment of Julia’s spoilt brat of a son.

There was no time to revel in her glory as she was mounted again from behind. And a soft velvety pussy was placed in front of her mouth. The soft lips were a stark contrast to the hard hot cock that was ramming into her from behind. Mary started to drift off into an ecstasy fuelled dream state as she licked or sucked whatever was presented to her face and be fucked by whatever mounted her back. Some dog cocks were bigger than others but everyone (apart from Billy’s dog) filled her womb with hot cum, as their owners filled her belly or in the ladies cases covered her face with human cum. She was racked with orgasm after orgasm, she was in heaven as she was used over and over again. She was bought back to earth by a soft voice in her ear, “And now what you have been waiting for slut!” It was Jack’s voice she heard. She lifted her voice and looked into his eyes. She smiled up at him “Thank you for everything Sir!” she said up to him. He leant forward and kissed her before he stood up and unzipped his trousers. As she felt her Masters cock split her lips she felt the soft velvety fur of Apollo on her back. She came harder than she had come so far knowing that she was about to be fucked by her Master and her canine lover and not to be disappointed Apollo was inside her and Jack was at the back of her throat. Mary swooned and fainted for a second or two, but woke to find that neither of her lovers had missed a beat. She continued to bliss out as she was once more filled with hot salty cum in her belly and hotter cum in her pussy. She howled with Apollo as one last orgasm ripped through her and everything went black.

Mary awoke to find herself laying on the soft eider quilt of the bedroom she was taken to when she arrived at the house. She could feel someone else was in the bed with her and turned her head to see looking across at her was Julia’s daughter. Still dressed in her maid uniform, she smiled across sweetly at Mary “You were amazing in there” she said “You had passed out but the round of applause you got at the end was bigger than I have ever heard at one of these gatherings” she paused “much more so than I got” she winked as she said these last few words. It really shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Mary that Julia’s daughter had been subjected to a similar ordeal as she had just encountered. “I’m Samantha, by the way, but call me Sam, everyone else does” Mary smiled, “Hi Sam” she said and before the words had left her lips, Sam was kissing her. Sam’s lips were soft and moist and her tongue delicate as it wound its way around Mary’s.

Mary relaxed into the kiss and moaned softly as Sam’s hands cupped her face. Mary had experimented as a younger woman with sex with females a number of times, but each time it had been as part of a threesome or foursome, so this was the first time she had been with a woman on her own. Mary stretched out on arm and wrapped it around Sam’s head, pulling her in closer, kissing her deeper. They both moaned as they moved their bodies closer to each other. Sam hooked a leg around Mary as their embrace tightened. Mary could feel Sam’s nipples poking into the soft flesh of her breasts and she knew that hers would be doing the same to Sam. She wriggled free her other arm from underneath herself and pulling back only slightly lifted her hand to cup one of Sam’s tits. She gently caressed the soft flesh moving her fingers towards the hard bud in the centre. As her fingers brushed over the top of it Sam moaned into Mary’s mouth, and she moaned even harder when Mary squeezed it gently between thumb and fore finger. As she continued to fondle Sam’s tits, Mary could feel a hand snaking its way along her back towards her thighs. She gently raised one leg, allowing the hand to slip round and between her legs, the finger tips brushing across the already wet lips of her pussy.

It was Mary’s turn now to moan into Sam’s mouth as her pussy lips were spread apart by Sam’s fingers, allowing a trickle of love juices to run from inside Mary and coat the fingers now entering her. It was Sam who broke the kiss, moving her head down to Mary’s tits, kissing and suckling on her hard nipples as her fingers continued to explore the insides of Mary’s cunt. Sam continued her journey down Mary’s body, kissing as she went and snaking her tongue across the soft skin, until her mouth hovered over Mary’s inner thighs. “Please” was all that Mary could muster as she panted in expectation. Sam looked up as she heard Mary speak, smiled and then lowered her head taking Mary’s clit into her mouth and softly sucking it into her mouth. Mary came at this feeling and again as Sam continued to lick at the pussy lips and clit of her now friend. Sam continued to work her tongue around and inside Mary’s pussy, causing orgasm after orgasm to pulse through Mary, growing in intensity as she was pleased by this young girl between her legs. Sam lifted her head and slipped off the bed as a small clock in the corner struck 5 little chimes. Mary had had no concept of time for most of the day but ow she knew she had been in that house for a long time and must have been unconscious for a good few hours or so. Mary begged Sam not to stop, not to go, but Sam replied that dinner was in an hour and she had other duties to perform before that. She leant forward and left Mary with another deep kiss, turned and left the room.

Mary looked around the room and wondered what to do when in through the door came the Butler. “Dinner will be served at 6 slut” he stated as he looked at Mary’s quivering body as she rested back on the bed. “You will bathe and be dressed in the outfit hanging in the wardrobe at 5.55pm when I will escort you to the dining room”. He didn’t wait for Mary to acknowledge him as her turned and left the room, turning the key and locking it as he left. Mary heard his footsteps disappear down the hall and she decided she had better get ready. She didn’t want to disappoint her Master whom she assumed was still in the house. After a short soak in a hot bath, Mary opened the cupboard to get out her outfit.

If you could call it an outfit. Hanging on a single hanger was an arrangement of black leather straps joined by small gold coloured rings. Mary lifted it off the hanger and tried to work out how it went on her body. After a couple if tries she found it had two straps that encircled her thighs, which were linked by a number of straps to two triangles of leather that surrounded her tits, bringing then in together slightly. She looked at the clock, she had a few minutes until she would be collected, so she bent over a little, adjusting the butt plug in her ass that had been inserted before her exhibition, and gave her clit a quick rub to make sure that her juices were flowing, not that she really needed to worry about such things after today’s events. She straighten up just as she heard the key turn in the door and in came the butler holding in his hands a short black leather leash, which he clipped onto Mary’s collar. The instant it was clipped on Mary sank to her hands and knees and crawled behind the butler as he left the room and walked down the hall. Mary remembered heading this way earlier but instead of passing the large oak staircase to the back stairs, the butler turned and led her slowly down the main steps. She could hear soft music coming from behind a closed door and voices engaged in idle chatter. The butler opened the door and allowed Mary to crawl into the room as he waited at the door.

Everyone in the room stopped their chatter as they realised she had entered the room and a polite round of applause rippled around the room. “Ah” Julia began from the far corner of the room “I see our guest of honour has arrived, stand little slut, stand!” Mary did as she was told and stood up in front of the room full of people, the same people that had encircled her earlier on that day. Mary glanced around the room looking for her Master, but as she scanned the room the first face she recognised was Billy’s. He stood against the large fireplace, arms folded and a scowl on his face. Mary smirked internally at this sight and quickly moved on finally finding her Master sat in a large leather chair with a glass of whiskey in his hand. Their eyes met and Mary walked forwards and knelt at Jacks feet lowering her head in submission to his authority over her. Jack stood and addressing the gathered group began to speak “Thank you all so very much for allowing me to bring my little fuck toy here to take part in your exquisite hospitality” Mary silently agreed with his words. “Now we shall have a meal this evening get a good night’s sleep and then I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow where we will bring our extra special convention to an unconventional end” He laughed at his little play on words and the rest of the company joined in. Mary’s mind raced, there was more to come tomorrow she thought but she had no idea what it might be. A bell tinkled in the corner of the room and Sam’s soft voice announced that dinner was ready to be served.


Part Fourteen

The guests took their seats around the large wooden dining table. Mary remained kneeling by the leather chair in the corner of the room until Jack picked up her lead and led her to a space that had been left between his seat and Julia’s. She sat back on her haunches as the guests around the table started to sip at the wine that Sam was now serving as the large dark skinned butler placed small plates of pate before them all. Mary’s belly rumbled loudly as the aroma of the food hit her. She had not eaten since her breakfast of dog food early that morning and in all the excitement of the day her hunger had gone unnoticed until now. Jack looked down at Mary, “Hungry are you slut, don’t worry yours is coming!” He smiled and proceeded to engage in conversation with a middle aged woman who was sat to his left. Sam place on the floor to the side of Mary a small bowl of dried dog biscuits that were covered in a cold gravy that had set to an almost jelly like consistency. Sam let a slight smile cross her face towards Mary before quickly standing up and leaving the room. “Tuck in slut!” Jack said without turning his head from the conversation he was engaged in.

Mary lowered her head and licked tentatively at the jelly like gravy, which actually tasted really nice. She tried to scoop up some biscuit and gravy into her mouth only managing to get a single hard biscuit at a time. Mary continued to struggle with her dinner as the plates of pate were cleared and once glasses had been topped up again, the main course which appeared to Mary to be chicken in a creamy sauce with green vegetables were offered to the guests. The conversation continued around the table, Mary would occasionally pick up references to sex of both the human and animal kind but never enough to work out what was being said in total. She lifted her head after managing to push a couple of biscuits around her bowl a few times before scooping them into her mouth. She looked to her left where her Master sat and almost spat her food out of her mouth. Jack was sat calmly finishing his main course whilst the lady who had been sat to his left was no under the table sucking his cock down into her mouth. Mary could see that this lady couldn’t take all of his length like she could but looking up again could see that Jack was enjoying it all the same. A pang of jealousy momentarily passed through Mary’s brain, but she blocked it knowing she had no right to be jealous. She belonged to Jack, not the other way round, so he was free to do what he wanted with whomever he wanted.

She carried on watching as this woman continued to blow her Master, until the tell-tale jerking of his hips and the gulping noise she now made Mary aware that her Master was now coming down her throat. Mary lowered her head as the woman crawled back out from under the table and continued to eat her food. Jack patted her on the head softly but when Mary looked up to him, he was not looking at her but was still looking to his left. Mary sat sadly eating her food and when she had licked the bowl clean she sat back up on her haunches, proudly showing her Master how obedient she was to his wish that she eat like a dog. It was Julia who noticed first and reaching from her plate dropped a piece of succulent chicken breast into her bowl “God girl” She said as she pinched one of Mary’s nipples as her hand went back to the table. Mary’s head shot down and devoured the piece of chicken as if she had never eaten real food before, and then back up. She was starting to behave more like a dog as every hour passed but she smiled at that thought. A muffled scream of a female orgasm drifted from the far end of table. Mary couldn’t see who it was but a few chuckles and well done’s punctuated the air as she slowly subsided from her cries.

Once more Sam and the butler came and cleared the empty plates and as they left, Julia stood announcing that they would take coffee in the lounge. The guests slowly stood and headed out through the door, Mary waited until Jack stood taking her lead in his hand she crawled alongside him, head held as high and proud as she could muster. Jack looked down and seeing the pride his slut exuded as a dog-slut he smiled patted her and called her a good dog-slut. Mary glowed inwardly as they crossed the threshold of another room and she was back in the large room where she had been fucked earlier. She looked around and instead of a circle of chairs, large sofas and soft arm chairs had been put in their place. Soft fluffy rugs were dotted around the large room which was lit by candles on the tables and a single chandelier that hung in the centre of the room. Julia had already sat in a large armchair by the fire place her son sitting on the arm of it one arm draped across the back of the chair, his other hand was down the front of his mother’s dress, clearly massaging her tit. Julia sipped on a small cup of coffee almost oblivious to her son’s hand. Sam was walking around pouring coffee to the guests as they sat around the room. The butler stood by the door and closed it once Jack and Mary, who were the last to enter the room came through. Jack walked over to a large sofa on which the small fat man was sat at one end, and Jack sat at the other, ushering Mary to sit at his feet. Sam poured Jack a coffee, and returned the silver pot to a table at the side of the room, she then moved to her mother, kneeling before her lifted her skirt and put her head up between her legs.

Julia’s face stayed stony but her breathing laboured slightly as her daughter began to lick her pussy. One of the ladies across the room who was wearing a tight little black cocktail dress broke the silence “Jack, your slut has an incredible tongue and I very much enjoyed it earlier, would you permit me to have it lick my cunt again?” she asked as if she were asking to borrow some sugar. Marys heart fluttered a little, as Jack reached down and unclipped her lead, “off you go slut, make me proud!” he said. Mary crawled across the room and by the time she reached the woman in the black dress she had spread her legs and shifted forward in her chair so her ass hung just off the edge of the cushion allowing Mary full access to her cunt. Mary drove her head straight in where it was instantly held by the woman’s hands. As Mary began to lick, she could tell that she was not only getting female cum but there was another unmistakable taste mixed in with the sweet female juice. “Yes slut, my Duke fucked me just before dinner and I have saved his cum for you, drink up slut!” Mary doubled the speed of her licking knowing she was getting more dog cum in her belly. She hadn’t thought about the dogs for a while until now, but she hadn’t seen a single dog all evening. The woman under her tongue started to pant so Mary slid a finger into her own pussy coating it with her juice then slid it into the arse that sat just below her face. The woman screamed as her orgasm ripped through. Mary lapped as the juices flooded from the cunt on her lips. Mary sat back up and crawled back to her Masters side as the woman sat herself back up in the chair, as if nothing had happened.

By the time Mary was back at Jacks side, Sam was returning out from underneath her Mothers skirts, cum dripping from her face. She stood and walked straight over to Mary where she knelt and offered her face to Mary to lick clean. The taste of Julia’s juices mixed with the previous cum that Mary could still taste as she cleaned off this gorgeous young woman. “Can your slut help me with Uncle James please Sir?” Sam enquired of Jack. Who was Uncle James, and why would Sam need help with him Mary quizzed of her own mind. “Of course!” came back the swift reply. Mary looked around to see who moved revealing themselves as Uncle James but none of the guests moved. Sam stood and removed her clothes and went and lay on her back in the centre of the room, she patted her bejewelled clit and Mary knew it to be an invite meant for her. She crawled over and began to lick at Sam’s sweet pussy. The cold jewel was a new sensation as Mary’s tongue flickered around, spasms emitting from Sam’s body each time they came into contact with each other. Mary was so engrossed with bringing pleasure to this nubile body that she had not noticed another person moving across the room. It wasn’t until she felt a fist grab a handful of her hair, pulling her head up away from Sam’s pussy until she was face to face with an enormous black monster of a cock. Mary’s eyes almost popped out of her head as her eyes lifted from this huge member up to the face of the butler.

So this was Uncle James, and Mary instantly knew why Sam would want help, there was no way this little woman would be able to take such a beast of a cock. James started to move his cock forward and Mary stretched her mouth as wide as she possibly could. Even with her mouth at full stretch, James’ cock rubbed against Mary’s teeth as the head filled her mouth without any room for the shaft. Mary wrapped both hands around the shaft and rubbed it as best she could whilst trying to roll her tongue around inside her mouth but there was very little room for it to move more than just a few millimetres. Sam was soon moving underneath her and her head was soon just underneath Marys, her tongue darting out licking the large balls that swung heavily between his legs. She sucked them into her mouth one at a time. Mary could feel the shaft twitch and throb as she held it tight in her lips.

James released his grip of Mary’s hair and pulled his cock out of her mouth. He stood back and without a struggle lifted Sam off the floor and held her facing him, inches above his swollen cock. Mary leant in and with her fingers started to spread Sam’s lips apart, making way for this huge monster to penetrate her. In one last effort, Mary placed her mouth back over James’ cock, slobbering it as best she could. James lowered his prize down onto his hard shaft, Sam squealed as this huge cock slipped inside her. Sam was no virgin, in fact she had been fucked many, many times by man, woman and dog, but her Uncles cock was the largest she had ever tried to accommodate inside her tight small body. Mary could feel Sam try and relax as the large head entered her body, Mary thought James was going to split his niece in two as he lowered her further onto his hard cock. He was almost halfway embedded in his young conquest when Sam called for him to stop “I can’t take anymore, please just fuck me like that!” She said her voice a mix of pleasure and pain. James laughed “You will take it all dear!” he said and continued to lower her down onto his cock.

Sam was now convulsing in his arms as he continued to feed more of his cock inside her “Please no more, I can’t handle any more!” she cried and then passed out in her Uncles arms. There were loud groans of disappointment around the room as James lifted her off him and lay her back down on the carpet at his feet. James’ face had a look of major disappointment. He had obviously been looking forward to this and now it had been robbed from his grasp. He was jolted back in to the room when he felt his cock once again entering a soft hole. He looked down and there was Mary swallowing as much of his cock as she could again, staring straight up at him. Once she was sure she had his gaze, she lifted her head, and turned around on all fours and shook her ass in his direction.

He was on his knees and behind her in a flash to a chorus of approval from all in the room. James lined himself up with Mary’s wet cunt and Mary braced herself for the fucking of her life. James had been gentle with his niece and Mary expected similar treatment from him so she screamed louder than she had screamed before as James with one powerful thrust drove what felt like a bus through her lips and deep into her pussy, “Give her the rest Uncle!” shouted Billy, finally getting so see this slut get what he thought she deserved “Shut up boy or you will get it instead!” James rebuked and Billy instantly sank back on to the arm of the chair by his mother. James pulled back and Mary braced herself for another onslaught of this massive cock, she took a deep breath just as James began his forward motion. She screamed again as this time he was even further inside her. She felt her belly being pushed, he was so huge.

Cheers ran out around the room which Mary assumed meant he was in her balls deep. Mary was in too much pain to appreciate they were for her but the noise continued to fill her ears as she felt him pull back for another assault on her womb. As he continued to fuck her Mary started to get used to his length and girth and started to enjoy being pounded by the brute, as her screams were replaced with moans which only encouraged James to fuck her harder. His thrusts became shorter and jerky and his hands gripped her hips even tighter than he had been. Mary braced herself for what was coming and she wasn’t disappointed as with one last powerful heave burying himself as deep as he could inside her, James let fly a wad of cum worthy of his size, quickly followed by another. Before the third one had hit her he had pulled out and spun Mary around by her hair and her face squared up to his cock in time for the third almighty load to splatter across her face. Mary opened her mouth catching and swallowing the fourth and fifth loads, before James shoved his cock in her mouth as the last drops squeezed from his balls onto her tongue.

Mary fell onto her back exhausted and sore as James was instantly surrounded by the other women in the room who were pushing and shoving as they tried to get a lick of this great monster. All except Julia, who remained seated and Sam who had now propped herself up on her arms to watch the show she should have been staring in. Jack walked over and lifting Mary placed her on the sofa and told her to rest a while. Mary closed her eyes and did as she was told.


Part Fifteen

Mary woke once again in the soft folds of the luxurious bed upstairs at the back of the house. She had slept all night as she could see chinks of light coming in through the heavy curtains. She rolled over and stretched, her pussy ached like it had never ached before and she recalled the night before. He must have been at least 11 inches long she said out loud to herself. “He’s more like 12” Sam’s voice responded from the bath room. Mary rolled over to look in that direction to see Sam walking back into the bedroom. “My god what happened to you Mary cried out as she stepped into the light illuminating red welts across Sam’s previously immaculate torso and breasts. “Mummy wasn’t very pleased that I fainted, so she and Billy whipped me in front of everyone” She said, a slight tear coming to her eye. “It’s ok, I like to be beaten and I deserved it. Give it a day or so and they will fade” She said defiantly. “Anyway, enough about me, today is your special day!” She said a massive smile spreading across her face as she skipped across the floor, jumped onto the bed, and kissed Mary full on the lips. ”What are you on about?” Mary quizzed but Sam said she could say nothing and motioned zipping her mouth closed with one hand. Mary was about to press further when the door opened and James entered, now back in his uniform, “Morning sluts!” He said grabbing Mary by the tit as he put a tray down on the bed in front of them.

He squeezed it harder “No one has ever taken me like that you know, if you ever get bored you know where to find me!” He said with a smile as he turned and left. Mary was shocked, “Not sure I could take him every night” she said with a laugh to Sam. Mary now looked down at the tray, on it were two glasses of orange juice, some fresh croissants, fruit and yogurts along with an envelope with Mary’s name on it. Mary slipped it open and took out the card inside “Enjoy your breakfast bitch, I will see you in the garden at 10am sharp.” It was signed off with a paw print. Mary swooned, her canine lover was sending her notes and she couldn’t wait to see him as she hadn’t seen him since the breeding party the previous day. Sam and Mary ate quickly it being the first real food Mary had eaten in a while and she was famished. Sam pushed her croissant towards her chum, who quickly picked it up and ate it without hardly taking a breath, making Sam giggle. Mary glanced at the clock as Mary stood saying she was going to run Mary a bath, 8.45. She had a little over an hour until she would see her gorgeous canine lover again. Sam called her through and washed Mary down paying close attention to her cunt, brining Mary to an orgasm as she cleaned deep inside her. Mary looked at Sam, she hadn’t really appreciated how beautiful this woman was, and although she was about 15 years her junior, Mary started to look at her as another lover. After Sam had towelled down Mary she left the room saying she had things to do but someone would be up in a minute to help her get ready.

Mary waited patiently for a while crossing over to the window and pulling back the curtains to look out across the gardens that spread out under her window. She was lost in the view and didn’t hear the footsteps heading up the corridor outside her room. She turned as the door opened a little surprised, as her Master Jack stood in the doorway. “Good morning slut!” he said with a smile on his face as he stepped forward took her head in one hand and kissed her hard, her mouth opening allowing his tongue to penetrate her mouth. As quick as he started he pulled back, “Turn around and bend over!” Jack state and Mary obliged. She could feel his fingers fumbling around the base of the butt plug that had been in her since the day before. He pulled on it stretching her ass wide as it came out. Her ass stayed open for a few seconds which seemed to please her Master as he patted her on the ass. “Are you clean and shaven?” he asked, “Yes Sir, Sam has taken great care of me this morning!” Mary replied. Jack smoothed his hand across her pussy to check, before sliding 3 fingers inside her scraping out any juices he could find. He lifted them to his nose, and smelling just Mary’s cum he nodded his satisfaction as her offered his fingers up to Mary who quickly cleaned them off.

Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that it was now almost 9.40 and her heart raced as she neared the time she would see Apollo again. Jack slid his zip down and without a word Mary was on her knees sucking at his cock as best she could. Her mind raced, and she was no longer sucking her Masters cock, but Apollo’s and her head moved in a blur up and down the shaft, taking it all the way to the back of her throat before letting it slide fully from her lips before racing back down its hard length. She cupped his balls in one hand and let the other slip further back, spreading his ass and letting a finger slid down over his sphincter. Jack tensed as her finger ran across his puckered hole which encouraged Mary to run in back across. Once again Jack tensed up and this time moaned, so getting a bit braver, Mary pushed her finger against his hole as it slipped in just passed her finger nail. Jack tensed up again this time when he relaxed he shot his load down Mary’s throat. She swallowed every last drop again and sat back looking up at her Master. “Nicely done!” He said winking at her, now you had better get dressed, people will be expecting you soon he said looking at his watch. Mary glanced over her should at the clock 9.50 it read. She hoped that she wouldn’t have many clothes to put on as it would take her a good 5 minutes to crawl down the stairs again. Jack fished out some lingerie from the bag he had carried into the room with him and held it out to Mary. It was beautiful and Mary blushed as she said as much to Jack. He smiled, “Come on, let’s get you into it he said as he held it down for her to step into. The white bodice gripped her waist pulling it in slightly making her look 5 years younger.

She fed her arms through the straps and he large breasts settled into the quarter cups perfectly her nipple sticking out over the top of the lace frilled edging. Next out of the bag were a pair of white stockings which she slid up her legs and attached to the garters that hung from the bodice. She wasn’t surprised not to be offered any knickers and the final step were a pair of white 5inch stiletto shoes. Mary caught a glimpse of herself in a mirror at the far end of the bathroom and she thought she looked like a bride getting ready, all she needed was the big white dress. She laughed at the ridiculousness of the thought as Jack clipped her lead to her collar. Mary started to drop to her knees, but Jack held her up, “You may walk for this bit slut!” he said as she trotted after him wobbling for the first few paces due to the heels, but then managed to keep up as he strode down the hall way. They walked down the grand stairs and there waiting for them at the bottom was Sam. She was dressed almost identically to Mary but in pink, and was holding what looked like a veil and a bunch of white lilies. Mary looked at her quizzically then at her Master, as Sam handed the veil to him. “Can’t go getting married without a veil, flowers and a bridesmaid, now can we slut!”

Mary went white and shook. What did he mean get married? She didn’t want to get married to anyone, except maybe her Master but he was already married. She stammered, trying to get the words out of her mouth, but Sam leant in and kissed her, “do not worry, everything will be just great!” she said with a beaming smile. Mary took the flowers, and the veil was lowered across her face. Uncle James came from the lounge behind them wearing an elegant morning suit, “I will leave her in your capable hands then James” Jack said to him, he leant in kissed Mary through the veil and ran off to quickly get changed into his own Morning suit. “Any last minute nerves” James said roaring out with laughter, as Mary stood there shaking, her face almost as white as her outfit. There was a beep and James removed his mobile from his pocket, “Time to go” he said putting his phone on silent and back in his pocket “Don’t want that going off now do we” he said again roaring with laughter. He stepped to Mary’s right hand side and offered her his elbow. Mary placed her hand on it as Sam took up her station behind them. The doors flew open and there on the drive way were about 50 people all turning and staring at her in their finest wedding outfits. At the far end there was a small white gazebo, frilled with pink and white flowers under the middle of which stood a small man in a Vicars outfit. “This is really happening?” Mary whispered, Sam placed a hand on her bum cheek, “It’s OK, don’t worry” as a small string quartet started up ‘Here Comes the Bride’


Part Sixteen

James took a long stride down the aisle ahead of them as Mary took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She tried her hardest to keep up and James shortened his stride to allow her to. She kept her eyes tight shut, thinking that if she couldn’t see it, it couldn’t be happening, but the wedding march music in her ears and the sound of cameras flashing as she walked along made her realise that it really was. Her body was in knots and she thought she was going to be sick when finally they stopped and James removed his arm and stepped back. She knew now she was stood all by herself at the altar, her future husband no more than a couple of paces away. She would run. She would kick off her heels and run away, she thought but she would never get passed all those people and her Master had obviously arranged this and she did trust him, he had been true to his word, so she would do this for him. The vicar cleared his throat quietly, and then again. He was waiting for Mary to open her eyes before he began.

She took a deep breath and steeled herself. How bad could it be she thought, he would never let her marry someone like Billy, again she panicked. No of course he wouldn’t, the Vicar coughed a third time. Right she thought to herself, this is it and slowly she started to open her eyes. The sunlight was bright and was shining directly in her face so to start with all she could make out was a silhouette. Gradually her eyes adjusted and there stood Jack. How can this be she thought he was married, he couldn’t marry her. But James wasn’t looking at Mary he was looking down, slowly she followed his gaze and there by his side in a grey morning suit of his own was Apollo. Mary didn’t get it for a second, then it dawned on her, James was marrying her off to his dog. She would be his bitch for life! Her heart skipped so hard she felt her chest swell and her face beamed with the broadest smile she had ever smiled. She was so happy she almost danced on the spot and was about to bend down and hug her future husband when the vicar coughed again. Mary turned to look at him, he was the small man from the day before that had used her she smiled towards him, he winked back at her ” Shall we begin?” Apollo barked instantly and Mary only a split second later cried out, “Yes, yes please begin” both of which were met by great applause by the assembled crowd.

The Vicar started the ceremony in the usual manner but Mary didn’t really hear much after “Dearly beloved” Her eyes were fixed on Apollo who was staring straight back up at her. When it came to the exchange of rings Mary was aware that someone had come up and was standing behind her, and Jack hand knelt down next to Apollo. A large red cushion was bought to the altar on which were two sparkling new collars. A large black leather one, with lavish gold embroidery along its length and a gold tag hanging on which Mary could clearly see the name “Apollo”. The other was smaller, a thinner black band with matching embroidery and on that tag was a single word “Bitch”. Mary loved them, she longed to be Apollos bitch. She felt her own collar being removed as Jack removed Apollos. The Vicar then read through the vows with Apollo barking enthusiastically where the Groom would normally say “I do”. He then turned to Mary and went through the vows one by one. At first Mary was going to say “I do” but instead just like her lover had she barked her commitment to him. This bought cheers and a chorus of ahhs from the crowd. Then the Vicar placed the collars around Apollos neck and then Mary’s’ a padlock being snapped shut on hers after it was fitted. Won’t be needing that Mary thought to herself. The Vicar the stood forward triumphantly declare that they were now legally and morally ‘Dog and Bitch” the crowd burst into rapturous applause, so loud that Mary didn’t hear the Vicar say “you may now kiss the bride” But before she knew it Apollo had his front paws up on Mary’s shoulders and was licking her face with all the heart and passion he could muster. Mary returned the kiss and the cheering got even lounder.

Apollo bounced back down after a while and sat next to his new bride. Seeing this Mary also sat back on her haunches and looked across at her new husband, her heart felt like it would burst with love. The band started playing again and it was time for them to leave the altar. A lead was attached to Mary’s collar and the other end placed into Apollos mouth and so he led his new bitch back down the aisle to yet more applause. Jack and Julia greeted them at the far end and said they had 10miutes before the reception started if they wanted to freshen up or something. Mary nodded, and they were led inside and the dining room door was opened. The table had been pushed to one side of the room and in the centre where it had stood was a soft plush rug. Apollo looked at Mary and barked, she crawled as quickly as she could onto the rug and before she had even stopped her husband was on her back and inside her. They fucked like they had never fucked before, and the howl they let out as they came together would have been heard in the next county. Apollo dismounted and moved round in front of Mary where she dutifully cleaned his cock of their juices before the once more locked tongues in a passionate e kiss. Apollo barked bent down and taking her lead in his mouth moved back to the door.

A quick scratch with his paw and the door was opened for them. There stood Jack. Apollo jumped up at him and started to lick his face, barking enthusiastically as if to say thank you for arranging everything. Mary sat, head bowed and waited for her men to stop. “Thank you Sir. You have made me the happiest slut in the world, I do not know how I can ever repay you for mu immense happiness than with anything else but my complete and utter submission to you Sir. I am yours always. Mary had meant every word of it and she looked up into Jacks eyes as she had finished talking and Jack knew it too. “He will take good care of you slut, of that I am quite sure” Jack responded patting Apollo on the head, who barked in agreement. “Come on, we have guests waiting to celebrate with you” Jack said with a happy tone in his voice and he led the way back outside and round to the side of the house. Apollo and Mary followed behind and were greeted by a large open Marquee with soft music being played by the string quartet. Every one applauded as Apollo and Mary entered the space. In the centre was a large red circular carpet with the seats and tables all spread out around it. On the far side was a 2 small tables with a small gap of a meter or so between them on the floor between them was another piece of red carpet, only this time placed on it were two cushions and two golden dog bowls. Mary giggled at the sight of the ‘Top Table’ it was perfect, everything had been perfect. Mary was lost in the views and the sounds around her and so didn’t see Sam running up to her she bent down and kissed Mary deeply, before stopping and looking at Apollo, “Don’t mind do you boy?” She asked him.

Apollo barked and licked Sam’s face bringing Sam’s tongue from her mouth to link with the Dogs. Mary moved forward and the three of them were locked in a passionate kiss. “Looks like I might still get to fuck you slut!” Sam said with a wink as she rubbed Apollos belly down to his pouch then stood up and went to talk to some people just off to the side of the main carpet. Next to greet them was James who walked up behind Mary and slid 3 of his huge fingers inside her cunt from behind as she knelt on all fours still after kissing Sam. “Such a shame to give away this beautiful cunt to another, but it was my pleasure to do it for you slut!” He said pulling his fingers out and offering them to her to clean. Mary licked her juices from his fingers “Thank you Sir” she replied. James looked like he was about to say something else when there was a clink of metal against glass, there at the top table stood Julia “ladies and Gentlemen, It has been my privilege to host this event for such a beautiful dog and his new bitch, now if you will all take your seats the wedding breakfast is about to be served!” Apollo picked up Mary’s leash again and led her round to the centre of the room behind their golden bowls and sat, Mary did the same. What seemed like an army of waiting staff came from nowhere bringing plates of smoked salmon to the guests and Mary was surprised to see that both she and Apollo got the same. A small crystal bowl was place to one side and champagne poured into them both. Mary was over joyed, it was her perfect wedding to her perfect groom.

The meal was amazing. After the salmon course, they were served fresh raw steak, the guests had theirs cooked to their liking, and then there was a set chocolate mousse that neither Mary nor Apollo were given. Then came the speeches, Julia stood up and spoke as the “Father of the Bride” and spoke delightfully about how Mary was one of the best dog sluts she had ever seen, how she had never seen anyone take James huge cock like that, which bought raucous cheers from the crowd and chants of “JAMES, JAMES, JAMES!!!” until he stood up and took a bow before pulling his trousers down to show off his weapon, which bought more cheering and cat calls. Julia called the crowd back to order and ended her speech with a toast, to the new Mr and Mrs Apollo, “Mr and Mrs Apollo” rang out the echoed cheer, bringing another blush to Mary’s face as she heard it for the first time. Then stood Jack, Apollos Best Man. He spoke of Apollo when he was younger and how he would try and fuck his wife, but she would always push him calling him disgusting. A loud “BOOOOO” echoed around the room. Jack laughed and carried on with tales of how he would hammer at the young bitches at the dog stud, and how he almost seemed to think like a man when fucking them. He then told of the day that Apollo and Mary met. The story was relayed in graphic detail with promises later on of watching the movie that Jack had recorded without Mary knowing. Again Mary blushed, the bastard she thought, I’ll get him for that, smiling to herself. Jack continued on how he had met Julia up on the hills one day whilst Mary was being bred by all 3 of his dogs, at which point Jack apologised for the fact that Rebel & Bruno weren’t there but he could only explain taking Apollo of to stud this weekend as they weren’t pure bred like he was. Someone heckled from the back of the room “She looks pretty well bred herself!” The crowd laughed, “Wait until you see her later! Jack responded bringing an even bigger cheer from the crowd. He concluded his peach and once again the toast was made to Mr & Mrs Apollo. Mary declared to herself she would never tire of hearing that.

The meals were cleared away and the string quartet was replaced by a disco with Jack grabbing the mic “Now it is tradition for the bitch and groom to have the first dance, but Mary is a shocking dancer!” More laughter erupted, “so Apollo has chosen to have a first knot with his new bitch instead, so Ladies and Gentlemen please clear the floor for the First Knot!”


Part Seventeen

The DJ started to play Careless Whisper by George Michael as Mary crawled proudly to the centre of the red carpet, closely followed by Apollo. When she had stopped Apollo was quick to slide his tongue across her wet exposed cunt all the way up to her ass hole. He repeated this action until the fourth time when he pushed his tongue against her puckered little hole slipping his tongue inside her sphincter. Mary moaned out loud as the dog rimmed her ass, pushing her bum back towards him to encourage him to keep going. She could see that the guests were crowded around the carpet and a number of the women had their partner’s cocks out in their hands and were wanking them off to the scene unfolding before them. Mary moaned again as Apollo drove his tongue deeper with each lick, she could feel his drool running down and over her pussy lips. Apollo was now up on his bitch’s back his cock already half way out of his sheath, and squirting pre cum across her ass cheeks. Mary tried to adjust herself so to aid her lover to penetrate her back every time she would move so that her pussy touched her eager lover’s cock her would pull back as if he was teasing her. Mary moaned deeply as her lover penetrated her finally, but to her surprise Apollo had slipped his cock into her ass. She wiggled and tried to pull forward to remove him bit Apollo leaned forward pushing himself into her further and nipped at her ear. Mary knew this was his way of telling her that she was his to use so she resigned herself to be ass fucked by him. Thankfully the slobber from her earlier rimming had lubed her up well, and couple with the stretching her ass had received from wearing the large butt plug the entire day before, meant that Apollo could slide in and out of her quite easily, easily enough that Mary relaxed and began to enjoy it. Apollo now picked up the pace and began to ram himself hard into Mary who moaned as each thrust struck.

She could feel the pre-cum coating her insides making it easier still for her to be fucked in her ass. She managed to open her eyes slightly and could see to her left that Julia was knelt in front of James and was attempting to swallow as much of his huge cock as she could. She looked to her right and saw Sam doing the same to her Master, Jack, with much more success than her mother was having with her uncle. She closed her eyes again as she started to feel Apollo’s knot form and push against her. She tried to relax as best she could even though her body was rippling with orgasms as he pushed harder against her. There was no way she was going to be able to take it she thought to herself. She only just managed to take it in her cunt and her ass was nowhere near as accommodating as her other fuck hole. Regardless of this fact Apollo continued to fuck her harder and harder, stretching Mary a little wider with each thrust then her stopped. Mary thought he had given up on his quest but then with one almighty thrust Apollo pushed back as hard as he possibly could and his knot ripped through Mary’s anal defences and she was tied. Her ears were filled with the sound of her scream of pain but the sound of loud cheers and applause got louder and louder as her scream subsided and turned into a deep guttural moan. “Yes, fuck my ass, make me your total bitch!” she screamed as her conversion was complete. Apollo licked the side of her face and barked excitedly as his knot continued to grow inside his bitch. He filled his bitch with his hot cum as she shook beneath him as massive orgasms surged through her body as each jet hit her bowels until he had emptied his full load inside her. Knowing that he was not going to be able to withdraw Apollo shuffled himself across Mary’s back until he was able to turn, leaving them ass to ass with his know firmly buried inside hers.

Mary slowly calmed down from her pleasure and opened her eyes, all around her people were sucking and fucking in couples and groups. She could see James had two women sliding their mouths along the sides of his cock, Julia was on all fours, her son fucking her hard from behind. She continued to scan the room for Jack, but he was nowhere to be seen. It was at the moment that Sam appeared in front of her, her face covered in streaks of cum. “That was amazing Mary, the way you took his knot in your ass – everyone went wild!” she squealed with excitement. “I have had 3 men blow their loads on my face because of it” she carried on. She was about to say something else when she was turned around as another man unloaded his balls onto her face. When he had finished Sam turned back to face Mary “As I was about to say, I have been designated as the cum face, look” she said as she held up a small sign that hung around her neck ‘Cum slut – Please dump on my face’ Mary looked back up at Sam who smiled proudly. “Jack was the first one” she beamed “well it is customary for the bridesmaid to get off with the best man” she said almost apologetically. Mary reached up with one hand and ran her fingers across Sam’s face covering them with cum which she drew to her own mouth and sucked into it. She then repeated this until she had a fair mouthful, before grabbing Sam around the back of the head and pulled her forward. The two women shared the cum between their mouths as they kissed. Mary could feel the cum on Sam’s face rubbing onto her own flesh when she became of someone stood to the side of them. She broke the kiss and looked up at a stranger who was pointing his hard cock in their direction. The two put their faces together and opened their mouths as he unloaded across them both. Once he had finished they returned to their kiss.

Mary could feel Apollo starting to shrink inside her and he was pulling against her walls when he finally pulled out his cum instantly running down towards her cunt. Sam heard the noise of Apollo freeing himself and instantly shot round to replace his cock with her tongue. She licked and slurped at Mary’s ass causing her to cum again as she opened her mouth and took Apollos cock, who had now taken station above Mary’s head, down into her throat and cleaned all her ass juice and his cum from his still long shaft.


Six months later

Mary woke up, scrubbing her eyes as she recalled the dream she had just had about her wedding night and the orgy of sex that followed her First Knot with her new hubby. She smiled and lent forwards and petted the soft fur of her canine hubby’s belly as he lay in the large dog bed that had been their marital bed almost since that amazing day. Jack had somehow managed to persuade his wife to “Sell” Apollo to Mary and three days after they had married, Apollo moved in with Mary and lived as husband and wife ever since. Mary would cook meals for them both and they would eat them out of the golden dog bowls they had received at the wedding breakfast. Apollo would only need to bark and Mary would be on her hands and knees for him to breed her, as a good bitch should. Jack would still come over two or three times a week and Mary would submit herself to whatever his pleasure was at the time. They would all go to Parties at Julia’s from time to time, the difference being that Mary was sometimes allowed to attend as a guest, not always as the entertainment. There were was another addition to their family – Sam. About a week or so ago, she asked if she could live with them explaining that Billy had turned even nastier after the wedding and that Sam didn’t want to live at home any longer. Apollo seemed very keen, as him jumped up and licked her face as soon as she asked. Mary was also very pleased as it meant she and Sam could continue their affair, only now Apollo would join in taking turns to fuck them both. He made sure to only ever knot his wife, but Sam was very eager to clean up either Mary’s cunt or ass depending on which Apollo had chosen that particular time. Sam had also decided to buy herself a little puppy and thanks to some hormone tablets she had obtained from one of her Mother’s associates she was able to lactate, and Mary looked across the bedroom they all shared to see Sam sat in the soft arm chair with her little puppy gently nursing on her nipple.

Mary smiled to herself as she gazed upon her new, unusual, family. She wouldn’t want it any other way she thought as she rested her head back on her canine husbands flank and drifted off back into a very content sleep.

The End……..

For now!!

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