Women with Animals
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Julia’s Tale


(c) 2018 by Story Teller

This is a spin-off from Mary’s Journey, focusing on Julia and her family. I hope you enjoy!!

Part One

Julia had been a widow now for almost 10years. Her husband who had been a very successful business man amassing a sizeable fortune and portfolio of properties before his untimely death in a traffic accident. Julia had been left with a young family. Julia’s only other support was her half-brother James who was 3 years her junior. James and Julia had the same mother, but different fathers. Julia’s dad had also died when she was young and her mum quickly started a new relationship with a mountain of a Jamaican man, and shortly after they had James. Julia and James got on well and were still in regular contact, but when her husband died James offered to move in temporarily to help out and give her some company. James had split with his wife a couple of years before all this happened and was living in a small bedsit due to the divorce crippling him financially, so it helped James as much as Julia.

The family home was a largish country house set in about 20acres of private land. It had 3 large reception rooms downstairs and also a kitchen and a few small utility rooms on the ground floor. Upstairs were 5 bedrooms, 3 of which had lavish en-suite bathrooms. The décor was lavish throughout the house, with lots of soft carpets covering hard wood floors, soft leather furniture and gold-plated chandeliers in each room. There was a small cottage in the grounds in which the elderly housekeeper and her husband lived. There was also a summer house that was set on the edge of a copse of trees overlooking the valley below. In addition to the main house, they had a small flat in London that her husband used during the week for business, and a small cottage down on the coast that overlooked a small private cove.

Julia spent most of her time at the country house. The kids were at boarding school only coming back at Christmas and for a few weeks in the summer so Julia had lots of spare time to herself. She tried a number of hobbies like painting, attending the local WI, learning Spanish all to no avail. She was at the doctors one summer afternoon when a woman in her 30’s dressed in jodhpurs, black riding boots and a small tight white vest top. She sat down next to Julia and offered a polite smile which Julia returned. They sat in silence for a moment or so until Julia tried to break the silence by asking where she rode out from. The woman replied that she had just started a new stable about 10miles south of the village. She had moved up from the city a few months ago and was starting to build up a reasonable business but it could be better. “Do you ride?” she asked Julia. Julia told her that she had not ridden in quite a while, not since her husband had passed away. At this, the GP came out and called Julia through. On her way out the woman had gone, obviously either having been seen or seeing the other GP in the practice. Julia headed to the reception to make a follow-up appointment, the lady behind the counter passed her a business card that she said had been left for her by another patient. “White Farm Stables,” it said on the front in bold type over a picture of an impressive buckskin stallion that was in full gallop across a lush green pasture. Julia turned it over and hand written on the back was “come along, first ride on me!” it said with a little hand-drawn happy face enclosed in a heart and signed off “Trish” followed by a couple of kisses. Rather informal Julia thought, but she smiled to herself and thought that she would pop down there I a day so and see what it was like.

A few days passed and Julia had almost forgotten about the stables until she was rooting through her purse at the supermarket checkout and she came across the card again. She resolved she would drive out there that afternoon and so once she had been back to the house, she changed into something a little more suited to horse riding and got back into her 4×4 and started on the drive to the stables. Mary lived about 5 miles north of the village so it only took about 20minutes until she was turning off the lane and up a gravel drive to a small redbrick house that was set a few hundred yards off the main road. She could see beyond the house into the paddocks where there were 4 large horses grazing in the late spring time sunshine. Julia instantly spotted the creamy golden stallion from the front of the business card, he was even more impressive in real life than in his photo she thought. Mary parked up in the area signed as visitor parking and headed along the path round the house to the Stable’s Reception building. She paused for a moment at the door, before opening it and striding confidently into the small room. The walls either side of her as she walked in, were almost completely covered pictures of various horses being ridden at competitions and rosettes, nearly all of them stating ‘First Place’ or Champion’ on them. Directly before her was a mahogany topped counter on which were a number of pamphlets and leaflets advertising various Tack and other equestrian related companies. There was a large cabinet behind the desk that was filled was trophies of all shapes and sizes and again Julia could see that very few were not winner’s trophies. Julia pressed the small buzzer on the desk and waited for a short while, but no one came, so she pressed it again still no response, maybe she should have rung ahead she thought, but it was too late to do that now so she decided she would go and admire the horse in the paddock. She would be seen by anyone entering the reception office so she turned and headed along the path passed the stable block towards the paddock.

She was just passing the last stable when she heard the unmistakeable groan of a female nearing her orgasm, followed by a stern, ”Yeah come on bitch, take it like a good little slut!” Julia blushed. Now she and her husband had been adventurous in their early days of marriage to the point where they had attended a number of social occasions that turned into full on orgies, so she was no prude. She stopped in her tracks and leant up against the side of the stable wall to listen. The couple had obviously been at it sometime as they were both nearing their final climaxes and as they announced their pleasure Julia’s curiosity got the better of her and she slowly peered around the stable door, the top half of which was fully opened. There leaning up against the wall was Trish, the woman from the doctors. Her top was pulled up exposing her very perky large breasts, and her jodhpurs had been pulled down to her knees. Stood behind her was a strapping 6 foot tall man in his early twenties with his trousers around his ankles and sweat running down the side of his very handsome slightly tanned face. Julia felt her pussy tingle as she continued to look at the sight before her and instinctively her hand dropped between her legs and gently rubbed at her pussy through the thin material of her trousers. The couple in the stables were starting to calm so Julia quickly span herself around so her back was now up against the stable wall. What she hadn’t noticed up until now was that there was a large shovel resting against the wall and in her haste not to be spotted Julia had turned around and knocked the shovel. Before she could lean over and grab it, it clattered to the concrete path making an awful din as its steel blade bounced on the hard concrete. “What was that” the female inside the stable called out and before Julia could move there leaning over the lower half of the stable door was Trish. She stared at Julia for a second then obviously recognising her smiled “Oh, it’s you” she said with a grin “Come for a ride have you? As you noticed, I’ve just had mine!” at this she laughed and disappeared from over the gate “Wait there, I’ll be out in a minute” she call out. Julia wasn’t quite sure what to think but Trish obviously didn’t mind that Julia had caught her in the act, so she straightened herself up and waited. It wasn’t long before the stable door opened and the 2 occupants came out. “Go and sort out the feed Pedro, there’s a good boy” she said to him slapping his arse, as the young man headed off around the corner of the stable block. “You seem to have caught me off guard” she paused waiting for Julia to share her name which she promptly did. “Pretty name Julia, I would say I am terribly sorry that you caught me in that position, but to be honest I am glad you did, breaks the ice a bit wouldn’t you say” again she laughed and headed towards the house, “Come on Julia, I have some chardonnay chilling, I know I could do with a glass” With that Julia headed off after her.

They went in through the back door into a typical country kitchen. A large modern Aga stood against one wall and in the centre an island counter, topped with marble dominated the room. “Will Chardonnay do or would you prefer red?” Trish enquired as she opened the fridge grabbing a chilled bottle of white from the rack inside. “White is fine” Julia replied. “Perks of being the boss I guess” Julia said as she was handed a glass taking a sip and giggling “Well he is young, needs breaking in a bit but full of youthful exuberance” Trish replied with a glint in her eye. “Does Mr Trish not mind?” Julia enquired, “He was too busy being fucked by his secretary to even notice I had moved out” She said, a slight tinge of anger in her voice “So what I do now is my own business, shall we go through and relax?. Without waiting for a reply Trish headed along a short corridor off the kitchen and into a small lounge room. “Take a seat, back in a mo.” she said pointing to a large soft arm chair and vanished. Julia heard a creak from a stair case as she lowered herself into the plush chair. She looked around the room, there were pictures of horses dotted around the various side boards and mantel piece, in the corner of the room was the largest trophy she had seen that day. She leaned across the arm of the chair to take a closer look “Winner of the Southern England Dressage 2017” Trish said from behind her as she re-entered the room “Yours?” Julia said as she turned back to look at Trish. “Sure is” She said proudly walking over and giving it a buff with the sleeve of the sloppy jumper she now wore along with some baggy jogging bottoms. “I won it on Graham, he’s the golden buckskin on the card”. “I saw him out in the paddock, he is a real beaut” Julia replied. The chatted a while longer and Trish made sure that Julia’s glass was never empty. It wasn’t until a couple of hours later that Julia remembered she had driven to the stables, “Dam, I will have to get James to come and collect me” she announced “Been having so much fun I didn’t notice how much wine we have had” she continued. “Why not have dinner with me and stay the night, I can make up the spare room for you, it won’t be any trouble!” Julia hesitated, she didn’t have many friends in the area and Trish seemed nice, she was certainly friendly “Why not, I will just text James and let him know I won’t be home, in case he worries”. “Is James your husband” Julia explained to Trish about her husband and James and the kids “So you have plenty of spare time to yourself then” Trish winked as she stood “I’ll grab another bottle” and disappeared out of the room. James replied to her text saying it was fine, he was going to get an early night anyway and that she was to behave!” Julia scoffed at this last remark, as if she would get the chance to do anything other than behave tonight.

“You don’t mind dogs do you Julia” Trish shouted through from the kitchen “Love them!” Julia replied and it seemed that before the words had left her mouth she could hear the tapping of claws on the tiles in the corridor and around the corner came bounding in a medium size golden lab. He ran straight up to Julia pushing his face up into hers licking the side of her face “He’s very friendly, as I’m sure you will find out” Trish called in as she headed back to the lounge. “Come on Max, down you hop, let our guest breath will you” Max immediately backed up and went and sat on the floor beside Trish’s chair. She leaned down and gave his belly a quick rub “Apart from my horses, Max is the only thing I bought from my marriage, oh that and the £3.5million pound settlement” at this they both laughed and Julia topped up her wine. “Did I hear your phone beep, was it James, is he happy?” Trish enquired. “He’s fine but I have to behave he says”. “What a pity!” Trish said with a wink. Julia was starting to feel a bit tipsy and her mouth always ran ahead of her brain when she got like that and before she could stop herself she blurted out “I know bummer huh” again they both giggled. “Shall we order a take-away” Trish asked, “I hear the Thai in the next village is really rather good, have you tried it?” Julia said she had and that it would be her treat, so once they had looked online and decided what they wanted, Julia phoned through the order. They chatted about this and that as they waited for the food and during the meal until when they had finished the felt like they were old friends who had known each other a lot longer than the few hours it had actually been.

Julia got brave and thinking back to earlier in the day she asked Trish did she mean that her ex was being fucked by his secretary or did she mean was fucking his secretary. “Both actually” Trish replied. She told Julia that she had gone to the office to surprise him as it was their wedding anniversary, she had dolled herself up and had planned of giving him a blow job under his desk as a treat. She was walking down the busy street towards his office when she saw him heading out of the building with two young ladies, the three of them linked arms as they walked. They headed across the road where there was a Travel Lodge. Trish waited outside for a few minutes making sure that they had actually booked a room. She spoke to the young man behind the desk and explained what was going on. He said he couldn’t let Trish have the key to the room it was more than her job was worth. Trish unbuttoned her top and opened it showing him her 36E natural tits, how about I suck you off and you cum all over these, will you give me the key then she had asked him. Of course the youth couldn’t resist such an offer and so five minutes later Trish was cleaning wads of cum off her tits, she had managed to swallow most if so there wasn’t that much to clean up, and was heading up in the lift to the third floor with the master key card. She found room 328 and pushed her ear to the door. She could her giggling and moaning coming through it, they were not having a business meeting that’s for sure. As quietly as she could Trish used the card to open the door and slipped into the room. A mirror on the wall allowed her to see around the corner and onto the bed. There was her husband in a leather hood whilst the two “Ladies” (Trish made the bunny ears signs with her hands as she said the words to emphasise her distain for them) were dressed in black lingerie. One was on her hands and knees being fucked by her hubby, the other was rubbing lube onto a big black strap on dildo. Trish restrained herself from bursting in on them, took her mobile out of her pocket and waited for the dildo to be firmly housed in her husband’s ass. The moans were enough to mask any noise she may have made walking across the carpet and she was able to get really close and take 3 pictures before the girl fucking him saw her and screamed! Her husband looked up at her, Trish said that she was sure that even if he hadn’t had a ball gag in his mouth she doubted the little creep could have said anything. She said she just said “My lawyer will be in touch” and walked out of the room. She had gone straight home grabbed Max and booked herself into a posh country house spa hotel that afternoon. The divorce went through very quickly once she had shown her ex the pictures. He agreed to pay her a large amount of cash along with property and the horses. That was 6 months ago and now I have Pedro, Max and my horses, life couldn’t be better Trish said with a smile and a wink.


Part Two

The women had polished off 2 bottles of wine between them now and were both a little wobbly. As they stood up from the table Julia stumbled on a previously unseen dog chew and fell forward a pace. She put her hands out to steady herself, one on the table the other reaching for Trish who was stood just off to the side of her. “No need to put on the act, if you wanted to cop a feel, you only needed to ask” Trish giggled. Julia looked up to see that her right hand, instead of gripping Trish’s arm was firmly cupped around her left tit. She quickly regained her balance and removed her hand “Terribly sorry about that” Julia stammered but in her mind she wanted to feel it again. It had been a while since Julia had had sex, and now in her alcohol fuelled state she was getting more than a little turned on. Trish was a very pretty woman, and from what Julia had seen earlier had kept her body in good shape, and Julia had always been bi-sexual since her days at boarding school, so she wasn’t shocked to have feelings about this beautiful woman. Before her thoughts could move on Trish leant forwards and kissed her. It caught Julia by surprise and so it took a second for her to react but once her mind had caught up, she placed a hand on the back of Trish’s neck, pulling her closer to her, and opened her mouth to let their tongues dart across each other. Trish’s hands wrapped around Julia, one on her back the other alternated squeezing one buttock then the other to which Julia responded by doing the same. Trish had one of the tightest arses Julia had every felt she thought to herself as she lowered her other hand, cupping one cheek in each and pulling Trish’s hips forward to meet hers. Trish continued to move forward into Julia forcing her backward, until she was up against the table. Standing on her tiptoes enabled Julia to get high enough to slide her ass up onto the table top and then wrapped her legs around her new lover. Their hands continued to roam over each other’s bodies and it was Julia who was the first to start to peel off the others clothing. The baggy jumper was lifted up over Trish’s head revealing her large tits. Julia’s hands were instantly all over them squeezing and caressing them. Lightly pinching the nipples causing them to grow under her touch. She bent her head down and started to suck one then the other into her mouth, drawing the first moans from Trish. Being lower down allowed Julia to hook her fingers into the waist band of Trish joggers and pull them down over her shapely hips. Trish stepped out of them as she continued to enjoy having her nipples sucked on.

“You have me at a disadvantage!” Trish purred as she briefly broke away from Julia’s tongue. She stepped back slightly allowing Julia to gaze upon her fully naked body in all its glory “But what a disadvantage it is!” Julia responded purring back at Trish. She lifted her bum up off the table to enable Trish to remove her trousers and knickers in one go revealing a very neatly kept pubis that formed a small line that ran for about an inch upwards from just above her clitoris. Trish was on her knees her tongue flicking across the little hood that contained Julia’s sensitive bud. Julia felt fingers staring the run the length of her labia, and dropped backwards onto her elbows allowing the skilful fingers and tongue that thrilled her, even better access to her now incredibly wet hole. Her hands moved up to her own breasts and fondled them through her top. She could just reach the buttons of her blouse without having to move, and quickly had it open and her full cup bra pulled down so her nipples were now exposed. She gripped and pulled them lightly as Trish continued to work on her pussy. Julia could feel an orgasm starting to rise as her breathing became heavy and the moans coming from her mouth got louder. Her head was now flung backwards as she basked in the burning inside her pussy bought on by the soft and skilled attentions of Trish. Julia had always been a squirter and this time was no exception and before she could warn Trish, she exploded cum all over her face as gush after gush erupted from her quivering pussy. Trish did not seem phased by this at all instead clamped her mouth wide over Julia’s cunt and took as much of her cum as she could into her mouth. When satisfied that there was no more to collect Trish stood up and leant forward to kiss Julia “My god that was amazing!” Trish said before she lowered her face down to Julia’s and they kissed again.

They kissed for what felt like an hour, but was probably no more than a minute, Julia making sure to get as much of her cum from Trish’s face as she could, when Trish let out a deep moan. Julia was confused, but then a second and a third came from Trish and she arched her body backwards lifting her head away from the kiss. Julia looked up at Trish’ face. Her eyes were rolled back into their sockets and she was flexing and moaning as if in a deep orgasm herself. Julia was confused as to what might be causing this great pleasure when Trish seemed to snap out of her Trance. She quickly turned and bent down facing away from Julia. “Oh Rex, sorry this isn’t your special time!” Julia paused, did she hear correctly, Rex? But that was Trish’s dog, what could did she mean. Then it dawned on her, Rex must have been licking at Trish’s exposed pussy from behind while they kissed. Trish stood, her face red partly through passion but also from embarrassment “I am so sorry she started, He doesn’t normally do this” she continued. But Julia’s mind was now racing. Could Rex really have made Trish react in such a way? Before she could enquire, Trish had turned and took Rex by his collar, and led him into the hallway. She bent down and said something to him that Julia couldn’t quite make out before she returned into the kitchen closing the door behind her. “He shouldn’t bother us again” Trish said, still blushing. Julia plucked up her courage “You looked like you were enjoying it instead of it bothering you”. Trish’s cheeks went redder than before at this and started to say something but her words made no sense and they trailed off fairly quickly. She took a deep breath and stood herself straight, “OK, I see there isn’t much point in trying to pretend. Rex has been pleasuring me for a while now.” She said. “He normally won’t come near me when we have company but obviously you had me so turned on he could smell it and came to investigate. I understand if you are disgusted, I will show you to the guest room now and leave you to it.” Trish looked sad, Julia thought she saw a tear start to form in the corner of one eye and without hesitation replied “disgusted? You seemed to be getting quite a treatment” she said as she crossed the few paces between them and wrapped her arms around Trish’s neck, and hugged her.

“Why don’t you call him back in, I’m sure you would prefer him to finish what he started” Julia whispered in her ear. Trish didn’t respond so Julia released her hug and opened the hall doorway herself. Rex was sat a few paces back from the door. “Come in boy.” Julia said. Rex didn’t move, “Call him, and let me watch him lick you! Julia said to Trish again who still stop statuesque on the spot. Julia ran her fingers across Trish’s pussy, it was still dripping with juice. She held her fingers out to Rex and called him again. He slowly started to move towards her as the scent of his mistress carried towards him. He was close enough to sniff at Julia’s fingers and without thinking Julia withdrew her hand from his face and smeared the juice across her own pussy. Rex moved closer to Julia who now spread her legs as the dog got closer and closer until she could feel his breath on her soft skin “He is going to lick me!” Julia squealed with excitement. This seemed to snap Trish out of her trance of embarrassment as she looked across at her new friend as Rex’s tongue flicked out across Julia’s pussy for the first time “Oh My God” Julia screamed “That is amazing” she continued as Rex licked her for a second and then a third time. “He is good isn’t he” Trish said, she was now focussed on the scene in front of her instead of her initial shame. “Lie down, he can get much deeper if you lie down” Trish persuaded Julia, who took the advice of her friend. Rex’s tongue kept contact as Julia started to lower herself onto the cold tiled kitchen floor. She raised her hips up and Trish was right. Rex buried his tongue deep inside Julia’s pussy first time. He began lapping at her as if she was a bowl of water, her juices flowing hard as he bought her to orgasm. Trish placed her feet both side of Julia’s head and lowered herself down onto Julia’s face, whose tongue instantly was out flicking across the wet folds placed above her. Trish began to come as she watched Rex licking Julia and whilst Julia licked her. Trish leant forwards and started to rub Julia’s clit with her fingers. This was too much for Julia and she came hard squirting for the second time that evening. Rex wasn’t quite as keen at being squirted as his mistress had been and he backed away meaning that Julia’s juice now flew up like a fountain, covering everything within about a meter of her inner thighs. “Whoa” Julia finally said after she had calmed down and Trish had moved off her face “That was really intense! Is he always that good?” She asked. “Oh yes” Trish replied “He has never failed to make me come and come hard. I don’t squirt like you do though, that is a pretty amazing sight!” “Glad you like it” Julia said starting to blush “Pity Rex didn’t” and giggled. “Oh I am sure he will get used to it, assuming you will let him do it again? Trish looked at Julia with a smile on her face. “Oh yes” Said Julia “That gorgeous boy can lick my cunt anytime.”


Part Three

The two women kissed each other as Rex padded around them trying to stick his snout in between their legs whenever possible and licking at their faces and nipples the rest of the time. “ooo what was that?” Julia said quizzically, “Oh I wondered if you would feel it, that’s Rex, he is getting a bit amorous and that is his pre-cum starting to leak out of his cock” Trish replied “Look, you can see it hanging now between his legs” Julia turned over to look behind her where Rex now stood, and sure enough poking out from his thick fur was a long thick purple cock. Julia thought how odd it looked with its funny pointed head and thick veins running all over across it. As she starred at it a small jet of pre-cum shot out from the end and landed on the back of her calf. She could feel the heat of it on her flesh as it trickled down and dripped onto the floor. Rex had moved and was now standing behind Trish as another squirt found its way across Trish’s belly and ran down into her belly button, pooling their for a second before continue across her flat toned stomach and down to the floor. “How long will he go like this for?” Julia asked, her eyes transfixed by Rex’s cock “He can go ages really, either he will get bored and go away or he will need a little help to finish him off” Again Trish blushed as Julia finally took her eyes off Rex and looked at Trish “Help??” she quizzed. There was a moment of silence before Trish answered, “Yeah, He isn’t like a bloke, he can’t finish by himself, so when he gets all worked up, sometimes I will help him out a little.” “What you mean you give him a wank?” Julia asked, Trish didn’t respond, “A blow job?” again no reply. “You, you don’t mean you let him actually fuck you do you?” As she said this her eyes lit up and she pushed Trish onto her back and straddled her. Again Trish said nothing “You do, you dirty bitch, you let him fuck you don’t you!”

Julia was beaming from ear to ear at the thought and seeing this Trish slowly nodded, her face redder than the end of Rex’s cock. “Will you help him out now? I want to watch you fuck Rex” Julia was bouncing about like a schoolgirl as she spoke. “I have never fucked him in front of anyone before” Trish said. “Bit late to become shy now, gorgeous!” Julia exclaimed and they both giggled and kissed. “We have to go upstairs then” Trish said. “I am trying to train him to only fuck me upstairs. It was rather embarrassing the other week when he tried to mount me as I placed a tray of biscuits on the coffee table for the Vicar and his wife when they visited” Again they both laughed, and Julia stood up and helped Trish to her feet. The pair almost ran upstairs with Trish in front, and Rex hot on their heels. The entered Trish’s bedroom and they jumped up onto the large four poster bed. It must have been a custom made because you could have comfortably slept 6 across and not been cramped. Trish looked at Julia “Are you sure about this” She asked going red again. Julia said nothing but took Trish’s hand and placed it on her pussy. Julia’s pussy was virtually a running stream of juice coating Trish’s fingers in seconds, “OK Point taken” Trish said with a grin. She rolled up onto all fours and patted the bed beside her. Instantly Rex was up alongside her. His cock had doubled in size from when Julia had seen it in the kitchen. It must have been almost 8 inches in length now and was thicker than any cock she had ever seen before. She was just about to ask Trish how it worked when Rex was behind Trish and mounted her. His hips were pounding away and Trish was moving her hips, trying the best she could to line up her pussy with Rex’s purple cock. Julia moved so that she was lying with her head almost under Trish in an effort to get a closer look. Rex’s pre-cum was now squirting wildly out of his cock as it flailed about in search of Trish’s hole. Every now and then a jet of pre-cum would fly in Julia’s direction but would fall on the bed just short of her face.

Without thinking about it Julia raised one of her hands and took hold of Rex’s cock, it felt different to a blokes cock and was hotter too. She could feel the blood throbbing in his thick veins and the hot liquid splashing on her fore arm as she lifted Rex’s cock towards Trish’s soaking wet hole, as soon as the two organs met, Rex threw his hips forward with such power that Trish was knocked forward onto her arms with a long loud moan as Rex started to hammer into his new bitch, every thrust bringing a louder more guttural moan from underneath him. Julia stared in awe as she watch this dog fuck her new friend. Her eyes widened even further when she started to see Rex’s cock start to swell even more than it already had, a small ball forming towards the base of his cock, growing steadily until it was the size of a tennis ball. Each thrust would push it a little further between Trish’s puffed up pussy lips which caused Trish to exclaim loudly “Oh Yes boy, get that knot up inside me, make me yours boy!” This seemed to encourage Rex as his thrusts slowed in paced but seemed to increase in force until finally his knot disappeared inside Trish. She let out a shrill wail as her body convulsed “He is cumming inside me, oh god, oh yesss, oh yess boy, I’m coming I’m cooooooming!!!” she screamed as her body visibly shook as a massive orgasm ripped through her body. Julia was mesmerised. Her eyes fixed on Trish’s swollen pussy as little trickles of cum leaked from around Rex’s knot. Rex had now calmed down and was still, but slightly pulling backwards trying to remove his knot from Trish, causing her pussy to stretch out and allowing more liquid to drip from inside her. Julia lifted a hand and ran her fingers though the juice, coating them and bringing a low almost unconscious moan from Trish. Julia bought her fingers to her mouth and then hesitantly stuck her tongue out placing a finger gently on it tasting the mix of juices. She could clearly taste Trish’s sweet cum but there was also a saltier taste that she took to be Rex’s. She licked a little more confidently the second time getting both tastes stronger in her mouth. She looked up and Rex had pulled almost a third of his knot which was the size of a tennis ball out from inside Trish and she was moaning in rhythm with her breathing. With one final pull and a loud moan from Trish, Rex was out and as his cock withdrew a flood of juices poured from inside Trish. Julia’s hand was back trying to catch as much as she could as she shuffled forwards to move her mouth to Trish’s pussy. When she finally got her head there, she drove her tongue into the wet folds scooping as much of the bitter-sweet cum cocktail from inside of it. Julia lifted her fingers up and slid them inside Trish pulling as much of the liquid as she could out into her mouth as Trish shuddered as another orgasm coursed through her body. Trish lifted herself up back onto her hands and then sat herself up allowing gravity to assist in emptying her pussy of the combined cum of her and Rex. Julia licked all the more eagerly as the juice flowed down into her mouth. After a few minutes and another orgasm, Trish lifted herself of Julia’s tongue and flopped on the bed beside her. Julia moved so that her head was just behind Trish’s and wrapped her arms around her, and as a result of the excitement and the wine the drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms.

A loud shrill alarm woke both the women from their sleep with bright sunshine pouring in through the window, in their passion neither had thought to close the curtains the previous night so looking out Julia could see that the sun was just starting to rise above the hills in the distance. At some point in the night both women had rolled over so Trish was now behind Julia, with her arms wrapped around her with her uppermost hand cupping one of Julia’s tits. Julia smiled to herself as Trish gently squeezed it “good Morning, I hope you enjoyed yourself last night!” Julia rolled over and looked Trish in the eyes “Possibly almost as much as you did” she started “that was amazing, he looks like an amazing lover” Julia said wistfully. As the words left her mouth she became aware of movement on the bed near her feet, she lifted her head looking down across Trish’s slender fit body and long legs, and there at the foot of the bed curled up looking back up at her was Rex. “He always sleeps on my bed now, he must be knackered out though ‘cos he would normally have his face in between my legs as soon as I wake up” At this Julia rolled on to her back and lifted and spread her legs apart and patted the top of her pussy. “My turn then instead!” She said as her words trailed off into a moan as Rex moved like a dart between them and licked the length of her pussy and across her clit. She shuddered as Trish leant across and started to suck on her nipples at the same time. It was all she could do the get the words out over her moans and as she did she shocked herself almost as much as they shocked Trish “Would you let him fuck me too please?” Trish stopped immediately and looked up at Julia “You sure?” she said with a glint in her eye. “Oh hell yes!” Julia said “I wanted him last night but we passed out, you don’t mind sharing him with me do you? Julia asked almost apologetically “Not at all, the more the merrier!”

Julia lay back and enjoyed getting her pussy licked as she comprehended what she had just let herself in for but it was what she wanted, a big hot cock and a hard fucking had always made Julia get immensely turned on, and now the thought of getting both from a dog made her even hornier. Rex could sense this and was starting to bounce about on the bed as he licked her, nudging her with his nose as of to tell her to roll over, something which she eventually did, lifting herself up onto all fours as she moved. As soon as she was set, Rex was up on her. Julia hadn’t anticipated how different it would feel being fucked by a dog as to by a human, so she was surprised when Rex put almost all of his weight onto her as he thrust wildly away behind her. His soft warm fur on her back contrasted with his sharp claws that scraped on her sides as he tried to grip her beneath him. Trish moved around her to guide Rex in and Julia could feel his pre-cum hitting the back of her thighs then moving closer to her pussy as Trish lined them both up, and then with an almighty shove Rex was inside her. Julia had braced herself after seeing Rex knock Trish forward the previous night but she still rocked forwards slightly before steadying herself and starting to push back against Rex as he thrust forward. She was getting the fucking of a lifetime and was letting anyone who could hear her screams know about it. Her screams intensified further as she felt Trish’s tongue wrap itself around her clit and start to suck on it. The combination of long thick dog cock and tongue on her clit started Julia cumming and as she cum she was squirting her juice all over Rex’s back legs and down onto Trish who was now slurping and gulping as she tried to swallow what she could. Julia could feel Rex’s knot starting to form and push against her but as she had has cum so hard she was well lubricated and Rex slid inside her with hardly any effort at all. As soon as he was in she felt his knot swell to its full size and then boom! A jet of boiling hot cum hit her insides causing Julia to cum instantly, but as she was sealed by Rex’s knot, her cum had nowhere to go and it filled her pussy up at the same time as Rex, to the point where she felt like her womb was going to burst as stream after stream of dog cum unloaded inside her. Her orgasm continued to rip through her body until she felt Rex relax and the steady flow slowed to a trickle and then stopped. He moved and as easy as her entered Julia’s pussy, he was out, and as had happened the night before all of his cum flushed out from inside. Trish spluttered as the volume of liquid streamed into her open waiting mouth. She had not expected such a flow and struggled to swallow so instead let it pour into her mouth and overflow down her cheeks. Julia rolled over and collapse on the bed, her breathing was still short and laboured from her orgasm but after a few moments she was able to say “He is amazing, I need more of that in my life” Trish looked over at her, her face drenched in female and dog cum and smiled a knowing smile as Julia’s eyes closed and she drifted off into a light post-orgasmic slumber.


Part Four

Julia awoke still naked on the bed, a note beside her on the pillows “I have had to go and sort the horses, have a shower and there are croissants and coffee in the kitchen if you are hungry. Come and find me in the stables when you are ready” Again the note was signed off with a couples of kisses followed by “P.T.O”. Julia turned the note over, “You were amazing” it said and there was a little doggie paw print drawn underneath. This made Julia laugh as she cast her mind back to being mounted and fucked by Rex. She showered and got dressed, grabbed a cup of coffee and a croissant, she looked up at the clock on the kitchen – 9.35 so she finished her coffee and headed out to find Trish. She reached the stables but she was nowhere to be seen so she headed to the office again, no answer. She was about to head back to her car when she spotted Pedro fixing a broken fence pole on the far side of the paddock. She walked around to him, he was working without his shirt on and his muscular frame glinted in the morning sunlight as he sweated slightly as he worked. “Morning Miss” he said with his Spanish accent, “We haven’t been properly introduced” He said holding out a mucky hand before seeing how dirty it was and withdrawing it, “Pedro” he said nodding his head slightly as he spoke. “Julia” she replied “Please to meet you too” she said with a slight curtsey causing them both to laugh. “Ms Williams has taken one of the horses out for a gallop, she will be about half an hour if you want to wait?” he told her, “I think I will head on, I have things to do, but please tell Trish, I mean Ms Williams, that I will call her later on.” With that Julia turned and went to her car and slowly drove off down the track to the road and headed home.

James was sat at in the lounge when Julia arrived home, “Good night?” he shouted threw as she entered. “Oh my god it was an amazing night” Julia said as she skipped into the lounge and threw herself onto the large leather sofa that James was sat on. “Wow I haven’t seen you like this in years, it must have been good” He said with a wink “What was his name?” he continued, a roar of laughter quickly following his words. “Rex” Julia proudly said. “Rex?” James quizzed “That’s an uncommon name nowadays, what was he 90?” he paused “or a bloody dog?” Again he roared with laughter. He saw that Julia wasn’t laughing along with him. “No way, he wasn’t 90 was he?” He said laughing again but this time not as raucous, again Julia’s face didn’t flinch “A DOG?” James exclaimed, “You spent the night fucking a dog!!” Julia finally spoke “Of course I didn’t, I spent the night fucking a gorgeous woman and then watching her fuck her dog!” James’ face was a picture “Oh for a second I thought you had fucked a dog” he said with a sound of relief in his voice “I never said I didn’t fuck it, I just said I didn’t spend the night fucking it, I spent this morning being fucked by him and it was amazing!” James’s bottom jaw was almost in his lap, he was so stunned at what his half-sister was telling him. He knew she had always been adventurous, but he never thought she would go as far as being fucked by a dog. He was about to speak when Julia’s mobile rang, she took it out of her purse and read the display, Sam, her daughter. She showed the screen to James who was still trying to fathom what he had just heard, “Gotta take this, she probably needs more money, silly girl” and Julia rose and headed out of the room and upstairs to her bedroom. James sat there trying to get his head around Julia indulging in bestiality. Now James was as broadminded as the next man and he had watched some dog porn in his past, and enjoyed it, he just never thought that his half-sister would be sitting on a sofa telling him that she had actually indulged in it. His mind wandered and son he was getting turned on at the thought of it all. He rubbed his cock through his linen shorts as he got harder as his thoughts got wilder. He failed to hear Julia come back down the stairs and as she walked back into the room he had his hand wrapped around his cock though the soft material “Oh sorry, am I interrupting” Julia said with a smile “Oh, god, sorry, miles away” James stammered as if he had been caught picking his nose instead of stroking his cock. “Must have been a nice place you were into get a bulge like that” Julia said looking straight at his crotch with a broad smile on her face. “Pack it in ‘Sis!” James ordered as he adjusted himself in the sofa to hid his growing hard on. “Aww is my ‘ickle bro getting all embarrassed that he’s got a stiffy!” Julia teased. James shot her a look that warned her not to carry on, but Julia was in the mood for some fun so she continued with her taunting “don’t stop little brother, you don’t need to be shy around me!” Julia stepped towards him and knelt in front of him. She had always thought that James was an attractive man who stood a little over 6 foot and was broad across the shoulders. He had worked out as a young man and still kept his body in relative shape although he was not as ripped as he had been in his prime and he was staring to get a hint of some middle age spread around his waist. But on the whole, he was an attractive man. Julia started to get a twinge in her pussy as she looked at him. He’s my half-brother, she thought, but then she saw herself fucking Rex in her mind and thought that after that there were no real taboo’s left, so she lifted a hand and ran it long James leg from his knee up to his thigh. “What are you doing, get off” he protested as she moved her hand round towards his crotch “Stop it” he protested again, but made no actual attempt to move her hand away which he could easily have done had he wanted. “Her hand continued and her fingers brushed against his hard rod – he was enormous – Julia thought. It had felt like she had touched her own arm not James cock as her fingers travelled further along it, where on earth did it stop she thought. “Where have you been hiding this monster?” Julia said as she looked up at him and licked her lips seductively. James gave in, he too had always fancied Julia, and had regularly wanked at night listening to her playing with herself in the room next door. He shifted himself in the seat so that Julia ow sat between his legs allowing her to see the full extent of the bulge in his trousers. Her eyes grew as wide as saucers as she looked down on the huge cock before her. Her hands reached for the buttons on his shorts and slid down the zip. James lifted his hips as he tugged on the waistband and slid them down over his thighs. As she pulled them almost to his knees his hard cock sprung up almost hitting her in the face and flopped onto his belly reaching almost up to his chest. James grinned “Like it?” he said.

Julia said nothing but just nodded her head as she moved both hands to grip hold of it. Julia was not a small lady but she could easily get both hands on the shaft and still have his large bulbous head and some of the shaft uncovered. Her fingers only just met around him such was his girth. She slowly started to run her hands along his length and back down to his ball, which were clean shaven, she lowered her head and lick first at his heavy balls as they swung between his legs, sucking one and then the other into her mouth as she continued to rub her hands along him. She looked up towards James, he had his head back and his eyes closed, obviously enjoying what she was doing to him. She removed her hands and as he was about to complain, started to run her mouth up the length of his cock. It was wider than her mouth to start with but narrowed slightly as she neared the top. She darted her tongue out and ran it around the rim of his head causing it to twitch. She wrapped one hand back around the shaft, the other rolling his balls between her fingers as she lifted her head up and over his cock head taking it into her mouth. James let out a deep moan as soon as he felt her soft lips pass along his head. He placed a big hand on the back of her head and held her down. Julia didn’t resist and tried to move her head further down his cock, her tongue dancing around it inside her mouth, but he was too big by far and she could only get a little way down his shaft before she felt her throat contract, forcing her to stop her efforts. James held her head there though, as she struggled for breath. As soon as his hand relaxed Julia lifted her head, gasping for air and chocking “I have never not been able to deep throat a cock in my life” she said looking at him, “You may have beaten me today but one day I will take you in my throat” With that she lowered her head again trying to better her previous effort. Again James held her in place, her head lifting and choking a little less this time when he released his grip. “I was thinking about you being fucked by that dog, that’s why I am so hard” James said quite out of the blue as she came up for air a third time. “I thought you might have been” replied Julia as she went back for a fourth try. But it was no good, she was not going to better her efforts without a lot of practice so instead she resolved to making James cum so she returned this time to fuck his cock with her mouth her hand rubbing hard and fast on his shaft. She could feel his balls start to tighten in her other hand so knew he was close to coming so she quickly sat back on to her heel. James got the hint and stood in front of her and unloaded wad after wad of cum onto her face. Julia just knelt there as her face was covered in more of her half-brothers sticky goo until he finally stopped and presented it back to her mouth. Julia opened wide and licked the remaining cum from the end of his cock, as the cum on her face ran down her cheeks. “Take a picture” she said, handing James her phone “put your magnificent cock back in my mouth first though” James did as he was asked and after about 5 flashes he said “I think I have captured your best side” and roared with laughter again. Julia smiled up at him, “Wait and see, you never no, I might have a better one yet…..” She took her phone back from him and turned and went upstairs to her room. James re-adjusted his clothes and flicked the TV remote to turn the TV on, sat back on the sofa, smiled.


Part Five

Julia sat on her bed and sent Trish a text, “Want to see what happened when I got home??” she wrote adding a couple of winking smileys, a little devil and a couple of xs to the text. Almost immediately her phone buzzed back “Hell Yeah!” Julia selected the picture that she thought best showed off her smiling cum covered face and the size of James cock “I got lucky” she captioned it and sent it. She waited for a reply to come through as quickly as the first, but it didn’t. A minute passed, then another, then five, then ten. Julia’s heart sank. Had she offended Trish in some way she thought, no she was probably busy with a customer that would be why. Julia composed herself and then her phone buzzed, she opened the text, attached was a picture also. She could see Trish’s face and in the background, she could make out a stable but there was a long odd shaped dick dangling in front of her open mouth. It took Julia a second but then it clicked, it was a horse cock! It was bigger even than James and she instantly felt her pussy contract “My god, you do horses too?” she sent again with a little devil and some xs. “For longer than I have dogs” came the almost instant reply, quickly followed by a second one “I was 18 first time, sucked horse cock before Id had a boys cock in my mouth” this text contained a couple of winking smilies too. As Julia finished reading it a third text came through, “Really enjoyed last night, We must do it again SOON!” again a couple of winking smilies accompanied the text but this time a little heart emoji and a dog closed off the message. Julia grinned to herself and just sent back a horse emoji. “Will text you later on” she wrote in the next message, “gotta clean up and sort some stuff out, Sam my daughter (who had not been home since her 18th birthday a few months ago), is on her way home for a few days from school” again signing off with some x’s Julia, put her phone on the dresser and went to shower in her en-suite.

A few hours later Julia was stood on the platform of the train station about 25miles away from her home, waiting for her daughter Sam’s train to arrive. When it did Sam immediately ran to her mother threw her arms around her and sobbed uncontrollably. Julia soothed her for a short while before calming her down enough to let the words “bastard”, “cheater” and “best friend” be heard over the sobs and cries that still emanated from her daughter. Julia picked up Sam’s rucksack and led her slowly to the car. They sat in relative silence for most of the journey, with Sam’ sobs easing off with every mile. It was about ten into the journey that Sam spoke “He cheated on me with Amanda! Bloody Amanda, she was meant to be my best friend!” she broke down into tears again. Julia had kind of worked this out from the few words she had said on the station platform. Sam had been seeing Brian for about 9 months now, they had met at a school social with the boy’s private school that was about 5 miles away from Sam’s girl’s school. Julia had not approved. Sam might have been 18 but she had always been a shy girl, never one for boys and Brian was a couple of years older, but he had seemed to treat her right and was always polite to Julia when they met. Up until now, that was. Julia wasn’t surprised at Brian, he was a typical young male and whilst Sam had a cute figure and a pretty face, Amanda, who had been best friends with Sam for about 4 years now, was a stunner. The only problem was, she knew it too. Amanda was about 5’ 11” with long dark brown hair that stopped just below her shoulders. She had turned 18 a few months before Sam and was very well blessed in the boob department and regularly teased Sam that her 36D boobs and 30inch waist would capture any man she wanted. Well obviously it transpired that the man she wanted was Brian, and she got him. “She also got a black eye and a split lip for her troubles”, Sam told her Mum a bit later on in the journey once she had calmed down a bit more. “Good for you girl!” Julia said and reached over and squeezed Sam’s leg affectionately. Sam placed her hand on top of her mothers and there it stayed until the pulled up into the driveway of the house.

Julia had spent the afternoon cooking Julia’s favourite tea of sausages, mash and gravy. Sam had loved it whilst growing up and always insisted on having it whenever she came home. This suited Julia as she wasn’t a very good cook. Her skills, she was finding out recently, lay in other areas, she thought to herself as she served up a dollop of lumpy mash potato and covered it in thick gravy. Sam beamed as this was presented to her, the first time Julia had seen her smile since she got off the train. James joined them and prodded at the mash “Your best yet Julia!” he said as they all laughed and tucked in. Sam was the only one who seemed to be enjoying it as Julia and James mainly pushed it around their plates. “So have you made any friends around here yet Mum?” Sam said between mouthfuls. James looked at Julia and was just about to say something when she kicked him under the table and glared at him “No not really Sam, but I’m happy enough as I am.” “Maybe you should get a dog, to keep you company” Again James received a shoe to the shin as his mouth opened again which quickly put pay to any words he might have been about to say. Julia agreed with Sam that is was something she should think of, in truth, she hadn’t even thought of it even after last night but now the idea seemed so obvious. “Maybe we could pick one out together,” Julia said to her daughter who, having just put some food in her mouth nodded and mumbled her agreement.

They finished their meal, and went through to the lounge, Sam and Julia snuggled up on the sofa where she had only a couple of hours previously given Sam’s Uncle a blow job, and James sat across the room in a reclining leather armchair picked up his book and started to read. Sam sat glued to her phone, playing games and messaging with some of her friends from school. Apparently there had been an almighty bust-up between Amanda and Brian about an hour after Sam had left and Amanda had dumped him on the spot. This set Sam off into floods of tears again, and after about half an hour she decided she was tired and took herself off to bed. Julia sat quietly thinking to herself when she saw James looking at her over the top of his book “So we are going to have our own little canine woman fucker in the house are we?” he asked. Julia could only see his eyes but could tell from the tone of his voice he was smiling behind the pages of the spy novel in his hand. “Well it would be company on the cold winter evenings” Julia replied trying to make it sound like any other person who was thinking of getting a dog. “Won’t be very cold with him on your back!” James laughed. “Shhhhhh!” Julia hissed at him, “what if Sam hears you!” She said chastening him with her tone. “Alright was only messing! But seriously, you’re thinking about it aren’t you?” Julia turned in her seat lifting her feet up to her bum, “Yeah I am to be honest. It is great having you around James, you know I love you, but we don’t share many interests.” “Apart from you sucking my cock!” James interrupted in a stage whisper cupping his hand to his mouth as if to stop the sound from reaching Sam’s bedroom. Julia glared at him and pretended not to hear him. “So it would be nice to have some loyal company when I go off on my own.” And before James could open his mouth Julia continued copying his stage whisper and hand gesture from a moment ago “and regular dog cock on tap would be amazing!” they both laughed. “Want a top up there?” James said indicating Julia’s empty wine glass, “Oh go on. Make it a small one though, had a bit too much to drink last night so feeling a bit off colour”. James went down to the kitchen carrying the two empty wine glasses with him.

Julia’s phone buzzed almost as soon as James left the room. It was Trish “Just checking to see if you’re OK? Text back when you can” again the text ended with a couple of x’s. Julia started to type back “Sorry, Sam is in a bad way, so have been busy with her, how was your day?” she asked. The women swapped texts about their days for a while, James returned passing Julia her wine and asking who she was texting, which she told him. He nodded and sat back down to continue reading his book. “Why don’t you pop up during the day tomorrow, bring Sam we can all go for a ride out across the hills if you like” Trish asked. “OK, sounds good. Sam has gone to bed but I will drag her along in the morning if she feels like it, shall we say 10ish?” the plan was agreed, Julia finished her wine, had a shower and went to bed. The next morning she woke bright and early at about 8.30 and trotted down to Sam’s room, gently tapped on the door and opened it. Sam was awake laying on her side reading, she looked to Julia like she had before her father had passed away. “I’ve been invited horse riding this morning if you fancy coming along, there is a spare horse for you,” Julia said trying to sound upbeat and enthusiastic. Julia was torn. She wanted to cheer her daughter up and a ride in the country would be great for her, but she also wanted to spend some time alone with Trish. So when Sam looked up and said “I just feel like knocking around the house today Mum, hope you don’t mind” Julia said in her most sincere voice “No of course I don’t mind” her pussy was twitching with anticipation at being alone with Trish. Julia calmly closed the door saying she wouldn’t be long and James would be around if she needed anything. Then she went and spoke to the housekeeper, telling her to make sure that Sam ate a decent breakfast and lunch and that she would sort herself out both meals. She then went upstairs and hunted around in the back of her closet for her jodhpurs and riding boots, hoping that they would still fit her. She pulled on a tiny white lace g-string that was pretty much non-existent and then slid the tight brown suede up her slender legs. They were a little tighter than they probably should be but when Julia turned around and saw how they clung to her ass, she decided that they would be fine. A half cup bra that pushed her tits together, covered by a baby blue polo shirt completed the look. She pulled on her riding boots, grabbed her riding hat and crop and headed down to the car. James caught her halfway down the stairs, “someone is getting a treat today by the look of that ass!” he smirked. She turned around and winked at him “hopefully they will have the desired effect on someone!” she said grinning widely and continued out of the house.


Part Six

Julia pulled up at Trish’s stable and parked up at the front of her house. Grabbing her hat and crop she walked round to the back of the house where the stable block was. She glance over into the paddock to her left, there was just the one horse in there today, a small grey filly who looked about 3 years old. She was stood at the food trough grazing on some fresh straw that had been put out for her. She was in her own little world and didn’t hear someone walk up behind her until she felt a hand on her ass cheek. “Wow, tienes un buen culo” Pedro said with real admiration coming through his accent. Julia span round and was about to slap him when she saw Trish behind him “He says you have a nice ass, and he isn’t wrong!” Trish said rushing up to Julia and kissing her on the mouth before she could complain about Pedro touching her up. They broke away Julia still blushing slightly from being groped “Sam couldn’t make it” Julia said “Well we will have to make up for her not being here wont we” Trish said “Pedro, take Loco Boy back to the stable and take his tac off and let him back in to the paddock, we will take Graham and Swift out as planned, You’ll like Swift Julia, he is a powerful mount but gentle” Julia’s pussy twitched again not knowing if Trish had meant to make it sound so sexual as she had, but guessing that Trish had picked her words very precisely indeed. “Shall we? Trish said, pointing to the end of the stable block where the horse were tied. Graham or ‘Champion Golden Graham the Fourth’ as the name plate above his stable read, stood a little over 15.5 hands Trish said as they walked up to the horses, Swift was about half a hand smaller Julia noticed as they closed in on the pair. “Both have enormous dicks though!” Trish said and pulled Julia back in towards her and kissed her passionately, her hands moving down and squeezing Julia’s ass cheeks. Julia return the favour and cupped Trish’s ass in her hands and the two kissed for what seemed like an age. “Thought you were riding” shouted Pedro across the yard, breaking the spell their tongues were working on each other. They untied the horses, got on and started to walk them away from the stables towards the fields and hills beyond.

They rode for about an hour never really getting much above a canter to start with but once the terrain flattened out a little, Trish kicked on at Graham and galloped ahead. Julia kicked on to Swift and she instantly realised his name was as of much of a description as it was a title. He raced into a very fast gallop, gaining ground on Trish and Graham with every stride. He slowed to match their pace as he pulled alongside and they raced across the field enjoying the sunshine. At the far end of the field was a small lake and Trish shouted to head for it, so Julia pulled her mount gently to the right and they slowed down to a canter then a trot and finally stopped just by the edge of the lake. As soon as Julia relaxed the reins, Swift dropped his head to the cool water and began to drink as Graham did the same. Julia hopped down from him patting him on his flank, saying he was a good boy as she did so. His coat was beautifully soft and had obviously been well groomed that morning as there was not a scrap of straw or a knot of hair visible on him. She walked round to where Trish was stood and they looked down into the valley that fell away before them “Beautiful spot up here don’t you think?” Trish asked “Indeed it is, next time we should pack a picnic and make a day of it” Julia replied. “Funny you should say that” Trish giggled and pointed to the far side of the lake. There was a picnic blanket with a wicker basket set on one corner and about a dozen cushion dotted across it. “I had Pedro set it up for us this morning, plenty thee as I had assumed Sam would be coming too” Julia leant over and kissed Trish. She was starting to fall for this woman in more than just a physical way, she wondered to herself if Trish felt the same.

They walked around to the far side and Julia was instructed to make herself comfortable, while Trish got them a glass of bubbly. There was no point in Julia arguing that it was too early for bubbles so she took her glass and sipped at the ice cold liquid. “Cheers, to friends and big cocks!” Trish said with a laugh, chinking her glass against Julia’s “And talking of big cocks, whose was that you were sucking on after you left me yesterday?” Julia explained how she had been so horny when she got home and the conversation she had had with James. She explained how he was her half-brother to which Trish just shrugged, saying that a good cock was a good cock whomever it was attached too, to which Julia quietly nodded her agreement. Julia reminded Trish that she had done alright too that afternoon in the huge cock stakes, to which Trish put her glass down and took Julia’s hand and led her back across to the horses. “You talking about the one that belongs to this gorgeous boy” she asked as she ran her hand across Grahams belly and under towards the sheath holding his cock. Graham whinnied as Trish’s hand moved back and forth along his side “He knows what is going on, and so does Swift too, look” Julia looked and Swift had also stopped drinking and stood looking directly at them both “Why don’t you go over and see if he likes you” Trish said. Julia needed no second invitation and went over and started to copy Trish. Both horses were starting to whiney as the women’s hands continued to tease their flanks. “Ok, slowly move you hand underneath him, he will be quite sensitive to start with so be gentle and he should react in the way you want”. Julia looked back over her shoulder to see how Trish did it then copied her actions, gently rubbing the sheath. As soon as her hand touched it Swift threw his head into the air and neighed almost in triumph to which Trish encouraged Julia to keep going and that she was doing just fine. Julia looked over and could see that Trish already had Grahams cock growing before her so Julia looked back and tried a bit harder to please the horse above her. After a few more strokes Julia felt something start to push on her hand and she looked underneath to see the start of Swifts cock emerging. It grew rapidly, much quicker than she had seen any other cock grow before and it didn’t stop until it was a good 16inches long and as thick as her arm. It had a soft grey colour, dappled with darker patches along its length with its dark brown head poking through the end of the shaft. Julia thought she had muttered under her breath at how amazing the cock in her hand was but Trish must have heard her and came and looked over her shoulder “He is a real stud isn’t he!” Trish said as she kissed Julia’s ear and reached round to give her tits a quick squeeze before she went back to tending her own huge cock. Julia started to rub Swift with both hands and his noises encouraging her to keep going as she was. She leant forward and smelt him before deciding that she may as well give him as much pleasure as she could and started to softly run her tongue along his shaft. Swift shook his head again which Julia took as encouragement and started to lick further towards his head, her tongue finally running across the end of his head. Julia could taste the saltiness on the end of his cock and she started to get more turned on than she had been up to that point. She took one hand from Swifts large cock, undid the button and zip of her jodhpurs and slid her hand down the front of her tiny panties. Her pussy was already soaking wet as her fingers found their way inside herself. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and lifted Swifts cock up to her mouth sliding herself along it as far as she could. James had been big last night but this boy was huge and her mouth could barely fit more than an inch or so inside it. She bobbed her head trying to simulate a fucking motion as best she could while she continued to finger herself. As her head bobbed quicker her fingers fucked herself quicker she could feel the tell-tale signs of an orgasm building inside her. She carried on sucking getting more and more turned on. When Trish lifted her top and started to play with Julia’s tits that was all she needed and she threw her head back and screamed as her orgasm ripped through her body. Her body squirted its love juice out as hard as it could, soaking her panties and jodhpurs as she continued to writhe in ecstasy, with Trish propping her up, behind her.

Trish continued to caress Julia’s tits as her orgasm relinquished its control on her body, until Julia opened her eyes and looked up at Trish, “My god what have you turned me into!” She said with a beautiful smile on her face. Trish leant forwards and kissed her, “Hmm you taste of horse cock” she said smiling back down at her. “Come on, time for Swift to have his turn I would say, wouldn’t you?” Julia nodded and leant forwards again and took Swifts huge cock back into her mouth and with both hands started to massage the shaft, as Trish instructed her from behind as she replicated her instructions on her horse. “Race you!” She said as her voice muffled as it filed with cock before she finished talking. Julia took the challenge and started to suck and rub on Swifts cock as hard and fast as she could. It felt like an age before the first splash of thick white cream hit Julia’s throat. It caught her completely unaware, there had been no tell-tale sign that Swift was about to come, but by god he was coming now. Wave after wave of hot semen flooded into her mouth. The second had barely finished coming out of his cock when Julia had to remove it from her mouth. The seed kept on flowing though and was coating her face and running down across her top, and splattering into her hair. Behind her she could hear Trish gag and gurgle as Graham started to unload his seed into her as well. Julia turned to face Trish after Swift had unloaded every drop of his balls onto her. Trish was covered in the stuff too. Her hair was matted and covered in the white goo, her top and jodhpurs were soaked too. She turned and looked and Julia and smiled as they both leant in towards each other and kissed, licking at the seed on the others faces and swapping it with their tongues. Their hands roamed across their cum soaked bodies as they continued their passionate embrace. Julia slide her hands under Trish’s top lifting up over her head, then unclasping her pink lace bra at the back, slid that off her lover also. Trish stripped Julia’s top and bra in a similar fashion and the pair embraced rubbing their moist tits together, running their fingers across the cum that still soaked parts of their faces and rubbing it down onto their nipples. “let’s go back over to the rug, we will be more comfy on the cushions” Trish said as she stood and led her topless, horse cum soaked companion, back around the lake.


Part Seven

As the women approached the blanket they both removed their riding boots, jodhpurs and knickers, piling them in a heap by the picnic basket. Julia was first to lay down on the cushions and Trish lay on top of her rubbing her pubic mound against Julia’s as they picked up their passionate kissing. Hands, tongues and legs writhed around between the pair as they made love in the open air next to the pool. They screamed as they orgasmed in unison, again Julia squirting her cum and soaking Trish who was scissoring her at the time. They fell into each other’s arms and drifted off to sleep. When they woke the sun had clearly moved into the western half of the sky so they decided to they had better make a start back to the stable. They rounded up their clothes but they were still soaked “There is no one about, why don’t we ride back naked, I’m sure Pedro won’t mind seeing our tits bouncing along as we canter into the yard!” Julia said squeezing Trish’s large breasts before bending down and licking at her nipples “Mmmmm don’t start that or we will never leave here” Trish said sadly as she truly wished she could stay up there with Julia forever. She had fallen for Julia but was concerned that Julia didn’t feel the same way. The stuffed their clothes into the picnic basket taking a sandwich out each that they ate before walking back round to the horses. The swung their naked bodies up into the saddles and turned the horses for home.

The cool summer breeze whipped around their exposed flesh so that within a few hundred yards of setting off, both women’s nipples were hard and they stayed that way for the entirety of the ride. As they neared the farm they could see Pedro working away on the far side of the paddock on another stretch of fence that needed repairing. He looked up and he whacked his hand with a hammer as over the brow of the hill came riding two naked women. Their hair flowing out behind them and their breasts bouncing in time with the stride of the strong stallions beneath them. He almost instantly forgot the pain and ran around the paddock to the yard, getting there just as the women did. “Lady Godiver in stereo vision!” he stuttered out as they halted the horses beside him. “You just gonna stare or help us down” Trish questioned. Pedro offered a hand up to Julia first, helping her down and then Trish, who jumped into his arms as she dismounted. “Not a bad little treat are we!” She said as she pecked him on the cheek and shook herself out of his arms, dropping to her knees as she landed and had unzipped Pedro’s trousers and had his cock in her mouth before Julia could even blink. “Want some?” Trish asked looking up at Julia who instantly joined her friends on her knees in front of the stable lad. Now Pedro had a decent size cock, better than average, but compared to the ones Julia had sucked in the last 24hours he was tiny and so she slid her head all the way along his shaft taking him straight to the back of her throat before sliding back up again “Yummy” she started “haven’t had a Spanish sausage this tasty in a while.” She looked up at Pedro and slid his cock back down her throat again, not breaking eye contact with him until she lifted herself free of him. Not to be outdone Trish nudged her out of the way before she demonstrated her deep throating skills, this time flicking her tongue out across his shaven balls when she had him fully swallowed. The pair alternated in deep throating him until he grabbed his own cock and started to wank it. The girls put their heads together, mouths open and tongues waiting and after a few more rapid strokes Pedro came across the pair of them. The women fought to get each wad as cum as it flew out of his penis, and very soon there was no evidence that he had just come other than his rapid breathing and hard cock. Pedro just stood and stared at Julia and Trish got back to their feet and walked as naked as the day they were born without a care in the world, across the yard and into the house.

After they had showered and cleaned themselves up a bit, Trish found some clothes that would fit Julia and once dressed, they headed back out into the yard. Pedro had taken the tack off both horses and was leading them towards the paddock. “Why do you fuck him when you have Rex, Graham and Swift?” Julia asked nodding towards Pedro “He helped me start this place, I couldn’t have done it without him, and even though he isn’t Rex or Graham, it is nice to have a man fuck me every now and then. Mind you it’s much better to have a woman make love like you did earlier” Trish ventured bravely, seeing if her feelings were reciprocated. Julia blushed, again she was unsure if Trish meant exactly what she had said, and did she have feelings for her. She gambled “I think I agree Trish, I never thought I could enjoy being with a woman as much as I have enjoyed being with you.” Her heart pounded in her chest as she waited for a response. Trish bent forward and kissed her and they embraced tightly.

It had been hard for Julia to leave after both women had revealed their feelings for each other, but Sam had sent a number of texts while she had been out ‘riding’ so she made her excuses and left, saying that they could chat later on. When Julia got home, Sam was sat in the lounge on her phone. “Hey sweetie, you ok?” Julia asked as she walked up and kissed her daughter on the forehead. “Yeah I’m good, um, Mum, They’re not your clothes?” Sam said quizzically as Julia stood up. “Um, we got soaked in a shower on the ride back so I borrowed some old clothes from the stable owner” Julia tired imaginatively. “It’s been sunny all day Mum!” Sam said briskly “It’s ok if you don’t want to tell me you don’t have to” and she dropped her head and stared back at her mobile, putting her headphones in for good measure. Julia left her alone and went upstairs and changed, she pottered around for a bit made a cup of tea and grabbed a slice of cake from the sideboard in the kitchen and headed back to see Sam. Sam was still glued to her phone and after saying her name 3 times she finally looked up “Got changed then!” Sam said, “Yeah, they didn’t fit too well,” Julia said trying to make light of the conversation. “So how was your ride!?” there was a tone in Sam’s voice but Julia couldn’t work out why or what it meant “It was good, we rode down over to the edge of the valley and came back”. Julia responded chirpily. “You didn’t stop off there then?” now this time the attitude in Sam’s voice was unmistakable but before Julia could come up with an answer Sam carried on “You didn’t stop off by the lake there then, Mum!” Sam almost spat the last word out at her with real venom. Julia froze, what was going on she stammered trying to make up some kind of a sentence that would get her out of this situation “Don’t bother mum, I saw you!”

Julia froze “What, what do you mean!” she tried to say calmly as if Sam had got it wrong “Don’t bother Mum. I saw you with her!” Julia relaxed a little if that was all she had seen she could talk her way out of it. “And I saw you with the horses too!!” Julia just looked back at her daughter. Sam’s face was ice cold, staring back at her making Julia feel an inch tall. “How could you Mum? How could you do it with a horse!” she paused “Was it good??” Sam continued but her tone had changed to one of excitement and her face broke into a smile as the last sentence left her mouth. Julia was stunned she didn’t know what was going on. Sam spun herself around on the sofa to face her mum fully for the first time “Giving a horse a blow job? Was it good Mum, did his spunk taste really weird?” Julia could not get her head around what was happening 5 seconds ago she had been terrified that her daughter had somehow seen her earlier and now she was bouncing around asking detail as if she had seen her on a merry-go-round. Julia finally managed to speak “What on earth are you talking about Sam. Get a grip of yourself!” she said as sternly as she could muster. “It’s no good Mum, I’m 18 now and not stupid, I know what I saw.” She crossed the room and sat next to her Mum “I got bored and thought I should have come out with you but it was too late, so I took one of the quad bikes from the garage and thought I would get some fresh air. I was just coming over the brow of a hill when about half a mile ahead I saw you getting off the horses by the lake. I switched off the quad, and walked along the tree line until I was about 200 yards away.” Julia’s pulse was racing as she listened and her face turned bright red. “I got there just as you started to play with the horses, god mum I never knew you were into things like that” Julia tried to protest “Its ok Mum, it was really hot. Your friend is pretty gorgeous too” Sam winked at her Mum as she made her last comment making Julia blush even more. “I got so turned on watching you both Mum, tell me what it was like, please!” Sam was almost begging in her tone as she spoke. Julia took a deep breath, well she had been busted so she might as well give Sam the information she asked for.

Sam sat motionless, hanging on every word her Mother told her about her experience earlier that afternoon, all but for the occasional question when she felt Julia had not given her all the information she could have. She quizzed her Mum at length over the taste of horse cum, with Julia trying her best to describe the taste, and how it felt in her mouth etc. Sam then insisted that Julia tell her about Trish, which she did, blushing as she told her daughter about how soft her new lovers flesh felt, and how her tongue would lick her pussy taking her to ecstasy almost as quickly as any person had ever done before. Sam’s eyes were wide and fixed on her Mother as she listened intently to her telling of her lesbian encounters with Trish. Julia decided not to tell Sam about Rex just yet, wanting to keep some privacy in her new found sex and love life. After about an hour of talking Sam finally seemed satisfied that she had all the information she needed and excused herself, kissing her mother on the cheek before going.

The next morning Julia was woken up by Sam bringing her breakfast on a tray. Julia reached down pulling the sheet up her body covering her naked form, “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before Mum!” Sam giggled as Julia tried to maintain her modesty. Sam placed the tray on the side of the bed and sat down next to her mother “Do you have any plans for today Mum?” she asked to which Julia shook her head. “Do you think Trish would mind if we went down to the stables and went for a ride?” she asked inquisitively. Julia said that she wasn’t sure, and she would have to ask Trish but that they would not be repeating anything that she had seen the previous day “We will go for a ride, and that is all!” she said sternly. Sam’s face dropped to a frown but she nodded, gave her mum a kiss on the cheek and skipped out of the room. Julia was just about to text Trish, when her phone rang, it was Trish. Julia’s heart pounded as she swiped her phone to accept the call and before she could say anything Trish started “Good morning gorgeous, I hope I didn’t wake you?” Julia’s heart pounded even more at being called gorgeous by her new lover, and told Trish that she had been awake for a short while and was actually just about to text her. “Great minds think alike!” Trish giggled down the phone, “Anyway, reason I called was to tell you that I have to go down to the city this morning, Solicitors need my signature on some papers, wondered if you would like to come along, maybe have a spot of lunch somewhere quiet on the way back?” Julia said that would have been lovely but Sam wanted to go riding, so she had better do stuff with her, “We can go for a ride in the afternoon if you like, best of both worlds!” Trish responded. Julia said she would check with Sam and let her know. They said goodbye and Julia hung up the phone. Julia quickly ate the toast that Sam had bought u for her and threw on a robe, picked up the cup of tea and went to look for Sam. She knocked on her door and stuck her head around it. What she saw almost made her drop her cup, Sam was on her hands and knees, reaching under herself pushing 3 fingers rapidly in and out of her pussy her laptop propped up in front of her showing a video of a blonde woman sucking on a horse cock. Julia wasn’t sure what to do as her eyes flicked from the laptop to her daughters wet pussy. Sam started to moan deeply, and her body started to shake as her orgasm built up inside her. She threw her head down into the pillow to muffle her scream as her pussy exploded its juices everywhere. “Like mother, like daughter” Julia thought to herself as she closed the door.


Part Eight

Julia stood outside her daughter’s door for a minute and then knocked again, only loudly this time. She giggled to herself as a flustered voice from the other side said “Hang on, just getting dressed!” Julia called back through the door that Trish had asked her to accompany her to town this morning but that they could all go riding in the afternoon to which Sam agreed “Ok, see you this afternoon Mum!” Julia could still hear the faint panting in her daughter’s voice as she came down from her orgasm. Julia smiled and went back to her room to get changed. She showered and selected a short white summer dress that had roses printed on it, that she pulled on over a thin lace half cup bra and matching thong. She slipped a pair of small heeled red shoes. She had text Trish before she had showered and now she had 5 minutes before she would be at the house to collect her. Julia skipped down stairs passing James in the hallway, “Wow someone has made a right impression on you Sis” he said. “Haven’t seen you this happy in ages, is it the woman or the dog that has put that smile on your face” he continued with a laugh “Both, but mainly Trish!” Julia admitted as she opened the front door as the sound of a car travelling up the gravel drive could be heard. “See you later James!” she said with a wink and closed the door.

Trish could see Julia waiting by the porch of her house as she turned the bend in the driveway, and sighed a very satisfied sigh, she looked stunning, Trish thought. She slowed up and stopped by the porch and Julia opened the door and hopped into the little sports car that Trish had arrived in. “Racy” she said to Trish “and the car is pretty racy too” Julia joked and leant over and kissed Trish. They kissed for a few moments before Julia pulled back, “Come on, sooner we go the sooner we can get back!” she said placing her hand on Trish’s thigh stroking it up towards her crotch then back towards her knee. Trish looked at her and agreed, put the car into first gear and headed off back down the drive. It was about an hours drive down to the city and they listened to the radio and chatted about this and that as they drove. Trish found a parking space about 100 yards from the offices of her solicitors in one direction and a small café about the same distance in the other. “I’ll be about an hour I would imagine, shall we meet back in that café?” Trish asked to which Julia agreed. They got out of the car hugged and kissed again then went their separate ways. Julia walked around the shops for a bit to kill some time then headed to the café. She had just sat down with a cool lemonade when Trish came in, again they kissed, which bought some odd looks from a couple of the customers. The pair giggled “If the look like that when we kiss, imagine their faces if they saw us with Rex!” Julia said laughing harder “Let alone Swift and Graham!” Trish chipped in and the pair kissed again. When they had finished their drinks the left and headed back to the car “Fancy something to eat on the way back?” Trish asked “I fancy you on the way back!” Julia said as she pulled Trish towards her and kissed her deeply, her hand running across her back as they kissed. “That sounds like a much better idea!” Trish said after they parted, let’s find somewhere to stop off on the way back?” “No let’s go back to yours Trish, I want some cock too, and I’m sure Rex will have missed us both!” Trish smiled and ran her hand up under Julia’s dress and pushed her fingers against her cunt through her knickers “What a great suggestion” she said as she moved her hand back and started the car. Trish was very keen to get back and so they sped around the lanes that led back towards the stables.

They were in the house as quick as a flash once the car had stopped and as soon as the door had closed they were locked together by their lips in a passionate, sex charged kiss. Julia tugged at the buttons of the business shirt Trish had worn that day exposing her large breasts inside of the silk bra. She rubbed her fingers across her lover’s nipples, feeling them stiffen through the soft material. Trish for her part had her hands under Julia’s skirt and had pulled the lace thing to one side and was massaging Julia’s clit with one hand whilst probing her wet cunt with the other. The two staggered into the lounge and sank to their knees and then lay on the oft rug in the centre of the room stripping each other on the way until they lay naked, wrapped around each other. Fingers probed soft wet flesh as tongues darted across hard nipples, lips kissed lips, nibbled on the soft flesh of necks and breathing got deeper and shorter as both women neared orgasm. Julia heard the tap of claws on the hard floor of the hall just a second or so before Trish, they looked at each other and smiled as Rex entered the room. It was Trish who moved first, pushing Julia onto her back and patting her cunt, calling Rex over. Rex needed no second invitation and his head was quickly between Julia’s thighs, his tongue out and licking the juices that Trish had teased from Julia’s pussy. Julia moaned loudly as the dogs tongue lapped from her ass to her clit, its rough surface sending quivers through her as it brushed across her skin. “Come and sit on my face” Julia said to Trish, who quickly obliged, placing a leg either side of her face and lowering her pussy down until Julia’s tongue dove into her wet folds. Trish leant forwards placing a hand on Julia’s clit squeezing it between her fingers. She could feel Julia moan inside her as she pinched it harder between Rex licking it. Julia’s orgasm was building deep inside her and she patted Trish’s thigh to lift her off her face. “Can I fuck him first please?” she begged “Of course” said Trish, He had me this morning so he’s all yours! She said getting off Julia completely and helping her to turn over and get on all fours.

As soon as he was up on her knees, Rex was up on her back, his front paws scrabbling to move himself along her and his hips thrusting towards her. Julia moved back until she could feel the hot pre-cum hitting the back of her thighs as he probed and prodded towards her. She tried her best to line herself up with him and then he was in her. Julia moaned loudly as Rex picked up his pace, the warm fur of his inner thighs now pressed up against the soft flesh of Julia’s ass as they mated. Almost immediately Julia felt the tell-tale throb and pressure of Rex’s know as he pounded it against her cunt lips until after a few more thrusts it was inside her. Julia felt it grow more once it was enclosed inside her and she clenched her muscles behind it, sending shockwaves through her nerves. She moaned even louder than before as her orgasm started to rip through her body. She could feel her pussy filling up with her own juices as Rex’s knot was preventing them from squirting out as the normally would. The she felt the first burst of hot seed hit her insides and she came again. Her pussy was swelling as her own cum, now being added to my Rex’s cum mixed inside her. She gripped tighter making sure to hold as much of their juices inside her, but even though she clenched as hard as she could she still felt a mix of hot cum leak out and run down the inside of her thigh. She hadn’t even thought was Trish was doing until she felt her tongue trace its way up her inner thigh licking the cum up as she went. As she reached the top, her tongue flicked across Julia’s clit, causing another wave of orgasm to flow through Julia, forcing more cum out, which Trish excitedly lapped at. Rex started to shuffle about after he had unloaded all the cum he could, so Julia relaxed her muscles which instantly let a flow of cum pour out of her. Trish was there like a shot, licking at it with her tongue and using her fingers to scoop any that she couldn’t reach at that time. Rex had started to shrink and so was pulling back trying to remove his know, which temporarily stopped the flow of juices, but Trish didn’t move knowing that when he popped free there would be a torrent for her to enjoy. She manoeuvred herself slightly so that she would be able to put her mouth other Julia’s cunt lips as soon as Rex was free and waited. She didn’t have to wait long as Rex pulled back and jumped off his mate and as soon as he was clear she clamped her mouth over Julia’s cunt and started to swallow the heady cocktail of dog and female cum that poured into her mouth. She swallowed hard gulping to ensure she didn’t miss a drop of it, and when the flow eased would stick her tongue up inside Julia to tease out the final few droplets. Julia sank to the floor, breathless and Trish moved to lay alongside her, “That was amazing” Julia finally managed to say which prompted Trish to lean forward and the pair kissed passionately again.

Julia must have dozed off because she opened her eyes and she was covered by a soft fleece blanket, and Trish was nowhere to be seen, but Rex was curled up in front of her. She reached out and stroked him gently across the back of his head. He didn’t move, must be worn out too, thought Julia. Just the Trish came back in carrying a glass of water, which she handed to Julia, who sipped at it. “Your phone rang a few minutes ago, I hope you don’t mind but I looked and the caller ID said Samantha.” “What time is it?” Julia asked, sitting up quickly scanning the room for her handbag. Trish leant behind her and passed it to her, “Just gone 1, you have been asleep for about 15mins or so.” Julia relaxed, it was still early afternoon so she hadn’t let Sam down. “Still fancy that ride?” She asked Trish with a glint in her eye. “Oh yes” Trisha replied and kissed her.

Julia sent a text message to James asking him to run Sam down to the Stables for her so they could go riding, then Trish led her upstairs into the bathroom, and washed her down in the shower. Once cleaned up the two women quickly got dressed into some riding gear and headed out to the stables to check on the horses. Pedro was mucking out the stables and had taken his shirt off due to the hot afternoon sunshine and as a result his muscular body glinted in the sun as the light bounced off the beads of sweat that covered his torso. Trish wolf whistled at him, and he turned round and posed like a body builder, “Later Mr Atlas“ she teased, “we are taking the horses out for a ride, when we get back you might get lucky!” she shouted across to him as she led the way to the tack room.

They were just tightening the last few buckles on the horses and checking they were secure when James pulled up in the courtyard. He wound down the window and greeted the pair of them. Julia led Trish over and introduced her to James and Sam. James was very polite and Sam threw her arms around her neck in as if she were greeting an old friend. Sam whispered something to Trisha that Julia couldn’t hear and they giggled like a couple of schoolgirls. “Alright you two” Julia said, “Let’s get going shall we” at which Sam hopped over the fence and James got back in his car and left. The three women walked over to the horses and Trish introduced them to Sam. Each horse got a pat on the nose and a chunk of carrot, from Sam as they were introduced to her “and this is your mount for the day,” Trisha said, “Loco Boy, meet Sam; Sam meet Loco boy.” Sam stroked him along his face and raised a hand with a chuck of carrot to his mouth, which he ate. Sam moved around the side of him patting his neck and stroking his mane. Loco clearly enjoyed the attention and whinnied his approval. Sam swung herself up into the saddle, as did her Mum and Trisha on Swift and Graham, and they headed off out of the paddock and out across the fields. They rode out at a canter and broke into a hard gallop almost immediately. Swift was clearly the fastest of the trio with Loco and Graham pretty evenly matched, but Sam’s inexperience showed, and coupled with riding a strange horse called ahead that she was going to slow down. Trish and eventually Julia circled back and they trotted along for a while. They had ridden for a fair while when Sam suggested “There’s a lake over there, why don’t we take a breather, and water the horses, it’s a hot day after all” Julia was just about to argue, knowing that Sam was planning something, but Trisha agreed that the horses could do with a drink so the headed over and stopped. “Do you know this part of the country side well Sam?” Trisha asked “Oh I have been here once before I think, a couple of days ago if I recall” She looked at her mum and winked. A lump formed in Julia’s throat, she wanted to stop Sam from saying anything else as she hadn’t had a chance to tell Trisha that Sam had watched them the last time they had visited but Sam just went on “There were some very odd goings on though, I could have sworn I saw two women having sex on the far side but I was too far away. “OK Sam stop it now!” Julia said curtly “Trish, Sam saw us the other day up here, and yes she saw everything!” I’m sorry I should have told you but I didn’t realise by daughter had become so brazen. I thought she would keep her mouth shut.” Trisha laughed, “Well Sam, you seem to have me at a disadvantage” Sam looked at her quizzically, “Well you have seen me sucking a horse cock, but I haven’t seen you!” Trish continued. Both Sam and Julia looked stunned at this but Sam quickly replied “OK, but I want you to take a photo at the end for me!” Well at this Julia almost fell off her horse. Not only was her girlfriend encouraging her daughter to suck on horse cock, but her daughter not only willing wanted a photographic record of it. Stunned in disbelief Julia sarcastically said “Why don’t we video it!” expecting this to snap the other two back into reality but both looked at her and said what a great idea that was. It was no use Julia thought, she might as well let them carry on because she couldn’t stop them, and deep down she wanted to do it again also.


Part Nine

The three of them stood beside Loco Boy; Julia was holding his reins in one hand and Sam’s mobile in the other, whilst Trisha stood towards Loco’s rear, one hand gently rubbing his rump. Sam knelt on the floor looking up at Trisha as she explained what to do. Sam looked up at her mum “Ready to record this Mum? She asked with a huge grin on her face. Julia had come round to the idea now, after a little coaxing from Trisha, and she nodded “Here goes” said Sam and she started to rub the underside of Loco’s belly, down towards his groin. Her hand moved slowly and softly and she spoke to him telling him what a gorgeous boy he was, and how she wanted to taste his cock. Julia captured all this on the phone, adjusting her position slightly to get a better angle. “I can see it!” Sam exclaimed loudly as Loco’s long cock started to appear from its sheath. “Gently Sam, don’t go too rough!” Trisha said and Sam nodded as she moved her face towards the large appendage. She kissed it gently then licked her lips. The taste was quite nice, earthy but ok, so she kissed him again, and a third time, this time allowing her tongue to slip out and slid it along an inch or so of Loco’s cock. “He’s massive!” Sam said triumphantly as it seemed that Loco had reached full length. Julia had to agree, he seemed to be as long as Swift but thicker in the shaft although the dark brown heads seemed of comparable sizes. “I’m gonna see if I can blow him now!” Sam said as she took the large cock in her tiny hand and lifted up to her head. She licked at it first, covering it in saliva in order to help it slip in her mouth and then she opened wide and swallowed the entire head in one go. “Oh My God, are you getting this Julia?” Trisha cheered, “Did you see how easily she took that in her mouth?” Julia said she was and that she didn’t realise Sam had such a big mouth. Sam could hear the others talking about her so she relaxed some more and managed to slide about an inch of his shaft into her throat but even she struggled to hold him and had to back off, gasping for air as she released him from her mouth. She caught her breath very quickly and was back licking and swallowing the manhood hanging in front of her. She reached up and held him in both hands gently starting to rub them up and down the entire length from his balls to her lips, increasing her speed as she felt it throb in her grasp. Loco shook his head and neighed and Trisha said “Get ready Sam, he’s about to cum” Sam gripped a little tighter as she rubbed him and very soon was attempting to swallow a huge flood of cum that Loco emptied into the willing mouth beneath him. Sam did a great job of containing the first two loads but the third was too much for her to manage and she released her lips from around his cock and sat back allowing his cum to flood out all over her face. Julia leant in nearer to get a close-up and Sam turned her face so she was full on to the phone as another wave of thin watery cum flooded across her face, her tongue desperately trying to catch as much as she could. Trisha knelt beside her scooping up spare cum with her hands and feeding it back up to Sam’s mouth were she greedily licked and sucked until there was no more cum left to enjoy. Julia stopped the camera, “My god that was soo horny Sam, I’m surprised I didn’t cum watching you” She said a little embarrassed. Sam beamed up at her mother, “Thanks Mum, glad you enjoyed it. Can I video you guys now too?” Trisha and Julia looked at each other, but before they could answer Sam had stood between them and said: “Only joking, but I would love to watch you both!” “Well we can hardly say no now can we darling?” Julia said to Trisha “I guess not beautiful!” Trisha replied.

They smiled at each other, hugged and kissed and for a moment forgot Sam was even there as hands roamed across bodies. “Uh hum!” Sam coughed interrupting the pair. Trisha looked down at Sam “looks like another naked ride home is coming up!” and winked at Julia. Julia looked down at her daughter, her pale brown top was drenched in horse cum, and it was clinging to her firm pert tits. Sam looked down at herself and laughed, as she lifted the top off over her head. Her tits bounced freely as she hadn’t put a bra on before coming out. “Well, it is a nice day for it!” Trisha said and lifted her top off, and released her large boobs from her bra. “In for a penny n all that!” Stated Julia as she took her top and bra off then proceeded to take off her boots jodhpurs and knickers. It wasn’t long until all three of them stood naked in front of each other. They giggled as they looked at each other “Wow you two still got it!” Sam said and moved towards her mother and kissed her on the lips. Julia was a little shocked as Sam then moved across and did the same to Trisha, lingering a little longer. “Oi little lady, Hands off, She’s is mine!” Julia said half-jokingly and they all giggled again. “I thought you two hotties were gonna suck horse cock?” Sam announced, “Come on, they won’t suck themselves!” Trisha said agreeing with the youngest of the trio. “Let’s swap!” Announced Julia and Trisha agreed so Julia went and knelt under Graham, and Trisha took up position under Swift. The smell of sex in the air from Sam’s earlier activity meant that both horses already had their cocks swinging under them when the women knelt down and started to suck. Sam wasn’t sure where to look so sat a little way back so she could see both at the same time. She watched as her mum took Graham’s large cock into her mouth, then looked across to see Trisha do the same to Swift. Her hand fell between her thighs and she started to finger her wet folds as she watched the small orgy unfold itself in front of her. Julia looked up and saw her daughter masturbating and her lover sucking horse cock and smiled to herself and started to work Graham’s shaft with both hands until he unloaded into her mouth. Julia had not expected him to cum so quickly so wasn’t ready and the first load flew down her throat almost choking her, but she regained control quickly and managed to swallow most of it and spit the rest out onto her tits. Within a second, Sam was licking cum off her mum’s tits. Seeing this, Julia allowed more of the liquid to flow down on to her exposed breasts for her daughter to collect. Sam slipped a hand between her mum’s legs and started to rub her clit, which was enough to bring Julia to the verge of orgasm. The sound of gurgling and the sight of Trisha taking a load of cum on to her face threw Julia over the edge and her cunt exploded its juices all over Sam’s hand. “Go and help Trisha!” Julia panted to Sam, who ran across the short space of grass and started to clean the cum off Trisha’s naked body and rubbed her cunt too. Trisha shuddered and came as the final load of cum went flying into her mouth. The two women collapsed as Sam skipped around excitedly “Wow you two are the best!” She would say, stopping to kiss first her mother and then would skip over and kiss Trisha, licking a little more cum off their faces, boobs and bodies each time she visited one.

Julia had just about regained her breath when Sam appeared above her face, looking her in the eye “That was so sexy Mum, can we do it again another time?” She had a glint in her eye the Julia had not seen in ages, she looked across at Trisha who nodded. “Of course we can Sam, but for now we should probably head…” her words were cut off as she felt three fingers slip inside her wet pussy. She looked over towards were Trisha had been, expecting the fingers to be hers, but she was still lying on her side playing with one of her nipples. Julia looked back up at Sam, her eyes were fixed on her mother. “You have a beautiful cunt Mum,” she said as the fingers inside her quickened their play. Julia was lost for words as the walls of her pussy contracted under the thrill her daughter’s fingers stirred inside her. “What are you doing” Julia started but again her sentence was cut short, this time by her daughter’s tongue forcing its way into her mouth. Julia’s mind raced, she was nearing an orgasm such was the skill of the fingers inside her, but the fact those same fingers were her daughters gave great torment to Julia. It was only when she felt a soft tongue join the fingers on her pussy did she lose track of her thoughts. Her lover was now licking her pussy, whilst her daughter fingered it and kissed her deeply, sensations that took charge of Julia’s body, which convulsed and shook as the waves of an orgasm ripped through her. She could feel the juices squirting out of her pussy, splashing across her thighs as they deflected off Trisha’s face and her daughter’s fingers. Sam continued to rub and probe her mother’s insides bringing a second flood of cum from her mother. By now Julia had wrapped her arms around her daughter and was now kissing her back as passionately as she was being kissed. She felt Trisha move up her body and Sam shifted her head so that their three tongues danced around each other. Julia could taste her cum on Trisha’s tongue as they mingled around each other. Julia reached out with her arms so that one hand rested on Sam’s arse, the other on Trisha’s and she squeezed the fleshy cheeks of her lovers. “I love you Sam!” she said “I love you too Mum” Sam replied “I love you Trisha!” as these words left her mouth she felt Sam pull back slightly, allowing Trisha to move closer “I love you, Julia!” She said and the two kissed once more before Sam butted her way back in and the three of them hugged.

The ladies washed themselves down in the lake then popping their clothes into a saddle bag on Graham’s saddle, they rode back to the stables as naked as the day they were born. The stable yard was deserted when they got back and Julia and Trisha complained cos they still fancied some cock, but Pedro was nowhere to be seen. The took the tack off the horses and let them run in the paddock with Trisha saying that Pedro wouldn’t have gone far and that he would sort them out when he got back, before leading the other two women into the house. Trisha opened the back door letting them into the kitchen and was immediately greeted by Rex jumping up, his front paws landing on her exposed tits as he licked her face, Trisha let him lick her and rubbed her hands across his back. Sam stood there looking at Rex when Julia prodded her in the back making her move into the kitchen so that Julia could close the door. “Erm, I think you might already have guessed Sam” Julia started “But it’s not only horses that Trisha and I have been enjoying recently.” Her daughter didn’t react to her mother’s words, instead pulled up a chair and sat on it, legs spread and her hands dropped down between her thighs. “Do you let him fuck you both? Sam asked, her eyes not moving from Trisha, who was now having her tits licked by Rex’s large rough tongue. “Yes, we have both had him ‘fuck us’ as you put so delicately,” Julia said with a little laugh as her eyes flicked between Sam playing with her pussy and Trisha. Julia moved across and took Trisha’s hand and guided her to the edge of the table and sat her down on it. Trisha spread her legs allowing Rex to get his head between them and his tongue lapping at the soft wet folds. Julia knelt down beside Rex, her hand going under his soft belly searching for the sheath holding his hot cock. She rubbed gently until Rex’s cock started to emerge, she beckoned Sam over who knelt on the other side of Rex, her hand going under and meeting her mother’s as it stroked the ever-enlarging cock. Sam looked across Rex’s back at her mother as they started to wank the dog off together, as he licked deeper into Trisha’s pussy. “This is amazing Mum, you are both SO amazing” Sam beamed, she leant forward across Rex’s back and kissed her mother.


Part Ten

Rex was now almost fully grown in the hands of Julia and her daughter, Sam, who pulled away from their kiss and bent down so she disappeared from Julia’s view behind Rex. Julia bent down to see what her daughter was up to and she saw her just as Sam’s tongue flicked across the head of Rex’s cock. “Oh he tastes dreamy Mum, have you given him a blow job yet?” but without waiting for an answer, Sam opened her mouth and slid it up the length of hot purple flesh. Julia moved her hand to allow Sam to get as much of the cock in her mouth as possible. Sam had her eyes wide open as she looked at her mother watching her, and smiled as her lips reached the soft fur of Rex’s belly, the hot squirts of pre-cum flowing down her throat. She backed off him “Oh Mum, come here and lick him with me” She said, and Julia bent her head down and let her tongue slide along the length of Rex’s cock. Trisha could only see the naked backs of Julia and Sam now as they ducked under Rex but his tongue was now buried deep inside her pussy, lapping at her juices causing her to flex and tense up with each lick bringing wonderful sensations through her. Julia had now taken Rex all the way down her throat as Sam slid her hand under her mother and pinched her nipples. This caused Julia to groan, vibrating Rex’s cock in her throat as she did so. She could hear Trisha start to moan and pant as Rex bought her closer and closer to an orgasm with his tongue. Julia removed her head from Rex’s cock “Let’s Help Trisha, we can come back to Rex in a minute” Julia said to her daughter and simultaneously the pair rose and moved the yard over to Trisha. Taking a nipple in their mouths, they began biting them with their teeth and sucking on them. This was too much for Trisha, and after placing a hand on the back of Julia’s and Sam’s heads, she screamed out loud as a massive orgasm ripped its way through her body. She gripped the back of their heads pulling them harder into her large fleshy tits encouraging them to suck harder on them, inflating the sense of passion going through her. As they waves of orgasm relented Trisha released her grip on Julia’s and Sam’s heads allowing them to remove their mouths leaving behind two rock hard nipples pointing straight up in the air.

Rex had moved his head from between Trisha’s legs and was now curled up on the floor, licking his cock, which was still spurting little streams of pre-cum. Sam was the first to move and knelt down beside Rex placing her mouth in line with his cock so as to catch each spurt on her tongue. She stayed there until she had caught about 5 little shots before moving back over to Trisha. Placing her mouth above Trisha’s, Sam opened her mouth allowing the clear liquid to drip from her tongue and onto Trisha’s lips. Trisha’s tongue immediately darted out capturing the fluid allowing the rest of it to drop into her mouth. Whilst Sam and Trisha swapped pre-cum, Julia was down capturing her own mouthful, and when Sam had finished Julia took her place and repeated what her daughter had done only moments before. Trisha’s mouth slowly filled with pre-cum as mother and daughter continued to take turns feeding it to her. Trisha could feel its warmth on the insides of her cheeks as her mouth continued to fill until she could feel it start to leak over her bottom lip, at which she closed her mouth and swallowed, “Oh my, that was sooo erotic!” Trisha said once she had made sure every last drop was down in her belly. “I think Rex deserves to breed one of us now seeing as he been such a good boy!” Sam almost jumped at the sound of this, Julia and Trisha looked at each other and laughed as Sam excitedly pleaded that they let Rex breed her. There was no way they could resist such an impassioned plea, so Julia helped her daughter on to her hands and knees explaining what was about to happen as Trisha encouraged Rex back on to his feet. Rex seemed uninterested so Trisha slipped a couple of fingers into Sam’s pussy, “My god you are so wet already!” Trisha said to Sam as she scooped juices out of the 18-year-old and offered her fingers to Rex. The scent of a bitch on heat was instantly recognised by the dog, and he jumped to his feet and pushed his nose between Sam’s thighs, his tongue lapping at her clit. Sam moaned as she felt the rough surface of Rex’s tongue brush across her flesh, but just as she was starting to build an orgasm at its touch Rex removed his head and lifted himself up onto her back. Sam braced herself, not expecting such a weight to be put on her, but she locked her elbows and supported his weight as Rex thrust around in search of his prize. Sam looked up at her Mum, “I can feel him, Mum, he is prodding around by my thighs, I can feel him” Her sentence was ended prematurely as she moaned deeply “He’s in me!!” She squealed “Oh my, he feels amazing” she panted “So much bigger than anything I have ever fucked!” she continued to talk but soon her words became incoherent mumbles and moans as Rex started to fuck her harder and faster. Trisha came and knelt between Julia’s legs and lowered her head and started to lick her lovers pussy. Julia dropped her hands and spread her pussy lips wide allowing her lover access to her inner folds, which Trisha was quick to get her tongue into. Julia leant her head backwards as Trisha licked and probed inside her pussy. Sam moaned deeply as Rex continued to fuck her hard. Julia was snapped back to from the pleasure of her lover’s tongue in her clit, as she heard Sam scream, half in pleasure but half in pain “What the hell is going on Mum? What is happening? It feels like he is ripping me in half!!” Trisha lifted her head, cum dripping from her chin and moved behind Sam and Rex as Julia explained about the dog’s knot. “I can’t take it, it’s too big!” Sam exclaimed as Rex continued to pound into her, his knot edging closer and closer to her insides with every thrust. Julia held her daughters head in her hands and kissed her “try and relax love,” she said to her, “It will be worth the pain, once he is inside you” Julia continued. She could see Sam trying to relax as at the same time Trisha placed her hands between Sam’s legs. Rex stopped thrusting as Trisha tried to help ease the knot inside Sam. Slowly as Sam relaxed and Trisha eased it inside her, the knot made its way inside Sam’s tight hole. Trisha released her grip just as it was almost in allowing Rex to thrust forward, his knot entering with a pop. Sam’s face contorted with pleasure and she moaned deeply as she locked her muscles around the back of Rex’s know “Holy shit, this is fucking amazing!!” Julia had not heard her daughter swear before but she didn’t care now. “Fuck, he is coming inside me, I can feel his spunk Mum, its soo hot, Fuck…… Fuuuck!!!!…… Fuuuuucccckkk!!!!!!” Sam screamed as her orgasm raged through her. Rex continued to fill up his newest bitch as she passed out under him, causing him to almost fall off her as Sam’s arms collapsed and she crumpled into a heap on the floor beneath her furry lover.

Trish gently held on to Rex to stop him from ripping his knot from inside the unconscious Sam, whilst Julia stroked Sam’s forehead, soothing her until she slowly came too. Her eyes slowly opened as her mind gradually pieced together the reality she was waking up back into. “Woahh!!” she said “He is still inside me Mum! He feels amazing, how long have I been out?” Julia told her she had been out for only a few moments “I feel like my cunt is going to explode mum, I came so hard but I think it just filled me up” Trisha agreed that she had not seen Sam’s cunt juices explode out of her as she had earlier, and suggested that Julia came and help her to ease Rex’s knot from inside her daughter. Julia lay on the floor under her daughter in hope that when Rex’s knot did exit her daughter she would benefit from the waterfall of cum that was bound to follow. Julia lifted her hands and tried to spread Sam’s pussy gently whilst Trisha eased Rex backwards. Sam moaned as the knot slowly stretched her again as it left her body, she could feel her cum and Rex’s start to leak from inside her. Julia moaned as the first droplets of cum dripped onto her face. Yet more dripped down as more of Rex’s knot emerged from its warm home. Julia braced herself as now just about half of Rex’s knot was visible. Julia knew that as soon as this piece exited, the juices inside her daughter’s cunt above her head would no longer be held back and sure enough she was soon drenched in a mix of her daughters and Rex’s cum. As soon as his knot was clear Rex hopped down off the young girl and went and lay in the corner of the room to clean himself up, which allowed Trisha access to Sam’s pussy and she immediately pushed her fingers deep inside to scoop out all the remaining cum from inside her. Sam could not hold her own weight any longer and slowly rolled onto her side “Wow!!” was about all she could muster. Trisha and Julia looked at each other, Julia’s face was covered in cum but she was beaming from ear to ear “Quite a daughter I got there isn’t she!” Julia announced proudly to Trisha, who smiled “Quite a Mother and Daughter combo I’d say” Trisha responded.

After the women had showered and dressed they assembled back in the kitchen where Trisha had found some leftover pasta salad and a bottle of Red wine which they all heartily tucked into. “We had better let James know we are still alive, eh Sam?” Julia said as she took a sip of her wine “We don’t have to go home though do we Mum?” Sam responded sadly, Rex had positioned himself by her side and Sam stroked his head as she ate. “There is plenty of room if you want to stay darling?” Trisha interjected, “I have to be up early as I have some customers coming in at 9 am for a riding lesson, but you are welcome to hang around the house until you are ready to leave.” Sam looked longingly at her mum and pouted her best pout. “Don’t go pulling that innocent face my dear!” Julia said to Sam “I know exactly how innocent you are!” she laughed. She turned to Trisha, “you sure you don’t mind us staying the night?” “Why would I mind you staying the night with me babes?” She replied, “and it looks like Rex would like Sam to stay too!” Julia looked across towards Sam but could see nothing out of the ordinary. Trish motioned at her to look under the table, which Julia did, and saw Rex had managed to get himself in between Sam’s legs again and was licking at her soaked knickers. “I didn’t encourage him Mum, honest!” Sam said to Julia with a wink as her mother leaned back up and looked at her quizzically. “Yeah, of course, you didn’t!” Julia teased, “I want a piece of him too, so don’t think you are getting him all to yourself tonight!” Julia told her daughter who nodded. The conversation was interrupted by a knock on the kitchen door. Trisha went and looked through the semi-frosted glass of the back door, “Its only Pedro” She said but Julia motioned for Sam to move Rex from her pussy anyway, which she did just as Trisha opened the door. “There’s a phone call for you in the office,” Pedro said to Trisha, who after telling Julia and Sam she wouldn’t be long, followed Pedro back to the office, closing the door behind her. Sam and Julia sat in silence for a few minutes until Sam broke the silence “Um, Mum, you ok with all of this?” she blushed a little as she spoke. “Julia answered immediately that, whilst it was all a little unusual she was enjoying it all, and that she was glad am seemed to be comfortable with it all too. They chatted about what had happened over the last few hours whilst sipping their wine while they waited for Trisha to return. “Does James know about you and Trisha’s animals?” Sam asked. Julia felt a little uncomfortable for a moment but then she convinced herself that what she and her half-brother had got up to was nothing compared to what she had just done with her daughter, so she started to tell Sam. She told her about how he had been up in the lounge when she had got back from Trisha the night after her first time with Rex and that they were both turned on by it so much that she had ended up giving him a blow job and taking pictures to send to Trisha. Sam was slack-jawed as her mother told her about swallowing her Uncle’s huge cock and then was begging Julia to show her the photos. Julia paused for a moment then got her phone out and slid it across the table to her daughter. “Wow mum, he’s a big man and that’s a lot of cum!” Sam smiled as she flicked through the pictures. “I have never had a man bigger than him or unload more cum than him” Julia winked eluding to their earlier fun with the horses. “Do you think Uncle James would let me suck him off too?” Sam asked with a wild glint in her eye and slid her mum’s phone back across the table. Before Julia could answer Trisha came back into the kitchen, “Sorry about that, they wanted to book a first lesson and wanted to know if the horses were family friendly!” Sam snorted with laughter, “Certainly VERY friendly with this family!” she said through her giggles. “Why don’t we all go out for dinner tonight? Pedro can drive us and pick us up!” Trisha announced when they had all stopped laughing. It was agreed. Pedro was summoned to drive them all into town and told that Trisha would text him when they wanted to be picked up.


Part Eleven

It was about 11 pm when Pedro dropped the women off back at the farmhouse. The giggled excitedly as they got out of the car having all consumed a little too much wine. Pedro walked in front of them and using Trisha’s keys opened the front door to let them all in. “Why not come and have a nightcap with us, Pedro?” Julia said, then remembering that he was Trisha’s employee quickly added to her “If that’s ok with you love?” Trisha was more than happy for him to join them and so very soon they were all sat in the lounge. Trisha had sat in her favourite armchair, Sam sat in the matching one across the room, which meant that Julia and Pedro had the sofa. Trish opened a fresh bottle of cognac and poured everyone a very generous measure and they sat relaxed and chatted. The women took it in turns to fill Pedro in on various aspects of the meal to which he tried his best to look interested in. Julia noticed that he never actually looked any of them in the face, but instead would focus his gaze on their boobs as they took turns talking. The next time Julia began to speak, Pedro looked again in her direction but his eyes were titled down towards her chest. Without warning or breaking off from what she was saying she lifted her blouse up and pulled her bra down so her tits were on full show. Trisha and Sam didn’t react to this but Pedro’s eyes bulged wide as Julia’s tits swung in front of his eyes. Trisha took up the tale and as Pedro looked across at her she did the same thing, exposing her ample chest. Sam was last to speak but she didn’t disappoint Pedro as, within a word or two of her part of the tale of the evening’s meal, she had removed her shirt and bra completely. The three women removed more of their clothes as they continued to talk about the meal they had just had until they were all completely naked. “I think that’s about when you picked us up!”

Julia concluded their tale slipping her lace knickers over her ankles, dropping them on the pile of her clothes beside her. She uncrossed her legs and swung round on the sofa so Pedro had a full view of her pussy. Pedro didn’t know where to look, as this sexy female exposed herself to him. He was so transfixed he didn’t hear Sam move from her chair and came and sat on his lap, flinging an arm around his neck and with the other hand grabbing his arm and placing his hand on one of her pert tits. “I think we should visit that other restaurant across the road next,” Sam said nonchalantly as she moved Pedro’s hand around her tit. Trish had moved across the room and was now kneeling between Julia’s legs “That sounds like a very good idea Sam” Trish said as she lowered her head down to Julia’s pussy and started to lap at the shaved flesh. Pedro gulped, he had not led a sheltered life and was experienced in sex but never before had he had two older women and one of their daughters all naked around him, his cock was growing inside his trousers which Sam felt as it nudged her thigh. “Oh Mum, I think Pedro has something for you!” Sam said standing up. Lifting Pedro up off the sofa by his arm, she led him along the sofa until he stood in front of Julia, then reached her hands around him from behind and undid his trousers pulling them down with his underwear causing his cock to spring free in front Julia. “I think that needs a good sucking mum!” Sam said but her mother was well ahead of her and had swallowed it to the back of her throat before Sam had finished her sentence. Sam dropped to her knees and pushing Pedro’s legs apart she cupped his balls with one hand as she pulled his ass cheeks apart with the other. She leant forward and let her tongue flick across Pedro’s ass hole. Pedro moaned as his sphincter was licked by the youngest of the three women, whilst another sucked his cock as she, in turn, had her pussy eaten by the third. Sam pushed her tongue inside Pedro’s puckered ass and squeezed his balls as she felt her mother’s lips against her fingers. It was too much for Pedro and his balls contracted in Sam’s hands as he pumped a load of cum into Julia’s mouth. Trisha lifted her head from between Julia’s legs and looked up at her lover as she took load after load of cum into her mouth. Trisha lifted herself up and knelt on the sofa so her head was level with Julia’s and once Pedro had finished cumming, Julia turned her head to Trisha and they kissed, swapping the young Spanish man’s cum between them.

Sam moved round Pedro and took his still hard cock into her mouth, cleaning the little remaining cum that her mother had left behind, off it before swallowing to the back of her throat too. She looked up at him as his balls rested on her chin and she winked. Pedro placed a hand on the back of Sam’s head and held her there. Sam continued to look him dead in the eye as she struggled to breathe, her face going red and her eyes starting to bulge, but she was determined she wouldn’t back down. Pedro held her head in place until he saw her eyes start to roll up into her head. He released his grip and Sam flopped backwards, gasping for air, and coughing up thick saliva which ran down her chin onto her naked body. Within a few seconds, she had caught her breath and she brought her head back down onto Pedro’s cock. Again she looked up at him as he reached the back of her throat and smiled. Again he held her head in place until her eyes started to roll. Again she fell back, coughing up more thick saliva. This time Trisha was there to lick it from her face and her tits before placing her mouth over Pedro’s cock and sliding it as far back into her throat as she could. Whilst she was good at deep throating cock, she was quite as good as Sam, so there was a little bit of shaft left as she closed her lips around him. She could also not hold it as long as Sam so lifted her head back “The benefit of youth!” She said before swallowing the cock again and then lifting up “I’ve had him come 3 times for me before going soft girls!” Again she swallowed and lifted. What shall we do with him next?” she quizzed. “Have him fuck Mum!” Sam chirped. Julia was about to protest that Trisha was the only one who had not had a cock inside her that day when Trisha announced that it was a great idea.

Sam and Trisha grabbed an arm each of Julia and playfully pulled her on to the floor. “How do you want her Pedro?” Sam asked as if her mother was just a piece of meat. “Doggie Fashion” Pedro announced “Our favourite position!” Trisha said excitedly and Julia was moved onto her hands and knees. Pedro Knelt behind her and rubbed her pussy with one hand. “This bitch is ready for you Pedro!” Sam exclaimed “No need to lube her up just fuck her waiting cunt!” Again Julia was a little taken aback by her daughter’s language but also turned on by it. Pedro needed no further instruction and with one thrust he forced his entire length inside Julia. Pedro was not the biggest or the thickest cock she had had inside her recently, that honour was currently held by Rex, but Trisha was right, there was something different about being fucked by a man. Pedro moved his hips from side to side as he slid into her, rubbing against parts of her inner pussy that Rex could never reach with his rapid thrusts. Julia had closed her eyes as he entered her, but could no sense someone very close to her face. She opened her eyes and there before her was Sam, holding her pussy open with her fingers, exposing her clit and her inner lips. Julia opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue as her daughter lowered her pussy down to her mouth. Sam lay herself down on the floor as her mother delved deeper into her pussy, and as she lowered her head onto the soft rug beneath her, Trisha knelt over her head, facing towards Pedro, and lowered her own cunt down onto Sam’s face. Julia looked up and could see Pedro had hold of Trisha’s tits and was squeezing her nipples as he pounded inside her cunt. She returned her head down to her daughter’s pussy and slipped 3 fingers inside. She searched out the delicate area of her daughter and began rubbing it with her fingers, causing Sam to start to flex and convulse as her orgasm built inside her. Julia could hear Sam moaning as she continued to lick at Trisha’s pussy, and then one loud muffled moan was quickly followed by the explosion of cum all over Julia’s face from her daughter’s cunt. Julia lapped and slurped as the juices flowed from her offspring. The sight and the actions of Sam’s tongue must have been too much because in a panting voice Trisha announced loudly that she was cumming too.

Pedro pulled out of Julia as Trisha announce she needed to be fucked after that, so she took Julia’s place on all fours on the rug. Pedro easily slipped inside his employer’s wet hole and after a few thrusts, Trisha again announced “Get that fucking thing in my ass boy! Fuck my ass hard!” Pedro pulled out and again without any foreplay lined his cock up with Trisha’s ass and pushed. He slid inside her halfway before pulling back a little then leaning into her again manage to get himself fully inside her tight ass. “Oh yeah, fuck my ass!” Trisha exclaimed as Pedro started up a rhythm that had Trisha panting and moaning with each thrust. Julia lay down under the pair of them and began to lick and nibble on Trisha’s clit which brought screams of joy from her whilst Sam again went behind Pedro and began to rim his ass. Pedro picked up the pace and Julia’s tongue seemed to work quicker to match it and soon Trisha was screaming that she was cumming again. Pedro made one last thrust and moaned loudly as he emptied his balls into Trisha’s bowels. Julia stayed where she was as Pedro slid his still erect cock of Trisha’s ass, again Sam was there sucking it before it had hardly left. Julia slid herself up so that her tongue could lick at Trisha’s gaping ass. She licked at the cum that dribbled along Trisha’s butt cheeks before returning to her lover’s ass, sucking Pedro’s cum out of it and swallowing every drop she could get. Julia slid herself back along under Trisha’s body until her face was below her lovers, they smiled at each other, then Trisha bent down, her tongue getting the few stray bits of cum from Julia’s face before they said they loved each other and kissed. Sam had decided that she had not finished with Pedro and had pushed him onto his back and climbed on top of him sliding her cunt down along his cock. She leant forward so the nipples on her pert little tits were just above his face and started to ride him. Pedro placed his hands behind Sam pulling her a little closer and started to suck on her tits. Trisha was first to notice this latest coupling and nudged Julia, “Reckon Rex would like to join in over there? She whispered. Julia nodded “He will have to fuck Sam’s ass though, you get Rex and I will make sure her ass is wet and ready for him!” Julia said excitedly. The last time Julia’s tongue had rimmed an ass was when she was back in her early twenties, and she ended up marrying that man, now as she crawled across the floor she thought to herself that it seemed fitting that the next ass she rimmed would come as an indirect result of that night years ago.

Julia approached Pedro and Sam in almost silence, she placed a hand on Sam’s back pushing her flat against Pedro, making Sam’s ass stick up in the air. Her firm butt cheeks spread due to the angle she was at so Julia didn’t need any help getting to her daughters puckered hole. Her tongue extended out of her mouth and Sam almost hit the roof as it made contact. “Holy Fuck!” Sam shouted, “Whoever that is, don’t fucking stop!” Julia replied, “OK Honey, Mummy will treat you good!” And then pushed her tongue hard up against Sam’s ass hole. Julia worked as much saliva as she could into the puckered little entrance before sliding first one, then two fingers inside her daughter’s ass. Surprisingly Sam’s ass took them with ease, so Julia added a third, which again slipped in quite easily. “You had your ass fucked before?” Julia enquired of her daughter “Hell yeah Mum, I love a big cock in any hole!” Just as Sam said this Trisha returned with Rex “Well today is going to be your lucky day” Trisha announce as she led Rex up behind her. Rex needed no instruction and as soon as Trisha released her grip on his collar he was up on Sam’s back. Julia bent down and taking hold of Rex’s stiffening cock lined it up to Sam’s arse and with one thrust Rex had half of his cock inside it. Sam was going mad with excitement “Fuck yes, come on boy fuck my ass!” Rex’s pace was slower than usual due to the increased tightness of the hole he was fucking but after a few strokes his pre-cum had the desired effect and started to add additional lube to Julia’s saliva and he was able to pick up his pace and with it the force of his thrusts. “Don’t you dare pull out of my cunt?” Sam screamed at Pedro as he shifted a little to allow Rex better access and answered Sam’s outburst with a hard thrust of his own. Trisha could see that Rex’s knot was forming and she knew there would be no way that Sam’s ass would be able to take it so instead she wrapped her fingers around Rex’s cock just behind the forming knot, which gave Rex the impression he had tied his bitch and so with one last thrust Rex started to empty his balls into Sam’s asshole. Sam was totally unable to control her orgasm and bucked around like a wild thing as Rex did his best to stay inside her. Pedro was also struggling to stay inside of Sam’s cunt but the feeling of Rex’s hot cum hitting his cock through the thin wall between womb and rectum, and the speed in which Sam was bouncing around on him, meant that he too was very soon shooting his load up inside Sam “Holy shit, yes both of you fill me up with cum, yeah more cum, MORE CUM!!” she screamed and passed out.


Part Twelve

Sam came round just as Rex was getting down off her, she could feel his cum running down out of her ass and down across her pussy, which was still clamped around Pedro’s cock. It was Trisha this time who bent in to clean the cum from Sam’s ass, snaking her long pointy tongue into the exposed hole of Sam’s ass. She moved down, collecting the hot liquid as she moved down across her perineum and along the exposed length of Pedro’s cock. She made particular effort to ensure that Pedro’s cock was totally clean before moving back up to Sam’s ass, again sticking her tongue in as deep as she could. The earthy taste of Sam’s arsehole mixed with the strangely salty taste of Rex’s cum was a new taste to Trisha but she continued to probe as far as she could gathering as much of the taste as she was able. Sam finally lifted herself off Pedro’s cock, and it was her mother whose mouth enveloped it, absorbing the mix of Sam’s come and Pedro’s as it swirled around inside her mouth. Trisha was quick to start sucking the emerging cream pie from Sam’s pussy causing another, smaller, orgasm to ripple through Sam’s body. Pedro, despite his herculean efforts, could no longer maintain his erection and as Julia cleaned the last few droplets of juice, Pedro’s cock had returned to its flaccid state, and lay limply against his thigh as he sat up. “I think it’s probably time for bed” Julia announced “Pedro, would you please carry Sam up stairs to the guest bedroom” Trisha instructed. “You can stay the night and fuck her as much as she wants if you like” Julia chipped in, Sam smile at her mother, “Thank you mummy” she said with a grin like a Cheshire cat, as Pedro carried her off up the stairs. “Can’t see them getting much sleep!” Trisha said. Julia pulled her towards her pushing a hand down between Trisha legs and slipping two fingers inside her pussy, “Oh I haven’t finished with you darling!” Julia said with a smile as she fucked her lover with her fingers.

Julia led Trisha up the stairs to Trisha’s bedroom, with Rex following quickly behind. Julia stopped at the door and offered Rex her fingers that still had Trisha love juice on them to lick “Give us a little time alone please boy, I’ll come and get you in a bit” She said to the dog, patting him in the head, and closing the door on him. Trish stood in front of the bed, her arms by her sides as she waited for her lover’s attention. Julia crossed the room and placing a hand on each of Trisha’s shoulders gently pushed her backwards onto the bed. Julia flopped on top of her and their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Trisha’s hands reaching around her lover, scratching her nails gently up Julia’s back. Julia leant up “I am so lucky to have found you my Darling!” She said to Trisha “Wait here, I have a surprise for you!” Julia stood and headed off to the en suite bathroom. “Under the pillow you will find a blindfold, put it on!” Julia called back as she readied herself. “Are you ready?” Julia called through, “Ready!!” Trisha called back. Julia walked back into the bedroom and saw that Trisha was indeed wearing the black silk blindfold she had snuck under her pillow earlier in the day. She took hold of Trisha’s ankles gently and pulled her off the bed into a kneeling position. “You can remove the blindfold now” Julia instructed. “Oh my god, where did you get that from!” Trisha cried with glee as she looked at Julia. Julia had slipped into a black leather harness designed to take a strap-on dildo, but instead of a normal dildo hanging from the front of the hardness was a silicon rubber horse cock. Julia looked down and grinned as Trisha took hold of the dildo in both hands. “Amazing what you can find on the internet!” Julia beamed. “”Now why don’t you give it a suck and see if it’s as good as the real thing!” Trisha did as she was told and took the dildo in her mouth. Whilst the dildo was significantly smaller than any of her horses actual cocks, at around 10 inches in length and very thick, Trisha still struggled to get much more than half of it in her throat. Julia swayed her hips forwards gently encouraging her lover to keep sucking and Trisha finally got herself into a matching rhythm so that as Julia swayed forwards, Trish would also move her head down the rubber phallus. Trish could smell the juices from Julia’s pussy as she moved closer so with one hand she reached up and started to rub Julia’s clit behind the strap-on. Julia moaned as she watched her lover suck on the horse cock and finger her pussy. She decided that it was time and she pulled back and lifted Trish back to her feet “Lie back!” Julia instructed and as Trisha did as she was told Julia stood at the edge of the bed and lifting Trisha legs up in the air pulled her towards her so that the horse dildo was resting against Trisha’s pussy lips. Without need of instruction Trisha grabbed the dildo and began to feed it inside her pussy as Julia began to push forwards. “OMG IT’S HUGE!!” Trisha screamed as Julia pushed its full length inside of her lover. “Fuck me with it, FUCK ME HARD” Trisha screamed again as orgasms started to run through her flesh. Julia pulled back until almost the entire false cock was out and then with one mighty push, slammed back into Trisha, from that point her hips moved back and forth banging the cock into Trisha pussy with every forward stroke,. Trisha wrapped her legs around Julia’s back pulling her in deeper each time. This freed Julia’s hands which had been holding Trisha’s legs up and the immediately swooped down to Trisha’s large tits. Julia’s squeezed hard on the fleshy globes as she continued to fuck her. Trisha started to go red in the face and expletives rolled off her tongue begging to be fucked harder, to be used like a dirty whore. It was at this point Julia decided to unleash the additional surprise she had in store for Trisha. She reached around behind herself and squeezed hard on a rubber ball located at the back of the hardness. As she squeezed on the rubber ball, thick creamy liquid shot out of the end of the horse dildo that was buried deep inside Trisha. As soon as Trisha felt the first burst of liquid her eyes sprang wide open!! “OH MY FUCKING GOD!!” She screamed “HOLY SHIT THIS IS AMAZING!!” she continued as squirt after squirt of liquid bought wave after wave of orgasm from inside her. After about a dozen pumps or so, Julia felt the ball go soft, she knew this meant that the cock had emptied its reservoir inside her lover. She stopped her fucking and lay on top of Trisha and kissed her. “Wow”, said Trisha after a while “If you got any more surprises for me like that then bring ‘em on!” Julia giggled “No I think we could both do with some sleep now” Trisha agreed. Julia pulled out and a gush of cream flowed from Trisha’s pussy, she shifted herself up the bed as Julia took the strap on off, putting it in the bathroom, let Rex in to the room telling him to sleep on the floor for now, and got into bed with Trisha. They cuddled up close kissing each other as they slowly drifted off into a most pleasurable sleep.

Trisha had always been an early riser and this morning was no different, as she opened her eyes and the faint sunlight of the early dawn lit the shape of her lover Julia who lay just inches away from her. Trisha ran her hands up the length of Julia’s side to her shoulder then up her neck and across her face. Trisha was in love for the first time in a very long time and she gazed upon the beautiful woman in front of her and sighed a contented sigh. Julia stirred as Trisha’s fingers gently stroked her cheek “Good morning love!” Trisha whispered as she placed a kiss on Julia’s soft lips, “Good morning beautiful!” Julia replied before continuing, “That was one hell of a day wasn’t it! I don’t think I have ever had so many orgasms and to have some at the hands of my daughter!” Julia looked shocked as the words emerged from her mouth. Trisha pulled her in close and held her lovingly, “Don’t worry about that, she is a very sexy young lady, and she seems very comfortable doing all of this.” The pair kissed but as their hands started to explore each other’s naked bodies they were interrupted by a heavy panting from behind Julia. “Looks like Rex is awake” Trisha announced “Is it your turn or mine?” Trisha asked genuinely not being able to remember who had last been bred by Rex there had been so much fucking going on the previous day. Julia giggled and turned over, patting the bed inviting Rex up onto the bed. The dog needed very little encouraging as he leapt up and started enthusiastically licking Julia’s face. Julia cautiously let her tongue emerge from her mouth and started to french kiss Rex. Trisha ducked under the covers and moved so that her head was between Julia’s legs. Julia instantly spread her legs allowing her lover access to her pussy and Trisha was quickly delving her tongue into the soft fleshy folds of Julia’s pussy. Julia dropped a hand down and slid a finger inside her own pussy, coating it with her juices as Trisha’s tongue continued to encourage the flow of Julia’s liquid. Julia lifted her hand back up and offered it to Rex who lapped at it eagerly. Julia once again dipped her fingers in her pussy this time she rubbed them across her already hard nipples. Rex again was quick to taste the juices and Julia quivered as his rough tongue scrapped across her sensitive flesh. Trish felt Julia quiver and lifted her head to see what had caused such a reaction just as Julia coated her nipples with another layer of sweet sticky juice. Trisha commented on how hot it looked to see Rex licking Julia’s tits and slid herself up so that her head was alongside Rex’s. Trisha started to flick her tongue across the nipple closest to her face. Rex was lapping around without any apparent reason and his tongue would brush over Trisha’s every now and then. “I think you should let him fuck you” Trisha said to Julia as she slid 3 fingers inside Julia’s pussy. Julia moaned at the most welcome intrusion of her pussy and nodded her agreement.

Trisha moved so that she was sat up on the pillow at the head of the bed. Julia rolled on to all fours so that Trisha’s pussy was inches from her face. Rex moved around behind Julia knowing that he was going to fuck one of his bitches. His panting grew heavier as his body lurched up on to Julia’s back. Trisha spread her pussy lips and Julia moved her head so her tongue could flick across Trisha’s clitoris as Rex thrust about spraying his pre-cum across her bum and thighs. Julia reached behind herself with one hand finding Rex’s cock and guiding him towards her pussy. She guided the tip between the lips of her pussy, at which point Rex took over and his hips forced their way forward ramming his cock fully inside Julia. The force of the thrust, pushed Julia’s face against Trisha’s wet pussy. Julia stuck her tongue out making it as rigid as she could and placed it at the entrance to Trisha’s hole and with every thrust rex made, her body moved forward so that her tongue fucked Trisha’s pussy. Rex had his head alongside Julia’s and she could feel his warm breath on her cheek as he panted in time with his fucking. Julia shifted her head to one side so that Rex could access Trisha’s pussy, his tongue started lapping away, bringing Trisha to the verge of orgasm. Julia slipped her fingers inside Trisha which instigated Trisha’s orgasm. Julia was starting to feel her own orgasm build as Rex’s knot started to push its way inside her pussy. She started to push back against her furry lover and stretched her pussy with her free hand until Rex tied with her. Julia could not contain her enjoyment as Rex started to pump her full of his cum. Julia didn’t hold back with her screams of enjoyment as she came over and over again, her pussy swelling with the combination of her cum and Rex’s. Trish stood and moved round behind the pair and lay underneath her legs hanging over the edge of the bed. She lifted her head flicking her tongue across Julia’s clit as Rex spun his body around so that he was ass to ass with Julia. Trisha lapped at the small trickle of juice that flowed from Julia’s engorged pussy as Rex struggled to remove his knot from his bitch. The women were so lost in there fun that they didn’t hear a knock on the door.

Sam and Pedro stood outside the door which n the other side they could hear the noises of sex between Sam’s Mum, Pedro’s Boss and his boss’s dog. “Shall we go in, or leave them too it?” Pedro asked. Sam looked at his naked body, he had cum in her mouth, pussy and ass so far that morning and she was horny as hell, “no let’s leave them too it, we should go and make breakfast.” The pair went down to the kitchen, neither wearing any clothes, they started to prepare a light breakfast. Pedro put on a fresh pot of coffee while Sam placed a tray of croissants in the oven to warm. As she knelt down to the aga, Pedro was stood just feet from her, she closed the oven door then staying on her knees, she crawled across and took Pedro’s limp cock in to her mouth and sucked gently on it. As she sucked she reached under Pedro and slid a finger up into his bum up to her second knuckle. The feeling of a finger in his bum obviously was one that Pedro enjoyed as his cock twitched to life, hardening as Sam slipped a second finger into his bum and started to fuck him with them. It didn’t take long for Pedro to be at his full size, as Sam started to bob her head along his cock, getting faster with each stroke. A third finger entered Pedro’s ass and his body tensed as for the fourth time that morning Pedro emptied his balls into Sam. “Looks like these two are getting on pretty well!” Trisha said as she and Julia stood in the doorway to the kitchen watching Sam and Pedro. “Yes, they sure do, and look, they had enough time between fucking to make some coffee” Julia laughed as she crossed the kitchen and poured 4 cups. She looked around the room as she sat naked sipping at her coffee, and surveyed the loving erotic scene that surrounded her.

The End

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