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🇫🇷 Coralie 4.8 (8)

Partie 1 Cela faisait 10 ans maintenant que je n’étais pas revenue voir ma famille. Mes études supérieures m’avaient éloignés d’eux et je me faisais une grande joie de les revoir. Depuis que j’avais quitté cette autoroute et que je roulais vers le village ,je regardais le paysage défilé et les pensées commençaient à me […] read

Women with Animals
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Learning My Place As a Dogsitter 4.6 (27)

© 2023 by OverAndOut The bell tinkled as Mina and I walked into the store. “Seriously, I think you should consider changing to chemistry at the very least,” said Mina. “Chemistry is blegh, I don’t wanna be a nurse like everyone else in my family,” I say. Dust drifts in the morning sunlight, crossing over […] read

Women with Animals
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Kara’s survival training 4.8 (11)

© by Tamedwolf In order to become a park ranger, Kara must undergo survival training with a mysterious man who lives in a cabin in the woods​ Chapter One Kara leaned against the wall as she listened to her boss’s weekly speech. Kara worked for the Parks System and had her dream job as a park […] read

Women with Animals
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The Westworld Experience 2.7 (6)

© 2023 by asofo “Westworld C level guest pass” A gift from your semi-rich parents for successfully drudging through college and acquiring an engineering major. They said it’s a revolutionary amusement park, you don’t see how something full of sweaty, sun-baked people can be a revolutionary experience, but feeling pretty tired of the grind you […] read

Women with Animals
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Ashe & Stallion 4.4 (7)

© 2019 by InerrantErotica “Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe, I say again- you are grounded, young lady.” Her father loomed over her atop his favorite prize racehorse- a seal brown thoroughbred arrogantly named Adonis. The man himself wore a black cowboy hat and a white suit, with futuristic spurs, a wide black mustache and stuffy overly-folksy features. […] read