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Tagged: Leave a Comment on 🇪🇦 Mi mujer le chupó la polla a un caballo 4.8 (4)

🇪🇦 Mi mujer le chupó la polla a un caballo 4.8 (4)

© 2024 by Pluma Morbosa Estaba junto a mi mujer, Diana, pasando un estupendo fin de semana romántico, en una casa rural, rodeado de naturaleza. En ese momento practicábamos senderismo por la zona, ya que nos gusta bastante andar y el deporte en general. Cuando volvíamos a la finca en la que estábamos alojados, descubrimos […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Brunhilda Samples a Dose of Her Father’s Breeding Stallion 4 (5)

Brunhilda Samples a Dose of Her Father’s Breeding Stallion 4 (5)

© 2024 by Astronius Brunhilda resided on her father’s esteemed stallion stud farm. A golden-haired beauty, she had embarked on her first year of college, attending an all-women’s institution nestled in the picturesque Adirondacks. Fueled by esoteric readings she had stumbled upon online, Brunhilda harbored a clandestine desire to acquire five “full breeding doses” of […] read

French | Française
Tagged: Leave a Comment on 🇫🇷 Une journée à la ferme : première journée 4 (2)

🇫🇷 Une journée à la ferme : première journée 4 (2)

Après en avoir assez largement parlé en privé, je pense qu’il est nécessaire d’en parler désormais en public. J’ai notamment l’autorisation de celui qu’on appellera Christophe. Déjà bien dépravée, j’ai tourné un week-end dans la maison d’un homme que je connaissais avec 2 autres soumises. C’est ici que je fais la rencontre d’un homme, peu […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , , Leave a Comment on At the Farm – The Bitch of the Farm 4.7 (12)

At the Farm – The Bitch of the Farm 4.7 (12)

© 2019 by xDirtyMindx It was dark, you saw that clearly through the rough blindfold. People shuffled around you, maybe there were still just the three of them, maybe there were more around you. You were not sure. One of them approached you, grabbed your tied hands hard and pulled you up and dragged you […] read