Women with Animals
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The Ivory Princess 4.4 (9)

(c) 2017 by eleboy7 The kingdom of Jala-rēta is nestled between the great desert and the jungle covered mountains. Within the great walls of Jala-rēta there is a vast hub of merchants with everything from spices to beasts of burden. There is the great Ivory Palace where his majesty Maharaja Jalaluddin and the royal family […] read

English Books Men with Animals Women with Animals
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Dog Show Girl 4.2 (9)

Introduction “Bestiality–violation of animals–monstrous and revolting to mankind.” Krafft-Ebing used these words to introduce the subject of sex between humans and animals in his monumental nineteenth century study of perverse sexuality, Psychopathia Sexualis. The public attitude toward many deviant sex practices has eased since those harsh Victorian times but the very idea of bestiality seems […] read

Men with Animals
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It’s Amazing What Can Happen After a Hot Shower 4.5 (37)

(c) 2001 by Rob UK I was having a shower, a nice hot shower where the water hits you with jets if burning liquid, tingling all over. I turned down the heat, unscrewed the shower spray head, leaving just the rubber pipe, and pushed it between my arse cheeks and felt the pressure of the water […] read

English Books Women with Animals
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Pony Girl (by Fantasy Books) 4.9 (7)

CHAPTER ONE The stars were just beginning to appear in the evening sky. They came out one by one, like shy virgins, and then twinkled magnificently in the clear deep dark blue of the early evening. Lena hurried from the farmhouse with her milk pails in her hands. Her face was thrust into the dark […] read

Bellyriding Women with Animals
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Rachel’s Unfulfilled Desires 5 (28)

(c) 2019-2020 by Newman123 PROLOGUE: Rachel’s Unfulfilled Desires I wanted to write a story about a woman wanting sexual fulfillment, but never having truly found it on her own. Masturbation always brought her better orgasms than having sex with other partners. Frustrated sexually, Rachel might be open to try something she might otherwise never consider […] read