Women with Animals
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Cleaning the Stables … and the Stallion 4.4 (12)

© 2024 by authorknownasnobody 1250, Kingdom of Germany “Hilde”, the woman said to her, “our dear lord is out hunting with his men. Better you clean the stables now.”. “Ja, ill do it”. Hilde started walking to the stables. It could take long, but she was known around the castle for her love of working. She […] read

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🇪🇦 Aventura zoofílica 4.8 (5)

© 2024 by tpreciados1975 Uno de mis lectores me manda el siguiente correo, que yo, siguiendo sus deseos, comparto con vosotros, porque, aunque nunca he publicado ningun relato sobre relaciones zoofilicas, esta historia me ha parecido bastante verosimil y con mucho morbo. Buenos días. Te escribo este correo en el que te mando un relato […] read