Women with Animals
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The Jennifer Lopez Dog and Pony Show 4.2 (26)

(c) by Wonder Mike Jennifer Lopez was on the Hollywood fast track. She was everybody’s choice to be the next young superstar. Then she made the movie Anaconda. It was supposed to be her big break, instead it was a disaster. Now Catherine Zeta Jones and Selma Hayek were getting first crack at all the […] read

Women with Animals
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The woman who rode the Hrulgin 3.7 (6)

(c) by Black Dragon A note from the author: Warning: The following text is a fictional history set in the world of David Eddings’ “Belgariad” and “Malloreon” world. I am well aware of the fact that there are several anatomical and chronological impossibilities, but I’d like to believe that they don’t hamper the story one […] read

Women with Animals
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Changes In Life 4.6 (10)

(c) 2013 by Nem Enforcer This story is a continuation of the sexual adventures of Joanna who first appeared in another story I wrote called ‘Fantasy Becomes Reality’. Its not absolutely necessary to read that first but I would suggest doing so to get a full insight into what’s happening here. Chapter One Joanna groaned […] read