Women with Animals
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Suicide by Dick – or Death Cums Ripping 3.6 (20)

(c) 2006 by wickedlester Denisa had really reached the end of her rope. She and her soon-to-be ex had promised one another they’d remain friends, but that just wasn’t going to work. She knew he’d been screwing anything remotely famale, and it had only gotten worse since their separation. She had tried to retaliate by […] read

Women with Animals
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Taras Canine Penalty 4 (17)

(c) 2007 by Buck Wellcock CHAPTER ONE “All right, girls, let’s move it! This ain’t no resort.” Tara Monro pressed her forehead against the icy window of the large, black bus. Through the bars she saw the broad, desolate lawn in front of the Gothic style buildings. The twisted leafless trees bending under the weight […] read