Men with Animals Women with Animals
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Maggie 4.8 (21)

(c) 2019-2020 by Backw00ds44 Part 1 – Life in the Hollow Emmitt sipped on his black coffee as he watched Maggie walking up the hallway heading to the bathroom of their mobile home. Wrapped in an old ratty white towel, Emmitt caught a glimpse of her naked hip as she turned into the small bathroom. […] read

Women with Animals
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Like Mother Like Daughter 4.6 (59)

(c) 2020 by AnnaTartyWife Chapter One I was so pleased when I got a call from Chloe, my daughter, asking if it was ok for her to spend the Easter holidays with us, as the planned Uni trip to Spain had fallen through. I hadn’t seen her since Xmas, so I was over the moon. […] read

Women with Animals
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The Family Farm 4.7 (24)

(c) 2020 by TemporaryBarnacle3 Willow shut the door to the farmhouse, tugging on a pair of rough leather gloves as she stepped outside. It was mid-morning, and the low sun was beginning to melt the early frost that crunched in the grass beneath her feet. She frowned slightly at the chill in the air. With […] read

Women with Animals
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The woman who rode the Hrulgin 3.7 (6)

(c) by Black Dragon A note from the author: Warning: The following text is a fictional history set in the world of David Eddings’ “Belgariad” and “Malloreon” world. I am well aware of the fact that there are several anatomical and chronological impossibilities, but I’d like to believe that they don’t hamper the story one […] read

Women with Animals
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A Lohan Family Threesome 4.2 (18)

What follows is not true, apologies to any offense caused to anyone featured or anyone reading. I do not believe that any of the participants partake of any of the activities included in this text That would be disgusting, and probably illegal. That said, I wish they would On camera For the perverts of the […] read

Women with Animals
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The Custom on the Farm 4.1 (7)

(c) 2011 by intempo111 Chapter One Lucy’s eighteenth birthday was coming up. Certain traditions had to be observed in the family. “Now don’t forget honey, always clean the cock after a man has fucked you, it’s good manners” said mom taking the dildo from my pussy to lick and suck clean. “Now turn around honey […] read

Women with Animals
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Charmed – Monkey Business 4.3 (12)

(c)2001 by David Oberman Chapter One Only a few months prior to this story, Piper had almost died because of a deadly disease. Her doctor during this emergency, a Dr. Williamson, did not offer much hope to her two sisters as to her prospectus. The disease seemed to be a deadly mutation of a less […] read

Women with Animals
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Ms. Mexicana and the Nefarious Fertility Clinic 4.1 (23)

Prologue Kim Cummings silicone enhanced EEE-cups bounced majestically in rhythm with the clicking of her high heels on the sidewalk. Her long, thick, blond hair and expensive manicured nail testified to her uppercrust taste. The designer dress and jewelry emphasized her taste for the good things in life. Kim wouldn’t call her self a gold […] read

Women with Animals
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Cindy Sue’s Obedient German Shepard 4.4 (22)

(c) 2018 by Donna The Dog Lover Cindy Sue was on top of her pink and white bed masturbating with her teddy bear Charlie. She had wrapped her step-brother Allen’s dirty jockey shorts around Charlie to make him more exciting. She was almost to orgasm when she felt her German Shepard Max’s wet tongue on […] read