Women with Animals
Tagged: Leave a Comment on Stallion Girl – V 4.3 (6)

Stallion Girl – V 4.3 (6)

Go to 1st part “You want me to do what?” Miranda asked, her tone both incredulous and accusatory. Kevin Stallings was used to dealing with temperamental models. He kept his own voice low and reasonable. “Simulated. It will just be simulated. They want something more hardcore than what I’ve shot for the domestic market. Different […] read

Women with Animals
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Stallion Girl – II 4.6 (11)

Go to 1st part “Daddy! Daddy!” Miranda excitedly ran into her father’s study, clutching a sheet of paper in her hand. With her nearly three-foot-long horsecock bouncing and bobbing between her ankles, she avoided kicking it only by way of nimble footwork. “What is it, honey? Don’t tell me they’re sending you to another of […] read

Women with Animals
Tagged: , , , Leave a Comment on Stallion Girl – I 4.4 (19)

Stallion Girl – I 4.4 (19)

“Daddy! Daddy!” Miranda excitedly ran into her father’s study, clutching a sheet of paper in her hand. “What is it, honey? Did you hear from one of those places where you applied for a job?” Gerald Peters fervently hoped it was about a job. His daughter had her hopes set on a career as a […] read