Women with Animals
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A Discovery of an Alien Creature not listed in The Bestiary 4.2 (5)

Being female, single, fairly good looking, blessed with a knockout set of boobies, makes working in a man’s world difficult. Working as a scientist in a man’s world is almost impossible – that is the situation I have found myself in. Landing a job out of college, placed me on a research team dedicated on […] read

Women with Animals
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Jennys First Time At Dads Scrapyard 4.9 (15)

© 2016 by Thatguyyouknow1991 It was a cold and gloomy night on the streets of east london, but for one sexy, beautiful, and particularly kinky young 18 year old named Jenny, it was the first night of the rest of her naughty life. Jenny was a sweet, educated, family oriented sweetheart from east london. She […] read