Women with Animals
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Howl for the Dog Pack 4.6 (23)

(c) 2018 by minxyfox “Would you fuck a horse?” “No,” I answer immediately. “I’m sorry, but Lucky Dog Productions only hires for stable positions.” “W-what?” **** Let me start from the beginning. I’m a 39-year-old woman, and I have low self-esteem. My friends tell me I’m only overweight, and not obese. Sometimes guys tell me […] read

Women with Animals
1 Comment on The Chronicles of Thanos – Chapter Four 4.3 (26)

The Chronicles of Thanos – Chapter Four 4.3 (26)

Back to first Part Finding Out As she drove home Kelly’s mind was quite busy, rehearsing the words she was going to say to Miriam when she arrived there. To finally be able to confront this woman who had taken every opportunity to make her life a misery since the day she married her son. […] read