Women with Animals
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Tales of the Cross-Breeding Slut-Princess 4.2 (6)

(c) 2020 by CursedStories Part One “You are fired.” The business woman had announced the end of that man’s career as a matter of fact, in the driest of tones, and with the same schadenfreude as for the preceding hundreds. Only a few words were exchanged before the former employee left her office, spiritless and […] read

Women with Animals
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Going Deep Undercover opens a New Door 4.1 (28)

Being in my early thirties, body in great shape, nice measurements, a killer set of tits a skilled plastic surgeon helped me with. That along with olive skin, blonde hair, it was a perfect combination for an undercover operative, working for a government agency, specializing in stopping or trying to stop the larger drug dealers, […] read