Women with Animals

A day in the country!


(c) by unknown

It was a beautiful day when Lynn awoke to the sounds of the city. She laid there for a while and then suddenly realized that this was the day. The day that she was to head north to fulfil a burning desire within. She jumped from bed and quickly got dressed, jumped in the car and headed off. It was Saturday morning, traffic was light and she soon found herself in the suburbs leaving the busy city. She made a quick stop at McDonald’s to grab a breakfast sandwich and was quickly off again.

She soon found herself in the country, driving down roads with trees and grass at their sides rather then concrete and steel. Lynn was enthralled by all the sights and smells as she continued her trek northward. She knew that her day would be all that she expected and more. Unexpectedly, She passed a pasture with a group of horses near the road. She had been admiring horses for some time now and hastily found herself stopping the car to watch them for a while.

Each horse came running up to the fence bursting with curiosity as Lynn stood near. The brown mare was the first to approach, giving Lynn a good sniff. She reached up and placed her hand on the mare’s neck, rubbing her. All the other horses now took this signal to mean that it was safe. Soon She had four mare’s standing near the fence craving her attention. Lynn tried to show each of them a little affection by rubbing and petting their necks as she hugged them. As she was there with the horses near her, she decided to jump the fence and get into the pasture. She was now inside the fenced pasture petting and playing with the horses. All was quiet and serene and the only noise that could be herd was the occasional horse whinny. As She continued her activities she noticed a large white horse running down into the pasture from a wooded area . Soon the white horse was standing near her and pawing at the ground with his front hooves. She was confused and didn’t know what this horse wanted. She approached it with her hand out and it responded by rubbing its forehead against her hand. Lynn had made a new friend in this horse.

She petted the horse for a while and noticed that the others in the herd were staying away from them. She wondered why and began to walk to the side of her new found friend. She rubbed its sides and patted its flanks. Then She realized why the others were staying away. This was the herd stallion and the boss. She looked down and noticed that this guy had become excited at her petting. His cock was extended down and was about three feet long and about 4 inches round at the base. It was long and pink with black spots and flexed up and down as She rubbed the horse’s side.

She was fixated on the size of the cock and became mesmerized as she stared at it. She bent over to get a better look and as she did she felt a nip in the middle of her back. The stud had bitten her as he would a mare that he wanted to breed. Before she knew what was about to take place, She felt a tremendous weight on her back. She was knocked to the ground on her hands and knees. She tried to get back up but each time she tried the stallion would put his head on her back keeping her pinned down.

She chuckled to herself and continued to crawl around on her hands and knees. The stud noticing this kept turning with her, keeping her on her hands and knees in front of him with her face facing between his front legs. Soon She tired of this and stood still hoping that the stud would walk away. She soon found out that he had no intention of walking away. As she remained still the stud walked onto her straddling her between his front legs. She, now panic stricken struggled to get free but the powerful stud and his weight were too much for her. The stud stepped forward again and She soon found his cock poking at her face.

She now knew what this guy wanted, a blow job. She was afraid of getting hurt struggled and squirmed to get free. She was stuck and with each escape attempt the stud bit at her and put more weight on her back. She now could do nothing but what the stud wanted. The stud would push his cock at her face and she would turn away trying to keep it away from her mouth. The stud lurched forward and the tip of his cock was against her face. Pre-cum was dripping down her cheeks and running onto her chin. She, suddenly felt a sharp pain on her ass as the stud bit her viciously causing her to scream with pain. She opened her mouth to yell out and the stud’s cock found the hole. In went the tip of his cock, with her lips surrounding the pink meat. She now reached up taking the studs cock in one hand with the intention was pulling it from her mouth. As she touched the shaft the stud lurched again dripping more pre-cum in her mouth. She now found that she was getting wet and turned on by the size and power of this cock. She even found that she licked the taste of the pre-cum as it dribbled out the end of
the cock stuffed in her mouth. Lynn started to lick and suck on the new lolly pop in her mouth. As she licked and sucked she grabbed the cock with one hand and pushed it in and out of her mouth. As she did the stud quit biting and stared to push his cock in time with Lynn and her sucking. She found her panties soaked and her pussy demanding attention. She was now at the height of sexual excitement and craved relief. She reached down keeping the cock in her mouth and zipped her blue jeans pulling them down with one hand. She reached back and inside her panties ingering her now soaked pussy as she sucked on the cock.

Next She pulled down her panties exposing her swollen cunt to the air. The stud instantly made a whinny noise sticking his nose into her cunt. The stud licked her pussy and raised his head into the air making a whinny and raising his upper lip in excitement. With a jerk the stud pulled his cock form her mouth and swung his ass around lining his cock up with what he had just smelled. With a step forward his cock poked at the enlarged cunt lips before him. She knew that he was about to fuck her and she too wanted his beautiful cock inside her. She reached back spreading her pussy lips as the head of his cock found the folds. She backed into the cock and with a slurp the head entered her cunt. Whinnying with delight the stud stepped forward and his cock slid in about 8 inches.

She, gasped as she felt the cock within her. It was hotter then anything she had had before. She fantasized that she was a mare in heat and her job was to get this guy off. She began to move her hips back and forth as she felt the cock pulse deep inside her cunt. Slowly she would pull it out and then slowly push it back into the deep hole. The stud sensing this stood still and let Her do as she wished. Soon the cock was making a sucking sound as it was run in and out of her pussy. With each push it was getting deeper into her. Soon she could take it no further and hastened the pace at which she was taking it. In and out, in and out, in and out each time with a slurp. Soon she found that a foam had been developed around her pussy with it running down her thighs. She knew that she could hold out no longer, her world was in a haze and her body was at the peak of desire. She quickened her pace even faster and soon she began to groan with each push on the cock. She lost all control and her pussy contracted in a wild orgasm causing her to nearly black out. At the same time the stud gave a little lurch and She felt the tip of his cock flare within her. With the power of a garden hose the stud’s cock spewed a gusher of cum inside Lynn. It oozed out around her pussy lips and ran onto the ground like piss. White thick cum everywhere around Her and down her legs.

She flopped onto the ground and as she did the studs cock flipped out of her pussy dripping cunt juice and cum. The stud now swung his ass around again with his cock facing her mouth. Lynn reached up and took hold of the shrinking cock. She licked the tip and the shaft cleaning all off. The stud nipped her a little and walked away from her leaving her lying on the ground covered with horse cum. She had been horse fucked and loved every moment of it. She regained her composure and pulled up her pants, staggering back to her car. She laid there inside the car for nearly a hour resting before continuing on her trip. But before she left, she marked her map to insure that she could again find this pasture.

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