Women with Animals

Another Circus Tale


(c) 2009 by usafslut

Carrie grew up with her mother and father at one of the world famous circus companies. Her parents watched over her in a very protective way as they didn’t want her to hang out with some of the lowlifes that hung around the circus as it practiced in the offseason or traveled across the country.

When Carrie reached her teens she was pretty and had a great body. She worked in the circus as all the kids do, she was one of the lovely girls that rode the elephants in the parade and as they performed. But during the day she worked for Ms. Kitty the tiger trainer.

Ms. Kitty had a dominatrix personality and Carrie’s parents knew that no one would dare try anything with their daughter while she was under Ms. Kitty’s control. Not only did she have a strong personality, she was dangerous with her whip and had proved it on more than one occasion and there were a couple of men walking around the big top with scares on their bodies, from her whip.

After Carrie’s 16th birthday Ms. Kitty came to Carrie’s parents and asked their permission for Carrie to start working in the cage with the tiger’s and give up work with the “big dumb animals” as she put it.

The state of Florida (where the circus was based) did not let kids under 16 work with dangerous cats. The parents were so indebted to Ms. Kitty for watching over their daughter for years, that they didn’t take long to say “yes” even though they knew Ms. Kitty was a lesbian and a lesbian that would never try anything with a minor, but their daughter was now of legal age. They had seen Ms. Kitty have a young slave girl a few times over the years, but none of the women were ever mistreated.

The next day Carrie walked into the training building she had spent years in. However today was different, after years of cleaning and feeding the beautiful animals, today she was going to get to train with them inside the big cage.

Ms. Kitty greeted her new student as she did every day with a short hello and a list of things that Carrie needed to do. But she added “and after lunch you get to work with Zen in the cage.” Ms. Kitty thought for a moment and then asked “wait, are you having your period?” Carrie responded “no ma’am.” Carrie was totally excited. Zen was the alpha Bengal tiger and she and tiger were already friends.

The morning flew by and as Carrie headed to her trailer for lunch Ms. Kitty yelled “no meat for lunch.” Carrie skipped home and smiled as she knew the tough woman was looking out for her wellbeing asking about her period and the meat.

Carrie was back from lunch before she knew it and Zen and Ms. Kitty were already in the big cage playing around. Although Zen was the leader of all the tigers, he was also the gentle when he was alone and not having to prove anything to the other males.

Ms. Kitty looked up and saw Carrie watching her and said in her commanding voice: “Good, you are back. Take off all your clothes and come in here, no fear, you know that Zen is just a big baby.” Carrie stood there for a minute not sure she heard the first part correctly, but then Ms. Kitty looked over at her and again told her “take off your clothes.”

Carrie did as she was told, she always did, she didn’t know from dominate and submissive, she just felt she was weak and did what she was told, especially when the words came from Ms. Kitty. Once she was naked she walked into the safety area between two doors entering the cage. Ms. Kitty was not pleased that the girl needed reminding, but she did like seeing her naked.

“I said to undress and come in, not stand there halfway in and out” scolded the woman. Carrie heard her and walked inside the cage. Ms. Kitty walked toward her and the big tiger walked beside her. “reach your hand out and pet him like you do in his cage and talk to him so he knows your voice is the from the person who feeds him every day. Again Carrie did as she was told, and was soon rubbing the tiger’s back.

Ms. Kitty let the two get comfortable with each other and then said “Ok Carrie, I need Zen to know you are submissive to him and not a threat. Walk away from him and stand over here with your legs open a bit.” She did as she was told. The woman walked past Carrie and stood close behind her. Ms. Kitty was getting a little turned on by the naked girl and by now Zen should be picking up her scent.

Zen walked over to Carrie and started to sniff her. She reached down to pet him and Ms. Kitty whispered in her ear “I told you to stand there, not play with him, he is going to play with you this time.” The animal moved his head toward her midsection and then lowered his face. He hard whiskers tickled her belly and made her giggle. Zen moved even lower and with no warning to Carrie his long tongue came forward and licked her between her legs. Her natural reaction was to jump backwards, but Ms. Kitty had anticipated in and put her arm around the girl’s waist just in time to hold her firm.

Zen licked again and without the shock of what he was doing, Carrie started to enjoy the feeling occurring within her pussy. She was however, embarrassed and turned her head toward the woman behind her. Ms. Kitty answered the question before Carrie even asked it “It’s OK dear, let him lick you there and get you turned on. We need him to know your scent in every way and again that you two can become playmates in the ring.”

Even as the woman was talking, Zen kept licking and Carrie’s pussy was reacting to the long bumpy tongue rubbing across her lips and clit. Her legs were getting weak and she couldn’t help but moan with pleasure. The young teen wasn’t very sexually active but she knew from masturbating that a climax was coming soon.

From feeling her body shiver in her arms and the breathing she could hear, Ms. Kitty also knew that a climax was nearing. With that she walked out from behind the girl and with a command Zen stopped and sat back on his hind legs.

Ms. Kitty stood between the tiger and Carrie so that the teen wouldn’t see what effect she had on the tiger’s malehood.

“Carrie go over to the low perch and get on all fours in front of it.” commanded the woman. The teen did as she was told. She was upset that the woman had stopped her before she had cum, but her submissive personality prevented her from saying something back.

Carrie went over to the side of the cage where the multilevel perches where lined up for the various tigers to perch on, and got on all fours. Ms. Kitty walked to her and quietly said “ when I tell you to; command Zen to ‘ come’ and when he is standing behind you command him to ‘mount’ and remember you are the trainer and at this point he should want to please you.” After telling the girl what to do the pretty older woman in her skimpy leather outfit, went into a safety area right outside the main cage.

The safety area was about 10 feet from Carrie and was a place where a second trainer would stand if the main trainer would be trying a dangerous trick. It had an extra whip, a pole and a tranquilizer riffle.
The woman was set and then told Carrie to call the big cat. Carrie lowered the pitch of her voice and commanded “Zen come!” The tiger proudly walked up behind the girl. Carrie thought that the next command was meant to have the tiger jump over her and mount onto the top of the perch in front of her.

She commanded “Zen mount.” Carrie looked down between her boobs and through her thighs and saw the beast get up on his hind legs and then he dropped his front paws over her and they landed on the perch. With her eyes still looking back she saw the tiger’s black balls and then his dick. It wasn’t like it was before, it was long and straight. It had a skinny pointed tip and then a big thick head and then a long skinny shaft.

Carrie was staring at it as it slid between her legs and as it bounced along her stomach. She was taken out of her mini trace by the command of the animal trainer. Carrie put his cock inside you, now.”

Without even taking a moment to think about what it meant to her, the teenager reached between her legs, moved forward a little and slid the tip of the weird shaped cock into the entrance of her pussy.

The animal took if from there. After feeling the tight moist skin around his cock, Zen pushed hard and drove his 10” cock inside the girl. Carrie screamed and then then screamed again, but from that point on the screams were not from pain but from the pleasure of the fast, deep, constant pounding of her pussy.

It only took a minute or so and the girl was cumming harder than she had ever from her fingers. The big cat kept his weight off the girl, but she could feel the soft fur rubbing her back and her butt. But what she could really feel was the pounding inside her. The thick head of his cock was moving from just inside the opening of her vagina back to her cervix. Again she screamed in an orgasm. This time the tightening of her vagina walls put Zen over the edge and suddenly the girl felt the rush of the warm ejaculate filling her insides. The next few pumps of tiger’s cock were the best as she felt the warm cum gushing to every open spot it could find inside her as the cock pumped in to find its own space.

And then it was over. Zen pushed himself off the perch and back onto his feet and started to walk away to clean himself up. Ms. Kitty reentered the cage to check on the girl. She was going to tell her that in a few minutes he would come back for more and wouldn’t cum as quickly but as she approached she noticed that the big cat was sniffing the air and had not walked over into a corner ash e usually did. The woman turned quickly and looked at Carrie and saw red in the stream of cum running down her leg.
Quickly Ms. Kitty grabbed the girl under the arm, got her to her feet, and without showing fear or panic walked the girl out of the cage.

Carrie could tell something was wrong and asked “Did I do something wrong ma’am?” Ms. Kitty loved when the girl called her that. The woman walked Carrie to a table and had her jump up on it. The girl now had her legs hanging over the side and cum was quite evident on her inner thighs and almost down her entire legs, to say nothing of some globs sitting within the girl’s pubic hairs.

Ms. Kitty grabbed a towel and ran a corner under some warm water and started to clean the girl up. When she got to her pussy, she took extra time cleaning the outer and inner labia and moved her fingers inside the girl and helped get the cum out.. Carrie was feeling the effects and moving her butt around. But was still nervous that the woman hadn’t answered her about what just happened.

“Are you a virin?” the woman asked?

Carrie just got the reason for the woman’s concern and answered “I guess not anymore.”

“I don’t understand” Ms. Kitty continued “You are a very pretty girl, nice body and smart, why haven’t you been with a boy?” The woman was practically fingering the girl at this point and Carrie had this great glowing feeling throughout her body.

“I guess a lot of it has to do with you? The girl responded and then continued after seeing the questioning look on Ms. Kitty’s face. “You see I have been working for you since I was dating age and probably half the boys are scared that if they hurt me that you would hurt them.” Ms. Kitty smiled “and then, well, um, the other half probably think that I am a lesbian because I work with you.”

Ms. Kitty pulled her figures out of the girl but kept her finger tips running along her outer lips and running very gently over her clit as she questioned; “Wow, so I have messed up your life, is that what you are saying?” and moved her hand down the girl’s thigh and away from her pussy.

“Fuck no” Carrie replied, swearing for the first time ever in front of the woman, who didn’t seem to care. “I love working with you and I want to be just like you.” She looked in the eyes of the woman and could tell that the woman wasn’t sure she believed her. Carrie didn’t know what to do, so she put her hand on Ms. Kitty’s and moved it back up till a finger could feel the heat of her pussy again.

“So” The woman started “you have never been with a boy?” Carrie shook her head. “And have you been with girl?” Carrie shook her head again. Ms. Kitty moved her finger back into Carrie’s pussy, this time putting it deep inside the girl till Carrie moaned. “No girl has done this?” she asked as she leaned forward and kissed the girl on the lips. The two mouths opened and for the next 20 or 30 seconds their tongues played with each other. Ms. Kitty pulled back and Carrie shook her head again. The woman asked “or this?” and she opened her mouth and took one of the young girl’s nipples in her mouth and sucked hard till she felt the nipple get rock hard . She pulled back from Carrie and looked at her and Carrie continued with the head shaking.

Ms. Kitty took a step back and then bent forward. She looked up briefly and almost whispered “Or this?” and she lowered her lips to Carrie’s clit and started licking and flicking it with her tongue. While licking she placed another figure inside the girl and started fingering her hard while sucking on not only her clit but parts of her lips as well. Carrie lifted her butt off the table to get all she could and then came again, right there and then.

Even though it was hard to talk while cumming Carrie panted out “No.. I have … only ….made…out… with… a …few…guys but….no-one … but Zen …and you….have…ever….made…..me…..feel like this.

The woman pulled her lips off the girl’s pussy and then kissed the girl again. This time Carrie threw her arms around the older woman and pulled her toward her in a loving embrace.

The two of them finally gained composure a little latter. Ms. Kitty yelled at Carrie for not telling her about her virginity and that she must never bleed near a wild animal. She told Carrie that over the next couple of weeks she would get to fuck all the male tigers, which excited the girl.

“But right now, it is time to please me- as I am about to wet through this leather outfit.” The woman said in an almost commanding voice.

Carrie looked at the pretty dominant woman and just answered “yes ma’am”

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