Women with Animals
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A Boarding House with Extras


(c) 2007 by usafslut

Ginny wasn’t the prettiest woman, she stayed in shape and had a nice figure, but she just hadn’t found a man since her divorce. She was 35 and had been alone for 3 years. In that time she hadn’t had sex with anyone but herself and it was starting to bother her. However, one night would change that, after which she would be fine to use her fingers or toys for a long time.

Ginny had left her company job on a Thursday evening. She was taking a 3 day weekend to visit a friend of hers that she hadn’t seen for 2 years. It was a long drive and Ginny figured she would start off and spend the night in a hotel when she got tired. She wasn’t much of a traveler and should have know better than not make a reservation somewhere, with some destination in mind.

She had driven a few hours and it was about 10:00 when Ginny pulled off the interstate in some small town in Oklahoma. She pulled up to a small motel that was part of a chain and walked into the office. The man behind the counter asked if she had a reservation and she told him she didn’t. He then said “ a young woman shouldn’t be out here all alone at night- especially with a nice body like your?” Ginny was starting to feel uncomfortable and again asked for a room. The man told her that he was full and there wasn’t another motel for 60 miles. Ginny was exhausted and knew she couldn’t drive for another hour. She pleaded with the man and then he said “well hold on, there is a boarding house down at Miller’s farm, you want me to give Jake a call?”

Ginny asked “how far away is it” and the man let her know it was no more than 10 minutes. She agreed and the man made the call. In a matter of minutes Ginny was on her way down a country road with hand written directions. Soon thereafter she was heading up a long driveway to a farm house. Ginny felt better when she saw it lit up, and from what she could tell it looked nice.

She got out of the car with her overnight bag and went inside – a man met her, and was as pleasant as could be. Jake was about 60 and came across almost like a father figure, and before long the two of them were in the kitchen talking over a cup of coffee. Before long Ginny was almost falling a sleep at the table. Jake could see this and suggested that Ginny go to bed. He showed her to a room and let her know that the bathroom was down the hall, and seeing as there were no other guests till the weekend she had the upstairs to her self. He then said “well, almost a lone. I have to let King in for the night and he usually sleeps in number 5 over there, so don’t be scared if you hear him.” Ginny said she liked dogs and it shouldn’t be a problem.

Jake then asked Ginny if she showered at night or in the morning, She told him she preferred the morning and then asked why. “Oh, this is a working farm and the water pressure is usually down in the morning. Ginny let him know that she would take his suggestion and shower now, and said “good night”.

Jake went down stairs and let King, a big oversized Husky into the house, Ginny took her shower and when she walked into the hall she saw the beautiful animal lying between her and her room. She couldn’t believe how beautiful his fur was and she bent down and stoked his coat. King started sniffing her between her legs and actually lifted his nose up under her towel giving Ginny quite a startle. “Excuse me” she said and stood up. She actually laughed about it as she headed back to her room. King followed and before she got a chance to close her door he was inside. “Now aren’t you a silly one” Ginny said to him “Ok, you can stay a while, I would probably feel safer with you in here anyway.” She then took off her towel and started to grab for her nightgown. As she did King again put his head between her legs and this time gave a lick. The lick sent shivers up her spine and before she could react, he licked her again and as she went to push him away he got his 3rd lick in. Ginny didn’t know what to do, she knew it was wrong, but it felt so good.

While she was contemplating what to do, King got in a few more licks and that was it, Ginny was now too turned on to stop him. She put her towel on the floor and got down on her back and spread her legs wide. King started to sniff her and moved his head up towards her. Ginny gave his head a rub, and then said, “ok boy back down here.” And patted her wet pussy. But Jake had a scent up by her face and before she knew it , the dog had straddled her head, lowered in haunches and started to hump her face.

His red dick started to make its way out of its sheath and Ginny was surprised when she felt the wet small red tip cross her lips. Now Ginny was never much into giving her ex-husband a blow job and sure didn’t want to take the dog’s dick in her mouth, but the dog was almost forcing her as the dick was growing and sliding across her face. King shifted his body and when he did, Ginny was able to roll on her side and got some sense of relief. She then started to move up away from the dog’s groin and she felt like she gotten free. King backed off her and she said to him “you are bad, we have to get you out of here.”

Ginny made the mistake of getting up on all fours to start to stand; I mean how else could she do it. She reached for the bed to aid her standing, when King jumped on her back. The big 110lb dog wrapped his legs around her and started humping her butt. Ginny thought she could win the battle of getting free, like she had moments before , when she felt the dogs dick slide across her butt, she then felt him prodding her butt cheeks trying to find her pussy. Ginny finally realized she might not get free and froze. In that moment King found his mark and entered the woman.

Ginny couldn’t believe this was happening to her, but after a few thrusts, just as she had with the licking, she stopped fighting and started to enjoy the feeling. It had been a long time since she was fucked and she wasn’t sure she remembered the feeling she was feeling inside her. It was if the dick was getting longer and longer and thicker and thicker. As King was growing to his full 10” and real thick dick, Ginny started to cum. Her climax kept building and building she was moaning a lot louder than she thought. The dog kept moving at his unrealistic pace and Ginny couldn’t stop cumming.

Soon she felt pressure outside her labia and her soon her clit was being banged from the outside pumps of the dog. Ginny started to scream in pleasure and a minute later screamed in pain. Whatever was giving her such pleasure on her clit had just passed into her and the pressure was painful. King kept pumping and a few moments later gave a little cry and Ginny felt the gushes of hot cum fill her insides. If she weren’t in so much pain, she knew she would have cum again. Finally the dog stopped pumping and tried to pull out – but they were stuck. Ginny knew nothing of animal sex and panicked as the dog kept pulling on her, causing shooting pain. King then tried to dismount her and soon was facing away from her and moving toward the door. Ginny had no choice but to back up with him; crawling so he wouldn’t pull any harder.

King got to the door and started to cry. Then bark. Ginny tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t. A minute later she heard what she was fearing, Jake was in the hall calling to the dog; “Mrs. Smith is King in with you?”

Ginny replied through the pain; “Yes, I think he just got scared or something” she replied.

But the dog kept barking and then started to scratch at the door. Jake used his pass key and opened the door and saw the woman attached to his dog. “Oh my” He exclaimed “I have never seen anything like this before.” Ginny was so embarrassed, but at the same time in a lot of pain. “Jake, can you get him out of me, please?”

Jake did Ginny a favor and lifted Kings front paws and brought him back over on top of the woman. This helped relieve some of the pressure on the woman and his dog. He started to rub King’s neck and positioned himself on his knees in front of Ginny to best reach his dog.

Ginny looked down in front of her and saw the bulge in the man’s pants. Jake was hard as rock from watching his dog attack the woman on the TV he had hooked up from the camera in her room and though his VCR. Jake had known that the shampoo in the shower was really a hormone for mating animals and that King would take the woman if he got the chance.

Jake looked at his position and Ginny’s head. He hadn’t planned on this, but he wasn’t going to pass up the possibility. He used his free hand and unzipped his fly. The woman didn’t say anything so he took that as a good indication. He took out his hard cock and held it to Ginny’s lips. She only hesitated a moment and then took his cock into her mouth. She as not into oral sex, but nor had she ever had sex with a dog and right now she was filled at both ends with cock.

As Ginny was sucking Jake’s cock she started to get turned on again and started to rock back and forth on the cock and knot inside her. The dog responded and started humping again. Soon Ginny was cumming again and with that she made Jake cum. She felt him explode in her mouth and almost moved the cum into her nose as she was breathing so heavily, but stopped moaning long enough to swallow his load.

Being as wet as she was gave enough lubricant for King to pop out of Ginny’s pussy.

King moved behind the woman and started to lick the spot he had just cum, cleaning up his bitch and Ginny couldn’t help but moan in pleasure, even with the man standing right there in front of her.

Jake looked at her and said “I got me a pony in the barn that loves to fuck too.” Ginny looked up and him and nearing another climax said “wwwhat?” The man looked back at her and explained “ I have horse in the barn that women have paid me to have fuck them. His dick is very much shaped like a man’s, which some horses are, instead of a big flatish head. Anyway he isn’t as thick as the knott you just took, but he is over 2 feet long.”

To Ginny’s disappointment King stopped licking right before she climaxed and walked over to a clean himself off. Ginny need to cum again, but a horse? She looked at Jake and said “I don’t have money to pay you?” He smiled and looked back at her and said “I think you just did, and if promise to get me off again in the barn, then we will call it even.”

Ginny couldn’t believe she had accepted the offer and was now walking outside with Jake, wearing just her nightgown. Even though the dog had cleaned her up, Ginny still felt cum running down her thigh. She just wasn’t sure if was the dogs or hers. They were nearing the barn and she couldn’t believe how turned on she was getting. She had always been so straight, and now was voluntarily heading toward bestiality. She felt King had taken her against her will, but this would be different.

The two of them walked into the barn and Jake turned on the lights and walked Ginny over to Mighty Joe Young, the all black stud. Ginny ran a hand along his neck and her body reacted to the power she felt. Her nipples hardened and she felt a twitch between her legs.

Jake reached for a jar of hormone jell, put a glob on his finger and then rubbed it below the stud’s nostrils. Might Joe almost instantly started to get excited smelling; what he thought was as mare in heat. Meanwhile Jenny was rubbing his side and feeling his hair against her open palms. Jake suggested she get undressed and almost in a dream she disrobed, and then leaned her naked body into the horse. The feeling against her nipples sent another warm sensation through her body.

Jake explained the process to Jenny, who was getting more turned on by the moment. “I am going set a blanket on a bail of straw and you can lie on it and move up or back. The bail with block Joe’s legs from moving forward- He wont be able to go in you further than you dictate- just remember he will thrust hard to point he can get in. Also, unlike a dog, he will take long big thrusts and not fast short ones, and he cum a lot more and lot quicker.”

Ginny nodded that she understood but her mind was paying attention to something else. Mighty Joe’s cock had started to drop out his sheath and Ginny watched as inch after inch grew toward the ground. Her pussy was on fire and she dropped onto her knees to get a better look. Jake saw this and said “you can rub it, he likes it.”

She didn’t need any more encouragement than that and she reached out and grabbed a hold of the 18” black dick. She started to stroke him and it continued to grow. The cock felt solid, but also felt velvety. Ginny couldn’t believe the feeling within her own body, she felt like she was going to cum, just by stroking the powerful cock. She was lost in her own fantasy world and could not believe that the cock in her hands was getting longer and longer. She had both hands on the shaft and wished she had another hand to play with her pussy that was starting to fill with cum.

Almost like he read her mind, Jake came up behind her and offered himself “ You know lady, I am hard as a rock watching you down there.” Ginny got off her knees and bent at her waist, never letting go of the horse’s dick. Jake dropped his pants and slid his, seemingly small cock into her very wet pussy, but it felt great to them both.

Jake fucked Ginny hard and as he did she grab harder on the horse’s dick and slid down it- her hands were working in time with Jake’s hips. Ginny started to cum and begged Jake to pull out before he came. That happened only minutes after Ginny started to cum.
He shot his load all over the woman’s nice ass cheeks, and once done said “enough of the foreplay. You ready?” Ginny turned and said- “most definitely- just don’t let him hurt me.”

Jake lead the horse over to the stall that he had set up (and the one with the hidden camera’s shooting from the holes in the walls of the adjacent stalls.) The horse got in position over the straw bails and Jake called Ginny to come over and get on the bail. He grabbed the horse’s dick and laid it on Ginny’s pubic hair and saw that the head came up to her naval. He told her to back up the bail a little and let her know that she could slide back down once she felt how deep Might Joe’s trusts would be.

Joe’s cock was almost the thickness of a soda can, but unlike a lot of horses, the head was just slightly thinner than the shaft- just like a man’s. Jake told Ginny to slide up the blanket again and he looked at the stripe on the blanket that had marked her last position. He then started to rub the cock head along Ginny’s labia and slowly they started to part.

Jake had Ginny slide down slowly and as she did he watched the cock head disappear. Ginny started to moan in pleasure, but kept moving towards the horse’s balls, taking more of him inside. Mighty Joe’s dick was in her about 6” when his brain kicked in that it was breeding time. The horse pulled is rump back and the dick almost slid out, but suddenly was rammed back into the hot pussy that was sucking him in. Ginny got about 12” of the 24” dick inside her and yelled in delight.

Jake asked if she was Ok and she said “perfect” and with that another thrust was upon her. It only took about 3 more thrusts and Ginny was screaming in an orgasm. It seemed like every thrust made her climax. She couldn’t believe her own body when she moved a little farther down the bail and took about 15” of the cock. A few more thrusts and she was still screaming in climax after climax, she had never experienced anything like this in her life. Then Mighty Joe Young exploded inside her, she felt her pussy fill with hot horse cum, and the cock shot out of her. The horse kept cumming and his hot seed started to cover the young woman’s body. Even without him being in her she was still cumming as her body was bathed in his cum.

A few minutes later Jake pulled Ginny out from under Joe and handed her a towel. The horse was put back in his stall and the two people walked back to the house, Ginny had to lean on Jake as she could hardly walk. But she didn’t care she was never fucked so hard and this night was unreal. She took another shower and got into bed. Ginny smiled as she recounted the night, being fucked by a dog, man and horse and blow job as well. Little did she know that the next day; her baggage would contain a copy of the dvd that Jake worked on putting together almost all night, nor would she know she would be requested to come back every 6 months to take care of both Jake and the man from the hotel. It was virtually blackmail, but with it came with a night with King and Mighty Joe, she felt it was a pretty good trade.

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