English Books Women with Animals
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From Dogs To Hogs


PB-314 From Dogs To Hogs by Paul Gable


Who can judge a person’s reactions during stress situations? The prisoners of war who give in to their captors’ demands; the kidnapped heiress who joins forces with her abductors-both must act without past experience to guide them. Both must make decisions in a vacuum, without benefit of familiar people or situations to guide them. The result can be either a very negative or a positive experience.

In FROM DOGS TO HOGS, Karen Tillsbury, an attractive teenager, finds herself the victim in a strange abduction devised by her cousins. Subjected to sexual indignities, she undergoes a trauma which is certain to leave a lasting impression in her mind. Ultimately she must determine whether that impression will be a damaging one or lead to a more constructive life.

FROM DOGS TO HOGS-the story of a teenager who learns a lesson as a result of adversity.

The Publisher


Chapter One

“What do you mean?”

Karen Tillsbury looked wide-eyed at her two giggling cousins, Teri and Kathy Massie. The three of them were sitting cross-legged in the barn, their faces flushed from the discussion of fucking and the way some guys were built.

“You know what we’re talking about,” Teri said, eyeing her city cousin slyly, nudging her sister and breaking out into another nervous giggle. “You know, how guys… do it to girls, stick their cocks in and… “

“Oh, I’d love to have Jack Barnes stick his cock into me,” Kathy sighed, closing her eyes and looking as if she were floating in outer space.

Karen frowned, picking at the straw stubble around her legs with a stick. The conversation was getting a little seamy, she thought. Spending two weeks out here with her cousins outside of Chicago was turning out to be something other than she had expected. Her mother had been worried about all the crime and drugs in the city. If only she knew what was going on out here! Little difference, Karen thought, stealing a look at the two brunettes sitting opposite her, then lowering her eyes. She could feel the blood rushing up her neck, burning her scalp while Kathy and Teri kept on giggling.

“You ever been fucked before, Karen?” Kathy asked tentatively, her blue eyes wide with excitement.

“No!” Karen answered firmly, dropping the stick and feeling a shudder ripple up and down her thighs.

Of course no boy had ever touched her like that. Her mother had taught her the difference between right and wrong. There had been times when she was on a date and boys had done things to her, tried sliding their hands up under her skirt. But she had put an end to that fast!

“Well, you don’t have to sound so huffy about it,” Terri sniffed, tilting her chin up a little. “Just because we live out here in the country doesn’t mean we pull up our skirts for anybody.”

“That’s not what I said,” Karen countered, sucking in a deep breath.

The vacation was turning out all wrong! From the moment she had stepped off the bus she could feel a kind of hostility radiating from Teri and Kathy. They had been polite enough, not daring to counter anything their mother and father had done or said toward their cousin. But there was a coolness Karen noticed immediately, a frosty look both girls gave her from the start that put her off for the first three days of her visit. This had been the first time the girls had invited her for a kind of girl-talk thing, and now she was ruining it with her prudishness. But what else could she do? Talking openly about fucking, about all those things she had fantasized secretly about in bed and felt so guilty about made her uncomfortable. Maybe she should get up and leave, watching television for the hundredth time, it seemed, this week.

“You didn’t say we’re loose, but it’s what you thought,” Kathy said, brushing back her chestnut hair and adjusting her tight-fitting halter. “Lots of girls from the city think we’re either real dumb, or that we put out all the time. That’s just not true!”

Teri agreed, nodding her head up and down, then rubbing her hands along her bare, white thighs. “Some of the guys try things, but we put them off. We’ve got ways to feel good without them sticking their cocks in us and getting us knocked up.”

Karen swallowed a big lump of excitement, her heart beating faster and faster. The sun was starting to set, the red light filtering in through the half-opened barn door and flooding over the girls.

“What do you mean?” Karen gasped, watching Teri get up and close the door.

“You know… by ourselves… it feels real good. You’ve tried it, haven’t you?”

Karen bit down on her lip. She had tried something several times, feeling her pussy. But the thought of her mother barging in and finding her finger-fucking terrified her. What could she say? How would she defend herself? Instead, she just fantasized, rubbing her cunt over the sheets and hoping for that wonderful, tingling sensation that drove her up the walls and into that wonderful realm of exploding golden lights.

“Well, sort of, but… “

“Sort of?”

Giggling, both girls settled down on the hay opposite Karen and began disrobing. The young blonde teen watched open-mouthed as Kathy and Teri unhooked their halters, tossing the tops onto the hay, then rubbing their small pink-tipped tits with their palms.

“Ohhh, that feels real good. Come on, Karen, try it,” Teri groaned, her knees jerking up, then slowly falling down to the straw as her fingers worked over her small, firm tit mounds.

“I… “

Karen couldn’t talk. She felt her vocal cords paralyzed with excitement as she watched the girls start feeling their cunts. Teri was the wildest one, tensing her ass, pushing her thighs up and holding them there, rocking her hips from side to side as if some guy were fucking her, sticking his prick into her pussy. Karen blushed more furiously, turning her head away, wishing she could do something to stop the girls from moving in that way. Oh, how their breaths were becoming uneven, labored! The barn echoed with the sounds of their gasps and moans.

“Come on, Karen. Don’t be so square. Coming from Chicago, I thought you’d be a little more with it,” Teri coaxed, raising her head for a moment, then dropping back down to the hay while pinching both nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. “Oooooohhhh!”

It looked so wrong, so very naughty. And her aunt and uncle could come in any moment and find the girls doing this. And yet… and yet there was something so exciting, so inviting about the way Kathy and Teri were moving around and touching themselves that Karen found her arms reaching back, her fingers fumbling for the snap of her halter.

“That’s better. I knew she wasn’t so square,” Kathy said, smiling as Karen’s much bigger, high-riding tits came into full view. “And look, Teri. Look at her tits! Gosh, I hope mine grow like that some day.”

“Must be the air from Lake Michigan,” Teri teased, taking a deep breath, then falling back down into the hay.

The two girls were wriggling all over the floor now, jerking around as if someone had hit them with sticks or something.

Karen knew she was blushing violently. To cover her own sense of shock, she lay down next to Kathy, moving her hands up and touching her nipples with the palms while wriggling her ass from side to side over the straw. How warm and moist it felt down there between her shivering thighs! Oh, she was going to have that wonderful sensation in her pussy soon. Karen knew it, and she was terribly excited by it! Yes, she was going to have a climax, an orgasm, a hard cum pretty soon!

“Ummmm… ” Karen moaned, closing her eyes while pinching her nipples just like her cousins. Oh, they were right! It was so good, so very good. Thoughts about her aunt and uncle coming in faded away under the growing red haze of her arousal.

“See, told you it would feel good,” Teri sniffed.

“And it’s even better when you take these off,” Kathy added, stopping her thrashing about while hooking her thumbs and fingers around the waistband of her blue shorts.

“No!” Karen blurted.

It was horrible! Her cousins disrobing like this in front of her. Even in the showers, Karen had felt nervous watching all the other naked girls twisting under the streams of water. But this?

“Sure,” Teri said, slipping out of her shorts and kicking them from her ankles.

The shock wore off quickly. The two girls were completely naked now, their bare legs undulating against the loose straw covering the barn floor. Karen was breathing heavily, feel-ing an odd kind of tightness developing in her pussy. To cover her sense of horror, she reached down and arched her back, sliding her white shorts over her ass, down her thighs, and over her ankles.

“See? There’s this kind of covering,” Kathy began, bending over and probing around in the thick brown fur around her own cunt. With a sticky little sound, her cuntlips peeled open and the girl shuddered just a little. “That’s my clit! That’s what all the boys wanna touch. But I won’t let ’em.” She gave Karen a secret smile.

“Me too! No boy’s gonna touch me unless he’s something special… like Magnum or something,” Teri added, moving her fingers around in her thick cunt bush. “And that clit… it gets big when you rub it.”

Karen watched in growing fascination, parting her knees so that her cunt opened. She had less pussy hair than her two cousins. Peering down, she could see her cuntal slit very easily. Reaching down with one hand, the girl brushed her fingers over the downy plump cuntlips, prying her pussy slit open and looking down into it. The tiny pink bump was swimming in a flood of cunt juice.

“See, you’re real hot, just like us.”

“It was all that talk about doing things and guys and… and stuff,” Karen said, feeling as if she had been caught doing something terribly wicked and naughty.

“Yeah, sure. Well, we’re gonna teach you how to finger-fuck yourself. It’s sure nice, especially when you’re thinking about some guy you really like,” Kathy sighed, obviously thinking about that boy named Jack Barnes.

Teri nodded her head quickly up and down, sliding her fingers across her pussy, purposely touching her clit again and again.

“Come on, put your hand down there and start rubbing back and forth… yeah, just like that! And then move your other fingers in and outta your hole. Ohhhh, doesn’t that feel freaky?”

It did feel freaky! Karen had put her finger down there and touched the tiny bead of her clit. A small shock of something she had never felt before cut through her legs, making her take a shuddery breath and lick her bottom lip. Again the teenager felt terribly naughty. Her mother had told her time and time again not to touch herself. Only “bad” girls did that sort of thing. Again she hesitated, seeing her mother’s frowning face floating before her. But then Karen heard Kathy’s and Teri’s sighs, heard their bodies writhing around in the loose straw, and she dismissed her fears.

“Doesn’t that feel far out?”

“Yeah… ” Karen was a little surprised at the shaky quality of her voice.

“Now use both hands and move ’em around… uhhh… uh-huh, like that,” Teri said, looking heavy-lidded at her cousin while playing with her pussy. “Jesus, I’m so hot, really hot doing this.” She panted, falling back down onto the ground and wallowing her shoulder blades against the hay.

Her sister was going a little mad as well, snapping her knees together with wet, smacking sounds, grinding her thighs, and playing with her cunt, all at the same time.

“Oh yessss… “

Karen was breathing hard through her flared nostrils, her pumping breath burning the insides of her nose as she could smell the heat of her body.

“Have you two been doing this for a long time?” Karen ventured, stopping as a particularly powerful spasm shook through her young, untapped cunt.

“Since junior high school,” Teri answered.


Karen’s tits began to jiggle on her heaving chest as that chilly heat surged through her clit. Peering down, she could see her nipples were getting darker, jutting sexily out from the equally dark circles of rubbery flesh surrounding them. She could feel the prickly straw tickling her ass cheeks and the wrinkled gray-pink asshole flesh around her shitter. How her tummy swelled with excitement as her fingers circled down around her navel, moved up to her nipples, then drifted back to the tangled blonde mass of hairs jutting around her pussy.

“Ohhhhhhh… it’s so far out… ohhh, wow, is it ever!” Kathy cried.

Karen noticed her cousin was sliding her middle finger in and out of her wet fuckhole while still playing with her clit. Kathy was going a little wild now, her face all red and pinched as if she were in pain. Well, maybe she was, the kind of delicious pain Karen kept hearing about that women loved! Teri was kicking one leg high in the air now, fanning her toes while bouncing her plump, firm ass against the ground. She was moaning so loudly Karen was afraid her aunt and uncle would hear her! Twice she tried to get her cousins to stop the moaning. But both girls seemed too out of it to hear her.

“Ohhh God, I wish somebody would fuck me,” Teri gasped, her feet kicking against the hay.

“Oh, yeahhhh, somebody big and strong holding me and sticking his cock into me,” Kathy cried.

Karen heard the babbling, heard the confused cries of her cousins. Teri was licking her lips a lot and panting heavily, her fingers tweaking her nipples, then sliding down to her pussy where they fucked in and out, in and out.

The teenager wrinkled her forehead. The strange, weird way the girls were moving seemed awfully scary. Kathy’s legs bent at the knee, then flopped down again while she dug at the ground with her heels. Her curly brown hair splashed behind her, picking up stubble like jewels. She was babbling something incoherent now while Teri jack knifed, her knees nearly touching her chin.

Karen felt her own body getting very warm and buzzy, but she knew she could never make herself have a climax while anybody else was watching her. How could she let a boy fuck her then? It was all so confusing!

Teri rolled onto her tummy and clamped her thighs tightly together. Her fingers were still squishing wetly between her tightened cuntlips. Karen reddened as she watched her cousin pump her ass up and down in a hard, fucking motion. The girl could well visualize Teri pushed down onto some bed, a strange man pinning her to the mattress while fucking his prick into her pussy.

“Uhhhh… ohhhh God, God, it’s so good, so good,” Kathy whispered, tangles of her hair clinging to her cheeks.

Teri joined her sister, pumping her hips up and down, rolling onto her back and fucking her fingers into her convulsing pussy. Karen wanted to run away again, but found her eyes riveted to the two girls and what they were doing.

Both of them were pumping their asses up and down fast now, as if they had guys on top of them. Karen shivered, feeling a groan rising in her throat. She could feel a rising pleasure in her pussy. Yes, she too could be pitching around like a shameless slut in the hay. But she was too good a girl. Her mother would never have approved.

“I’ll go outside to make sure Aunt Helen’s not around,” Karen whispered, her legs feeling so shaky, so weak.

Kathy was in no mood to say anything, while Teri had managed to sit up, brushing loose hair from her eyes.

“You didn’t join us, did you?” Teri said. Her voice was a little challenging.

“No I didn’t feel right about doing something like that here… in front of you,” Karen confessed truthfully.

Teri frowned, wiping the dampness from her forehead with the back of her left hand. “Well, look who’s here to take you down maybe a peg or two,” she said mysteriously, pointing with her chin behind Karen.

The blonde teenager turned around, seeing nothing at first. Then she saw King, her uncle’s black-and-gray German shepherd. God only knows how long she had been standing there, watching Kathy and Teri squirm like that!

“I didn’t see him,” Karen confessed.

“Sure, you were too interested in watching us. We’re gonna make you stop being so shy,” Teri said, shaking off the obvious glow that had settled over her. Kathy was starting to ease from her dreaminess as well. Karen looked from one girl to the other, not feeling particularly confident.

“Seems to me, like Teri said, that you think you’re too good for us.”

Karen saw a sparkle of evil and mischief in her cousin’s black eyes. Backing away, the young girl tried making a grab for her shorts. But Teri stretched out one hand, jerking them away. Karen let out a hiss of fear through her teeth, looking at the dog, then staring at her cousins.

“We’re gonna teach you a thing or two about country life,” Kathy said, looking mysteriously at her sister, then confronting Karen, her tits jiggling as she stood up. “We’re gonna show you how some country girls have a good time-and they don’t have to finger-fuck themselves, like you don’t want to.”

“Yeah, and it’s lots of fun,” Teri added, giggling, then standing up and moving behind Karen.

“No… don’t do anything to me… please, I’m sorry… “

Karen never finished her sentence. Both girls were on top of her in an instant, their naked bodies knocking her to the floor. King stood there, tilting his head to one side, not realizing the battle was over him!


Chapter Two

“What Are You Doing To Me?”

“She thinks she’s so all high and mighty,” Teri panted, having slipped around behind the struggling blonde teenager. She was holding Karen’s wrists down and pinned together while her sister was keeping her cousin’s legs spread apart.

“This oughtta take her down a peg or two,” Kathy said breathlessly, turning her head around and calling out to the confused animal.

“Come on, King, come on,” Teri called.

“What… oh no, no, no!”

Karen closed her fingers into two tight fists, beating them as best she could against the floor while that itchy hay stubble worked its way into her sweaty ass crack. Looking up over her tits, the girl could see King walking slowly toward her, his head down, that long pink tongue hanging out one corner of his mouth, flecked with tiny diamonds of spittle. Doggie spit! They were going to make her surrender to him! Again the young girl tried twisting free, tried jerking her legs away from Kathy. But her cousins were far too strong for her.

“That’s it, boy. Yeah, you’re gonna like this, Karen. Me and Terry did it a couple of times… and if you tell Mom, we’ll make sure you don’t have any hair left on your head.”

“What? You did… did this? Both of you?” Karen panted, twisting her head around, staring from one cousin to the other. No, they had to be lying. Normal people didn’t do this-and certainly not normal young teen-aged girls.

“Sure. It’s not so bad… you’ll see,” Teri said, shaking the loose hair from her eyes.

Karen didn’t agree with her cousins. She jerked her head back around when she felt the first pumping breath against her toes.

Oh God, he was standing right there, his head still hunkered down between his powerful shoulders, that black coat gleaming evilly under the light. His pointed ears pricked up when he pushed his head forward, the nostrils quivering. He was smelling her, picking up her scent! It was all that playing around, all that talk about fucking men, about wondering how it would feel to have a hard, stiff cock up her pussy. And now the dog was smelling the results, and he obviously liked what he sniffed!

“Uhhh… no!”

Again Karen tried twisting away, pulling down at her wrists, jerking her knees together and trying to tug her ankles away from Kathy. But the girl wouldn’t let go. Moving to one side, Kathy let King step up a little farther, the animal stretching his head toward Karen’s pussy.

“No, no, no!”

More straw stubble worked up between her ass cheeks, some of it entering her shitter while small bits of hay clung to her dampened flesh. And now the dog was touching her, actually drawing his tongue over her bare flesh! Karen shivered, snapping her head back, feeling her long blonde hair washing over her shoulders as every muscle in her body cramped. A dog! A dog licking her, sniffing her! Again the frantic teenager tried twisting away, her big tits rolling and slapping together under her violent writhing movements. Nothing helped.

“Oh, stop it… please, stop it! I’ll do anything, just don’t let him touch me again!” Karen screamed, her eyes wild with panic.

“Come on, King, take sniffs of this,” Kathy said, ignoring her cousin’s pleas completely.

“Yeah, it’s real good, boy, and she’s gonna like havin’ your tongue sloppin’ around down there… just like me and Kathy do.”

“No, oh God!”

He was dragging his tongue along her inner thighs now. Karen felt sick to her stomach as she writhed there under his doggie touch. She was going out of her mind. Surely her cousins had to be insane if they thought something like this was pleasurable. Having a dog lick her cunt! The very thought was disgusting. And now here it was, actually happening to her.

“Uhhhh… “

Slowly, the girl calmed down, concentrating on what was happening to her. Her disgust was still there. But something else was happening to her, something Karen could not understand. The dog’s touch was giving her a chill now, a chilly heat she had felt earlier when Kathy and Teri were talking about fucking, about the way they would love to have certain guys climb onto them and stick their cocks up their cunts.

It was coming back, coming back under that constant licking touch of the German shepherd. The effect was becoming electric. Karen began feeling the tension in her body building as the animal began nibbling at her cunt flesh, his fangs teasing her clit, making her tense her ass muscles.

Kathy and Teri noticed the change in her behavior and smiled slyly.

“Cousin Karen doesn’t mind it so much now, does she?” Kathy asked, giggling.

“She kinda likes what King’s doin’ to her. maybe she’s got a new boyfriend,” Teri said, watching with growing fascination as the blonde began humping her cunt up against the dog’s touch.

“Wrong… it’s so wrong,” she whispered, feeling her brain simmering with sexual arousal.

“Yeah, wrong, but it feels real good, right?” Kathy taunted.

She was right. Oh, how good it felt, having that animal doing all those things to her. Good and… and still wrong. No, no, she had to be out of her mind to think something like this was good!

“Stop this!”

King pulled back at the girl’s shout, staring at her with those big brown eyes, tilting his head to one side, then opening his mouth and letting that tongue slide out once more. It was slick with spit-spit and her pussy juices! Karen stared back and felt her stomach tighten and turn over. Kathy and Teri were going to hold her there until they damned well chose to let her go. King barked once, then went back, touching her pussy with the tip of his tongue. Karen pulled back, tucking her ass away from the animal.

“No, no, get away, you filthy beast!” she cried, her eyes wild with terror.

King backed away yet a third time, his tail tucked between his hind legs.

“Come on, boy, she doesn’t mean it,” Kathy coaxed, twisting her cousin’s right ankle until Karen squealed with pain. “Come on, she’s not gonna say anything to you now.”

The dog whimpered, then crawled back between Karen’s legs and started licking. The girl threw her head back, resigned to her fate. The cords stood out on her neck as she worked the backs of her legs against the straw. King was licking her regularly now, leaving long wet streaks that dried cooly against her wet flesh. She heard him panting heavily, breathing with those wheezing, sexy sounds through his black nostrils. And all the time there was the touch of his snout against her thighs. And now… oh yes, and now she felt one of his paws resting against her legs. He was settling down for a long stay, running his tongue up, up… “Uhhhhhh… “

Kathy pulled her legs a little farther apart. She could feel the warm, velvety surfaces of her cunt exposed now, could feel them working against one another as she kept twisting around on the floor, trying to avoid the dog’s searching, licking tongue. If only her mother could see her now! If only her mother, who thought so much of both Kathy and Teri, could see what those two wild girls were doing to her now!

“Please… please, stop this. Oh, don’t make me do this!” Karen cried, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. The dog moved up a little higher, his paws rubbing against her inner thighs. And then… oh yes, and then it happened again. Stie could feel his cold snout sticking under her warming cuntal mound. Karen thought someone had set off sparklers in her pussy! She arched her back at that touch, snapping her head from side to side, pulling at her ankles once more. She could feel Kathy tightening her grip while Teri kept telling her how good it was going to be once the dog’s tongue shot into her cunt hole!

“No, no, you’re both… uhhhhh . . you’re both crazy if you think… “

Karen was going half out of her mind with fear and excitement, both of them mixed inextricably as the dog kept sliding his tongue closer and closer to her fuck hole. \95 “Ohhhhh, nooo… oh my God!”

Karen felt her stomach churn with fear once more. Kathy was forcing her legs apart even farther, telling her sister to come around. In a moment, Karen felt her hands slip free. Teri was on all fours, her tiny tits jiggling as she moved up to her sister. In a second, the two of them were grasping her legs and holding her split apart for the dog.

“No, no!” Karen started to get up, her arms thrashing wildly, aiming for the dog. King jerked his head up and snapped angrily at the young girl. “Oh!”

The dog was excited now, past the stage of being frightened away from her. Karen screamed again, falling back onto the hay and draping one arm over her eyes. It was going to happen. Oh yes, yes, it was going to happen! They were going to hold her legs apart, force her to accept the dog!

“Come on, King,” Teri whispered hotly. “Come on and lick her off.”

They opened her cunt completely to him. Karen had fallen back on the ground now, rolling her head to one side and pressing her cheek against the hay. The dog barked, then went wild. His tongue slopped over the sensi- tive flesh of her right inner thigh, leaving more of those wet, hot trails of saliva on her flesh.

“Horrible, horrible,” the girl whispered, grinding her teeth together.

Her legs moved farther and farther apart now, and the two girls were giggling and laughing as they watched a gradual change come over Karen. She was struggling less now, her breathing becoming more and more strangled. Yes, she was starting to feel that rising heat in her cunt again, a heat that was pushing out all moral considerations.

“Uhhhhh… “

Friction. Wonderful wet friction against her pussy. That’s all it was! She could hear the sound of his tongue against her cuntlips now! It was wonderful, wonderful and terrible at the same time! He was touching her pussy with that tongue, drinking up the pussy juices that flowed out in spite of her shame. Oh, his tongue was moving up the fuzzy slopes of her cunt mound, moving up until it was petting her sent sitive clit. Karen shuddered, pulling at her legs. Spasms began somewhere deep in her pussy while she clenched at the loose hay all around her.

Karen could feel the dog’s hot breath tickling through her cuntal curls as he lapped at her cunt over and over again. Oh, there was an animal between her legs-a hungry, cunt licking animal. She should have been revolted. But oh, how good it felt. She loved now the sensation of the squishy, steamy mess between her thighs. And oh, that tongue, that wonderful tongue licking and loving her j Now all she did was pant, pant and want more of the subtle wet friction driving her up the wall!

“You’re getting hotter, Karen. Oh, wow! Look at how red her cuntlips are!” Kathy breathed, peering down and catching sight of her cousin’s pussy. King was busily and hungrily lapping up and down her cunt slit, nuzzling his nose at times under the girl’s ass.

“Yeah, and look at the way the juice is comin’ outta her. Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever been that hot before!” Teri sighed.

Karen tried to fight the growing lust she felt. But her arms trembled, her fingers curled, and she fell back on the ground, hunching up, pressing her swollen cunt up to the dog. What was she doing? Oh God, what was she doing? That pink tongue drove up and down her fur-lined cuntal crack, making her clit burn like a tiny glowing jewel from the steady licking friction. She wanted that dog now, wanted him to lick and touch every trembling slick inch of her juicing pussy. “Fuck! Oh God, oh yesssss… ” Karen twisted around again, clawing at the dirt panting for more friction, more of the wild animal’s tongue against her pussy. She gasped and babbled to the German shepherd as well as to her cousins.

“Please… more… Uhhhhh, oh God, it’s so good, soooooo very, very good! Oh God, it’s gonna kill me!”

“That’s the way I sounded the first time King got to me,” Teri said, her eyes wide as Karen whirled toward climax.

“Yeah, the first time he licked my pussy I thought I’d shit.”

Up and back, up and back the girl moved her ass now, spit oozing from the corners of her mouth. She twisted around a little, feeling the dog’s fangs brushing one cuntlip, then the other. The thought of what was happening to her drifted from her mind. Now all the girl imagined was the wonderful sensation burning through her pussy. Oh, she could have died doing this and it wouldn’t have mattered. It was the best thing that had happened to her in the whole wide world. It was driving her mad.

“Uh… uhhhh… “

Karen worked her ass around in circles a best she could, pulling at the restraining hand still on her ankles. King licked everywhere a once-or so it seemed. The more she moved around, the more pleasure she seemed to bring to her body! The thought of boys, of the pricks, entered her mind now as she teetered on the brink of climax. They had talked about guys, about fucking. Yes, that would be nice, so nice, having something hot and hard fucking inside her pussy, something that would press against the itchy, convulsing walls of her virginal pussy!

Yes, Karen wanted to be fucked, to have a man’s prick inside her cunt, fucking up and down, stretching her pussy wide open!

“Fuck!” Karen blurted.

“She wants his cock in her! Little Miss Prim and Proper wants to get fucked,” Kathy said, her eyes glazing as she watched Karen enter the final throes of her sex experience with the dog.

Even hearing someone pronouncing that lewd word made her go into wild spasms. Oh, and the dog was fucking his tongue in, making the tiny muscles around her cuntal mouth spasm. As strange as it was, Karen could feel the cunt muscles trying to grab hold of the dog’s black nose. She was teetering on the feverish edge of her climax. The big muscles in her ass cramped. Karen let out a wild cry as the dog hurried his licking action on her juicy pussy.

The big dog gave out a little yelp, then nuzzled again between her swollen cuntlips. Oh, if only she had a man’s cock up her cunt!

“Cock… fuck… ” The wild thoughts hurried her on to her climax. She pitched on the ground, bucking her ass against the barn floor. She could feel those front fangs cutting her cunt flesh slightly. And that acute ticklish sensation brought more babbling groans of pleasure from her throat. She clawed the ground, wishing once more for something very hot and hard in her cunt. “Uhhhh… “

“She’s cumming now,” Kathy said, letting go of one ankle.

“Let’s see what happens,” Teri said, letting go of the other.

Both girls sat back on their heels, watching Karen tentatively draw her legs together. Then, finding her legs were free, the young girl scissored them tightly around the humping back of the German shepherd, holding him tight and close to her while she humped her pussy against his maw.

“Cummmmmmmmm… “

Karen quivered and throbbed, bucking her body so wildly she thought she would pass out from exhaustion. King stayed with her, licking and nuzzling and panting against her climaxing pussy. Oh, it was wonderful, deliriously wonderful! Hot juice flowed out from her cunt, wetting down the dog’s nose until the smacking, wet sounds were louder than before. Wet sounds of the animal’s tongue against her pussy! Just the thought of it, the thought of a dog’s mouth against her cunt sent the girl off into a more powerful series of spasms.

Karen jerked about the floor, kicking and scratching at anything. And all the while King kept his muzzle close to her convulsing cunt, not letting that hot treasure get away from his maw. Again and again his tongue curled into her hot fuck hole, pressing up against her clit, touching her in all the wildly sensitive spots while brilliant colors exploded in front of her.

And then it was over. Gradually, the spasms ebbed and reality trickled in, that ugly reality that made Karen jam her knuckles into her mouth and bite down. Yes, she had done the unthinkable… had done something sexual with an animal. The thought wouldn’t even have occurred to her in Chicago. But Here? Apparently her cousins had made it with King more than once. Obviously he knew what he was doing, touching her in all the right places, timing his licking to match her bodily reactions.

“Enjoy that, Karen?” Kathy said, kneeling next to King and scratching his big proud head behind the ears. The German shepherd twisted around and licked her arm. “It’s gonna get better-you’ll see.”

Karen shuddered at the prediction.


Chapter Three

One Day Had Passed Since Kathy And Teri Had Stripped Karen, Wrestled Her To The Floor And forced her to let the dog lick her pussy. That night the girl tossed in her bed, he? dreams startling her into consciousness more than once. Time and time again she thought she could feel the handsome German shepherd’s tongue sloshing up her thighs, edging to her cunt. And then he was touching her clit stiffening that tongue and fucking it into her convulsing pussy.

It was then the girl woke up, sitting bolt upright, her body damp with perspiration, her hair clinging to her cheeks while her chest heaved up and down with the gulps of air she took. What was happening to her? Dear God in heaven, what was happening to her? Try as she might, Karen couldn’t get a good night’s sleep, and she awoke exhausted the following morning.

“My God, what have I done?”

Karen walked about in a fog that day, avoiding the curious stares of her aunt and uncle, and certainly avoiding Kathy and Teri. Pleading a case of the flu, the girl stayed in her room, staring out the window, wondering what had happened and why she had let herself do such a terrible, dreadful thing.

As the day went on, she saw Kathy and Teri hop into the old blue pickup and rattle off into town. It must have been nearly five in the afternoon. Shortly after their departure Karen noticed a small blue car amble up the back road. It slowed near the house then stopped, a handsome black-haired boy climbing slowly from the vehicle and dusting off his jeans.

“Oh, Jack, they’ve gone into town,” she heard her Aunt Helen say from the porch.

Karen’s ears pricked up at the sound of the name. Jack? Could it be that Jack Barnes her cousins had been talking about? Pressing her nose against the window pane, Karen looked down at the young boy. It was hard to see what he looked like from upstairs, but what she saw she liked. Again the girl felt that odd hot tightening in her cunt. Sucking in her lower lip, she bit down, wondering if she had the courage to go downstairs and meet this man.

“Why don’t you come in for some lemonade before going home? You look so dusty,” Aunt Helen said.

Karen backed from the window, turning and staring at herself in the full-length mirror before her. She found herself smiling. What a perfect revenge! How good it would be if she were to steal this handsome young stud from her cousins, especially after they had made her do all those hideous things with that… that dog! Yes, she would do it, and would have some fun as well.

Brushing back her hair, biting down on her lip again, Karen walked from her room and down the stairs, her pulse quickening as she heard the sound of rattling dishes in the kitchen.

“Oh, Karen! Good to see you up. Jack, this is our niece Karen Tillsbury from Chicago. This is Jack Barnes. His family and us have been friends for, oh my, for ages!” Aunt Helen said, patting the tight bun on the back of her head.

“Hello,” Karen said demurely, feeling her face warm under Jack’s steady stare.

Yes, he was handsome-darkly so. He was sitting there at the kitchen table, a half-emptied glass of lemonade in front of him as he looked her over and smiled.

“Glad to meet you.”

They talked about something-what, the girl wasn’t sure. Aunt Helen said something about having to get dinner ready, and wouldn’t it be nice if Karen were to walk Jack back out to the car.

Karen only half heard what her aunt was saying. The more she studied this young man, the more she liked him. And he was staring at her, staring at her the way few boys back in Chicago did. Or at least, few she noticed. Oh, he was so handsome, a Magnum type. Yes, her cousins were right about that, anyway.

\95Come on,” Jack said, finishing his glass of lemonade and saying good-bye to Aunt Helen.

Karen moved in front of him, feeling his flare burning through her shorts. They walked down the back stairs toward his car. It was then she felt Jack’s hand grab her arm and steady her.

“Let’s take a walk around the place. I don’t feel like going home.”

She knew she should have refused that offer. But the thought of getting even with Kathy and Teri, and the thought of having just some innocent kissing fun with Jack overwhelmed her. Putting her hands behind her back, she walked with him, listening to him talking about the fields around her, feeling her pulse growing faster and faster.

When they reached the far end of one field, she felt his hands gripping hers once more, pulling her up to him.

“No, it’s not right… it’s just not right,” Karen whispered, her heart in her throat.

“What’s not right?” Jack breathed, his eyes flowing with excitement. He was touching her neck now, holding her still. She wanted to move away, but couldn’t. It was almost like that time in the barn, that awful time when Karen wanted to get away from the dog but found herself riveted to the floor by her own desires. But this was different, so very different. Jack’s eyes were so magnetic, even in the setting sunlight. He made her feel so naked. No wonder her cousins were in heat just thinking about him. And now he had her alone in this deserted field. Only the sound of a lark twittering in the distance broke the silence.

“Uhhhhh… “

“From Chicago, huh?” Jack said, his eyes narrowing even more. “They do a lotta fuckin’ around in the city, from what I hear.”

“No, that’s not true… especially, not for me,” Karen gasped.

“Well… “

Jack bent down lower, both hands circling her waist now.

“Don’t… please… ” “I wanna suck your tongue.” “I can’t breathe… ” His mouth was teasing hers. Karen didn’t feel so certain about what she wanted any longer. Jack had complete control of her now, bringing little jabs of excitement to her with his touch, with the way he was talking to her. His hand moved down her side, slid along one thigh, then moved farther. Karen gasped against his neck, wondering if there were some field hands nearby who would see them. Perhaps they were crouching in the weeds, their cocks out, jerking off as they watched Jack and knew what he was going to do.

He was kissing her wildly now, sucking her tongue, driving his tongue toward the back of her throat. Karen had done this sort of thing once or twice. But then the boys always expected to fuck her, and it was so hard keeping them off her body in those cars. She hadn’t tried tonguing in the past year because of that. But now, oh, how good it was now! He was pulling her tongue between his teeth.

She was happy he was doing it. He bit and sucked at it until she whimpered through her nose. His hand had cupped upward, fingers curling through her hair, then sliding down to her shorts. Yes, they were wriggling under the leg band of her briefs. Karen didn’t care now. Thoughts of her cousins, of the dog, of Jack, all melted into one hot image as those fingers crawled up to her pussy. In a second she felt him pressing against the velvety dampness of her cunt.

“No, we shouldn’t, not here, not at all,” the girl gasped.

Karen hardly knew him! What on earth was she thinking of doing? He was a stranger. And there he was, standing in front of her, feeling her pussy, sucking on her tongue, getting ready to… to fuck her!

“Kathy and Teri… “

“They don’t matter much to me. I can fuck them any time I wanna. But you’re something else, baby. I wanna feel your pussy all around my prick.”

His words burned into her brain. Karen let her head fall back, felt her blood pounding faster and faster through her veins. She felt herself sinking, sinking into passion. And then in a moment the girl realized she was actually sinking! Her knees buckled as she sank down to the ground. In a second he had her on her back, his hands all over her body. She felt her sandals being slipped off.

“Jack… I don’t want to be here with you. I really should go and see if Aunt Helen… ” He was sucking on her toes, then moving up her legs. The girl let out a cry, then another, feeling her cunt heating up like a furnace. He was kissing up the back of one calf, licking her. She thought of the dog once more, the hot touch of his tongue against her flesh. No, she couldn’t let those images invade her mind, not now!

“Nice and smooth… real nice.” That subtle, damp touch of his lips against the soft place behind her knee was something so… so wonderfully thrilling. Oh, this could go on forever. His touch was wild, more wild than the animal’s. Try as she might, Karen couldn’t sound convincing enough. No, she couldn’t sound as if she wanted him to leave. Instead, she was rolling under him, caressing his thick black hair with her hands, groaning against the side of his neck, feeling so wild, so sexy, so free!

“Gonna have some fun with you, baby, the kinda fun your fuckin’ cousins want from me and ain’t gonna get for a long time.” How had she gotten onto her stomach? Hands were around her red briefs, hooking over the waistband. The girl gasped as she felt the material skinned down over her plump ass. She made a quick lunge, trying to grab onto the shorts. It was happening all too fast. But she was too late. He had stripped her, pulling the briefs over her ankles then tossing them to one side.

“Ohhhh… don’t… “

But she felt his hands gripping her ass cheeks, the thumbs pressing against the inner curves of her ass globes, forcing them apart while his breath panted into her hot little ass crack.

“Nice ass… yeahhhh… “

He was licking her ass now, drawing his tongue over the tops of her ass cheeks, then moving it down, down toward her ass crack.

“Oh God… no, nooo!”

She was clawing at the loose weeds around her, pulling at them while guilt and fear assaulted her mind. Everything, everything around her was adding to the growing heat between her thighs. Oh, his tongue was going dangerously close to her asshole, edging around her puckered ass ring then sliding down, down until… ohhhh, he was putting his mouth against her little cunt slit. And he wasn’t just kissing her pussy, either! He was licking into her cunt, drawing his tongue across those same bumps and hollows King had found, pressing his nose up against her clit. And all the while his big hands were holding her ass cheeks spread open, his breath panting into her damp, warm ass crack. Then she felt him rimming her cuntal mouth with the tip of his tongue. Karen stiffened in embarrassed terror. But then the thrill of what was happening to her washed over the girl, blasting away any thoughts of fear.

“Ohhhhh, oh God, what are you doing to me? What are you doing?”

He turned her onto her back now without answering the panting girl. Holding her cuntlips apart with his fingers, he dipped his head back between her knees. Oh, how good it felt having Jack do this to her! What would Kathy and Teri say if they could see them now, rolling around in the hay, their bodies rubbing together? And all the while, Jack’s head was buried in her cuntal muff, his tongue slipping and sliding in her pussy.

His strong, callused fingers were pressing into her thigh muscles, spreading her crotch inch by excruciating inch. She felt as if he were pulling her pussy apart while his tongue caressed the most gentle parts of her twisting body.

“Ohhhh… “

The girl started moving her hips. It would have been impossible for her not to. It was just like when the dog had fucked her with his tongue. Only this was ten times as pleasing. She tossed her head around, feeling the silken strands tangling around her throat. And then Jack was shoving her top up and kissing her belly. When his tongue snaked into her navel, the girl shivered, digging her fingernails into his long hair.

“Stop… please, stop!”

She caught her breath.

“If Kathy and Teri come back, they’ll see us and… and I don’t know what’s going to happen then.”

“I don’t give a fuck about them. I just want you, baby.”

“Please, stop… “

“You want me to eat you out, don’t you? Come on, cut the crap-you want it.”

Karen couldn’t lie, couldn’t tell him one thing while her body was doing another. Her breathing was gaspy, shallow and hot. She clutched again at the loose straw and weeds around her. In the distance, she heard several dogs barking and wondered for a moment if King were romping with them.

“Uhhhhhhh… “

And then something happened, something the girl couldn’t understand. Jack had rolled onto his back, holding her, guiding her up until she found herself straddling his broad shoulders, knees bent so her legs were pointed back along his body. It was so wickedly strange. And then he was moving her up, up, until she was straddling his head, her cunt peeled open by the tension of her spread knees. He was caressing her firm ass with both hands, the tickling touch bringing shivers of unspeakable delight from her mouth. Her cunt was touching his mouth now. And in a moment he had fitted her cuntlips to his mouth, that tongue fucking hard and fast into her pussy. “Nooooooo!”

Karen felt incredibly high and dizzy. While Jack made wild love to her pussy, Karen began moving her cunt back and forth, back and forth, loving the way his teeth cut along the edges of her delicate inner cunt flesh. Throwing her head back, Karen let out a low groan.

She didn’t know this guy at all. Her cousins were hot for him, especially Kathy. And yet there she was, Karen Tillsbury, her cunt being licked and sucked by this stranger!

And she could tell he liked it, could tell by the way he was touching her and caressing her naked flesh. He was smoothing his fingers over her backbone now, then tracing them around her narrow waist. More of her pussy juices seeped out to wet his cheeks. Again Karen cried out, rolling her hips with a new freedom, a new hunger. Jack licked hungrily at her clit now, growling like an animal. In response, the girl jerked her hips faster back and forth, pressing her weight down against his chin. His teeth cut her cunt flesh more and more. Oh, she liked having her pussy eaten, liked it very much. Wildly, Karen began pumping her ass in the steady, hunching movements of fucking. Yes, she was fucking his mouth, fucking it the way she had been fucking King’s mouth. It was funny, funny and unbelievable how that tiny tickle was building to a steady ache in her pussy.

“Uh… uhh… uhhhh… “

Rutting. That was the animal term for it. Rutting. And that seemed to fit her feelings now as the girl went wild over Jack’s mouth. He fucked in and out of her cunt with his fingers now, sucking her clit between that sexy gap in his front teeth. She could hardly keep still enough for him to give her enough friction. When the tickle became too teasing, she forced herself to quit bucking so Jack could eat her cunt better. How good it was to feel his fingers twisting around in her pussy. And then he stopped, pulling his face away.

“You’re a fuckin’ virgin. You weren’t kidding,” he said.

“Uhhhh, yes, yes… ” She had felt him touch her cherry with his fingertips. Was he going to break that membrane?

“Man, I wouldn’t have thought it… not in this family, anyway. Well, it’s been a while since I’ve fucked a virgin.”

Her cherry! That was the last vestige of her innocence. When that was gone, she would be a woman.

“Nooooo… “

The feverish, itchy thrills were getting stronger and stronger. She felt the suction of her pussy trying to nurse those fingers as if they were a cock. And they were twisting back into her cunt, pushing hard against her cherry. A flash of fear and guilt knifed through the girl. No, she couldn’t go through with it. She just couldn’t. Mustering the strength from somewhere, Karen rolled off Jack, her cunt steamy hot, the muscles already cramping with , the first spasms of climax. Grabbing her shorts, Karen yanked them on, nearly putting two feet through one leghole. The zipper was stuck. To hell with it!

“Where the fuck you think you’re going?” Jack cried out, reaching for her.

Karen moaned, shrinking back from the big stud, then turning and running blindly back to the house. She stumbled several times, pitching forward, grabbing onto the tall weeds for support, then running again. She sobbed, wiping the hot tears of frustration and excitement from her eyes. How her pussy burned! How hot her cuntlips felt rubbing against one another and against her clit as she bolted over the uneven field, hearing that devil Jack calling out to her.

“Wrong… wrong… “

She had done two terrible things since she’d gotten here. The girl needed time to sort things out. Gasping and crying, Karen rushed into the courtyard, stopping short near the house. No, she couldn’t go in and see Aunt Helen- not like this. The barn. No one was in there. She would have time to sit down and think things out. Walking slowly, her head held down, the young blonde walked into the large barn, shutting the door behind her as she heard Jack running back into the yard looking for her. He would never find her, not here. And when she heard the car starting up and departing from behind the house, Karen sat down, wondering if she had done the right thing.


Chapter Four

How Long She Had Sat In The Barn Karen Didn’t Know. She Squatted There Against The Door, watching the beads of light filtering in through the cracks turn a darker and darker red as the time passed. She pressed her forehead against the barn door, thinking about Jack, about how he had felt against her! Ohhh, how her cunt burned, actually burned right now! Sitting there quietly trying to calm down her breathing, the blonde could smell her drooling pussy. Her hot little cunt was pressing against the barn floor, throbbing and burning! God, what if he had pulled down his pants and… and stuck his prick in her pussy?

“My God, my God!”

To her shame, Karen wanted just that sort of thing to happen. Yes, as she squatted there, pressing her fingertips to her dry, burning hps, the girl confessed to herself she had wanted Jack to fuck her. If it hadn’t been for some sudden stabbing pang of guilt, she would have gone all the way and let him fuck her.

But that was history now. Again she thought about the stud, about the way his mustached mouth fit so nicely around her pussy. Her cunt tightened. He could have hurt her with his cock. She knew those were the kinds of fears all young girls had at the start. Karen had an idea those terrors would have disappeared with the popping of her cherry.

Yes, that was another thing, something that wasn’t such an idle fear. There would be pain, blood. Her mother had told her that. And so had some of the other girls. No, it was all so confusing. Stretching out one hand, the girl pressed her fingertips against the rotting splintery wood of the barn door, wondering just how long something like this would last before she regained a grip on her mind once more.

Karen started to rise, feeling a little better now. Her breathing had returned somewhat to normal, although her pussy still burned. Perhaps she would lie in bed in a few moments and practice some of the tricks Kathy and Teri had taught her about fingering her cunt.

“My God!”

Just as she was about to open the barn door, Karen froze, seeing some movement from the corner of one eye. It was King, moving stealthily toward her, his head down, his ears pricked forward. She could tell he was sniffing her cunt again. She saw his nostrils wriggling, wrinkling while he crept toward her. He had been resting there in the darkened corner of the barn, watching her as she rushed in and slammed the big doors shut behind her. And Karen had thought herself safe.

“Nice… nice, King,” Karen whispered, goose bumps rising on her flesh.

The big German shepherd stopped for a moment, smelling the air again. Karen flushed beet red. Of course he was smelling her pussy. She had smelled the pungent aroma of her young body as she sat there by the barn door. With his keener sense of smell, King would have smelled her arousal easily. “No, back away, King, no… ” Karen could see that look in his eyes, that look she remembered so well from when Kathy and Teri forced her legs apart and let the dog lick her pussy. He had that look now as he approached her, his bushy gray-and-black tail tucked between his hindquarters. Oh God! He was growling at her! “No, get away!”

Desperately, the girl tried clawing the door open. But King was faster, leaping into the air and hitting her squarely between the shoulders with his front paws.


Karen lost her footing, feeling the weight of the big dog’s body pushing her toward the floor. She stretched out both arms, flailing them in front of her for support. In a second she was flat on her face, her hands digging into the soft hay while King was on top of her. His forelegs were widely braced apart, the paws on her thighs.

“No, get off me!”

The girl cried out again and again, trying to rock her body first to the right, then to the left. The dog stood atop her for a moment, then dropped back, his nose nuzzling the top edge of her shorts. And then… and then he was pulling at her shorts, tugging backward, trying to tear the shorts from her.

“No, stop it!”

A sharp growl told her not to do any more.

She sobbed, closing her eyes and biting down on her lower lip as she felt the material being stretched then torn from her body. In a moment, the big animal had dragged the shorts down her legs. “Oh God!”

And then there was that sudden hot wash of a tongue between her ass cheeks, a touch that set her pussy afire as it was when Jack was licking her cunt. Her fingers clawed at the loose straw around her while that tongue tried driving deeper between her ass split. Jerking and twisting, the girl finally managed to knock the animal off her back. She got on her ass, squirming backward, trying to get back up. But the German shepherd was back on her in an instant, his strong forelegs spreading her thighs. His tongue went down quickly, splitting her pussy gash. Karen’s fingers curled into the soft dirt, her knuckles whitening as she gasped from the touch of that tongue against her pussy.

“King… ohhhh no, no, no!”

Not again! Dear God, not again! There it was, happening again. He was nosing around her crotch, smelling her pussy, tasting her one more time. And what made it worse was that this time she was giving him little resistance. Yes, this time she was opening herself up to him without having Kathy and Teri there to force her. It was so exciting, just sitting there and letting the dog service her pussy, letting him push his fuzzy head between her thighs and tickle her with his fur while his tongue went deeper and deeper into her fuck hole. Now he was pressing his tongue against her cherry, trying to pop it the way Jack… “Noooo!”

She was horrified by her own thoughts. Somehow, the girl managed to push herself to her hands and feet and crawled forward, her knees scraping along on the cold, soft barn floor. If only she could reach the door! If only she could get her hands on the latch, she would be all right. But King was behind her, nudging her hot little cunt with his snout, pawing her ass, trying to bring her down. Time and time again the frantic teenager tried swatting him away, her fingertips brushing his snout more than once. But the big German shepherd ducked back, his bushy tail high in the air while the fur around his neck bristled with excitement. When she felt both paws on her ass, the girl cried out, her throat tightening with terror.

“Ohhhhh God no, no, keep away from me, King, don’t do this to me!”

But the dog started humping the girl, his forepaws sliding around her body, his belly pressing against her naked ass. Then Karen felt something so hot, so slick the girl trembled with fear and arousal.

His prick! Yes, it was his cock pressing up against her ass cheeks. Her eyes widening, her lower jaw slackening, the young teen bolted forward, propelled by the horror of what the animal was trying to do to her.

“No, no, no!”

He was going to try to fuck her!

Yes, the dog was trying to mount her, slide onto her body as if she were some street bitch! Scrambling to her feet, the young girl stumbled blindly through the barn, falling away from the door, looking for somewhere she could hide from the panting animal behind her.

“Please, God, please, don’t let this happen to me!”

King was at her heels, nipping at her ankles. She felt his fangs, felt his breath panting against her legs. He wasn’t really trying to hurt her. He was simply trying to bring her down again so he could fuck her!

That was more than enough reason for Karen to keep running.

The teenager was frantic. She bumped her legs over several barn tools buried in the hay. And behind her was that dog, that very big dog chasing her, his ears pricked forward while his tail wagged. Karen made it to an empty stall, hooking her arms around the top, kicking back at the animal nipping at her feet. Time and time again, she shouted for him to leave her alone, striking the dog more than once on the head and snout with her bare feet. But King only barked more loudly, scampering around her, then trying to get his nose into her pussy once more. “Uhhhhhh… “

He was licking her feet now, the ticklish tongue wetting down those sensitive spots between her toes. Karen closed her eyes, feeling a rush of the indescribable chilly ripples tickle up and down her spine at the dog’s touch. No, no, she couldn’t give in, not now, not with the dog in such hot pursuit! If she relented even for an instant God only knows what the dog would do to her!

“Get away from me, you filthy animal,” Karen grunted through her teeth.

But King refused to let her go. He swarmed around her more frantically, his tail brushing up against her legs, his snout pressing against her inner thighs. And then Karen felt him slipping his fuzzy muzzle up inside into her cunt. The dog growled, tossing his head in victory. That sudden penetration, the touch of those bristly black hairs around his lips brought a feverish shiver that spread over her body. Again she thought about surrendering. And once more her better sense took over, making her try to climb over the stall wall. That touch, that awful, wiry touch of King’s muzzle in her pussy was taking away her strength. “Ohhhhh… “

Karen tried scrambling up the wooden wall, felt her arms turn to rubber, then fell back onto the hay behind her. The girl choked, covering her face with one arm as she felt King climbing all over her. He was going to fuck her! Yes, she could tell that, tell that from the way he was digging his muzzle back into her cunt, the way he was trying to position himself between her legs. Crying out again, Karen drew her knees together, holding her thighs tightly clamped while slowly sliding back away from the panting beast. She felt the ticklish stubble working its way between her sweaty ass cheeks.

And yet… there was one part of her that wanted the animal so much. It was so crazy, so damned crazy! But her pussy was getting very hot and tight, juice buttering up her cuntlips. How could anything like this happen? Again the girl wondered if she was having some kind of terrible erotic dream. No, it was too real for that. Lying there, feeling her heart pounding so hard while her blood rushed hotly through her veins, Karen slowly stopped struggling. She moved her legs over the hay, easing the muscle tension in her thighs, finally letting her knees fall open. Yes, that touch, that wonderful hot touch of King’s tongue against her thighs was doing such strange things to her. His long muzzle and mouth, that tongue, that touch drove her wild. As terrible as it was, Karen felt herself giving into the big animal.

“No, King… ” Her voice was hoarse, cracked with emotion.

The dog didn’t make the slightest move that would show her he would obey her. She tried closing her thighs once. But the dog growled, twisting his head around and closing his fangs down on her flesh.

When she felt his fangs sinking deeper, when she looked up and saw those brown eyes staring at her, the girl relented. This show of his uncanny intelligence made the girl go dizzy. He was actually forcing her to do what he wanted. There was no accident this time. This wasn’t something Kathy and Teri had a hand in, either. King knew what he wanted, and he was using his weapons to make her give in.

When the pain became too sharp, the girl cried out, opening her legs to him. He let out a small yip and wriggled his nose back into her cuntal crack. The rough wetness of his nose against her convulsing Cuntal membranes was more than she could endure. He pulled back, licking sloppily at her pussy. That wild aban- don was working its way with Karen. She lost even the will to try to tuck her ass under and away from the animal. She just lay there on the hay, her spread arms trembling with lust. Glancing up over her tits, the girl realized she was about as spread out as she possibly could be. The dog was wedged between her thighs, his body humping up and down, his tail swishing from side to side while his maw lay buried in her cuntal thicket. And the sounds of her uneven, choked breathing were punctuated with the soft licking sounds of King’s tongue.

“Uhhhhh… ooooohhhhhhh!” She thought of her cousins, of her aunt, and then finally of the dog. She raised her head slightly, looking back at the big animal. Oh, she almost felt like a dog herself. All she could do was just moan. The sounds of that dog’s mouth stroking her steamy cunt was more than she could take! Karen realized soon that she had been clenching at the loose hay around her, going out of her mind while the dog was growing wilder by the second. There was no telling what he was going to do to her.

Then without any warning the animal jumped up, licking her tits and belly, then moving to her armpits. Why did she stay there, spread open to the big animal like some sort of sacrificial maiden? Why couldn’t she just get up, kick him, then run to the door? Again the thought of escape came to her, and once more she rejected it. Instead, she lowered her fluttering lashes as the animal lapped at her tits, touching the tiny pink nipples until they were hard, stiff and red.

“Ohhhhh, King… “

She wasn’t aware her hips were moving until the prickling hay worked between her ass cheeks and tickled her shitter. King was back at her feet, now mouthing her toes and ankles. It was the musky aroma on her flesh and pussy that was making him like that. What else could explain his wild behavior? She was exciting him, just as he was exciting her!

That thought, the idea that she was turning the animal on, made the girl tremble. He was licking her knees, her thighs, and her pussy. Karen found herself pressing up to him, opening her thighs and giving him every inch of her cunt she could. Oh yes, yes, he could take her, take everything of hers! Karen didn’t care, tensing her thigh and leg muscles and bouncing her ass frantically in front of the dog. Yes, she wanted to give him every square throbbing inch of her wet cunt-every hidden hollow, every fold, every part of her pussy.

Karen felt herself growing tense. She was going to cum! Oh yes, she could feel the hot tightness growing all about her pussy. Gasping, rolling her head from left to right, the girl clutched once more at the dog, then picked up handfuls of straw and clasped the stubble against her palm. That white-hot moment of madness was on her now! “Yagggghhhhh!”

Her body arched, her shoulder blades shaking and pressing against the ground while her heels banged hard and rhythmically against the German shepherd’s thighs. She was climaxing with meteoric fury, bright lights and stars exploding in he head while a buzzing sound all but drove her mad.

The dog was growling and snapping. Time and time again, Karen felt his fangs against her flesh, but she no longer cared about that. She loved the way he gouged and lapped and fucked his hot nose into her cunt. With another hard series of spasms, the girl rolled onto her side, curling into a fetal position. King bobbed his head around, determined not to lose her pussy. She felt his paws scratching her back, felt his nose wedge between her tightening thighs once more. Rolling back around, Karen reached down and found herself scratching King hard with her fingernails. The dog was writhing his narrow ass around and around, his tail brushing up against her toes.

“Uhhhhh… ” Another climactic explosion in her young cunt, another cry of delight.

The girl bucked backward, rolling about on the hay as the throes of climax tortured her with a pleasure too intense to stand. The blonde teenager kept jerking, not knowing what the hot flecks were that spattered her thighs and made stringy white lines up one side of her body. Then, as reality slowly came back, Karen realized that King was rubbing his cock sheath against her calf and knee. He was humping forward with crazed thrusts. Each time he did, that red doggie prick was spraying out cum!

“Uhhhhhh… oooohhhhhhh!”

Karen babbled out something, staggering to her feet, fighting to cut through the fog that had blurred her mind. The animal was whimpering now, curling around and around on the floor, trying to lick his cock.

“Oh my God, what have I done?” she breathed, feeling her flesh crawl as she watched the dog licking his shrinking prick.

Her cousins couldn’t have wished for a better revenge. They had started something, something that would surely destroy her, Karen felt. Stumbling forward, the girl reached the barn door, twisting the latch open and walking into the cool night air. Thank God, her cousins weren’t home yet!

From where she stood, Karen could see the kitchen light on. Aunt Helen was probably making supper. The dear old soul, not know- ing what horrors had just gone on a few hundred feet away!

Karen hobbled across the yard, feeling like a hunted animal. Making it to the rear door, Karen let herself in and closed the screen door behind her. No, she wouldn’t see her aunt… not just now. Walking to the stairs, she thought about that attack. Yes, it was simple. The dog was horny, had touched her before, and now expected the same thing.

But she had given up so easily, had actually helped him.

“Ohhhh, it’s too confusing,” the girl said, climbing up the stairs and feeling that a little sleep would make her feel better.


Chapter Five

All The Sleep In The World Couldn’t Have Straightened Out The Confused Thoughts Karen Had The next day. Even Kathy and Teri noticed something was wrong. And when King came trotting in, Karen nearly jumped from her chair, her wide eyes bringing only smothered giggles from her two cousins. Karen knew they were thinking of that “tongue rape” in the barn. They had no idea of what had happened the other night, of how she had embraced their precious Jack, and then of how the dog had finished what Jack had almost done.

The day dragged by, Karen trying to avoid her aunt and uncle while the cousins tried taunting her into making it with King once more. She shrank from them, preferring to stay in her room, and she tried to think of some excuse to go home. Yes, that had to be the only solution. If she stayed at this farm one more day, surely something terrible would happen to her!

Time passed slowly for Karen. Exhausted and drained by these emotions, the girl fell asleep, waking at the sound of an approaching car. Sitting up from the bed and peering through the billowing lace curtains, Karen saw it was Jack’s car.

“Oh God!”

Putting one hand to her tits, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed, peering into the yard. She noticed her uncle’s truck gone. She knew she would be better off staying in her room. There could only be trouble if she went down and met Jack. But nothing could stop her. Standing up, she heard her aunt’s pleasant laughter as Jack came in. Maybe he was purposely waiting downstairs for her, making the old woman laugh, hoping she would come down and see him.

“Those bitches… “

Again, she thought of her cousins, of what they had done to her, of how they had tormented her with King.

Talcing off her shorts and halter, Karen padded around the bedroom, opening drawers, pulling out one outfit after another until she decided on one that was sure-fire. It was a small bikini-two large patches on top and a broad band of silk for the bottom. She had worn it on the North Shore several times, much to her mother’s disapproval. Well, this time she would show them all. Maybe she would let Jack lick her pussy more this time, even do more to her.

Just thinking about his mouth pressed up against her hot little pussy made Karen tremble. She leaned against one of the bed posts, stepping into the silken bikini bottom, pulling the cool material up against her hot cuntlips. She felt the pussy juices seeping out, dampening the crotch panel as she strapped the top on, adjusting the small patches over her tits. Some of the pink of the areolas showed just above the patch. That would catch Jack’s attention.

Karen turned, admiring herself in the full-length mirror. She sucked in her flat stomach until it made a small cave under her ribs. She realized just how small she was. How could such a small person have such a big climax, a huge one like the one she had experienced last night with the dog?

Karen shrugged, flashed another look at herself in the mirror, then marched from her room. She could hear Jack talking loudly to her aunt now. Padding barefoot down the stairs, she stood in the living room, feeling the ticklish sensation of the thick blue carpet against her bare feet. She held her breath. She could still go back upstairs, still rush back to the safety of her room. But she clenched her fists, squared her shoulders and walked into the kitchen.

“Karen! You’re up,” Aunt Helen said, her eyes showing immediate disapproval over the girl’s outfit.

“Yes, I was feeling better. Oh, hello!”

Jack’s eyes were on her bare shoulders, her belly, her thighs, her tits. She could tell Jack was aroused, just by his silence. Her heart felt heavy as it pounded hard against her chest.

“Well… again you’ve caught the girls out,” Aunt Helen said. “But they should be back in… oh, around a half hour or so. Why don’t you stay?”

Aunt Helen flashed another meaningful look at Karen. The girl had had plenty of those from her mother and preferred to ignore it.

“I’m going outside to catch some sun. I’ll just be out back, Aunt Helen,” Karen said, wiggling her tight little ass past Jack, then pushing the screen door open.

It was a warm day, a perfect one for getting some sun. But tanning was the last thing on Karen’s mind. She knew Jack wanted her… oh yes, and how she wanted him. But how? Was she willing to go all the way? The thought of having her cherry popped still frightened her. As she stood near the barn, pondering her feelings, King came trotting around, stopping, then cocking his head to one side while that pink tongue lolled out. At about the same time, Karen caught sight of Jack stepping out of the house, cowboy hat in hand, looking around for her.

“Stay!” Karen hardened her voice, pointing an accusing finger at the dog. Oh no, no, he couldn’t put on a show, not here, not in front of Jack.

The presence of another person was intimidating enough for the German shepherd. Whimpering through his black nostrils, he backed off, tail between his legs.

“Pretty skimpy things you got on there… like you’re wearin’ nothing.”

“It’s so hot out and… and I wanted to get some sun,” Karen said, dropping her eyes modestly. How her blood scorched her veins now under his steady, aroused gaze!

“Your aunt’s suspicious. We’d better get moving around, or she’s gonna come out lookin’ for us.”

Karen looked nervously over one shoulder, saw her aunt wasn’t looking out the window, then tiptoed with Jack into the barn.

“It’s so hot in here,” Karen said, hearing him closing the door behind her.

The smell of stale piss and hay rose in the air like some awful perfume. But the girl wasn’t that aware of it. Jack was nearby, wonderful Jack with that wonderful mouth and tongue.

“You knew this was gonna happen, didn’t you, baby? You knew it, and you wanted it to happen. That’s why you’re dressed up like this. Right?”

Karen let out a shuddering sigh, feeling as if she were about to explode.

“Y-y-yes,” she stammered, nodding her head up and down.

“Good. I thought you was ripe for the pickin’. Now I’m sure of it.”

Jack crossed the small space separating them, circling both arms around her, drawing her up against him. There was that warm touch of his red flannel shirt against hers, the feel of the damp material. And then… and then he was kissing her hard, his hands rubbing up and down over her firm ass.

Karen was seeing stars exploding in front of Ijer as he pulled her thighs tightly against his body. She could feel the hot bulge of his cock trapped in his Levi’s. His cock-bulge pushed against her belly. He was so tall, so big! And she was more than a little afraid. But Karen felt herself rushing past various levels of excitement she had known in the past! She wanted him, wanted the touch of his mouth on her pussy, maybe even the touch of his prick on her. But that was probably something he would do later. “Karen… “

He was taking off his clothes now, shedding his shirt, sliding his pants down. And now… now she saw the black wiry crotch hairs bushing out around the top of his jeans. Jack stopped, noticing her nervousness, her fascination.

“First time, huh?”

He hesitated, then pushed his trousers all the way down.

“Oh!” Karen gasped, holding both hands to her lips.

That cocky was so heavy, it had to weigh pounds! His cock was larger than any cock she had ever heard about or seen in those dumb sex education books she had read. Those blue veins, those two hairy balls hanging from the base of his prick-everything seemed too much for her to handle. Fear leaped at her throat while her mouth went dry as cotton.

“You want something like this rammin’ in and outta your little pussy?” “No, no!”

Her pussy was far too small for something like that to go inside her. Oh no, no! Perhaps for an older woman, for someone more experienced in fucking. But not her!

“We’ll see.”

Jack stepped out of his jeans, then looked around for a blanket. Finding a horse blanket hanging near a stall, Jack spread it out on the straw, standing on it, beckoning her to come to him. Karen moved, feeling all will power drained from her. She stood in front of him, her cunt throbbing hard against the tightened crotch of her bikini, her nipples tenting up the silken patches covering her tits.

“You’re hot, real hot,” he grinned.

Jack reached around, untying her top and letting it fall to the ground. Next came her bottoms, his fingers deftly unhitching the snap, then pulling the material away from her sticky cuntlips.

“Let’s get down.”

The next thing Karen was aware of was that she was on the blanket, her legs spread widely apart, Jack’s fingers holding her cuntlips open while his mouth was down on her pussy. Oh, his tongue was inside her pussy! The suddenness of it, the invasion of his tongue in her pussy almost made the girl go into shock.

Throwing back her head, clawing at the air, Karen tried pushing him back. But Jack was sliding his tongue deeper, his lips smoothing teasingly against her inner cuntlips, his teeth barely touching her clit. And he was doing it so deep, pushing his tongue against her cherry, making that small membrane bulge inward! “Noooo!”

Karen pushed back with her feet, afraid he was going to hurt her with that tongue, going to tear away her cherry. Could a man do it with his mouth? Was that possible? She had never heard of such a thing. But then again, the teenager had never heard of a dog licking off a woman before either!

Karen groaned, feeling her cunt blooming wetly under his mouth. She had no control left. Crying out, the girl started squirming under his licking kisses, her hot cuntal folds convulsing under his tongue-fucking.

“You move your ass real nice.”

He was kissing up her belly now, mouthing her tits, sucking her nipples, then going back down to her pussy.

“Oh no, no… ” Karen felt panicked. Something hot and stiff was pressing against her outer cuntlips now, already forcing its way through. Her cuntlips were flattening back. The throbbing prickhead was picking up her slickness, brushing against her hot clit. “Uhhhhhhh He was doing it to her! Oh God, he was doing it to her-fucking her! Karen tried pushing him away, tried flattening her hands against his chest and pushing the big stud from her body. But Jack was insistent, rocking forward, holding her legs open with his thighs while fucking her hot, tight pussy.

“First time… oh God, it’s my first time. Don’t hurt me!” the girl cried.

“Yeah, I know, baby… you’re so fuckin’ tight down there. But you’re wet too. Shit, you’ve been wantin’ this fuckin’ for a long time, haven’t you?”

Karen couldn’t answer the question. It was too dirty, too horrible to think of. But yes, yes, she had been wanting a man to fuck her. Why else would she have let the dog touch her? She was so hot, so much in need of having her cunt touched by something other than her own fingers.

“Uhhhhh… “

Her cuntlips spread open, admitting his fucker. She could feel his cockhead spreading her itchy cuntal walls apart, pushing them open, tunneling through her hot pussy.

Her mother had told her something like this was awful, was bad! How could something so good, so exciting, be terrible? Karen nearly laughed out loud, her thighs rubbing against Jack’s body, her fingers running through his hair while she felt his mouth on her tits sucking the nipples hard. The girl writhed against the blanket, feeling the stiff wool rubbing up against her shoulder blades and her ass.

“Oh yes, yes, it’s so good, so marvellously good!” the young girl cried.

“I knew you were a fuckin’ cock hound the second I saw you.”

Jack hunched down again, fucking his prick past her small cuntlips and into her pussy. Karen babbled wildly, her head rolling from side to side, her blonde hair splashing over her face. Yes, oh yes, she wanted that big cock all the way in her pussy. It was taking over her body too, making her belly feel so big, so swarmy and warm!


And then… then was the moment of truth, the second without end. His cockhead was touching her cherry, forcing the sensitive membrane inward.


“It’s your cherry, baby. Gonna get your cherry popped by my prick.”

“No, don’t… don’t do it!” the girl cried, her face red and pinched.

“Somebody’s gotta do it… might as well be me,” Jack said, starting to rear back to get more leverage for the initial fuck-thrust. “No, later, sometime tomorrow. Oh please, don’t do it!”

Her cries went unheeded. Jack moved back, tensing his hairy ass, then fucked in. “Don’t move, baby!” He roughly grabbed her by the shoulders, holding her down. His weight came forward again as he hunched down hard into her body. Karen thought she was going to split apart. Her cuntlips stretched to the tearing point while her cherry started tearing, actually ripping under the terrible pressure of his cock. “Uhhhhh… oowoowwwwwwww!” It was a pain the likes of which Karen had never felt. Her body trembled, shook as if someone had touched it with an electric wire. The pain seared her brain, shooting up and down her spine, freezing every nerve into numbness. Jack was sweating hard, his perspiration dripping onto her body. Nothing could save her now. Karen knew that. He had torn her cherry, had entered her pussy completely. She felt his prickhead sinking all the way in now, his cock fucking into her body, making her belly swell. How weird it was to have something that hard and hot inside her pussy. It was as if she were possessed, taken over completely by this stranger! “Uhhhhh… “

“Like it, baby? Like havin’ something that big inside you, shoving you open that way?”

Jack lay there for several more minutes, letting the girl get used to his prick in her cunt.

“Oh God, God… “

Karen whimpered for a little while, licking her lips, then finally settling down. Jack noticed her change and started fucking her slowly.

“Ohhhhhh… “

He dragged his prick back a little, then fucked in again. The girl flinched. Her cunt stretched widely, the muscles snapping tight. A shot of pain made the girl gasp.

“Relax, or it’s gonna hurt worse than this,” Jack warned.

“Relax? How can I when you-” Jack smothered her questions with a kiss, driving his tongue all the way down into her mouth while rubbing his fingers up and down her stretched cuntlips. Karen writhed her ass against the gathered material again, feeling her cunt muscles softening, letting in more and more of his hard, insistent prick.

“Yeah, like that. You keep yourself like that and you won’t have any trouble with my cock,” he said, smiling down at her.

Karen shuddered once more. Inch after throbbing inch of cock was working its way down into her pussy, spreading her cunt open.

It was going in, actually going in. That big cock she felt belonged on a horse rather than on a man was fucking in. She dared to move her hips now, sliding them up and down, feeling her cuntal muscles tighten, relax, then tighten again in a smooth milking fashion.

“Yeahhhh… that’s it, baby, move that fuckin’ ass! Come on, get those cunt muscles tight around my prick,” Jack whispered in one ear.

Both of them were breathing hard, their slick bodies grinding against one another. Karen began to have spasms rippling through her cunt as his cock fucked through the hot folds of her cunt.

“Oh, oh, ohhh!”

But the terror couldn’t take away the delicious feeling of her pussy guts stretching out around that huge cock shaft.

“Good hard fuckin’, that’s what we’re doin’, and it’s great,” Jack said, pinching her nipples.

Karen nodded her head up and down excitedly. Yes, and it was what she had been wanting for so long-a good hard fuck!


Chapter Six

“Uhhhh, Feels Good, So Very, Very Good,” Karen Moaned, Scissoring Her Legs Around Jack’s Back and holding him tightly against her.

“For a first fuck, baby, you’re movin’ like a real woman.” “Really?”

She opened her eyes and looked into Jack’s, feeling a rush of hot emotion. He was telling her things she wanted to know, things that made her hotter, that made her want him to fuck her forever!

“Yeah, move like a real woman,” Jack whispered, kissing her neck.

“A real woman,” Karen gasped, feeling her pussy filled more and more, her cuntlips stretching around the base of his fat prick. Oh, his cock was all the way inside her! Yes, she could feel him fucking her, filling her cunt all the way!


“So good, so very good!” the wild teenager moaned, her body twisting now like that of a wild woman. Yes, it was good, so very, very good. And now he was holding his cock just inside her pussy, the cockhead tickling the convulsing folds of her cunt. Karen felt her body quivering in that wildly erotic new rhythm she had come to crave.

Yes, cumming, cumming! Yes, she wanted to feel herself cumming. Crying out, twisting her thighs from one side to the other, she felt her shivering muscles convulse as Jack raked pure pleasure from her whisper-soft cuntlips. Her clit was swollen and hot and hard. It throbbed and pulsed with a tickle that jolted cries of fuck-lust from her throat.


Karen couldn’t control herself any longer. Her thighs were smeared with her pussy juices.

She bit her lip. Oh, the pleasure was so great she thought it was painful! That moment of madness passed and Karen was cumming. Yelping fits of delirium shook her as a white-hot fire burned through her cunt. “Yaggghhhhh!”

Nothing mattered except Jack-Jack and his prick. And then he was kissing her mouth. She sucked hard at his tongue as she came and came and came.

When it was over, the girl lay limp on the blanket. She was on her side, tracing one finger over her right knee while watching Jack. He was on his back, fingering his prick.

“You… you didn’t cum!” she said, her eyes widening with surprise.

“Not the first time… not like that. Had to clean up first after I pulled out.”

Karen’s breath caught as she glanced at the big cock jutting out from between his muscular thighs. That cock had been inside her, all the way inside her pussy. The thought brought a shivering of fear and delight to the young girl. How huge his prick was. The veins throbbed as he slipped his fingers around his big fucker. Jack was smiling knowingly and sexily at her.

“But I’m pretty fuckin’ close now,” Jack admitted, sucking in a ragged breath. “Damned close.”

Karen felt one hand sliding around the back of her neck, that hand pushing her down, down toward his prick.

“Take my cock in your mouth, baby-go on, take it!”

Karen struggled backward, pushing her hands up and trying to free herself from Jack’s grip. Take that thing in her mouth? Ugh! She had heard of some girls who did that kind of thing. But this was different. She had just been fucked-for the first time. She was still in that drowsy state of good feeling. Why couldn’t he leave her alone? Why couldn’t they just lie together and…

“Come on, baby suck me off. Kathy and Teri’d do it. Some of the others around here would.”

“I’m not like the others,” Karen sniffed, still shrugging off his advances.

But there was a fascination there as she stared at the dark purplish crown of his cock throbbing in front of her. What would it feel like, having something like that fucked into her mouth? How would she handle it? How would Jack react to having his prick sucked by her?

“Come on,” he urged.

She hesitated once more, crawling around, her knees now pressed together and wedged between Jack’s widely spread thighs. The fact that Jack wanted her to put her mouth over his prickhead was exciting, as well as somewhat revolting. Sucking cock!

“Suck me off,” he said in a strangled voice, both hands now ruffling her hair, sliding around to the base of her skull and drawing her face down, down into the musky thicket of his crotch.


It was wild, terrible! But then again, wild and terrible things had been happening to her all this vacation. She had lost her virginity, been attacked by her cousins, then had her cunt licked by a German shepherd. What was so unusual about this?

“Suck, baby, suck… “

There was a rustling nearby. Just as she started lowering her head, Karen caught sight of King standing there. She and Jack hadn’t closed the barn door enough and the dog had sneaked in.

“No!” she yelled.

King stopped, tilting his head to one side, his big. brown eyes glistening with excitement. Karen eyed him, then slipped one hand around Jack’s prick. God, his cock was bigger than when she last saw it-or so it seemed. Could she get her lips around something that huge? She could smell him, and that smell triggered the girl into high heat.

“Have you had this done a lot?” Karen asked, biting down on her lower lip, prolonging the time before she would have to suck his cock.

“Not too often,” Jack groaned, hunching his body up.

She knew he was hoping he would feel her wet mouth closing down on his prick. Swallowing down a lump of excited fear, the girl lowered her head, opened her mouth and let her tongue roll out.

“Uhhhh… yeahhh! Oh fuckin’ Jesus, yeahhh, that’s somethin’ else!”

Karen was testing herself, letting her tongue rest against the underside of the two lobes of his Cockhead. Jack was twisting his body around, groaning and sounding for all the world as if someone were stabbing him hard in the back and twisting the knife. Karen watched him, brushing the long hair from her eyes. She felt terribly naked and wicked and naughty doing this sort of thing.

Karen was glad that not too many girls did this kind of thing for Jack. He would remember her for a while. She wanted him to remember her, to think about her when he was with others-especially Kathy and Teri. Yes, that would show them, teach them a lesson.

“Oh!” Karen cried out, turning around and swatting back at he big animal.

King had sneaked up at a time when she was paying little attention. He was behind her now, sniffing at her pussy, nudging her cunt with the tip of his maw.


“Oh, nothing,” Karen said, gently licking Jack’s slick prickhead.

He was writhing around in a kind of joyful agony, clawing at the wrinkled blanket under them. Karen pushed out her tongue a little more until it was covering almost half the underside of his cockshaft. Then she jerked her tongue forward fast, shoving it back again, then repeated the action. Jack held his breath. He was so tense he was shuddering.

“I didn’t know it would make you feel like… like that,” Karen confessed honestly.

She felt his prick throbbing crazily between her fingers. It was so wild, feeling his cock like that, throbbing and jerking in her fingers. The dog was putting his front paws on her, jabbing his nose at her pussy once more.

“Back… “

Karen was on her hands and knees now, bending down over Jack’s jutting prick. The swollen red cocktip was just inside her lips, touching her front teeth. She rubbed her lips over the velvety taut prickhead. Karen shuddered with the realization that sex was so good. Good old Mother Nature. She made a man’s prickhead so sensitive he could feel every fold of a woman’s cunt… or her mouth! Again, Karen felt almost like fucking. Just having Jack’s cock in her mouth, her on all fours hovering over him-ohhh, it was all so wildly sexy! She wanted to climb on top of the guy and fuck her sensitive pussy on that jutting prick.

“Uhhhh, that’s it, baby, come on, come on and suck my cock with your hot mouth!”

Jack wanted everything at once. He wanted her head bobbing up and down, her lips tightening around his cock while her tongue rubbed sexily up and down the underside of his cockshaft. Karen found how to breathe in a kind of rhythm, discovered the easy rise and fall that seemed to make Jack wiggle and swear under his breath.

“Uhhhh… yeah, come on, baby, suck it, suck that cock real good. Yeahhh, I’m gonna cum right in your mouth, drown you with my fuckin’ jizz.”

His words burned into her brain. She bobbed her head up and down faster and faster, letting the spongy hard prickhead fuck well into her throat. Closing her eyes, Karen realized she loved the feeling of that heavily veined cock fucking in and out of her mouth. Her lips sucked around the flared cock head, her teeth nicked it teasingly again and again.

Then she pushed her head back down to suck his cock almost up to his balls. When she tried hard, the teenager found she could just touch his crotch with her bottom lip.

“Ohhhh, yeahhh, that’s the way, baby, that’s the way! Go for it, gimme that head!”

Karen couldn’t stop herself now. Her head was bobbing furiously up and down, her hair splashing over Jack’s jerking thighs. And yet something made her pause for a second. A sense of embarrassment and fear went through her when she knew the dog had climbed behind her. Yes, he was crouched behind her, nudging her once more. Desperately, the young girl swung back with her hand. But King ducked, pushing his nose between her ass cheeks.


Pulling her mouth off Jack’s prick for a second, the girl turned around and flashed King a warning look. This wasn’t the time or place for him. Maybe she would never let him eat her pussy again… not when she had Jack to fuck her.

“What’s wrong?” Jack asked, opening his eyes.

“This damned dog! He must think… oh, I don’t know what he thinks… “

Karen swatted at King again. But the dog ignored her weak punches. He was working her hot cuntlips apart now, stroking her pussy lov- ingly with his rough tongue. Karen lowered her head as the feeling of shame washed over her. She held her lips slackly against Jack’s prick. She was terrified with the fear of discovery. And the sloppy noises King was making against her cunt wouldn’t go undiscovered for long. She hit back at the dog once more.

“Hey, man, this is somethin’ else. You’re gettin’ it from pooch over there, and I’m get-tin’ it from you. Wild, man!”

“You… you don’t mind?” Karen asked, disbelieving what she had heard.

“It’s crazy, man. I mean, you’re somethin’ else, gettin’ off on the poochie there, and you just lost your cherry today. Christ, I ain’t met somebody like you for a long time.”

“I don’t know what’s gotten into him, though. He’s never… “

“I don’t blame him. You’re pretty good down there. He probably smelled that hot pussy and wanted some. Come on, let the pooch have it.”

“But I’m not a dog.”

She was whimpering, half with shame, half with passion. King knew too damned well how to lick pussy, which made Karen wonder about her two cousins once more. Karen shoved him back again and pretended nothing had really happened. But as soon as she was kissing Jack’s cock again, the dog brought his tongue up through the sloppy mess of her pussy. She trembled like a true bitch in heat. “Ohhhhh!”

“Come on, baby, let him do it.” “King!”

Jack caught her wrist.

“There’s nothin’ really wrong with it, baby. I don’t mind if you fuck the dog. That’s all that counts, right?”

He was smiling dreamily at her, drawing her head back down to his crotch.

“I’m so ashamed,” Karen began, hearing King growling with pleasure as he wet the backs of her thighs, her ass cheeks, her puffy, spit-soaked cuntal crack.

Jack eased her head down, down toward his prick once again. Karen couldn’t open her eyes. And then she felt the blood-heavy cockhead bumping her right cheek. She inhaled a ragged breath, then turned so she could nibble the side of the veined cockshaft. All these techniques were coming to the girl naturally… as if someone had written her a script. She fought for some sense of conscience, for the guilt she was supposed to feel. But nothing came. Nothing came except the wonderful delight of sucking a man’s prick and having her pussy serviced at the same time.

Karen let her mouth sink onto that fat cock.

When the purple crown gouged her tonsils, the woman swallowed and felt her throat caress his prick. Jack sounded as if he were coming apart. King, behind her, was wallowing his black nose around her wet pussy, nudging into the opening of her cunt. Karen groaned, feeling her cunt muscles convulse around that invasion. The dog grunted, driving his tongue in wild licking frenzies around and around her opened cunt. The blonde cunt hair curled around the sides of her pussylips, wet with the dog’s hot spit.

“Uhhhhh… oh God, King, King, it’s so good, so very good,” Karen moaned, pulling up from Jack’s cock once more.

“Keep it up,” Jack urged. “Don’t stop the rhythm. Man, it’s so fuckin’ good, you’re gonna kill me, bitch, really kill me!” He was grunting, shoving up at her, hitting the back of her throat again and again with his prickhead.

And at the same time, King was going at her pussy with hungry eagerness. He was licking her clit again. Oh, it was so excruciatingly ticklish… so soft, so whisper soft. She widened her knees unashamedly now, feeling the blanket wrinkling under her legs. Oh, it was marvelous having King hunkering down between her legs.

“Jack, King’s licking me… “

“Ohh yeahhh! Does it feel good?”

“Oh yes, God, yessss!” Karen hissed through her teeth.

“Let him keep doin’ it, baby, let him lick you off good.”

“Ohhhh God, God!”

Karen bobbed her ass frantically in the air, still not believing she was doing this. She gave Jack a sloppy lick over the piss slit that soon would be sending showers of cum gushing out into her mouth. His cum would fill her mouth, possibly even choke her. Jack was rolling his head around, his eyes shut while his knees flopped up and down.

King had centered his lapping attention on her clit. The tiny pink bump had become erect and acutely sensitive. Her clit looked like a tiny finger at least a half-inch long, and the dog touched it with his tongue again and again. He tried flattening her clit down into the throbbing cuntlips. Karen bounced her plump ass again, tucking the little treat away from the dog again and again. King whined and found her clit again with the sharp line of his bottom teeth.

“Ohhhhh!” Karen groaned around the cockshaft between her lips.

Spit oozed out from the corners of her mouth and made droplets in Jack’s tangled black cock hairs. His balls were pulled high in their sac from the tension of her mouth. Karen knew he would cum soon. He would fire his cum-load, fill her mouth. And soon King would bring her off, make her burn with lust.

Pointing her tongue, Karen attacked the spot just under the prickhead. Jack went wild, pounding the ground and swearing like a sailor. Karen gasped, feeling that dog eating her pussy. She could feel his fangs now, pressing against her cuntlips, rimming the aching flesh around her fuck hole.

“Uhhhhhh… “

And then Jack’s cum sprayed into her mouth. It was the taste that came first. Karen felt his jizz spurting out. The powerful froth pouring out of his prick, slicked noisily in the curved channel she had made with her tongue. A steamy bolt of thick jizz went into her throat, and Karen gobbled it down. It was easy, so much easier than she had thought it would be. And King was eating away at her cunt, slopping up her pussy juices, licking again and again while she swallowed down Jack’s slimy cock cream.

“Now, baby, now!”

He had slipped his prick from her mouth and was holding her pussy open, actually holding her cunt open for the dog while kissing her cummy mouth! She cried again and again against Jack’s lips while the dog fucked her cunt with his tongue. King ate her pussy, nib- I bling at her clit, making those fucking movements with his hips. Thrashing madly on I the ground, plunging her ass up and down, I Karen came with a fiery explosion. Spasm after spasm rocked her, making the girl cry out while the dog began firing jism from his long red prick into the air.

“He’s shootin’, baby, shootin’ his jizz for you!”

“Uhhhhhh… “

But Karen could hear nothing now-nothing but the pounding of her own heart as her throbbing climax went on and on and on.


Chapter Seven

Three Days Had Gone By. Once Again, Karen Avoided All Contact With Her Cousins And Aunt and uncle. She stayed in her room or wandered behind the barn, shrinking from King whenever he would trot up to her and rub against her thighs. Again and again she thought about what she had done, about the way she had behaved with Jack and the dog.

How could she have done such a thing? More than once, the girl covered her face with both hands in shame, remembering how wantonly she had writhed under Jack’s hot kisses, how she had let the dog’s tongue fuck her cunt while she had sucked the young stud off!

The fourth day brought little relief to Karen. Her aunt and uncle announced they were going into town to check on a farm loan they had applied for some months back. Kathy and Teri had eyed Karen suspiciously that morning at breakfast, making the young blonde wonder just how much they knew about her and Jack.

“We’ll be back around nightfall, I guess,” her aunt said.

“No rush, Mama. We know what to do, and the farm hands have their orders,” Kathy said, turning around and looking up at Karen’s window.

Karen drew away, wrinkling her forehead, wondering once more if Kathy and her sister had discovered what had taken place several days ago. In a way, she wished they knew! Both of them had wanted to fuck Jack, but she was the one he had gone after! Folding her arms over her tits, Karen strolled to the bed, brushing the edge with her knees, then turning and sitting down on it.

Falling back onto the pillow, the girl hugged her body closely, closing her eyes and thinking about the way Jack held her, about the strange way it felt sucking his prick while King sloshed his tongue up and down over her ass, stiffen-ing it and sending it fucking into her pussy! She could never forget the joy she felt as Jack shot his cum-load down her throat! It was the same time her clit exploded, making her prance her ass wildly in the air while King licked and licked her pussy. It was at times like these when Karen forgot about the morality of the situation. No, she could only think about how good that tonguing and sucking had felt. And Jack’s fucking! Oh God, he could pound her into jelly with that big cock if he wanted to!

Drifting off into a daze, Karen quickly forgot about her two cousins and thought only of her pussy. Time passed, the day drawing to a close. After four, it was strangely quiet in the yard, the farm hands having gone home. Karen was surprised she had heard nothing from her two cousins. Rising, she slipped on her sandals, then padded down the dark, silent corridor. No one was in the house. Picking her way down the stairs, Karen looked into the living room and kitchen and found no signs of her two cousins.

“The barn… “

Why she thought of that building where her sexual awareness began, Karen didn’t know. But something told her the two girls would be in there. Pursing her lips together, she walked from the house. Curiosity was killing her. Did they suspect something had been going on between her and Jack? Oh, how delicious it would be to lord that over them! “Uhhhhh… “

“Come on, Teri, that’s it, it won’t hurt.” “Ohhhh… it’s so… so weird!” “But it’s groovy… real crazy, right?” “Uhhhhhh… “

Karen stopped at the half-opened door, her heart starting to beat a little faster. She knew the tone of those sounds. They were the sounds of fucking. Kathy was in there with Teri and some guy. Jack? Tentatively pushing the door open a little wider, Karen peeked in, her nostrils flaring and burning with the oxygen she sucked in. She could make out several naked shapes crouched in the hay. Neither of the girls knew she was standing there in the doorway yet.

Kathy was crouched on her hands and knees, her tits hanging, her chestnut hair curtaining her face while her head bobbed up and down like that of a mare. Teri was naked too, her back to Karen. She was doing something, helping something onto her sister’s back.

When her eyes adjusted a little more to the dark, Karen realized it was King climbing onto her cousin.

“Uhhhhh… I don’t know. It’s kinda weird having him on me like… ohhhh… like this,” Kathy admitted, shaking her head once more.

“Come on, we said we’d give it a try. It sounds crazy,” Teri said, giggling as she pulled and tugged at the big German shepherd.

King barked, whining, his big forelegs climbing around Kathy’s sides while he tried mounting the shivering girl. But whenever he managed to climb onto her, Kathy lost her nerve and began shaking uncontrollably, knocking him from his position.

“Ohhhh, he tried to… to stick his thing in!”

“That’s what he’s supposed to do!”

Karen felt a hot rush of emotion burn her cheeks as she stood just inside the barn. King was about to fuck her cousin, actually fuck her! This was no cunt-licking scene. They were trying to get the dog’s cock into her pussy! The girl’s eyes widened, her breath quickened as she watched Karen and Teri fumbling with the large animal.

“I can’t… I can’t let him do that to me!” Kathy wailed, dropping her head a little lower while clawing the ground.

“Okay, okay. Lemme try it then,” Teri said with an impatient sigh.

Kathy wriggled some more, knocking the confused animal off. She rolled onto one side, straw clinging to her body and hair. At this point King noticed Karen in the doorway. She put one finger to her lips as a sign for him to keep quiet. But nothing could control the animal now. He barked loudly, his head jerking back with each powerful bark while his tail stood up and stiffened. Kathy and Teri turned around at the same time, catching sight of their cousin standing there.

“Well, look who’s here,” Kathy said, pushing the loose hair from her eyes.

“Yeah, she’s come around to see how the other half lives,’ Teri cooed, narrowing her eyes and staring at her cousin.

“I hear,” Kathy began, standing up a little shakily and brushing off some loose straw on her thighs, “that you and Jack are lovers or something.”

Karen’s eyes widened. She shook her head from side to side.

“No, that’s not true. I met him only once… and your mother was there and… “

“Yeah, and then you disappeared for a while. Mom told us that,” Kathy said, tilting her chin up once more in that defiant, arrogant way. She stood there stark naked, her cunt glistening with pussy juices and King’s saliva.

“You can think what you want,” Karen sniffed, about to turn. “Nothing happened, in any case.”

“Hey, she’s going to leave without settling this thing with you, Kathy,” Teri objected, getting up and brushing the dirt off her body.

“You can’t walk out and not explain, you man-stealing bitch!”

The words made Karen’s face turn red with shame. Guilt was written all over it. She knew it and realized she would have to run to get away from her cousins’ revenge.

“Get her!” Teri cried, stumbling in the hay as Karen bolted for the door.

“You bitch! Bitch!” Kathy screamed, rushing up and grabbing her cousin by the hair before she reached safety.

“Uhhhhh… ooooohhhhhhhh!”

They brought Karen down, yanking at her hair, pulling at it until she felt several strands torn out by the roots. Karen struggled and cried, scratching back at the two young women who were dragging her back toward the pile of straw.

“We… huhh… ‘we heard in town about Jack and some new girl out here. You’re the only new girl out here we know of. He’s been talkin’ about you, and the way she’s been talkin’ makes me think you two’ve shared more than a talk,” Kathy said, twisting up a handful of hair and making Karen scream in pain.

“Huhhhhrrrr! No, no, it isn’t true, I swear it!” Karen screamed, lying through her teeth.

“Strip her,” Teri said, glancing at King, then smiling.

“You had yourself a new boyfriend, and you threw him over for Jack. We’re gonna bring the two of you back together again,” Kathy sneered, slapping Karen several times, then knocking her back to the ground.

Both girls fell on top of her at once. They were strong, pinning her to the ground, tearing off her tops and bottoms easily. King was circling around the three struggling youngsters, barking at times, whining and whimpering through his nostrils. Karen thrashed and beat at Kathy and Teri. The girls grabbed the halter, then her shorts, leaving her completely naked.

“Now over you go, come on, over!”

Kathy was wrestling with her cousin, twisting her around, forcing her into a kneeling position. Teri was behind, smacking Karen good and hard across the ass, reddening the ass cheeks. The girl tried to scramble away.

“You’re not going anywhere, bitch. You’re gonna stay here and take on your new boyfriend!”


Karen clawed at the dirt, breathing hard through her flared nostrils, jerking back as Kathy draped herself across her body and forced her to be quiet.

“Get the rake!” Kathy barked at her sister, still having trouble subduing her cousin.

Teri moved quickly, padding through the loose hay and returning with a rusty old leaf rake. Some of the teeth were broken, rust having tarnished the sharp iron. Kathy took the rake from her sister and turned it around, backing off and holding the teeth near Karen’s face.

“You try getting away and I’m gonna run this right over your face. You can tell Mom what you want, but you’re still gonna be marked up for life. Understand?”

Karen eyed the rake warily, shrinking back a little, then nodding her head up and down. Kathy smiled grimly, relaxing a little.

“Good. Now King’s a good boy and he’s awful hot. I’ll bet you’ve got something that’s gonna cool him down real nice. And then we’re gonna go on to somethin’ else you’ll like, I bet.”

Karen trembled, her fingers sinking into the soft hay under her. She heard the girls talking to King, coaxing him. All their fighting had confused the animal. But they were trying to reassure him, stroking his back. In a moment she felt him sniffing around her pussy. Yes, he was there, smelling her cunt as he had smelled her cunt all those times before. He was staring at her, his haunches trembling with excitement, that sloppy tongue hanging out from one corner of his mouth while his eyes glowed with lust. “Oh God!”

Karen’s forehead wrinkled, a pulse leaping at her throat. She shouldn’t be too bothered by this. After all, she had let the dog touch her pussy before. This would just be another time, with Kathy and Teri having a show for themselves.

Then Karen remembered what Kathy had said, remembered what the two girls were trying to do with King when she had walked in. Oh, they were going to do the same thing to her! They were going to make him fuck her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Kathy was still threatening her with that hideous rake!

“Please… “

“Open up those knees… come on,” Kathy said, kicking Karen in the ribs with her bare toes.

The girl did as she was told, hanging her head a little lower, her hair sweeping her whitened knuckles. King whined, then moved around behind her. In a moment she felt his tongue brush up against her thigh. He paused, then licked again, moving around in position for another cunt-licking. His breath began rustling through her pussy hairs, panting against her cuntlips while that tongue-oh, that wonderful, wonderful tongue-began licking up and down, up and down over her fleshy ass globes. “Uhhhh… “

How shameless she was! Even in this situation, Karen felt her body warming up to the animal’s touch! Her belly sagged slightly, her spine curved downward while her knees pushed out a little more. King was growling now, licking her cunt steadily, his tongue and spit wetting the blonde cunt hairs and making them all point toward her navel.

“I’ll bet she’d done this more than that one time,” Teri whispered, watching as Karen began moving and bobbing her ass in time to the dog’s tongue.

“She’s probably been running around behind our backs, fucking him in the pig sty or something,” Kathy said, twisting the rake around near her cousin’s face and thinking about using it.

“She’s going for it. Look! I think she really wants him to fuck her.”

King was eating out Karen’s pussy with ravenous hunger. His nose moved up and down through her cunt slit, forcing her inner pussy flesh apart, stretching the mouth of her cunt. It was what she had been secretly want- ing for these three long days, wanting it so bad! And now she was getting it in spades. Karen moaned loudly, writhing her shoulders, pounding the ground with her fists as the dog wet her pussy with his doggie spit. Oh, it felt so wonderful. “Uhhhhh And now he was nipping his fangs along the puffed outer lips of her cunt. The feeling was so very, very good.

“Come on, boy, come on and fuck her,” Kathy laughed.

“Yeah, come on,” Teri said excitedly.

King took heart, tentatively scratching at Karen’s bare ass, then starting to mount the moaning girl.

“Oh no, no!”

She felt the dog’s paws scratching her ass, felt his body sliding onto hers. The weight made her sink down slightly. And then… and then he was on top of her, his belly pressing down against her spine, his forelegs wrapped tightly around her upper chest.

“He’s on her… he’s really on her,” Kathy whispered, dropping the rake and sinking to her knees. She was watching now, peering under her cousin’s belly, watching as King’s red slimy prick slid from its sheath and bobbed up against Karen’s wet pussy.

“Yeah, he’s gonna stick it in soon, I’ll bet,” Teri whispered.

“If he doesn’t, he’ll probably cum all over her butt.”

Karen wiggled her ass, clawing at the hay around her, feeling the dog’s breath pumping against the back of her neck. He was on her, his fur tickling her flesh. Beads of perspiration dotted her forehead. She was moving her ass, dipping it, circling her ass around and around as she felt something terribly hot and hard brushing up against her inner thighs, sliding up, up toward her juicing cunt. The girl began moaning, throwing her ass faster around to urge the dog on. And then… oh yes, it was happening. She could feel the dog’s prick gouging along the seeping slit of her cunt, gouging lower and lower. A flash of fear and shame and guilt raced through her mind. But her excitement was at a keen pitch. And there was Kathy, ready to scar her for life. Or was she? Oh, it was all so blurred now. The girl sobbed in confusion as King’s red prick slipped into her fuck hole. He growled, twisting his head around and tensing his grip on her body. The dog’s cock was inside her, that pointed red thing corkscrewing into her cunt!


“He’s in her! I can tell, Teri-he’s finally got his cock in her.”

“Yeah, and she really likes it. Don’t you, Karen? You really like havin’ his prick inside you?” Kathy taunted.

“Ohhhhhh… “

King was starting to pump his haunches, fucking his knobby boner in, trenching out her hot little fuck hole with his prick. It was unlike anything Jack had done to her! All those bumps and slick rills were touching her clit, exciting it, while his stiff fur rubbed deliciously against her bare flesh.

“Go for it, Karen! Come on, show us how you move your ass for the boys back in Chicago,” Teri said.

“Show me how you moved for Jack,” Kathy said, a mean little smile crossing her thin lips.

“Uhhhhh… “

Oh, it was happening, really happening! A dog was fucking her. And this, Karen felt, would only be the beginning.


Chapter Eight

The Dog Growled, Twisting His Head Around Some More, Stopping His Fucking Movements For A moment while readjusting his position. Karen could feel his haunches bumping against the soft spots behind her legs while his cock twisted and gouged around in her velvety cunt. And then he began fucking all over again, trenching out her fuck hole with soft sucking sounds. Warm dribbles of her pussy juices were trickling down her thighs. In, in, in! Her tits jiggled from the force of the animal’s fucking.

Karen knew she had to be out of her mind to let something like this happen. But there was nothing more to be done.

“Fuck, fuck… ” Karen murmured.

King was growling more loudly now, his haunches trembling. At times the girl felt his prick trembling inside her pussy. But she didn’t care. It was too late for caring. She was past worrying about guilt, about what her mother might say. This confirmed it. She was nothing but a cock-crazy slut, a slut who craved animals. She craved this animal mounted on top of her now, squeezing his hefty hunk of doggie cockmeat into her pussy. Karen tossed her head around, letting out a growl while her nipples brushed over the barn floor.

Fuck. Fuck. Yes, she loved having the animal’s prick in her pussy, loved the sensation of the dog’s fur scraping over her flesh. It was so good, so very good, so…

And then it happened! King grabbed her hard, his toenails scratching her flesh while his teeth nipped the back of her neck. He was cumming, fucking his jizz into her pussy! She could feel the steady streams of doggie cum blasting into her cunt. Karen cried out, squeezing her eyes shut, feeling her pussy muscles cramping shut on the dog’s prick. King was startled by this reaction and whined loudly, backing off, pushing away from her. But Karen wanted his cock in her cunt, wanted to feel that prick shooting and shooting, and spraying more and more cum!

King was barking now, pushing away from her, sliding off her back and circling around as if he were chasing his tail.

She had done it-had fucked with a dog! Shivering again, Karen felt her elbows sliding outward. She let out another moan, then sank to the floor. Behind her, she could hear Kathy and Teri laughing.

“Why’s she tired? From what I heard, she could take on the whole county zoo and still feel pretty damned good,” Kathy said snidely.

“Maybe that’s what it’s like fucking Jack-he probably takes a lot outta girls.”

Jack! Oh, what would he have said if he could have seen this? Karen wondered if she would be the same with anybody after this horrible rape! Groaning, the girl began crawling to her shorts, stretching out one hand. Kathy stepped on her wrist.

“We’re not through with you yet,” the girl said, angered by her sister’s remarks about Jack. “I’m gonna show you where I think you should stay for the rest of your damned life. Come on, Teri, let’s carry her out!”

The girls scooped Karen up off the floor, dragging her head first out of the barn. Karen blinked dazedly, her toes scraping over the gravel. The tiny stones bit and chewed into her flesh as she lay helplessly in her cousins’ grip. Where were they taking her? They passed the house, passed the chicken coop. Desperately, Karen looked around for some sign of life, for a telltale cloud of dust down the road that would indicate her aunt’s return. But there was nothing.

They pulled the girl behind the house, down a small hill past the tool shed to an area that was grown over heavily with grass. There was an odor of shit heavy in the air here-shit and the foul odor of decomposing garbage. Karen looked around and realized they were heading toward the hog pen!

“Oh no!”

She stiffened, twisting around in Teri’s arms and nearly breaking free. But Kathy hit her hard across the back of the head, stunning the girl for several minutes. Her feet dragged over the tall wet grass. Karen could hear the squealing and grunting of the hogs ahead of her. And then there was the awful sound of those fat bodies wallowing in the mud and shit of the pen. Kathy was laughing, telling her about how she should fit in with her new friends.

“Uhhhhhh… “

They reached the pen, the smell nearly becoming overwhelming. Kathy and Teri leaned Karen up against the wooden railing, commenting about the smell, then they grabbed the girl up by the ankles. Karen kicked back, twisting around, feeling a rush of adrenalin clearing her head. The long splinters of the three-tiered pole fence dug into her flesh as she fought back, beating at her cousins with her fists.

“No, no, don’t do this to me!” she squealed, feeling them shoving her up higher, higher, her body now half over the top of the fence.

Staring wide-eyed, she saw four hogs standing belly-deep in the slime, staring at her with those horrid little pink eyes of theirs. Mud and shit clung to her bristly sides. The largest hog began walking toward her side of the fence, his flat snout sniffing while his tail began to tremble. Karen felt the bile oozing up from her belly as Kathy and Teri fought with her, still trying to up-end the girl into the pen.

Her knees were touching the top rail now. Desperately, the girl struggled for her balance, flailing the air with her hands, kicking down at Teri with her right foot while trying to keep even with the other. It was a losing battle. The two naked young women laughed at Karen’s attempts, playing with her, then finally pushing together. Karen shouted, her arms flying out to her sides and waving madly while her body toppled down, down into the filthy brown slime inside the pen. “Uhhhh… “

She landed with a sloppy splash in the muck, her body sinking like a stone in ooze. Stunned, lying in the filth for several seconds, Karen prayed this was some horrid dream. But no, the cool touch of the garbage and mud against her flesh was all too real. And then… then she noticed movement from the corner of one eye. That hog, the big male porker, was lumbering through the muck toward her, that terrible ugly snout quivering. Her eyes widened, her arms stretching behind her as she crawled back, her body pushing through the slime.

“It’s your new boyfriend,” Kathy taunted.

“Aren’t you gonna say hello? Wonder if King would get jealous if he saw her playing around with the porkers,” Teri said with glee.

“Naw, he’d just corner her and fuck her again… maybe a second or two after she climbed outta the pit.”

“Yeah… guess this is what they mean by gettin’ down and gettin’ dirty.”

The two girls giggled as Karen gasped, turning around and around, standing up now in the pen and looking about desperately for escape. The hogs were circling her now, grunting softly, their tails curling and uncurling.


Kathy thrust her hands in front of her, trying to ignore the obnoxious odors while keeping the hogs from her. Her cries and movements worked for a while. The animals kept their distance, eyeing her, stepping toward her, then moving backward, their grunts and snorts sending shivers of revulsion up and down Karen’s spine. She moved away from them, one arm stretched behind her, her fingers grasping for the railing of the pen. No, no, she couldn’t let them touch her. She just couldn’t. The thought of those horrid hogs pushing their snouts up against her body made her want to scream.


Her right foot struck something beneath the slime of the pen. Toppling back, the girl found herself wallowing in the mud once more. The lead male hesitated no longer, wading through the muck, coming up behind the crying teenager and nuzzling her back with his flat, bristled snout.


If she had been touched by a burning poker, Karen wouldn’t have moved faster. She grimaced, crying out again and again as she pitched forward and began crawling through the ooze. The hog followed, grunting and snorting, two of his companions trotting behind him. Looking over one shoulder, Karen saw them gaining ground. Ahead of her were Kathy and Teri, their faces lit up with amusement.

“Help me! Oh God, please help me. Don’t let him… ” He was on top of her once again, the bristles on his snout scraping against her flesh. Mud oozed into her asshole, covered her tits, and began seeping into her cum-slicked pussy. He rolled the screaming girl over, nuzzling on down, shoving his snout against the muck-covered hair of her cunt.

Kathy cried out with laughter from behind, pointing and shrieking with glee at the scene before her.

“My God, she’s gonna fuck the hogs!”

“Too bad we don’t have a camera. That’s something Jack would get a kick out of,” Teri said, jumping up and down, squealing excitedly as the hogs started to gather around Karen.

The blonde thrashed around, hitting her hands hard against the muck, sending sprays of ooze onto the hogs. They turned around, then went at her with more vigor, shoving their snouts at her body, tripping her, toppling her more than once into the mud. Soon she was covered with the slime, fighting the animals, finding herself completely surrounded.

“Please, let me out of here!” the girl screamed at he top of her voice.

“Come on, fuck a pig! Fuck a pig!” Teri cried out, throwing back her head and laughing.

One of those filthy animals sneaked up behind Karen just as she stood up, shoving his cold bristly snout up against her ass cheeks. Just as she wheeled around, another hog moved up in front, grunting, putting his stubby forked forefeet up against her ankles and knocking her into the mud again. He was climbing onto her, his fat greasy body pressing her into the mud. Karen screamed, clawing wildly at the mud while she kicked back at the horrid beast. Raped by a hog! No, no, that would never happen-not while she had a breath left in her body.


Somehow, the girl managed to scramble to her feet, stumbling and staggering through the slime toward the fence. If she could only get there, haul herself over the top, everything would be fine!

“Uhhhh… “

Again, the animals won, circling her, toppling her into the mud. The big hog was on her again, rubbing that snout against her pussy. Something warm and wet slipped in. Mud? His tongue? A hog’s tongue? Karen shrieked, kicking back with both legs and twisting and jerking around like a mad woman. Reaching down, she scooped up two handfuls of ooze and flung it at the hogs, chasing them away, then turning and stumbling over the muck to the fence. Kathy and Teri were too late to prevent her from climbing from the pen.

Filthy and reeking, Karen tumbled onto the soft ground on the other side of the pen. She lay there in the cool grass for several moments, listening to the happy grunting of the hogs. Things had settled down in the pen, their momentary romp with the naked human girl forgotten in their rooting around for food.

“Something wrong, Karen? Something not right? Want King?” Kathy taunted, smiling down cynically at her.

“Yeah, you want the dog?” Teri asked. “He’s over by the barn… where your clothes are. You’d better get ’em. Mama’s gonna be back pretty soon, and you don’t want her finding you by the pig pen like this.”

Again, the two girls laughed, running back to the barn to fetch their own things. Karen got up, her shoulders and arms aching from the fall. Those horrid girls! They had done this to her, had stripped her, forced the dog on her, then tossed her into this pig pen. Stumbling, sobbing, the young blonde felt numbed by what had happened.

“There’s the pig-fucker!” Kathy shouted, stopping at the front of the barn door with her clothes in both hands and pointing at Karen.

They left her, laughing and giggling as she stumbled into the barn. There were her clothes, heaped near the spot where King had fucked her. Fucked her! She had actually been fucked by a dog, and then had been touched and licked by those awful… ohhh, it made her stomach turn over just to think of it. Gathering up her shorts and halter, Karen rushed from the barn, padding naked across the yard and into the house. Kathy and Teri were in their rooms laughing about what had happened. She could hear their shrill laughter. If she had had a gun then…

But instead, the girl went upstairs, getting into the shower and turning on the water. Oh, if only a shower could wash away the events of the day. She only wanted to think of Jack, of Jack and the wonderful way he had held her, had made love to her, had even let her enjoy that little bit of kinkiness with the dog. But this… this was unspeakable, unmentionable! Standing there under the water, soaping down her swollen cunt, the young girl thought about the horrors of the day and wondered if she could even consider herself a sane person.

Karen had no idea how many times she had washed herself. Whenever she was about to step from the tub, the feeling of that pig’s snout came over her once more and she went back in. Again she soaped her pussy, and again she could feel King’s cock fucking in, his body humping against her, his furry little balls slapping her ass again and again while her two cousins cheered. What a terrible family she came from!

Later that evening, her aunt and uncle came home, not surprised to find Karen still in her room. The girl had crawled under the covers, pleading illness once more and saying that perhaps in the morning she would want to return to Chicago. The farm life just wasn’t for her. Her aunt sadly had to agree, admitting she had hoped Karen would adjust better.

Things grew quiet around the farmhouse shortly after nine, the girls having gone to bed, still giggling about their cousin’s experience in the pig pen. Karen slept fitfully. She awoke near midnight, the covers clinging damply to her flesh. Her mind was confused, reeling from what had happened.

“My God!”

Fingers to her lips, Karen slid off the bed, slipping on her thin cotton nightgown and leaving her bedroom quietly. The house was dark and quiet. She moved past her cousins’ room. Downstairs, the big wall clock ticked ominously in the cavernous living room. Karen walked barefooted past the refrigerator to the rear door, brushing aside the lace curtains and staring into the backyard. There was a full moon that night, the light silvering over everything. It was magic, sheer magic, looking like something out of a storybook. Karen sighed, If only she could feel better, if only…

Narrowing her eyes, the girl spotted someone who appeared to be lurking around the house. A burglar? She supposed the farms were free of crime-certainly not like the cities. Karen froze, thinking about calling out for her uncle. Then she realized she recognized that intruder. He was looking around, searching for… for her bedroom window!

“Here, Jack,” Karen whispered loudly, opening the door and stepping into the cool night air.

She clutched her nightgown tightly to her body, leaning against the pole supporting the rear porch. Could she even look at him, considering what her cousins had done to her? And what about how they found out about her fucking him? Was he that indiscreet?

“Hi. I parked down the way so no one would see my car,” he said, walking up to her, hands shoved deep in his pockets.

“Kathy and Teri know about what… what happened,” Karen began, lowering her eyes and feeling another rush of shame. How could she accuse him of anything, considering what she had just done?

“Huh? I didn’t tell anyone. Some of the guys saw me hangin’ around here and must’ve put two and two together. Those farm hands are a bunch of gossips-can’t help that.”

“Guess so.”

Karen was tracing circles with one toe in the dirt. In the distance, she thought she could hear the hogs rooting around, squealing and grunting. She shivered, rubbing her fingers briskly over her upper arms.

“It’s kinda cool out here at night. You’d better come in where it’s warm.”

“Why did you come here, anyway?” Karen asked, pulling away from him.

Jack shrugged, narrowing his eyes while tracing one finger around her neck.

“You’re the sexiest lady I’ve ever seen… and been with. A damned sight prettier than most, too,” he said, throwing his head back and letting out a short laugh.


Karen began feeling her inhibitions disappearing. He didn’t have to know about the dog, about the hogs, about anything. And it was dark. They could fuck in the barn. Maybe that was what she needed to get the horrible image of that afternoon from her mind. What things were happening to her out here on the farm!


Chapter Nine

“Ohhhh, Jack, Jack, It’s Soooo Good!”

Karen kicked one leg up, hooking it over the young stud’s back while his tongue licked up the tense, rubbery rim of her pussy. Thoughts of the hogs, of King, of her cousins faded quickly from her mind as Jack’s tongue worked its magic on her pussy. Twisting around like a snake in the straw, Karen moved her hands up to her tits, squeezing her nipples so hard she thought they would pop off from the pressure. Yes, yes, it was good, so very good having that touch! And now he was biting her clit gently. “Uhhhhhh Karen cried out in ecstatic anguish, kicking her leg up higher, feeling the wild sensations of pre-orgasmic spasms pass through her cunt. His mustache tickled the sensitive ribbon of flesh between her asshole and cunt. He was licking back, back into the crevice of her ass. And then he began tonguing her shitter, working his lips against her asshole while fingering her pussy. Oh, it was wild, the best feeling in the whole wide world! Her cunt and ass were being stimulated at the same time. Delicious sparks of hot chills flashed through her cunt, lighting up her clit while Jack’s tongue fucked into her ass.

“I wanna fuck you back here, baby. I wanna fuck you up the ass.”

“Oh, no, please… “

But Karen was beyond anything that could be called decency. Her cries of “no” were automatic, not indicative at all of the way she felt, of the heat she felt rising in her cunt. His hands were roaming over her ass cheeks, turning her around onto her belly, lifting her up by her waist. Oh, how well she knew this position! Animals fucked this way.

“Man, gonna be hot, real hot. And you’re gonna dig it, too!”

“Ohhhh… yessssssss!”

Karen bobbed her ass around excitedly, panting and tossing the loose blonde hair from her eyes as she felt Jack’s fingers lock around her hipbones. He was hunkering down behind her, mounting her just like King had done earlier that day. Oh, she could remember the dog’s furry forelegs around her shoulders, the pressing weight of his body, the touch of his slithering prick as it bobbed up against her cunt. And now there was Jack in the same position, his cock sliding up against her pussy, his body pressing against the rounded tops of her ass cheeks. Karen let out a soft moan, letting herself sink back into that wild abyss of sensations that had driven her wild before.

“Fuck meeeeeee… “

He was down between her legs now, his tongue licking up and down her ass crack, spreading spit around her asshole. She loved it, loved the touch of his tongue, the way it caressed the wrinkly gray-pink flesh of her asshole. Jack was backing up now, spitting on his palm and wetting down his cockhead, getting ready to fuck his cock into Karen’s ass.

“Ohhhhhh… “

She felt it, felt the cock head pressing up against her asshole. Jack was grunting behind her, shoving up, pressing his legs against the backs of her thighs. The pressure increased, her ass ring puckering in while her belly tightened and bucked.

“Uhhhhh… hurt… hurt!”

Karen winced, feeling a sharp ache shoot through her ass. It wasn’t unlike the pain she had felt when Jack popped her cherry.

“Ohhhh yeahhh, man, you’re real tight down there… but that’s the way I dig it.”

Karen cried out again, clawing the dirt. Oh, it was hurting her so, killing her having that big cock fucking into her shitter. But when Jack started massaging her cuntlips, stroking his fingers up and down, touching her clit at times while slowly fucking more and more of his prick into her ass. With a sharp popping sound, his cockhead slipped past her tightened sphincter into her ass guts. Karen’s face whitened, then slackened as she felt that huge prick fucking into her ass, spreading her ass ring wider. Jack was panting heavily, his fingers gripping her buns hard.

“Man, oh man, it’s turnin’ me the fuck on! Baby, you’re nothin’ but a Goddamned turn-on,” Jack admitted, shaking his head roughly from side to side to toss off some of the perspiration.

“Am I?” Karen gasped.

Of course, she knew she was! Kneeling there, rutting shamelessly in front of him, the blonde teenager realized she was something special, something that her envious cousins had recognized immediately and done everything to destroy.

“Ohhhh… it’s killing me… but it feels so wonderful!”

Jack was gasping behind her, his fingers bruising her flesh, his knees bumping up against hers while his prick fucked harder and deeper into the girl’s asshole. At times, Jack stopped, his prick in halfway, his hands looping around her waist and the fingers searching for her nipples. He found them, grabbing the rubbery nubs and pinched them so hard Karen squealed. His hands cupped the round full bottoms of her big tits, the fingers massaging them, kneading her tits while he fucked yet another inch of cock into her tight asshole.

“Ohhh, God, are… are you all the way in yet?” she moaned, shaking some hair from her eyes.

“About half.”

Half! Karen swallowed hard, spreading her knees a little farther apart, feeling another shot of pain as his prickhead plowed into her ass guts. Half! She sucked in air and held it, her head spinning from the thought that there was so much of his prick to go yet!

“Uhhhh, baby, yeahhhhh… oh fuckin’ Jesus, hit me with that butt… yeahhh… ” Karen was backing into him now, wiggling her ass from left to right, feeling that long thick cock pushing her bowel lining to the tearing point. Opening her mouth, the girl let out another squeal, this time of delight as Jack tensed his muscular thighs and fucked two more inches of his prick into her ass. Yes, things were getting easier for her now. The pain was less and less as she became accustomed to that fat cock in her ass. Jack was moving his thighs to one side now, gouging his prickhead against one wall of her asshole lining. And then she felt the wiry hairs of his crotch touching her ass. His prick was all the way in! His belly was touching the rounded curves of her ass. “Uhhhhhh… “

He paused for only a second, hooking his fingers once more around her hipbones and pulling his fucker out. Karen’s eyes widened, her nostrils flared while she let out a gaspy moan. Oh, it felt as if he were yanking out her whole insides! It was like taking a shit. The girl growled and grunted, closing her eyes and chewing down on her lower lip. Again she cried out and again Jack met her cries with moans of his own. He fucked his cock back in, his fat cockhead tunneling and burrowing deep into her body.

“Oh no, no, no!”

And his fingers! They were doing such magical things to her! They fluttered all around her clit, teasing the rounded tiny nub until Karen thought she would piss from the rising excitement! Jack was purposely massaging her clit gently, then tweaking it between one thumb and forefinger before fucking his prick back in. He was timing it, the stimulation of her ass and the stimulation of her clit. Karen couldn’t believe the sensations racing from her asshole to her cunt then back again, each feeling rebounding on the other.

“Man, oh man, baby, gonna make it… gonna shoot my load of jizz up your ass!”

“Oh yes, yes,” Karen gasped, a weak smile on her face. Yes, she wanted to feel his cum in her ass guts, just as she had felt his cum spraying in her cunt earlier.

Jack was panting and gasping a little harder than before, his breathing breaking at points when powerful spasms shot through his cockhead.

“Now, baby, now… ughhhhhh… “

Karen wrinkled her face up, feeling the whirling ball of excitement in her body nearly come apart. But there wasn’t enough time for her to cum. He hadn’t stimulated her pussy enough, even with those fingers! The girl cried and sobbed, pounding her fists on the ground as she felt all that cum spraying into her ass.

“Uhhhh… eat it up, baby, lemme feel that ass eat up my jizz,” Jack groaned, rocking his hips from left to right, stirring his prick inside his ass like a giant spoon.

Karen lowered her head and bit down on her lip, loving the sensation of his cock cumming inside her ass, wishing he were firing that load of cum into her cunt. Oh, the tingling in her cuntlips was maddening! Yes, she wanted to feel him fucking her pussy, fucking that beautiful prick into her cunt again and again. How awful it was to be so close to climax and yet unable to reach it!

“Uhhhhhhh… oh God, oh my God!”

Karen shuddered, her cunt slackening while Jack began to pull his prick from her cum-filled ass slowly. She felt his hands against her ass cheeks, felt the sucking sensation that made her feel all swarmy and shivery inside. And then he stopped fucking.

Raising her head, Karen peered through her fallen hair and saw two shapes standing nearby. She didn’t have to see the faces to know they were her cousins, Kathy and Teri.

“We thought we heard somebody moving through the kitchen,” Kathy said, walking up to the guilty couple.

“Yeah, thought it was a burglar or something. You just can’t keep your hands off a guy, can you? Or your cunt away from one,” Teri said.

“Come on, girls, you don’t have to get catty,” Jack said, amused at the obvious jealousy they all felt over him. He was pulling his prick completely out now, wiping it clean, then standing up and shoving his cock back into his pants. Karen had rolled onto one side, crossing one leg over the other and drawing her nightgown over her bare tits.

“You think you’re the only one, huh?” Kathy said, narrowing her eyes and flashing that awful cynical smile of hers.

“No, don’t… ” Karen thought she would sink through the ground. She knew exactly what her cousin was about to do.

“Shut up. You deserve this. After all,” Teri added, smiling more broadly, “it is the truth.”

“What’re you talkin’ about?” Jack asked, tucking in his shirt and looking confused at the two young girls.

“Just listen. We’re gonna tell you somethin’ about your precious girlfriend that you’re not gonna believe,” Kathy said, her sheer cotton nightgown clinging sexily to her lithe body.

“Oh no!”

Karen clapped her hands over her ears, still able to hear bits and pieces of the revelation. More than once, she eyed Jack, watching his face register the surprise and disbelief, then something like amusement as Kathy told him everything about the dog and the hogs. When she was through, Jack stood there scratching the back of his head and smiling down at Karen.

“And I thought you were some kind of nice girl,’ he said, chuckling softly. “Well, I know you were a virgin-that much is sure. But man, you really blossomed out after I tapped you.”

“You wanna see her in action?” Kathy said, miffed that Jack wasn’t horrified by her tale.

“I don’t know. It’s gettin’ kinda late and I’ve gotta get up and do chores,” Jack said, wrinkling up his forehead thoughtfully.

“What are you saying?” Karen gasped, clutching the nightgown more tightly to her tits. Her pulse began to race while cum still oozed from her shitter and wet down her thighs.

“She’ll fuck anything. I mean it, she’ll fuck anything!” Teri exclaimed, grabbing Jack’s right hand and pressing it hard.

“Well, what about one of you girls… then old Fred, the donkey your dad’s got back there behind the barn?”

“She’s hot for anything. We’ll show you,” Kathy said, reaching down and pulling out the tiny pink bows trimming her nightgown. The garment loosened around her waist as she turned and sneered down at her city cousin. “You thought you were so smart. You thought you could come here and take over. Well, you’re not, and I’m gonna show you why.”

“Please, don’t make me do anything more… like the other day… please.”

They were talking about the donkey. Oh, she had heard stories about women and how they did things with animals. But that was somewhere in Mexico where they were paid to perform that hideous act.

“Come over here and lick my pussy, Karen. Come on, you’re gonna like the taste. I douched just for you,” Kathy cooed, shrugging her shoulders and slipping the nightgown from her body. She was sitting on an overturned low barrel now, her legs spread widely apart. Jack had switched on a small light near a stall. From her position on the floor, Karen could see the black pussy fur curling out from between Kathy’s legs. The girl was rubbing her fingers on either side of her reddening cunt gash, her nipples appearing to grow hard and stiff.

“No, that isn’t right!”

Kathy threw back her head and let out a high-pitched giggle.

“After all you’ve done, you’re talking about what’s not right?”

Teri helped, getting behind Karen and sliding her hands under the girl’s armpits. Karen resisted, but her young cousin was stronger. Kathy grasped Karen’s hair.

“Come over here and lick me… Jack wants to see a show, so we’re gonna give it to him. Understand?” the girl hissed between her teeth, curling her fingers in Karen’s hair and drawing her face up against her crotch.

Karen gasped, her hands braced against the splintery wood of the barrel. She smelled her cousin’s pussy-the pungent aroma of a heating pussy, mixed with the sweet smell of feminine perfume. Karen was terrified. Kathy was so strong, and Teri was standing behind her, taking off her nightgown now and exposing her body to Jack. The young man stood off in one corner, his lips curled into a smile, obviously pleased at the prospect of watching three naked young women getting it on in front of him.

“I said lick!”

Karen raised her head to the dark patch of fur between her cousin’s legs. Slowly, she bent forward, the odor coming from Kathy’s pussy growing stronger as her arousal became more and more intense. She felt her nose pressing up against the brunette’s right thigh. Kathy moaned something, her fingers tightening in Karen’s hair.

“She’s gonna do it… really gonna do it!” Teri gasped.

“Yeah, and it’s gonna be great. I dig havin’ this kinda thing goin’ on in front of me,” Jack confessed, rubbing his prick through his Levi’s.

Kathy was moving her cunt up closer to Karen’s face. The young girl from Chicago blinked, staring at the red fuzzy cunt gash in front of her. She stopped, then she felt the fingers tightening around her curls once more, jerking her head forward, fitting her face between those white, fleshy thighs.

“Come on, lick it. You’ve done anything for fun around here. So come on, lick my pussy!”

Karen felt the silken cuntal hairs tickle the insides of her nostrils. She sneezed, noticing more glistening pussy juice was bubbling out of that cunt slot. Again the girl tried twisting free of her cousin’s grip, and again Kathy tugged and yanked at her hair, threatening to pull out handfuls of the blonde strands unless she cooperated. What could she do? Sobbing, swallowing hard, the girl opened her mouth and tentatively stuck out her tongue.

“Ohhhh, I knew it, knew it… she’s going to lick me off,” Kathy said, a smile drifting across her lips as she closed her eyes and let her head fall back. The muscles of her thighs tightened, her legs kicking back against the barrel. “Ohhhh, and her tongue feels so good, real good there between my legs!”

Karen was moving her tongue up and down the outer cuntlips, trying to remember just how Jack had done it to her. The girl in front of her was going half mad, jerking her cunt up and down, hitting her sometimes with her feet while bobbing her body from side to side. The cream oozing from her pussy slit was growing thicker, flowing faster as she became more and more excited.

Karen felt her stomach churn while the blood boiled in her veins once more. Touching Kathy’s pussy was surprisingly erotic. In a short time, she began enjoying touching the girl’s cuntlips with her tongue, curling it around, touching all the sensitive, secret spots there between the girl’s shivering thighs and making her jerk and bounce and moan on that keg.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” the young girl cried.

Her face was red and pinched as if she were in pain while her legs kicked frantically at the keg and then at Karen. Her fingers were still twisted in the blonde’s hair, pulling and yanking while her small ass bounced on top of the barrel.

“Sheeit,” Jack gasped, his prick tenting up the front of his jeans.

“She’s gonna eat me some more! Ohhhh yes, and it’s soooo good,” Kathy said, pushing Karen away and sliding off the keg.


Chapter Ten

“Lick My Pussy, Bitch! Come On, Lick It Good. Show That Bastard Over There What You Can Do!” Kathy cried out.

They were on the ground now, not caring for any blanket or cloth underneath.

“Poor little cunt,” Kathy crooned, having moved Karen into a sixty-nine position. “It was fucked all day by that hard cock over there. Screwed and banged and hit. That tender little clit looks like it’s been fucked half to pieces.”

The girl ran her fingers around Karen’s pussy. The blonde teenager shivered, drawing her legs up a little.

“No, please… “

Karen felt dizzy, confused over what was happening. She had never dreamed of having a woman lick her pussy. And yet… and yet there was something there, something in her body that responded to Kathy’s caresses, to the way she was mouthing her thighs now. Making it with her cousin seemed mild fare compared to what had happened to her earlier!

“Come on, come on and enjoy this,” Kathy sighed, drawing her face closer.

The blonde trembled, feeling Kathy using her fingers to pull her cuntlips apart. The brunette ran her tongue up and down, flicking it quickly in and out as she teased Karen’s delicate cunt flesh. At the same time, Kathy was tonguing her cousin’s pussy she jerked her body forward, lowering it so her pussy was right over Karen’s mouth.

“Take it again. Oh yeah, you take it again in your mouth and run your tongue all over my cunt,” the girl begged.

“Oh, I… I… ” Karen didn’t have a chance to protest again. Looking up, she saw that furry cunt poised over her mouth, the clit having popped out rigidly. Kathy was going on about wanting to have her cunt sucked, about wanting to feel Karen’s mouth on her clit. And then Kathy dropped her weight completely onto Karen’s face, wriggling her thighs back and forth, pressing her cunt firmly against the girl’s sucking mouth. It was a matter of breathing, of getting that fuzzy musky smelling pussy off her lips. She stuck her tongue into that juicy crack, wriggling it around and around, making Kathy shudder and twist her thighs around and up. Karen was driving her cousin wild. The girl’s hips pushed down harder onto her face, hunching wildly up and down, trying to set more of that wonderful tongue up her pussy. Karen could well understand Kathy’s reactions. She had felt the same way when Jack had tongue-fucked her pussy.

“Oh yes, yes!” the girl cried excitedly, panting through her flared nostrils. “Yes, fuck me with that tongue, fuck… “

Kathy was going wild, burying her face fran-ticaly in that blonde cuntal bush below her. Her lips pressed in a long hot kiss against the puckered cuntlips. They pressed into Karen’s clit while that tongue kept busy lashing away at the bumps and hollows of the blonde’s pussy. That was it! Of course, that was it! Karen loved licking, any kind of licking. The thought of having a tongue inside her pussy drove her wild. It could be Jack’s tongue, Kathy’s or the dog’s. It didn’t matter. But the idea of having a mouth pressed to her cunt, of a tongue reaming out her hot little fuck hole drove her wild!

And now it was her cousin Kathy teasing her pussy, licking and sucking and kissing while pinching her ass flesh hard with her long thin fingers. Oh, it was wonderful, marvelous having that tongue moving around and around inside her cunt like that.

Karen felt Kathy’s fingers moving down into the valley between her tightening ass cheeks. As the index finger found that puckered, violated hole, it started making circles. Jizz still oozed from her asshole. Jack’s cum, his spunk that had burned her bowels like sulphuric acid! Now that cum was trickling out, wetting down Kathy’s probing fingers.


Kathy fucked one finger deep inside her cousin’s ass, screwing it around. The girl thought someone had poured flaming gasoline in her ass. Crying out, she shoved upward with her hips, grinding her pussy into her cousin’s face. At the same time, she spread her legs farther apart, stretching the cheeks of her ass so Kathy could get her finger in more easily. She felt that fingertip pushing in slowly, slowly in- to the tight, gripping ring of sphincter muscle. Oh, it was almost like getting fucked again by that big mustached stud who was beating off nearby. She knew Jack, knew that he had to be aroused by this scene. “Uhhhhh… “

That finger! Oh, Kathy knew what she was doing, all right! It was wriggling around, teasing her, sending hot chilly thrills racing from her ass to her cunt. Her clit throbbed from those hot vibrations in her ass. She began twisting her hips up and down, loving the idea of getting finger-fucked in the ass and tongue-fucked in the cunt.

“Told you-told you she’d be something else once she got down and started licking my cunt,” Kathy gasped.

“What about me?” Teri panted, pussy juice trickling down the insides of her thighs.

Her sister looked up and smiled dreamily.

“Let’s make it a daisy chain… you too, Jack. Come on, we’ll get you down here one way or another.”

The stud smiled more broadly, shrugged, then stripped down, his long thick prick having sprung up again full strength. Kathy kept her mouth glued onto Karen’s cunt, fucking her tongue in and out, in and out like a small wet prick. She pulled away from the blonde teenager, however, backing away and spreading her legs to accommodate her sister. Teri slid onto her back, sliding to one side until her face was under her sister’s cunt. Kathy moaned, then spread her thighs, lowering her pussy onto her sister’s sucking mouth. Jack completed the picture, getting on his hands and knees and burying his face in Teri’s cunt muff, sucking and tonguing loudly while jerking himself off.

Karen knew what was happening, knew it and was excited out of her mind by it. Sucking, all of them sucking, tonguing and licking up the juices. Oh, how good those hot, slippery lips felt against her cunt. They were pulling the cunt flesh in sexy gentle tugs until it was like having a cock fucking in and out.

“Oh, oh, oh,” Karen panted.

All she could do was beg her cousin to suck her pussy. She could hear Teri’s squeals of delight intermixed with Jack’s groans. Yes, the two of them were sucking, tonguing, doing the same thing she and Jack had done earlier. Just the thought of having all those people sucking so close to her sent another fiery chill sweeping over her juicy cunt.

“Yeeesssssss… “

She felt Kathy’s mouth go wild on her cunt. It ground tightly into her pussy, spreading her sticky cuntlips, pushing into that tight fuck hole, sucking harder and harder on her clit.

“Ohhh, more, more!”

Karen wanted more sensation, more of the feeling of being fucked. Jack had cheated her of a climax. He had fired his cum-load into her ass without having brought her off. And now she was going crazy, feeling the pressure of two climaxes building up in her belly. She squirmed on the floor like a serpent, her ass bouncing over the hay-strewn floor, her body wet and glistening with perspiration as her cousin kissed and sucked her pussy.

“Ohhhh, yess! Come on, Karen, move that cunt-move it for me!”

As the brunette sucked hard at Karen’s cunt, Karen felt that finger fucking deeper and deeper into her ass. She rolled her ass around in circular hunches, again feeling that finger fucking into her hot, cum-filled ass. That wiggling sensation seemed to throb its way through to her cunt. The cunt walls tensed and convulsed like a struck, tightly drawn drumhead. Karen kept crying out, wishing Jack would move around and fuck his prick into her mouth. Rolling her head to one side, she saw his furry balls bobbing up and down while he jacked his prick. Ohhh, how good that big cock would feel in her mouth!

“Fuck, fuck, fuck… “

It was close, so very, very close! She could feel her climax just around the corner, just out of reach. She was stretching, reaching for the mind-blowing sensation that would drive her up the wall. Any minute, she would feel the explosions tear through her cunt.

And Jack and Kathy and Teri were feeling the same thing. She could hear their moans, their pants. She knew they were teetering on the same mindless brink as she.

Kathy groaned into Karen’s pussy, the vibrations echoing through her pussy, shaking her clit to the roots. The girl’s nerve endings vibrated until she thought she was coming apart. It was happening all too quickly. She wished they would take their time, would go more slowly. But then another part of her wanted that climax, wanted it so badly.

“Now!” Karen gasped.

The word came up from somewhere deep inside her. Gasping and crying out, she felt Kathy’s tongue fuck up into her pussy and stay rigid. The girl was tonguing her cunt harder now. Karen jerked her thighs up and down in sharp fast hunches. She learned just how far she could draw back her cunt without pulling completely from that wonderful, cunt-teasing tongue. And Kathy was teasing her, moving that tongue around and around, finally clamping her mouth to her pussy and fucking her tongue back and forth, back and forth. And how teasingly, deliciously Kathy’s nose slid up over her clit!

It was as if the world had crashed down atop her. Somewhere in the distance, she could hear her cousin Teri crying out. Yes, she was cum-ming, climaxing. Oh, it was wonderful, feeling that tongue fucking her cunt again and again. And all the while, Kathy was keeping that finger stuck inside her ass, moving it back and forth, back and forth the way Jack had fucked her in the ass.

Then another wild series of spasms hit her cunt, the explosion nearly tearing her clit from its roots. Her clit popped into Kathy’s sucking mouth and vibrated against that licking tongue. Oh, it was wonderful, the best feeling she had ever had. She held tightly onto the girl and kept hunching and wriggling as spasms hit her again and again.

Finally, it was over. Kathy collapsed onto her cousin, stroking her thighs while Teri thrashed, kicked and jerked under Jack’s tongue-fucking. He hadn’t climaxed yet.

“That was good, man. Turns a guy on to watch a bunch of girls get it on together.”

“But what about an animal for you, huh? What about a donkey act, a horse and pony show?” Kathy asked, brushing her brown hair from her face.

“No, no!”

The ultimate horror was about to begin.


Chapter Eleven

They Dragged The Moaning, Half-Conscious Girl Out From The Barn, Her Toes Pulling Over The gravel. Jack helped Kathy pull Karen along, Teri closing the door, gathering up the clothes, and making sure no one heard or saw them moving around to the back of the big red building.

Karen caught blurred images as she felt herself being moved along. They were laughing about her, talking about what a slut she had become and how she was nothing more than some kind of garbage. Well, she was. How she had changed, how many things she had tried since the day she stepped off the bus here in the country. The thought of what awful things she had done seared her mind as Kathy and Jack dragged her to a smaller building attached to the barn.

“In here,” Kathy whispered, unlatching the small door and stepping in.

Karen stiffened, wrinkling her nose up at once. There was the pungent smell of stale piss and shit in the air. Something was moving in front of her. When her cousin stretched out one arm and flicked on a small light bulb, Karen saw what it was. The donkey, old Fred as they called him. He was standing there, eying the naked women and the man behind them. He snorted, backing up in his stall, those pointed floppy ears hanging down on either side of his head.

“It’s your new boyfriend,” Kathy said, laughing sotfly as she twisted her cousin’s arm.

“Oh please, no, you don’t know what you’re doing! Kathy, please, I apologize. I’ll do anything, anything, but please don’t make me… ” Karen couldn’t complete the sentence. She felt terror and a kind of sickness race through her as she studied the big beast. He would tear her apart.

Fucking was one thing, even getting it on with the dog was something else. But this?

“No, I won’t… I won’t do it!” Karen screamed, twisting in Kathy’s grip again.

“Stop it, bitch. You don’t have a choice!”

Kathy knocked her to the ground. When Karen scrambled back up, she found herself facing Jack… Jack with that donkey-sized cock sticking straight up from his crotch. His cock brushed against her right thigh.

“You don’t have a choice, like the lady says,” he said.

He had both hands on her shoulders, pushing her back, back against the animal. Karen shivered, letting out a small moan. That animal! That filthy beast was licking between her shoulderblades, touching her flesh with that horrid tongue of his!

Karen cupped one hand over her mouth, feeling sick to her stomach. The others laughed, then grabbed her, twisting her around. It was Jack who held her wrists together against her back, forcing her forward, making her arch her back so her tits would stand out more prominently.

“Come on, boy, lick those nipples. They’re sweeter than any lump of sugar you’ll ever get,” he whispered to the bewildered donkey.

The animal hesitated for a second, his brown eyes registering some of the confusion he felt. Then he snorted, shaking his proud head, making his big ears flap.

“Uhhhh, God, God, oh my God!” Karen sobbed, hot tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Doesn’t he feel nice and warm all over, Karen? Don’t you like his tongue?”

Kathy’s horrible words added to Karen’s agony as she stood there in front of the donkey, his sloppy pink tongue sloshing over the base of her throat. It was like having a wet mop dragged over her tits. He sloshed it up and down, dragging the big rough thing over her tits, then driving it down toward her navel. Kathy and Teri were giggling, beside themselves with amusement while Karen stood there, her tits being lapped by that big black donkey!

“I think he’s getting excited!” Kathy whispered, peering down.

“Yeah, I think he’s gonna like fuckin’ you, Karen,” Teri laughed, jabbing her cousin in the ribs.

“Jack, somebody, oh please, help me-don’t let them do this to me!”

“Sorry, baby, but I wanna see if you can strap old Fred on.”

Kathy and Teri held the girl firmly in place for several more minutes, letting the donkey bray as he became more and more interested in the sobbing blonde teenager before him.

Karen thought she would faint more than once as the donkey’s tongue slopped up and down, sometimes hefting one tit up from her chest, at other times concentrating on the hard nipples. Her toes curled, digging into the soft ground as that breath-that horrible, warm, panting hot breath-blew against her flesh. The beast was stomping around in his stall now, his sides heaving in and out, his breathing becoming more labored. Peering down, Karen could see the massive ribs pressing out against his sides, see the muscles rippling up and down his hindquarters as his hoofs pounded against the ground. He was hot, hot for her body, as hot for her as King had been!

“Come on, baby, come on and get him going, baby,” Jack encouraged.

“We’ll get her down there,” Kathy said, jerking down on her cousin’s arms.


They pushed the girl to the floor of that small room, shoving her forward until her mouth brushed up against the warm furry foreleg of the nervous animal.

“No, no!”

“You keep yellin’ like that and he’s gonna kick you clean through the wall,” Teri warned.

“Here, lemme help.”

Jack bent down, grabbing Karen’s right leg while Kathy took the left. Teri steadied Fred, rubbing his back, scratching him lovingly behind the ears while the two conspirators underneath dragged Karen up, up to the big fat donkey cock.


They had her sprawled under the animal’s belly, her ankles brushing up now against the hindlegs. Staring wildly up, the girl could see something very long and black. His cock! Oh yes, it was the animal’s prick, hard and thick and long, waiting to be… to be fucked into her cunt! Thrashing as hard as she could, Karen beat her fists against the ground, shouted at the top of her lungs, then jerked up. But the hands holding her remained firm.

“Oh God, no!”

Karen let out a sharp shout, her back stroking the ground hard while the back of her head wallowed in the piss-drenched hay. They had her legs all the way up now, her heels brushing the rounded edges of the donkey’s ass. Her cunt was stretched open from the tension, brushing up against… oh yes, against the animal’s prick!

“Come on, Fred, you can do it. Come on, she’s gonna love it!”

Was she going mad? Karen had no idea.

Things began to get blurry, out of focus for the next few minutes. She still felt the straw stubble tickling her back and ass cheeks as Kathy and Jack held her in place. And then something was pressing up against her cuntlips once more. Jack? King? Kathy’s tongue? She didn’t know. Laughing at times, choking on sobs at other times, the girl kept on clawing at the dirt, laughing and screaming when she felt that colossal cock pressing harder up against her cuntlips. Yes, the donkey’s prick was beginning to fuck slowly into her pussy.

“Fucking! Oh God, yes, I’m fucking!” she screamed, rolling her head from left to right, tears of joy and sorrow streaking her flushed cheeks.

Something moved around her head. The animal’s legs! There was the sound of braying, of snorting all around her. Yes, she would fuck the donkey, fuck anything around her! That huge cockhead was slipping past her slick cuntlips now. She felt it stretching her pussy to the tearing point. But that terrible stretching sensation somehow added to the delicious ticklish ache throbbing deep in her cunt now. Karen let out another scream, biting down on her lower lip until it bled. That awful donkey cock was working down, down fucking into her pussy. The donkey was braying, his sides heaving mightily, his head shaking while his tail brushed against her ankles.

“Man, she’s takin’ it all,” Jack said, bending down while stroking his prick.

“Yeah, all the way,” Kathy said, impressed by her cousin’s endurance.

“Uhhhhhhhh… “

Jack and Kathy began moving Karen’s body up and down, sliding her pussy up and down over the big black cock while the donkey’s eyes glistened with excitement. He was braying more loudly now, his head shaking, his body shuddering, his hoofs stomping dangerously close to Karen’s head.

The girl was delirious by now, unable to think. All she knew was that terrible pressure between her legs was getting worse and worse. And then another explosion occurred. Something very wet and hot was hosing in her pussy, and that awful animal above her was making all kinds of hideous sounds. What was going on? Was he cumming? Oh yes, he was cumming, shooting his cum-load, just as Jack had done earlier! Karen screamed, curling her fingers and clawing them against her thighs.

Cumming! Oh, it was so beautiful, so very very beautiful having that wet pressure building and building in her guts!


Brilliant colors splashed in front of her as her pussy spasmed, the cunt muscles milking and grasping the donkey’s cum-gushing prick.

“Let her go, man-she’s had enough,” Jack said. “She’s a real barn slut now,” Kathy said, dropping Karen’s right leg. “She’ll go after anything now. Just wanted to see how far the little bitch would go.” Kathy was laughing with her eyes as she turned and picked up her nightgown from Teri.

“Yeah. Maybe she’ll wanna come along with us tomorrow night when we meet with some guys. She could probably take us all on,” Teri added.

“She’s gonna take me on again, that’s for sure-with or without the pooch,” Jack said, pulling the girl out from under the animal and laying her on the hay.

Karen lay there, one leg over the other, her hands covering her tits. She had done it, committed the ultimate acts of degradation. Coming her for a vacation, she had lost her virginity in the most horrible way. And what was worse was that she loved it! Some dark force in her, some nameless power had taken over, making her lust for the unusual, the kinky in sex. And what was so strange was that she found that satisfaction inside her own family.

“Let her stay out here with the animals… that’s where she belongs,” Kathy said, closing the door softly behind her.

How dare Kathy talk like that? She and her sister were just as bad, just as depraved, just as perverse. She would show them. Just wait until tomorrow night. Yes, they would learn a lesson from her! But right now…

“Ohhhhh, Fred, we’re alone now,” Karen whispered, feeling a strange sensation creeping over her.

Did she dare fuck with the beast again? She had all night, and there was no one around to condemn her. The big donkey eyed her, dipping his head up and down, his floppy ears pricking up at her panting sounds.

“It’s going to be a nice, long night, Fred.”


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