Women with Animals



(c) 2007 by dogma69

Lying here staring at the ceiling just like every other night, wishing i was somewhere else. Only thing is i dont see the ceiling, i see the visions of the way i want my life to be. A life with out worrys or cares, without fences or walls. I feel like a puppet being led around by my master. My daydreams drift off to a colony in paradise where everyone is free to roam about in peace as they please. Then a voice came over the loud speaker snapping me out of my almost comatose state of bliss. This raspy voice once again instructs every one to make our way towards the mines. Of course they want us in the mines, they always do. We never do the easy stuff, its always the most grueling bottom end crap for us to do. I hop off my bunk still tense from the work earlier, but it’ll wear off. I follow the other 8 guys out into the courtyard to grab our tools. I could hear some of the guys chattering but i didnt feel up to talking. I just wanted to get my work done and get the hell out of that stupid mine. As usual the guards escort us the 3 miles to the mines. I can hear them barking viciously at the guys that are lagging behind and yelling commands out of the little tinny sounding “voice box” thing strapped to their collars. Good choice the machines made when choosing who best to guard the humans. They were large but sleek looking black and gold dogs with a mind greater than any human. The domestic breed once known as a Rottweiler was now possibly the greatest guard on the continent. Powerful and smart they could handle any situation. Having kept the large sharp teeth and deadly stance of their ancestors, they didnt need weapons for anything. The machines immediately realized the dogs’ greatly advanced abilities and offered them a great bargain. The dogs keep watch over the humans at all costs, and in return they live in massive constructed dens in packs with all the protection and shelter they could ever need. The “voice box” on the guards’ collars was also constructed by the machines some great many years ago. They couldnt keep order among the prisoners very well if they couldnt communicate. Out of necessity comes invention, and so the T-5 was created. The nickname for this device among the workers was the “Vox”. All the guards had them, they used them quite often. Most of the guards were female, as the males did all the decision making and the females did all the commanding and controlled some 80% of the worker population. They were quite good at what they did too. If you stepped out of line you got bitten. If you screwed up too many times you were disposed of. They had total control over you and they liked it that way.

The mines were absolute torture. They worked us anywhere from 12 to 15 hours a day with 2 meager meals a day. The guards kept us seperated into [SPAM] of 2 with one guard per group. They also kept us bunked that way and the guards slept at the foot of the beds to make sure no one would try to sneak away in the middle of the night. Our guard was named Ashes. We called her Ash, she was extremely smart, but kind of a loner. She was all black and very quiet. She and the guard from bunkhouse 2 were good friends. Her name was Cassie, she had much the same ideals as Ash but she was a little more submissive. Cassie was mostly black with a brilliant golden brown chest and small markings above her eyes. Cassie and Ash believed that the humans and guards could coexist with the machines without slavery. They pretty much kept to themselves in the mines, only there to make sure we worked. They knew the work had to be done, and the humans were needed to be able to sort out the crap from the real stones. Only a true onyx could be used by the machines. Anything less would be just a rock to them. Their whole existence depended on the power they could harvest from these beautiful stones of striking black beauty.

At the end of the shift the guards would tell us its time to go. Sometimes they would actually start conversing with some of the workers. Not usually very long, something just to pass the time while we walked. I had a certain fondness for Cassie, im not sure why because this was a creature sent to keep me in line, not to be my friend. Wednesdays we had our baths in the river nearby the mines. The guards would all sit on the bank and talk about the week. I never talked to the other 2 guards because they were meaner that ours. Yana was just here to do her job and get payed. She didnt care what happened as long as she could go home safe every night. Roxy was pretty outgoing, she was a lot like Cassie but with a much tougher look about her. As big as she was, she was still pretty submissive and listened to almost everything Yana would tell her. Dune usually came down to the mines on those days to check on progress and to see his mate, Yana. Dune was the leader of the guards and resided in the house with the machines. Dune was an asshole, all her cared about was work and Yana. To him the workers were as expendable as water.

Having had my bath i was feeling much better than usual. I lie in my bed thinking how the outside must be. There were colonies on the outside of the walls, colonies of humans that were free. I hated life in that dump and i wanted out more than anything. I drifted off to sleep with the visions of an almost utopia in my mind. That night i dreamed of a magnificent escape where i got everyone out of there including the guards. They were then able to take on a real job and get payed much much more. They were equals, just what they wanted.

The sound of Dune’s voice woke me up from a dead sleep. Once again it was time to get up and head back to the mines. That entire day was just a blur, for my dream was still dancing around my brain like a gremlin that wouldnt go away. I imagined what it would really be like to actually escape this prison of stone. It was impossible, inescapable, there were guards on duty all the time. I pushed the thought away from my mind and noticed Cassie and Ashes talking to Yana about Dune and their life together. Yana was pregnant, we would be having more guards around in the near future. I overheard them talking about what its like to have a mate and their heat cycles and such. She wasnt very far along yet and still had few months to go till she popped. She wanted to keep working till she couldnt any more. I could tell Ashes was lonely, they way she asked most of the questions and hung on to every word Yana said. That was it, i had a plan.

At the end of our shift that day i walked close to Ashes and made sure no one could hear us. I started a conversation casually about Yana and Dune and i could tell she was a bit uncomfortable, so i tried to change the subject, but she continued on it. I knew this was “her month” because i had been keeping track of it as a sort of biological calendar. From what i could tell, id been captive here for almost 5 years now. After a while we made it to the bunkhouses. The guy that slept on the top bunk was out talking to fellow work mates. That left Ashes and I in the bunkhouse alone to talk. Ashes was a pretty young dog, All muscle and weighing about 130 lbs, she wasnt small. She was quite gentle for her size though. We talked for hours about all sorts of stuff, but she always came back to the subject of Dune and Yana.

The next 2 weeks were hell just like any week. Yana got bigger, the weather cooled off a bit more at night. Ashes started acting different, just like she did every 6 months. She was a little more gentle, had a bit of a glow about her. I had been talking to her for quite some time now and we had grown to be great friends. She confided in me more than anyone else here, even Cassie. She had begun to tell me of her loneliness and how she wanted a mate. Finally Jeff came back from wherever he was and jumped up into his bunk for the night. I looked at ashes and asked her if she would like to lay with me in my bunk. She looked a bit shocked at first but then happily agreed. She hopped on in and i made room for the both of us. We continued talking about everything long into the night.

As Ashes lay beside me wide awake i started stroking her side. She liked it a lot, she had never been petted by anyone before as she was always regarded as dangerous, being a guard and all. I could smell the light scent of her floating about and i could tell she was quite lonely. I moved to scratching her stomach and she liked that even more. She started saying “Ahh, that feels good Sid, keep going.”

I moved a little lower to between her legs. I knew dogs liked to be scratched there from when i had one as a pet many years ago. She kicked a little and let out a sort of giggle. I stopped scratching and moved a bit lower to where her pussy was and gave it a light rub around the outside. She jumped a little bit, not used to the feeling of someone touching her in such a manner.
“What are you doing, Sid?” she said in a half asleep almost dreamy voice.
“Shhh,” i reassured her “I wont hurt you.”
I continued rubbing her, a little faster now. She seemed to completely go limp with pleasure. I quietly stopped rubbing her and sat up in bed. I grabbed her two back legs and turned her on her back. I bent down and started licking her pussy just lightly. It had a bittersweet taste, as she was in heat and excreting her female juices. I went a little deeper and felt her paws on the back of my head. She was loving every minute of this, and i realized i was too. She gave a little moan of pleasure from her Vox. I stopped my tongue lashing and moved up her stomach, kissing her beautiful body every few inches or so till i got to her face. I started to remove her collar and she protested. I told her it was too loud and she didnt need it for right now. I started to kiss her on her face, neck, and chest as i let her collar fall to the floor.

I started to take off my pants as i was kissing her, my shirt had been taken off before bed so it was already out of the way. I pulled off my shorts to reveal my manhood in all its glory. Ash looked at me a bit worried, i whispered so softly that i would go easy on her, as i knew she was a virgin. I spit on my hand as a little extra lubrication and started to ease my girth into her already dripping pussy. She gave a little grunt of pain and clenched her eyes shut. I went very slowly in and out, trying to make it as painless for her as i possibly could. As i went deeper i felt something in the way, it was her hymen. As i pushed through, she dug her claws into my shoulders hard and squealed just a little bit. I slowed down a bit and looked her in the eyes, there were tears in her eyes as she licked me on the cheek. Once i got all the way in i started taking long slow strokes in and out, watching her facial expressions the entire time. She seemed to be in pain but loving every minute. I started speeding up a little and i could hear her breathing hard and giving a little grunt every time i made a full stroke in. I was going a moderate speed when i heard her give a much harder grunt and tighten up her pussy muscles and her grip on my shoulders, which was almost painful now. I felt a huge gush of her cum shoot around my dick as i pushed it further in. I was not going to last much longer, this was the tightest and hottest pussy id ever felt in my entire life. I sped up a bit more and felt her grip starting to tighten again. Like perfect harmony, we both cummed at the same time. It was like nothing i had ever felt before, i was absolutely stunned. I just stayed on top of her, listening to both of us breathe. We stayed like that for quite some time till she tried to get up. I let her up and put her Vox back around her neck. She was almost crying as she walked outside to cool off and go to the bathroom.

Ash was sitting beside the river when i found her, just looking at the stars. I sat down beside her on the sandy bank. She looked absolutely beautiful in the pale moonlight. She looked at me and the i could see the reflection of the moon in her beautiful deep brown eyes.
“You know ive always been the outcast?” she said.
“Ya I know.” i replied.
“I think im in love with you.”
“Thats ok, i love you too,” i said “but ive got to go”
“Where are you going”
“Anywhere but here, i got to find the colonies.”
“Thats ok, I can be strong.”
“Good, I wont forget you.”
I kissed her on the lips and made my way towards the outer wall that had kept me captive for so long. It was a long walk, but I made it without incident. Right then and there i realized that i couldnt leave Ashes behind. I started running back towards the river, and there she was. She had been running to catch me at the wall.
“Take me with you!” she gasped, out of breath.
I saw eyes behind her, yes eyes. Gleaming in the moonlight, it was Cassie.
“What are you doing!?” she yelled at us.
We looked at each other and then back at her. Ash made her way to where Cassie was standing.
“We’re leaving Cassie, dont try to stop us!” Ash yelled back.
“Why Ash, why?” Cassie inqured almost crying.
“We’ve become mates Cass,” she replied “i have to go”
“Can i go too, i hate this place?”
We stood there and thought for a few minutes. I wasnt really counting on being seen by anyone. And the last thing i thought would happen was someone catching us and wanting to go with us.
“I think we’ve got room for one more.” i said.
Cassie immediately started trotting over to us happily and licked Ash on her muzzle. We all started back towards the wall. It was actually quite a long walk. The wall wasnt really that big because the machines figured the dogs kept good watch over the workers. I did have to toss the dogs over. I then climbed over myself and started my journey back towards society, never again to return to the prison that i so much loathed.

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