Men with Animals

One hot mini mare


(c) 2007 by HairBear58

This story takes place during my late 30s early 40s I didn’t keep a calendar so the exact date or year and my age escapes me, but I’d known this friend for a few years and I spent a fair amount of time at their place, a small ranch were there were several animals, and over time some of them became mine, I also kept a few dogs there I had rescued or adopted, boarding them as I didn’t have room at home then. Over the course of time, I had also taken some of these ranch equines on as lovers, weather it was a one time friendship or one that had many episodes, this is a story about the mini mare that lived there, and our one time together.

Jill and I had been outside fixing weak sections of fence all afternoon, shortly after I’d made friends with this woman from my night job, she had found out how much I liked animals, actually I heard about her and her husbands collection of critters from a co-worker and had approached her, offering to be a poop scooper in the barn, in exchange for riding privileges, or not even riding just so I could be around horses, and I had been invited to come out and see the place etc.

Well after the first visit, during which I thought I was in paradise, I became obvious that there was a lot of maintenance that needing doing, and her husband not only wasn’t as much a animal nut as she, he also had recently had major heart attack and was limited in the hard labor work he could do and things needed fixing, so I offered to help in this area, again just to be close to the horses etc.

So here we were, Jill and I repairing yet again, more fenceline and gates that the horses seemed to take joy in wrecking. We’d done the needed repairs for the day, and during the heavier work I had removed my shirt to let the sun dry the sweat off my skin, after it was done we decided the large water troughs for the main pasture next to the barn needed to be emptied and scrubbed out before we started the nights feeding.

So I grabbed the brush and still shirtless went over to where the 2 100 gal tubs were and pulled the plug on them and started scouring the scale off the sides of the first one as the water poured out the drain hole. As the water drained I was bent over pulling out the floating hay and grass’s the horses had left there. And as the tub was almost finished draining I had tipped it over at an angle to better finish scrubbing out the bottom and was bent over it with my upper torso inside, I could hear Jill laugh and say something but I didn’t catch the comment.

While I was still bent over with my head inside the tub I started to twist and turn so I could raise my body up to ask her to repeat herself, which caused me to be even more off balance than I already was, when suddenly I was knocked forward off my feet and fell in a ungainly heap, head first into the tub which rocked back into its upright position as I fell into it. Assisted I found out; by the nose of one of the mini horses which had come up from the far end of the field to the tubs when she’d seen me there.

I’d been to busy to notice her approach and when I’d started cleaning the whole herd had been grazing at the far end and hadn’t seemed interested in us or what we were doing so I hadn’t thought any would come up. anyway Sandy had approached me while my head was fully in the tub and standing behind me she simply stuck her nose out at the closest part of me, which happened to be my ass, she’d stuck her nose in between my legs and lifted up and forward and had knocked me off balance.

By the time I got my head back up over the top of the tub Sandy was standing there regarding me with a bemused look in her brown horse eyes that seemed to ask what the hell was I doing in her water bowl? Her companion a mini gelding named Rusty stood beside her giving the same look, and Jill was by the gate kneeling on the ground holding her gut laughing helplessly at my plight, having even dropped the beers she was bringing out. And between bursts of laughter tried to harass me about what had happened, she did gleefully tell me she had warned me but I hadn’t heard her so it wasn’t her fault the horse had done this.

Smiling rudefully I crawled out of the tub and took a breather, and enjoyed a beer while Jill tried to get over the sillies, finally I tried to finish the cleaning of the tubs keeping a mindful eye on Sandy and Rusty, making sure they didn’t surprise me again; they didn’t knock me in again but the entire time I was scrubbing the tub Sandy would stand behind and beside me one side and Rusty on the other, stretch their noses out and nudge against my sides or back and lip and lick my skin, Sandy would go so far as to trace her lips up and down my back and around my head and neck
Lisping me or licking me, trying to get the salt I suppose, or simply because each time she did so I would stop and pet and stroke her, other than the rude bath I’d taken I found the feeling of her lips or tongue traveling over me to be nice and tried to ignore the fact it was giving me a hell of a hardon.

Finally the tubs were done and I was able to escape Sandy attentions, and sat in the sun trying to get dried out while we had a few more beers waiting for feeding time to approach, Jill of course was in full mirth telling me how funny it had looked when I got tipped into the tub my legs all askew as they flailed around, And still claimed total innocents for her and Sandy. Bantering back and froth Jill and I passed the time, and finally much to the horses expectations we finally put out the evening feed, and when done; Jill and I relaxed, sitting in our barn chairs watching the horses enjoy their dinner while we enjoyed our last beers for the day.

While we did this we set out plans for the next work projects and Jill reminded me she and her family would be gone for 3 days soon and I’d promised to do all the feedings in their absence.

Well the day arrived and it found me out at the ranch early in the morning seeing to the feeding and caring of the assortment of animals there, after the chickens and ducks had been fed and the dogs also, I then put the piles of hay out for the horses in front of the barn and then let them out of their stalls were they had spent the nite.

Then while they all went from pile to pile grabbing a few mouthful before moving to the next, chasing off the horse there, because they were sure that pile was better, I began refilling the waters, while I did so Sandy and Rusty who normally stayed together a little separate form the rest of the normal sized horses came back up to me, seeking some attention, since she couldn’t knock me unawares into the water today I obliged her and pet and stoked her for awhile, squatting down and sharing breath with her and Rusty in turn, both of them seemed to take joy in trying to lick at my cheeks or hands and neck. Lisping over my ears while blowing in them, which left me a little weak kneed. Or rooting thru my short hair, and generally being pests.

Finally as the waters finished filling, they lost interest in me and move a little ways off to start eating hay and as I sat there watching them all, and having a smoke while finishing my coffee. I watched, and Sandy who was facing away from me kept swishing her tail exposing her cute little black skinned vulva, as I kept watching she kept showing me her sex and a idea of a little play time entered my mind as I gazed longingly at the lovely sight, then to cap it off while I watched Sandy squatted, curled her tail up and over her back and pissed, then as she finished flashed me repeatedly the pinkish inner flesh of her sex glistened as she expelled the last drops, and she seemed to flash a little longer than necessary, while she didn’t seem to be in heat, I guess she was teasing me. Knowing she turned me on. As I had requirements elsewhere for the rest of the day, I started making plans for some time with her that evening.

After finishing my other work, I raced back to the ranch just I time for the evening chores and feeding, I’d locked the main gate behind me as I drove in, and had finished all the work, and stalling the horses with the setting sun. So it was dark outside the barn and the horses which I’d stalled and fed first, before the other work had pretty much finished all their hay. As I was making a final barn check I stopped by the work bench in the hayroom and took off my pants, shorts and shirt. Why I left my tee shirt on is beyond me, I suppose I thought I could explain my being there pantless with a hardon better if I still had it on? Anyway the only other item I had on was a old pair of slip on sneakers used for barn work, so clad only in the tee shirt and shoes I stepped in the common stall shared by Sandy and Rusty.

Both turned and stepped over to greet me, standing side by side both their noses were at my groin level and I felt their warm breaths blowing on my cock and balls as they scented me, Rusty snorted and after stretching out his neck and peeling his lips back seemed to be upset he’d actually stuck his nose so close to my groin; I’d felt not only is warm breaths but the hairs from his muzzle and chin, and he turned away from me and Sandy with disinterest, Sandy thou seemed fixated by these same smells and didn’t move, but kept blowing her warm breaths on me and smelt me more as she inhaled. The sight of her; and the feelings her warm breaths had on me was evident in the turgid swollen state of my cock, her brushing her nose and whiskers against it while she scented me only added to its throbbing.

To take her attention off my cock I dropped to my knees and started petting and stroking her face and jaws, running my hands down her neck to her forelegs and rubbed down the insides of those. Also rubbing on her chest and then starting over again. Sandy stood blissfully soaking up the attention, while we shared breath face to face; slowly I worked my way back and started rubbing and scratching her shoulders while she leaned happily into me soaking up the caresses like a sponge.

Finally, Sandy started stepping to the side so I rose to my feet and pet and stroked my way up and down her back stopping at her withers and giving strong fingerer itches trying to resemble a horse using their teeth. Slowly I worked my way back and was finally standing next to her hindquarters, I tried running my hands under Sandy’s barrel and reaching back while bending over to reach her teats and caress those, knowing how some mares love it, but Sandy startled and pinned her ears back and swung away form my reach, ruling out rubbing her teats I slowly stepped back near her and kept my hands on top of her rump and the outside of her legs and I stroked down them, as I started back up I would cup my fingers over the backs of her legs and as I neared the top I let my fingers spread over her ass and under her tail closer and closer the smoother hairless crevasse that was the gateway to her sex.

Rather than step away from me like when I’d tried touched her teats Sandy stood there seeming to enjoy the stroking, ever so slowly I kept working in toward the prize, as my finger tips started brushing against the velvety skin and vulva her tail started hiking up with each pass, when she lifted her tail high enough I slid my fingers underneath it and rubbed the underside of her dock and gently rubbed away the dried flecks of dung there and stroked around the doughnut shape of her puckered ass rubbing away the dried itchies there, I let my fingers gently work downwards around the curve of her vulva brushing away any dirt found.

Rather than be upset at what I was doing Sandy seemed to like it or appreciate it, as her tail seemed to never go completely down, while my hand gently roamed and caressed her sexy rear, After I’d cleaned off all the debris I pressed the flat of my hand solidly against her vulva and rubbed her pussy lips with the flat of my palm. Rubbing in circles, suddenly underneath my hand I felt Sandy’s clit throb and press outward against my palm, at this, I cupped my palm over her lips and pressed again and got a wink in return from her flashing clit, this time she squirted out a tiny amount of fluid, with my hand I continued to caress her and stepped around from her side so I was behind her, and then placed both hands on her rump and pressing firmly, stroked down both her hind legs, and stepped closer up against her butt.

Sandy felt me there pressing my body against hers, and didn’t seem to mind at all, she felt my hands stroking her legs then returning to her rump they would teasingly brush against her sex. Due to her smaller size my dick jutting straight out from my groin was laying on top of her rump, my balls were being tickled by her swishing tail hairs. As I looked down on this I felt like a giant with a huge cock rather then the 5ft 8in tall man with a 6 in dick. (all the more reason to have a real mini horse I guess, you get the horse without the size, even if you cant use them for riding they’re still a horse)

As I pressed my lower torso against her I used one hand to rub the underside of her tail while I gently pressed 2 of the fingers of the other against the slit of her vulva, letting them slip past the dark skinned lips and into her moist pink passage, as my fingers stroked in and out of her, pressing against the bottom of her passage due to the higher angle I found the smooth spot several inches inside her cunt, and then as I drew out and slipped my finger downwards I pressed against the mound that housed her clit, Sandy seemed to be frozen to the spot and enjoying the feelings she was receiving and squatted slightly and raised her tail higher over her back. And with a sound between a snort and a squeal started pressing her ass against my legs.

I did contemplate teasing and tormenting her for awhile longer, sorta a payback for the bath a few days ago but my own cock which was dripping a steady stream of pre-cum over Sandy’s rump was desperate for its turn in that hot hole below it for me to hold off too much longer. Besides I wasn’t sure how much longer Sandy would be willing carry on like this so I decided to finish what I’d started.

Placing both hands on her ass and squatting slightly to bring my stiff cock inline with her black velvety equine vulva I gazed lustfully as my pink human dick stood in sharp contract to her, and then pressed the head of my dick against her pussy lips, pressing inward at my waist while pulling back slightly on Sandy with my hands, slowly the head of my dick speared inwards dragging her soft black lips inward with it, then paused and withdrew till her lips unfolded, the pre-cum seeping from my cockhead and Sandy’s own juices started mixing and lubed us, as I pressed inward this time her lips were drug in less and my cock started sliding more easily, withdrawing again I paused at her entrance, and as she gave another groan, she flashed her clit bringing forth more of her own juices, and as her clit flashed outwards I pushed my dick slowly and steadily into her heated sex.

As my cock shaft followed the head into the heated depths of Sandy’s cunt its dryer surface started dragging her puffy lips inward again, and as I bottomed out at the end of my stroke with my dick fully inside her and our pubes pressing as closely together as they could get, Sandy’s flashing cilt pulsed and throbbed sending wonderful sensations around my shaft, and her pouting clit tickled my shaven nuts, the pulsing of her clit caused her pussy lips to moisten my shaft and slowly her lips slid outwards with each flash until they engulfed the base of my cock and pressed against my groin.

I held there for a moment almost afraid to move not wanting to cum to quickly or end the moment, as nothing is more erotic or sexy to me than to be able to make love with a animal, weather it’s a horse or dog or male or female doesn’t matter to me anymore, just the closeness I feel with them at this moment, and the simply honesty, without the head games, plus the scent and sight of this turns me on more than anything human porn could ever hope to do.

Finally when I had enough control to start moving and not orgasm before my mate had a chance to get some enjoyment too, I started the dance of lovers as old as time itself, the simple action of pushing in and pulling out, of trying to merge our two souls and bodies on a physical and spiritual level, the driving force of procreation overwhelms us both and suddenly the fact we’re two different species matters not; all that matters is the basic function of sex, of driving ourselves together in hormonal lust till the seed and egg can be joined, the pleasures and intense gratifications that come with it, blocking out reason, till only the primal wants and needs remain.

As I hump myself into my chosen mate and lover, my scenes are overwhelmed by the heat of her equine cunt, the rhythmic pulsing waves of her vagina and the winking of her clit against my scrotum combined with the heavenly odor of horses sweat and the scent of her sex drive me to impale myself repeatedly as deeply and quickly as I can into her, and Sandy seems to respond in kind to me, although I’m likely smaller than mini stallion would be, as she’s not in heat, she’s tight even to me, she stands firmly in place bracing herself, and almost seems to be pushing backward against me, her tail is held high over her back fully exposing her sex to me, her clit’s throbbing and pulsing vagina, tell me at least for this moment she and I are one.

In and out I drive my cock, her heated sex coating it with her juices, a steady stream of her juices seems to be flowing from the bottom of her cleft and falling to the ground between our legs.

As I drive myself in I know the mind blowing orgasm is near, I feel the tightening of my ballsack and the tingling that starts to wash over my body starting at the fingers and toes it seems to rush inwards to the center of my soul, To the center of my being and the pit of my stomach it travels, and as I stroke in and out of her heated sex, the walls of her vagina seem to pulse and throb with even more intensity trying to squeeze me even more tightly than before.

I know the end is close for both of us, I drive myself into her as forcefully as a stallion and as rapidly as a dog. Giving her more pleasure than a stallion would with his fewer thrusts even if he was larger, and Sandy accepts the speed with a wide spread stance that takes all I give, I hear my heart pounding in my head and feel the rush of blood, then as I slam forward for the last time I bury myself as deeply as I can and press my pubes tightly against Sandy, as my dick throbs and swells, spitting its first volley of cum deep in her hot tunnel.

Sandy squeals and drops her haunches a little lower and pushes back against me, suddenly her vagina has my cock in a death grip so tight its almost painful and as quickly releases it only to grip again, joined together in a mutual orgasm we’re locked together in lust, my cock throbs and spews volley after volley of sperm within her heated box, adding the secretions there, Sandy’s cunt suddenly spasms and as her clits continues to throb she expels a vast amount of mare cream from her pussy, it flows past my cock and covers my balls and spills down both our legs till it pools on the floor beneath us.

I hear my ragged breathing as the final spurts of my cum are deposited in Sandy and I hear her blowing as well, finished we bask together in a few moments afterglow, I lay exhausted against her rump still buried in her, Sandy’s pulsing vagina throbs softly now, like gentle ripples across a still pond, slow pushing my softening cock out of her, swinging free as its expelled from her pouting swollen lips it hangs extended and glistening from her juices and my sperm. A thin string hanging from the tip stretching toward the floor, Sandy pussy muscles continued pulsing and a stream comes form her lips as well, falling to the floor making a small pool.

I contemplate stepping out to grab my shirt so I can have a smoke (what else after fantastic sex). And before I can fully push away from were I’m still letting Sandy support me, Rusty who’s stood off to the side watching this, suddenly turns around and back steps toward us, stops looks back and the little bastard kicks at me. I didn’t have time to move before he finished his kick, as I was still to dazed from the high Sandy and I had just enjoyed together, and Rusty moved so slow and casual I didn’t realize what he was up to, till his hind foot grazed my left calf, startled and not hurt at all; I simply reached over and slapped him on the ass, Rusty turned again and stepped forward and stretched his nose out to sniff Sandy’s pussy, then he bent to the ground and inhaled deeply, coming up he stopped and smelled my dick still covered in Sandy’s pussy juices and my sperm, seem to look at me and pout.

I guess he was mad and jealous, cause I got to have sex with Sandy and he didn’t, and was simply telling me off horse style. Grinning I walked out and grabbed my clothes and smokes, stepping back into their stall I pet on both of them for awhile and had my smoke, finally after I cooled down a little I went to the barn apt and gave a light clean to my groin and legs, redressed and left for the night to go home cause I had to be backing the morning.


As a footnote to this story, this was the only time Sandy ever allowed me to do this, in all the years’ since She has never allowed any sexual contact again, she was originally gotten as a breeder, both to Rusty who’d been a stallion before I met them, and with a mini jack, but she’d never conceived a foal with either, by the time I’d met them, Rusty had been gelded, and the jack had belonged to someone else. Why she allowed and even asked that night and never again I’ve never figured out, she still however is a little pest, who when I go out there to work etc will still lick your face and neck or nibble your hair and lisp ears, loves to be itched all over, even her teats, just no sex, I haven’t even ever seen her in heat. Ever! I’m just happy she was willing to share that night with me.


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