Women with Animals



(c) 2007 by Greyfur

Jessy sat at a table served for two. The candle was already half burned and she was still alone. Her plate was full of her tears and she was drinking already her third glass of wine. Then her cell phone rung. She took it. It was Bobby:

“I am sorry Jess… I… I can’t come today…My trainer called me and we have to decide which tactics we will use at the football match this wednesday…”
“You bastard… Couldn’t you call me sooner ?! It’s the third time this month!”
“Baby, I know, but please believe me. This is important. I can’t let them hang… We will go out next time. I promisse…”

She payed for the table reservation and for her wine and went out from the restaurant. She was sad and angry… And she just wanted to drink some more so she went into a pub on the way home. She had a few before the Pub was closing and then, drunk and with unsure steps she went on the trip home. She lived in a village not far away, usually she used her car, but today she thought she will drink some on her rande-vouz with Bobby, so she went there by bus. Bobby was a lovelly boy. He had perfect build and played football for the local team. The only thing what she hated so badly on him was that he placed football before her. Now, when the team got quite good, he almost didn’t had time for her. She continued in her way, her mind dazed with the amount of wine she drunk and got to a fence of Kenkertons farm. She knew that she could make her way several miles shorter if she got through and not had to go around. So she went to a hole in the fence, hidden in the bushes and tryed to go through. She knew old Kenkerton had a dog called Willy. He was a huge german shepherd, very cute. She knew him from puppy and he liked her very much. So she wasn’t frightened when she saw him barking and running towards her. Just when he got closer, he recognized her and begun to wag his tail. He came closer and got on his hindlegs, excited and happy. But as his forepaws landed on her chest, she lost her balance and fell down next to some bushes. She knew the farm well… When she was a little child, she often come there with her friends to play and was hiding in the bushes between the fields. The dog licked her over her face and nuzzled her happilly. She giggled drunkilly and caressed Willy as he was nuzzling her. She tryed to stand up but the dog didn’t allowed her to… She got to her elbows and looked at the dog and in the light of a car passing around the fields, she saw his sheath and the red, glistering tip peaking from it. In her alcohol fogged mind she got an idea how to take revenge on Bobby. She will cheat him with Willy!

She stripped her blauze and unbuttonned her bra. Her fair D-cupped breasts appeared and Willy sniffled at them curiously. Then his hot tongue appeared and he licked her nipples which sticked out from her plush fur, which was covering them. She shiverred and quickly unbuttoned her mini skirt and then undressed her pants. She hugged Willy and with an unsure movement, she caressed over his sheath. She brushed her fingerpads over it and then took his balls gently in her hand. He was huge there aswell… She begun to stroke his member and it quickly unsheated. Willy started to hump her hand, so she stopped and got on her hands and feet. Willy sticked out his hot tongue and begun to lick her. He even penetrated her partly with his tongue. Jessy was in heaven. She murred and spread her legs wider for the dog. Willy licked her good and soon he jumped on her. The penetration was quick. She was just in ideal height for the big dog. As soon he was in he begun to fuck her, getting faster with each thrust. Jessy felt his hot member sinking into her and whined in lust and pleasure. It didn’t take long and the dogs knot brushed over the entrance of her vulva. It passed as it wasn’t fully swelled yet and then got out. In again and out. On the third time it ended inside, swelling rapidly. Jessy felt shots of his cum inside her and came herself. Willy was really big and heavy, but after a short while, he got off her and turned but-to-but with her. They were tied around 20 minutes, before he got off and begun to lick himself. Jessy was panting. She ruffled his fur and smiled. She then felt a drop. And soon afterwards another…

The alarm clock rung and Jessy opened her eyes. Her head hurt and her handpaw searched for the clock to quit the painfull sound. She stopped the clocks ringing and looked at it. 6 a.m. The time of her morning training… She looked around. The room was a mess. She was laying in the bed with her clothes on, her skirt turned around, her boots still on, handpaws and elbows dirty. What was she doing? She couldn’t remember… She raised to a sitting position and had to hold her position as her stomach was just before throwing up.

‘Nope… can’t go out like this’, she said to herself, closing her eyes. Her trainer will be mad again… ‘But maybe I will be ok if I sleep a lil bit more…’, she said to herself and layed down again.

She woke up at the sound of her cell phone. She took it and she imediatelly recognized the angry voice of her trainer:
“Jesica, where are you? It’s 11:08! I thought we agreed you will be here at 11!”
“I… I am sorry… I… don’t feel well… My stomach… I feel as if I had to throw up right now…”
“Have you been drinking?”, the trainer asked suspiciously.
“Er… No, no… I just don’t feel well… can we meet tommorow? I hope I will be fine by then…”, she lied as she knew how he hated alcohol.
“Ok… See a doctor if it is necessary. I don’t want it to spoil your race in a week…”, the trainer said with a hint of worries. “We’ll see us tommorow, same time. If it should be a problem, give me a call.”
“Yes, sure coach”, she said and quit the call.

The problems with her stomach were not really that true… On one hand she still felt a little dizzy, but on the other hand she felt hungry… She usually had her breakfest after her morning run around 8 o’ clock… She went to the fridge and looked inside. She took the openned box of milk, but that was almost empty… No more milk… She looked at the box of cereals and whined. She had to go to a shop… She went to the shop next to the bus station. She wanted 6 boxes of low calory milk and some cereals. The shopkeeper was very sorry to tell her that he had only 4 boxes of full-fat milk left and no more cereals. But he got a great peanut butter. So she buyed a half loaf of fresh bread and she buyed a glass of that peanut butter. And the 4 boxes of milk. If her trainer saw that, he would be so angry he would shout at her the whole week… But today she decided she took an off so she would make the day worth it. She ate several slices of bread with the butter and drunk milk to it… She already forgotten how damned good this was… She then looked at the television some. She felt guilty for missing her training, so before lunch she went for a small round into the nearby forest. When she returned, she ate a light lunch from boiled vegetables and went to clean up the mess she made by her return in the night. She then took a shower. After that, she read a book, totally forgetting the time. When she finished reading it was already half past seven in the evening. Even when the coach sayed her not to eat after 6 p. m., she thought that today she could make an exception and she stuffed her belly full with another load of bread with butter and milk. She then got to bed to be fresh for tommorow.

How was she surprised that when she woke up in the morning she felt even worse than the day before… She even had to run to the toilet to throw up, so bad it was… but after that it got better and so she went for her run normally. She then had her breakfast, a shower and a phone call with her mother, which, again, wanted to come for a visit. She rushed into her car and into the town to the gym for the meeting with her trainer. When she returned home at 6 p. m. she was totally exhausted. She prepaired her dinner but before she could dig in, her phone rung again. It was Bobby:
“Er… Hi Jess… I er… Sorry for sunday… I… would like to ask if you will come to the match tommorow…”

She wanted to tell him “No”, but she couldn’t… he was too sweet and she loved him too much. “Ok, but just after the training, not sooner.”
“Suits me well. The match beginns at 17:30. You will see, we will beat them. I will do my best to show you…”
“Oh ok… I am sure you will…”
“I have to rush”, he said and ended the call…
“I love you”, she said to the deaf phone…

The next day was much the same just that after her training she went for the match. Bobby and his team were good and they won the match 98:56. He and the boys then went to Bucks steakhouse and had a great celebration of the victory. She went with Bobby, lucky that she was with him. But he was so excited that he didn’t pay much attention to her… He ordered a great half-raw steak and potatoes and happilly saw as she eated. She didn’t want to eat it… she knew she shouldn’t. But she knew he would be disappointed if she denied and that would make him sad. And she didn’t wanted that… so she ate the whole thing… She was totally stuffed. When she got home it was already almost midnight. She went to sleep as soon she came home. In the next week her training was growing on intensity. She was disturbed as how often she was feeling sick, but she thought that in THAT stress it is normal, what was the answer of her trainer aswell. On next monday came the day “D”. The run of Joachim Smith, a famous running race organized in Orwest Falls was starting and she took part of it. She gave her best because Bobby came to see her. She ended third, a great position for such a beginner as her and she won a nice bunch of money. She was very happy and very satisfied. The only thing that make her sad was, that Bobby had to go to the team meeting as soon the race ended. So she went home alone and instead of celebrating, she spent the evening with a depression and with two bowls of ice cream.

The week after was less stressing, next race she was taking part was in a month and she trained, but was relaxing aswell. The problems with her stomach still remained.. On one side she was hungry, and was eating more than before on the other side she was often feeling sick. She was a little disturbed, thinking if it isn’t something as bulimia or so. At the end of the week she was meeting Bobby. His parents had some tickets to theatre, and he asked her if she wouldn’t go with him and them. She was very happy. The whole afternoon she spent in the bathroom. At first she took a bath, with added aroma oils to make her fur shiny, more plush and lovelly smelling. Then she dryed off, brushed her whole body and then she made herself a manicure. After getting her claws into perfect condition she polished them to full shine. She then brushed her hair too and played with the styling a lil bit. She used her best parfume and took out the most wonderfull dress she had. She was saving it for best occasions. Not that she had more than one occasion to wear it before, but Bobby hasn’t seen it yet and she looked very sexy in it… She took on her black underwear, which made Bobby so wild and put a tampon as she should get her menstruation this week, so just to be sure. She took on the dress and begun to button it up. She had to stop at her belly, because she couldn’t button the buttons there without breathing out. She was sure, that the first time she had it on, she didn’t had such problems. ‘Maybe it shrunk during the washing…’, she thought. Then, looking at her belly pressing at the clothes she thought :’…or I am getting fat… I hope Bobby won’t notice…’. She heard the ringing of the doorbell about that time and wen’t to open the door. It was Bobby. When he saw her, he was totally stunned:
“Wow, baby, you… look gorgeous! ”

When they returned, she decided that she will seduce him. She hugged him and they kissed. They slowly got to her bedroom and he begun to unbutton her dress. As he unbuttoned the places around her tummy and her belly sticked out, he smiled:
“Whoa baby… growing big down there ?”

When he saw her ears flatten he added :
“…mmmmh, that belly’s so sexy! You’re such a hot chick !”

She smiled and he layed her on the back. Slowly he got off his jacket and his butterfly was throwed on the floor. He slipped out of his throusers and got off his shirt. Now she could admire his beautifull white, black-pointed body. He was great. His pants were full, showing that her underwear had its effect on him. She smiled and stretched some, then got on all fours and bowed in her back. He was hot. He slowly got her bra off and she slowly got his pants down. She bowed and started to lick the lovelly red and pointy shaft, peeking from his furry sheath. She took it in her muzzle and begun to suck at his cock, which continued to grow. She took his balls in one handpaw and while she massaged it, she continued to suckle at his prick. His cock was quite big, but not a huge one. A better average, could we say. He moaned and closed his eyes, lightly humping her muzzle, her hot tongue wrapped around his malehood. It didn’t take her long to make him cum, swallowing eagerly every spurt of his liquid treasure. After that he smiled and layed her down. He got her panties off and licked at her cunnie. He pressed his tongue at her outer lips and continued licking and massaging her with his tongue. She shiwered and moaned alot louder, when he penetrated her with his tongue, massaging her clit from inside. Jessy was in heaven. She held his head, caressing him and enjoying every second he spend tasting her. It took her a little longer, but finally she cryed out in orgasm, her insides twitching and in spasms massaging his hot, skilled tongue. They relaxed for a while, then went to the bathroom, where they washed down and took a bath. They had a wonderfull time together and then they just dryed themselcves and went to bed, falling asleep together, hugging.

Another two weeks passed. She didn´t had time for anything more than train, train and train… Yesterday she had her run, but this time she wasn´t lucky… Eight place, the reason was she injured her leg a bit so she wasn´t that fast… During that time, she saw Bobby only once on a match.

When she was taking a shower next morning, she noticed that her belly was somewhat bigger. She was a bit surprised and a bit nervous about it and she blamed herself for eating much last days… She decided she will hold a diet. But this decision lasted only till she returned from her morning run. She was so hungry that she ate till she felt she will burst… ‘oh, what the hell… I will go on a diet tommorow…’, she thought.

The next week was a totall disaster… she couldn´t hold herself away from food…. And it was already beginning to show. Strange was, that she didn´t got that tubby at all… mostly her belly swelled… She cryed a lot and tried over and over to start a diet… When her weight showed 140 pounds, considering that a month ago she had only 122, she decided she has to tell somebody. Until now she was able to lie to her coach, that she is ill…

The next week was a familly meeting so she decided to go there. She used her baggy pullover, as at her current state most of her clothes were too small, or were showing that buldge too much… She took a plane at wednesday evening and was in Mallopool the next morning. Thursday and friday were holidays. She met with her mother and she told her to go inside. Jessy asked her if she can speak with her. She told her about her problems and pulled down the pullover. Her mother smiled heartly :
“Jeeze, so you and Bobby finally made it!”

Jessy looked puzzled:
“What ?”
“You are pregnant, don´t you see ? Why didn´t you told me ?”
“I… err… No, that can´t be… We didn´t…”
“You don´t have to play innocent to me… You are at least 5 months ago…”
“But… I don´t know… How…”

So the familly meeting ended with getting Jess from the depression… She ate a lot, mostly sweet, to get from the saddness and disbelief which sat on her mind… She wasn´t recalling to have sex in last months… The depression got even deeper as she realized she didn´t get her cycle… But she will have to wait minimally 4 days to get a term at her doctor. Meanwhile she could just helplessly look at how she was rounding up. She was also feared of what to say Bobby… And her belly kept swelling… Just in 4 days she packed up around 9 pounds!

She took a flight back home still in deep depression, thinking who may be the father… When she went around Kenkertons farm, Willy appeared on the other side of the fence, barking and tail-waving happilly… She came to the fence, letting him sniff her hand and petting him…

“At least you try to comfort me…”

Willy jumped on his hindlegs to lick her face and then she saw his sheath and it looked somehow familiar… she gazed astonished at the red tip poking from his sheath and she remembered… it looked like if she was looking at a movie… just a flash… she was holding that piece of meat! She didnt even knew if it was her fantasy or a daydream or display of reality… She stepped back and run off home…

Several hours later she was sitting in her darkened room, terrified at what she remembered… She was there… on Kenkertons field… naked and playing with the dog…. Could she have sex with it ?? Could she became pregnant with a dog ? She can’t see her doctor when she were to have puppies … What would he say ?

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