Women with Animals

Hans and King


(c) 2007 by Moroni

My wife Eve is a very hot woman and a great Hotwife. In fact she only accepted my proposal of marriage after I assured her and convinced her that her sexual freedom to enjoy other men would in no way be curtailed by becoming my wife. After a few weeks of marriage we discovered a way to at partially satisfy her sexual needs.

We were first exposed to human-animal sex via some 16mm stag movies. A friend of ours had an “IN” with the local FBI office in Chicago. Years ago these films were illegal and the FBI would occasionally raid a stag party and confiscate any film material The office maintained a large collection of these films which they enjoyed and sometimes lent to friends. Our friend had provided us with four stag reels for us to enjoy on the weekend. One of the reels was entitled “Mexican Dog”. Most of the films were of poor quality, but this particular film was somewhat better. I got the film rolling as we settled down to watch. Anticipating that this was a sex film, my wife and I gently masturbated each other. The film begins with two women fondling each other, not exactly beauty queens, but still passable. One was much younger than the other and somewhat attractive. Suddenly a man burst on the scene being virtual dragged in by a huge mastiff hound. The hound makes a B-line for the younger kneeling girl. The hound pushes his head between her legs trying to lick her pussy while she tries to fight him off. The hound manages to get to her bare cunt with his tongue. He vigorously licks her pussy lips and her clitoris which sends waves of pleasure through her body. She ceases to struggle and gets on her hands and knees to give the hound better access to her cunt. In a flash the hound mounts her with a 10 inch cock protruding from his sheath. She tries to resist, but before she knows what is happening, the hound has forced most of his huge cock into her tight pussy. His front paws are on each side of her holding her fast. She cannot escape the rapid deep thrusts of the hound as he thoroughly rapes the girl. In a few minutes the hound ejaculates a great deal of cum into her vagina, moving up her back causing his cock to pop out of her hole as he sprays cum all over the place. The scene changes two more times as the man brings in a different dog for the remaining woman and for number three a new girl is brought in. She is made to sit on a low stool leaning back supporting herself with her hands, leaving her pussy completely vulnerable to the Boxer hound accompanying the man. The boxer rams his eight inch cock with his knot into her pussy and fucks mercilessly flooding her womb with dog cum. One can tell he had the knot in because it pops out.

During the film Eve began to thrust her hips and her cunt onto my fingers. She said, “My God I’m so hot and horny and I hope you are too, because I need you to fuck me right now.” “Honey, I’ve got eight rock hard inches ready for your randy cunt. Would you like to break a taboo and get a big dog to stick his cock into your cunthole?” “Could we get a big dog for me?” she whispered?

We started our prefucking sex talk which lasted longer than usual. Mostly fantasy mixed in with a little reality. “Would you really let a big dog fuck your cunt with a huge doggy prick? Would you let him flood your vagina with dog cum?” “I would, I would, and I’d make him fuck my pussy every day.” “Well honey, we can go down to the Animal Welfare League on Erie St. and see what they have on Monday. It has to be a really big dog though. I understand that a dog’s cock size more or less mirrors his body size Great Danes, Mastiffs and St. Bernards have the biggest cock, 8 to 11 inches long by 2 to3 inches thick. We should try to get you a Great Dane. OK?” “Let’s go first thing tomorrow morning.” “OK honey but you have to promise me you really mean it, not just because you’re so hot right now and then back out as soon cool off.You will have to suck his cock before and after he fucks you. I mean suck for at least twenty minutes or more. A dog ejaculates semen a lot longer than a man. He may keep squirting cum for twenty minutes after he pulls out of you. You have to promise to lie under him with his cock spurting into your mouth. I want you to swallow as much of his cum juice as you can and not spit it out. I want you to lick his cock up and down his shaft, and take as much of his cock in your mouth as possible; not just his cock head. Agreed?” “Oh God yes honey. Yes! Yes! I’ll eat his cock out and swallow all of his cum.” “ Let’s hope we are in luck tomorrow, but what about today? You need a strange cock in your pussy today, don’t you? I want you to get yourself fucked me. What shall we try? Flashing your bare cunt to a shoe salesman, get your shoes shined and let the man who shines your shoes see under your dress past your stocking tops. You know how to spread your legs to give them an unobstructed view. How about checking in the “Days Inn” and get a black bell hop with a big tool come up to our room where you can seduce him while I watch is cock pumping into your cunt. Or up the ladder in a book store with an attendant steadying the ladder while you show him your bare cunt above your stocking tops. Maybe we should call your special gynecologist even though it’s Sunday. He is always ready to see you, and have you undress while he watches and you always let him fuck you on the examination table with your feet in the stirrups. Which shall it be?” “Let’s try the shoe store first, and if that doesn’t work we will play it by ear.” Both of us were burning up so I rammed my cock into my wife and we fucked like rabbits. After all that talk we were now at least temporarily satisfied and decided to just stay home and relax.

The next day we went to the animal welfare kennel getting there just as they opened. We told them we were looking for the largest dog possible, preferably a Great Dane. They said they were sorry, but they had no Great Danes at the moment. But if we registered our preference they would call us if one became available. We were disappointed, but asked them to show us what was available. The biggest dog they had was a boxer named Hans. He was very friendly and we immediately decided to adopt him. We went through the formalities, which included a return privilege up to one month. Hans took to us as though we were a long lost former owner. Home we went to see what could be done to develop Hans into my wife’s fucker. I anticipated some difficulty, although things went surprisingly well. We were not home more than 15 minutes when the phone rang. It was Animal Welfare saying that a Great Dane had just been brought in and he not been castrated. We had told them we did not want a mutilated animal. I told Eve,” I’ll go down and see what the animal looks like.” I’ll call you and describe him and we can decide what to do. We could keep one and return one or keep both of them. Why don’t you experiment with Hans while I’m gone? See if he likes being masturbated. Try to gently pull his sheath back and forth and get him hard. Try to expose his entire cock including the bulbous knot. Lock your fingers around the shaft behind the knot and then suck him till he shoots in your mouth; keep on sucking him and swallow his cum.

At the welfare kennel they showed me a magnificent black Great Dane. A couple brought him in for adoption because they would be on a diplomatic mission for years to come. All they wanted was a good home for King, which was his name. I called Eve and described the dog. King was well groomed and as large a Great Dane as I’ve ever seen, jet black with short hair. He stood three feet tall at the rump and shoulders. His face was large even for his size with a friendly look. I petted him and he took to that immediately. He had a massive sheath beneath his belly which could only house a magnificent organ. I guessed his cock was probably at the large end of the scale, perhaps even 11 inches erect including the knot. The average I read was 8 to 10 inches for Great Danes. Again I signed documents and departed with my prize. I was pleased that he seemed docile and affectionate.

When I got home Eve had a big smile on her face, which was full of dog cum. She looked at King and said,”Oh my God, he is a giant. How big is his cock?” “That’s for you to find out my dear.. How did you do with Hans? “ “I masturbated and jerked him off and sucked his cock. He came like a river in short spurts for almost 20 minutes. I swallowed all of his cum but some still got away as you can tell from my face. I liked the way it tasted. Not as thick and salty as yours. His cock is almost 9 inches including his knot. Not too shabby for my pussy. Now let us see what King has for us.” Eve began to pet King, stroking him all over his body. As she massaged and pulled on his sheath the red tip of his organ protruded and in moments seven or eight inches were exposed. Eve began to suck it pulling the sheath back further till his whole knot and cock were exposed. King was quiet thrusting only a little, obviously enjoying Eve jerking and sucking him. I warned Eve not to make him cum as we wanted to save his cum for her cunt. Eve was thrilled beyond belief handling King’s huge fuck pole. I told Eve to remember that when King gets that tool of his into her hole it will get three or four times larger. “I’m aroused beyond belief watching you. God, I want to see you get fucked. I want to fuck you as soon as he finishes with you. I love you to fuck other men, but this is even hotter. When you get used to King’s huge cock we can talk about going to Mexico to get you fucked by a donkey or I guess it would be a burro? I would give anything to watch you letting a burro fill your vagina with burro cum. I’ll contact my old friend who always took care of me south of the border. He knows everybody and everything. He will probably be able to arrange a burro fucking for you.”

We decided to proceed with King since my wife already had a good idea of Hans’ cock. Eve stroked and petted King all over his body speaking softly, reassuring him that he was a very good boy, as though he were human. Gradually she rubbed and then grasped his sheath squeezing it lightly, pulling it back to expose the red tip of his penis. She moved it back and forth, always pulling it further back to expose more and more of his blue-red tool. This was terribly erotic to me and King was enjoying it as far as we could tell. At last she got the sheath beyond his knot. I measured the distance from the tip to the beginning of his knot at just nine inches. The knot extended back another two inches for a total of eleven inches. I suggested to Eve to begin to suck his cock and also lick the sides, firmly grasping his prick behind the knot to prevent it from pulling back. It had two lobes and was about three inches wide. We had no idea how big his tool would swell once it was entirely embedded in Eve’s hole. As Eve masturbated his cock we were completely surprised at its configuration, quite different from Hans’ fuck pole. The tip was pointed gradually tapering to an astonishing 3 1/2 inch thickness about a third of the way down the shaft and then tapering down to the beginning of the knot to about 1 ½ inches. I applied a liberal amount of KR vaginal lubricant jelly to his cock to insure that Eve’s stroking would not be an irritant. At this point King was humping more vigorously indicating to us that he was ready to fuck. But Eve kept stroking and sucking his cock to make it as hard as possible. It remained out completely so we could get it in to Eve’s fuck hole. We had no idea where his 11(actually 10 ½) inches would go. The uterus is very elastic and somehow King was able to get the entire cock into Eve’s vagina. We had a low bed which we estimated was the right height to position Eve’s cunt properly for King’s cock. Eve stripped down to nylons, garter belt and shoes, my favorite fucking costume. Eve placed herself on the bed at one corner so there was room to the floor on either side of her. Meanwhile I covered King’s front paws with a pair of my old socks. I coaxed King over toward Eve, but he took off on his own smelling and licking her cunt, causing Eve to writhe with pleasure. So far so good. I wondered if he perhaps had been used to fucking humans before. Then with small yips and growls he got between Eve’s wide spread legs with his fore paws on each side of her waist. He was humping like mad, but only in thin air. Disaster! I saw the problem immediately. Because he was so big his cock was far away from her vulva. I got on the bed above Eve’s head pulling King very close to Eve’s cunt opening. His forepaws were now not at her waist, but above her shoulders. His prick was out fully extended and he was thrusting vigorously. Eve pulled her pussy lips apart for him as the tip of his penis found her pussy opening. King knew he was right now, driving his cock into her hole with incredible force. Eve screamed, “Oh my God he’s in all the way Oh! Oh! It hurts so badly! He’s killing me.” His loins were up so tight against her crotch that as far as I could tell she was right. The KR jelly had facilitated the embedding of his entire cock including his knot. As King fucked Eve and the pain subsided she began to moan with pleasure and verbalize as she always did while getting fucked. King was fucking her so forcefully; she was being pushed further on to the bed. I got on the bed to hold her shoulders to keep her in place. It was an incredible sight –my tool hard as iron and I was hotter than I had ever been. I wanted her to get fucked and fucked and fucked. I thought of Hans who was quietly watching, now and then nosing around the fucking couple. I thought we must keep both dogs to fuck Eve every day. I thought of a huge burro cock in her cunt and I resolved I would make her fuck a burro whether she wanted to or not.

Eve had her arms around King’s neck humping and meeting his thrusts screaming,” Oh my God it’s so good, so wonderful! I’ve never been fucked like this. My King, you have to fuck me every single day more than once. I want to fuck and fuck all day long. All I want to do is fuck, fuck.” Eve is multi-orgasmic and came three times before King finished, just waiting for his semen to stop ejecting and his knot shrink. His cum dripped and oozed out of Eve’s pussy as he poured his seed into her womb. Never had I witnessed anything so hot, so erotic so marvelous. After he pulled out he was still fully hard, so I grasped his cock guiding it into Eve’s juicing cunt for a second time. Eve had the most erotic sensations in her cunt but failed to orgasm a forth time. To our delight King responded by fucking into her again. Cum was still ejaculating from his cock and large amounts were running and dribbling out of Eve’s pussy as well as her mouth. I was so hot I became impatient when Eve kept fondling King,, stroking his cock still completely out of its sheath and still shooting small amounts of cum. I pulled Eve away, “I have to fuck you right now!

We decided to try out Hans in the evening, but in five hours we tried King again to see if he was ready to perform again. This time Eve decided she would try King fucking her doggie style. She had to kneel on the bed to get the right height. I was so hot again anticipating Eve again being taken by King. Just to see him thrusting is cock against her pussy lips trying to find the opening was so hot. After a few jabs he found her hole and rammed his cock deep into her, displacing her cervix with the insertion of 10 ½ inches of obscenely thick cock. I was ready to shoot my cum all over the floor. His knot went in without further effort probably because I had applied liberal amounts of KR lubricant to Eve’s pussy lips and he was fucking her doggie style which was more natural to King.

He had magnificent genitals suspended further from his body in contrast to Hans, whose sheath was more tightly attached to his belly. In either case Eve had no problem in getting their sheaths skinned back behind their knots. Hans’ penis was more uniform along its compared to King, which enlarged and then tapered down to his knot.

Now Eve kept moaning and screaming with unbearable sensations of pleasure and pain. “My God honey he’s got it all into me again, Owe, he’s hitting my cervix, oh, oh , fuck me King, fuck, fuck your cock right into my womb, fill it with your cum, oh yes, yes, yes, more, more. Honey I’m dieing with pleasure. He’s killing me! It’s wonderful beyond belief. I don’t want to anything else. Just fuck King, ten times a day or more as often as I can suck it up for him.” By now I lost it and shot my load all over myself. King kept ramming her cunt faster and faster while Eve was going crazy. Finally he tensed tightly pressed against Eve, as he began to cum into her unloading his semen into her womb. He just held on for a good 20 minutes while Eve kept contracting her cunt muscle with a milking action which was giving King a lot of pleasure. As he pulled out, Eve immediately engulfed his spurting cock head sucking and swallowing as much of his cum as possible. I was trying to get my cock up again with little success. I wanted to fuck Eve now, which would have been great if I had not lost it. After that Eve had to rest a little before trying out Hans’ prick.

Both Eve and I thought after King, fucking Hans’ cock would be an anticlimax. It turned out not to be so. Eve approached Hans much as she had King. Hugging, caressing and fondling his sheath, gradually exposing more and more of his cock. When about four inches protruded she began to suck and lick it. Hans started to make small thrusting movements. At the same time Eve gradually pulled his sheath back more and more till his entire cock including his knot was bare. The knot was not as large as King’s, but still slightly larger than a tennis ball. Hans’ cock was rock hard, but Eve continued a little longer. She applied amounts of KR jell and cupped her hand around his cock shaft holding her hand to her mouth. As Hans began to fuck her hand she would suck his cock tip. She was careful to stop before he began to ejaculate,, although a few times she misjudged and he began to cum. However, she soon learned how to get it right. A few times she was able to get his ejaculating prick into her pussy fast enough to have him continue to fuck her pussy even though he had started to cum.

Normally with practice she lay back on the bed corner, legs wide open guiding his cock straight into her juicing hole. Hans thrust a few times and took off ramming everything including his knot into her. Eve screamed and moaned with pleasure, as he fucked wildly. Usually after about ten minutes he slowed down with only slight thrusts, ejaculating his copious cum and flooding her womb. Finally he pulled out and Eve immediately captured his prick head in her mouth, sucking it and swallowing as much of his cum as possible. In spite of her efforts much poured out of her mouth. When he stopped I immediately got on Eve driving my cock into her semen filled pussy. In spite of her having several orgasms from Hans, I usually made her cum at least once.

So things developed beautifully. Eve got fucked by King and Hans almost every day. Of course I got plenty of “seconds”. The dogs and Eve got so well attuned to each other, that very few difficulties arose. It even worked out that she got fucked by both dogs one after the other from time to time. This was great on those occasions when she was really horny. There was no conflict between the two dogs which probably is their natural way of copulating, since often a bitch takes on many males. On the other hand we had to separate their food dishes, or there would be a confrontation. The arrangement was really great for everyone and went on for years. However, the edge gradually deceased a little as is not unusual. I began telling Eve about Juanita and her super burros whose show I had seen in Mexico. This began to really get to Eve. While she was hot she wanted to fuck a burro, but as she cooled down the whole thing remained a fantasy. Eventually it became “A real to do thing”. I contacted my former guide Juan Gonzoles in Mexico who I always had hired to take care of me. He knew everything there was to know and kept me safe. I explained what we were after. He mentioned that from time to time Juanita came to Balboa, California to put on her show. But if we were really ready for this adventure he would try to set it up; just let him know when we wanted to come. We took him up on the offer, but that happened later.

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