Women with Animals

An Angels Diary


(c) 2007 by Domina_Desiree

Part One: The Best of Both Worlds – A Girl and Her Boys

It was a balmy afternoon in July and my boyfriend Scott was driving me back to my house in the country, we had just spent the evening watching a movie at his apartment and while nothing happened at his place we got into a heavy makeout session in the driveway behind my house. I asked him to screw me and got out of the car, I pulled my skirt up and layed myself belly down on the warm hood of his mustang, my legs spread wide open and my shaved smooth pussy already wet and aching for his fat cock to be inside.

My house is out in the middle of nowhere and as Scott slowly penetrated my juicy hole I let out a deep guttural moan. His long fat un-cut cock was pressing deep into me, he had his head thrown back grabbing my hips giving me long hard thrusts, bashing at my cervix. I turnd my gaze to my German Sheperd Cid on his land run about 10 feet away. He was watching us and though Scott did’t know it, my boy was jealous and rearing to be in Scotts place. I could hear him panting and see him lunging towards me, trying to break free. I’d never told Scott that I had a sexual relationship with Cid. I didn’t think Scott would understand and would probably be grossed out.

Scott was so caught up in the moment he did’t realize what was going on with Cid. I kept my eyes locked on Cid as I moaned and panted like a bitch in heat. Scott didn’t notice when Cid broke his chain and snuck up behind him…A mischevious smile spread over my face as I realized what Cid was going to do.

Scott jolted and pulled out of me quickly. “Cid! What are you doing!” He exclaimed. I turned myself around on the hood of the car my slick cunt still exposed.
“Whats wrong Scott?” I said with a grin. Scott laughed a little, and I looked down to notice his cock was still very hard.
“Cid just came up and licked my balls!”
I laugh a little and said, “Well, he must like doing it as much as I do then…”

Cid wagged his tail, trapsed over to me and started nosing at my pussy.

I was extremely aroused at this moment and decided to take a chance…Not caring what Scott was going to think. I spread my legs apart further and looked at Scott as Cid started lapping at my dripping little hole. “He likes the taste of you…” I said, as I looked into Scotts bewildered eyes. A big smile spread across Scotts face.

“I should have known you were kinkier than I thought….Mmm mmm mmm…” He smiled, leaned over my moaning open mouth and kissed me deeply. He pulled away and while I was writhing with pleasure from Cids eager tongue, Scott said, “You should know…this really turns me on…and,” he hesitated a moment, “I always wished you would do this with Cid and I could watch and join in…I want to see him fuck you…”

I smiled and raised myself up. I pushed Cid away for a moment but Cid was rearing for action and was rather insistent on finishing his task.

“Have you ever let him fuck you before?” Scott asked me. I grinned.
“We’ve played around a little but I’ve never got him in me all the way, and he has never knotted up inside of me either…”
“Mmmm well baby, all that is about to change.”

Scott took me by the hand, and positioned me down on my hands and knees, my legs spread wide and low to the ground, with my elbows resting on the cool spring grass. I soon felt Cid licking at my ass and flicking his long tongue up and down my spread and exposed hot pink gash.
Scott started playing with Cid’s sheath, getting Cids big dog cock hard, then he helped the very eager and horny Cid on top of me. I felt Cid’s strong front legs wrap around my waist…and felt Scotts hand guiding Cid’s hard prick to my tightened and incredibly slippery drenched hole. I clenched in anticipation as the tip of Cid’s cock rested at the opening of my pussy, it felt different than Scotts cock. A little pointy, as I expected it would.

Scott continued to grab and play with Cid’s willing member, until he started to hump me. I moaned as Cid’s big cock slipped into me with one big push, and soon he was pumping hard, harder and harder he pumped, quick jabs to the deepest parts of my pussy. I felt his knot swelling up and bashing against my smooth wet pussy lips , it felt as if it were going to tear my cunt apart if it got inside of me. He kept pumping and thrusting, trying to get his knot in my tight cunt. I moaned and pushed my hips back to meet him, wanting that huge swollen knot inside of me. I felt it push in and screamed in pleasure as it ravaged the soft inner walls of my pussy. As big as it was, I couldn’t believe it when I felt it start to swell even bigger. I could feel Cid’s hot breath on my neck, he started jabbing harder, relentlessly tearing at my soft hole. Suddenly. I felt dog cum spurting inside of me, much hotter than Scotts cum. I began moaning loudly and almost howling in pleasure when I realized Cid was stuck inside of me. Cid kept humping me, I felt his huge veined knot mashing my g-spot, stretching my tight cum filled little pussy and making me moan. Scott reached down underneath me, found my clit and started fingering me. The combination of Cid’s huge knot relentlessly hammering at my g-spot and Scotts skilled fingers massaging my clit almost sent me over the top. Then Scott did something I totally didn’t expect him to do… He got underneath me and started flicking his tongue quickly over my cummy clit. Scott took my swollen clit in his mouth and started sucking it, rolling his tongue over it firmly while he had it in his mouth. I couldn’t help it, I came, and I came hard! I tried to hold it back but I ended up squirting my juices all over Scotts face. Scott just kept licking at me, lapping at my pussy lips and tonguing the stretched entrance to my pussy where Cid’s knot was stuck tight. I could feel Cid’s cum dripping out of me and knew Scott was licking it up.

A few moments later Cid softened up and climbed off of me. Scott grabbed hold of me, turned me over onto my back and eagerly took Cid’s place between my legs. My pussy was covered in Cid’s big load of dog cum, hot and slick mixed with the copious amounts of my own juices. Scott pushed my legs up over my head and started plowing me like never before. My pussy became tight again from orgasming so hard moments earlier. I could feel Scotts balls tighten up against my ass, my boyfriend blew a huge load of sperm into my raw hot hole before I knew what was happening. Scott screamed in pleasure as his balls emptied inside of me, his thick man cum mixing with my sweet Cids thin slippery dog cum. I had never had so much cum in me in all my life and it felt fantastic. Scott pulled out and I asked him to let me suck him clean, as I eagerly cleaned his long thick shaft of his and Cid’s cum, Cid was soon between my legs cleaning ME up! His hot eager tongue brought me quickly to another mind blowing orgasm.

Scott really didn’t want to go, but he had work the next day and it was late. He kissed me goodbye, helped me get Cid back on his run and drove off into the night.


Part Two: The Road to Fantasy

It was friday night and I hadn’t seen or heard from Scott again for a couple of days and I started to get worried that he didn’t like me anymore. I don’t know why I felt that way, just insecurity I suppose.
Then I got a call from him.

“Hey sweetheart, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight, I’ve got something very special in mind and want to treat you to a good time.”

“Well…um…sure, I guess…”

“What, you don’t want to see me now or something?” Scott said, his own insecurity and dissapointment showing through in the tone of his voice.

“I DO want to see you Scott, it’s just after the other night, I mean you didn’t call or anything, you usually call me at least twice a day, I thought YOU didn’t want to see ME anymore.”

Scott laughed, “No baby, I’ve just been working on planning this evening out for you Angel, I think you will enjoy yourself immensely.”

“What is it you have planned?” I asked.

“Thats a suprise sweetheart, just rest assured I love you and want you happy, not to mention I’m dying to taste that sweet pussy again. You have no idea how happy it made me to find out that you like animals too, and I want to explore more of your fantasies with you, and perhaps share a few of mine.”

I giggled, “Well, when are you going to pick me up? It’s 5:23 and I just got in from work a few minutes ago, I’m all sweaty and I need to shower before you pick me up.”

“I was thinking of…oh, around 5:30, theres no need for you to shower, come as you are. And look out your window.”

Scott was sitting in my driveway on the hood of his mustang, a tight white t-shirt covered his well muscled chest and he was wearing tight wrangler jeans that showed off his enormous package, he was petting Cid who was already on a leash, he waved at me and I smiled at him through the window.

“Get your pretty ass out here already Angel, Cid and I are ready to go.” He laughed, and hung up.

I put my shoes on, grabbed my purse, and went outside to meet my boys.

I reached them, with a noticable bounce in my step. I was so happy to see them both together there in front of me again. Scott had Cid on a chain leash, securely attached to his collar. My big boy jumped up to lick me in the face and then put his nose between my legs and up my short skirt, sniffing and licking at my panties, he started to try to tug them off of me and Scott pulled him back.

“Not yet boy, wait til we get to the farm, then you can play all you want.” Scott grinned at me and winked, and then came around and opened the passengers side door for me,”Get in the car baby, we’ve got places to be and people to see.”

I smiled at him and kissed him deeply before I got inside, throwing my purse into the back seat, I buckled myself in and thought to myself, ‘This is going to be one wild ride…I can see it already. A farm? What on earth does Scott have in mind?’ He shut my door and brought Cid around to his side, letting the drivers seat forward Cid climbed in and lay in the back like a good boy. Scott rolled down the windows so Cid could get some fresh air on the drive, soon the wind was in my hair and I was extremely excited.

Scott kept silent, but his hands didn’t, if he wasn’t shifting gears he had that right hand up my skirt, not on my clit, just playing softly with my pussy, sometimes reaching his hand up my blouse and bouncing my left breast.

I wasn’t really sure where we were going, I knew the Oklahoma area well enough but I wasn’t really sure where Scott was headed. I kept trying to think of farms in the area we were in but none came to mind. We just kept driving, it must have been two hours and I was wondering where on earth we were going, we had already crossed state lines and were well into Kansas by now. I didn’t know the area at all and now and again I would look over at Scott, he just smiled at me and kept on driving. Cid had already fallen fast asleep in the backseat, his head on his front paws, I was getting a little sleepy too so I leaned my seat back and closed my eyes. I could feel Scotts loving touch caressing my thighs, Cid nuzzled his head onto my shoulder, and with his warm breath in my ear, soon, I too was fast

I slept peacfully, as peacefully as one can when they are in a moving vehicle. I felt at peace though, I not only trusted Scott, I trusted Cid to keep me safe as well. We drove on through the night, and now and then I would become partially conscious, just awake enough to notice the scent of the air changing, smelling sweeter and fresher. Hours passed, driving, still driving…Scott usually liked to listen to music while he drove, usually one of his mix tapes, at least the radio, but there was no music, just the steady hum of the engine and the swift sound of vehicles passing now and then.

The light from the rising sun was soon dancing over my eyelids, I turned to face Cid, his large head still resting beside mine. I sleepily opened my eyes and stretched out my arms to embrace my boy. He had evidently woken before me, silently watching me sleep. I kissed his nose, “Good morning my sweet boy.” I said to Cid. His tail began thumping against the back of the drivers seat, he sat up, stretched his long well muscled legs, raised up his thick neck and shook his body.

“Well good morning to you too Angel.” Scott said in a playfully sarcastic tone. I looked up at him and met his gaze, almost immediately my vision focused past him, to the view before us, the car was moving, just not very fast. I could see, spread out before us, the city of Denver Colorado, and beyond Denver, the foot of the Rocky mountains, gleaming beautifully, almost pristine, despite the big cities smog. I quickly became aware of where we were, and wondered why the bustle of the morning rush hour traffic we were crawling through didn’t wake me. I turned back to look at Scotts smiling face, “Denver? You seriously drove us all the way to Denver last night?”
Scott smiled, I sat up and rested the side of my face on his shoulder, looking up into his eyes. “I can’t believe this Scott, really…this is just…wow…I mean I didn’t expect this.” He kissed my forehead. “We’re not quite there yet baby, and I kind of lied a little bit last night, we’re not going to a ‘farm’ we’re going to visit a ranch.” My heart pounded in my chest, oh the possibilities!

“Scott? Who do you know in Colorado that has a ranch? I didn’t know you knew someone up here…” He took a deep breath and then exhaled, looking into the distance as he spoke, I could tell he was nervous now for some odd reason.

“Well…you remember I told you I had a girlfriend in highschool named Cindy?”

“Uh, yeah, how could I forget about HER, Cindy the hot blonde with rich parents….that Cindy?”

Scott chuckled slightly,”Yeah baby, that one.”

I repositioned my seat so I could sit up straight and look at him, “Well, what about her Scott?” I was just a tad jealous thinking of ‘Cindy’, she was the one girl Scott never wanted to talk about and I never understood why.

“Sweetheart, it’s kind of a long story, but when I was in college, I used to come spend the summers up here at her parents ranch, even though I wasn’t dating Cindy anymore.”

“I’m sorry Scott, I’m a tad bit confused on why you would do that….I mean…” He cut me off.

“Let me finish! Sheesh girl…” He placed his right arm around my shoulder, looking into my eyes and turning to check the crawl of the traffic every few seconds. “As I was saying, I had broken up with Cindy in my junior year of highschool, I still remained fairly good friends with her parents though. And you know about Cindy, even in high school she was of sub-par intelligence, all the guys thought she was hot, and the combination of those two factors kinda landed her in trouble for a short period of time, she was screwing every guy she could get her hands on except me, even when she was supposedly with me, which is of course what made me break up with her. Sad thing is, Cindys’ parents didn’t even like her all that much, but they did like me. Especially Diane, Cindy’s mom. Now Bill and Diane had a plan, when Cindy graduated they were going to move up here to Colorado and invest in several hundred acres and some outstanding livestock. The year Cindy and I were supposed to graduate, well, I did, and she didn’t. Bill and Diane were very dissapointed, but they knew they had screwed up with Cindy. Cindy was already 18 and though she begged and pleaded for her mother and father to stay, they sold their house, transferred their bank accounts up here, found someone to manage Bill’s cold storage businesses, bought Cindy a small trailer on a lot to ensure that she at least had a bed to sleep in at night, and they left. Moved up here the summer I turned 18. They invited me to come up that summer and take a break, relax after highschool and whatnot, but I was intent on getting into college in the fall. I wanted my life on track, I saw what had happened with Cindy, how she screwed her life up and I was determined not to do the same. So I got into college, got into the dorms, and every summer for 4 years, I would come up here and spend time with Bill and Diane.”

I looked at him suspiciously, “You still didn’t answer my question Scott…why did you come up here? Why didn’t you stay through the summer at college, why didn’t you, I don’t know, why didn’t you go back home for the summers? Why here? Why to your ex-girlfriend who didn’t even freaking put out for you’s parents house? And better question still, why are we headed there now?” I was confused, not quite angry, I trusted Scotts decisions, just very confused. There were obviously missing pieces to this story, and my gaze pressed him for answers.

“Well…”, he paused…his eyes seemingly searching for words,”, Well Angel, it’s kind of like this…To be blunt, and to the point, I never had sex with Cindy in highschool and I don’t think I’ve told you this but I didn’t get laid until I was a freshman in college.” Scott took a deep breath, obviously afraid of what my reaction would be to what he was about tell me, “Angel, my first time, the first time I had sex, it was with Diane,” He pursed his lips and continued on with a bit more confidence, I remained silent and listened to his explanation. “and…I, I don’t know, she was older than me but still very beautiful, you’ll see that for yourself here in an hour or so. I had been joking around with Bill and he made the comment that I sounded like I was in bad need of some pussy. When I blushed, he pretty much knew I had never been with a woman before. He sat me down out by the barn where the hay for the horses is kept and bluntly asked me if I’d like to have sex with Diane. I knew he was serious, but asked him if he was kidding. He said he wasn’t joking, that he really wanted to see me pleasing Diane and that he would show me how. I was extremely excited at the prospect of being allowed to be with Diane, she was so gorgeous and smart, all throughout highschool she was the epitome of a MILF, she was the mom EVERY guy wanted to fuck. I got my chance to that night, she was very patient and with her guidance, and Bill watching on, telling me how to screw her and cheering me on, I got her off pretty good. I learned alot of things that summer Angel, from Bill and Diane, learned how to please a woman, learned alot about life in general, how things work in the world, not the way you’re told they work in school but how they REALLY work. I also learned about animal sex for the first time that summer. See Diane loves horses the way you love Cid here, and she has a stable full of horses, mares and stallions, different breeds, different temperments and so on, all of the highest breed standards and all of them trained for having sex with humans. Select people fly into Denver from all over the world to visit the ranch that Bill and Diane own. Now Angel, I know this is new for you, but usually people pay alot of money to get into Dianes stable, which they cleverly disguise as a bed and breakfast with horse rides available. These horses are well trained and well mannered, they know what they are doing, and so does Diane, their handler.”

I kind of sat there for a second, all of these thoughts racing through my mind, I was rather relieved that it was Diane who had been his first and not her bratty daughter Cindy. And the fact that I was about to be taken to a place like this….it left me speechless. Scott thought I was angry at first.

“Whats wrong Angel? You’re not saying anything and thats kind of freaking me out baby.” He laughed nervously.

“Uh…um…well, uh….,” I started, barely able to get the stuttered words out of my mouth, my thoughts were racing faster than ever before, “, well I just, I hope they like me, I mean and for goodness sakes Scott I’ve never fucked a horse before how the hell am I going to do that?”

He wrapped his arm around me and Cid rested his head between us on the arm rests.

“Don’t worry baby, I have a feeling you will do just fine.”

I took a deep breath and looked out the window as we passed through the last of Denvers suburban sprawl and drove into the flatlands at the foot of the mountains. There were very few cars passing us, I could see horses running and playing in seeminlgy endless green pastures on either side of the road. I was very anxious now, I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch the day before, I smelt horrible and I was wearing less than appropriate clothing for the occasion. I wondered what was going to happen, what Diane was going to think of me, and if Scott was going to fuck her again. Secretly I had wanted to see him screw another girl for a long time, I had wanted to see him do alot of things for a long time, it seemed I was getting my chance.

I rolled the window all the way down and let the cool mountain air whip my hair around, with my chin up, and my hopes high we drove on, towards the ranch and towards pleasures I had not yet imagined.

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