Men with Animals

Forest Ranger And His Dogs


(c) 2007 by succum

Marty stopped in at the ranger station for a permit before hiking into the wilderness. The ranger on duty told him, absolutely no fires, and let him go, then he phoned Jed at Treetop Station and told him to be on the lookout for a lone hiker. You’ll like him, too, the base ranger chuckled.

Jed took his day pack, called the dogs and set out for the ridge he knew the hiker would come over. Nice looking, he thought to himself when he sighted the kid in his glasses. Nice ass, too. Then he hiked down to the creek where the boy would probably stop for water, stripped naked, hung his uniform like a flag over a tree and lay in the sun by the water.

The dogs were well trained and remained lying by their master when they all heard Marty coming. As if no one were around Jed stroked his thick cock and petted Poker, his rottie stud who lay near his head, and waited. Marty saw the uniform over the tree first, then stopped behind a bush and watched the ranger. When Jed clicked his tongue Boner, the golden lab, crawled between his legs and licked his balls.

Come on, Boner. Don’t get me going, he pleaded but spread his legs. That a boy. Lick my ass real good. Jed curled his legs up to his chest and squirmed toward the animal. The dog’s huge tongue lapped between the ranger’s ass cheeks, then curled around the big, thick and beautiful cock. You getting turned on too, Boner? The ranger sat up, stripped the sheath from the lab’s cock and exposed big, smooth, pink dog meat. Boner’s got a boner, Jed chided. Then he sat up and snuggled his head between the dog’s legs.

Marty couldn’t see what he was doing, but it looked like he was going down on the dog. Jesus, he whispered and ripped open the buttons of his jeans, squeezed the fluid onto the head of his prick and rubbed himself. He’d never seen anything like that before. When he stepped on a branch for a better view it snapped, and the ranger looked over. Knowing he’d been seen, he stuffed his cock back into his pants and came into the open.

Didn’t mean to intrude, he smiled, then looked down to see how bad his pants were bulging.

No intrusion at all. Jed grinned at the erection in the boy’s jeans, rubbed his cock again. Nice here, ain’t it? Real peaceful, lonesome sometimes actually, that’s why I got my dogs. He clicked his tongue, and Poker started over to the stranger. Name’s Jed.

Yeah, it’s beautiful here. I’m Marty. Wow, yeah, it’s real pretty. He stared at Jed’s giant cock as he spoke and felt a little weak: the sight of the ranger’s tan, lean body laying over the smooth boulder, his semi-hard cock resting on the muscular thigh, big blond and horney, and here alone. Poker pushed his nose between Marty’s legs and sniffed in and out. The hot breath made his cock ever harder. Real friendly dog you got here, he panted.

Yeah, my best friends when I’m alone out here, so I keep them happy. Take off your pants so Poker can lick your meat. It was a command, and Marty was afraid to disobey. He kicked off his shoes, then stepped out of his jeans. His cock sprang from its confines. No underwear, Jed noticed, good sign. Nice piece of meat, he said.

The dog licked the sweat from Marty’s cock and balls then tried to push further back between the ass cheeks. Poker likes you. Marty needed to sit down. Come here, Jed said, stroking his meat. Marty watched the ranger’s cock harden to full length. He wanted it so bad. The glistening head, resting near his hipbone, mesmerized him. He’d broke up with his girl a month before when she told everyone she’d caught him with a tourist he’d met at a gas station. For a while now none of the boys whom he usually sucked off wanted to be seen with him.

When he got within reach Jed handed him a canteen of cold water. Marty sat next to Jed and drank. You like it? Jed asked when Marty stared at his cock. Yeah. You want it? Yeah.

Jed cupped the back of the boy’s head and pulled it toward his dripping cock. Suck it, bitch, he whispered. Get on all fours and lick it like the dogs do. Marty did as he was told, curious and excited that the ranger ordered him, like the dogs do. Lick, Boner, Jed said. The lab came behind Marty and started working on his asshole. What the fuck? Marty said? Love me, love my dogs, Jed answered.

Oh, Jesus, Marty groaned. Your dog, man, he’s something. Marty whispered at Jed’s cock drooling in his mouth. fuck, man, that’s some tongue. His ass relaxed and began to dilate. The dog’s tongue went deeper and deeper around the boy’s opening.

Jed took his dick from the boy’s mouth, rubbed it over his face. You want it, don’t you? Marty nodded. You want it up your ass, don’t you? Marty nodded eagerly. Jed held the boy’s head and pumped his face. You want me, you got to bitch my boys first. You like that big tongue in your ass, don’t you? Marty groaned. Deeper, Boner. The dog licked harder, Marty rocked his ass back and forth. Man, are you ready to bitch, boy.

Marty didn’t know exactly what he meant until Jed said: Mount, Boner. The Labrador jumped up and wrapped his front legs around Marty’s hips. Marty tried to spit Jed’s cock out and yell stop, but Jed held him firm. In three jabs the dog entered Marty, fast and deep. Marty’s ass burned, and he tried to get away, but Jed held his head in an arm lock. Come on, boy, Jed whispered. That’s a good boy. Easy does it. It don’t hurt too much. Good boy. He stroked Marty’s back, then reached under for his cock.

When Marty realized Jed was talking to him and not the dog he stopped fighting, let his cock be stroked, trembled at the new sensation. Bitch my dogs for me, and I’ll give you a nice good fuck. That a boy. Calm down. Suck my dick, boy. Man, you’re hot.

Marty took Jed’s half hard cock back into his mouth again. Good boy, he heard. That’s my boy. Jed’s powerful hands ran through Marty’s long hair, stroking, petting. What’s happening, he cried in a panic when he felt the dog’s knot growing in him.

That’s OK, boy. Boner’s knotting you, just like a bitch. Love it, bitch boy. It won’t hurt. Marty released Jed’s cock, buried his face in the ranger’s testicles breathing so hard he sucked some scrotum into his nose, licked his balls, the meat shaft, fascinated by the new sensation of the growing meat in his anus.

Oh, Jed, he groaned and squirmed his ass. It’s wonderful. I can feel it squirting The huge knot, as big as an peach, locked inside him, began to flood him with dog sperm. Oh, Jed, he panted. Just like a dog.

That a boy. Jed whispered. I love fucking a bitch all slimed up with dog cum. He reached under for Marty’s cock. Yeah, boy. You like it, don’t you? You’re dripping like a bitch in heat.

He got up and went behind. Marty, on all fours with Boner still over him, turned and watched Jed lift the dog’s tail, rub some spit into his ass hole and push his dripping prick head slowly in and out of the animal’s anus. Once the whole huge shaft was in he fucked the dog in long, gentle strokes that pushed Boner’s knot in and out and caused it to slowly shrink.

Jed reached under and felt the dog’s organ soften, withdrew his cock from the animal’s anus and pulled the dog away from Marty’s ass. Marty screamed. Wait, he pleaded.

Well, while we’re waiting, let’s see what my prize stud’s got for you. Come here, Poker Marty looked a little scared when Jed stripped back the rottie’s sheath exposing a huge, stiff organ, pink and smooth. He put the dog on his back between his legs and held their cocks together, stroking them in unison. Come here, boy, he said to Marty. Marty crawled over, dragging Boner with him. Lick my dick, boy.

Marty watched Jed jack the two cocks: the ranger’s long and thick, smooth and browned, the dog’s thinner, with tiny purple veins over smooth hot pink meat. He panted. What was he supposed to do? He couldn’t. Lick my dick, bitch, he heard again. Come on, boy. Marty pressed his tongue to the human organ, on the side opposite the dog’s. Jed shook Marty’s hips to put Boner off balance so Marty felt the knot pull and push in his ass. It’s OK, boy. Get used to it. Close your eyes.

Jed put a finger between the two dicks to separate them an inch at the tips and held the back of Marty’s head by his hair. Open your mouth, he said. Then he guided Marty onto his waiting cock. Marty sucked lovingly, then was pulled off. Again his mouth was lowered onto the cock, and again, and then he realize he had the dog in his mouth. It’s OK, boy, he heard Jed whisper. Marty felt sick and panted. It’s just fine. Suck my dog, suck me. He pushed his cock into Marty’s mouth along the length of the rottie’s shaft. Suck ‘em, boy. Marty went up and down on both cocks until Jed felt Poker beginning to knot.

Jed jumped up and pumped Boner’s dick in and out of Marty’s ass. Push, he commanded. Marty pushed, then screamed. Stop. He stopped. In and out the knot was worked until Jed could see the base of it. Here it comes. A few more times and Boner popped out of his new mate.

OK, Poker, mount.

Poker jumped onto Marty’s back. Marty felt the smooth shaft he’d been sucking slide deep into him on the first wet thrust. He gasped and rested his cheek on his folded hands, crying. Jed, please. He felt humiliated, sucking on the dog, being taken in the ass like a bitch.

It’s OK, boy. Jed whispered and stroked Marty’s ass cheek. Then he pulled his head up by the back of his hair and kissed him deep before he slid under him on his back and took his dripping cock into his mouth.

No, Jed. You’ll make me come.

So you do like it. Suck me, boy. Marty worked on Jed’s cock as Jed swirled his tongue around and sucked his balls, tongue occasionally sliding up the meat shaft, fingers poking in his bitch’s hole along the dog meat. He’s knotting you. Can you feel it, bitch boy? Marty nodded. Do you love it? Marty groaned as Poker shot his wad in a huge stream deep into his bowels. Oh, yeah. Jed whistled. That’s a prize stud you got in there. He slurped Marty’s cock into his mouth, but Marty pushed him off. Oowee, you’re a hot bitch. Just about ready to pop, ain’t you? All that dog dick gets you going.

fuck me, Jed, was all Marty could moan as he worshipped the huge organ in his mouth.

Jed slid out from under his bitch, knelt in front of him and fucked his face. You’re the prettiest little bitch I ever did see. Know that? And hot too. Now you deserve what you want, but you know? Once you’ve had the knot, there’s nothing like it. You’ll wish I could knot you when I’m done with you, you’ll see.

He went behind and fucked his rottie until the knot went down. Again Marty felt the huge bulb slide deeper with every stroke Jed took. It made delirious, this animal lust. Jed, I’m going to come, he panted. Jed slapped his ass hard. The sting woke him out of his stupor. No you ain’t. Not until I let you.

He pulled out of Poker’s ass, tried to pull Poker out but Marty screamed. Around front he pushed his cock into Marty’s mouth. Marty smelled the dog on him but took it happily. Reach behind and push him out, Jed said. Marty worked on the knot until finally it plopped out, then he felt hot dog sperm trickle out over his balls.

That’s how I like it, lubed with cum and ready to go. Jed went behind his bitch. He slipped his entire huge cock into the waiting ass until he could grind his pubic bone against Marty’s buttocks. That’s my boy. He held the hips and pumped hard, full length. That’s my boy. You might be more trouble than the dogs, but worth it too. He rolled them over until he was on his back. Ride me, he commanded. Do what you want with me.

I don’t want to be no trouble for you, Jed. I’ll do what you want. Bit I want to see Poker fuck you. Can I?

Good boy. I like being in the middle, but you’ll have to wait until tonight. They won’t be good for it right away. In the meantime, bitch me good. Marty rode the ranger until they both shot to heaven at the same time. Then he lay next to his prize man stud and fell asleep in the sun smiling about the millions of sperms searching for fulfillment inside his ass, hoping he’d get another round tonight when he wasn’t so hot and could enjoy it longer, and wondering if Jed had sucked his dog’s raw meat.

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