Women with Animals

CJ & Khan


(c) 2007 by RottiesRule

I’m working abroad at present, but gearing up to repatriate to the UK in the coming months so I hope to get back onto our culture some time soon.

I suppose that compared to you lucky active lasses and couples that are enjoying yourselves, I’m a bit behind the times (if not for the want of trying to find another adventurous partner). My current ‘friend’ out here, whilst being a lovely lass that I’d do anything for, isn’t very adventurous when it comes to the ‘daily routine stuff’, let alone our kind of fun, so for now I’m having to share memories of my ex-wife’s past experiences.

CJ and our Rottie, Khan, enjoyed themselves many years ago just after I started working abroad. I loved them dearly, and wish things had turned out better between CJ and myself, but as it is she loved Khan just as much for the short time it lasted, so he was the best present I ever gave her.

A curvaceous 5ft 19year old lass, to say CJ was a 26 year old studs’ dream (didn’t we all think it of ourselves at that age?) is an understatement. Imagine my joy when I found out just how wild she was within the terms of ‘normal sex’, into anything, anytime, anyplace, front, back, side, upside down, 69, anal, BJs while driving and even the odd bout of bondage (especially when taking anal). She really couldn’t get or give enough, wanting and enjoying multiple orgasms every session. We even loved to fuck, lick/BJ while the other was asleep, our game to see if we could climax before the other woke up.

Anyway, out of the blue, by herself and too my delight she took it upon herself to take things a step further.

We were reasonably happy living together in a nice detached house in the South of England, when I was offered a job abroad. CJ wasn’t best pleased as it didn’t have accompanied status initially, but after the common sense of making quick tax free money and my whisking her off on exotic 2 week holidays every 4 months, we agreed to see how things worked out. And if I chose to stay out there I’d work on converting the contract to married status with her joining me full time.

Off I went, stayed faithful (sado even then eh?) and returned as agreed for a holiday and as always the best sex, but even though we got married after 6 months, socially and personally things started to change between us. She had become more independent and less reliant on me and also started complaining of still rattling around in a large detached house by herself (not what I’d heard from my associates up the sports club, but that’s another story). Anyway, out of the blue, if she had to stay in the UK, she wanted a pet/guard dog, even if it meant curtailing the holidays!

Ok, so prior to meeting CJ, I’d had the usual collection of porn mags, films and videos (super8s, ha, those were the days..) hanging around my flats, including early German and Dutch ‘PetLove’. Other GFs had been turned on by it, if not ever indulging, but I’d never shown them to CJ and she’d never asked about or mentioned it when discussing other areas to explore or while watching straight porn. So the fact that we were now buying a puppy didn’t make me suspect anything.

We sat down and worked out what it was to be and from where. I’d had a Boxer when growing up and was interested in Mastiffs, her family Labradors, so we compromised on a lovely male Rottie! We got a gorgeous pup through the Kennel Club and CJ set out to bring ‘Khan’ up in my absence, even taking him to obedience classes.

On my returns we’d often be screwing somewhere in the house and I never thought anything of Khan being around in the background, he didn’t really seem interested in either of us. However, when he was around 18 months, on one of my trips back it all opened up to me, innocently at first and then brazenly. Boy was I in for the shock of my life…

CJ and I were naked in my ‘den’ with her in a favoured position, face down straddled across the front of the sofa, knee on the floor and one ample tit hanging down for me to caress and tweak the nipple as I took her pussy from behind. We had been at it for a while and she was soaking after a couple of orgasms, so it was time for one or her cravings, cum, hers or mine. CJ loved cum and after a couple of hard orgasms she loved to wipe my cock over her lips and chin before sucking and licking me clean as a prerequisite to another orgasm and my own offload.

Because she wasn’t on the pill we had perfected her having as many orgasms as I could handle, then doing quick withdrawals from her pussy to straddle over her tits, shoulders or face for ‘no contact’ ejaculations (I didn’t actually orgasm myself). She loved the feeling of my cum hitting and just lying on her skin while I got back into pumping her arse or fingering her ‘G’ spot. Using her tongue, or smothering her lips while breathing in the smell, to slowly open them so it would stretch across and fall onto her tongue for her to savour. Apart from her own joy, watching this teasing really made me go wild and intensified our combined orgasms.

And because she wasn’t on the pill, I couldn’t go back in her pussy, so more often than not, if she didn’t finish me off by hand, mouth or between her ample tits, she wanted me to use our cum to slide up her arse. She’d just glance over her shoulders with her big brown eyes and pouting cum covered lips, reach behind with both hands and pull her checks wide apart, I didn’t need a second invitation. Nothing better than pinning her arms up on her back as her fingers dug into her cheeks and I dug deeper into her lovely arse. We’d both be in heavenly bliss, especially when I’d leaned down and savour the taste as well.

Anyway, on this occasion, I’d cum on her shoulder and I was easing into position up her arse, when I notice Khan had wander in and was doing that silly head twisting confused look dogs do. Then he went up to CJ’s face but hesitated, I’m not sure he knew what to make of it with this strange man doing things to his ‘mistress’. Possibly the smell of our combined cum on CJ’s face was also confusing him. Anyway, CJ hadn’t noticed him and was away in ‘larlar’ land with her face buried in my cum on her shoulder, it was only when Khan licked her forehead that she snapped out of her bliss and acknowledge his presence.

At that point I was surprised at her response as he was already backing away after startling her, but surprisingly when I shooed and waved him away aggressively, she called him back and put out her now free hand to reassure him and started stroking his face and ears. The smell of her cum and arse on her hand got him all puppy like and excitable, she let him make a fuss and lick her face, while she stroked his back and belly. Khan seemed to be confused between wanting to express his fondness for his mistress, but not sure of the strange tastes. Of course, at this point in time I didn’t realize that it was only my cum that was new to him!

I continued to pump away in CJ’s arse as she seemed to be in heaven with all this affection being lavished on her from both ends. She soon started to orgasm and a combination of her tightness and the sight before me meant I wasn’t far behind. Her kissing and sharing our combined cum with our dog while stoking his belly was the first time I picked up on the possibility of her blossoming relation with him. Although Khan’s cock did poke out a bit, CJ did nothing with it in my presence and made no comment about it afterwards.

Eventually I reached over to hold and kiss her as we exploded together and eventually pushed Khan away so I could pet CJ more as we giggled at each other while he looked on. Neither of us stated what was to become the obvious later, ”Lets have Khan clean us up”.

Anyway, he may well have cleaned her, as after I eased myself out of CJ’s lovely arse, I walked past Khan, patted him on the head and went upstairs for a shower, leaving CJ’s limp body straddled across the front of the sofa with her wet pussy and cum filled arse in the air and readily accessible.

Now I’m sure I heard some muffled gasps from downstairs prior to getting in the shower and it was several minutes before CJ eventually joined me there. When I reached down to finger her, I was surprised that while her pussy was still puffy and dripping wet inside, externally she wasn’t as gooey as I’d have expected after just making love, nor was there anything else on her shoulders and face. I’m sure she knew what I was thinking, but she just stared all innocently using the those eyes again and clung on to me as I found her ‘G’ spot.

We continued to fuck like bunnies whenever the opportunity arose and a couple of days later we were at it again on the lounge floor. After I’d savoured her taste with a good licking to get the juices flowing, we were humping on the lounge floor to the great beat of Frankie’s Relax and Two Tribes (try it yourself sometime..). CJ was now sitting on top facing me and holding my hands so she could lean back over my thighs to really push her ‘G’ spot down onto my cock as she slammed back and forth. She would do her usual trick of dismounting after each orgasm to lap up her juices and lick me clean before getting back on and starting again. I loved the way she’d ‘purr’ while licking her cum up.

Eventually while still gripping my cock inside her she dropped down to kiss me so I could share the intensity of her scent and I’d let her know when I was ready. She’d dismounted again to finish me off with her tongue and lips. Another of her pleasures was to make me explode over my stomach and chest, then lap it up as she slowly crawled back up and on me eventually rubbing her clit over my cock or face for her own last climax. Of course I enjoyed licking and kissing as well and sharing our combined cum.

I’m not sure how long we lay there, with CJ on top and my softening cock nestled between her saturated pussy lips. It may well have been 20-30minutes as I was drifting in and out, but eventually I became aware she was starting to gently and slowly rock her wet clit back and forth over my limp cock. After a while she lifted her head and shoulders, giggled, stared down at me, then shut her eyes and shuddered as she let out a muffled moan of joy.

When I asked what was up, she smiled and murmured in my ear between further gasps of joy, “Khan’s licking my arse”. I instinctively tried to bring my knees together as if to protect the ‘jewels’ but sure enough there was something hard and fur covered standing between them. It was then that as CJ lifted her arse in the air to meet him, Khan’s tongue strayed a bit lower and started licking her juices from my balls. So there I was, pinned underneath my nymphet wife who was having uncontrollable orgasms through our dog’s tongue licking her/us clean!

Jesus and was it lovely, the combination of both her slopping about over my cock and Khan doing his thing around my balls had me going as well. As I got harder CJ made longer sliding strokes with her clit along my cock. I pushed her off my chest and sucked as hard as I could on her huge nipples and she started moaning and writhing about, having a couple of orgasms in quick succession, the like of which I hadn’t witnessed before on this trip back.

CJ then slid down my body and nestled between my legs with her head buried in my groin and her arse in the air. She was now letting Khan enjoy full access to her arse and pussy, and enjoying every moment of it. I couldn’t believe what I was witnessing and CJ didn’t seem to care what I thought. She was taking in the pleasures of his tongue while smelling and wiping her face over my cock and groin to cover herself in our cum to intensify her orgasms.

Eventually CJ finished licking me clean and started using her skills to get me rock hard. What a turn on, watching her BJ, then stopping every couple of minutes to have a shuddering orgasm from our dog licking her out. Anyway, she decided to slow things down and smiled at me with a wickedness I hadn’t seen in a while, got up, made a huge fuss of Khan face to face as he stood between my legs in bewilderment (like myself).

I went to get up but CJ pushed me back down and grabbed my cock in her hands and started rubbing her clit. She was so wet, it and her hands were soon saturated, then she alternated rubbing my cock between her clit and arse crack, so I knew what was coming. Pure Joy! While still facing me she straddled back down over me but this time slowly eased her well lubricated arse onto my cock.

After a few hard pushes to sit down fully on it, she then slowly did a complete 180 swivel and then squatting forward to face Khan started easing herself up and down on me, from almost fully out to as deep as she could take it.

CJ loved to impale herself like this, even more so when there was a mirror at the end of the bed. She’d face it and eventually lean back supporting herself with one arm while watching my cock in her arse and other hand finger her empty wet pussy. Then she’d lick her fingers at will as I’d slipped my hands under her cheeks to pull them wide apart to show her off as I either lift her up and down on my cock, or held her above it to pumped in and out. Still, no mirror here this time, just a bewildered dog.

So there was CJ, now leaning back away from Khan, her arse rocking about on my cock, while fingering herself with her free hand and sucking on the fingers to enjoy the taste of her cum. Then she presented her wet fingers to Khan, repeating it several times as he showed interest, eventually rubbing some on her nipples, after which she pulled him towards her to lick them. As soon as that happened she went wild and had another intense orgasm, I’d never seen her have so many. And here I was helpless, pinned underneath just watching in bewilderment, a bit like Khan, but saying that, my cock was throbbing harder than ever as my wildest dreams were coming true before my eyes?

CJ then started enticing Khan to lick her pussy again as she leaned back further onto me. He didn’t seem to need too much encouragement either, but hell, this wasn’t happening on top of me was it? CJ said nothing the whole time, just kept looking over her shoulder, giving me her stare and wicked smile, and I wasn’t about to stop proceedings, so just went along with it.

She then laid back fully on top of me, and finally I had something to do with my hands, as I slipped them under her cheeks and lifted her up and down on my cock while Khan thried to pay attention to the moving targets of both it and her pussy. She looked over at me and seemed to be in heaven, as I smelt her cum on her face we kissed with a renewed intensity that drove me wild.

As we speeded up, I held her arse up in the air and pumped into it, it seemed she couldn’t get enough, moaning and writhing about wanting me to be harder and faster. Then I felt Khans legs jumping about on my own, almost stamping me, and as I raised my head to look down, there he was off to one side, all excited with a good 4 or 5” (no knot) hanging out, trying to hang onto and hump CJ’s left leg. There was pre-cum dripping all over our legs and everywhere else, I couldn’t believe how much.

Then without warning, CJ put out the hand that she’d been using to finger herself and beckoned Khan up to our side.

At this point I started having reservations as to what was about to happen. Apart from seeing a dogs cock ‘angry’and close up for the first time, it also happened to be getting closer to my head as I was nearest to him, not to mention his paws were now stomping around by my arm. I stopped pumping, but before I could expressed concern to CJ, her first words for some time where aggressive and just “please don’t stop, …trust me.!”.

As Khan jumped up alongside us, CJ grabbed his collar and got him licking her nipple. Her lust really was in full flow as I continued to pump her arse and then to my total amazement she reached under him, grabbed his cock and started caressing it and jacking him off.

Khan’s hind quarters started humping in amusing 10 to 20 second bursts, not really knowing whether to stop or start…. His dripping and splashing continued, this time over our arms and sides, every now and again CJ would let go of his cock and wipe his juices over her nipples. I couldn’t recall a time before when she had cum so often and so quickly, we were saturated with her cum running down around her arse crack and on my cock. And all I could do was lay there pumping away, enjoying every moment.

Within what seemed to be a few minutes and without real warning (well to me anyway), Khan’s air pumping of CJ’s hand and dribbling intensified (to the point I thought he was pissing over us) as a stream of his cum finally sprayed over our sides, and most importantly, across CJs tit. This was obviously what she had been working towards and went wild, writhing about on my cock, hands alternating between Khan’s cock, her tits and pussy. Then she put her dripping fingers to her lips and sucked them clean!

Shit… this wasn’t happening, was it? I exploded immediately deep in her arse, to which she pushed right down on to me, holding me there, while squeezing her nipples, jerking with each feeling of our simultaneous orgasms and savouring the taste of Khan’s cum on her fingers.

After a few minutes I looked across at Khan who was now wandering around in circles a few feet away trying to chase and lick his retracting cock that was still dribbling on the carpet. He then wandered off, laid down and started to clean himself up as we just flopped with exhaustion, CJ still on top of me, holding onto my cock in her arse as I caressed her cheeks with my hands.

She looked across at me, said nothing, just watery eyes and beaming smile as she continued to tease herself, cupping her tits, wiping sticky cum around the nipples and tweaking them to send little shivers of excitement through her body.

Then with the most penetrating look across at me and another wicked smile she slowly and deliberately savoured the last of Khan’s remaining cum from her fingers. Eyes closing tight with every taste of a new finger. I know CJ loved giving BJs, but wow, I was really struggling to take all this in. I could smell Khan’s cum on her face, in fact almost everywhere, but no, I wasn’t going to kiss her at this moment in time!

I needed to reflect on what was happening here, even if being pinned underneath my lovely little wife and fucking her arse while she jacked off our dog on to her tits had been the most intense and erotic thing I’d ever taken part in up to that moment in time.

After just staring at each other for a while, I pulled out og her and we eventually got up to make our way up stairs for a shower, but beforehand, CJ crawl over to and made a huge fuss of Khan, kissing him and making a show in front of me of looking across while sucking the tip of his cock as she held it poking out off it’s sheath.

She then offered her ‘cummy’ arse to him and let him lick it a few times before she stood up. Fondling and cupping her breasts and fingering her pussy while looking across at me all innocently she said, “That was a surprised eh, did you enjoy it, you’re not upset or mad with me are you? It’s alright, we don’t fuck, only play about. He was so randy and frustrated I had to do something for him, and it’s such a turn on to hold his cock as he cums on my skin. Please don’t be mad with me.”.

Well which of those comment wasn’t an understatement? I decided to reassure her before she needed to ask or say anything more, “CJ, of course I enjoyed it, as you obviously did. Let’s do whatever makes you happy and feel good. So, just how badly does he want to fuck you?”.

Her huge beaming smile was further reward to me of things to come as she bounced over and jumped up around my waste to give me a huge hug and kiss. Hang on, whats that weird taste, Khan’s cum, great! Oh well, he’s part of the family now, although I wasn’t overly keen to repeat that last bit again.

My mind was truly blown out, I didn’t want to go back to work, and luckily, even if only for a short time, this and next couple of vacations were truly great.

Our chat afterwards while cleaning up the carpet enlightened me as to how things had started between them, but that and her/our further ventures are for another time.

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